GPA's World Prayer Watch - "South Africa"

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[Music] so [Music] good morning good afternoon good evening to all you world prayer watchers thank you for joining us myself sarah jane katrina and carys we are here to pray together for the continent of africa and in particular this morning south africa welcome to you all i'm loving all the the flags loving that good morning from johannesburg uh unknown whoever you are good morning sarah kate from durban you are spot on this morning god is sending the rain we heard the same thing and get ready south africa's the rain is coming and so yes um we love that you're joining us from the nations and we love that you're joining us from the continent of africa but also from everywhere else in the world wherever you are tell us where you're from and we have a team at the back of house who are with you online on stream and and they will be also saying good morning to you as well as us oh pretoria as well so we have pretoria durban and johannesburg awesome i have been to cape town um a couple of times but i've not been uh to anywhere else in south africa sadly and hope to do that and at some point in the future when we're allowed to travel again we have some dear dear friends in that part of the world and i'll say hello to you if you're watching or you're watching after live because we just love africa and love south africa and love getting our feet on the ground there and praying even at cape point which was such a profound time years ago which i won't particularly go into at the moment and but as we pray i think it begins to unfold what the lord is doing so we are seeing and we are speaking what the lord is doing over his continent of africa and we are very um aware as intercessors that we need to keep an eye on the news but for those of you joining us our plan and our purpose and our call is to see and to hear what god is saying and what he is doing our call is to see beyond the natural beyond the scene into the spirit realm and to work with god and be his co-laborers from the spirit so that we see a shift and we see alignment for nations and right now it happens to be africa and africa is the first continent god said africa first so here we are praying for africa where are we at a time right now in the nations the last couple of years we've seen god put the nations in the fire to bring new shapes to nations and new shapes to continents and we are here at this time where god is raising up nations and he is bringing them low we are in a jeremiah 18 potus house time but we are also in an ezekiel 17 24 time where the lord is saying over the nations all the trees of the field will know that i the lord bring down the tall tree and make the low teary tall groton make the low tree grow tall i dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish i the lord have spoken and i will do it and we're feeling that for africa feeling that's a word over you that he is saying where you've been humbled he is raising you up he is pulling we could feel that strong draw of the lord pulling africa as a continent into his alignment into his plans and purposes into his destiny and i heard this from the beginning the lord said africa over you i have loved you and there is that sense of the word of the lord of love that is solid that is strong that is determined and jealous for you as a continent and that is holding you through all of the transformation that the lord is bringing and so we want to pray for you africa this morning and we also want to pray for south africa so we're just going to start i think guys just to pray for africa as a continent for a few moments join us pray for africa yourselves put your prayers in the stream so that we can agree with you and your individual prayers and then we'll move into praying for south africa fairly quickly and please continue to do the same keep your eyes focused on the lord seek first his kingdom for africa and the south of africa this morning in particular south africa itself so lord we say you are the god of nations you are the lord of nations lord we position ourselves together as one as john 17 says as warning you where you want us placed to intercede to pray to agree to co-labor with you for the continent of africa and for the south of africa god we feel your pulling we feel your drawing we untether ourselves from the earth realm as it were into the spirit realm together that we by intercede lord as a team wherever we are in the world that we would move as one in agreement by your spirit in christ jesus hidden in christ lord we raise your name over the nations of africa lord we lift that banner of from the beginning i have loved you africa that you are saying we speak it with a strong determined voice as you are speaking with a strong determined voice from the beginning you have loved africa lord and so we say africa see your king see your god see your lord jesus christ and look into his face and see him we pray for the hearts of africans all from the north from egypt all the way down to south africa to cape town and cape point we pray for all across from the east to the west from uh ghana across to eritrea we pray for africa to see jesus christ you see the way of the lord jesus christ we speak open eyes we speak open ears we speak open spirits spirits of people of africa open to the way of the lord see the way of the lord that is opening before you right now and we say turn to the lord jesus christ and see his face yeah we just declare ears to hear and eyes to see ears to hear and eyes to see and i can hear and feel in the spirit the lord roaring over the nations of africa that line of the tribe coming in that posture of rescue and we just declare ears to hear and eyes to see that you may be attentive to the move of the lord that means you may be attentive and quick to join in and i just that zephaniah scripture where he sings the songs of deliverance he is singing his songs of deliverance over the continent of africa and so we say lord more bless the nations to hear those songs of