Mistakes That Cost NBA Players MILLIONS..

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choking out coaches snowboarding accidents ig live parties with a bunch of thoughts these are mistakes that cost nba players millions and you really gotta watch your back cause the people that you trust most could be robbing you blind and lonzo ball learned this lesson the hard way see back in 2017 lonzo was the face of the big baller brand but when lonzo signed a 33 million dollar rookie deal with the lakers he just wanted to play basketball so he chose the most trustworthy person he knew to run the entire company his family's closest friend alan foster but sadly this would turn out to be the biggest mistake of alonso's life because when 1.5 million dollars went missing from lonzo's bank account he found out about a secret foster had been hiding it turned out that before foster met the ball family he served five years in prison for stealing over four million dollars from investors lonzo immediately knew who was behind the missing millions of dollars so in march of 2019 he called up foster told him to watch his back and fired his ass on the spot the way i feel about it was different that's why i covered the bbb up on my arm because like when i saw that i saw him and that just made me so like i was tight because like when we looked at the transactions it didn't start happening until my mom got sick because she took care of all the money so that's what really hurt me i'm like when that happened like everything just went off now lonzo's mistake cost him 1.5 million dollars but that's nothing compared to some nba players like nerlins noel this man's mistake cost him tens of millions of dollars see in 2017 noelle was playing for dallas where he averaged just eight points and seven rebounds a game pretty decent numbers for a role player but this dude was convinced that he was the next lebron so as a free agent at the end of the season he demanded a 146 million dollar contract now dallas they originally offered him 70 million but when mavericks owner mark cuban heard 146 mil he was so offended that not only did he take back his offer but he told noel to get lost and find a new team and guess what nobody else wanted to pay 146 million for a man who could only score 8 points a game so noel was left with no contract and no team but it's not all bad i mean he actually got another chance with dallas except this time they offered him a 4 million dollar contract and uh if i do a little bit of math yeah this is the face of a man who lost 66 million dollars hell but at least noelle didn't lose a hundred million dollars because that has happened before isaiah thomas's mistake will go down as one of the most expensive in nba history see during isaiah's 2017 season with the celtics he was setting the court on fire dropping 30 points consistently hitting game winners every night i mean this man put boston on his back but being the face of the celtics came with a heavy price he played the entire regular season with injuries to his groin and his hip so by the playoffs his body was begging him for a break but isaiah just didn't listen and during the eastern conference finals isaiah's hip got completely blown out forcing him to miss the rest of the playoffs and costing the celtics the series alright now put yourself in isaiah's position you carried your whole team for an entire season through multiple injuries just to help them make it to the playoffs and maybe win a ring i mean that's dedication so you'd expect a pretty big contract right well that's exactly what isaiah asked for a 100 million dollar four-year deal but not only did boston refuse to pay isaiah they ended up trading him to cleveland and after he sat out the first few months with the cavs to rehab his hip isaiah realized the mistake he made his loyalty cost him over a hundred million dollars and his body what happened to isaiah was out of his control but some nba players are different they purposely cost themselves millions like vladimir manovich why would he do that well in 2006 vladimir got the deal of a lifetime with the lakers he got a 30 million dollar contract with just one condition don't participate in any other sports the lakers they wanted to protect their 30 million dollar investment so he wasn't allowed to do anything that would risk injury but vladimir thought i can get away with a little snowboarding right so he decided to take a trip out to utah and literally on the first day of snowboarding vladimir fell off his board and separated his shoulder and this was a direct violation of his lakers contract i mean if the team found out he'd be cut and lose his entire 30 million dollar deal so he decided to let that trip be his little secret when he flew back to la he met with the team owner jerry buss and he decided to lie about the injury telling jerry that he separated his shoulder bye not dropping a like and subscribing to the channel yeah that's right i'm gonna pull up and personally separate your shoulder if you don't double like and subscribe to the channel so what are you doing but anyways vladimir also told jerry that he separated the shoulder slipping on ice but uh jerry he actually bought the story and vladimir was all good 30 million dollars in the bag until just a few weeks later when his con just got the best of him and he started to feel guilty about lying so he went and decided to tell jerry the truth knowing that this could end his entire nba career and cost him 30 million dollars but surprisingly jerry appreciated the honesty and the lakers decided to hit him with a 500 000 fine letting him keep the 30 million dollar deal and stay on the team that was a close one boys it looks like honesty can go a long way but not everyone is as lucky as vlad some nba players they make a mistake so bad that it cost them every single dollar they've ever made like latrell sprewell he lost hundreds of millions of dollars and it all started on one fateful night in 1997. when he literally choked out his coach in front of his entire team i'm not joking this man with homer