Moto X Freestyle: FULL BROADCAST | X Games Minneapolis 2017

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[Applause] this is a Pacifica reads out commented what we talk back it will be mind-boggling camerfield eight times X Games metals Mike Pazin joins me in the booth for the first time ever and of course the third member of our broadcast team will be Kristy Lee bringing up some dirt from down on the dirt I'm saying this is going to be frightening and amazing cases because man everybody was throwing down in practice and it looks like they're excited about the course being inside no window weather just thinking penguins but epic dirt yeah this course is awesome man you know like you said no weather no wind these guys have been dealing with that for the last couple of years out and often so you know as you can see out here we're gonna have a we're gonna have a riders course which is now perfect for what you guys got to throw and keep them safe hopefully let's talk a little bit more about the Martha's we're watching a little warm-up here it is yeah animation to get through yeah you're 75 would jump there which you'll see look at the back foot tricks when I kind of trick there's two of those turn in there you go quarter pipes which is which we're off the bike come around it's also fortified for an eggroll which is basically a transfer backflip and then this ramp here called the super kicker 45 feet that's where you'll see the double backflip there the gnarly stuff for sure maybe talk about it like it's just no big deal what he whoever I know what it looked like today because everybody was pushing so hard and looked so comfortable which means to me that we're going to see a great top last year the gold medalist Josh Sheehan from Australia he is back he bowled the double backflip broke the second time in competition in X Games history Johnson strop did it before yeah yeah Josh right now he's got target on his back but he's aren't a man he has some of the craziest tricks right they see the double backflip oh there was by far one of the most scary tricks he's never do on 150 count motorcycle and to clarify only the second rider to do it in a freestyle competently I was trying to say and he was fired up yeah travis Pastrana travis Pastrana the only other guy to do it all right well there's a whole list of hitters here eight of them including your good buddy Adam Jones the only representative from the United States but if you had to pick one to battle with she in here tonight Levi Sherwood all day watching practice that guy was killing it you might be the guys we're watching warm-ups right now and getting pretty intense you guys cooking stuff tonight the reason why we both like Levi Sherwood is because of his spot-on execution his extension is huge that also looks a little bit different because he adds that Flair of Alex Holman trouble band man or Gumby going old-school yeah Lila has one of the best valves looks for you know whether he's doing gnarly stuff like double flips or you know any kind of 360 or anything he just always has the best palate I think he's real self conscious to how he looks what he's doing every trick the fans are ready to go we're psyched locked in with eight athlete talked about the run link because of seventy-five seconds it doesn't sound like a long time they're going to eat quite a few yeah yeah we were counting practice you're looking at probably 9 to 10 jumps and you know with this course being so tight you're going to have to deal with hold on tight not being able to catch your breath you know I mean you're kind of just riding real high in this wall are you here to run best run is what counts we're going to talk about it because we're going to nitpick it want to talk about landings execution it's what the judges see five judges let's talk about what they're looking for oh the judges are looking for everything they're looking for variety as you can see you know the super kicker the seventy five in the quarter pipe they want to see guys hitting all that stuff and then overall impression as well you have to have a clean 75 second run I mean if you have any kind of errors these guys are already so good that that's really what will make the difference here tonight you got a good lick look at taka Higashino there we have three former X Games gold medalist in the field here tonight Adam Jones talking of course we talked about Josh and they'll all be getting two runs each and may first time in the announced mood are you more nervous here were you more nervous down on the floor down on the floor for sure I'm still nervous up here but it's just it's because I feel like I'm down there you know watching these guys warm up I know what it's like to be on the floor and get the nerves going you know you can see these guys shaking it out right now as it's go time this is your shot tonight it is definitely go time we talking about the X Games and the difficulty of being the first rider out is always something that's a little bit interesting the good news is they got a little bit of warm up already so they've all written a bit right now so it's not like you're coming out cold now and they need that little warmup you know I think practice ended around 12:30 today and that's a long time to be off the bike so you know come out and get a little warm up but still the first rider out there you've got to set the bar everyone's watching you you know once the the contest gets into Explo when you're the middle guy or you know the last guy that's when you can kind of calm it down a little bit for the fans at home break it down how important is it going to be to see those quarter pipes mixed in as we got our first rider on the course yeah quarter pipes are going to be huge in this contest like I said that's one thing where use of course might come in two separate it a little bit but right now we got Harry being uh he's one of the gnarlier kids a big rock solid man there I can't tell you how hard is Gary that is but he's been doing with injuries he's after very tough crashes in the last month or so and make his goal right now is just to do one clean run get this person under his belt and then go from there so your best run counts as we talked about Harry's dislocated his shoulder eight times you've been right into pain and great extension there eight extension on the kids dead flip putting other levers out to keep them on the bike so he's not from flipping off of it as you can see with the time don't inside that'll pretty much farther on there for sure nice little super Kennedy and throw the levers back down getting everything out of the way yeah he just needs to do a clean run right now let's talk a little bit about variation I mentioned it already using the quarter pipe use of course definitely get me involved big double grab backflip yep now we're talking upside down we're talking