Welcome to Jurassic Elmore! 🦖 | The Fight | Gumball's Mega 3-Hour Compilation | Cartoon Network

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maybe it won't be so bad I'll just meet Tina in a quiet calm atmosphere and we'll talk things through like civilized people yeah this is a great idea this is a terrible idea what's going on here I'll have no fighting on my watch oh Gumball Waton I might have known oh thank you Miss Simeon oh I was going to fight a T-Rex please send me to detention well I suppose I could after my coffee break but miss Simeon coffee break but miss Simeon You're My Last Hope please F [Music] uhoh here what am I going to do what am I going to do use the Bunny Hop son son son son son dad what are you doing here well I wasn't going to miss the big fight Gumball time to deal with this like a [Music] man G stop running dude I have no idea what you're saying sorry [Music] sorry oh man sorry [Music] uhhuh SC cat Mr SP please let me in no please let me in go away [Music] would you mind removing your glasses when you're at the table uh yes what happened to you I ran into a door that's not true he's being bullied seriously I did run into a door [Music] [Music] Mom calm down I'm perfectly calm I just need a word with Mr Rex honeypie [Applause] combo sit you guys make up Mr [Music] Rex hi Mr Rex we need to talk about your daughter so it's going to be like that is it well that's fine by me your dad is pretty scary so's your mom uh Tina is it true that you're bullying me what oh Nigel oh hello Miss siman here's that cup of pig sweat you asked for my favorite now I've been meaning to talk to you about how very ugly you are oh really I used to think that you were just regular ugly but now that I'm up this close I see that you're full-on Mega gross makes me want to kiss you m you taste like garbage kiche I'm sorry I didn't catch that I was destructed by your run and breath so long sucker chimpanzee you later oh let's do those guys he an ordinary guy who's never good at anything until he found out he could jump I've already lost your brother to Jumping I am not going to lose you he had all the talent but not of the discipline I'm just the kid from low re Elmore I don't know nothing about jumping then don't jump kid just push the world away jump coming soon to a playground near you R to PG-13 would you guys quit it you're throwing me off my game well excuse us for trying to add some drama to your life [Music] a licky chicken wrote a check for a walk you uh lick the bricks you didn't fix okay I'll try and say this politely but you're going to need to read between the lines due to personal circumstances I'm unable to commit sufficient resources to resolve this communication problem hey show some understanding he's doing his to communicate that just sounded like you said you were running from the butt police I think we need to find out what he wants before he chokes on his tape too late okay I'm going to use the online translator so what language do you speak come on at least make an effort to speak to him in a way he can understand what language do you speak please try and articulate this time I'm going to type that the way I heard it Elmore search says do you need medical help I'm tempted to say yes gumbo you're not being very constructive what keni do you come from don't worry I got this what country do boom box heads come from gum uh what my e friend here is trying to say is where do buered parallel epipe electrical Leisure appliances come from you make it sound like a disease ah boom busenberg that's right home where you have over 500 different words for disco but only discovered fire in 1992 don't blame me blame your caveman of course why didn't we think of that you can just write what you want to say what the dude you need to type words not cockroach noises H there's no direct translation for this in English but it will translate into French which will translate into Spanish which will translate into Japanese which will translate into so Hal Chinese Indonesian Portuguese Danish then back to English simple the rain of the ape is no [Music] more misse [Music] reti and you've won this amazing new car Elmore Wings we might not have the leg room but there's plenty of seats The Majestic cheatah fastest land mamal on Earth capable of speeds of up to I think I finally watched too much TV please don't tell ah he attach $20 to the note how cheap does it think we are now you can't even remember what he doesn't want us to talk about if money isn't enough to stop you revealing I don't have a diploma I duck a little dirt of my own What If This Were to go public look Principal Brown first that was a phase and secondly we felt as shame so many times in life that I think we're now incapable of feeling it as in chemically the doctor says we've run out of sheam oone let me show you as you can see the brain is composed of many sections dedicated to emotion here's anger here is sadness this here we just don't know and finally this is the shame gland as you can see it's pretty dried out dude could you put me back together please fill her how's that ah thanks that's much matter and Darwin Waters please report to the principal to his office H what does he want now kids I think I'm losing my mind finally well at least you realized it's a problem I looked everywhere I looked in the drawer I looked onto my desk behind the bookshelf wait what are we talking about here my glasses I can't find my glasses uh you're wearing them oh no not these my spare PA I think they might be in this safe you keep your spare glasses in a safe I can't see them oh no no no they're right at the back just keep going further in you're going to lock Us in the safe aren't you uh would you believe or no look Principal Brown this is ridiculous if you keep wasting your time on us instead of doing your job this place is going to start falling apart oh sorry okay you really want to do something for us anything then you'll leave us alone of course then just take care of the school yes he of course that's it take care of the school and all my problems will be solved thank you Waterson all I have to do is blow this place up exactly all I could find was these oh well that would explain the soundy Box wait did he say blow up the school we need to raise the alarm are you crazy no one can know about this there be complete Panic we just have to stop him before he blows up the school it's going to blow up the school no no we were just saying how the wind blows up the guy help me out here [Music] what did you do that for you said no one could know and he winked at me yeah but I was never mind let's go Roy can I have the keys to the boiler room I'm going to blow up the school sure uh you'd better run all right it's the little blue one sometimes it sticks so you might need to give it a principal gr's going to blow up the school no no no no no it's nobody metant it's it's not with you wait a minute are you trying to knock me on if there's no school then there's nothing to lose excuse me Principal Brown us take the children outside coach I'm going to blow up the school wait blow up what enough fin I'll take care of her I'm sorry coach what's that I'm trying to pinch a Nerf cluster but it's buried pretty deep now let me try something apparently it works on cows I've got to blow this place up Principal Brown is going to blow up the school Mr small we can explain hold on kids I need to make a symbolic gesture of protest hold in the name of Lord once his place has gone my reputation will be safe save yourself Lucy sorry I thought that was another drywall dude things never go this right for us something terrible is going to happen isn't it someone's going to ruin my chance to get a good photo I can feel it who would want to do that you will pay for this humiliation kumbo [Music] Waterson yes uh paper goes in the recycling bin uh recycle [Music] this well I don't know who'd want to ruin my photo but that's the problem problem if I can't think of anybody it could be everybody I'm scared too aren't you terrified but my face can't express [Music] it okay I think we're safe watch out there's some kind of hob godlin freak right next you what where I wouldn't worry about it dude run hideous what they talking about where is it trust me man you're fine wait a minute he thinks you're the Hobgoblin sure I'm the [Laughter] [Music] Hobgoblin why am I feeling so tense that noise what noise the one day use in horror films to show something terrible is coming your way like that quick it's Dina what's going on with the light I don't know just keep running where is she come on team H you have to be more flexible than that if you want to join the team H that was a bit anticlimactic yeah what's going on with the lights though night day night day night day oh I'm starting to think there's nothing to ruin my photo after [Music] all I really don't know what we were worried about it's just a photo he go this is it look at him come and get us oh Smiles hiding his Fury yeah he definitely want to get even because I whooped his butt earlier he's going to do something what what how do you defend yourself from the unknown with a preemptive strike hi I am so sorry we completely overreacted there I just thought you were going to stop me from it's okay I understand it was an accident well not really I kind of went for it could you please flip over that bit of rubber next to your foot uh sure why because I'm turning the other cheek dude you're so nice it's actually sickening well now we know that no one is after us and we're 20 minutes early for your photo nothing can stop us now double wat where are you come and bl me like a man I know right for the first time in my life I'm actually early okay let's do this right and you're sure you're happy with your weird face because this is the last photo I'm taking of you ready when you are okay then on three one [Music] two why are you kids not in gym class we got a sick note where is your sick note exactly I think it's in there somewhere how convenient you don't look very sick to me and you look at me in the eye when I'm talking to you uh sure let me just take a step back what the what's going on here you don't seem to be getting any further away ah there you go hi M you can call me coach now get to gym class what's going on I have no idea but a terrible code red I repeat code red this is not a drill this body is exercising somebody do something right dude what do we do I can feel myself getting healthier well in circumstances like this I think it's safe to say that now would be the right time to freak out hey Waterston if your sweat reaches me I'm going to going to invite you to a pain party where the only guests are you me and my fists it's not sweat it's my organs crying come on Waton if you can't manage a simple pushup how are you ever going to do a cartwheel why would I ever want to do a cartwheel because everything you learn in gym class could make a difference in your life one day what possible use could I have for knowing how to do a cartwheel apart from physically replacing the wheel on the cart maybe the day you want to win gold in the 1986 Olympics that's not a cartwheel that's just a photo of you upside down yeah well that still doesn't prove ex useful oh really Jamie you're running being chased by a pack of angry dogs but oh no you've dropped your pen now do you let those dogs have that hard earn pen or do you can't wear your way out of it like a boss statistically that is quite unlikely but in that highly logical and Incredibly specific situation I guess you do have a point but what about that let me paint you a picture you're being chased by another pack of angry dogs you reached the Ravine with only asymmetric bars along you to reach the other side they want your pen what do you do I guess I just turn on my Jetpack fly over the Ravine land in my flying car and drive to space that's completely unrealistic Jamie come here and show Waton how you would do it perfect you remind me of me your age except for the fact she has a neck bastard that's not how you take gold in the 96 Olympics my pants try go faster speed will blur your sh can't I'm at full speed do something anything hold on I'm going to try and put them back on and three two okay so you just been to the mall but suddenly in the car park you see a pack of angry dogs here yeah yeah why don't we just let Jamie show us how to do it and that is how you win three gold medals in trampolining now show me what you got higher higher higher angry dogs 3 Waton nil lesson over maybe I should just try to forget about this reports of strange occurrences all around Elmore at food and stuff it's been nighttime all day it's supposed to be noon meanwhile residents were confused by unseasonal snow it's supposed to be June and one senior citizen seems to have inverted gravity I'm supposed to be on the ground see I told you this is all because of your father some things are not meant to be dogs shouldn't get on with cats men shouldn't have ponytails and your father is not meant to have a job what are we going to do we have to stop him look I'm sorry but tearing apart the fabric of the universe is not a dismissable offense now please let me go don't you understand you need to fire him but he's doing okay what if he delivers a pizza late uh well yeah I guess I could fire him for that then he's not going to deliver this one my spicy blers will Exhilarate to get him double quickly when I'm twist in the accelerator Twisted the accelerator Twisted the accelerator we must be getting close that was [Music] in the closer we get to Dad the more warp the universe becomes we got to be careful and you better hold on tight what's happened I feel really smart I don't don't forget to tou your miror this is not so [Music] bad I think the worst is over I can't take it any where she delivering this pizza at 34th Street I know a shortcut we'll be very no look I'm sorry but tearing apart the fabric of the universe is not a dismissable effect now please let me go what the go man we went back in time we'll never catch up with him we'll see about that we'll go this way what's the house number I don't know make an effort the street is 2 mil long uh I think I know which house it is [Applause] [Music] there he is reach [Music] yourself run have a s fire him but he hasn't done anything wrong destroying the universe I'm all right yes now go and stop your father Gumball [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] have you been eating this pizza just a little bit from the middle Waton in accordance with article 34 of the ferous pizza handbook I fire thee no [Music] oh man ow and Now ladies and gentlemen would you please welcome to the stage our second and Final Act Mr Kord Robinson good luck dad up till now my life's been good treated me well I can't complain met a woman raised the kid and every day just felt the same but there's something deep inside of me that