Why NBA Players Got Their Tattoos..

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nba players have some interesting tattoos but what's the story behind them well for the mellow ball his tattoos are actually illegal see growing up lamelo was inspired by his older brothers he looked up to him they were you know his role models and when both of his older brothers got tattoos saying fear god lamelo he wanted to fit in so he decided man i'm gonna get a fear god tattoo but at the time lamelo was only 17 years old so when his dad levar found out he was pissed i mean levar nearly beat this kid's ass you got the real tats on there dawg are you kidding me let me see them things on your arm dude what does that say fear and what's the other one god how about you fear me if i choke the hell out of you for getting them goddamn damn lavar what the hell you homer simpson over here you're gonna choke your son out over some ink you little [ __ ] too far man too far or is it let's jump into an alternate universe where levar was all good with the tattoos well lamello was still a miner and in the state of california it's completely illegal to get tattoos under 18. even if you got a parent's permission like this is so serious the tattoo artists that did these could get arrested and face up to six months in prison but i guess if he got enough money to whip a lambo with 16 you ain't got to worry about the police and lamela went on to prove this by getting another tattoo but this time it was controversial behind his dad's back again lamella went to famous tattoo artist herschel l carrasco and got another illegal piece done this tattoo was done across lamelo's chest repping his high school jersey number one and when herschel posted this on instagram the mellow got his ass roasted like one dude even said this might be the worst tattoo ever damn i didn't think it was that bad but i mean who am i to say got the damn rebound logo tatted on my forehead told you man i'm promoting this thing everywhere but uh it turns out even lamelo was actually embarrassed about the new ink so he tried to keep it low-key but his dad ain't stupid when levar found out about this one he was ready to kick lamello to the streets you know i don't like tattoos so i guess when we get back home you got somewhere else to stay cause i ain't let you stay in my house with that all over your chest because i told you if you're living in my presence yeah they live my way now you'd think lamella would be afraid of his dad but clearly not because he kept getting more tattoos and in march of 2020 lamelo copped a new sky is the limit piece on his left leg the tattoo was this galaxy theme had an astronaut a rocket ship and it wrapped his mb1 signature sneakers and like i don't care what anyone says this one's actually fire but lamella wasn't finished there just a few months later lamelo went out and got his 10th tattoo just think about that this dude's like 18 years old and he's got more tattoos than most nba players and this time he got a lion reflecting a cub with the text of one of one and i know what you're thinking what the hell does this even mean well this one is actually his most meaningful one yet it represents how far he's come and the beast that he's turned into and now that lamella was 18 he was old enough to make his own decisions and with his brothers completely covered in ink as well levara's opinion on tattoos actually started to change i've never been a tattoo man time's changing that's what these guys do the stuff that he put on on his body he put it there for a reason to remind him of certain things i guess i was like you know what i'm over it and i said you know what it's cool for you if that's the way you got to deal with things that's my man lavar i knew you'd come around now lamelo he's just an nba rookie trying to fit in with his brothers kobe though if it weren't for his first tattoo the kobe that we know and love today would have never happened see back in 2003 during kobe's playoff run he suffered a knee injury that required surgery so later in june he flew to edwards colorado to meet with a knee specialist this is where he'd end up checking into the lodge and spa hotel and it was here that kobe hooked up with the concierge now he was just a young famous nba player trying to have a good time right well at this point kobe was already married to vanessa bryant so he literally cheated on his wife and to make things worse that concierge that kobe cheated with came out and accused him of the most serious allegation a woman can accuse a man with so of course with kobe being a celebrity this turned into the biggest scandal in nba history kobe's image was ruined and seemed like he was about to lose everything everything except for his wife vanessa even though the evidence proved that she was cheated on she was still in love with kobe and she stuck by a side through it all the case lasted over a year and eventually was settled outside of court with that kobe was beyond thankful you know this could have ruined his career and life and honestly if it wasn't for vanessa he wouldn't have been able to get through it she could have easily just up and left leaving kobe a heartbroken mess and he realized that and not only that he felt unbearable guilt so he had to make it up to her that's when he realized exactly what he needed to do to make things right he permanently tattooed her name onto his right arm in a 2003 interview after he got the ink kobe told her you're my backbone you're a blessing you're a piece of my heart you're the air that i breathe you're the strongest person i know and i'm so sorry for putting you and our family through this obviously this tattoo meant so much to kobe but what you need to understand is