in Louisville with everybody yeah you got to have that some of the charges are extra riders in there they're a little old-school you know they like to see that kind of stuff [Music] red flag and waving that means time is up goes for the heel clicker Superman back lift take a look right there just huge extension looking through on the kid step back oh that's insane I can't tell you how scary it is to take your eyes off of where you're going and kind of look at what's coming up here a lot of credit for that trick the thing that's always been amazing to me with the kiss of death backflip is how the rotation seems to stop when they straighten all the way out yeah yeah the bike actually stops there's a nice double grab backflip once again stared at those bars you don't want those bars turn on you when you're upside down hold onto the back of the bike the solid run first rider out Harry being from Australia he's our youngest rider and in 83 coming in yeah not bad like I said this is his first actual freestyle run and he's been injured so to get that run out of the way I think it's just fine and up next from France David Ronaldo and he's got some great style he's got the big right set of tricks as well yeah Ronaldo that he's an excellent rider he's got kind of a style of zone which I think is good you know you guys need that kind of stuff looks like you've set up for the quarter right now our first look at one of the quarter pipe oh yeah like you're a girl basically like transfers from the landing it's actually tougher than it looks it doesn't look too bad whatever scary my foot hit Barbaria Ali roll right there that is that's insane sitting around on your bike that's jumping straight I just don't get up too old for that stuff now my kid going to the big double grab walks it back on her rotate just a little bit probably not just his heart rates by hello there I'll come to the park [Music] yeah so right there as you can see he's going with the front of the bike he needs those flip bars the present is for basically keep him on the bike girl she just blow it off additional leverage get a little more leverage never hurt another Clinton go for the kiss of death into death back look like we stopped being doing his first on he looks really good this is actually summer hanging competitions that looks real good lazy boy split there I don't think the kiss of death was as big as being but overall the run that seems to be has a lot more energy a lot more very angular yes especially meaning that there's my favorite trick right there started cutting on a campus he calls it the joy Twitter name is Esther saw joy that is no trick no no [Music] Oh combo they're rock salt holy grab Soraka : overall I think that was an awesome run like I said these guys just got to get one run under their belt we lift the nerves and now second run they can let it all know what we didn't see for big we definitely saw here we saw the body burial a variation thereof and saying I do not get how they find the gravels and then get back to their bars taking all their vision off the course we also saw some big flip combination although actually that was a little combo there - going one-handed grab into a double grab and we do through the quarter pipe yep yeah I definitely think there you go there's a score eighty six point three three take oh I think that's the way should be right now will you let us know if you disagree yummy metal you you have that yeah you know it's left for me to call the judge stuff but you're here to count that and that's I'll do that all day long alright well we're going to continue moving on Adam Jones I'm going to say you know a thing or two about this gentleman the oldest rider in the field he also has a gold medal from 2007 which was a decade ago a decade ago he's been doing a key she's down the like big dead body right there the thing I've always loved about Adam he's very calm on the bike he doesn't look like he's really hard but he has extension is just incredible that lens into the facting about six foot tall as well yeah yeah he's making it the biggest he can do it you know he might be like in body burials some of the quarter pipe stuff but every trick that he does in this run will be clean [Music] huge clipping or flip right there that's one of the hardest flip tricks you could do hanging on though hope the bike only by your feet [Music] turntable to Quran yeah a little combination move I remember way back in the days of the saran-wrap was a big move yeah way back to the den way back another huge kiss of death with Adam looks smooth hitting all his landing he looks really cold I know he was falling nervous funny they can turn it out pretty good I you know I actually today when we had lunch with him he seemed super calm and you know really you know there get it done yeah yeah there it is there's the dead body cliff I'm pretty sure he is one of maybe two guys here doing that maybe three guys if you look at Ron overall I'm like I said everything is just extend a perfect huge lazyboy flip no-hitter Lander to end it all right so break it down a little bit we saw I mean we saw a great run from her and although so let's talk about I mean I thought the run was spot-on for Jones but now we're going to talk about not having the body rail not having the quarter pipe that's what's going to hurt him yeah it may hurt him a little bit but you just you don't know you know yeah see right there just hanging on by his feet he actually went down on that trick really bad in 2007 took him a while to rebound from it and you can see he's got it back to full extension I'm pretty sure the fans are amped all the way around he's breathing hard means he held his breath the whole time just like I told him not to wait for the score to come in and wow the judges really appreciate that actually a tie for first and Adam Jones the big score coming in yeah I mean everything he did was it was flawless that you know that those two guys are going neck-and-neck you know Ronaldo did have a couple different tricks but Jones also threw into play River zone so speaking of flavor of their own yeah just one of the most I mean super friendly going right to the quarter pipe talking Higashino coming straight out with a flair get that one out of the way I know that one I was stressing them out a little bit when she talked to him talk is one of those guys though right from the first day he just came out and was on fire you can tell he's always focused but it looks a little different today I think this is his style of course and you're gonna see every trick right here going to be huge and if you can believe it it's been a decade talk of first came and rode the X Games yeah every single year here now there's just stuff with the thing that people don't realize about that is they're landing getting around the brakes like for some reason opposed