always wanted to be free and now I think the time is right to show you what I mean I want to sing I want to dance I want to touch the sky with my own two hands if I sing to the world it'll Set Me Free and let me be who I want to be dance dance and sing I'm going to give it I don't know but it's pretty good now's our chance to assassinate cuz I whis you off to a Wonderland I'll H Po and jive with my heart did come see any of that to the Rock and the roll I'll maybe you'll notice the trap door I'll Fly Like a Bird if you s me free like a Skylock on the wing a roseb in the spring like a gangster in his bling like fish bait from a sling like a puppet with no string like an English feudal King like all those kinds of wonderful wonderful Show Yourself assassin and fight like a man let's try the special effects under the seats [Applause] whoa who is this guy that's my dad Rock and D I want to be free [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no Mr Robinson please come with me now it's not safe here no go away [Applause] oh my gosh you really did save my life but that doesn't excuse you from ruining my performance hooray awesome Mr Robinson way to go Dad [Applause] woohoo thank you everybody thank you thank you so much I don't deserve all of this I really thank you thank you I love you but your love means so much to me I love thank you infinite Universe for sending us our very own Star Mr Robinson thank you [Music] everybody I love you you put me where I am today thank you so [Applause] much oh no I think we squished Mr Robinson nah he's okay let's go home yes sent a slay I'm totally going to save Christmas go get up activate so you want to come in for a cookie oh no no no no no I've been enough of a burden and a disappointment I'll be on my way now but thank you for believing I was someone special for a moment there I almost thought that I could be Santa stop [Music] the ho ho that's right how long have I been out is it still Christmas Eve yeah but God then it's not too late all I need is my [Music] oh wait oh okay how do you learn this thing first you first you need to fasten your seat [Music] Bel what the how can I be dead than cha a a magic sack for some walkie-talkies and I'll tell you how to land I want some walkie-talkies oh man it's really well wrapped ask it for scissors I want some scissors are you kidding me give me that son I'll show you how a real man opens his present good job traps now in front of you there should be an altimeter a gyroscope and an anomer okay what are they for I don't know I never use them myself but at least you're facing the right way now just fly with your guts what can you see nothing about your reindeer's butt right keep going down keep going down keep going [Music] down then P ask the back for some pedestals and jump we can't do that your slave will crash what about Christmas your life are more important than Christmas just jump request tonight sir where saving Christmas over oh dear I love you dad I love you son sounds like they're coming in too hot follow me then I'm going to make it we're going to crash not on Christmas Son you have to [Music] believe I can't see anything don't worry guys the crush yes no it's okay they're Christmas lights well done Blitzer Nicole Waton I've Been Looking For You Santa I'd be meaning to talk to you about these my letters every single one you send them to the South Pole I live in the North Pole I was just checking I had your address right when you were R me over I'm so sorry oh that's okay Richard after that Landing you're on the nice list forever awesome cuz you owe me $800 for the hospital bill please don't tell me you're the one who arranged this fight oh I know we haven't spoken in a long time but I need your advice is it really wrong to create false evidence to frame some criminals who you know for sure are definitely absolutely without a single shadow of a doubt G well I don't care what you say Dad I'm doing it [Music] anyway let's see you get away with this one you little holigans and I know for sure that these two did the graffiti because they were idiotic enough to sign their names at the bottom of it oh are you sure no one else could have done it absolutely Miss wrongly accusing the boys is one thing but openly framing them is another one more offense and you are fired and you still hold these boys an apology it's fine it's fine I'll apologize when fish start to walk if this really is the kind of person you are then we seriously need to talk about our relationship as well I saw that coming I glued everything to the floor I got to be honest gumbo I'm not entirely comfortable committing a crime look it's not a crime if you intend to get caught unless we actually do something bad simeon's going to blow a fuse and lose your Harry boyfriend do you really want that on your conscience good then give me a Lego now what am I supposed to do give yourself a leg up oh of course [Music] don't this is going to be easier than I thought [Music] why do I have to run every 8 minutes of my life wait in the jungle when a gorilla charges you have to St up to the ground is it working dude dude I just realized we can't let our cat just then we've done something bad no you could have told me sorry a get in [Music] here okay you get Brown's attention I'll e Face's car Principal Brown Principal Brown Principal Brown Principal Brown Principal Brown dude why is every single window broken except for Brown how about you do it yourself if you're such a hot shot I caught them I finally caught them which means I can do this you're coming with me to the principal's office with pleasure wait we forgot to spray our names what do you mean duh if we don't sign it Principal Brown will think it's you again then you'll get fired and lose the love of your life now where would that leave us are you trying to say that you only did this to save my reputation my job and my relationship of course what do you take us for some kind of criminals well yes oh are you ready yes run that way welcome to level one the leap oh F leap of faith sounds easy enough oh did I say the leap of faith I meant the leap of [Applause] fth you're enjoying us aren't you uh-huh forgotten about the kiss yet no then on your feet Gumball you really stink but you're in love you're going to take a shower it's level two the shower of [Music] slime for got it about what about the kiss oh I had but you just reminded me oh then welcome to level three the SE through suck of sweaty cheese oo [Music] forgotting it no what are you guys doing here we're your next level the sounds of [Music] suffering weot it now no help no get [Applause] St the good news is this is the last level the bad news is this is the worst really okay do it [Music] [Music] so so what he's forgotten he's [Music] [Music] forgotten yes I did it granny JoJo granny Jojo I did it you did what I Ked your suitcase up to your room oh well good for you dear now bring it back down my bus will be here any [Music] [Applause] minute I found my happy place hey T rat eating a kebab I found my happy place Ah that's great good for you pal hey old guy no wait my B oh that's so much better hey old guy Gall found his happy place darn it anas give me a kiss goodbye and put my bags on the bus a little bit faster this time please granny JoJo gum boss found his happy place that's nice fish kid now kiss me goodbye granny Jojo I found my happy place yeah whatever and now give your granny JoJo a kiss goodbye of course Gumball give me a hand with this bag okay in your face oh I wish I could kick people like this in real life hey nice costumes guys you have a spare one nah sorry Dad I'm not sure you're ready for the responsibility I understand come on Darwin let's go practice some killer moves okay dude you know what a true warrior needs for a good warm up maidens and a scarf no Darwin son [Music] inspiration time I look in the mirror all I see is the in war staring back at me oh Richard I'm so worried about them why it's a great track they're obsessed with those outfits and the kids at school are making fun of them you know how mean kids can be Richard I know they're just costumes but if people make fun of them they'll never get girlfriends or a job and in 20 years time they'll still be living here and wearing those ridiculous karate outfits combo yeah I think we wasted Our Lives boys hi Mom check out Darwin's sweet scissor kick when did you post this we didn't some kids at school did boys look at the title taquan dorks I think they might be making fun of you n they just spelled Taekwondo wrong Karine spelling is very complicated there's loads of other fellow Sense on here look hey I need to tell you a story cool is it a fable about a great martial arts Warrior not exactly when your father was at school he thought he was the Cotton Tail cavali [Music] Cavalier costume G leave him alone at least he's brave enough to be himself he was lucky there was one girl who loved him for who he really was what a sad story well whatever happened to the cape well I managed to get it off him and hide it what you mean the president didn't really need my Cape I'm sorry honey it's because of you I'm mortal you see that's the kind of state you can get into when you refuse to grow up CLE I don't want to be a costumes geek it's okay Darwin mom we'll stop wearing the outfits if it'll make you happy thank you boys I'm so proud of you you'll see it's for the [Music] best life's about abandoning dream After Dream hopes and expectations flow way down stream it's time to kiss our childish ways goodbye grow up give mediocrity a try the games they have to stop no more not even a karate chop face up to what maturity means and forget about martial arts [Music] Dream well I think I'm cured me too I almost think I could put it back on you know just one last time and I'd be be fine I reckon if I put mine back on it would do nothing what's the point of cleaning under the bed it's like cleaning a dumpster it's designed to be filthy because this room smells like dog burp what is this oh that's a glass of milk cheese that that's a glass of cheese Stone that's a glass of stone are you kidding me that milk had to be at least 10 years old well at least there's nothing alive under there Darwin the first so that's where you were hiding wait I thought you said that darn the first left to live a happier life on a farm with other fishes he did he did hey look what I found the game you made hang on I'm not three anymore you're not going to distract me with what the what [Music] Dodge or Dare it's calling us no we swore we'd never play that game [Music] again just ignore the calls we have to destroy that game it's gone wait don't throw the you don't know what you're doing yeah cuz you didn't write any instructions and what you did write is spelled wrong dods are Dar sounds like an alien choosing a baby name let's just pack it away no you can't stop once you start Dodger dare it has to be finished okay so the rules are pretty simple you roll the dice then take a dare card if you do the Dare then you move forward that many spaces if you don't then you have to take a Dodge card and move half the spaces okay and how do you win you don't win you survive okay but how do you actually win oh you have to roll an exact number to land on the last Square dad you're up I feel sorry for whoever's got to do this [Music] one officer please I need to report a theft yes finally what did the thief look like well he was wearing a monacle uh-huh okay uh anything else yes he had a big furry mustache uh-huh big furry mustache okay any other distinguishing features yes he was dressed as a Yoder aren't you going to write that down just testing something [Music] and what did that man steal a kiss you actually did it oh yeah that's how it always starts with the laughing and the dares and then later the horror and fear hi go H order a prank pizza uhhuh and what's the address 420 Grove Street oh and could you add some turkey gizzards as well as the ice cream pigs footed oysters yes it's an old family recipe invented by my grandfather old Joe windy pets oh man I wish I could be there to see that picture arrive okay 420 Grove Street here we go pizza guy what are you talking about I sell pizzas why would I buy one well someone's got to pay for this I'm not paying for something I didn't order what am I supposed to do with this now give it to me I'll show you so that's three kids meals a salad and 47 double cheeseburgers 47 Richard relax I asked for Swiss cheese it's healthier what how it's got holes in it let's make that one cheeseburger and some carrot sticks what if you don't feed me properly how do you expect me to keep my sixpack your what you'll miss this when it's gone that's 17 bucks 15 uh I'm sorry the card has been declined it says insufficient funds I don't understand there should be money on that card where's it all gone H I don't want to point the finger but Dad what did you do with the money well I did what all the business sharks do to avoid getting taxed I transferred it to an offshore bank account Richard what exactly have you done with my sorry our no wait actually my money like I said I put it offshore but not before converting it into gold a step back she's going to severely reprimand him don't wor kids I'll Cal her down with my irresistible [Music] charm we're broke no wait we can't afford the water bills now this is all we got drink up hey there might be a less gross solution we're filming a commercial for joyful Burger in here later so so you guys are the ideal joyful Burger family what do you mean not too attractive not too intelligent totally dysfunctional you guys have got it all and you'll get paid where do we sign no we're not going to let ourselves be reduced to some cliches for quick corporate Buck we're the water and we don't sell out what's that I symbolically burned it because I'm not allowed to use a real lighter wait are you guys already convinced I haven't even done my R about how the little fish got together now what the fridge what there's nothing in there exactly where's all the food Gumball you're the one who wanted us to keep our dignity and not sell out this is what happens when you can't buy things you don't have things then why did you all listen to me because no matter how hard it is for me to admit you are you are Darwin you tell him it's Mak me gag what she's trying to say is you're right we shouldn't sell out funny I thought Victory tastes sweeter what does it taste of kind of like hunger look we might have run out of food but we've still got each other hey hey let's not panic I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation for this we've just been kidnapped and we're all wearing blindfolds guys stop it's because we haven't paid the electric bill there's no power we may as well just go to bad there you go all tucked up tied good night kids night [Music] Mom Mom what's going on don't worry honey it's just our stuff getting