Roblox Obby, BUT You HAVE TO DRAW to ESCAPE!

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Baku yes are you where are we I don't know how do we even get here oh my God no it seems like I have to jump right there's an arrow pointing down to draw maybe we have to draw oh maybe if we just go like this and then play Oh My Gosh you I created something really weird you're so smart are you I can't believe you did that let's go no way oh yay oh my God this looks really difficult how about you try jumping on my head we don't have to draw you okay I'll try ready ready your ankles are broken okay maybe we do have to draw let's see oh gosh let's start from here and then we go oh oh I ran out you ran out on you I ran out of drawing materials you gotta restart are you no I'm just gonna go anyways and see if I can make it got this I get it let's go yes we got the six star this one seems difficult are you this seems really hard it's way bigger than the other ones oh my gosh what are we gonna do let's see let's press draw maybe we should try creating a big X we can't draw in this little box here it's blocking it off I'ma create an Obby oh look at me you're so cool are you well you're playing my Obby with me jump jump jump let's go this is so fun Emily what are you doing here Emily she looks her eyes are blue Emily so tall Emily's very tall okay the next oh Emily's floating gravity's enabled here the next one I'm gonna do a slide oh you didn't make it big enough are you waku Baku you just ruined all of my progress did you see what you just did for laughing Baku I think I know what we have to do what is it are you we have to create an Obby just like this oh my God are you you're so smart oh this is bad now we jump here and here we did it are you yay star we're at twenty percent we can do this dude how are you well it looks like we have to draw over that let's see if we can jump it are you I don't think we can I don't think you can jump it back I know I know what we can do we can just create a line right over it and then we'll be safe easy yes I do we made it through yeah yay oh what the heck are those are you those are big balls how are we gonna get through oh no I'm scared it's okay maybe we can hack the system let's draw something where these can't get us let's make something where the balls can't go over yes perfect oh no watch out paku I think they're gonna come over are you I'm scared we're doing it go go go go go go I'm right behind you are you we made it let's keep going oh my God this looks so difficult yes we can totally just do this and jump this like an Obby let me get on your oh the power of friendship the power of friendship we can do this you know what let's just draw let's stop cheating the game okay we gotta go here here here here here uh oh did it finish but I think I can make it let's go SIU we got this [Music] thank you for waiting for me are you of course Baku friendship matters oh my gosh what do we do here Gravity is enabled but we can't even put anything here you can draw on the purple okay we're next to Emily again let's go we cut up to our friend Emily yeah the jump pads again this is gonna be so much fun Baku yes are you go it's a race ah Jinx no you died [Music] that's not fair are you I feel that's how races work Baku that's true I'm sorry I think we can jump this one are you you need to stop doing that well I thought I could are you okay well it's fine I forgive you oh if we can't jump it let's see what we can do oh my gosh it's one of these boxes again where we can't draw on it draw above it like you said perf uh oh my fell in oh no are you go start here and go across I did it oh no let's go I did it are you ready I'm ready to go Baku let's go let's go it's gonna fall because you bumped into it Baku I'm sorry three minute of time are you yay we're at 39 we're almost halfway through let's keep going Baku your parkour skills are insane I just fell bruh don't call me bruh um while you Parker I think I'm gonna draw to just go the safe way because I'm not too good at parkour that's a loser route are you you have to do it with parkour what is this stage 13 on you can you believe that I can't believe it we're doing so good as a team let's keep going you definitely can't jump this one back you I definitely can't well I just made big little Ledges and it's working perfectly you're so smart are you oh no you're just you're destroying all my platforms we made it to Stage 14. yay oh my God go touch that really shiny yellow block up there okay are you it's harder than the sun are you oh I'm so sorry Baku you caused me to die oh no who's this guy why is he so tiny wow why does he have such big glasses looks like he's going to oh how'd he do that how do I do that oh okay let me draw something so I don't do that waiting for you up here are you I'm going yay okay let's go let's go are you we're blasting through these yeah yeah hey oh not more of these things I think we need to draw a line here to stop them yes that's so smart are you oh I did it I'm stopping all of them from touching me I saw you looks like we have to build over these in order to get across do it hard on you here and here again just a straight line perfectly did you do it Baku yes are you okay do this I'll be in no time are these disappearing are you they're disappearing what in the world we can walk on these believe in you you got this eye you keep going it's not gonna draw you're gonna give up just like that congratulations you made it oh thank you it was really difficult Baku I don't know how you did that look at how close we are to the end Baku I see the big prize up there I'm so excited what do you think we're gonna get in the prize maybe I could get a big cracker for Mr parrot here oh my gosh and maybe I can get lots of mud for Mr and Mrs Piggy yes okay let me join you Baku under upper okay ah over here be careful are you okay I'm gonna keep trying this is really difficult I think I did it oh I did it let's go let's go on you oh my gosh we're so close the price is getting bigger let's go let's go holy moly it's breaking my stuff how do we get across that back you how did you do that you don't ask those questions about you block you are you like Supernatural or something how did you just get across that no are you it just turns out gravity is enabled oh I see [Music] I'm smarter than you Baku you're not smarter than me oh my gosh what is going on gotta try your best are you I think I did it be like me Baku I'm out of here keep going I'm going the other way you almost destroyed my thing and I would have died if you did that but I didn't and that's what matters your magic Baku you're walking on air um Baku I'm kind of stuck over here what happened to you I can't go back Mrs Piggy's how did he do that to yourself what the heck are you I don't know I built my little bridge and then I got stuck underneath it this button to open this door easy I didn't did you do it back you yes are you let's go press the star bye Baku why would you abandon me like this because you always act like you're better than me even Mrs Piggy agrees it's because I am I you look at this on my own the heck oh I did it on my own so whatever Baku come on ouch ouch what is this what I think her why does pink hurt usually pink is gray and it doesn't hurt it gives lots of warm hugs let's just go across I guess then that was really scary or so close by you you get my head are you okay did you get it I died on you but you made it you have to keep on going I'll be here she's so close to the present you have to keep going forget about the audio keep going I don't know if I can do this without Baku he helped me and I know he's dead let's just go across I guess he's not gonna be able to see what's inside the price we're on the last stage everybody and what the heck is this oh my gosh draw okay looks like we have to like somehow get it to press this button let's start by putting something here oh go go go easy easy we did that so fast let's go I still don't have Baku with me here goes nothing we're gonna open this big huge giant prize skull rebirth plus two skips for free that's so cool and Mrs Piggy even got a bucket of mud I really wish Baku was here
Channel: Ayu
Views: 4,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, obby, draw, escape, beat, ayu, survive, teamwork
Id: tsrg4AWHWos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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