this was his first tattoo ever so it was really from the heart and that same year kobe kept adding to the tattoo he added angel wings to represent divine love and a butterfly crown to represent respect so it was obvious kobe was trying to prove to vanessa that he made a mistake and she truly meant the world to him i mean she was so important to him that he didn't get another tattoo until over a decade later in 2017 but this one ended up being even more important kobe went on to honor his daughters by adding all three of their names to that same arm his family meant everything to him and at the beginning of 2020 kobe was looking to finish the sleeve with his newly born daughter's name capri he set up an appointment for february 5th 2020 but just two weeks before his appointment kobe got into a helicopter with his daughter gianna and this was the last time anyone would see either of them alive now uh i i know it's tough to hear about kobe so i'm gonna try and lighten the mood a little bit all right we need to switch gears this next nba player jason terry he literally predicted the future of the nba with his tattoos this dude's inc is freaky man see back in 2010 terry and the mavericks just got knocked out of the playoffs in the first round and the team needed some motivation so during the off-season when the team was training desean stevenson invited the boys over to his house to get inked up by his personal tattoo artist yeah this man literally had a tattoo artist on call but see up until this point the mavericks had never won a championship ever and neither had terry but for some reason that night terry decided to get the championship trophy tatted on his right bicep this man's got no championships the mavericks never won a championship what the hell was this dude thinking like if the mavericks don't win terry's gonna be walking around with an nba finals trophy on his right arm for the rest of life without a ring to show for it even his teammate deshawn admitted when he first got the tattoo i said he was crazy well fast forward to june and the mavericks somehow pulled off an upset against the heat beating them 4-2 in the finals and they won the larry o'brien trophy the exact tattoo that terry got somehow this man did it he saved himself from becoming a meme for the rest of his life but i think terry got a little too confident in his psychic abilities because uh in the 2012 season terry did it again jason what have you been up to this summer to get ready for next season well i just been sitting back highly anticipating the day i put that uniform on oh how excited am i it's going to be fun i believe we got great things ahead of us but i have been a little busy getting a new tattoo let's see that here it is and why did you decide to get this tattoo well obviously you know i did it with the mavericks before the season the year we won it and so hopefully this year again we'll have the luck of the leprechaun and we'll get it done again i definitely believe last year they were right there they're already a championship team they just needed a little jet fuel i mean look at least the first hat was just the trophy like he could play it off for any team but this man literally got the celtics leprechaun holding the trophy so uh chances are this isn't gonna end well is it and what do you know terry had the worst season of his entire career and boston was knocked out of the playoffs in the first round by the knicks the knicks and that's when terry realized he never dropped a like and subscribe to the channel yeah that's right we got the power to make you lose to the next and trust me i'm not afraid to use it so what are you doing but anyways because terry didn't subscribe to rebound it all went downhill for his career from here no more rings no more trophies and thank god no more trophy tattoos but john wall on the other hand his tattoos are more than just ink they tell the story of how a kid from the hood made it all the way to the number one draft pick in the nba but as inspiring as it is it's also a dark story see wah grew up in raleigh north carolina an area surrounded by poverty and bad influences and it didn't help that his father was sent to jail when wall was just a year old left with a single mom wall's mother francis wasn't left with many options she ended up sacrificing her entire life working three to four jobs just to put food on the table and with wall's childhood being such a struggle it's what led to his first ever tattoo he embraced where he's from and he wanted it to be a part of him forever so he went and got the skyline of raleigh north carolina and the 919 area code inked onto his abs this was the place that he found his love for basketball so it's no wonder he paid homage and it's also where the bond between him and his mom grew strong so for his next tattoo he got his mother's name francis pulley with a handful of roses tatted on his chest and above that he got the words mama's boy and with his dad in jail she was all he had and this was even true for the short time that his dad was actually out of jail see when wall was eight years old his dad was finally released from jail and this should have been great news this would be the first time they could hang out together do father and son stuff right well the only reason wall's dad was released from jail was that he was diagnosed with stage four liver cancer and he only had a month left to live this kid went his entire life without his dad and the second his dad was released from jail the only thing wall could do with them was just try to make his last days more comfortable the kid learned at a young age that life is short and whatever you want out of this life you just gotta go chase it this was also the time that wall