repossessed by these lowlife buttom feeding undereducated unhygienic sliming no neck toxic triple chined oxygen wasting crude gutless foul smelling bucktooth corrupt felonious disgraceful disease ritten bowlegged yellow bellied backstabbing ghoulish vuler despicable worm-headed worthless stains I'm only doing my job why are you so mean mom what are you doing probably going too far that TV is broken is it it is now ma'am what now we need to rebuild the trust that you lost on the plate to your right are the cupcakes on the plate to your left is the bad food like liver and stuff what you need to do is trust the other person to feed you the good food sure no problem dude I thought youd tricked me me too I expected a mouthful of rat cake or something I always knew I could trust you buddy but I thought the left was and that was for flaking out on me at the supermarket what what' you do the cupcakes are just ingested released with parasitic eggs all they needed to hatch was a moist and warm environment your stomach what's going to happen to us first they'll eat their way into your stomach lining what then they will crawl up your head and lay eggs in your eyeballs get the out I can see them already there's only one way to lure them [Music] out uh how long do we have to do this for until they danced their way out there wasn't anything in the cupcakes was there nope but there's something on the Internet Now give me that boat give it here you should take me your buddies again that's true but you're still getting it yes hello sweetie I just wanted to know if you're dad felt any better um yeah he's fine can you pass me on to him please uh yeah one minute hello Mrs Mom what's for dinner really yep where is he mom must been her way right now we're going to get our bus kicked yeah I would have thought the anesthetics would have made him a better driver oh my gosh Marvin what is that done please help me up I was trying to do situps but I'm too old hey what about me uh yeah you can do it if you believe in yourself and don't forget to stretch when you [Music] finish well looks like the anesthetics improved his parking too this is not funny we need to find him right now before something terrible happens look dad's pant want to catch me if you want to hit me little teasing bundle of fatness no thank you he's delicious just the way he is stop it's not funny anymore it's just weird radio El news flash we're receiving reports of a fat pantless pink middle-aged man bunny causing disturbance in the city of Elmore he's reported to have attacked and nibbled several bystanders one extremely come on and now the weather Diane did you see that it was Mrs mom's car right we've got to split up Gumball you sort out the house Darwin you try and delay mom I'll take care of dad go and no flanking [Applause] out what [Music] [Music] oh no come [Music] on hey I'd like to report her stolen yellow family wagon I didn't do anything you've got to believe me what say about that lady let's just see those papers first [Music] hey oh thanks for coming Gumball you look uh Dressed I guess you should come in oh well that's one way to get in the house right so what do you want to do today today is the funeral oh for Mr Cuddles my pet oh thank goodness I thought it might be a real funeral I mean pets pets are great like part of the family so what what happened to him my dad flushed him down the toilet by mistake that's terrible it didn't go rounder rounder straight down straight down on Penny's father blocked right come to the backyard the service is about to start penny I'm sorry I thought this was a date why didn't you tell me it was a funeral I did in the corridor at school do you want to come to my house it's Mr cuddle funeral I could use some Sur report from a friend Gumball are you even listening uh this Saturday 400 p.m. it's it's a date oh oh oh yeah don't worry I'm still here for you Penny thanks Gumball awesome day for remembering those who have left us shall we go Gumball perhaps you'd like to say a few words about Mr Cuddles of of of course well Mr Cuddles was Penny's Pet even though I never met him Penny's pretty hot so I'm sure he was pretty hot too thank you Gumball that was really special my picture huh my sister made a photo tribute so we can all remember Mr Cuddles a how thoughtful want to [Music] see the spider knock his block off that's awful I hate spiders who want something that creepy in their [Music] house listen son I think it's best you leave I'll uh let myself out play on dear Oh Danny Boy the pipes the pipes uh sorry it's me again is not use your bathroom car it's kind of it's a second and the left upstairs thanks from Glen to Glen have a nice feel just get out of here oh man what is wrong with me she's never going to forgive me for that I'll spend the rest of my life alone and never find happiness the spider knock is block off no wait but back he's on the toilet to say something the toilet look the toilet just ignore him and I guess I'll have to show them come here little fella oh good boy Mr get get off get off get off get off get off [Music] look you just encourag [Music] him [Music] ow Mr Cuddles you're back I thought you were gone forever where did you find him in the toilet somewhere Gumball this is amazing oh yeah yeah it's great son I stand corrected I thought you were a good for nothing young Troublemaker but no so if Penny didn't do it who did H it must have been you I said it was him why me well yesterday you were wandering around when Suddenly at the age of 27 you realized your youth was behind you oh then all your hair fell out bummer when you saw principal Brown's lustrous hairy coat you were overcome with jealousy and acting on impulse you attacked you frantically plugged out all of his hair dyed at the right color and used it to cover your balding shame in planning to mislead any investigation you painted principal ground wrapped him in toilet paper and stuffed him into my locker the perfect cry save for one thing H when you stuck the new hair on your body there wasn't quite enough which explains this bald spot on your hand dude you've got it all wrong I got the Bal spot when I was cleaning yesterday you see I spilled some really strong chemicals on my hand and it burnt off the hair see if that's the case how come I can just pull your hair right off stop no oh okay then I guess it wasn't you who could it be all this sus spense is making me sweaty why don't you just wipe your brow with that toilet paper suspiciously stuck to the bottom of your shoe I can't believe I'm about to say this buddy but it was you yes yes I did it I'm a monster a monster just locked me up I'm a minister [Music] Society take me away I rest my case but Darwin couldn't have done it really we all saw you on the bus when we went home then how do you explain the to toilet paper you've had it on your feet all day dude didn't you [Music] notice nope don't remember any toilet paper so it wasn't Penny it wasn't Rocky and it wasn't Darwin which leaves us with only one suspect the only person who knew the combination to the locker Principal Brown was found in you oh that's all the proof I need you're coming with me Waton wait you're forgetting one bit of crucial evidence and what's that I'll just go and get it he's not coming back is he no now homor for the one who catches him [Music] quick give me something else to throw what ow stop throwing St with me I'm innocent [Music] ouch leave me alone I'm innocent I would never hurt Principal Brown I think I'm feeling a little better [Music] uh hello I think this thing is broken hey stop help okay you win this one next up shows mom in the reflex challenge I I think you should give her a warning this feels kind of unfair heads up okay what you probably want to try is shouting before you throw the can good idea heads up dude you should have called from where the can is coming let's just give her a point for surviving this next up tobi's Mom strength [Music] [Music] that's one to me what where' you think I got my muscles from go on kiss it okay I'll kiss you all right Mom they've gone now you can put it [Laughter] [Music] down cheating round four a up like Queen of the Empire's ever bring it down leave the rest in a m Wayside she's never going to be pushed around some kind of myy she's making hisory World round 32 tolerance she's the best your best bring it she takey for the Wonders she's the best and your best round 143 [Music] intelligent round 100 dude what's up with the leg strutting I'm just putting the show on The Showdown am I wrong yeah this is how you leg strut round 199 resilience fight the fight the walls Will T coordination compassion [Applause] break sity [Applause] reading skills accountancy Cy okay this is the deci the hot sauce challenge Mrs Wilson's up first can she stomach a spoonful oh and it's a refusal what the and Mrs Wilson wins wait a minute minute did you just wink at your mom Tobias no what did you just cheat and swap the hot sauce with ketchup no have you guys seriously been cheating all this time no do you still think it's necessary to deny it no oh hot sauce dude what is that you've been doing it all morning sneezing can't you tell not really you sound like the world's angriest baby what's wrong with you my throat is itchy my breath is Wheezy my eyes are watering sounds like worms I think you've got worms just squat over a bowl of milk and whistle till they come out no dude I think I'm allergic to something don't worry my friend whatever it is we will find it and we will not rest until we find you a cure and you will be rid of this terrible Affliction I promise so when wi what two oh bad well now I guess so the symptoms are a weird empty sensation in my stomach a feeling of lightheadedness and an unusual amount of saliva in my mouth when I think of food I checked on the internet and apparently it might be something called the G virus which can only be cured by cutting off the infected part or the removal of the brain H I'm going to prescribe two weeks off and a couple of heavy sedatives a day for 6 weeks oh thank you no that's for me what you just described is called being hungry now for the last time please get out of my office so I can curl up under my desk and revise my career choices but I told you I made hi Dar can't stop was here first I was just some medication how can I help you a right sounds like a simple allergy just hold it in and get back to class oh [Music] okay you should never hold in a sneeze it's very dangerous you could pop a blood vessel or even worse is she right what she is is a pain in the neck makes my job a nightmare if you have a pain in the neck you should really consult a medical professional because your ver may have slipped out of alignment which could be a sign of something more serious have a nice day aren't you supposed to take care of kids who are ill have a nice day but we still don't know what he's allergic to have a nice day I feel like you're trying to tell us something have I'll never know what she was going to say now what are we going to do H we're going to need to find an alternative to traditional medicine did I hear someone talk about alternative medicine alternative medicin are often ridiculed for being a bunch of magic baln practiced by a gang of almost criminal bozos but look at me you can tell right away it is no laughing matter yeah it's definitely a bit sad So the plan is to clean your energy by absorbing the toxins with the power of this unbreakable Crystal the power of these two unbreakable crystals how does that work I don't know the magazine this came with went bankrupt after two Edition I'll just uh do this how does that feel good I think I I'm not okay don't worry I've got a diploma in the ancient art of acupuncture really yeah I bought it on the internet it came with a scuba diving license and a dog breeding permit there well on a pain scale of 1 to 10 this looks like it would score at least uh somebody please finish me off every second of my tragic existence dis pure Agony don't worry acupuncture is completely painless you're right I can't feel pain or anything from the neck down yeah I couldn't remember the exact energy points I needed to strike so better safe than sorry but hey at least it worked you haven't sneezed for [Music] a I can smell dancing and taste purple are there going to be any more side effects bikini I'm sorry what I meant to say was oh come on we're supposed to be studying dude stop distracting me all right come on let's get some work done [Laughter] W it's not working I'm not absorbing any of the knowledge Be Still You em that parchment swiftly on on we Face our trial bye my by Elizabeth and poetry F and fire again we've been chewing the wrong books oh we're going to flunk the test we'll get caught in a downward spiral of failure we'll get held back in your before you know it will be the only kids in seventh grade with beards unless what we could what you know we could you know we could what you mean cheating did you really think you could get away with this to be honest yeah I thought we could I have no idea what went wrong well maybe you'll figure it out during spring break which you're spending in detention I'm putting you in the Long Detention block so from now on you don't eat you don't go to the bathroom you don't speak you don't even blink unless I say so do you understand what can I blink please no silence you animals these are the new inmates make sure they feel welcome can I blink now you're not going to last 2 minutes in here little fish [Music] can you hear me yeah what do we do these ugly thugs look like they were raised by hyenas in a post-apocalyptic future especially the cupcake she looks like she was made out of rotten eggs and foot fungus I'm a boy dork bag even her voice is gross what hang on how come she can hear her secret thoughts cuz you're talking out loud homie yeah that makes more sense oh oh man even my bruises have bruises don't worry buddy I've got just what you need a kiss to make it better no we need to look older if we want them to respect us let's get some tattoos home boy what do you think I don't know I think we look a bit too old for young offenders maybe perfect [Music] what are you looking at Punk his eyes are touching each other please let him go enough thanks man I owe you one you owe me more than that if you want my protection Dy what's a Dy detention sling for a dumb baby oh I see who protect us from he means who are you going to protect us from me why does that kid want us to steal the school plant anyway that's the least of our worries the guy's a walking Time Bomb okay let's do this here found it now let's get out of what dude you have to see [Laughter] this okay [Music] not working come on G you know there are easier ways to hurt your eyes you could pour salt in them while you stare at the Sun for example I'm sorry Carrie it's just I promised an i us we do something she wanted today we didn't