Things You Didn't Know About The NBA..

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what if i told you that women used to play in the nba or that there's a four point line you never knew existed there's a lot of things that you didn't know about the nba like did you know that there are jersey numbers that are so outrageous they're banned from the nba yeah back in 1999 dennis rodman was doing whatever he could to get attention wearing wedding dresses putting on a little makeup i mean the man even dyed his hair pink and uh his attention seeking didn't stop with his look see the man wanted the holiest of jersey numbers a number so respected so honored so prestigious rahman decided on 69 i mean what else did you expect roman was so set on that number that his only demand before signing with the mavericks was to get the number 69 and if there's one team owner that has a sense of humor it's mark cuban so of course he said yes but there was one problem in the way nba commissioner david stern when dave heard about ryman's new number he was not having any of it he put the hammer down and banned rodman from wearing it and even though ryman and mark huben fought for it stern he didn't have a funny bone in his body so no one could change his mind and with that 69 went down as the only band jersey number in nba history now uh speaking of 69 did you know there used to be women in the nba yeah all the way back in 1977 the nba draft wasn't the typical 2 rounds 60 picks like we see today it was 7 rounds and 170 picks so the door was open for way more people to get in and that year in the seventh round the jazz made history with the 137th pick utah selected lucia harris she became the first woman officially drafted and allowed into the nba and i mean she deserved it in college lucia put up 25.9 points and 14.5 rebounds per game so there was a reason she was picked ahead of 33 other guys but right after she was drafted things took a turn for the worst when lucia was called for training camp she never showed up this was the first woman to join the nba she was gonna be a superstar like this was the opportunity of a lifetime so why did she just disappear well it turns out lucia was pregnant and obviously she can't be out there grabbing rebounds with a baby in her stomach so just like that lucia's nba career was over but it's not all bad there's actually no rule preventing women from being drafted if a girl is good enough she could make it so only time will tell if we ever see something like this again but this moment almost never had a chance to happen cause back in 1954 the nba was almost cancelled just think about how different the world would look without the nba i mean i wouldn't even have a job but to understand how the nba almost got cancelled we got to take it back to 1950. see in the 50s the nba was completely different we'd see teams pass the ball around the court without even trying to score some possessions literally lasted 10 plus minutes and other players would literally sit on the ball just so the other team couldn't get it what this was a time with no shot clock if a team was winning the game there was no reason to shoot i mean there was a game between the pistons and lakers that literally ended 19 to 18. that's 37 total points in a 48 minute game think about that that's less than a point a minute ridiculous and because of it the nba's viewership was plummeting things got so bad the nba went from 18 teams all the way down to nine if something wasn't done fast the nba was actually gonna end so the heads of the nba sprung into action and they all met up at uh bowling alley anyway they needed to brainstorm because i mean their jobs were on the line and after studying some analytics they found the answer it turns out the nba was dying because nobody dropped a like and subscribed to the channel yeah that's right we got the power to save the nba i'm like batman oh you already know what you gotta do so what are you doing by looking deeper into the analytics they also found that the more points a team scored the more people wanted to watch huh so then came the question how could the nba force teams to score more well if they introduced something like a shot clock teams would have no choice but to get rid of the ball so that's exactly what they did and the first game back with the new technology the rochester royals beat the boston celtics 98 to 95 which uh was way better than a 37 point game so the nba knew they found their golden ticket to stay alive but see there's actually a change the nba is considering right now and this decision will change basketball forever i'm talking about a four point line over the last few years we've seen players like steph curry lebron damian lillard and trey young taking deeper three-point shots than any other player in history but why you could just walk up 10 feet closer and your life becomes way easier well it turns out teams have been practicing for a potential four-point line according to espn's malika andrews the 76ers hawks nets bulls and bucks were the first teams to implement a four-point line into their practice facility and each team has this new line about five feet behind their three-point line so even though there's no official four-pointer in an nba game teams are preparing the players for when it may come and it's gonna be interesting you know see the impact of something like this on the nba now a four-point line that is definitely crazy but something i've always wondered is why did the washington bullets changed their name to the wizards well it all started with one tragic gunshot back in 1995 the bullets were a team at the top of the nba they'd just come off a championship win when all of the sudden on november 4th the prime minister of israel yitzhak robin was assassinated now i know what you're thinking what the f does this have to do with the nba well robin was a very close friend of the bullet's owner abe pollen and after he was assassinated the bullet's name kept ringing in abe's head he couldn't get over the fact that his very own franchise was named after the thing that killed his best friend so immediately after the funeral pollen announced that the washington bullets needed a change and he said my friend was shot in the back by bullets the name is no longer appropriate for a sports team so in 1997 the team decided to leave the decision up to the fans the organization opened up a 1-800 line to the community and allowed them to vote on five different options and uh if you ask me these options suck i mean just think about this washington really could have become the sea dogs dragons express or stallions you know i never really liked the name wizards but uh now i see what the fans had to pick from and more regardless the fans spoke and the bullets became the wizards but you want to know what's even crazier than a team changing their name everyone in the nba right now is shooting free throws wrong just to look cool like you remember making fun of a kid who shot like this shoots his free throws underhand here's the moment we've all been waiting for [Music] easy money right there all right well what if i told you that's literally the best way to shoot what you don't believe me well let's take things back to the 1960s when rick barry was doing the unthinkable at the time he was unlike any nba player in history no he wasn't doing like front flip dunks or shooting full court shots or anything crazy you see today instead he was shooting his free throws like a granny yeah barry would hold the ball between his legs wind up and shoot underhanded and there was a huge reason for it at that time barry was the greatest free throw shooter in nba history so he went on to let the world know his secret formula saying from the physics standpoint it's a much better way to shoot you have a little bit more margin for air than when you shoot overhand basically shooting his free throws like this took his wrist and elbows out of the equation they weren't as involved to mess up the arc of the shot leading to his ridiculous free throw percentage but even though this dude was hitting the shots like crazy he got clowned to hell i mean he was getting clowned so bad other players were afraid to shoot granny style shaq himself even admitted i told rick barry i'd rather shoot zero percent than shoot underhanded shaq dawg come here you did average 0 what are you talking about but anyways i guess players are gonna let their egos get in the way now if you still don't believe me there's a ton of research on this and yale literally proved i'm right so i don't know what to tell you but players aren't told to shoot free throws a certain way they can have whatever style they want but when it comes to what jersey's players wear that's something they're forced to do like have you ever wondered why the home team always wears white well when the nba was first created the games were being shown on tv but there was no 4k samsung flat screen tv of today all the games were shown in black and white so it became an unwritten rule that one team needed to be a solid color and the other had to be white and this became a permanent thing for decades but that's not the only thing that's become permanent in the nba since the birth of the league there's one thing that's always been a part of the game dirty plays as long as you got people competing someone's gonna do whatever they can to get a win even if that means purposely kicking a player in the nuts or trying to injure a star player during a timeout huh you want to hear more about that well click on this video right here these are the dirtiest plays in nba history and trust me you need to see what happened to lamello ball he got done dirty so what are you still doing here this video is over click it
Channel: REBOUND
Views: 2,283,483
Rating: 4.9150667 out of 5
Keywords: nba, rebound central, rebound
Id: t6sea9tHF_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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