simpson and straight up strangled pj carlos emo oh you wanna know why cause pj told him to make better passes yeah so the nba suspended latrell for an entire season costing him over 6 million dollars of his warrior salary but latrell didn't stop here he went on to lose everything for what he did in minnesota see in 2004 the timberwolves offered him a 21 million dollar contract and this dude latrell really had the nerve to say that 21 million dollars wasn't enough to feed his family and uh if we've learned anything from this video it's that if you turn down a deal you're probably not gonna get another one well that's exactly what happened to latrell he didn't get a single contract offer and was forced to retire from the nba okay so now is 2007. he's got no job and needed to do anything to save some money so latrell decided to refuse to pay his child support of of course of course he did and uh that family that he had to feed well they ended up suing him for 200 million dollars so now latrell was really out of money and shortly after his dollar yacht was repossessed he couldn't pay the mortgage on his house anymore and he owed over three million dollars in taxes this man's mistakes cost him hundreds of millions of dollars and he was left with absolutely nothing but some nba players they lose more than just money from their mistakes some could lose their life like gilbert arenas see in 2009 gilbert was on a team plane for his flight home to washington and to pass the time he decided to bet on some card games with his teammates and uh gilbert was doing pretty well i mean he won a few rounds and made a couple thousand dollars but he had one teammate that refused to accept losing javaris criticism this man wanted his money back but gilbert won fair and square he wasn't about to do any charity work so they got into an argument and started yelling at each other and gilbert got so pissed at javaris that he threatened to light his car on fire so to stop things from getting violent their teammates had to step in and separate the two and by the time the plane landed everything was cool for now cause just two nights later after a game against philly gilbert made the biggest mistake of his entire nba career he was still pissed about the other night and he wanted to show javaris that he wasn't the guy to play with so he approached javaris in the locker room and literally pulled out a gun on him and to make matters worse your boy javaris pulled his own strap out too so in the middle of the wizards locker room there was literally a wild west standoff with these two just threatening each other at this point no one's sure exactly what happened because obviously everyone else got the hell out of that room eventually the two put the weapons down and no one was hurt of course it can't end there though they both committed felonies there had to be some consequence and a few days later the washington dc police heard about what happened and they started investigating so gilbert confessed to his crime and the nba suspended him without pay for the rest of the 2009 season costing him over 10 million dollars of his nba salary oh this cause a damn card game ridiculous but not as ridiculous as when an nba player nearly ended his own career in a game of call of duty yeah i'm talking about myers leonard see in 2019 while playing basketball for the miami heat leonard was live streaming on twitch every week the dude was so popular and so into video games he even got to join faze clan and by 2020 he had sponsorships with astro gaming scuff gaming and origin pc dude was living it up shooting hoops in miami one night and playing call of duty for thousands of fans on twitch the next but in march of 2021 he made the biggest mistake of his entire life cause in front of thousands of viewers on one of his live streams he called someone a religious slur and when the nba found out they find him fifty thousand dollars in fact leonard upsets so many people he lost all of his gaming sponsorships and was banned from twitch i mean that alone was costing him hundreds of thousands of dollars but then things get even worse the miami heat well they decided he was a bad look for the team so later that month he got traded to oklahoma city and just two days after the trade he got cut from the thunder entirely and his release meant the second year of his contract was cancelled so the 10 million dollars he could have made in 2021 vanished into thin air this man really blew 10 million dollars raging over call of duty this is one of the dumbest mistakes in nba history but not the dumbest that title goes to paul pierce see after pierce retired from the nba in 2017 he signed a deal to become an analyst for espn for 1.5 million dollars a year and it was great on both sides until april of 2021 when paul pierce thought it was a great idea to go on instagram live while he was throwing a damn party this man was playing poker drinking henny puffing the devil's lettuce this thing was just wild man and the entire world was watching including his employer and uh i don't think the bosses at espn appreciated what they were watching too much because they ended up firing pierce immediately costing him his 1.5 million dollar salary and pierce well uh i don't think he was too happy about the decision this man's laughing on the outside and crying on the inside now there's a lot of dumb ways nba players lose their money but zion williamson he's lost millions just from buying ridiculous stuff like this man went out and got an iced out infinity gauntlet bought three different benzes fully customized as cars and that's just the beginning huh you want to hear more about that well click on this video right here these are 10 items zion williamson owns that cost more than your life and trust me man you want to see this one so what do you do when this video is over click it
Channel: REBOUND
Views: 7,228,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba, rebound central, rebound
Id: pfX3Y3sQZJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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