realize how unbearable it' be and we haven't even watched it yet come on we're already late oh man we're going to get the face when we get home what this one no that's silent Fury what we're going to get is I know you let me down oh that's it but don't forget the slow headshake I can handle that as long as we don't get the human mean nothing to me back turn don't worry as long as nothing gets in our way we'll be fine what uh don't you think you should help that guy you clearly took the cover off so you guys are way closer that means it's your problem can I get a little help here listen man we'd love to help but we're kind of in a hurry well I'm kind of in a manhole but you wouldn't be stuck in if you weren't quite so what F no what I meant was uptu us flesh Rich horizontally tall distracted I was going to say distracted I think you're a beautiful man still what kind of Bozo runs around not looking where he's going blindly texting on his phone I wasn't texting I was updating my status so everyone knows I'm jogging why to get those little thumbs up on Elmo plus all right let's get you out of here you attention [Music] hog hey you're doing the face aren't you why are you late well funny story uh we are helping a guy out of a manhole and we no need to lie it's obvious you guys don't want to watch the movie with me oh no that's not true I can't wait to watch some princess trying to tame a stupid pony just to impress some fler Sprints from Luxenberg sorry I didn't mean to say that it's just my brain refuses to let me lie about this film just hurry up [Applause] okay H are you sure this is a good idea there whose problem is it now dude we need to get home she's already hit a force five on the guil trip scale gumbo Darwin what's up guys hey Rich did you just call me Rich like it was a question did I say Rich I'm sorry dude I'm in your name which is which is Rob my name is Rob Rob of course man I'm sorry Hey listen we're in a massive hurry but we should totally hang out soon I'll I'll call you bro you don't have my number you don't remember me at all do you and this this is just some Holo promise dude it's not that we've just been distracted because the funniest thing happened see that hole Darwin I can't believe you just did that did what I don't remember dad am I boring of course not sweetie pie then why don't Gumball and dar hang out with me think Richard think your little girl is feeling insecure this is a real parenting situation what you say now could affect her for the rest of her life so say the right thing say the right thing the right thing what speak to your mother I I got to stop man I can't keep running like come on you can do it it's all in the mind you don't understand my legs have given up I even have a cramp in my bones your legs haven't given up you have you think you should try walking in my shoes for once is that a challenge in 25 yd turn [Music] left dad why do I have to go to school so you can get a job but why do I need a job so you can earn money continue ahead why do I need money to buy the stuff the TV makes us want but why do I need to buy stuff because if you didn't buy stuff everyone would be out of a job and no one would have any money wait so I have to work for the rest of my life to pay for stuff that I don't want just soever everyone else can suffer the same horrible fate as me exactly you just live your life without thinking don't you I believe you are underestimating me son turn right you have reached your destination come on surely there's more to life than that nope I'm out of here enjoy your pathetic lives working 9 to5 Hector send me to Freedom that's it laugh at me but at least I'm not a Mindless zombie going through life just doing what they tell me to who you know them who's them you know the man what man the man who tells you what to do who my dad no the people who tell you what to watch on TV and stuff what's a TV it's a h you have reached your destination on the menu today deep fried accompanied by the fries of the French M delicious what are the fries of the French are you a potato as sure as the World is Flat who's the pumpkin this is Idaho Gumball's friend from the country he's going to be staying with us this weekend where's your chair Gumball threw it away we're getting rid of our possessions to lead a simpler better life what's going on here it's Idaho he's going to show us the way the way to what the way to Ultimate happiness is that a theme park no it's a free world with no electricity no cars no supermarkets and especially no [Music] TV he's not joking kissy [Music] isn't it better to Simply communicate rather than being brainwashed by the TV dude no one said a word for half an hour Nicole punish gumbal for being boring I really want to but I can't Gumball is exploring his outlook on society and it's our job as parents to encourage that no matter how much we might think it's completely ridiculous so what do you Noble Savages do to entertain your tribe we play off and Tumble what's that come on I'll show you now the rules is that there's no rules you wrestle and you make your friend tumble wait so you can like punch and stuff you can try but I have to warn you I've never been defeated in Elmore County come [Music] on S there in the roof you didn't have to kick him over a house I was defending myself against what you're like eight times a size I'm panicked okay do it again do it [Music] again you know what we do when we need to cheer up we sing songs Hine in the wheel and the few potato come on all together now [Music] h [Music] h [Music] h hm [Music] [Music] h h [Music] [Music] [Music] what happened you're very lucky Mr Waterson it appears your skull is so thick you were able to survive a half a ton of tiles and a satellite dish falling in your head is he going to be okay Doctor apart from being living proof that we're doomed as a species he's fine I just need a signature from whoever's responsible for him oh that would be me I don't think so that would be his mother granny JoJo what a pleasure I wish I could say the same but it seems I have no other choice but to move in and sort out your family which you are clearly incapable of taking care of uh doctor what's the cheapest object in this room probably that that was still worth about $300 so granny JoJo why are you staying with us because some one has to look after your safety kid I think they're perfectly safe with me now Look left then right before you cross that road Gumball no you look right then left that way you see the nearest car first but while you're looking left something may be coming from the other Direction look right again sweetie no look left look right left right left right left right left right left now run it's better to cross the road as quickly as possible no you might trip and fall just walk oh don't worry Billy it's a really good Hospital dude I think the board is supposed to jump as well see this is exactly the kind of thing I was worried about how would you know you're not even tall enough to look out the window I don't need to I know how dangerous the world is oh come on he's wearing all of the protective gear what's the Worst That Could Happen are you stupid oh my gosh you're right I'm a terrible mother follow me Corner paddings socket covers ster guard a good mother prevents the incident before it [Applause] happens the worst part isn't it's working I I always thought I was a good mother but you're not are you maybe it's because of stress or something don't worry about it but they're my family they need me they need me more excuse me sweetie I forgot to ask your mom to buy some milk before she left for work do you mind running to the store to pick some up sure good boy now you be careful outside yeah right who knows I might get jumped by a garden [Music] gnome here's the sugar [Music] it probably just needs more [Music] sugar this tastes terrible it tastes like salt that's because I swept the sugar for the salt it was the greatest prank ever okay you got me but that's not the greatest prank this is hey Dad does this Ketchup look funny to you I'll check but afterwards don't forget to show me that prank you were talking about looks okay to me what' you do that for you got cetch up all over me that was the prank yeah we did it because it's funny no isn't it's only funny when it happens to someone else how could you do this to your own [Laughter] father that wasn't very nice you two should know better what you didn't tell him off for pranking us you know it's too late for your father I want you two to Apologize by the time I get back do you think Mr dad would be okay nah he probably forgot about it already hello children hey Dad why don't you try on these lovely new shoes this is a prank isn't it what prank what me prank you no [Music] Noh I would like to return these shoes please unfortunately sir you seem to have filled them with baked beans I did nothing of the sort sir well I'm sure you wouldn't mind putting them on and taking a walk to prove it huh and I'm sure I wouldn't mind either on second thoughts I think I shall keep them I happen to have grown quite attached to [Music] them welcome to pranks for beginners over the next 30 minutes 30 minutes that's two subs a muffin and a tub of ice cream oh and I better get a sausage for the last 19 seconds mental note next time take food for the journey back as well step one go out onto the roof of the house step two take off all of your clothes step three pretend that you are a ballerina while repeatedly slapping yourself in the face dude this cannot be real I'm a I'm a ballerina I'm a ballerina I'm a ballerina step five realize you've just been pranked step six try and fit down the chimney head [Music] first oh look he's been up all night trying to find a way to get back us yep he's definitely out [Applause] Cod I can't wait to see the look on his face when he wakes up so Mr and Mrs Waton I called you in today to discuss concerns regarding your daughter anaiz judging by this alarming pain in you madam are suffering from work rated stress you sir are not a good role model and these two children are clearly lacking in discipline please when I look at this painting I see a family [Music] that a family that has problems Principal Brown if I'm interrupt oh don't worry sweetie it's not your fault it's your fault I'm I'm sorry Princess cheesecake the sausage fairy made me do it sweetie I had no idea we were such a terrible family boys please anyway for the good of your family I've drawn up a recovery schedule to get you back on tracko I'll make it short you madam need to stop working and relax your husband needs to stop relaxing and work as for you Gumball and Darwin you'll be spending the day with Mr small the school counselor to channel your energy in a less destructive way well principal we'd be happy to try anything if you think it's going to help annaise can I just say something you don't need to sweetie we're all going to get better right boys uhhuh I said right boys yes of course honey what did I just agree to you got to get a job no [Music] well thank you Principal Brown we'll do our [Music] best uh Mr water welcome to my five-step program for undisciplined children step one Primal scream what's that it's when you Channel all your rage into a violent vocal release like this you guys try it uh I don't think I have any rage me neither everyone has anger Gumball just look inside yourself and find it inside do you say anything uh no nothing at all try it anyway okay oh you could do better than that [Music] okay Darwin your turn take a deep breath and let it all [Music] [Music] out okay Nicole relax it's for the good of my daughter so I'm just going to sit and do nothing oh this is going to be hard so how about those FK reports that Simon Drew up oh yeah I was reading them in the bathroom H too much information Charlie I think you're the best employee we ever had a chanax Incorporated here's the key to the executive washroom no way well all I have to do is make that dream come true and I'll be fine I'll do it for you my little girl and need that key to the executive washroom she thinks she's so dumb well I'll show her who the dumbest in the whole town then Dad will be mine again yes can you tell us why we're here now you're here to race as you can see I gather the stupidest people in town word everyone has to wear blindfold and run as fast as they can the person who gets the furthest is officially the dumbest dad you'll be the referee okay guys I want a good clean race anyone opening their eyes is disqualified AR Your Mark get set wait for it go I can't resist the call of dumbness you might have won dad sis but I'm not going to let you Inn this what do you mean one Dad I'm winning I'm winning I'm not winning who's the D who's the [Music] d [Music] [Laughter] Mama I'm a banana split it hurts [Laughter] who's the dumbest who's the dumbest who's the dumbest I'm okay oh Karen this is just a perfect day I was wondering yes laen will you marry me this is happening so fast um oh I'm not saying no definitely not saying no but I need to think about this [Music] you've taken my place at home and I'm taking it back are you kidding dumball I just want to be dum for a day no one could be dumber than you wow that's a really nice thing to say I kind of feel awkward now should we just hug a yeah okay [Music] a wa that was close I think we've out dumped ourselves let's go home ow ow ow oh the eyes I blew [Music] it hello I'm Dr butt and I'm going to take your temperature Dad I can't play butt puppet right now I was only trying to help this is all your fault Richard well as referee I took every precaution I could and six kids ended up in the hospital four rocky and me grown-ups word and you Gumball Waton that was a very dumb thing to do aw thanks and as for you young lady I expected more I know Mom I don't think I want to be dumb anymore because it hurts so bad and all this because you guys wanted to be my favorite when we all know in fact that Darwin is my [Music] favorite fish my favorite fish wait a minute where iswi did I win yet did I win yet did I win yet problem buddy I really like this song but I want to sleep some more okay I'll turn it off then a but I really like that song Oh no problem listen to the song man but I want to sleep some more let's just have [Music] breakfast there's too much food in the fridge and the milk is out the bag but the bag is cold breakfast it's okay Dad made us breakfast use the sausage for the eyebrows instead of the mouth so my breakfast face looks mildly alarmed instead of SM SMY okay can we stop with the bad vibes please you're turning my milk sour you don't understand my pain so don't judge my life okay let's just watch some TV the remote is too far from the couch no problem I'll get it Gumball looks sad today what shall we do I know we should go and buy this poor privilege kid an incredible surprise present so we can have something new to gripe about okay