to slip off the peg they're going into the water barriers there so there's a huge danger element to that trick no pressure on talk at home another cool element Japan has taken home some hardware yeah already here Minneapolis if I know talk--i though you want that goal well really I can't was load to it didn't it little slow yeah but I think talk has just got a so dial he can keep himself pretty calm in that trick nice huge Cordova flipped fully extended another guy you see does hit the landing perfect was called everything's good even in the corners everything nice little right side up combo to end it there is his double grab inverted he has a tendency to really be able to hold that yeah yeah like I said you can tell pocket no matter what the trick is some guys get rushed a little bit they're kind of not fully comfortable with the trick just yeah look at the bike rotating fully away from score being down a little bit there's where the levers come into play to pull you back onto the bike nice little hiking off I can clearly see me while you drive while you'd rather be in the announce boobs my hands are sweating watching these guys it's the same with you guys doing this well for me it's been two decades in the announcements and I can tell you when I had my opportunity to get off a motorcycle and get into the down suit I was right on it so I understand let's see what the scores come in for taka yet there it is I think that's right he had the quarter pipe he had a body burial and the rest of his run was on point Rocca bring it home moving into the first position again we can break the ties we'll explain it later if we need it but right now Minneapolis x-games going huge with the Pacifico freestyle and this man from Japan taka Higashino sitting on top and looking incredibly solid oh sorry that was the effort although now that taka Higashino we see bullying anywhere as our job to stand up and wipe it out there's no point to it why damage someone's life finally saw like Hughes's in the hallway and he just like shoved them against the wall he's like what you doing shorty and I was like I just right over there and just like yelled at him I was like dude God hears come on when I was in high school had a teacher that bullied me pretty badly and so that was kind of a weird experience like it's not always an adult bullying a child if that makes sense I guess everybody has been through some type of hell and back whatever that means for them and so with bullying I mean this is something that's not tolerable [Music] welcome back the US Bank Stadium we are here at X Games Minneapolis we have four riders it's a specific field freestyle and I can already tell you the hair standing up on the back of my neck as the action has been hot and heavy talking hit yoshino is leading but four more riders remain in round number one and I got to tell you the next one has everybody scratches our head just a little bit because the extension is incredible and the tricks are massive yeah this runs about to get heavy right now Levi's got pretty much every trick to get asked for so it just really depends on what he points up throw to this first run but it's going to be one to watch for sure and Levi Sherwood from DeLand takes your course 25 years of age and rolling up to the 45 right of the game [Music] [Applause] are you in rage right out of the gate goes inverted with dead body backflip we talked about it when Adam was ride he threw that again started with double Fang cuz it's been much bigger than that nice right side up trick so now looking for the variation yeah yeah he's got it all right now Levi was going to be hard to beat as you can see what nice 360 knack right there one of only a couple guys 360 and his run so technical I don't think people actually understand it you know he's got everything Tom sided wide open just trying to get that bike back what doesn't he have he's not going to use a quarter pipe right here he has the quarter pipe trick but the one thing I do like about Levi nice tumble grab slip there's he doesn't always cater to what the judges want he's kinda out there on his own program and oh it's all the Mike that could be an issue not getting as many jumped in that that may cost of all I mean everything up there but that is a little mistake on his part I will write it in Della Rocca know all the bikes go run the bird I really want that you're only holding on for want to pull out of the bar that's far out Superman to end it solid on that warm little thing I don't know if it's too bad but as you can see we weren't aligned it he's got the trick look at that and act through the first rotation he actually hooks the split you can kind of see he has a little hook there so as left-foot don't slide off there and comes in perfect Levi's just a beast when it comes to the execution here was the 360 Mac 3 knack see the foot come out of there his run is just unreal right now ever since incorporating the double flip and like I said the variations and do it I really in my eyes I don't believe he even needs the quarter pipe you know that's such a small part of a run so compared to what he is doing well he's been proving it as of late of course coming off a to big win at the x-fighters Chattanooga is mechanic right there oh yeah the bikes running just connectible I think you have to worry about when you're doing a double back what's having a bike issue absolutely and there you go I mean I didn't think that salt would hurt too bad 91 and that's what the mistake he's still got you know three four points ahead the company tonight three riders still to go Sherwood takes the lead look at 91 now we can set this up a little bit Clint Moore has a massive trick you can throw down and put them all together yeah is it is he going to break the biggest of the big yeah you have I think Clinton's going to go for a safe run with his wrongful number starting with the alley-oop there that's a good trick trying to get the blood going and get yourself ready for your run yeah he has to put it all together he has the trick to be any one guy yeah I'm pretty sure he's the only one actually doing the bowl he doesn't go back to the grabs at all 216 was 3xk battle yeah all bronze freestyle quarter pipe and best trick Ranjan 3000 nice clip here now handle and ever checked it never checked it like I said remember they don't have much stopping or even a kind of hard pack so if anything there he's going right to the wall and the Bondi there oh that was insane that is a benefit of the handlebars that we we actually hook this by the way a couple different variations of a rotation yeah / - motorcycle looking solid right nice shaolin backflip puts it through the bars yellow flag adopts left 15 second probably one more oh whoa [Applause] let's take a look at this amazing camera shot brought to you by Pacific oh right side up right side up a nice