deliverance and lord would they be those that follow that would they like moses you're the one leading them on the exodus journey out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of life and so we say ears to hear and eyes to see that you would follow that you would follow jesus as your lord and savior that you would come in to the train and to see that as like the great um like parade of the nations then walking behind jesus and we just say names of africa join in that parade join in the heavenly family and say ears to hear and eyes to see that you would know the findings of when the lord is walking your lands and when the lord is saying come follow me for i have greater plans and purposes for this nation i have greater plans and purposes for these people groups and so we just say holy spirit help them to hear enable them to hear your voice amongst the many voices that would try to dissuade them or distract them and we just say ears to hear and eyes to see who yahweh is in and amongst the many others on that on that continent yeah the continent of africa the lord is pursuing you he is pursuing you and he's drawing you and so we say a continent of africa see your god see your father he feel his desire for you feel his um heart for you that this is that you are not a forgotten nation you have not been disregarded but the lord is bringing you in and drawing you in close that as we join together today and we pray together today that the lord has singled you out to be the one who goes first he has singled you out to be the one who is the head and not the tail he helped you out to be the one who goes first and not last yeah is changing the scales to bring you back to a place of elevation and exaltation because you are his because you are his bride because you are his daughter and he adores you so just as your ears are open and your eyes are open let your heart be open today to feel the emotion and feel the pulling and the desire of a father who is so desperate for you and longing for you that he is running after you he is running after you just like he would just like um just like the shepherd does for the lost and the one to leave the 99 that is why how he's pursuing you today in this yeah and can you hear and can you feel the rain that is coming it's just like this heavy downpour of rain i'm sure for those of you in africa you have experienced that and for those of us sometimes in the uk we have but that sense of the the heavy downpour of the thundering rain coming and the joy on that we're really feeling the two contrasts of the sobriety of what god is bringing particularly into south africa and the joy of the lord and the joy of the journey that africa is going through like a child would see the rain and want to get wet because the the rain is so uh rare in africa that you have to get in it and get saturated and so we see that we feel that and lord we just release that word that the rain is here and the rain is coming to africa and that sense of actually the spiritual rain is coming wash clean everything that needs washed clean a sign of holy spirit moving but also that sense and katrina i feel you had that as well the the heavy rains and there would be signs even following can you pray and share that please yeah just as we were preparing it just we all know what it feels like to be in an atmosphere where we can feel the pregnancy of the atmosphere we can feel the weight of the rain and the thunderstorm and that is about to be released and i felt that in the spirit over south africa and what i saw in the spirit was as the lord released the rain what it did is it washed the humanity clean it washed human clean and i've never seen this before what it did is it literally washed off like white skin black skin it washed off rich and for all of those markers that we as humanity use to differentiate ourselves from each other and almost to build walls and barriers and the lord is saying i am releasing the weight and the glory and the rain of heaven to wash clean my children and to wash clean my image bearers any i we just release that in the name of jesus that you would wash clean your image bears and as i continue to see in the spirit people began to um they were the purified remnant where they were the white hot purified and that's what it was it washed away almost just the dust of being human and it released the imago day it re released our divine calling to be the image of yahweh on the earth and so lord we bless south africa with that we bless them to receive the rain and as it says in isaiah 40 forget the former things as the lord comes to wash you clean as the lord comes to release the inner imago day as he comes to release your calling to be the image bearers and the divine mirror on earth forget the former things do not cling to what the lord says i am washing away do not cling and hold on to the past hurt and past pain and tr past trauma when he says i am birthing a new thing will you let it be born and we see in the spirit the intercessors that are groaning almost as if in labor to release that birthing and so we partner with the intercessors even in south africa and we say be strengthened to burn up being strengthened to grow on our behalf and you get to be on the land and we don't and so we just add our weight as watchmen to the weights on the land and the watchmen in south africa and we say be born again as those who carry the image of yahweh as those who mirror him and we release the ability to be as one and that's a theme that you've heard us talk about over and over and over again and the lord is saying as one in south africa this is why i'm washing away the markers i'm washing away all that would keep you and hinder you from being as one and so again we put our weight of prayer behind that and we say as one in south africa join in with what lord is doing forget the former things and move into this new birth in this new era of being those washed in the torrential reins of the heavenlies yeah and i hear the lord say i will not have separation i will not have segregation i will not have