really is everyone in this family immune to sarcasm I love this game but I don't have the patience to get into the [Music] story I press one time too many now we have to go through that whole dialogue [Music] [Applause] again there you happy now you put me in a bad mood too you're sitting the couch on fire you're so annoying come on let's get out of here run out of things to moan about dude your new sneakers are too bright they're burning my retinas dude you're making me foot conscious come on help me dirty the B dirtier a little more a little more too dirty thanks a lot now I'm naked oh you're so Moy just wear these now I look like I bought my feet from a grocery store now I feel over dressed next to you that was my favorite sweater guys are you okay you look really waterproof life is horrible man what's wrong what is not wrong I'm starving I'm wearing Rags I'm say no more I can see the pain in your eyes these children need help oh my gosh they might need this as well and this please take this and these and this oh this I'm pretty sure you're going to need that kidney maybe oh I always knew you guys had problems but I never realized how bad it was have you eaten today son no I haven't but it's because [Music] oh I think there's a misunderstanding here pride is important but sometimes you have to accept the health of others no sir you don't understand SW you pride and E okay [Music] okay he's so grateful he's got tears in his eyes here you go k it's not much but it'll help people please seriously we're not poor of course you're not you're richer than all of us in here that's not your heart is it sorry I'm a vegetable I don't really know how you people work trust me guys we're fine it's not like we're on the streets or anything although technically we kind of are since Dad took the car and left I always knew he was a bad parent his big happy fat evil face his Sinister dimples and those Beady dough eyes so what do you think will make him happiest a go-kart or a real pony why not buy the whole store it only comes to a billion dollars oh okay high five was that sarcasm again yes so do you get it now yeah are you lying yeah mom instead of milk can we have chocolate milk no instead of eggs can we have chocolate eggs no instead of bread can we have chocolate bread no Richard can I get a little help here please sure here kids stop bothering your mother and eat this chocolate what the what's the point in dragging us here if we're not getting some kind of treat because we're having a nice family outing and that should be reward [Music] enough don't you dare I want [Music] oh Mommy I want some chocolate I'm sorry little sausage but you've had too much candy this week now all the little sausages are punished and going to have to wait in the car this is the face she's going to get when she comes back pretty good but this is how you do a suy face it's all in the detail it would be better if it dropped no [Applause] problem I can't believe we wasted a day at the mall without getting anything you know what we should do we should make full-size paper models of ourselves set the car on fire and push it off a cliff to teach mom a lesson uh I think I have a better less horrific idea customer announcement as part of our campaign Huggy bites are offering a lifetime supply of jelly beans to the first man to hug the blue lady in aisle 3 huh Huggy bites more love than you can chew no get your head off her that's my wife if anyone should win those Huggy bites it's me hey what is going on here please don't tell you should be ashamed of yourselves what would your poor mother think about this kind of behavior what would it take to make all this go away 820 and throw in some Huggy bites as well for tricking me and those poor customers that's it I'm telling Mrs mom we came up with this really clever idea to get candy behind your back then Mr dad got us and now he wants and it's back to the car your children deserve a better example you need to grow up don't forget your appointment at the cardiologist boring huh discipline I'm not a Punisher I'm a fun sure and she's not the boss of me have you ever told her this yeah lots of times in my head what about to her face n kid you snap me like a twig okay I think we need to work on this let's go through it one last time who are you I'm the man what does man do whatever the heck he wants and why because I'm a beautiful powerful animal then let me hear you Roar Now suck that g in tin those pecks and how do you feel fantastic good now go and get us some candy hey woman you're going to listen to me and you're going to listen good I'm calling a shot now hey you listen to the man when he's talking who is this Principal Brown you are oh uh yes we're going to call the cops and tell them we won't release you until our demands are met make the call Mr rainbow I thought we were going to disguise my voice um all right hello police we have taken control of the school bus and you better do what we say or there'll be consequences oh sorry or that'll be consequences oh come on Alan you're telling you don't even recognize the balloon wait I do recognize him yeah I saw him in our house last night yeah on TV elmore's Most Wanted it's just our parents trying to teach us a lesson like when my dad tried to teach us the dangers of texting while walking help me I falled down this manhole because I was texting while walking Darwin you can't seriously be scared of these guys of course I am they're criminal masterminds I just think it would be fun I've never been in a hover a craft no we should ask for a private jet they always ask for a private jet could it be a private hovercraft we need to ask for money how much it doesn't matter the police know this is all fake see they're not scary you're right we just need a leader to reason with someone Brave someone who's not afraid to look the enemy in the eye someone who laughs in the face of danger I would say you Gumball but you're obviously sick maybe list no me I'll do it oh but how aat uh Dad it's Mr Pink fine Mr Pink I know it's you Dad uh I've never heard of this Dad of whom you speak I'm just a criminal how did I become a criminal you asked I didn't ask I suppose it all started when I was 11 years old and skipped a math class uhhuh and for this crime the punishment was harsh and Swift I spent 12 years in juvie then 5 years inside then 24 years on the run then 30 years back in the big house then a further seven in solitary that makes you 89 it doesn't add all well I wouldn't know cuz I skipped that math class sure so I assume you all ended up in a life of crime through skipping school yeah mhm well uh my tragic story starts on the right side of the tracks but boy it sure doesn't stay there yeah yeah we get it but I learned the whole thing don't I get to oh see I told you it's a load of hooy Take the Wheel and get me closer closer closer closer we are willing okay too close we are willing to meet your demand I'll throw the money over in three 2 [Applause] 1 that one's going to hurt the taxpayer control we need another million dollars they double their demands yeah they double their demands wow they're really going big on this If Only They responded this fast to real crimes where do you want the money leave the million dollars of unmasked Bulls on the cold desert toad what oh sorry autocorrect leave the million dollars of unmarked bills on the old desert road our units fall back ahead of second drop off any sign of him Chief I'm cooking out here they're on their way make the drop okay you hold on to me and I'll reach out and grab the briefcase maybe we should [Music] switch did you get it okay we have the money now we don't want to see any red lights between here and the airport they're heading for the airport we got to take him down first we got to get you out of here breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out are you sure about this don't worry you're in safe hands ready breathe [Music] in [Music] enough H I'm not sure what he sees in that woman but anyway come on Mr Robinson let's show sure you still got it okay now go ballistic I can't kids I'm not that man anymore then we'll do it for you hey you Mr Robinson's wife come and have an argument with him I mean me we're going to have a fight and you're going to like it ha how do you like my arguing huh see how angry I am want to make out oh you made it worse I didn't think it was possible but you made it [Music] worse the ghost he's about to attack the children that is for attacking my kids and this is for fight now get out of my gard you have to close Mr Robinson oh sorry [Music] ow Show Yourself ghost of Mr Robinson hey what's up neighbor I've had enough of this family your tacky lifestyle your ugly house your cheap guarded ship I'll smash it to Pieces it's more solid than I thought but this is what I do to your unfashionable deck chairs start it that us for your crummy Thrift store vacuum cleaner by Cheap by twice and this is what I think of your $2 clipon tie I'm back and that's for [Music] you yay welcome back Mr thanks so since we saved your marriage and everything I guess that makes us best friends forever so can we call you Gaylord instead of Mr Robinson don't push it kid now take me home woman hey what was that all about well there never was a ghost ad it was Mr Robinson we hit him in the Attic no I mean what's wrong with our house our shed and my diee dad you know what I do when I feel like a loser I look at this yeah I feel better now who does he think he is anyway $2 clip on tie at least I know how to treat my wife Rich what went on here it all happened so fast first of all Darwin got angry because CU he thought he deserved a sunny Cloud for winning some dodgeball game yeah I remember that and then an flipped out because mom won't share top spot in the chart what an too and when Mom put your face on the sun I trashed the house I got a son wait a minute you trashed the house die right and I'll do it again if she doesn't give me a star for my cheese crayon not bad feels good to win doesn't it oh no it doesn't your chart is ruining this family they're all behaving like animals I mean Hello we were all happy before do we even realize what you're doing to us that's right use your anger cuz you're going to need it for our little family outing tomorrow why what's happening [Music] tomorrow okay people first one to capture the the flag wins you get hit you're out oh this is great pay ball with crazy people I'll be in the car what have I got to do to get you to show a little competitive Spirit okay I'll play but only if you tear down that stupid chart oh I'll tear down that chart if you [Music] win all right you're on but please everyone this is a family outing so let's play fair and try to have a little fun okay great [Music] [Music] Dad please take off the mask oh thank you smells like other people's faces what happened I didn't even see her see who dad your mother [Music] please leave me alone I can't take it anymore chill out dude it's only me I'm scared man you are right that Frid charge is evil look if we stick together we can beat Mom all we need is a little time to come up with the [Music] a okay I think we're safe here buddy Darwin go on without me I'm not going to leave you here it's too late for me you're the only one who could save this family from Insanity I saw the flag from the tree just over that Hill no no just go just [Music] go don't move I'm winning this thing I don't think so what of mine huh you know it's for the best freeze you Huds what for jay walking I'll give us a break man we just wanted an ice cream I don't care you're getting a ticket man really I'm sorry but that's law kid crime is a slippery slope if I turn a blind eye on the smallest misdemeanor before you know it the whole society falls apart especially in this heat well I understand you're cop I mean it's obviously not your job to be cool what do you mean not cool all kids think cops are cool not really yeah we're more into privileged rap stars who pretend to be hardcore that is ridiculous cops coal that's what I wanted to be when I was a kid okay get in the car I'll show you hold on what are you doing we're just pretending to be handcuffed sorry I just don't want anyone to think we're friends with you I want my phone call do you mind pushing my hand down there's no jail that can hold me just get [Music] in mother think it's you the heat that drove those two poor RS to climb no dear it's public school dude can you scratch my nose you're not handcuffed and he doesn't have a nose oh yeah right uh so what's so cool about being a cop well I file a lot of reports I write parking tickets I stop for lunch I give some people directions I file some more reports I write some parking tickets I make a report on all the reports I file sorry you were so boring and we thought the car was moving and uh didn't expect to have to explain it uh uh please continue help me out here guys what do I have to do to prove to you that cops are cool [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] see it's not that hard to have a good time all you have to do is shoot they're coming back down let's bail oh wait you forgot to drive through the boxes oh yeah I always wanted to do that so what other cool stuff can you do I can Commander any vehicle I want any vehicle anything I guess I can't complain it is a spaceship I can make it more interesting [Music] how oh hurt it [Music] hurts wishes wow I forgot you guys had those what else can you do with them wow [Music] [Music] look Billy elmore's finest risking their lives to to protect our freedom that's a of law enforcement that's a of law enforcement oh man I take it all back cops are cool yeah that was really fun was what do you mean was we're just getting started did you say that dude look at your car what are we going to do oh that's not a problem for a cop stop come and D this vehicle and that sir is exactly why you need to wear a seat belt come on guys get in the car uh this doesn't feel right the name of the get in the car help please false alarm we did the best we could [Music] it's not so bad we found this tube of glue stuck to your uh anyway in future you need to be more careful this tube was covered in holes but it wasn't when I lent it to dumball [Music] oh come on I can understand the glue but why the glitter it's like putting lipstick on a skeleton it doesn't make it any nicer yeah you were right we should have let that pin stuff slide dude please chill out here have some love this this is for my homework and this for the glitter to gra just poping already he destroyed your Des too so jump on this that's for my desk that I don't really care about that much take that you banana oh look a p and it's not chewed what else can we do to attention please cumball and Darwin Waterson please come to Mr Small's office thank you very [Music] much any conflict can be resolved with these three tools the mirror reminds us that an enemy