The Devil's Story of Eden - Paradise Lost Explained

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hello everybody today we're going to be telling the story of when angels fell from heaven god created humanity and the garden of eden itself all told from satan's perspective in paradise lost paradise lost was written by john milton in 1666 milton was a protestant leader who wrote paradise lost while he was in hiding from king charles ii the work follows the structure of epic poems from old such as the works of homer or dante however paradise lost is set apart from those other examples for two main reasons for one it was one of the first and to this day one of the most prominent poems to ever be written in english and two as you could probably tell at this point it's very christian while works similar to this may have christian elements or at least incorporate ideas from other religions such as the divine comedy paradise lost is distinctly told through characters from biblical history and while i've covered work similar to this and absolutely loved the divine comedy paradise lost really got to me as you'll probably see the way milton was able to explain these monumental moments in time as well as these what-if conversations that he proposes that are both heartbreaking and beautiful two things i want to emphasize before we get into it for one while milton was a religious leader and took the stuff he said very seriously this is a work of historic fiction so while he gives a lot of different entities characterization that doesn't necessarily mean that's accurate to what the bible says about them like if you're familiar with this story you probably know that it has the reputation of being the first story to humanize the devil and while i consider a lot of this to be eye-opening and thought-provoking i wouldn't you know take it to the pulpit and the other thing i want to emphasize is that i am a christian and throughout this story i am going to be mentioning the names of several angels and demons alike and i understand that that holds a lot of weight and deserves a lot of reverence so whenever i make jokes throughout this video which i will undoubtedly do i am not doing it to be disrespectful or careless it's just because if i don't kill the mood then nobody will with all of that out of the way this story is wild between some of the propositions it has for why things have happened to humanity to different scenarios that could have taken place to just some of the imagery i'm going to read to you from the story itself i'm excited and you know what else i'm excited about the incredible support that you all have shown on the kickstarter for those that don't know i am making a movie with the director and writer of the scp dollhouse and scp overlord films and that movie is shadow of the zone at the time of recording you all have got us over 80 percent of the way there i am blessed beyond measure you guys have been phenomenal to see the support on a project that i have so much heart for and to see you all back indirectly i can't tell you what that means to me thank you for everything we're almost there and if you're interested in seeing what we're all about or getting in on some of these cool rewards that you can get for backing the project i will leave a link to my video explaining it as well as the kickstarter itself in the description below but really you guys have been phenomenal thank you so much for the support that we've been getting and thank you for the support that you all are continuing to give and speaking of do you know what else is a kind of support that's right the support and entertainment that you can get thanks to today's sponsor skillshare if you like watching random guys in weird shirts tell you about obscure topics then while you're doing it why not learn something that's actually useful skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes spread across more than 150 countries it's a fantastic place where you can get inspired learn new skills and then put those skills to use for example if you're a 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assume that you at least know the broad strokes of the christian creation story humanity was created in the garden of eden they sinned and then left the garden on the side of heaven you have the story of lucifer rebelling against god and being cast down to hell and then stories of the son of man or jesus being the one who will eventually come to save humanity from their sins well in john milton's story all of these events happened within like a week of each other and as is typical of several of these epic poems it begins right in the middle of the action so the story is just going to throw us into the deep end and we'll get context as we go on so if in the beginning you feel confused and need more clarity that's the point the story opens with milton calling on a muse to help him tell the story of creation muses are something that are commonly seen again in a lot of ancient poetry who would help the writer properly portray whatever they were trying to explain but in this story because again milton is sticking to more christian values the muse he calls upon is the holy spirit to help him write what he's about to write so throughout this story as a muse is mentioned it can be seen as a form of prayer with that our narrative begins immediately after the war in heaven it opens with the image of satan and a third of the angels that chose to follow him in the war against god falling from heaven down into the pits of hell it says they fell for nine days and then after landing in the lake of fire in hell they all lay there in silence for another nine days they lay there in agony for several of them this is the first time that they've ever experienced pain the realm that they've fallen into is dark and only illuminated by the fire they're consumed in all of them are still adorned in armor and holding weapons and banners from their battle until after nine days satan decides to speak to his second in command that second in command is a fallen angel named beelzebub beelzebub which translates to the lord of the flies is a name that is often associated with satan directly several historical records point to the idea that at one time there was a pagan deity known as beelzebub outside of you know the devil and some even say that beelzebub was synonymous with the canaanite god known as baal either way this entity next to satan would eventually go on to be a false god throughout the bible who convinced people to kill their babies and all that fun stuff so satan begins to whisper to be ells above and essentially declare his hatred for god in heaven he says that all that this defeat has done is made him more furious and steadfast in his resolve again we don't know exactly what happened yet but we'll get there satan continues to talk about how powerful he is and how he can wage war against god forever he continues to say referring to god that glory never shall his wrath or might extort for me another interesting detail throughout this monologue and the rest of the story is satan and the other demons never referred to god as god they always referred to him as him or the one above heaven or so forth satan then says that he will never end his war against the quote tyranny of heaven and be elizabeth suggests satan should maybe slow his role just up just a little bit but satan undeterred says that here now in hell he will continue his fight and that he will make a quote heaven of hell or a hell of heaven clawing his way up on shore satan says that he will continue to ever do evil against god and then says to beelzebub what is essentially his motto of the story it is better to reign in hell than serve in heaven satan and beelzebub begin to fly to a far off shore during this flight milton describes the incredible size of satan himself he says his form is closer to a ship than that of a man and his spear is closer to a tree than any human weapon throughout the story we'll see the characters transform a lot but in their more natural form they're more akin to a mountain than a person once they get to shore satan tells the army to follow him over this army that follows him to shore consists of millions of fallen angels again a third of all the armies of heaven it says the leaders of this army have had their names removed from heaven and while their holy names have been forgotten they will one day be given names by humanity among these soldiers are fallen angels who will one day be known as moloch belial asteroth dagon azazel and mammon all of these names are either associated with demons who in the old testament appeared to humanity as gods and made them do evil to famous demons who would wage war against the church and god himself as well as several names that are mentioned that are either the princes of hell or predominantly feature in a lot of biblical tradition as the heads of certain sins such as the seven deadly sins and reading this part i was over the moon like for me being a weird biblical nerd you know like the way i am i approached this story the way it had been described to me online like okay we're gonna read a sad boy satan fanfic woohoo but when i got to the part about the armies of defeated hell crawling out of the fire to shore and all of the names that are mentioned are these demonic entities that either occur in the bible or in oral history at some point i was ecstatic this was the insanity i was hoping for it says as they crawl out they all pick up their broken spears and their fallen banners of battle seeing the side of their defeat it says that satan almost feels bad for making everyone go through this keyword being almost as he won't do anything about it he just more so resents the situation with satan's army gathered on the shores of hell that's uh that's a great phrase anyway they begin to plan their next move some suggest that they should fly up right now and keep fighting others say they should take their time but at the moment satan decides that they need a sort of palace because of course he does so all of the army starts to dig and they begin to find precious metals like gold during this time mammon one of the army's leaders goes around encouraging them to find all the gold that they can mammon is a demonic figure associated with greed and in milton's characterization of him in the story he says that while mammon was an angel in heaven he was always looking down at the roads paved with gold it's interesting you always hear these names of demonic or satanic entities and just always assume they were that way but if you follow the biblical belief that is followed by most christians at one point they had to be angels so milton's characterization of them as such is pretty interesting so with their gold and metals they build a giant palace across the landscape of hell a palace known as pandemonium so while i was reading this i was like oh cool he named the palace after the word for chaos right no it turns out the word pandemonium comes from paradise lost it translates to all demons in greek so milton named this palace of the demons all demons and then from this story the word pandemonium was born this palace or temple that they built for themselves is massive it contains millions of fallen angels and i don't mention the artwork i use in these videos a whole lot like for the divine comedy i just use gustav d'or because i love his stuff and i'm doing the same here but i have to mention some of the artwork for pandemonium is some of the coolest artwork i've ever seen these miraculous structures that are highlighted by the flames of hell around them almost to point out the absurdity and uselessness of their construction it's just beautiful storytelling through imagery and speaking of imagery as soon as pandemonium's completed satan enters inside with the demons and they all set atop golden thrones so now gathered here in the pits of hell in an altar to themselves they begin to plan their next move satan leads the conversation saying that heaven is not lost and surely they have some way to fight back the first one to speak is moloch moloch is described as a brute and one of the fiercest warriors of well it used to be heaven but now it's hell molog is full war they immediately have to fight back he wants war and vengeance now it's not really explained a lot throughout the story but the concept of annihilation is mentioned and it's described as being something that god himself has to do directly to a living thing and it's kind of vaguely hinted at being a ceasing of consciousness so like a non-afterlife or renewing form of death and moloch says it would be better to face annihilation than to just sit here in hell belial another infamous demonic entity tells moloch that he should maybe slow his role a little bit because as belial says they all got beat pretty bad and it would probably be a bad idea to just try the same thing over again and then proceeds to tell everyone that they should count their losses because at least they're still you know existent mammon then proposes a third option he says that heaven is totally overrated and they probably can't go back to it now anyway so why not continue to build up hell itself and then they