different cohorts of people uh working alone thinking they're working together the lord said i will have one heart i will have one tribe i will have one tongue that sense of the heart the tongue and the voice of the kingdom of god coming from his bride coming from the bride of south africa and this sense of the south of africa being the domino being the one that the lord wants to put his weight on being the one that he wants to put his heel on the heel of his foot to pivot the whole continent to shift africa into its divine destiny into its alignment and so we agree right now god that you're breaking down the walls of race you're breaking down the walls of poor and rich you're breaking down the walls of those who have and who have not you're breaking down the walls and you're in tethering even the intercessors from the things that they felt they've had to battle over because god we see your sovereign hand coming and pulling off a covering that has been on the south of africa and said we have to do things this way and almost you can feel that as we're praying the stuckness of the shift even in apartheid in and out of apartheid almost like this dance of apartheid black and white together but the lord says i will have one i will have one and that beautiful picture that katrina has been given of the washing off of everything other than seeing one another as the new creation the new creation in christ the new creation of the living god on the earth and so lord we see what you're doing we see how you're doing it and lord we say god strengthen boldness to the intercessors to pray the difficult prayers strengthen boldness even to the church and the saints in south africa who find themselves having repeated history and stories of warfare in spirit and in the natural and that sense of actually the lord saying look i'm bringing my refining fire to you i'm bringing my refining fight to you south africa that there is a shift needed into a welcoming of my fire uh your your fire lord that burns and refines the zechariah 13 fire that brings the refining as gold and silver and not necessarily fires in the natural and not necessarily but that sense of the fire of god coming to burn his church to burn his bride and him determined to have his pure bride and i heard him say that i must have a pure bride and i will have a sign in south africa the lord is saying i will have a sign and church burn that you must burn with the passion for jesus alone burn passion for jesus alone beyond separation of man and race beyond separation and segregation and it's easy for us to to almost say it and pray it from here and we do we do see the wrestle in south africa in the spirit and we do feel it when we're on the ground there but there's that sense of uh you know we don't fully understand and actually uh karish you had a really helpful prayer i think about the fire of god that god brought to you can you share that and pray that for south africa yes yes well we even just speak a realignment of the understanding of what the fire of god is and that yes painful and yes uncomfortable but incredibly powerful and healing and bringing us further into just as trina said that amago day that image of god that holiness that we were made for and south africa that is what god is doing in you and instead of bringing chaos which is what you have seen of flyers before but he's bringing order he's bringing alignment bringing you back into who you were always meant to be and and we almost we also speak a healing even of that understanding on where that trauma sits on you as a nation of new south africa where fire has always meant violence and hurt and pain and war and we speak a healing to those wounds right now in the name of jesus healing your mind into your memories so that as this fire of god comes you can pray it and pray it with confidence and pray for welcoming and saying god we will not put buckets over the fire but we will welcome the fire we will welcome the refining flame that you are bringing for us as an ancient in order for us to look more like you and look more like the nation that you have always wanted us to be so we just speak that realignment to you right now and say south africa the lord is bringing order to you he's bringing you back yes to your knees and humbling but it means you are going to look more like him sound more like him and you're going to um humble yourself and said to me that you revere him in a way that you never have before and we release that to you now that it brings an end of that fear of god and you that you need the celebration of the fear of god to you right now as a nation in the name so welcome the fire south africa welcome the fire saints of south africa welcome the fire of god to burn you and volunteer yourself into the fire volunteer yourself into his burning into his purifying because there is going to be this pure resonant sound that comes from the church in south africa and just as we said earlier and rose i saw you put that south africa is to be the domino the first one if you will in africa that will tip the scales that will begin that realignment process and there needs to be an agreement and a push from the nations nations uh that we're praying from this morning we agree together for south africa and we agree together for africa that africa is being aligned and africa will come into its destiny and that south africa will be volunteering itself as the saints into the fire of god into the refining fire there will be a remnant church there will be a remnant saints there will be the fire of god that brings the weight that god needs to turn that nation he's putting the heel on remember he's shifting that alignment i i felt it when we were there on the ground but you can feel it again in the spirit the unveiling of the way of the lord jesus christ to the people of africa not just to the church but it's the church who needs to volunteer itself into that purifying fire that's where transformation comes the lord is saying it will not come from a government it will not come from a government it will not come from