is just ourselves but seen from another angle the water reminds us that we all have something in common and The Hourglass is the time we need to reach an understanding come on you googly eye pug we got one minute let's finish this jeez Louise the pen give him the new pen I didn't chew your pen honestly but I bought you a new one because I myself have a pen of great sentimental value it's not a fountain pin is it actually yes it is it's the pen that Alia banana the founder of our family used to sign the registry when he first came to this country it was a very expensive pen I'm not even going to tell you where he had to hide it to keep it safe I would lose my mind if anyone cheed on that pen anyway please accept this new pen and let's be friends again dude we have to get to his locker before he sees what we've done thank you we got to go now by 1 minute thank you for a beautiful resolution Banana Joe you can go I just need to fill out your hall pass guys go that's a funny name isn't it do you spell it with two or three L's two two L's I'm sorry I just put one dude you could have just put another one at the end of course a silly Old Hippie I'll do another one oh wait a all out uh I'll have to print one come on huh just print it please yes your here it is hold reliable I don't know how it works just let us go okay you seem a little stressed up guys you want to try my herbal infusion it's very good for the ner you should be happy to be young before you know it you'll be overweight unattractive balding middleaged get go for breakfast I don't want you to see me like this what's his problem H you never know with that guy come on let's have breakfast man what a pile of beans dude watch your language you'll get us in trouble well I'm sorry Darwin but it is it's a big steaming pile of beans comall look a shooting star this is our chance make a wish I wish I was a grownup me [Music] too that didn't work at all Baker oh darn kids what do yall think you're doing today's lesson will be about the transformations of the human body as an older hormones begin to change your appearance here it's me as an adult talking to my secretary over the intercom it's me voting awesome um passing notes are we no Miss Simeon well watch's this uh that's us as adults I guess you're on topic then anyway pimples myons actually it's pretty gross you may continue pimples or actually can pop up at every time dude what's that on your face what what that what it looks like a greasy yellow egg oh no actually it's more like a small volcano with a sweaty golf ball do something do something okay okay hold on let me just [Music] um I think we're going to need more little hats just relax dude that's easy for you to say why don't you have any just lucky I guess oh oh E I think that's all of them what's happening to us I think we've got the plate do you have any other symptoms my top lip feels a little silky next comes the appearance of hair out the body and face dude you look like an undercover cup stop laughing do something okay I see Mom do this all the time and that on one occasion that feels so much better don't worry dude I'm not worried about me I'm worried about you you look like a baby werewolf no not me it was better when it was just you uh guys I don't mean to interrupt but this is the girl's toilet uh yeah sorry we got to sort this out start chewing okay settle down everyone get into your team in for Dodgeball oh no not dodgeball you're going down you get the idea please not above the should the a bowling ball [Music] enough oh that guy is such a gluteous Maximus hey bobber what you doing I'm on the internet the largest source of knowledge in the world why don't you get connected uh hi hello is that the internet you need to click the icon you need to click the icon which one is the icon dude it's the only thing on the screen I knew that waa it's beautiful I can feel it I'm totally learning [Music] something what happened your memory could not cope you crashed I had to reboot you oh come on there's got to be something in his Library making people smart this is such a great book I'd like to borrow this book please that's a book book look that's it they're all watching books hey sh hey sh hey sh I think my book is broken I've been watching it for ages and I'm still not smart you don't watch books you read them sh people are trying to work okay brain let's get reading once a a time that's it I'm out of here I've had enough I'm off to watch TV hey where do you think you're going I didn't sign up for this I quit you can't quit there's no way I'm going to pass a test without a brain please I need you we'll never pass I'm stupid then then I am going to make you smart like Darwin um sir you appear to have a bit of Ink on your face are you sure there's nothing else you want honey ask for anything well uh can I have two cans of soda quick Richard the fridge oh and some jelly beans but only the yellow ones okay uh are you sure there's nothing else to wear Mrs Waton please honey you can call us Mom and Dad Raider I again it's so difficult don't make me aren't you tired of being so useless yours in years of insult and abuse remember I never asked for you [Music] P okay I'm ready then prove [Music] it this may take a while I was a feebleminded guy I'd slip on ice and wonder why so many obstacles were thrown my way on a downward slide each and every day but something popped inside my brain I got up to fight that fight again and I knew what to do I went through a mental pain you got to think big think pretty soon you'll make that Quantum Leap think big think small make your brain your finest body part the greatest mind from yesterday Will It Crush the dust cuz I'm on my way you got to think because if you don't then that happened is this boring good this you think this is boring call me boring now this for close the window Margaret fre Place well um I think I'll follow the day I'm not boring what did he say goall what do we do we have to stop him I got it we'll just fly after him using one of your witch brooms [Music] that's a normal broomstick I'm a cleaning lady oh the witchy ones are over there I knew [Music] it how you doing pretty good what the do we really have to be this High yes we need to be close to his head so he'll hear the music box and fall asleep I'm not boring I'm not boring mrhe for the record before we go on I'd like to apologize n don't sweat it kid now I'll try to calm him down you take the music box here ah just go get it we'll lead him somewhere safer okay how do you stop this thing aha [Music] I [Music] oh hey Gumball Darwin get me to that ear hey Gumball where're to heavy you're going to have to jump jump what the can you just get a little bit higher why just get on with it fine follow me sweetie wait for me [Music] what's with the smug face nothing but I think there might be a lesson in all this you know next time you want to judge other people's life choices maybe you should take a long hard look at J well maybe you should take a long hard look at that duck duck get out of my way hurry up kid I'll try and lead him to the stadium mom wait for me mom D whistle it what whistle the tonee in his ear okay [Music] if we can imagine him into life we could imagine anything yeah we could imagine money and give it to the poor we could imagine an extinct species and bring it back to life could imagine I never got caught by Mom using your ha removal cream on my butt or we could imagine I never said that okay hi nice to meet you high [Music] five right well Han looks like we found someone as socially awkward as you why don't you guys try and be friends go on come on guys make an effort make eye contact come on come on I said eye contact with [Music] him I know have to do now let's try a smile like this more teeth we need more teeth uh good you don't want to make friends with a straight jacket let's move on to making small to demonstration oh hi oh I love your hair what's her secret M padn hair loss with the sprinkle as dress so who do you know here oh I'm anas's brother really me too she's so weird looking right yeah she's like a garden NOA got her head transplanted from an Easter Island statue we both like to have fun at the detriment of others we should totally be friends all right your turn uh come on say something uh I like hair uh here have some oh uh you have some hair too oh here I'm pretty sure that's not how you make friends put it back on okay you weirdos just say hi and Shake Hands hello hi oh man I'm so sorry no no wait don't worry it's okay stop it tickles it's hard to know how to feel about this on the one hand it's aw but on the other hand it's it doesn't matter I made a friend which means it's time to party Elmore residents are reporting a series of break-ins across the neighborhood with hey kids you all right yeah we're just playing with our Imaginary Friends whyd he better leave me some cupcakes don't worry he only eats hair why he better leave me some of that too I've been saving a space in my stomach right here I mean right here I mean oh you know what I mean sh this looks important who is said to be over 7t tall now just hold still good okay and [Music] go sorry it's okay no harm du [Applause] a come on let's go inside and make another pinata I'm sure the last one made some kins in the South Pole very happy and now an update on the terrifying Intruder who is breaking into Elmore Holmes here is a police sketch based on eyewitness um guys I think it would be better if you played inside today there's [Music] [Applause] a oh my gosh there's a criminal in my house stay away from my kids Richard call the police police know why I'm screaming but we really need help right now all run out of the house with our arms filing I'm sure if we give them a minute everything will calm down no let me in there let me in there sorry ma'am but this is a police matter we're professionals you can trust us okay let me see where is the index police negotiation police is that one word or two you know how some people say police chill out it's only a game I don't understand man I've never got this far before look how much I'm sweating stop it you electroc kill yourself round complete I can't beat the final boss man I'm weak you're not weak you just lack upper body strength lower body strength and mental strength slap me harder ow softer okay maybe somewhere in between that was exactly right come on you can win this by the power of Buton [Music] M you win dude what's the point and learning all these combos if all you need is button mashing who cares top score oh man it's only three letters in the top score what do I go with gum or ball maybe go with the least dumb sounding you're right let's go with ball no wait why don't you use your real name instead of your nickname great idea wait what is it what do you mean what is it what kind of guy doesn't know his own name you don't know it either do you then this shall be my quest I will find out that name I will stop at nothing I will leave no stone unturned I will close find the highest mountain explore every island search every cave I will question every man woman and animal find a bear if I have to I'll wear shorts I'll milk a fish I'll shave a baby CL a rainbow no that would be ridiculous but I will like an owl I will wrestle a senior citizen in jello I'll kick a crab in the face I'll steal a watch from a ghost I'll eat a beard I'll marinate a plumber and when they write about me in history books they will say he did what had to be done to find out his real name your real name it's Zach Zach z z Zach z [Music] z z who's Zach I am oh Gumball's called Zach now so yeah good point let hey Coach G game last night you're not in the team water set go El more [Applause] Ducks hey Carrie I think we really nailed that song last night we're totally going to win the Battle of the Bands man you're not in a band I'm not in a band I bet you can even give me the name of a band yeah like Germany [Music] hey that's my [Music] cousin touch down Watch Out World there's a new cat in town and he's called school's over already yeah and you spent the whole day with one eyebrow ra behaving like a horrible Jack are you all right oh Zach is fine are you sure sure cuz Zach is kind of digesting part of an apple kid's face right now that's cuz Zach does what he wants sorry but who exactly is this Zach I thought it'd be like Gumball but with a shorter name no Gumball's a loser Zach is the man Zach doesn't ask he takes dude what are you doing Zach doesn't have to explain himself because he smells so good Zach listen to me Zach doesn't listen he hear that's the same thing oh wait what was that I'm afraid I can't listen you what oh walk with me see Zach doesn't wait for doors to open he punches right through them metaphorically of course see here's another example Zach doesn't waste his time he goes straight to the point Make Way losers I'm more important than you oh Mom stop embarrassing me oh it burns my eyes what was that ah I don't know paint my what was that chlorine from the pool what was that a fertilizer oh I guess it's all right then but that's still two hours of detention for potentially damaging my beautiful face really Principal Brown you need to be firmer than that oh okay 4 hours detention 8 hours good see you in detention Waton mom you're not [Music] helping the Nerds think you look like a do deodor with your mom at school what is that me it's a 12-sided dork honey mom you're not helping Mom you're not helping wooo come on honey open the tunnel for the choo choo train you're not helping enough the Tina thing was kind of helpful but this has gone too far wait a minute I thanks now seriously I need you to stop meddling with my life I'm not meddling I'm helping helping by meddling you're just a big meddler I'm not a meddler I'm your mother and a meddler hey hey isn't that the girl you like Mom no excuse me Penny have you got a second sure but you guys will need to be quick the cheerleader tryouts are about to start mom if you love me please don't do this oh come on Gummy puss don't be shy my baby has something to say to you no I don't he'd like to take you out on a date that's not true he loves you really no I don't I don't love Benny and I never will Gumball well thanks for being honest with no wait I meant I'll never love peanuts no ponies see what you did you upset Penny how am I supposed to get her back well you know I could help you with that that's enough okay that's enough I'm My Own man now I make my own decisions and I don't need you baming me any M any thanks now just go home okay oh come on we all had a great time didn't we Darwin to be honest I've never been so embarrassed in my entire your life why are you smiling then well at first I was trying not to hurt your feelings but now I'm just stuck I beg of you just get out of my life okay I guess I'll just go home then Mom you've got to come back I made my own decision it was a bad one a really really