cliffhanger huge extension even though in the back of his mind he knows he's going for another Lantern he didn't shoot the clothes in here at all landed smooth and got that one stop how much does it not stopping at the end cost with the judges the only thing I could see it costing him honestly he might have been able to get one more trick I don't think they're going to penalize them too much because it's not like you got out of control just totally crash he just kind of ran into the wall you did cry he ran into the wall ran into the wall yeah but I don't know if we'll have to see I mean overall it wasn't good running he knows in the back of his mind at least he has that run done and he can always make the second run it makes it a little better I like his attitude and his style and his riding speaks for itself Whitmore definitely a solid part of the X Games doesn't says three bronze medals last year three different disciplines and coming in now he's going to place the silver position I think though as you said you're right I think the burials and the quarter pipe just really helped me kind of his run it was a penalizing thing he could have been Levi but he can clean that up to the second round there's been a few injuries employee Rob Adelberg also from Australia but man he is a beef psycho he had the beef I mean he's had four months off the bike he just really started getting back into the contest beam so I'm sure tonight his will take a couple runs he's happy with and kind of go from there he said the hand to his hand roof is pretty close to being back asking for the crowd to get involved the thing with an injury to those you know the injury itself can feel fine but his head giant egg roll Cordova that's that's a pretty technical trick not a whole lot of time to get that thing off what I'm saying is you're handsome you know you've got to get his head bang game and what do you don't ride a motorcycle for four months and you just go into tricks like this it wears on you for sure so of course your silver medalist from last year Rob Adelberg trying to come in with a 90 101 to take the lead over Sherwood and that would take a huge bag of tricks now we know that'll burn out of the tricks of the skill tree starting with a Cali roll they're starting with his hand on the side already in the grab position a little bit this morning - it looked like he was struggling especially with that ramp a little bit he kind of coming up short on his footsteps and sure that was fine ninety-two heel clicker foot that's actually a really tough trick how much time to get both the trait then before your front end figure out stuff yelling like that left nine holds it that was one I watched from struggle on a little this morning so I got that one cleaned right happy of that this will be the last in Albert go over six yet no hand in like I said I don't think fire tonight just kind of wants to get back here well I'm going to say this this quarter pipe it was solid getting the extension on the Cordoba and that angle right there shows you how much they actually transfer his bikes fully cooked out right there it's not just a straight vanish back flip you know the Cali roll right there finally grab look like he's gonna hold off the bars there but maybe a little front end huh yeah he was running high and he was back a bit looks like a gear he did go to the no Hannah liner but look at the kitchen before he commits yeah Lance perfect no bar swap not the grinder right out so albergue in 85 3 3 not going to put them in medal contention let's take a look at the road to X Games rocky by Pacifica as we caught up with Josh Sheehan here at Minneapolis and he got ready last couple of months have been flat-out easier which is which is good plenty of riding the knife throw to or finishing knows a month and a half ago and had a couple of weeks a time got family there got a couple hundred acres on a farm and it's just river it's nice and green Neil's and it's just a good getaway but also a boot camp at the same time it is good writing when apples are ready because my jumps are right next to cut like there's a pink lady so it's just stop writing have an apple good to go but we have to do a lot of Jim you know try and keep the core strong and give you the strength in the shoulders and things like that to take in hits and knocks along the way and we have to eat right get the nutrition right so sir bodies can stay healthy if you want to be successful you have to work hard for it and we just sit there you're not going to get anything done so just in writing Travis's run has always been a motivator for me too inspired me to push the limits and you know the triple fit but couldn't have done that without him and is ya watching these other riders has inspired me to go bigger next game just like the the premia competition I think all of action sports so pretty happy to be here in Minneapolis this year just exciting to be indoors and not only have a a new venue but to have everything so close together so we can look and get ours done without the weather issues and we can also watch everything else from the same the same area so I've got my first gold last year I'll you know do everything I can to protect that and try and take the gold and when we again this year well it's going to be something he's going to have to push for because Eve I sure would have pushed the bar just it but still it better than Josh seem to come out defend gold and Britain gold metal run yeah josh has got what it takes for sure he just needs to get this run clean he's actually got a couple new tricks start now flare again like I said that's just a good state to get them going long that they're ready to go they're to line up five foot nice no Hanna Superman that's a really technical right-side up trick fully let go the bike you looking for 91 Oh flat 3 2 sometimes it don't look like that things for a second look like it lifts out and just you know one thing about Josh has great bike good style great personality flip lazy boy a little quick but not the be too worried about if you noticed - Josh tryna 45254 the double backflips actually [Music] Levi has really lightened bike as well and here we go a double flip Ram perfect you get that one out of the way that one wears undermine the whole every trick you do you're just waiting to get that based on the way he's been huge get the death blip now over a patient getting stopped out another flat three showing off a little bit at the end of the run excellent run I still think Levi's going to be higher on this run I do know the Shan has a couple couple tricks that he could do in the next run but nothing to be bummed about here beautiful two hops I did that came in a little and then a little on the low side that have been bad I love this I love the expansion judges are going to love it also we'll see what they think you're saying