fell in love with basketball through difficult times like these that's what kept him going but as the days counted down eventually it happened while's dad passed away in the hospital at only 52 years old wall knew in his heart that one day he had to pay tribute to his father and that's exactly what he did with his third tattoo inking on his chest a tattoo showing the two of them together smiling just like he remembered but by the time he made it to high school the loss of his dad made him bitter angry and it caused him to get into fights luckily though wall had some close friends to help keep him on the right path these guys became friends for life and created a crew called five deep which is exactly what wall tattooed on his upper stomach it reminded him that no matter where he is his crew is always with him and after getting his head on straight he committed to the university of kentucky and he had to make the best of this opportunity because this was his shot to show everyone he belonged in the nba so wall teamed up with demarcus cousins and eric bledsoe for a year forming a super bond they named themselves the three amigos and that's why wahl got 3a for life touted on his right collarbone this one year at college put wall in the three guys on every nba team's radar and it was becoming clear that his mom's sacrifices were finally paying off and in 2010 wall was drafted with the number one pick in the nba draft see wahl looked at things like this if his mom really put him in a position to make it to the nba he owed it to her to become great so for the first few years of his career wall turned himself into one of the best point guards in the nba and he secured a 171 million dollar contract jesus christ whoa that's a lot of money man 171 million and he felt that he owed all of it to his mom's hard work and sacrifice but just a few years later in 2019 the most heartbreaking moment of wall's life happened and it led to his most important tattoo wall was out for the season after suffering devastating heal and achilles injuries and right before the february all-star break wahl got a phone call that took the soul right out of his body it was his mom francis and she was in trouble over the last few months wall's mom was battling cancer and the treatment she was undergoing just wasn't working so deep down wall knew that she didn't have much time left and that's when he decided that he should do one last thing as a tribute to her so that she could live on forever and what better way to do that than get a tattoo so later that february wall had the perfect idea for a tribute and eventually he ended up posting it to instagram it was a portrait of her face with the words dear mama and wall captioned the post with a heart as the months went on his mom's condition got worse and worse and eventually wall's phone rang again but this time it was the news he'd been dreading his mom lost the battle and she passed away but she still lives on to this day through wall's inc his tattoos are some of the most meaningful we've seen yet and there's honestly no topping them but i just couldn't end this video without bringing up kyrie irving like i don't know what's gotten crazier him or his tattoos and it's weird because kyrie came into the nba as a clean-cut guy yeah he had some ink here and there like his hungry and humble tattoo and his daughter elizabeth's name on his chest but in 2016 things started to get crazy after a win kyrie posted a pic of him with a really odd tattoo and he captioned the pic saying ham's a hand but uh fans immediately just blew up his comment section saying illuminati i mean it's literally a hand with a pyramid and an eye but apparently he said it has zero to do with the illuminati it's a symbol called the hand of fatima which represents good health and the hand is worn as a defense against negative energy but this wasn't the only tattoo of his that sparked some conspiracies during kyrie's time with the celtics he got a hand tattoo that's uh a little scary this thing looks like another illuminati symbol the hell is going on yeah things are getting weird but there's one tattoo of his that stands out the most and he posted about it on instagram on his left arm kyrie has a friend's tattoo yeah like the uh the sitcom show friends he went on to caption the picture saying i mean what can i say i'm a fan of the show and for some reason this tattoo became such a big deal even jimmy kimmel asked him about it you also have a tattoo and correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure i'm not of the friend's television show logo on your body where is the left forearm right here oh yeah there it is why do you have it i mean i mean one who isn't a friends fan [Applause] you really are a friend's man and then uh secondly uh one of my best friends or two of my best friends we have uh tattoos together are your best friends you know what man i guess kyrie's got a point you love a show that much might as well get a tatted and make all your friends do it too happy to see kyrie is a good influence i mean at least he didn't keep his tattoos a secret the nba itself they've been keeping a lot of secrets like the league already having players train for a four point line or that women have actually played in the nba oh you want to hear more about that well click on this video right here these are the things that you didn't know about the nba so uh what are you still doing here this video is over click it
Channel: REBOUND
Views: 9,687,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba, rebound central, rebound, tattoos, player tattoos, kyrie tattoos, lebron tattoo, steph tattoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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