WEIRDEST Bans In NBA History..

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the nba bans a lot of weird stuff shoes dances hating on lebron and one of the strangest bands i've ever seen is when the nba band shorts see in 2005 nba commissioner david stern hated hip-hop's fashion baggy shorts long chains sideways hats he felt that that look represented the nba poorly so when he saw nba players start wearing that it drove him crazy he literally made it his mission to ban everything that resembled hip-hop culture i'm talking sleeveless shirts hats chains sunglasses he even banned headphones ridiculous but the worst band of them all was baggy [Music] shorts and this baggy shorts ban lead to one of the most expensive finds ever yeah i'm not joking there's even a wikipedia page dedicated to this anytime a player is representing the nba they're not allowed to wear this stuff that means in game during interviews or on the bench and allen iverson he was the victim him and a few teammates they decided to protest the nba by wearing the baggiest shorts they could find now based on the nba's rules a player's shorts could only go this low any lower and you were in trouble now you might be thinking uh who's gonna keep track of how long someone's shorts are that there's no way the nba can hire someone to track shorts well they did officially in late 2005 they literally hired their first fashion police a job where some dude is just sitting and watching the game live looking for anyone disobeying this rule so when david stern saw this protest he knew exactly what to do hitting the 76ers with a two hundred thousand dollar fine and on top of that the nba fined every player ten thousand dollars for every game they wore these shorts now i see why james harden is wearing shorts like this he ain't trying to get in trouble with the fashion police but at least wearing long shorts isn't cheating there's actually a pair of shoes so crazily overpowered the nba literally had to ban players from wearing them yeah coming into the 2010 season these shoes were making waves across the nba and i'm not talking about no nikes jordans or adidas i'm talking about the athletic propulsion labs or apl's for short now i know at first glance they don't really look crazy but when the league ran some tests on these shoes they found that these shoes literally give players super powers yeah i'm not joking these shoes have built-in springs and a strap that locks your foot in so when you take off and jump it boosts your vertical by four inches just think about if you gave steph another four inches this dude would be out here dunking like lebron and shooting threes like well well steph but the fun never lasts man and the nba officially banned the apl concept ones in 2010. now i guess shoes that are cheating it makes sense why they got banned but the nba banning a ton why would they do that well back in 2004 sam cassell busted out a move nobody else had the balls to do literally during the playoffs the timberwolves were desperate for a championship and things were pretty shaky during game two of the semifinals against the kings with 30 seconds left the timberwolves were up one sam had the ball dribbled to the corner took the shot bang he put him up by three ran down the court and that's when he showed the world just how big his balls are now here's where things get ridiculous apparently while doing this taunt cassell twisted the wrong way and literally fractured his hip how does that even happen man maybe you should have kept the size of your balls to yourself man this injury was so brutal cassell had to sit out multiple games during the next series and the lakers went on to beat the wolves four to two this loss was crushing for the team and sam cassell was the man to blame only putting up nine points and two assists per game which is uh half of his average all because of this stupid injury even their coach flip saunders blame the time saying he made a shot out the corner in game two and he did his little big balls dance and from that he created a little fracture in his hip we lost a championship from that no question i think about that dance all the time damn this man really having nightmares 20 years later of sam cassell playing with his balls but that's not the only thing saunders had to say he went on to tell reporters that if you don't drop a like and subscribe to the channel you're gonna fracture your hip yeah that's right you'll be walking around like a grandma and i know you can't risk that so what are you doing but anyways you think sam would retire the taunt after this injury right well because the nba didn't ban it right then and there sam kept doing it and it became a staple of his career he even inspired players like kobe eddie house jamir nelson and kevin martin to do the move but in 2011 when josh smith pulled his big balls taunt out against the knicks the nba realized this taunt was spreading and it needed to be stopped so they deemed the time as inappropriate for basketball especially for the kids watching and they made an example out of josh finding him 25 000 dollars for doing it and ever since then the move has pretty much gone extinct now 25 000 is a lot of money but one player had an addiction so dangerous the nba was forced to ban it to save his life yeah quran butler could have died on the court according to the nba see to calm his nerves before games koran picked up one of the weirdest habits i've ever heard of chewing straws before every game i started at the you know nearest burger king mcdonald's grab straws grab a handful of straws and come to the game and start chewing and start working out i used to have a pile of straws you know uh got a handful on me right now keep straws it's not that