it's not enough to take over the top spot as we take a look at the double back of course we thought sure was with the variation yep that's where I think the points will differ I mean they have pretty similar runs with 360s and right side up tricks that's the variation I think or what is going to keep Levi up top right now Josh did use the quarter pipe something to pay attention to as well when it comes to the judging you're saying not enough to cops ruin what about the second place I think section for sure especially was Clinton's little hair there and there it is your crystal ball is not higher pin idea to get tonight so far I'm pretty proud of myself and so a solid run by Josh Sheehan he's sitting in the second position Levi Sherwood sits on top of the Pacifico freestyle leaderboard and he has been proving it look out goes down second run coming up when we return [Music] p.m. at X Games Minneapolis would like to thank our official partners America's Navy AT&T Fruit of the Loom harley-davidson lightproof Monster Energy Pacific oh the real cost Samsung Toyota thank you for supporting this great event welcome back x-games of minneapolis we have a very special guest joining us X Games gold medalist 3-time X Games gold medalist Jackson strong you used to be an out here why aren't you out here tonight stoked to be but unfortunately I'm not out on the course not at a wrist injury that took me down in a real moto so I've kind of been struggling ever since then to to get back on pace but unfortunately I was able to ride the foam pit a lot before this event so I'm ready to ascend it tomorrow night and best trick and I've got something pretty special I think I can't wait yeah talking about tomorrow night you're the man to beat I mean three gold medals in the same discipline who's going to be able to touch you tomorrow night I know I feel a bit optimistic talking about that with is the wrist injury I've had been lost for the last month but when it comes down to it I think it's who wants it the most and who is willing to go to the highest and send it the furthest and I'm pretty confident that that's me at this point in time so we'll wait and see I like a lot to me I like it and you were just saying that you haven't even had time to practice you're saving your wrist for the one trick I mean what's that going into tomorrow night is that nerve wrecking just saying I got one chance to hit this I'm just going to work out how to put all my focus and energy into that one trick and let go let my mind like off this or it's and if I can do that I think will be I will be on pace Glen nice and light I cannot wait to see you tomorrow night we have so much coming up tomorrow night the world's best action sports athletes are competing the X Games Minneapolis and our coverage continues Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Eastern on ABC and then at 3:00 10:7 is turn on ESPN you can also watch X Games streaming live on the ESPN and without further ado let's get back into it Pacifico motox with Cameron Steele like Mason and Kristy Lee take it away guys back inside the US Bank Stadium cameras field Mike Mather with Kristy Lee call the action it is Pacifico motox freestyle right now Levi Sherwood on top of the 91 that Josh in click more pocket Higashino and of course a tie for fifth which we can and will bring a little bit later on and an exciting event so far everybody still has another run which is a little bit frightening for all of us but exciting nonetheless right now though let's get it down to Chrissy who's got a special guest on the sidelines Levi I hated to interrupt you while you were kind of rehearsing your routine there before you get ready to go back out but let's chitchat about that round one run first of all what happened with the bike is stalled out yeah rookie Aaron just sold out a super see concentrate and what adds a new Nicks and ya got the rivet but then you completely nailed that run after that it didn't affect you at all yeah had to make over the run felt really good I feel about 1915 there on that so on what the other next one goes yeah going in the lead I mean are you going to change it up can we expect to see the same thing can we expect anything yeah I really want to change it where they're all going to be food the loss of the surrounded I got another I don't want to do and after watching these guys do it man I know I've got a more so I don't want to leave anything on the table so I'm just gonna go yeah go looking forward to it best of luck super calm and cruising Levi Sherwood Thank You Christy for that and speaking of guys that are calm under pressure what about travis pastrana the legend and of course he's talking about James foster earning that gold medal unbelievable of course uh Travis spending a lot of time with these guys at the Nitro Circus and the Nitro games and hats off to Travis one of my favorite all-time energy filled riders here we are at the Pacific o freestyle final and right now we're getting set with run number two for Harry beat we've been talking about the nagging shoulder problem big bass coming out swinging yeah it doesn't look to be Bob that's too bad he actually looks really good like upset for his first ever time in the actual freestyle event he tried to solve it just put this run together maybe see if he could do a little better I still think he's lacking some of the tricks that would get him up a little salsa nonetheless huge rock solid footing right there he's aren't great not getting all these I know you know you don't like it let me point out something perfect me but I'm part of the announces job I know it's and it's hard on that trick because that's such a crazy trick you're letting go the bike upside down and I want it thick that one too much well now I'm hard time and you're not even riding Paul knows it in oh there you go well I'm well you got me fired up now okay maybe man I got to watch this around langree an honor to have such a decorating co-host up here with us and that stoked have made here we've been talking to the athletes all over X Games where there's a lot of great energy and then youngest rider in our freestyle top hairy pink we both agree he's got a great energy and a great style on fondant we know he's been riding coming up we're hit with done throwing down here I feel freaked out yeah he's riding great like I said I mean he's been injured he's got a couple couple hard crash it's a father I don't know what he's going for here coming from a complete stop that was awesome I like to pause the stabilizer adjustment the levers up and the heel clicker way to in that run very sarcastic mic let's take a look at some of the highlights this I love that see grab the heart attack back click look back on anything like I said once you take your focus off of where you're going when you're upside down it really messes with yourself