could make an empire that could rival heaven with this everyone seems to cheer and like the idea of building up their own glory within hell all except satan and beelzebub who have stayed silent this whole time beelzebub then speaks and says that this is a stupid idea because they're not really free at all they're just jailed and they can build golden palaces and think that they're kings as much as they want but they're essentially locked in a box so it's foolish to think this empire could mean anything for as long as they're trapped it's now that the primary plot of our story kicks off as while beelzebub is speaking he mentions that before they left heaven they heard that god was creating a new world a world called earth with a new creature called man the alzab continues and says that whatever this man creature is it won't be as powerful as the angels and they know the angel strategy won't work because again see them line and fire for nine days so instead what if they hurt god by destroying his creation and then from there they can take over the earth and make a real empire with this everyone agrees and says it's a perfect idea with that beelzebub says that they need a volunteer someone who can go to earth and for one see if they can even access it and two if they can corrupt it to open a gateway for everyone else so of course satan who we're going to find out later was planning this all along stands up and offers himself to be the volunteer to go to earth and try to corrupt man he valiantly tells his followers that if he's going to be their leader then you might as well act like it everyone cheers his departure and as he's walking out of pandemonium he tells them to continue to build because they're probably going to need a palace here as well as they all clear out of pandemonium it says that several of the demons come across these giant beasts and dragons along the floors of hell so make that what you will so satan begins to fly off to leave hell and try to find earth and eventually he comes across the exit of hell hell has nine gates three of brass three of iron and three of rock the very construction of these gates is a blasphemy of the gates of heaven when satan gets to the gate of hell there are two figures guarding it one of them is a figure whose top half resembles a beautiful woman but her lower half is like a dragon snake thing and then it says around her waist are these violent biting dogs similar to cerberus and i don't know after reading it a few times if the dogs are like walking around her or if they're physically inside her i think it's both and the other figure guarding the gate is only described as a large horrible shadowy shape it's a massive dark figure made of void that whenever it steps the ground around it trembles satan asks to pass through the gate and the shadow figure says that he needs to learn his place and suffer in hell like he's supposed to satan who at this point is very much over any tomfoolery says that he doesn't have time for it and they should just let him through the gate however during the argument that ensues both of the figures refer to satan as father this catches satan off guard and he asks him to clarify at why they're calling him dad the medusa figure says that her name is sin and that she was conceived at the moment that satan considered to rebel against god while in heaven that rebellion of satan being the universe's first sin and this figure is the embodiment of it that's why she appears the way she does much like sin at first it seems as a beautiful attractive entity but whenever you view the whole of it you realize it's just death and destruction and speaking of death and destruction sin says that while she was in heaven again after satan had created her her presence began to tempt the other angels who would then convert to satan's side this continued buildup of sin caused her to give birth to a new entity that entity being the shadow figure on the other side of the gate known as death so through satan's original pride and thoughts of overthrowing god he created sin and through sin's prevalence throughout heaven sin created death there's a lot of mockery presented between what satan does and what god does we'll see scenes in heaven later that involve god and jesus but we're already seeing the groundwork of that dynamic satan offers to be the heroic sacrifice to go to earth so that everyone can have what they want again a parallel to god in christ he now stands here with sin and death both his creations as an unholy trinity and even the setup of having this grand throne room and palace in hell everything that satan does seems to be a sort of mere image of what he knows to be power and glory however it's his motives and application that we'll see throughout the story that separate him from the sinless grace or power of god sin continues her story and says that whenever the angels fell from heaven sin and death were cast out as well and as they were cast out sin was given the keys to the gates of hell and told to never open it you're probably asking yourself why did god or the angels give sin the keys to hell and we'll talk about that later so after hearing all of that satan's like well that's weird say i got a deal what if if you let me through that gate i'll let you two come with me eventually and immediately the two forget their post to keep the gate locked because as soon as satan says they can come with him to this new earth they get excited and sin immediately opens the gate milton refers to the key and the opening of the gate as the sad instrument of all our woe the gate opens into a sea of raw chaos it said later in the story that god built the earth using raw chaos or essentially raw energy to put the world and the firmament around it together so here outside of hell itself is just like a cloud of nothingness satan leaps into the nothingness trying to fly but immediately starts to fall it seems that outside of this realm of creation he has no power but just as he's falling a great win blows him upwards and he continues to glide through empty space of chaos by random winds why does zen have the key to the gate how is satan conveniently getting to earth hypothetical questions that i may or may not answer we'll find out as he's getting blown around satan comes to a giant figure made of this dark energy that identifies himself as chaos itself satan offers him the same deal he's like hey if you tell me where earth is you can come with me and chaos is like oh it's that way and then satan just kind of blows along that path as satan leaves death and sin begin to use the chaos material around them to physically build a bridge from hell to earth eventually as satan continues along this path for an undetermined amount of time he eventually sees that he's nearing god's new world earth at this point we then cut to heaven and see god and jesus setting on their throne now it's debated a lot throughout christianity when jesus was created if he even was created because god exists outside of time so a lot of people say that jesus is eternal and has always existed apart from god but at the same time jesus said i and the father are one so they're not really separate at all and i'm not here to discuss all that all you need to know is that in milton's story jesus was created like last week but he's one with god so he has all of the omnipotent and knowledge of god himself so god and jesus are on the throne and they're watching earth specifically a creation filled with uninterrupted joy and unrivaled love and then as they're sitting there they see satan approaching i can only picture the visual of god and jesus and then just off to the side there's a little a little dude just getting closer so since god is omniscient and exists outside of time god sees everything that is going to happen ever so god looks at this and says that eventually his creation will betray him he also mentions that he could in fact stop it right now if he wanted to but the purpose of this creation was the concept of love so that they could experience love and love freely and love does not exist without the concept of free will something cannot be loved if it's just for subjugation it has to be a willing desire to follow something else and in this moment god knows that humanity is resigned to its own choosing god says that humanity will not be wholly punished they will just choose to no longer be divine creatures and therefore cannot act in divinity they will know suffering they will know corruption they will know everything that they shouldn't have to the son aka jesus asks god if all of humanity is lost and god says that some will be lost and some will chase after new sin but he also says that some will listen and since through their free will to participate in this evil will lead them to the evils that humanity will suffer it will be their free will and another kind of participation that will lead them back to god's side and god says that way will be paid through a sacrifice to which mimicking the scene depicted earlier in hell god asks who will volunteer and of course jesus volunteers i emphasize that to again show the duality satan wants to go to earth in order to conquer it and in order to defile it so it can be no better than him whereas jesus makes the same offering only unlike satan who is trying to bring humanity down to his suffering jesus is trying to bring humanity up to his grace it refers to jesus in this moment and says in whom the fullness dwells of love divine and that he himself will one day defeat satan death and sin forever something i love about paradise lost is whenever you hear the concept of the story you already know where it's gonna go like no one who has any concept of theology picked up the book and was like oh the garden of eden from satan's perspective i wonder how it turns out for that guy like we all know where the story is going just as god knows where the story's going and it's a beautiful picture that before the fall of man ever occurred god already had our way back prepared but what the story does that's particularly interesting isn't the narrative again we all know how that turns out it's it's characterization of it and the majority of that characterization falls on satan all that is truly known throughout the bible is the idea that satan saw himself as equal to god and after trying to take that place he was cast down and here we see those ideas more fleshed out as mentioned earlier better to reign in hell than serve in heaven but as the story goes on that philosophy begins to crumble under itself and we see satan continue to grasp for straws to try to maintain his power his resilience for his own cause and in the end just how far he's willing to justify his own suffering so anyway we cut back to satan who's making his way to earth and lands in this lush forest it's also at this time and milton doesn't do this a lot uh dante was way worse for it in his writings but a lot of these older riders do this thing where their character's monologue will reflect their own beliefs but not in like a natural story way like a very just out of pocket announcement of ideas and i made fun of dante a lot for it so it's only fair that milton gets some too like throughout dante's inferno dante would come across someone suffering in hell and being like oh you're burning upside down forever but you're you're from a town that's not florence wow that's that's pretty lame okay and milton's not as bad for it but there's a scene here that i was like ah there's the there's that danteism as mentioned earlier milton was a strong protestant so he was very against the catholic church and most governments so milton hated the idea of a priest or talking to someone who then talks to god for you so whenever satan gets to earth heaven is right above earth like it can physically be seen from earth and satan is just like wow sure would be stupid if i thought i needed to speak to someone to talk to all that satan just rambles he's like could you imagine needing like i don't know a monk or a priest even to talk to god when i can just yell and he'll hear me that's so stupid which i kind of have to give milton props for using the devil as his like morality megaphone and i'm exaggerating a little bit for comedic effort just a little bit because he doesn't you know say priest by name just pretty much the idea of like it'd be dumb to need a mediary but whenever i read this for the first time i like read a little bit of it and i'm like is he saying that he's pro priest because i just assumed if the devil's saying it then i'm not supposed to fall for it but then as i kept reading i'm like oh he's doing the dante thing okay also so milton had this belief that uh i don't want to say aliens but pretty much aliens the idea that perhaps different spirits or divine creatures of god exist in the stars or out in space of some sort which was like a really controversial belief at the time and milton didn't even necessarily believe in it he just thought it was kind of neat so while satan's standing there on earth he looks up at the moon and he's like i wonder if there's any people up there so satan continues walking and eventually comes to this opulent gate made of gold and diamond just on the other