a government it will not come the lord says from a government of man it will come from my fire it will come from my fiery government it will come from my fiery throne it will come from my fiery edicts i will have my church pure in south africa i will have purity says the lord so the lord says to south africa do not look to ghosts do not look to ghosts do not look to those who led do not look to those who led and who led you into something that the lord says i led you into but the lord says the perversion has come and the lord says i will now bring a course correction into purity but the lord says church of south africa you must choose purity and so it's time to be on your knees and your hands church of south africa it is time to be on your knees and on your hands and go low before the lord so that he can raise you up as one who is leading the way not just into the fire but out of the fire because there's going in and then there will be a coming out but we had seen the south africa first and then africa first and the rest of us nations who are watching who are praying who are cheering you on um in sobriety because it is sober days for south africa no doubt about that that there is this sense of it is coming to us too it is coming to us to church it is coming to us in whatever nation we are the lord will have his pure bride and so africa and south africa we bless you into that yes hmm i hear the lord say again don't look to ghosts don't look to history don't look to echoes even of ghosts or words but look to me i am the lord i am the lord come the way of the lord jesus christ south africa and don't look to any other past and it's almost like the lord do you feel that guys i feel the lord shutting down the paths that have been opened oh maybe we can go this way um maybe we can go that way and even maybe we can go the way of great men like nelson mandela maybe we can go the way that the lord opened in history no the lord says i am opening a new way and is the way of the lord jesus christ it is a narrow way it is a narrowing way where there needs to be holiness and purity and a desperation to throw ourselves on our faces not just for a moment but for a period of time to bring bring the church through the lord's looking for the bold he's looking for the brave he's looking for the courageous who will say here i am god burn me burn me katrina yeah and i just see the divine council over south africa and the lord is saying as you step away from hearing the voices of human government just as you prophesied the lord is saying i have positioned my divine counsel directly above south africa and the lord is saying i will open portals where you will engage with the divine council where you will hear the edicts from the heavenly realm where you were healed the eat will you will hear the edicts from the divine council on the divine council alone and so we say yes and amen to that lord but we also say lord would you purify the waters of revelation would you purify the land of any mixture where revelation is accidentally taken in things from the demonic or things from human voices and we just speak a purifying of the revelatory wells in the land of south africa so that as those heavenly portals open up as the gates open up and the doors open up for those to engage with the divine council lord would there not be any mixture would it be purity would there be a clarity would there be a wisdom and a discernment to hear only the voice of the kingdom of heaven and so we just declare that over south africa you will hear only the voice of the kingdom of heaven you will hear only the voice of yahweh no other voice no other divine count no other government so we just release that other over south africa and we just say clean the waters of revelation purify the waters of revelation so that when you engage with the angelic when you engage with the kingdom of heaven there's a purity and a sharpness and just a cleansing that comes to the continent of africa because it has been done first and foremost in south africa yeah there there is a table that the lord is setting and he's saying to the church leaders come around the table and and set the table of hospitality because the lord is setting that table of hospitality for the nations of africa and there needs to be that sense of actually coming to sit together black and white poor and rich coming together and so i heard the lord say that there needs to be that sense of the church leaders and opening their houses and and doing that more it's not to say that that's not happening but it feels like this is a key for south africa to open uh doors and open homes to hospitality to different race to different status if you will in in society and that sense of actually setting the table of hospitality will bring a shift let me tell you is katrina's praying that for south africa the divine council i see a divine unholy council of witchcraft an agreement and the witchcraft community in africa is much more agreed about the direction of africa than the church community is and and the ecclesia community is and so lord right now we speak a separation of that witchcraft uh community lord we speak a scattering of the witchcraft community we say that this will be a time as the church enters into fire that there will not be um an ability for the witchcraft um powers to be able to meet together that as the church chooses the fire of god and the way of purity in the way of the lord jesus christ that there will be a scattering a weakening a dispersing of the witchcraft powers over south africa and over the continent that there will be that ripple effect and some of you have been praying about witchcraft and we're agreeing for that right now wherever you are whatever um um resistance you're fighting under whether you're on the ground or you have family there or friends there we just agree right now that the ties of witchcraft are being loosened as the church steps in to the burning fire and the purifying fire of god paris yeah and i heard them the lord say come around my communion table come around my communion