huge turn down right there looking all the ways I just wonder why not go all the way around I wonder that too but I've never done it something understated I can't even do a turn down we'll wait for the scores to come in and see if it helps them out and 8333 does better in score but he and an exciting run first time out for Ronaldo from France does he have a little bit boring sitting in fifth right now get those two push himself up into that clinton more status 8086 sick I think he can be closed he could definitely clean up his first turn a little bit and you know right now you're tied with John so I'm sure he wants to to get into a spot by himself here he is lying up the quarter pipe transfer just like first run a girl going for the hill click but not quite getting all of that not all the extension and going right back to the other corner oh this is interesting different use of course yeah almost on that player the one thing I have a problem with that though is time right now those two pretty slow check the other guys are probably to get a Turkish team or that nice double grab backflip is double grab flip good landing with it smooth right down then so now I do like the fact that he's you know he's got the good inverted variations he's got the quarter pipe he's got the body burial he's got a little bit of everything he does have a little bit everything and that that is club you know he's riding great but I just think if he wants to get up into that metal finish those top three guys are in the field so he really needs to lay it down and and that sure how would say was fully extended that might be a little bit of a heard with the judges and he said our judges we are switched on a few former pros up there nice Cordova clip you can squeak one more gentle pin looks like he's getting hit and he's running into the brand account and that's the one that you like the toy twist yep [Music] overall I don't think it's going to move them up too much but Hiro saw one of his first - of the big life the pressure on himself holding it down for France little great French riders over the years of courting combat PES who's been a big part of the history of freestyle motocross going way back many true it was here the early days of Freetown solid run followed on say a ride around his first round probably wait and see what the judges think he had an 86 3 3 this is the one you like yeah up there to set your twist you know that's the one where that's his own trick no one else is doing that that's something to be proud of as we're in this sport the Pacific Coast spidercam bringing that to you and many there give them a hug they're done for the night looks like he's gonna stay in that fifth place ball which I don't think it's going to be bummed at you no not at all no I think the solid performance I mean look at the level of competition I'm just going to say when we first watch the very first practice start everybody immediately started through math and tricks I was like wait a minute everyone was going here especially this guy right here going out Adam Jones everybody that's what's crazy is in this contest if you were to get a play if there's nothing to hang your head down and Adam goes directly for it really they body gets it that's one of those tricks that you caught a picture of it right in the middle you think that [Music] nice double grab heart attack I know that trick puts a little nerves in his belly and rules all right originally from PA Nick Mattson no-hander Lander old school trick days right there Oh to the Godfather [Music] let's say you're flipping in he's riding so it's crazy because we look at his run it's not like he's a watch out there you know the double grab backflip the cliffhangers the kids at that flips he's riding great it's just that for the level ride [Music] well over the year starting in 1999 freestyle motocross came to decade [Music] during that first year with Pastrana the entire gang just you know taking it to a spot where even those of us that were involved have no idea it was that and that continues to be the story of freestyle every time the rider take the track different it's the next level yeah and it's crazy because you know in between X Games have a whole year so what we saw at last year's X Games you can already see Levi inseparable with all Astra we're just a straight double flip kind of session of everyone stuff it's crazy how fast the score progresses but it's awesome you know these guys are they're really good at what they do 100% Adam Jones taking a look again I love his extension I love the way he's calm on the bike and really every time he extends nailed it you know when he's not having a good run cuz he basically throws it all lady gets he's over it yeah yeah and tonight like the fourth round tonight he look really relaxed really solid probably good positive mindset I think he kind of knows what yeah holy s--t ended and the stop of the bike upside down top of the bike up the winter your solder he has bad shoulders he's always that bad shoulders throughout his career and he's still trusting you know to to basically use the shoulders of the pivot point they're out to score a little horse at 87 move and I know that was his goal he said top five he'd be happy so if he could stay there that's a good night for generally he's the oldest guy back here you said are you gonna slap you around later he makes fun of my hair all the time I can say old John he'll be all right taka Higashino sitting in fourth position not a place he liked to be and taka has the hardware to prove it and I think he would really like to step it up as we go into the cord pipe nice I like the rotation the way the flat spin looks on that yeah he definitely has a little more flat makes it super clean gets right to the landing right back in the gases an x-ray there's any athlete smile more the talk of more stoked to the doctor now no athlete at all he is so happy to be over here and this honestly his dream is to run freestyle motocross and right I mean you can see that that rock-solid clip there's no holding back that thing was fully extended and we also got to point out to talk actually dislocated shoulder every week throughout the natural world he's come off a bit of an injury - I mean when you're watching him ride you can't tell it off but he's riding with a little bit of paint but for him to be rides as good shows how much a dedication is right now sitting just off the metals sitting in that fork position is this run look better so part of you yeah yeah that's run runs clean and like I said those first runs you can usually get the nerves out of the way and now this one you just lay it all down 20 seconds remain he's going to give baby three more hits we'll see what longer you want to do it here we go Oh cally role playing you can just see his his heart rate slowed he's so calm what he doing