side of the gate he sees a staircase which is identified as jacob's ladder one of the characters of the old testament jacob had a vision of a ladder going up to heaven where he saw angels going up and down it in the story this is symbolic of the gateway that the angels take from heaven to earth satan jumps over the gate and it's described as the way a wolf would leap over a gate or perhaps a paid clergyman in a church just you know real real subtle blink and you miss some jabs like that as satan begins to climb jacob's ladder he begins to feel envious he sees this creation rolled out before him and is mad that he doesn't get to be a part of it he looks over and sees the sun which was newly created as part of this realm of earth satan flies out and steps foot on the sun and says that it feels almost nostalgic as the light of it reminds him of heaven and he reminisces that as he'll likely never be allowed to step foot in heaven again this is the closest he's gonna get as he's standing on the sun he looks down at earth and sees an angel setting on top of a hill he recognizes this angel on the hill as uriel one of heaven's guards he assumes that if god's creation of man is on earth then uriel must be guarding it so in order to approach uriel satan disguises himself as a cherub and i'm sorry this isn't one of the crazy six tween cherubs we'll see some of those later this is described as an infant cherub so it's more in line with like the renaissance art that was popular at the time so you can think that satan transformed in a little innocent baby angel so satan as a cherub approaches uriel and says that he wants to go into god's creation so that he can better understand god and give him praises and nothing devious and this works because as the story notes the angels have never known any kind of contempt or guile or deceit outside of what satan did so the concept of satan appearing as another angel would never even cross their mind so uriel just lets the cherub on through as satan begins to fly into what is now the garden of eden he is overcome with the beauty of it as he's flying he begins to become emotional and feel that he messed everything up he begins to think if his rebellion was ever even worth it while thinking of god he says with his good upbraided none nor was his service hard essentially why did i ever even need to do that in the first place if it wasn't for that action i could be like uriel and be a part of this beauty as a matter of fact satan feels so much sorrow in this moment that he feels unworthy and guilty to be in eden in the first place and perhaps most tragic of all satan assumed that the misery and despondence he was feeling was because he was in hell earlier in the story but now here surrounded by all this beauty the misery hasn't gone away he says which way i fly as hell myself is hell until his rebellion he had never known grief or sorrow or shame or anything of the like so here over eden satan asks himself should i ask for forgiveness keep in mind this story was written in the 1600s the devil was more so the concept or the embodiment of evil itself and for milton to do this very well could have got him executed but i believe understanding the condition or at least trying to understand the condition of one's enemy is far more useful than just writing them off as an exception so as he is considering does he want forgiveness he stops himself and says no that's not what i want he says as he was leading the rebellion in heaven and as he was sitting on the throne in hell he for the first time had a taste of absolute power and absolute control and after that he could never go back to heaven and continue to serve at god's side or act as a happy person whenever all he really wants is to just take power again he continues to echo that motive better to reign in hell than serve in heaven and in this moment he decides that it is worth it everything he's done is for a purpose satan had also been asking himself the question of why god just hadn't forgiven him as soon as it was over he'd seen the forgiveness of god time and time again and wondered why he himself was the exception but here in this moment once he realizes that those feelings never really went away and he's more so just overcome with the beauty around him rather than actually being sorry that as he now recognizes that he's never changed and he's never going to change god knew all along and despite his temporary doubts satan never wanted forgiveness and god always knew that so as satan's having this inner conflict and his eyes are welled up with tears and he's furious and mad uriel who's watching all of this goes man that cherub is going through it because again satan's still in the form of a cherub and all of these expressions are you know very visible and it's during that moment because a divine cherub that doesn't know grief or pain would never make half of the expressions that guy made uriel figures this must have been a trick more specifically it must be one of the fallen angels because you know there's not many contenders for evil shape-shifting cherubs so uriel who's too far from satan to catch up decides to go get help so satan then comes to this beautiful trees in the center of paradise he transforms himself into the visage of a bird and flies on top of the tallest tree in the garden the tree of life immediately next to this tree of life is the tree of knowledge as satan sits on top of the tree he sees this infinite peace around him a peace that he's overcome with realizing he'll never experience it again and as satan is up here surveying creation he sees two creatures coming by and he immediately recognizes them as being special because they're both made in the image of god these two creatures are of course adam and eve the story describes the two as being happy and naked in glory since they do not know sin and do not know concepts of shame guilt lust or anything of the sort the two of them are just fully naked all the time but of course it doesn't matter because sin isn't even a concept yet at least not to them satan walks as the two walk by a fountain next to the tree of knowledge as the two are just sitting by the fountain eating fruit there are lions laying with lambs and all of these mix of predators and prey in perfect harmony the concepts of death and misery had not entered the world yet so everything lived in mutual love as satan is listening he hears the conversation between the two they're discussing the tree of knowledge next to them whenever adam and later eve were made in the garden they were told to not eat of the tree of knowledge lest they should surely die i'll talk about at the end why the tree was there and all that but for now they're just not supposed to eat of it as they're sitting there they're talking about it and eve says what do you think dye means and adam says i don't know but it's probably bad it's probably something that we don't want to happen anyway doesn't this fruit taste amazing as the two continue to talk they talk about the glory of each other's traits and how madly in love they are it says that whenever adam looks at eve he smiles on her with a superior love eve begins to talk about her creation and i understand this is expository but it's also cool so i'll allow it for those that don't know in the creation story adam was initially created by himself but god saw that it was not right for someone to exist alone and that humanity needed a partner so adam fell asleep and god took out one of adam's ribs and from that made eve so eve says here in the story that whenever she woke up it was late at night and she was completely alone and she had no concept of what she was or you know existence itself so she began to wander and looked down in the river and saw a reflection of herself and a voice told her that that was her the voice then told her to go find adam and whenever the two met it says that they were joined in glory having completed their own creation and that when adam first saw her he fell in love with her seeing the full power of god's divinity i also like a lot of the language that's used to describe eve throughout the story like not just her beauty which adam describes as being immeasurable but there's also a respect and a reverence for her position as the mother of all creation that isn't only brought up a lot by adam but as we see in a bit even the angel's honor in this conversation adam refers to her as the divine mother full of beauty and there's a few moments in this story that get me and one of them is right here as satan is hearing all of this he's again overcome with emotion because looking on them as these pure beings that are so beautiful and full of love for each other he is full of misery that he can't love them and not that he wishes they had their power or had their position he wants to be one of the angels who protects them who has charge to be around them just the idea of being around two such pure beings of love and attraction to one another makes him envious but he snaps out of it again and tells himself that he's too far gone and if he can't experience the love of these two then no one can so he thinks about what the two were talking about that they're not allowed to eat of the tree of knowledge and he decides that's how he's gonna get him we then cut back to uriel who is going to get help because if you'll remember he realized he was tricked gabriel is setting atop eden's gate along with several other angels whenever uriel gets there when gabriel hears this him and the other angels launch a search we then go back and see adam and eve preparing to go to sleep in this place that's described as a sort of house but it's made of soft leaves and it's a beautiful thicket where the two of them retire and sleep every night adam mentions that they have work to do in the morrow such as tending to the flowers and picking fruit but it's established that they both love the work they essentially get to design and arrange and care for the garden in whatever way they wish they have dominion over the animals and the plants there and are essentially living in their own realm of creation that they never grow bored of so as the two of them go to sleep gabriel and the angels are continuing their search so as they're searching two angels are like we better go check up on adam and eve make sure they're okay and uh whenever the angels get there um so adam and eve are asleep and satan is transformed into a frog and he's sitting next to eve's ear just whispering to her in her sleep so the angels get there and it says earlier that in in this divine bed they have that no animals enter in like it's just for them um so whenever the angels like get there and i imagine they like push the leaves to the side and there's a frog in there that's talking to eve one of the angels it says they hit him with the spear and he transforms back into satan so the two angels take satan out so they don't bother adam and eve's beauty sleep and the angels ask this fallen angel who he is satan mocks them saying i was the one who led the armies against you and waged the war in heaven you two were just stupid if you don't recognize me and the two angels say that the reason they didn't recognize him is because the hate and turmoil have taken so much away from his heavenly power that he's unrecognizable from the angel they knew satan's a little taken aback by this and quickly swallows his worry before saying he wants to see gabriel gabriel immediately recognizes satan and is not happy to see him he asks satan what he's doing here among god's new creation satan initially feigns ignorance he just says oh well hell was lame it it like hurt and it was hot and i didn't want to be there anymore so i just kind of like you know was walking around and found my way here what a coincidence so gabriel calls him out on this and says oh so you're the only one who left all those millions of angels trapped in hell with this fire and you're the only one who had to leave i guess you're just pretty weak then and with that satan just snaps as soon as his prides hurt he can't take it and he rebuttles gabriel by saying how disgraceful it is to look at one who is actually willing to take up for freedom and actually willing to fight for what he believed in and essentially calls gabriel just a loser who follows orders gabriel responds by saying that satan was one of the chief looked upon angels in all of heaven and that everything was in perfect order everyone was happy it was perfect joy until he came along and because of his personal arrogance he had to ruin it not just for himself and the angels who fell with him but for all of creation that would come afterwards and he says that satan who was too weak to swallow his own pride is nothing but pathetic with this satan begins to threaten war and he becomes a giant creature more in line with his true form as soon as he does this gabriel and the angels around him also begin to grow in scale the story describes it as powering up for a battle that could destroy this new creation entirely just as they're about to fight god causes these giant scales to appear in the sky and i mean like physical scales like you put weight on one side and it goes down while the other goes up one