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- (Narrator) You like trains don't you? (Train horn)Look out!(laughter) (funky electronic music)(laughter) Hey yo, it's Orange back here with another game video and we're back at Roblox once again. We're back to playing Don't press the Button, but why wouldn't I (laughter) Let's find out. How weird. Whoa. Cool. What is this? Oh, neat. Can I press the button. I wanna press the button. Okay, It's not doing anything. Oh, am I suppose to go over here? Oh, yeah yeah. I bet I get eaten. Oh yeah. Please. Don't eat me. Oh no. I'm not delicious. What the- no- What? (laughter) I died. What the heck?Somebody press the button. No No, What is even happening? What the- heck? Hey, no fair. How come everybody else is down there fighting and I'm stuck up here. Well this isn't fair. Come on, I wanna be part of the game too. Hey wait. I still have my sword. Wa-oh (laughter) Oh yeah, this is the spot point ( laughter) Oh no, I'm murdering everybody. This is seriously fun. (laughter) Oh yeah. (laughter) Oh he's the winner. You cannot stop me. (laughter) This is amazing you guys (laughter) This is actually better. (laughter) There are pieces everywhere. Okay, press the button. Did you press it? Oh, What's this? Ooo, an Obi, okay cool. Oh this is awesome. It's kind of like the elevator game. Just random stuff happens. I love it. All right, Let's kick this obi's booty, you guys and tightrope walking. Be careful. Be careful. Whoa, whoa. O-okay oh oh, people are falling left and right. We can do this. Come on. Slowly, but surely. Oh, feeling good. Come on. Yes we're almost- we're almost there. Oh, this is a little tough. Keep it careful here. Careful there. Hopscotch. Yeah, Keep poppin, if you don't stop. Come on. Yeah. (laughter) That was awesome. What does this- What does this sign say on my head? I beat the obi and I'm proud of it. You know it my man. (laughter) It was awesome. We did so good. I really like this game so far. Okay, got a- I got a diamond. Shine bright like a diamond. Uh-oh. - Whoopsies - You like trains, don't you? (train horn) Look out, oh. (laughter) I knew what it was from too. I didn't know the train was coming from that way though. Whoopsies. Whoa Watch out, Boulders are coming. Oh, whoa. Uh-oh, this is not good. Oh no, there in a row. Aww. That didn't rock. (laughter) Actually it did. Whoa. Did you press the button? Okay, press the button. We already did that. Oh yes, I get to press the button. Sweet. Score a goal with the soccer ball. Okay, Let's go. (laughter) oo, oh yeah. Orange has got to get the soccer ball. Ooo quickly, quickly, Before anybody comes over here. Quick. Oh, Come on. Oh nonono. Come on. Oh nonono, Don't get in front of me. I got a score this ball. Come on. Yeah. TootieFruity9000. What, what! Oh yeah. I do it just for the kicks baby. (laughter) All right, click the button. Okay What's it gonna do this time. Whoa, super speed genes. Whoa. Crazy. Who wants speedy genes. Doesn't matter, cause you got it anyways. (laughter) Whoa, give me that coin. Oh, I almost got it. Woo-ee. This is fun.You can't stop me now baby. Oh yeah, got that one. Ain't no slow going when you play this game. Oh, you got the diamond. (laughter) You butter butt (laughter) Ooo that one's mine. Woo alright. Woo, that was fun. Does somebody have a duck? I heard a duck quack. You have a duck, Where do I get a duck? I want a duck. Okay click the button. Okay you clicked it. Good. Oh no, vibrant lasers. Run! Ah, run. Oh hohoho Yeah, right. Clicky Clicky. Yes I got it. I clicked the button. What happened? Oo, not again. Run, everybody. Oh hohoho. Click the button. Click the button. Got it. All right What's next? What's next? Ooo, it's time to get eaten. Oh, it's a race. Who's gonna get eaten first. It's me versus What's your name? Fat_gurlll (laughter) I mean that's you know, that's a name you can choose. It's it's up to you. It's your profile. You can do whatever you want. Yes oh yeah. She's oh no. oh no. Who's going to be the first one out? Yeah. Oh jeez (laughter) Winner and by winner I mean uh dead. It's like that game got eaten or get eaten. (laughter) I definitely got eaten. Oh oh, you got both coins. Nice job. I'll press the button. I'll press it. It's mine. Okay good, I pressed it. (laughter) Lava is rising. Hurry to the top. Ooo, okay. Let's go. Im going to go up here. Oww. Well no, I wanna jump that way. Come on. Stop oww. I keep hitting my head. Aw. (laughter) I'm lava-aaaaahhhhhhh. I got toasty buns guys. (laughter) Definitely too hot to handle. Woo-hee. (laughter) I kind of sounded like mario when I did that. Whoohoo. (laughter) All right, What's happening? Whoa, What's this? Oh, Can I go in there? I wanna go in there. What's it doing? Whoa. I didn't do it. I would've known if I did it, because I would have brought the TNT and put it in the house myself. It wasn't me. I didn't do it. (laughter) Wha-What's happening? What's with the music? Whoa, What the- What the doj is going on? This is dog gone crazy, yo. (laughter) Rolling dog heads