everyone was tricked nothing's rush [Music] nice Cordova backflip [Music] time is out shaolin flipped in if that was not like both his run they were so perfect you know talk has fallen every time you don't really be him mess up Lhasa see how that one scores for him tonight taking another look right there both hands off after the double grab that's it and to the one hand oh and we missed that from up here so technical he is on a day game right now even went to hurt shoulder Wow I think see how close he gets to the front end hanging on by those levers taking off with his hand on the seat right there that's that's scary there's you know by itself let alone spinning right after you take off and he brought all the variation right all harder pipe he was solid yep and we'll wait to see what the judges think in 88 3 3 we'll better his score but will not move him up into metal contention right now it is Levi Sherwood we still have more runs to come including Levi 2nd we'll see what happens as we move on here with Pacifico freestyle Minneapolis inside US Bank Stadium these are your current standing then the riders are gold still to go so really anything could happen at this point mate yeah there's things far from over you know Levi has definitely put the nail in but you know I know Josh and Clinton soft tricks they can do in this run neighbor Fang bar performer okay so the Pacifica freestyle continues with Levi Sherwood would you we have the leads but you still have three riders little after you how do you play it got to go big right yeah like he said earlier he's going for more you know I mean he had that little stall so if I was him I would just clean that up and read him my first run but he's going for more you know with when Levi said that you got to pay attention because who knows what are you gonna do coming out looks like it's going to start with a double backflip double flip max with one hander and holds one hand off so and opposite side so it maybe doesn't sound like but it is massive when you're spinning the 225 quiet the NS a big deal for sure and he has lightened the bike he said insiders are 125 here comes into the double yes and can let it handy is like over the center plane over scanner over the bars this is just insane forget that heat just Martha strick [Music] I flat three neck little over a patient nothing too major though he he just brought the police - come on double back top sided can whip our sorry nak whip he's so crazy confusing I watched him ride he this is this was coming off two huge contests went in the past month and he looks pretty unstoppable right now like he didn't was phase Democrat oh that just heard they're in double tab he goes for the 45 again right here no hat was that no-handed I'll hand it through the first rotation in pain later there's the guy that double foot three years that aren't hydration nice little combo to ended that I was way better than this person for sure even a high pretty sure he just shot everyone in the Bob tonight can't imagine what it would take to go bigger than that but it's still possible like I said I know joseline they still have tricks but I'm sure also them sitting back in the pits watching stuff like this right now that's got to kind of take the wind out their sails a little bit a double combo on the back lift off irregular super kicker - there's no you know nothing special going on with that thing it's just your everyday at the super super kicker and the Pacific Coast spidercam a great look at Levi Sherwood from New Zealand 25 years made bring it around and put it together that was one of the best runs I've ever seen it actually [Music] that's saying a lot right there me yeah I mean I've seen a lot yeah I've seen Travis I've seen all these I've gone through all these errors but I've never seen someone learn a double backflip and they come out have four or five combos with it a month later right that's what used to do a straight flip you know now he's out here dealing with doubles and the score for sure would of course it's 92 3:3 brought it up a notch it Wow as you said went huge up to score now the pressures on this guy right here he's got a clean that's run up 90 X Games gold medal of 3xk metals last year extra paper clip more and he'll take the course next let's hear his thoughts on an ex game this game day sound exchanges call up the Olympics of our sports you know for me freestyle motorcross exchanges everything it's all about the tricks or that building profile feel that delivering something new so you know this is where dreams become a reality obviously you know X Games is a big part of fans as well as where they come to experience that arm you know that love and passionate that has the score as well as being fans and we've got to deliver that back and it's definitely been an experience of special for sure clip more in starting shoot here what do you expect me I expected to Sarah I know he holds back once naked I'm not perfect to it or not it would definitely make his run show up but you know I chatted with Clinton a little bit yesterday during their warm-up and he's been building a new compound for time right now thanks Clara it started out okay you know he's just he said he was just adopted he's been working on a new compound he wants to get a place built where he can really work on innovation kind of sounded like nice bolt right there links booth it's not like you'd be happy with the third place of course this way the X Games by Kyle Loza hallelujah sending a new route here yeah they look at around all different Arizona this could be the do trick might be it whoa and it awesome hi get that thing going you've got a run going right now massive variation something do something different Shalin back look that's where it's really got to call myself down you late on your edge and you know the blood gets along she's really got to finish off this road you can definitely move up special tricks like the bunny right there going back to the bars doing the burial I like the variation on the burials you want to port back one towards the front obviously great with quarter pipe music huge tip to death this is a business of massive run this SIG you drop like it really well control himself at the Oh Superman Atlanta run it's definitely going to be an improvement you know it's a little mistake in the first round he has a good chance of moving up right here sitting in third right now says we have the chance to move up in the second pot because the variation is something did we before confront it very well could you know that's a gnarly trick lookit right there you know in Al you like on a bicycle you're spinning basically opposite of the way you're going and that's a 220-pound dirt bike and he's just flicking it around like it's nothing lands perfect kind of lands on the back brake that's probably what caused him to stall but pull