NBA Players That FORCED Rule Changes..

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one nba player cheated his way into the all-star game another smelled so disgusting that he cleared out an entire locker room these are the nba players that forced rule changes [Music] nothing compares to how james harden cheated his way to over 30 points per game it all started when a young hardin was traded from the thunder to the rockets the man was a bench player at the time only averaging 9.9 points per game but after that trade he became an nba superstar averaging 25.9 points per game that's a 16 point increase in just three seasons this kind of improvement in that short of time something hard to believe so it brought a lot of skepticism too hard was he cheating well the nba had some suspicions now and they started keeping a close eye on him and then he was caught doing the unthinkable see hardin's been notorious for getting to the free throw line but during his first year in houston he nearly tripled his free throw attempts per game just to put things into perspective people think someone like lebron gets all the calls but in 2012 hardin averaged 10 free throws per game while lebron only averaged seven i mean yeah i guess that's still seven more free throws than i got but still point stands harden got 42 percent more free throws than lebron and he would do this year after year it turned out harden was using an overpowered move that nobody could defend when a defender would contest harden he'd lock arms with them to force a foul call like just watch this harden did a real good job of using the old vet move lock his arm don't let him get it out of it hold it there james yeah and guess who gets the foul josh the rookie all right i know you can't see my face right now but josh hart that's how i feel dog but anyways the league was forced to step in and in 2017 the hardened rule was officially introduced stating that you can no longer draw a foul by forcing the contact yourself and if a player isn't already shooting before the call it's just a common foul fast forward a few years james harden was recently traded from the rockets to the nets and during all that controversy hardin put on enough weight to become a big man and speaking of controversial big men shaquille o'neal is as big of a deal as they come literally and if the nba hadn't changed the rule because of him it would have lost them billions of dollars now obviously during shaq's career his ass was nearly impossible to defend i mean the man was seven feet tall and 324 pounds imagine trying to guard that i don't care who you are my money's on shack dog but see he did have one gigantic flaw shaq is one of the worst shooters in nba history i mean this man only made one three-pointer in his entire career 1. [Applause] that was it the first and last time anyone ever saw shaq hit a three so anytime you kept shaq out of the paint i mean you win but clearly that's a lot harder than it sounds until the mavericks developed something called the hakka shack and it looks exactly how it sounds and they're the hacker shack we saw this in both games one and two in san antonio uh i dare someone to run up and hug me an entire basketball game we squaring up mw2 rust 1v1 i'll hit you with the 720 insta swap let's see uh teams were hugging shaq as a strategy to win they wanted to intentionally fall him so he was forced to the free throw line imagine being so bad at shooting teams are just giving you free throws and if you know shaq well he couldn't shoot a free throw to save his life the man was a career 52 percent free throw shooter jesus with those odds shaq would make one free throw max this is why teams would do the hack a shack so often because worst case scenario shaq's team would score one point and the other team would get the ball if that was happening to me every single nba game i'd be pretty annoyed but shaq shaq was furious so one day he decided the rules need to change and he barged into the commissioner's office and threatened to start swinging on people if they kept fouling them and especially if they didn't drop a like and subscribe to the channel yeah shaq's gonna be your ass and i know you won't win that fight so don't risk it but anyways shaq stared david stern down and yelled next time someone hack-a-shacks me i don't mind taking 15-20 games out just imagine you're on the phone and a 300 pound man burst through your glass door like the kool-aid man threatening you would you do what he says well david stern didn't so the hacker shot continued and it caused some games to last over three hours because of all the free throws it even got to the point where fans were booing their own teams i mean imagine someone getting fouled and shooting 30 plus free throws in one game but not only that the worst free throws so enough was enough the nba finally added a rule to stop this kinda it stated that any foul away from the ball gives the other team a free throw and possession the catch was this only applies during the last two minutes of a quarter so it can still happen to this day but look at least shaq wasn't playing dirty to cause rule changes i can't say the same for zaza pachulia now he's not the most well-known player but he set a record for causing the most rule changes in a single season and it started in 2017. coming into the all-star game it usually comes down to the best players being guaranteed a spot but something weird happened with the votes out of nowhere zaza pachulia started getting more votes than kawhi leonard demarcus cousins and anthony davis hold up hold up hold up let's take a look at the stat differences for a second kawhi leonard 25 points per game demarcus cousins 27 points per game anthony davis 28 points per game and zaza pachulia at a small pathetic embarrassing six points per game disgusting mr pachulia are you even playing what's going on six points i could score six points uh it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that zaza does not belong so the nba knew something suspicious was going on a binge player was literally going to be a starter in the all-star game what well see zaza was born in tbilisi the largest city in georgia with over 3.7 million people no not that georgia this georgia come on and because he was the only current nba player from that city the entire country rallied together to get zaza in the all-star game an entire country all of them but even though he had supporters he clearly didn't belong with the stars so the league was forced to create the zaza rule which basically made the fan votes worth 50 percent less putting the control back into the nba's hands so now you can only make the game if you actually deserve it not just because you were a meme or popular in the country you're from but this was just the first rule change zaza had that year just a few months later he nearly ended a career and the nba was forced to intervene at the time zaza was on the warriors and they were on a roll in the nba playoffs they steamrolled through the first two rounds sweeping the blazers and jazz 4-0 