bad one oh thank goodness she's gone I'll Never Smell again Darwin mom you're back yay do you know where your brother is in the changing room thanks Gumball it's me open the door no no I won't what happened oh it's awful I made a decision of my out and it was bad listen whatever it is you've done you need to come out and face it all right all right I'm coming out oh oh you were going to try and get closer to Penny by joining her chair team but now you you feel embarrassed because you have to wear a skirt what no I'm going to beat penny at her own game so she'll realize how awesome and manly I am then she'll definitely want to date me right so what's the problem the problem is me what if I'm not as good as the other girls what if they laugh at me and this Lear makes me look fat so I put this skirt on the hide my butt 24 hours oh this is horrible all the things I wanted to do in my life all my plans ruin ruin you know I've been thinking 24 hours is actually quite a long time hey you're right I mean how many minutes are than an hour like 60 so that's like 60 * 24 which is 3 billion seconds that's like ages we've got to make every second count you know Darwin I've never asked you but what do you want to do with your life what are your hopes and dreams who is Darwin Waton well I guess what makes me happy is helping other people who are less fortunate than ourselves due to circumstances beyond their control so I'd like to start a charity for where are you going dude I don't think the end of the world is Time to Get Charitable and besides you're getting kind of boring I think we'd be better off doing some of the things I want to do phot what are we doing here learning car so we can get a career a home and feed our children in the future Darwin there is no future we need to make the most of it right now not listening to some baboon drone on about algebra Gumball this is biology oh who cares it won't matter in 24 hours kiss me penny I've got a surprise for you today children a surprise [Laughter] test well I got a surprise for you I'm not going to do the test because it's the end of the world and nothing matters anymore not even [Music] this how's that for a surprise so come on everybody let's turn our last day on Earth into the biggest party ever woo okay on second thoughts spending 3 hours in detention wasn't the best use of our time oh I'm going to be late for my wedding now wedding yes Darwin my wedding by the power of the banana it is my duty to ask if there's anyone here who sees any reason why Gumball and Penny should not be joined in marriage speak now or forever hold your peace actually I've got more than one reason firstly I'm 12 and so are you secondly you didn't even propose to me you're just trying to marry me in the school Corridor hey guys happy wedding and finally this is is not a wedding ring it's a bagel but you know what that shouldn't stop you from asking me again in 20 [Music] years but you don't have 20 years sh I love her too much to let her know the truth hey want to get married Gumball why do you have a perm it's just something I've always wanted to do so Mom under normal circumstances how long do you reckon I'm going to lift well your grandfather lived to be 102 so I wouldn't worry sweetie H that's at least 90 more birthday presents Mom I'd like to make you an offer you can't refuse I want to combine all of my birthday presents into one manageable lump present so can I have a pony after dinner what are you laughing at nothing do you want a tutu with that if I get you a pony you'd get bored of it in a day not an issue okay I'll get you a pony thank you finally as soon as your father starts laying golden eggs I haven't given up yet thought there was going to be a cake or something this surprise is going to be better than a cake I'm giving you reconciliation with your father oh man you should have known it was something lame like that nobody advises people to eat cake in a junkyard go on tell me your plan then it's simple we get picked up by that magnet and get dropped into that gruner what are you insane and I've got D to come and rescue us what are you insane don't worry I can stop it at any time with this remote Oh I thought you were relying on dad there for a minute all right let's get [Music] started oh great job what are we going to do now it's okay here's dead now he can stop you from that control box I'm coming to take you here we go we're doomed don't worry have some faith in him boys where are you I be here how am I supposed to get up there oh I don't know how about you get us down using that letter right there oh yeah okay wow really thought that one through didn't you oh what is wrong with you don't you know people have feelings he's trying to help us well great job he's doing so far you are so insensitive would it really hurt you to encourage him once in a while you can encourage a clam to read all you want but that's not going to get it into college people have limits and Dad reached his own a long time ago don't worry kid I have an idea I'm [Music] sorry that would have been to do great job Mr Dad thank you yeah great job do you want us to save you before you save [Music] us saving us in style huh Dad no he's gone and I was laughing at him why didn't I tell him that in spite of everything I was proud Darwin I was proud of him if he were still here I would tell him if he was still here oh you're here so what's your plan to get us down huh [Music] typical you could have tried to land on the mattress wait a minute where's Gumball help son you can do it I can't do this Gumball you have to get up I can't come on son you can do it it I'm coming down don't let me down I won't down [Music] please stop crying dad you'll always be my hero it's not that it's just you're taking your clothes into my [Music] nipple why are you crying buddy because I love bugs come here [Music] a I'm glad you guys made up come on dinner's ready you know what I don't think I'm going to wear this anymore why I thought it brought you good luck yeah it does but nothing's fun anymore see watch this wo taada whoopy boring d what are you talking about that was F flapping dtic yeah a week ago maybe but now it's just lame I think I'm going to throw it out don't throw it out I could really use some luck right now I've been trying to get on win or don't win for 5 months but they're not returning my calls you're never going to get on that show hat or no hat there's a show called hat or no hat look you want it you have it hello would I tomorrow oh thank you WI no don't win wow this hat is amazing okay guys as impressive as all this is let's not get carried away there's no way a tinf foil hat is responsible for Richard what are you hello interview tomorrow for a promotion and a pay [Music] rise what was that that was the sound of Doom for the Waton do you ever miss your helmet no why well everyone seems to be using it for really cool stuff like Dad with the TV show or Mom with her job all you ever did was lame party tricks it doesn't matter Darwin I'm happy to see the back of it succeeding at everything really took the joy out of life besides sometimes in life you make your own luck it's so good to fail again you see you take a pinch of success a dash of failure you mix it together and that's what makes life see that wasn't so bad you just blew up the a farm it's okay life is great darwi so you're saying you're happy when you fail absolutely it's a struggle that makes a victory sweet besides I still got it butter side down just like poor Uncle Eddie what do you know my lunge is on the floor hey who's the funny guy who did that and you know what the best thing about failure is Darwin well is that a build your sense of humor am I kidding I'm nothing without my helmet I want it back I need it but I need it more cuz I need to win the show well I need it to get the promotion which is more important than a game show but if I win the show I'll get a speedboat think about how great it would be for me Richard you'll never use it Nicole if I win a speedboat I'm going to use it you have to understand I'm doing this for the greater good winning the speedboat will be good for you but not for the rest of the family uh you right I'm sorry Nicole I don't know what came over me it's okay just where did you hide the helmet it's in this bag oh no wait actually it in it's in this one I was going to trick you I'm sorry I guess that helmet's got more power over me than I thought thanks for being honest honey don't worry will'll never see me best friends best friends friends best friends best friends best friends best friends [Music] best for a very long time I've watched you from afar punched in your closet or strapped beneath your car I treasured all the stories that three of us share wherever you are I'll always be there you were alone I was there too behind the shower girl that you never knew I dressed in your clothes and we in your air I washed your both sleep and nozzled your hair it helps that your bedroom has places to hide and the windows don't lock so I can get inside I've waited so long to be a part of your life and one day one of you will call me his wife [Applause] I think we need to have a reasonable conversation with this young lady where is she we've been looking for 2 hours now oh man not you okay Mr small why are you looking at that painting like that oh thank Mother Earth you can see it too did you see that see [Music] what Sarah [Music] wait Sarah listen I know what you're going to say I'm sorry about the hair what what what hair is there something wrong with my hair [Music] no Sarah this whole thing isn't really working out yeah it's not you it's us by which we mean it's you wait don't you want to see what's inside my locker this another one of your tricks why would we want to see inside your locker because this is the part of the story where you realize maybe I do all this because I'm lonely no Sarah this is the part of the story where you realize there is no story and you leave us alone oh yeah sure dude look at this the first people who spoke to me at Elmore Jr High and this the coolest kids in school Gumball and Darwin the only people who really know me are you thinking what I'm thinking I know right I'm definitely taller than you if my eyes were that close together I'd be a cyclop no she really cares about us and we just pushed her away look at this The Amazing Adventures of Gumball dar Darwin and Sarah oh man all she ever wanted was to be included this this is today here's us at lunchtime yeah look at that hand it's like a big thumb well hands are difficult to draw here's us watching the video and here's Sarah walking off just a second ago I wonder what happens next well whatever it is I hope she goes to Art School no you say we're her only friends we have to do whatever it takes to make her happy we're only friends we have to do whatever it takes to make her happy right how do we do it it's all right here Sarah you shall not be alone it's all right guys you don't have to do this yes I do Sarah I have been touched by the beauty of your art and now I think I love you no you cannot love her for I love her more she's beautiful and yellow and runny and funny 1 2 3 4 5 we are El junor High 6 that's my girl start right next to my heart baby dude what are you doing what's the problem can the guy celebrate when his cheerlead girlfriend lands an amazing flip on a beautiful sunny day okay I don't know what kind of reality you're living in first of all this isn't a sunny day secondly that move went wrong and you cheer are you okay I face planted so hard I've got grass on my tonsils well someone found it entertaining and finally she's not your girlfriend what well then how come she blew me this kiss that's ketchup you just smeared it all over yourself what the what's going on what's going on is you've dragged me here to eat my lunch in the rain so you can a penny like you do every day even though you guys aren't even boyfriend and girlfriend oh yeah well you look like a swollen traffic cone I'm sorry dude I didn't to offend you not saying it won't happen but right now you've got some competition come on now let's get you back inside who lesli no they're just friends oh Leslie what would I do without you that's how I starts soon he'll be your boyfriend and you'll be history no it's not like that he's a nice guy no he's not and I'm going to put an end to this right now wow [Music] [Music] Stitch you see there's nothing going on they're just eating lunch and chatting what do you think they're saying so how they like my stupid pink petals and my fat yellow face oh I'm so pleased you like it I use it to steal girls from people who are you talking about compost jeal list of Leslie but Leslie why because he's trying to steal my girl you know you should seriously consider becoming a carnivore why because before it ends up on your plate this is what they do to vegetables uh huh yeah I'm not sure balone is such a good option though at least I'm not eating my own kind is that as a peanut you are part of the vegetable family and you know some of these parents are grown in such aall condition All rights they're washed in cold water Cur this people body you should work out more gumbo what is wrong with you what's wrong with you hanging out with this loser instead of me come on Leslie let's get out of here Benny I'm so sorry no I'm not shut up you're pathetic you're pathetic you insecure weirdo [Music] oh looks like I'm going to have to take care of this myself wow I know I've never seen him like this before and the case is solved commissioner Brown arrest this man what are you talking about the gates of the ston and trophy which I have just found in his conveniently open blocker Principal Brown I think it's pretty obvious what's happened here he did it um see you later huh what what's going on uh what's going on is that we're about to open your locker and find a crowbar uh okay dude I wouldn't do that if I were you why what have you made me do [Music] now she can stay but thank you you're such a kind and friendly family you know I've never had friends before I don't even know what friends do don't worry we'll show you now a very important part of friendship is sharing imagine you both have ice creams oh but what's this Darwin has dropped his ice cream I said Darwin has dropped his ice cream you got it on my shoes and do you want to share mine very good ice cream D oh thanks but Gumball you don't have an ice cream want to share mine [Music] sure oh dude this is so gross why don't you pretend you have your own ice cream why didn't I think of that friends also high five like this high five okay now it's no I meant slap my let's move on to the next lesson how about we all play a game like friends do here's one we made up it's called DOD dare roll the dice take a card what' you get p a gooey hair ball in Miss simeon's lunge let me take that pick another When Miss simeon's back is turned