the together really well after that huge kids deadlift the extension to hold the look through beautiful getting back to the split Hank no problem land of smooth weight and brought the good he brought the heat I was wondering if he was going to do the alley-oop and he did it I'm 90 solid he bumped Josh team back two-thirds of Clinton more now sitting in that second position silver metal Sherwood continues the lead up in 92 33 and it's time for Rob Adelberg last year's silver medalist as we continue the Pacifica freestyle comp two riders remain last year silver and gold Albert with the silver of course last year's gold medalist where do you think it goes for Adelbert here you know he's got to run under his belt now like I said coming back after four months off it is a little nerve-wracking but you got that run under spell he can kind of let loosen this one and maybe clean up some stuff he did feel super light within that first run but I expect pretty much the same run I watched practice kind of know what he's got it's a good run get it started off get there Cordova egg roll you [Music] huge kids everything Rob does full extension you know there's there's never an issue where he's kind of halfway through a trick or whatnot side a lot more relaxed work on huge cliffhanger backflip and holding on the back rotation begin a little fronted hi I know you probably like to do that as an Eliot earlier in there but has to check back to the bars coming off that high well one thing's for sure that Pacifica moto Xtreme saw has not disappointed here tonight these guys are all my friends out here and watch what they're doing tonight it's pretty unreal Adelbert 15 seconds remain nice ship setback list maybe does it hold as long as a couple the other guys yeah bringing it back a little quick but overall glue smooth riding style you know he doesn't nothing looks smashing he doesn't look rattled I stay for one of his first concepts back after oh yeah he did great he was off huge everybody everybody's brought to he that's what I'm saying with a course like this indoors where you're not worried about wind or whether you're going to see everyone on their a game alright there tuck in the head back we might little eye staring right at it I love when the eyes are focused I mean whether it's right side up or upside down like kiss adapt just with it committed looking through is just insane look at that keeps one hand on the ground till the other hand finds a grab kind of just bumbling a little bit like I said I know I think he wanted to go know how to land her there but I mean you can't knock him for that sure I can still a gnarly trick no matter what 100% will wait for the score to come in it's an 86 letters his first run score but he will finish in the seventh position nothing to be mad about there like coming back from an injury and then 20 fine is first X game since is metal last year you can't be bummed about it I don't think anybody can be bummed about their run here tonight it has been fought on everybody has been stellar this is the Pacifico motox freestyle and this is your 2016 gold medalist can't you bring it back in 2017 he currently has to the third position even looking to move up to the personally position with the 92033 our bettering of attitude 3 3 we'll see what he bring variation there and I'm straight Larry has the Dominion Eric this is from everything Genie shoulders right now you have to get those points again the no-handed Superman one of the most technical nights without trick you there's a look at my watch now all these diamonds competitive drive with huge again a contra do not like genies threes are really flash know some guys tend to get a little bit slippy on them but and a good variety again like you said he has pelipper he says he have three to the quarter pipe lining up to 4500 jobs out there we'll use that motor to really bring the bike around like I said she needs bikes probably 20 pounds heavier than Levi itself nearly torque of that 450 double grab flip planted smooth up and he's got a good run going heading towards a super kicker this could be the new trick he's talking about practice this morning huge no one has ever done that down work 360 feet graph navigating that 450 I can stop that guys that was a great run but I think it's going to be really hard to top the multi compo the Levi's double back poster and I would say incredible way to answer specific of moto x freestyle that was that was insane for each Alma everyone wrote great I said first place a copy disappointed my favorite part is everybody nailed that everybody brought it started with innovation here something different than we had seen so far in the top yeah and let's not forget right there he's not more than 15 or 20 feet off the ground just been that bike like that linen that powder to see it was landing with a little chewed up there's the no Hannah Superman that we talk there's so much that can happen right there you could come back and grab the front brake stop the front wheel and land and wash out you know it's not just that a basic trick even though it's not your double backflip bring in the worm Faust unity or on your inter fans and we'll see what happens it sure would more and shin living in the result until we see this score come in Pacifica motox Creek South Levi's watches on there was no stress in his eyes right there was no he didn't seem to stress at ninety point six six for Sheehan he's going to move back into second but it is good be Levi Sherwood who brings home the gold medal here in 2017 and New Zealand has never taken Moto X gold until right now here in the diary yeah yes are there and still prize Neiman said and you can need a couple days to realize what he just did but that was a present for learning double flips no more than a month ago to come out with all those variations he definitely are this one time absolutely amazing put it together nailed everything he wanted to do came back in his second round with even bigger and Levi Sherwood stomps it with an exclamation point great riding from everybody Mike I mean what we saved this cop wasn't saying you know everybody wrote good Cheney Hampi bomb you know having a gold last year backing up with a silver and saying everyone rode great incredible that for sure
Channel: X Games
Views: 1,339,400
Rating: 4.7608695 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, extreme sports, moto, dirt bikes, motorcycle, motocross, moto cross, moto x, freestyle motocross, freestyle moto x, X Games Minneapolis, X Games Minneapolis 2017, Summer X Games, Summer X-Games, X-Games Minneapolis, X-Games Minneapolis 2017 Moto X X Games, Moto X Best Trick X Games, Best Trick X Games
Id: dZaJ_U93VIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 7sec (3547 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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