and when the warriors reached the western conference finals against the spurs there were predictions that kawhi leonard and the spurs could pull off an upset so coming into game one all eyes were on this series in the second quarter kawhi and the spurs completely took over dunks layups threes they were hitting everything and the warriors just couldn't keep up somehow katie steph clay draymond and the king zaza himself didn't look like enough the spurs went up by 25 points this looked like it was going to be the warriors first loss in the playoffs but with eight minutes left in the third and the spurs up 76-55 this happens and leonard goes down again and he's in pain again in front of the spurs bench and leonard gingerly getting up again that's that's what they call all the time when you get your feet into the landing space of the shooter kawhi was hurt bad zaza closed out to defend the shot and this caused kawhi to land right on zaza's foot and i think zaza might have purposely done this to take kawhi out of the game regardless it ruined kawhi's ankle everyone in the crowd on the bench and watching from home knew it kawhi was ruled out for the rest of the game and this completely changed the rest of the series the spurs went from being up 25 to choking the game and losing 113 to 111 and since kawhi was ruled out for the rest of the series the spurs were swept 4-0 now was what zaza did to kawhi a dirty play well no one except for him knows if he did it on purpose but either way greg popovich was pissed a two-step lead with your foot closeout is not appropriate it's dangerous it's unsportsmanlike it's just not what anybody does to anybody else and this particular individual has a history with that kind of action see i don't blame them for being so mad zaza has done things like this before because this incident became so controversial the nba immediately got involved creating the zaza rule this rule change now prevents reckless closeouts toward a shooter so if the move happens referees can call it a flagrant or technical foul which would get a player find but zaza is not the only guy from the warriors that's forced a rule change his ex-teammate kevin durant has also had a controversial past and during his first couple of seasons with the thunder he was dominating but one sneaky move made him a target of the nba see it instantly became known that kd was a walking cheat code the dude is six foot ten with a seven foot five wingspan not only that he was averaging 25 points per game as a 20 year old this dude couldn't legally drink and he was nearly the best offensive player in the world i mean you can't even build this man on 2k he's too op so with okc it didn't take long for durant to become the league's best scorer he could get to the rim hit mid-range shots threes and by his third season he was averaging over 30 points per game but it makes you wonder how is he doing all this well a move called the rip through was to blame a move that fans and players felt was unfair durant would purposely shoot the ball by swinging into a defender's arms to draw a foul come on katie what the f was that before he started doing this move the rant was already unguardable but now the refs were practically handing him free throws and the nba couldn't do anything about it because it was indeed a foul so they were forced to change it from a shooting foul to a common foul that way players can't manipulate themselves to the free throw line instantly in a game or quarter and even though the nba changed the rules for this katy still tries to cheat his way into free throws just look when he was in okc he used to get this maybe four or five times but the funny thing is i don't think there was a foul crazy man even being teamed up with kyrie and hardin just isn't enough well even though kevin durant is still causing these controversies it's nothing compared to a player who smelled so bad his own teammates forced him to shower now you would think millionaire athletes would take their health and hygiene seriously but some actually smell worse than a homeless man just listen to this adam morrison would not shower there was a problem with him not showering true or false uh true that was uh back in the day though yeah but how did this argument go between gerald wallace and adam hey he told him get his butt in the shower he said hey you know yeah you gonna take a shower here so he told him to he said he kept explaining i take showers i'm just gonna go home man i want to go home and take my own shower my own house he said man i don't want to hear that man get in there hey he took that shower i'll tell you that dude what everybody was practicing and everybody was sweaty so imagine how bad this man smelled if his own teammates were forcing him to shower ridiculous man adam morrison's habits were a nightmare the man would show up without showering chew tobacco and spit it everywhere and it was rumored that he'd wear the same three polos for an entire season disgusting so because of players like him the nba's hygiene rules have gotten more strict than ever see hygiene is something you think everyone cares about especially in nba locker rooms but some players came into the league not knowing the rules when markeith morris was with the wizards he had an experience that scarred him for life he said players not wanting to shower that happens a lot i had an incident when i was in phoenix with a rookie who said i don't use deodorant i was like whoa whoa whoa what the do you mean you don't use deodorant you gotta respect other players it's uncomfortable guarding someone that stinks that's why i had to explain to him like bro you smell so it's uncomfortable for us to be around you smelling like that yeah yeah i feel you marqueef i know a couple people that need your advice for real hopefully they're watching this video but it was even rumored that markieff took a trip to cvs and bought kits to pass out to smelly teammates and you know who's on his team right now anthony davis markieff brought deodorant shampoo baby powder and he left at a certain player's lockers anthony we're looking at you there's no way a unibrow that thick is smelling good okay the nba needs to make this dude shave that thing i'm sorry that was too far but but anyways the only promise markief made to them to get them to follow the rules was the ladies are going to like this and it worked every time i mean you got to be smelling good or fans will start throwing drinks at you and that's not the only thing they'll do they'll flip you off they'll try and blind you sometimes nba fans went way too far huh you want to hear more about that well check out this video right here it's ridiculous one fan got in a fist fight with an nba player on national tv you want to see that trust me so what are you doing this video is over click it
Channel: REBOUND
Views: 18,447,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba, rebound central, rebound, anthony davis
Id: N9uEph5Hf9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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