actually let me pick one for you come Simon slug juice drop water balloons on Simon forget the cards here's a dare make the most annoying noise possible okay that was good but we know that you can do better like when you're mad at us Oh you mean this little thing G that was awesome high five that still needs a little work I've got my eye on you [Music] Simeon do it [Music] again I'm so pleased to f finally have such great friends we love you Miss Simeon sorry kids miss Simeon can I have a word with you in private please yes Nicole how can I help you listen Simeon you might have the rest of them fool but I don't trust you for a second I remember you from school I remember the horrible name you used to call me every day do you remember that yes I do and I'm sorry what I was that horrid person for so long and look where it got me no friends no family just bitterness and wrinkles but even an old ape can change will you give me that chance oh I don't know it's all happening so fast please okay I'll I'll give it another shot what do we do now best friends uh let's see I know best friends write letters to each other about how great they are wow what a friendly idea what shall we write um how about we the afford of unanimously agree that miss is worthy of this year's favorite teacher award favorite teacher award okay done it it's mine look how happy she is that's the power of friendship final level one life left it is time for the combo breaker 3 2 1 go go go go go go go go combo breaker should probably get that leave it dude Focus if we lose here we'll have to start the whole game again and I can't go through that but what if it's important this is important chill out it'll just take a second Darwin no don't do it man Darwin please don't do this to me just a little second I'm giv a [Music] [Music] how do you spell LOL j e r [Music] k omg omg U F2 H LP dude Tex Ling is for phones we use real words when we talk with our mouths it's the phone I was texting in the library and Mr small confiscated it you have to get it back I'm sorry Darwin but maybe it's for the best om OMG om dude what do you want me to do I'm a coward I'm not going to break school rules all right call in Clos bracket what's that [Music] over there a bit you know where your phone is you text maniac just chill out for a second come out look out will you be quiet [Music] come oh man what am I going to do [Music] [Music] thanks I've meditated too long I've become one with the universe [Music] Darwin we need to talk yeah you know I love you man uh-huh but I think you have a problem with that phone yeah so I've arranged for your butt to be surgically grafted onto your face yeah yeah sure great you're not even listening why don't you text me give me that give me it give me it look what this thing is done to you your right bin is worn down to stump from all that texting the left side of your head is burning from all that radi a and worst of all your tail is falling off what seriously no I just added that for a dramatic effect but you get the point this has to stop I'm sorry but Darwin isn't available right now or ever again please get alive stop texting and never call again after the babe babe you're right oo and I are phone addicts please don't tell me that was oo I just spoke to what do you think was calling me all the time remind me again exactly why at school on a Saturday are you kidding me it's Club day it's the only day of the week when I get to hang out with people I really like what got to go okay see you all back here at 5: but wait I don't have a club to go too well mom looks like it's your lucky day I'm coming with you to your anger management club oh that's sweet gumball but behind this door I'm a very different person trust me you don't want to see this hello Nicole Welcome Back could you guys keep it down a little you keep it down hey annaise what club are you in physics Club well today's your lucky day because I'm let me stop you right there you know there are different types of intelligence yeah I don't think you have any of them I don't get it exactly oh come on oh let me in don't be a club hog fine dad can I join your fantasy club ooh be there it's me gumball be you work no be you dwarf no I'm your son be you better or sa a snacks for the elders what no then be gone what's up man there's got to be a club for me somewhere you could always join my club what is it synchronized [Music] swimming H you're good but I can do better here comes the Swan Dive of Eternal [Music] Beauty so how graceful was that dude you can't swim Fair Point uh has anyone seen my trunks yeah yeah touchdown run slam yeah uh Hey guys is this the football club yeah well uh did I miss the game no it's going on right up there why aren't you playing cuz we're the reserve team cool so can I join I don't know are you man enough me I'm at least 50% man well in that case here's your towel thanks so do you guys ever get to play nah we just hang out here act kind of sporty you guys just take showers hang around in towels and high five each other there's a little bit more to it than [Music] that ow okay okay okay [Music] okay hey Hector is the game over yeah we lost uhoh what a [Music] a oh why doesn't anyone want me in their Club it can't have anything to do with me my talent my intelligence or my general awesomeness you know what too bad for you jealous people cuz I'm starting my own club and you are not invited okay I'd like to welcome everyone to Gumball's Club of Gumball first order of business attendance hm pretty good now it seems like recently we've been let down by certain family members so I propose a little exercise in trust okay don't worry Gumball Just Close Your Eyes let yourself fall back and someone will catch you I'm a bit scared Gumball well that's why it's called a trust exercise come on dude okay who did did this those kids I'm going to get them for this come out stop calling the sheriff oh no they know we wrecked the car what do you mean you wrecked the car Dad hi Daisy dais the donkey mom why are the Robinson talking to the sheriff on lawn I don't know sweetie I think we'll just go around the back I tell you Sheriff it was those kids next door as sure as I can what we just touched it with the sponge and it fell apart so we decided to hide here forever such a sad story but it's not true you see it was 9:00 this morning and come on electr fat make me beautiful [Music] oh Mr Robinson's new car oh okay it's just a dink of bang it out this may take a while there finished you see it was my fault not yours what should we do now well I think the most responsible thing to do is to hide here forever and never let your mother find out what happened I already know honey but it's not quite what you think it was 9:00 this morning wait can I do this put the tape on Mom yes honey where is it here they parked right in front of our lawn I just didn't see it I was about to tell Mr Robinson but horrible mother so we went to see the show and it was great so there it was mostly my fault I'm so relieved it was a family effort start it I know they're up there get in there and arrest those vandals I not without a warrant sir I pay my taxes and that pays your salary Ergo I'm your boss now get in there and do your job please sir calm down all right I suppose I shall have to take m matters into my own hands huh well here come the Robinson poor Mr Robinson we wrecked this beautiful new car and nobody has the courtesy to apologize we should be ashamed of ourselves so let's get out there and apologize as a family okay this is what happens when you mess with Gaylord this is what what happens this is what happens this is what happens they look kind of angry Gumball please stop please please ma'am drop the duster please no ma'am no [Music] no no sir no please maybe we should give them time to calm down now uh do you want to press charges no I'm sure they learned their lesson it's too bad you have to live next to such monsters don't worry Mr Robinson we'll look after your house while you're gone such a great guy well there's one important thing we learned today huh that electro fat machine was worth every penny Darwin where do you think you're going going uh buy some stuff at the shop what are you doing he's your [Music] son I'm sorry little guy from now on I'll always be there for you Darwin I think he's ready for his first steps wait go ahead come on don't be shy come to Daddy a he's kind of got my eyes don't you think got my to too dude it's what baby's do it's just suckling it's not suckling it's saing okay relax he's just playing he'll come off on his own okay the te are sinking in okay that's enough bad baby stop muling your father and get back in your jar this in he's got my neck I know what it is he must be [Music] hungry okay so it doesn't like fruits vegetables and cereal but it does like pigeons rats raccoons seagull and the mailman's butt what was all that noise what are you do what is that thing it's our baby what are you talking about where did you find it it came out of the microwave are you sure it didn't come out of the toilet it's disgusting they always look a bit funny when they're just born he's actually very Advanced for his age you should have seen him catch that se Eagle what you took that monster out look I was trying to be nice here but you better stop insulting our child or I don't know what I'll do it's not a child and what is it doing in my high chair don't listen to her Kenneth she's just jealous you called it Kenneth baby needs a name look like it or not you're Kenneth's Aunt now we're going to buy more pigeon traps you babysit are you crazy what do you think you're I guess you're kind of ugly cute what kind of animal are you wow those are pretty pointy teeth what the Kenneth we're home what a mess where's a nice yeah I knew she'd bail comeall has Kenneth grown growing into a troublemaker this place is a mess no Kenneth parel for the [Music] water hi did Kenne just eat the mailman no no no that's not possible not my Kenneth well where is he then what do I know mailing I'm more worried about Kenneth does it look to you like he's gaining weight I'm more worried about his attitude this boy needs discipline I think we need parental advice so um we're doing this school project uhhuh and uh we've got to look after this SU gross dog thing I'm with you and we need your help disciplining it okay it's pretty simple kind of like children actually the first thing you have to do is let it know you're the pack leader so you look them in the eyes and tell them firmly you're the boss now you've been a naughty [Music] doggy dad he's got your finger well that's to be expected son the best thing to do is to remain calm and reassert your Authority yeah but it's seems to be eating your arm it's just testing its boundaries the worst you can do is give it attention for negative behavior I have always found that a positive reinforcement approach the dad get e Dad I'm probably an East too we've got to save them we'll save them later can we be of assistance in helping you to your vehicle so what does your car look like it's made of metal right I thought it would be okay what else it has a steering wheel okay it's quite long good good that's useful could you be more precise it smells like damp laundry and despair confusing oh it's got a lady on the side selling shampoo and it's usually parked right there it's the bus isn't it sure is and I suck at you into giving me a lift all right enough with the parking lot let's just find a space any space [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] on and when finished there'll be more than [Music] honey come home from the surgery quick I got a call from [Music] mysterious hot and buttered please [Music] y oh no look not this time [Applause] [Music] mom slow down you're going to miss the spot hold on to your [Music] heads my friends we have achieved total parking in your face [Applause] in your face good job [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody wait for us wait for us Rocky hold up wait for me uh rocky [Music] rocky well it seems like it's not my day but that's okay because it's nothing a good song won't fix when life hands you lemons you got to make some lemonade [Music] Darwin stop it already it's getting embarrassing come on how's it going a it's great except for the fact that this is turning out to be the worst day of my life it's like I'm cursed or something watch a sudden this school has aess code these Rags are obscene get to Lost unfound they'll provide you with something more suitable but principal oh there you go much better you've got to be kidding me I'm sorry dude but this isn't a department store you know oh Rocky there's got to be something else you're in [Music] luck oh well you know what I said last week my mom people think I'm a fruit but I'm also classified as a Herve what where did you get your clothes lost and found well actually yes I did oh uh hey where did you get your clothes the circus dude we kind of just went over this already lost and found oh hey where did you get your clothes the swim shop and the hat shop where did you get your brain from the dollar store 7 hours detention for hurting my feelings what but I'll see you after school fine oh [Music] Papercut uh Gumball are you okay everything's great Darwin everything's just peachy oh okay Darwin don't take everything I say so literally okay what about what you just said now should I take that literally no yes no I don't know talk to me I think I'm cursed H then what you need is a good luck charm guys there are no such things as Lucky Charms curses or tickets falling from the sky there must be a scientific explanation for what's happening to Gumball like there is for everything oh yeah how does your science explain the magic of rainbows then huh defraction of light through moisture in the atmosphere it's a sad world you live in come on Gumball Darwin how will I know if it's a fourleaf clover simple they've got four leaves and they're extremely rare rare they're one in a million rarer than the rarest found one tap of the morning to you ooh I can already feel my luck changing [Music] hey look a lucky V
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 465,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrbeast gumball machine, gumball factory tycoon, gumball machine, baby anais, gumball, the amazing world of gumball, gumball and darwin, the amazing world of elmore, darwin singing, sing with darwin, amazing world of gumball, cartoon network, gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball full episodes, gumball cartoon network, gumball the night, gumball copycats, gumball movie, amazing world of gumball clown is everywhere, the amazing world of gumball movie, Gumball reboot
Id: Rc0Dgu7qkI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 54sec (11814 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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