of these scales is very far down and the other one's very far up and gabriel grabs satan essentially telling him to knock it off and shows him the scales which are indicating the difference between the power of god i.e gabriel and the power of satan and his personal pride which is literally nothing because all of his power is just a amalgamation that he kept from god which is nothing compared to gabriel's direct god power so i cannot stress this enough satan was about to destroy the entirety of creation and gabriel literally power scaled satan is about to fight and gabriel grabs him and he's like look at the charts do you see that chart i would body you in an instant so with that satan travels to the dark side of the earth before the sun rises in eden and gabriel and the angels return to their post so the next morning when adam and eve wake up eve says that she had a bad dream and i can only imagine that adam was like bad what an interesting concept in the dream eve says a voice that she thought was adam's guided her to the tree of knowledge when she got to the tree an angel appeared and took a bite out of one of the fruits and then offered the same to eve she said it was hard to explain but she felt that eating of the fruit would make her be like god so as soon as she took a bite of it in the dream her and the angelic figure flew up into the clouds before the angelic figure disappeared and she slowly drifted down to earth before waking up i didn't expect dream symbolism of the fall of man depicted in a story from the 17th century but i'm definitely here for it as she's relaying this story to adam eve begins to cry which is again probably a new emotion for them adam comforts her telling her that it's okay and that just because something happened in a dream doesn't mean it's real at the same time god in heaven who seen all of this says that adam and eve need to be made aware of the devil's tricks so god calls on one of his chief angels raphael to go to earth and warn adam and eve however god stresses that this doesn't mean you imprison them and it doesn't mean you hunt down satan and capture him this is just to inform them of the tricks that satan is going to try to pull because above all else they must maintain the freedom to do whatever they desire so raphael comes to earth in this serif like embodiment of a six-winged angel and adam and eve can see the bright light of raphael glowing before he even gets close so as they see him walking their way they begin to prepare a feast of fruits and drink and what have you whenever raphael steps into their home or essentially like the little burro alcove that they have again we see more symbolism of raphael respecting eve's position as soon as raphael one of god's chief angels walks into the borough he bows himself before eve and says hell mother of mankind whose fruitful womb shall fill the world so as they eat adam and eve begin to ask raphael questions initially they ask questions like oh can angels eat human food what's it like to fly and you know basic stuff you'd imagine a human would ask an angel eventually adam asks a question about the position of humanity and why they are specifically given dominion over the garden on earth raphael explains that there is a hierarchy of order and that everything that is a tear up maintains the traits of the tear below it you have plants and fruits that have a physical form and then you have animals that have a physical form and some level of sentience and then you have humans that have physical form sentience and soul and raphael explains this continues to rise into heaven after that you have angels who have all three of those as well as heavenly power and then past that you have god who has all of that as well as omnipotence inside outside of time and other godly abilities adam says that this makes sense and asks why anyone would want to overthrow this authority see adam is asking questions about this like why would someone not just go about the way they're supposed to because in his mind and in his heart the concept of guile or envy or pride doesn't even exist so for him it's a conundrum as to why this order would even be upset in the first place raphael explains that all higher order beings have the power of free will and that free will can lead people to commit actions of good or evil that ultimately make them happy and just because someone is fulfilled by something doesn't mean it's the right thing as an example raphael mentions the fallen angels because as we understand just because satan wanted to overthrow god doesn't mean that he should you know do that adam asked raphael if he can explain the history of why the angels fell and raphael agrees so we finally get the story of why satan rebelled and of the war in heaven raphael said that before the earth was created god in heaven gathered all the angels together for a great announcement his announcement was that there is now a new creation an extension of himself directly and that this creation was god's son or at least a son in the closest way humans could consider it again most people believe the son always existed but we're sticking to the poem furthermore god said that this son has all of the powers and is an extension of god himself and should be treated as such and that one day this sun would create a realm of paradise for new creatures to enjoy at the announcement of this all of heaven was joyous and blew trumpets and had celebrations and welcome the son of god now brought before them all but one god's chief angel by the name of lucifer lucifer was furious his entire existence he had never considered the idea of moving up or someone being put in rank above him but now that god extended himself through his son lucifer was jealous that that couldn't be him lucifer begins to contemplate what he can do to overthrow this new authority and to insert himself at the right hand of god it's during this time that sin is created as described earlier and eventually death lucifer decides that he won't be able to insert himself by god's side peacefully so he'll take it by force that night he goes to beelzebub again his second in command and tells beelzebub to round up all the angels as they're going to fly to the north end of heaven where waiting for them will be this new son of god to give them future orders so millions of angels joined behind lucifer again he was the chief if not one of the chief angels and lucifer goes to the north end of heaven with a third of the angels following him now during this time lucifer thinks that he's being sneaky or he's going to trick god but as we understand god sees all and he sees this happening in the current moment he knows exactly what's going to come of this but he allows free will to carry itself out so as soon as they get to the north end of heaven lucifer constructs a throne out of diamond and gold he asks all the angels around them have they ever considered what could happen if they tried to reign themselves he asked the angels to consider their own power and think about what could happen if all of them united they could essentially accomplish anything and above all else think of all they could create and control if they had the throne of god and again while not exactly subtle it is certainly effective the visual of lucifer telling everyone that they need to unite together because they can all share their power and be in unison with each other as he sets on a diamond throne again everything that satan is doing is to motivate his own selfish actions he's jealous that he didn't get the position at the right hand of god and because of that he's willing to say or do whatever it takes to get his revenge as long as at the end of the day he's setting on his throne as he does it most of the angels are on board with this and think it would be cool to have the power of god one angel speaks up against lucifer an angel by the name of abdiel abdiel essentially says what are you on about because he makes the valid argument that the reason any of us have any power right now is a direct line from god so if you go severing that line you probably won't get far furthermore he points out the fact that concepts of pain and misery and you know dying are literally just concepts they don't exist yet so abdiel sensing that there's some underlying motive for lucifer's sudden change of heart and want of revolution asked lucifer why he would go against a perfect being that created him lucifer cannot answer this question so he diverts he asked abdall oh so do you remember being created and according to the story god just snapped and the angels were created so there was no creation process or first consciousness they simply just were so lucifer says i don't remember being created do you remember when you were created what about you and no one can remember when they were created so lucifer says what if we're all self-made what if we all have our own power and what if that guy over there on the throne is no different from the rest of us but just because he has that big seat we all think he should be in charge again satan is saying this while sitting in a big seat thinking he should be in charge lucifer says that this incredible power each of them have is within them and their own creation so why not use that power to take the throne with this all the angels begin to cheer and ridicule abdiel as abdial gets up and flies to god's throne something that's interesting about this story is with the characterization of satan his spoken motive is constantly changing his true motive has always been the same in the beginning he was jealous of jesus and wanted to fight god and in the garden he still wants to fight god but he continues to change his spoken motive into whatever can best manipulate the people around him at first it's hey why don't we all join together with our angelic power and take a position that's rightfully ours and ignore this whole golden seat it's just for show and then right after that his spoken motive changes into well actually god's not special and we're all just like god and that guy's a poser so we should get rid of him and then in the beginning of the story when we saw the angels in hell satan says oh well we're just not you know gonna let this go unanswered we have to get our revenge and furthermore hey so maybe i was wrong about the whole god not being powerful thing because as beelzebub said at the beginning god got hands so let's attack god where it really hurts which is this new realm of creation and now in the story's current position in the garden he's just like well i guess i'll ruin this whole man thing he's got going on this shell of righteousness that covers up his bitterness and hate is slowly chipping away as the story goes on because throughout the story he has always been a creature that is simply jealous and hateful of god and wants to ruin whatever system or gift that god has created at first it was jesus and now at the current place in the story it's mankind this is also reflected in satan's transformations throughout the story whenever he's first described he's as tall as a mountain in this natural form but then he transforms and shrinks down so he can fit into pandemonium but then after that he transforms into a small little cherub much less powerful than the form he was just at and then he becomes a bird and then he becomes a frog and then finally he'll become a serpent the iconography of these transformations continues to scale down until he's boiled down to what he really is a deceitful creature that crawls about on its belly the visage of his verbal stance erodes in hand with the visage of his physical stance another interesting detail about this scene in heaven when abdal flies off is that satan is using the same manipulation tactics for those that know where the story of eden ends up for one it's not the best but in the bible it says that the way the serpent tricks eve into eating the fruit is by saying that the tree of knowledge is simply that a resource of knowledge and if eve eats of it she'll be like god for one that's the same prideful temptation that led satan to commit his own atrocity but two it's a gap in eve's understanding as she doesn't know what this knowledge may be and that's where satan finds his in through the mystery in order to get her to sin much like here whenever he asks the angels do you remember being created he uses that to fill in the gaps and pose themselves as equal creatures to god through ignorance satan can manipulate his subject's understanding furthermore the idea that satan tricks people or gets them to sin by convincing them that they are more powerful than they really are or convincing them that the only thing they need to succeed is their self is something that is seen throughout the entirety of the bible so it's interesting to imagine that his first manipulation was in the same manner of causing people to look inward rather than outward so that was a lot of weird analysis i know but i can't help myself abdal flies to god's throne and when he gets there he sees that god is already preparing because you know god can see all he doesn't need abdel to come tell him that but it's cool that he still did god praises abdal from resisting the temptation and flying back