table is there you are as one there you are one body you are one flesh by my blood and as we were praying beforehand i saw at the angels i saw the angelic and i saw the host just similar to what katrina was seeing as i was looking in the spirit and i saw them sitting on the nation and having communion together and i feel like the lord is just um i'll pray this but that us is the saint and those who are the saints in south africa i feel like there's an invitation of the lord for you to come around the communion table and pray this specifically and say god bring us around the table bring us around your table so that the nations of this continent can be as one that we are one body that we are one flesh that we are all in the family of god and do that over communion do that over the wine and over the bread so we just do you saints in south africa take charge of this and that this is an invitation to you i'm around that table but yes we speak that further blessing that those communion tables those feasting tables that have been laid but have not been occupied may they now be occupied in the name of jesus katrina yeah and we just bless that you would come with that posture of serving one another that part of communion is that we come to serve one another and so again we just speak that that how we fight against witchcraft how we fight against the things that would push against the kingdom of heaven as we go low and we yield and we get on our face in worship of yahweh and so we just say over you south africa get on your face and worship of yahweh and i just sense in the spirit that there's a this is an era to use the name of yahweh that it's easy to say god but there's the sense of yes but which god and so we just released to africa the name of yahweh remember the name of yahweh for that is the name that brings holy awe and wonder and respect that's the name of all names and it signifies that he is the uncreated god and so we just release back to south africa the name of yahweh for he is the god above all other gods and so would you come and would you bow down at the communion table and that worship of yahweh and yahweh alone and so we just speak that again there is that differentiation between the divine council of yahweh and so as you're interceding and as you're praying it's the divine counsel of yahweh not any other sort of divine temple and so remember to use his name in prayers remember to use his name as you're interceding and even as you're in conversation so that it's very clear who are we talking about here when we say god who are we talking about here when we say lord we mean yahweh and we mean jesus of nazareth and so we release back to you the names the names of who he is so that that is what brings that holiness that that sense of that is who i worship and that is who i bow before the king of kings and the lord of lords yahweh yeah so lord we do we exalt your name yahweh over africa we exalt your name yahweh into the land into the people over the people and over the land we say yahweh reigns and rules we say yahweh is the only god worth serving yahweh is the only god worth looking to in the name of jesus christ we say we we agree now for the direction of the church for the direction of the saints the true ecclesia the true bride to break with tradition to break with history and to move in to the place of being one church one bride one heart in this time we say south africa we bless you from the nations and raise your hands wherever you are right now we bless you from the nations to come in to the fire of god to be purified and to come out and lead and lead the continent into the fullness of your destiny so we bless you if you're on from south africa if you're on from anywhere else in the continent or you are from africa we love you from the nations we bless you from the nations and we we just want to honor you for all that you've walked through that has been difficult that has been challenging that is still difficult and challenging because we know that life in africa and nations and is is something that we don't have to live here in the uk and in some of the nations that you're watching from right now and that our norm is not your norm but we bless you and to be strengthened saints of god wherever you are in the nations to come in to alignment with him as that one bride one church as the rest of us need to together but god is doing something first in africa and something first in south africa and so let's watch it let's watch it in the natural over these months and years ahead and see where the lord takes the country and watch in prayer continue to pray for the nations and join us next week as we continue on this series of praying for africa and i believe we're moving to the center and i believe we're looking at the democratic republic of congo which is right in the center of the continent and god is leading us in that way so come and join us next week tell your friends and come at 8 30 uk time you can also catch us on power hour on wednesdays when we bring the word of the lord and you can follow warrior women on fridays at 12 in fact today is it yesterday fridays thursdays i'm sorry i'm on the wrong day scratch that thursdays it's your day wednesday that's right thursday you're on yesterday at 12 till half 12 and that's more for younger women sort of what under 30s charis yeah off any women any women any women of any age men too if they really want to but you talk about when you prophesy and pray about isn't it and so be blessed have fun connect where you'd like to connect with us follow the gpa website if you want to connect more deeply and we just are so so grateful that you join us on a friday if you're new bless you for joining us please come back tell your friends and let's continue to pray for africa see you next week [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] foreign
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 1,283
Rating: 4.9603958 out of 5
Id: 90c4TFtX0gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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