everywhere. (laughter) I don't know about you guys, but I think this is pretty Wroof. (laughter) Yeah. Oh ya- aww. Aww, that was fun. Okay get off the button. We got to press the button. Move lady. Come here, What are you doing? Okay there we go. Somebody pressed it. Okay. Oh, it's this. Okay, I'm going to go to the top. Yo yo, I've got an explosive personality. Wooo. Yeah. Which is the winner? I'll press the button next, Okay guys? Don't worry about it. Yay. Okay, What's happening next everybody? Uh-oh. Oh no, It's more dog heads. (laughter) You guys are barking up the wrong tree. (laughter) So crazy. Yeah. This very well might be the very best game ever created. I'm just saying. Ooo, the soccer ball game. Yeah, oh ho he's going to score this goal. Come on. What the- Get out of here dog head. Aww, you blocked me. I almost had it too. Aww. Dang it. Well now there's too many people in the way. Wait I think someone's moving the goal. Wait. Wait. I'm gonna try and move it. Okay. Wait wait, no I'm gonna get in the inside. I'm gonna take this with me. (laughter) I broke the goal. Yeah (laughter) aww, but I helped somebody score. That definitely wasn't my goal. (laughter) ugh. That was amazing. -oh singing. - What? -I like dog- - Oh no it's a train again. Which-Which way? Op oh. Aww hahaha. This stuff has gotten off the rails, you guys. Wooo, yeah. Speed genes again. Okay, give me something I haven't played yet. Please, yes. Tsunami incoming. Uh-oh. The pastrami tsunami. Oh no. Those are the worst kind. (laughter) You would never want to meat it. (laughter) All right up the- no. Oh no, I fell down all the way. Oh no, here comes the tsunami. Oh no. I got killed by the tsunami salami. Why? Look at all that money honey. What's going on? Alright. What is next? Gimme Gimme all we gots. Whoa, What is happening here? Ooo, What are we- What are we doing? Uh-oh, Countdown. What is it? Oh oh oh, it's one of these games. Oh, yeah. Stay behind me. No no no, don't get in front of me. (laughter) yeah. Okay, we just got to go slowly. That way, nobody can follow me. Yeah. Look at me. Real good. Oh this guys- oh what the-What, I shouldn't have turned around. That was my fault. Word to the wise, Do not turn around in that game. Okay, Lava is rising. Okay this time, I'm not gonna hit my head (mumbles) There we go. Finally. Oh, the lava's rising, you guys. We got to get going. Uh-oh everybody else is dying. Ho ho ho ho, but Orangies doing pretty good. But can he get up here. Uh oh, uh-oh, come on just move over a little bit. No, we got to get to this platform. Ooo the lavas coming, you guys. Ooo, it's too hot to handle. Hot Lava. Where-Where is the next one. Oh, it's right here. Good luck, stop hitting my head. No oh. (laughter) I hit my head every time. Whyyyyy? Oh brodther. Okay, whoa that person just exploded for no reason, woo-ee. I love this game. It's so much fun. Wha-whoa. Oh no, I'm stuck in a tornado. Eluh. (laughter) Okay, as you can see I took that tornado for a spin. (laughter) Welcome to the windy city and by that I mean I'm passing gas (fart noise) Juicy. (laughter) Wha-oh, yeah. You just stay over there tornado. I don't need anymore spine, spitting and circling and barfing my guts out. Just make a pulpy mess and we don't need that, do we? Uh-uh hoho. All right, what is-what the. The button just went explodey. That was cool. Hey. It's TNT house. I love TNT house. Yeah. (laughter) Everybody loves TNT house. Okay yes, I pressed the button. Yeah haha. What's happening? What is happening? Whoa. Yeah. They knew I'd press the button. This is the bomb. Yo. (laughter) Wow. These bombs are crazy. This is the best game ever, you guys. I love it so much. Super special splodey time. Yeah (laughter) uh-oh. Whoa whoa. Wait, Where'd you get the duck? I wanna duck (duck quack) It really fits the bill, you know what I mean? (laughter) Ooo yeah, Press that button. Whoa, what the heck. We're floating through space. Wee, There's no way I knew this was going to happen. There's no way I can plan it. (laughter) Get it Planet? What? Who loves me? - Let's be friends. -Okay, uh get me a tambourine toaster first and then we can talk. You know toasters that also work as a tambourine. They-they make toast and music at the same time. The button disappeared. Press the button if you found it. Where's the button? Oh no, we can't find it. What are we gonna do? Oh good, yehdvis found the button. (laughter) oh man, I could play this all day, but I suppose I should prolly stop for right now. Thank you so much for watching, you guys. Let me know if you want me to play again. So good, until next time. Later potaters. (funky ubeat electronic music)
Channel: Annoying Orange Gaming
Views: 8,967,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, ao gaming, ao games, let's play, ios, gameplay, annoying orange gaming, satire, spoof, lampoon, parody, cartoon, comedy, video games, roblox, minecraft, DON’T PRESS THE BUTTON!!! (Roblox)
Id: z181OseqX1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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