to his side and in the meantime the chief leader of the army of angels michael along with his second in command gabriel are gathering their armies to fight the armies of lucifer as lucifer is beginning to march his way to the throne of god michael and his armies fly north to meet them whenever the two sides meet in the middle of this grand field lucifer comes to the front of his line in a giant golden chariot again definitely just for show we're all equal guys don't worry abdael who sees lucifer in this chariot becomes furious abdal steps to the front of the army and accuses lucifer of just being a blatant copycat he says look at you here on a golden chariot with an army made up of heaven's angels you don't know how to create or make anything for yourself you can only mimic what came before you lucifer begins to rebuttal something to the effect of well maybe i can make it better and abdiel throws the first strike of the battle with holy power and blows lucifer like a hundred feet back with that the fight begins and it's not really mentioned that they're using stuff like swords instead they're just using their heavenly abilities the story describes it as being all elements that could ever be imagined being hurled back and forth at each other with earthquakes and thunder as they fight the angels continue to assume their true form as these massive mountains of creatures that are attacking each other with raw energy now nothing can die as mentioned earlier angels can only die through god's annihilation so instead the battle is described as tiring each other out to the point to where one is pinned and can't moved or worn out and can't move essentially just a fight to subdue each other there's also the mention that during the fight god who's watching all of this lessens their power so that the fight doesn't destroy heaven and it points out the futility and absurdity of satan's argument he's like oh well we can go fight god and as god's watching satan fight the others he turns down the scale on everyone's power so that they don't destroy anything quite yet eventually during the fight lucifer and michael meet each other lucifer throws insults calling michael a lap dog michael calls lucifer a traitor and the two begin to fight when these two assume their true form and do battle it's described as two planets colliding and a fight quote fit to decide the empires of heaven during this battle michael pulls out a sword that was made by god directly so michael draws his sword and strikes it lucifer cutting his right side completely as soon as this happened lucifer exclaims in agony as this is the first time pain has ever been felt from there michael continues to just start shredding angels moloch is mentioned as having been completely cut in half but again these angels can't die so they just lay there in their disrepair and pain essentially hoping that they were taught a lesson the angels bring their fallen leaders back to a cave in the north side of heaven and while there everyone begins to heal because you know they heal pretty quickly while discussing what to do lucifer says that they should keep fighting but they should change their game plan a bit nizrok one of the leaders says that perhaps they can build better weapons so lucifer and the army begins to dig underground and they come across these chaos materials using these materials they build a form of gunpowder now this seems like a weird note why would you know angels have gunpowder but this actually comes from a mention in a non-canonical book of the bible known as the book of enoch where it says that the fallen angels who came to earth taught man things like witchcraft sorcery and weapon making among that weapon making were things like black powder so again while that belief is not followed in like 99 of christianity in this whole what if scenario milton's saying that if that were true perhaps they learned it in heaven so using this gunpowder they construct what i can only describe as cannons it says they were these long stone shapes that whenever the materials were lit caused a great war and something to be thrown so you know cannons so the next day lucifer and his armies continue to march back towards heaven with these cannons up front the responding military of heaven sees these cannons and are like huh that's weird before you know they start getting shot at and it seems the plan worked because these cannons hurt a lot lucifer and belial begin to mock all the angels they hit and while they're mocking them michael and a few of the more powerful angels take on their true form and literally throw mountains at the cannons burying them completely so as the battle continues the son of god who's been watching all of this decides that enough is enough the son of god comes out in a sort of chariot and rides into the field as soon as michael sees that the son of god is coming he immediately orders all of his men off the battlefield as the son of god rides off against lucifer alone it then says that any of lucifer's angels who tries to approach the sun are immediately pushed back with a hand wave and a thousand bolts of thunder the sun completely unphased continues to push forward and pushes lucifer and the millions of angels up against the border of heaven lucifer seeing the son of god get closer to him with all of his power rather than facing him willingly jumps out of heaven and then all of the angels jump with him eventually falling into the pits of hell what an interesting change in the story the idea that satan was not cast out of heaven but in fear jumped either way this action led to the fall of the angels and the destruction of earth as we know it but there's something about him fleeing from the being that he was once jealous of and thought he could stand up against that i just really like and from there they fall for nine days and wind up in hell and we know where the story goes from there raphael then concludes this tale because remember he's been telling it to adam the whole time that this very same satan is here in the garden now and that him and eve need to be ready adam continues to ask questions regarding creation specifically the creation of humanity and whenever adam asks the question he says as long as that's okay i don't want to ask any knowledge i'm not supposed to know and raphael says of course it's totally fine to ask and then clarifies the reason that you're not supposed to eat of the tree of knowledge is because it is knowledge that you do not want to know of it's suffering and hate again humanity has never known these things up until that point so the knowledge of them would be bad raphael clarifies that wanting to know about your creation is totally fine an entire section of paradise lost is dedicated to raphael's response and i won't go through it here because it's not pertinent to the story but essentially raphael gives adam the whole rundown of the seven days of creation he talks about how god created the world out of the chaos that encircled the abyss he said that god looked on creation and it was all beautiful but it had no name or purpose so god created man man named the animals he then saw that man shouldn't be alone so he created woman blah blah after that raphael asks us if there's any more questions and of course because it's adam adams says he wants to know of the stars and how stars work at this point eve says something really sweet she says that she hasn't done any of her work in the garden that day because she's been too busy listening to raphael's story so at adam's question about the stars she tells adam that he can tell her the story later because she values the words of her love even above that of angels aww that'll come back to be not a good thing in a little bit but i'm savoring it for now so that convo goes on for a bit raphael says if he told adam everything it would melt his brain blah blah blah and then adam describes his first moments of consciousness to raphael these are the broad strokes that we already know adam woke up under the sunlight and he began to name the animals but then he felt lonely but what's interesting about this section is how he describes eve it says that whenever adam came to from his deep sleep after god used his rib to make eve that when he saw her she was quote adorned with what all earth or heaven could bestow to make her amiable grace was in all her steps heaven in her eye in every gesture dignity and love and the moment he saw her he felt for the first time holy complete while speaking of eve he says that she is bone of my bone flesh of my flesh spirit of my spirit and while talking about eve adam says that he is so madly fascinated and in love with her that it almost worries him he says that if she were to ever lead him astray or if this free will or desire were to cause her to go wrong then adam couldn't help himself because all that he knows of will and desire is in her raphael says maybe don't do that while they're made to love each other and it's definitely seen as a good thing that love isn't a justification to do wrong again foreshadowing there's also several moments of intimacy between adam and eve throughout the story and adam begins to just start describing it to raphael and then ask so do angels do anything like that and raphael is described as visibly blushing and raphael says that angels express love but they're more divine beings and don't need to be physical to do it and then at that awkward question raphael's like well look at the time i gotta go before raphael leaves he tells adam to remember that while free will is good and love is good it should not justify evil god and divinity is your compass so a free will and love follow you closer to that compass then that's great but if it leads you astray steer clear of it with that raphael leaves and adam goes to find eve paradise lost is separated into 12 books at least in milton's second edition which is what i used and at the beginning of book 9 there's this long section where milton essentially apologizes to the reader saying that while he wishes he could stay in paradise forever much like humanity he must now tell of the fall we then cut back to satan who if you'll remember was ran out of the garden the last time we saw him it says he's been hiding on the dark side of the earth for seven days and on the eighth day decides to try his luck in paradise again it says he slips by the angels and slips his way into paradise by disguising himself as a mist again god is privy to all of this but humanity is responsible for their own actions as satan is responsible for his satan has a moment here as he's thinking about the final peaceful moments in eden and he looks around at this grand openness and how adam and eve have dominion over the earth and he realizes that eden is what he always wanted he wants power he wants authority over others and even though he was the highest angel in god's rank that still wasn't good enough so he looks at adam and eve in the dominion that they have over the planet and says that if i can't have it then they can't either he considers what animal to become and eventually decides on the form of a serpent he believes that he can use the subtlety and beauty of the serpent in order to get what he wants he's now fully invested in the idea of destroying what god made and making it a part of hell's conquest so the archangel has now taken on the form of a serpent and at the same time of this bitter nature that rises up in him the figure who once commanded legions saying that they need to defeat god because it's what true justice is is now saying that he'll simply destroy paradise because he's not allowed to have it it's a degeneracy of character just as his form degenerated from an archangel to that of a snake so the next day adam and eve are about to go out to the garden and adam suggests that they should stay with each other because of the whole you know raphael satan story but eve disagrees with this saying that they should split up so they can get more work done eve says well we can't be hurt or die so what can the satan guide do to us furthermore she says it would be honorable if adam or eve were to defeat satan or resist him by themself she then mentions that besides he'll probably go for adam anyway they kind of get into a bit of a fight over this and eventually adam relents see they hear these stories of this terrible entity who fought wars against heaven and expect him to come with a label of what he is and with hate and war what they are not expecting is an agent of deception and desire so as they go off apart from each other eve is walking as satan sees her as he approaches her disguised as a serpent he positions his body upright as the serpent approaches her he begins to speak and praise the glory of the queen of humanity eve is taken aback by this and says that to her knowledge her and adam were the only two who could talk and with that the flattery now moves into trickery the serpent says that he was just a normal snake crawling around on the ground until he came across a beautiful smelling fruit when he ate of the fruit he was immediately given knowledge of the universe he says now with this newfound knowledge he was immediately drawn to eve as her form is so perfect and her