weird i mean you get used to it and you know it's everyday routine everyday things on average this man chewed 12 straws per day and he chewed these during games but in 2010 the league came knocking on koran's door and they told him enough is enough man they can't have someone like him with massive influence running around with plastic in his mouth we already see kids trying to copy everything else nba players do so imagine they follow quran and start chewing straws during games you have kids out here choking so they forced quran to stop and they told them there's no place for it in basketball now banning chewing on straws is kind of weird but it's clear why the nba had to do it but having your hair cut banned how does that happen well just ask a mod shumpert see over his career shopper has been known for his ridiculous hairstyles but when he got out of the barbers with this he even had tmz clown in him hey mon how are you doing huh i really like the new hair what happened to the high top gumby face why did you change your hair i dreaded it up for a little bit bro shoppers always used his hair to express himself and he stayed true to that even when he signed a deal with adidas shampoo decided that he wanted to represent the brand in a way that no one else ever had so back in 2013 while playing for the knicks shumpert literally got the adidas logo shaved into his head and neither amon or his barber thought the nba would have a problem with it until the very next day shumpert's phone rang and it was nba commissioner david stern and if we've learned anything during this video it's that you're not allowed to have fun in the nba when david saw shumpert's hair he did not think it was crispy no he didn't according to nba rules you're only allowed to rep brands on your shoes so sharper was forced to get rid of the logo and he broke the tragic news on instagram showing that the adidas logo is now just a triangle he also apologized to the nba saying sorry nba didn't realize there are branding issues with the logo now i'm gonna tell you guys something crazy if you hate on lebron james you will literally get in trouble with the nba yeah there's actually rules that say you will be kicked out of the arena if you disrespect him i'm looking at you skip bayless this all started in 2010 when lebron came into free agency for the first time ever after giving cleveland seven years of the best basketball he could his infamous decision happened where lebron left cleveland for miami and devastated the city and the fans reacted exactly how you'd expect i think it's vast hysteria but you're talking about lebron james but the lasting memory of tonight will be this shot his burning jersey in lakewood [Music] how arrogant to get on national tv and slap the city and the team that supported you since you've been in high school straighten your face like that like you know we lost a family member he was part of our team he was part of our family we're from cleveland you're supposed to stick together with family right he took the whole team away there's other players out there there'll probably never be another lebron anywhere the nba saw how bad the outrage was so they decided to step in and after doing some digging they found some insanely offensive shirts about lebron and his family so the nba immediately hired extra security for the arena and officially banned any shirts or signs that disrespect lebron they even rehired the fashion police to be on the lookout in the stands the nba they really did whatever they could but when you got tens of thousands of people showing up to games it's hard to stop every single person so sometimes people slip through i mean it still happens to this day like this season when the lakers face the cavs a man came into the arena holding shirts that said offensive stuff all aimed at lebron i mean the dude even brought lebron's mom into it and when the fan was confronted about the shirts he literally attacked a security guard things got so out of hand police had to escort this dude out of the building but he still tried to run back into the arena five more times yeah and that's when lebron dropped 46 points in a 115 108 win all for that weirdo but imagine how many points lebron would have scored if he was dripped out in some yeezys unfortunately that's never gonna happen cause the nba literally banned them back in 2018 kanye west was rumored to be releasing yeezys designed specifically for the nba let's be honest when kanye's coming out with a new shoe most people are hyped aware but it didn't take long for the nba to you know ruin the fun again espn first reported that the yeezys that kanye was designing were banned by the nba before they were ever worn in a single game yeah apparently they were banned because they have this shiny reflective heel and the nba felt that these shoes would be a huge distraction for fans in the arena and especially on tv but either way kanye was pissed and after he heard the nba was banning his newest masterpiece he hopped on instagram and he let the world know these took three years to perfect and the shoes went through 300 versions before this one came together and that's when the nba let kanye know they might allow him if the shoe was made without the shiny heel but kanye felt the shoes were perfect exactly how he designed them and so yeezys are still banned to this day oh and uh click this video these are nba players you didn't know are related and i know that you've never heard about lebron and zion's relationship so click it
Channel: REBOUND
Views: 3,482,981
Rating: 4.9098501 out of 5
Keywords: nba, rebound central, rebound, lebron james
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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