beauty so divine that he is compelled to worship her eve relents a little bit and says that she's not worthy of that much worship but where's this fruit you're talking about satan is wearing at her with the same pride that once tempted him and still continues to so the serpent begins to lead eve to this special fruit and sure enough as you probably imagined the fruit is of the tree of knowledge the tree that if they are to eat of it they should surely die whenever they get their eve size and says oh this is the tree that i'm not supposed to eat of the serpent puzzled asks why are you not supposed to eat of this and eve says well god told adam and i that if we ever eat of it we should surely die the serpent laughs and says oh queen of the universe you won't die i mean i'm just a snake right and i ate it and i'm okay as a matter of fact i'm better than okay i have knowledge i can speak i can think of divinity so if i'm just a snake and i got all of those powers what will happen to you he begins to tempt her saying that you could be as powerful as god and as a matter of fact i bet that's why god doesn't want you to have it god just doesn't want you to have the powers that he does and even if you don't get those powers she'll definitely become something special as a matter of fact i bet it's a test i bet this is a test to see if you can stand up against the will of a god to deserve a spot by his side and besides even forgetting all of that is god really going to end his creation for just eating one measly fruit what kind of god would that be and while it's easy for us to look at this and think that eve's being dumb you have to realize this is a person who has never encountered any form of deception or guile she is innocence in its purest form and all it takes is a little suggestion for the will to turn away from what is right and what is just into selfish desire so then desiring knowledge and desiring to be like god we know where this story goes and eve eats the fruit the story says that the second she bites the fruit quote earth felt the wound and nature from her seat signed through all her works gave sign of woe the good will and cooperation of all of earth was broken by the jealous and hateful nature of a fallen serpent so seeing that his work is done the serpent slithers away as eve continues to eat the fruit after a minute she sets there and thinks about the concept of death and how she's now willingly invited it in she then thinks of adam and what will happen to him if adam eats of the fruit will he ascend to the same godhood that eve is trying to achieve and if she's to die from this does that mean adam will continue to live forever will god make him another eve and she says if i die from this knowledge i couldn't stand for him to have another eve we will share all even death with that eve bows to the tree of knowledge and then runs to find adam and then my favorite scene from the entire story takes place the story cuts to adam who is making a flower reef for eve to wear as he thinks of her as a queen so he's making her a crown and as he's making this crown he looks up and sees eve standing there holding the fruit of knowledge outstretched to him as she's holding the fruit eve says that she can feel her mind growing and she's becoming as god and she tells her love to eat of it so that they can be gods together then the story goes thus eve with countenance blight her story told but in her cheek distemper flushing glowed on the other side adam soon as he heard the fatal trespass done by eve amazed astonished stood and blank while horde chill ran through his veins and all his joints relaxed from his slack hand the garland wreath for eve down dropped and all the faded roses shed speechless he stood and pell told us at length first to himself he inward silence broke so adam's standing there and eve approaches him and he sees in an instant what has happened he doesn't even hear what she says about i'm becoming a god or we can become scots he just sees her holding the fruit and knows what she did it says in that moment he just let go and the fa the the wording of the faded roses fell from the wreath he drops the crown he made from her and for the first time in all of paradise the roses are faded the color is beginning to die out from them because death has already began to enter the world and that picture of the last act of unadulterated love being dropped as a fading rose man and then to her adam says this o fairest of creation last and best of all god's works creature in whom excelled whatever can to sight or thought be formed holy divine good amiable or sweet how art thou lost how on a sudden lost defaced deflowered and now to death to vote brother how hast thou yielded to transgress the strict forbiddence how to violate the sacred fruit forbidden some cursed fraud of enemy hath beguiled thee yet unknown and me with thee hath ruined for with thee sergeant my resolution is to die how can i live without thee how forgo thy sweet converse and love so dearly join to live again in these wild woods for lorne should god create another eve and i another rib of ford yet loss of thee would never for my heart no no i feel the link of nature draw me flesh of flesh bone of my bone thou art and from thy state mine never shall be parted bliss or woe it's such a i mean it is the tragedy right this is the tragedy of humanity everything that comes afterwards comes from this and a lot of people are quick on this story not just like paradise lost but the biblical account to snap at eve to be like wow what a foolish person to just fall for it like that right but that's not where the tragedy in lies it's not the idea of wow if only eve would have thought a little harder it's the fact that these were two people who loved each other and experience perfection in a way that we never will this side of eternity just unfiltered bliss and something came in between them and after that happened it it's this slow erosion of perfection and that's what the tragedy is that's what's heartbreaking about it see in a perfect world the sacrifice would never need to take place and adam and eve could just love each other wholly completely unfiltered but now that the sin of man has crept in it's perverted that perfection it's good that adam loves eve as much as he does and it says that god saw that it was good that they complete each other so much but now despite eve turning from what's correct adam still has that full love and he's still fully dedicated to it see if this were any other story this would be seen as admirable this would be a beautiful part where a character sacrifices himself for the love of his life but here it's so agonizing because the consequences cannot be worth it but to adam in that moment that's all he cares about he doesn't care about becoming a god he doesn't care about tasting of knowledge he just cares about eve and as he said he's resolved to die for it and that's that's what makes it so sad right because it was just this perfect picture that envy broke into in the form of the serpent and from there everything fell apart whenever adam begins to speak directly to eve the first phrase he says is bold deed thou hast presumed adventurous eve almost in a playful nature knowing that he's already decided what he's going to do and with that adam steps forward and eats of the fruit and it says that the earth trembled from her entrails at the completing of mortal sin so now both of them are not just divine creatures of love they're beings of temper of guile of worry fear lust specifically according to milton's story here the first emotion that the two feel is lust as mentioned earlier there's several times throughout the story where the two are intimate but it's always framed as this beautiful act that is purely romantic and has no feeling of temperament or of need or of conquest in any form it's seen as wholly beautiful until this moment it says that adam looks at eve for the first time with lust throughout his being and then from that another moment of intimacy happens but it's described as much harsher compared to what was seen before it's done in a dark hidden corner and he's much more violent than previously stated it's the first physical corruption of love because adam thought he was doing the right thing and if even not the right thing he thought he was doing what was right for him by sacrificing himself to be with eve because he wanted to maintain that love but as we see from that scene the love itself isn't there anymore it's already been decayed ever since eve made her first decision and part of the tragedy of the fall is that adam sacrificed himself to chase a ghost so after that the two fall asleep and when they wake up they're immediately afraid they wake up with fear of turmoil of everything that could possibly go wrong see god never lied to them it was a tree of knowledge and as raphael said it's tree of knowledge that you don't want any part of but now that they've eaten of it they're full of chaos of fear of guilt and of shame so you remember throughout the story they've been naked this entire time because shame and concepts of that don't even exist but now for the first time they recognize themselves naked so they go and gather fig leaves and begin to weave them together so that they can cover themselves they are no longer humans of divinity but instead these corrupted beings and humanity fallen adam is terrified and sad as he knows that he can never look on divine beings like god or angels again without feeling shame and fear immediately as soon as adam begins to say this he starts to yell at eve there's never been anything close to an argument when i mention they kind of get into it before they separate by get into it i mean well maybe we should do this maybe we should do this you're right sweetie and that's as far as the argument goes but here adam is hateful he blames her for everything says it's her fault for falling to the serpent saying that they never should have left each other in the first place and eve bites back saying that if it wasn't me the serpent got to then it probably would have got to you next adam then says that eve is ungrateful because he sacrificed himself and took on death to be with her and now she's blaming him for it and then the two just continue to bicker as the section ends by saying thus they in mutual accusation spent the fruitless hours but neither self-condemning and of their vain contest appeared no end the tragedy of it like the the sorrow is that the sacrifice of adam meant nothing he was like oh this love has been lost so surely if i follow you to death the love will be there but it's not that pure uncontended love that he had before he's not following her he's falling to her level and now they're just both equally hateful and the story paints the idea that wronged actions even if done for the right or just reasons are ultimately fruitless back in heaven the angels are asking how satan managed to step in and god in heaven says that he allowed satan to come in because humanity had the option of what it wanted to follow see it's a question throughout a lot of christian and just you know theology in general of why the tree of knowledge was in the garden in the first place as established the purpose of humanity as mentioned in most biblical ideas and especially in paradise lost is to have a perfect world for these beings of free will who can do whatever they want but love and freedom are meaningless if there's not choice at any point adam and eve could leave the garden they could separate themselves from god they could give themselves to their own actions and take on the chaos and turmoil of the universe around them all they had to do was choose the way out and the tree of knowledge was that way out without the tree of knowledge free will doesn't exist with that the son of god which is again an extension of god steps down to earth the son referred to for the rest of the story as god walks through the garden calling for adam and eve initially the two are hiding from god not wanting to face the consequences finally after god yells for long enough adam and eve step out god asks why they hid and adam said that he was embarrassed because he felt naked again a symptom of sin itself so god looks at adam and says did you eat the fruit and adam says what he should absolutely not say he says well i only ate the fruit because eve ate it first and eve brought the fruit to me so since you god gave me eve i figured that she wasn't capable of doing wrong because why would you give me something that would cause me to sin which is a horrible answer that's literally just being like hey that whole free will and consequence thing how's that going and him being like um well it's it's really your fault if you think about it so you need to clean up your act god responds to adam and says oh it is eve god now he then moves to eve and says why did you eat of the fruit eve says that the serpent tempted her to which as seen in the book of genesis it says the serpent was cursed to crawl on its belly and to bite the heel of man and man bruise its head there's a lot of argument and debate over whether this means like physically snakes or like the serpent as in satan or the visage of satan but whatever the serpent gets cursed god says that the heel of man will continue to bruise the head of the serpent until quote jesus the son of mary the second eve delivers the fatal bruise which what uh what a beautiful way to think about mary right as the second eve humanity's second attempt to perfection so if you know the book of genesis you pretty much know what happens next their punishment is eve will have to endure the pains of childbirth as will the mothers that come after her adam is that he can no longer simply just pick up food and eat it he must work and toil for food and he will encounter things like thorns and brambles and it won't be as easy and of course death will eventually face them however while for adam and eve this is a horrifying thought in actuality it is a form of deliverance see whenever god and the son of god were having the conversation in heaven in the scene prior god points out that they are now creatures that have been cursed with sin and because of that there will always be selfish desires and hate so because through an action they gave themselves to sin god offers them an out through another action they can save themselves from sin at the time of adam and eve that was through the following of the new law that god would set up for them and the sacrifice to represent that sacrifice sheep are then killed in the garden first deaths as sheepskin is draped over their body as actual clothing to maintain free will and the importance of humanity as humanity committed an act of selfishness in order to give themselves to the devil they must commit another act of selfishness a sacrifice in order to remove that grief of sin in order to be acceptable to re-enter heaven in that way death is not as much a punishment as it is a re-admittance into the family of god this is something that would be talked a lot throughout the entire bible of the idea that death has no staying power or sting because if someone believes and follows god it's a return to what we were always meant to be in the meantime while this is happening remember how sin and death were building a chaos bridge to earth well they've been doing that through the entire story and at this point they're almost there as that's also happening we see that satan has now made his way back to pandemonium he comes there proud to this cheering crowd and says that he now embraces the name of satan see up until this point in the story while the narrative called him satan he did not have a name because as mentioned in the beginning the angels that fell from heaven had their names removed so satan says that he's taking on the name satan as it means adversary and now since he's had this victory against god's creation of man he will forever be the adversary against god this is intercut with sin and death making their way to earth and immediately beginning to pollute everything since children the cerberus things which are creatures like greed and discord go about and cause everything to start fighting each other the animals begin to fight each other there begins to be turmoil in the clouds and the weather death begins to kill off trees and animals one by one and sin says that eventually death should kill humanity after she's corrupted them again the consequences of allowing sin and free will of anything to enter into earth as satan's giving his speech back in pandemonium he says that they have won this war and that now the time to strike at earth and heaven has come and as soon as he says this himself as well as all of the other fallen angels in pandemonium turn into snakes they all crawl around on the ground as these starving serpents and it says they're so hungry and at the same time trees shoot up around hell that have the fruit from the tree of knowledge but anytime that the snakes try to eat it it turns to ash so they're just miserable and then after i guess a few days of this they turn back into their normal forms but it says that every year that just randomly happens and while they will continue to spread their influence and tempt man for the generations to come their transforming into the form that originally destroyed man is a constant reminder of their place and how they will never be powerful enough to outright destroy earth or god as it's been foretold that earth and heaven will one day be joined but again humanity has free will and can choose to follow the will of satan if they wish but that doesn't mean satan gets free reign to kill and destroy whatever he wants and that's the last that we see of satan in the story his character ends in this kind of place of limbo where he must continuously fight and toil against god knowing that he can never get all the way so then the story then finishes out on adam and eve adam looks at the world and the destruction around him and wishes that he were dead as adam is crying eve begins to try to comfort him and he immediately snaps back and blames her for all of it and then there's this really sad scene where eve breaks down and begins crying and begs for adam's forgiveness saying that whatever happens death or otherwise please don't leave me and whenever she says that adam relents for a moment and recognizes these new emotions that are coming over him are powerful and he has to keep them in check adam says that where they are at now cannot be undone so the best course of action they have is to just love each other as much as they can in spite of themselves eve then says let us seek death or he not found supply with our own hands his office on ourselves eve fears that her children will be subject to the same curse that she currently has so she says what if we just end it all which in all of my years of philosophizing and considering creation in the biblical story i never considered that what would have happened if after the fall humanity just stopped right there would there have been another similar effect would the entire experiment just be ended all together while in eve it seems momentary to us it would be literally the most monumental event ever that we would never be aware of because we wouldn't exist adam warns of this train of thought because he says this is the despair that led satan to where he is now and as these creatures who constantly have to battle sin they cannot give themselves up to despair furthermore he tells eve to think of the prophecy that god gave them that one day the son of god would come this jesus to fatally bruise the serpent's head so if that's ever to take place then they have to carry on so that the generations after them can take out satan forever he continues and says perhaps we can live with these punishments and this time on earth will be a trial as afterwards we can return to the divinity we once knew so the two returned to the area where they first talk to god and bow on their face and ask for forgiveness it's then in heaven that the son of god directly talks to god and makes intercession for man and it's here at this moment recognizing humanity's forgiveness that the son of god solidifies that one day he will go to earth he will be made as a man and by humanity's own actions he will be killed but it will be the final sacrifice and from that a direct line will be made from earth to heaven that all can enter in because seeing humanity's regret and hope in spite of their despair means that through god they have potential to rejoin him at his side now that being said they are corrupt creatures who will inevitably corrupt and send more and because of that they must leave the garden but in order to give them faith and this is one of the primary turns from the biblical account to milton's account god tells michael the leader of heaven's army to go and remove them from the garden but to make sure they have hope as he does so michael comes to them and says that they have to leave it also says that whenever michael appears he is fierce and full of glory in his full form and they can barely look at it again humanity no longer has divinity so they view these divine creatures as these terrifying monoliths of power rather than companions they once knew eve begins to cry at hearing this and adam holds her and says that it will be okay because she's still his holy mother there's this uh concept in some realms of christianity it's something known as the fortune fall and it's the idea that uh the fall was actually a good thing because it caused um people i don't know why that got me so so much adam's uh love for her even in spite of sin um i guess that's the love we know currently right love in spite of sin um but yeah yeah the fortune follows this whole concept that the fall was a good thing because it allows good to rise up in spite of it or like all of these great heroes of the bible would never have existed if they didn't have to stand up against sin and while i don't agree with that for multiple reasons primarily i don't think you know good people is a worthy trade-off for you know death and murder and you know not perfection um but that being said there is a beauty to after everything after recognizing sin for the first time and all of the that are going to befall humanity that adam still looks at eve and calls her the holy mother um there's something about eve throughout the story how she's mentioned as being like this this destination of perfection even the angels bow at her respect um it it's such a romantic picture of reverence and then even after she fell and then adam fell after her and still in this lowest state he looks at her and she's still the mother um it's yeah well michael reaffirms this by saying that the most important thing that they have on earth is the unity between themselves and that whatever happens going forward man and that whatever happens going forward god's promise to them is that they were made to complete each other and that promise will never be broken adam begins to break down realizing that he'll never be able to speak to god again but michael corrects him and says that he can speak to god anywhere not just eden the first concept of things like prayer and devotion michael says that he wants to show adam something and he waves his hand over eve and she falls into a peaceful sleep he then takes adam and again this is the whole part that's specific to just milton's account he takes adam to a mountaintop and from this mountaintop he can see an entire hemisphere of the earth and it's here that michael gives adam a run-through of all of humanity adam as the father to mankind has the privilege or misfortune depending on how you look at it of seeing everything that he will be got adam remarks at the size of this mountain and michael comments that it is very similar to a mountain that one day jesus son of god will be led to by satan whenever satan tried to tempt god and show him the kingdoms of the world that he could inherit and that and that after that he will be led to another mountaintop and from there sin won't matter anymore michael then takes water from the well of life and drops it into adam's eyes at first he sees two men in a field and they begin to fight before one of them kills the other michael tells him that this will be the fate of adam's first sons cain and abel adam is horrified by this you have to realize he's never seen the death before at least the death of a human and he asked is this what death is is this going to happen to everyone michael elaborates that there will be many more from the consequences of this world fire flood famine disease he shows adam something that can only be described as a hospital as it is some type of structure full of people dying of different slow and agonizing means adam asks if there's a way to avoid any of this and michael says yes through temperance safety and wisdom a peaceful death can be achieved but chaos and chance have entered the world and good will be rewarded with bad and bad will be rewarded with good he affirms that death in itself is a blessing to a believer as it allows them to return to what they were always meant to be but enjoying a fruitful life and experiencing the gifts of god on earth is a blessing in itself as well from there adam has all kind of visions he sees these great empire start and wars begin and he sees a man speaking up against those wars before he's carried away into heaven this man being enoch he sees the entire world become evil and one man preaching against it before he builds a boat to escape a flood that resets the world but then he sees the rainbow and the covenant of god's mercy this is a lot for adam as you could imagine over the course of a couple minutes seen from his children all the way to the flood so michael says i'll just tell you the rest he speaks of how noah will be righteous but generations later a ruler named nimrod will try to build a tower to conquest heaven and from that tower of babel the languages will be separated and humanity will begin to spread across the earth a lot of the evil that's described comes from the spirit of conquest with the idea that the reason nimrod built the tower of babel was we've conquested everything down here let's go that way adam who again this is all new information to him asks michael how one can wish to rule others if it's so awful and while michael remarks that it is true some are ruled over by other people and it is definitely wrong to rule over other people several people are ruled over by their own desire and sin michael describes sin as this task master who buckles people down and makes them chase their whims and desires never accomplishing or bettering the world throughout their life he then speaks of the lineage of abraham and how moses will one day come to take abraham's people out of egypt and they will go to a land that was promised to him in canaan he speaks of the lineages from joshua through the judges to king david and how eventually the lineage of righteousness will come to a woman by the name of mary and her son jesus adam is excited to hear this he says that jesus that's the guy who's supposed to fight satan tell me of his great battle and michael says that jesus michael says that there won't be a battle and instead of coming with the glory and fury of an army in order to make humanity been to his will then instead jesus will step down lower than man and that he will allow himself to be beaten hurt and murdered by them so that man so that he can take on the debt of humanity in the ultimate and final sacrifice of love with one act of envy and pride humanity was condemned and then with another act as jesus becoming man one man through an act of love and humility will save humanity eternal and throughout all of it the choice never left the free will the beauty of humanity was always there no matter how corrupted or torn apart it was it's always there and that short that choice has always been open i know it's very cheesy and weird to cry in youtube videos and i hate doing it every time i see another youtuber doing it i'm like oh that's cringe and then i do it and i'm like oh that's cringe but at it's real to me um it's it's just a lot to look at these stories i was the same way with divine comedy i remember when i started reading paradise laws i was like this is gonna this is a bad idea it's gonna get me in the end and the whole story i was like uh-huh uh-huh and then the part with adam calling eve mother i'm like i've almost got me um but then this final scene comes with michael explaining the sin debt to adam and how it will all be made okay in the end and to view this the beginning of humanity and have michael explain where it goes and just like i said it's real it means a lot anyway he continues and says that one day judgment day will come and hell will be forever destroyed and earth and heaven will be joined as one and that as a matter of fact this new earth which adam and eve will have access to one day will be far better the paradise itself adam ponders these sings and says well naturally if several follow god then several are going to follow satan as well so what happens to the followers of god who are persecuted by satan again michael says it's a realm of free will and choice and that persecution will come but that the believers will have the holy spirit and god with them to endure this persecution michael goes on to say as a matter of fact there will be several who do evil and are followers of satan who appear as wolves inside of churches and religious groups saying that not even all who tout the flag of christ actually follow him adam thinks on these things and says that within himself he contains hope and that that is its own form of paradise specifically he says he carries paradise with him wherever he goes i love this so much because earlier in the story when satan steps into the garden of eden and he realizes he doesn't feel better it's because he carries hell with him that despair that hatred he's always full of it and that's the reason that he's not going to ask for forgiveness because he's too bitter he doesn't want it and then on the flip side you have adam who has left the garden but he carries hope with him and that's his paradise and the difference is just pure bitter hatred and envy is counteracted by a beings that are us that yes while we know all those things and why we can experience and give ourselves away to them we also have hope that peace of the garden that piece of paradise still inside of us and that's what separates us from the despair of hell just as satan carries hell we carry eden as they come back down off the mountain adam comes to eve who's waiting on him he's excited to tell him that she has had these dreams of what humanity will be but at the end of it all there is a beautiful shepherd as she refers to it a messiah who makes all of the suffering and travesty worthwhile and with agony of leaving eden but with confidence and hope for the future the two step out of the garden michael leads them out as a cherub waits guard at the gate again this is mentioned in genesis and the story ends with these lines they looking back all the eastern side beheld of paradise so late their happy seat waved over by that flaming brand the gate with dreadful faces thronged and fiery arms some natural tears they dropped but wiped them soon the world was all before them where to choose their place of rest and providence their guide they hand in hand with wandering steps in slow through eden took their solitary way and with that the story ends but john milton has painted this picture of yes the the tragedy and the downfall of the garden and i skipped over you know a lot of the beauty and the poetry but hopefully from the sections i did read you can see that the magnitude of what was being decided is hard to even describe but then there with michael's visions to adam there is hope at the end of it so the story ends in this middle area while yes they have to leave the garden and yes they cannot know divinity without experiencing death they carry pieces of that hope with them and the hope that one day it will all return to a state better than the one they knew and with those final lines we have that unity still formed as the first man and the holy mother join hands and step into history what a what a fascinating look at all this uh again it's not like obviously i believe to be 100 true or accurate but it doesn't have to be there are nuggets of beauty and truth that can be found almost anywhere milton never claimed this to be some new revelation or new religion from god it is a picture a portrait of our history of humanity and the hope we have for the future which is why it's a shame to me that most people think of paradise lost as the e-boy satan story which no joke if you hear people talk about they're like oh yeah that's the one where they made him like a sympathetic character and if by sympathetic you mean they took him from being just like a goat head demonic depiction into a creature with beliefs and ideas then sure but the number of people i see who read this story and are like was was satan the good guy is phenomenal like if you look up any academic source about paradise lost you'll find something that's like uh was the devil the protagonist is this story a critique of heaven to the degree that whenever i finished reading it and then was reading these articles i'm like did i miss something and i go back and i read parts of it and i'm like no they're everyone's stupid got it because everyone looks at satan's arguments whenever he's like what if we were equal to god what if we had the power of god oh what if uh tyranny is heaven better to reign in hell blah blah and they're all like you know this guy raises some good points which uh i don't know if we read the same story but satan invented uh you know death as well as the word bad like bad may have been a concept but it didn't exist yet and all the analysis for this story are like oh well maybe he was rebelling against tyranny i mean to be forced into subjugation and by subjugation i mean existence what a what a horrific state to be in like i don't know if you knew this uh but satan was lying the entire time in the flashback were shown that he directly despised the son of god and was jealous of him and everything he did was just motive for that he didn't look at the socio-economic factors of heaven and decide that there needs to be change he felt envy and he convinced others to follow that envy and even if there was like some problem which there wasn't but even if you feel like there was some problem is inventing bad justification for that like oh this archangel he definitely deserved to be by god's side that's why it's justified that he made death like i'm i'm sorry did the snake write this i know if like you're not familiar with the story that's a weird tangent to go on but i'm telling you every analysis of this story is like wow it's so wild that a protestant leader from the 1600s made satan the good guy which you have if you have a second grade reading level i can only imagine the person who feels that way and if that's anyone watching i only apologize a little bit you're still getting roasted i can only imagine the person reading the story and they're just fully wanting to be invested in satan so whatever his excuses they go along with like they read about him talking to the angels and being like we can be as powerful as god and they're like huh that's a that's a good point and then whenever he's like ah we should destroy humanity because that's worth it they're like wow what a great point and then by the end of the story whenever satan's just like well if i can't have eden no one can i just imagine them like yeah same here man up top isn't the essence of sin cool anyway that's a weird rant to go on i just thought i was crazy how to reread parts of the story and uh no i'm the only one who's sane and you all are crazy as with most of my videos i am the one who is definitely not insane and i'm well aware of everything that's going on and capable of myself and that's why you'll see several more conspiracy and rabbit hole videos in the future because i am well adjusted and hopefully you enjoyed this well-adjusted content i know i enjoyed making it and i just want to say thank you for watching i've always been interested in this story just the concept the garden of eden from satan's perspective it always interests me um and i think it was i don't want to say divine that's a little too much i think it was beautiful and i love a lot of the imagery and the ideas presented and again i don't think of it as like you know bible or anything i would never like preach from it but that doesn't mean i can't gleam wisdom from it and i think there was a lot of wisdom that went into it and i love this story and hopefully you did too uh i don't know how it ranks compared to divine comedy it's a different kind of setup right because divine comedy is more so like a like a classical epic like a character going through and observing this world around him whereas this one's more of a straightforward narrative and i like both for different reasons there was a lot like i condensed this now i know looking at the time stamp you don't think i can just condense this down but i condensed this down a lot there are a ton of long monologues and dialogue scenes um but i still enjoyed it i thought it was great and obviously you saw the end how it affected me i also wanted to mention that there is a sequel to paradise lost that was also written by john milton called paradise regained and it is about what was foreshadowed by michael satan and jesus as satan is trying to tempt jesus on the mountaintop during the 40 days in the wilderness so john milton with a very similar writing style and i imagine the same characters beyond just being called the same things like i imagine it's the same satan from paradise lost about him trying to tempt jesus whenever jesus was a human on earth i think that would be fascinating so we'll see how this video does we see we'll see if you all enjoy it hopefully you do um i definitely enjoyed making it and if you all want to see paradise regained let me know and i will take a look at it i love these biblical fanfictions as established um but i love this story it was great i understand why it's a classic it definitely deserves its place the artwork's incredible and i loved every aspect of it so um thank you all for watching again check out the kickstarter that is uh continuing to go hopefully we can get it closed up here we've got two weeks left on it at the time of recording so hopefully we can get that finished you all can get your rewards and we'll be able to make some cool stuff uh but for now i just want to say thank you for watching i hope that you enjoyed and i will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Wendigoon
Views: 3,643,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg, explained, scp, analysis, breakdown, scary, spooky, horror, creepy, comedy, funny, laugh, humor, cringe, intel, deep web, dark web, hidden, tier list, secret, top ten, top 10, countdown, compilation, meme, memes, meme compilation, internet horror, reddit, ask reddit, redacted, childhood, trauma, Mary Celeste, Flannan Isles, Eilean Mor, Island, Lighthouse, Kaz 2, Kaz II, Leviathan, Kraken, conspiracy, theory, mystery, sci fi, true crime, unsolved, hysteric, hell, shootout, arg, arg analysis, murder, unknown
Id: QI_qpsODXck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 45sec (6825 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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