Weirdest Aircraft I’ve ever flown - LongEZ Aeros over #AirVenture

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this airplane is so much fun it's a it's a unique different funny-looking airplane air shows are all about variety i'm gonna go try not to break another airplane that i've never flown before this is like a thing you do a lot a lot but usually the other guy has more than no control what do i have that you don't have i've got a stick that's all i got you don't even have pedals don't worry i'm legit doing it all okay you're doing it all something you need to know about the plane left pedal left rudder right pedal they go out like this they don't go like this the pedals don't go like this they go like this okay no so yeah i'm gonna need to do most of this one including the radio work at the busiest airport in the world as long as you plus one holding short two seven head off everybody hold short and we're going to be getting back to the tower here shortly once we get kevin on the ground and we've got a military pilot who won the flake chops experience and haven't done slow play in a while you don't slope like the kids you 135 not on purpose not on purpose though so hopefully this one will capture a bit of the air venture spirit even though none of us get to go this year and roll out there you go that was a nice roll [Music] it's been really hard that air venture didn't happen for 2020 [Music] but luckily so much awesome stuff happened last year that i've got a massive pile of raw footage so i can continue putting out new original content for a long time [Music] thanks to steph strickland we got a lot done in 2019. welcome to theater in the woods i'm somewhere between honored and terrified to be speaking in this venue but i made it through that and it was such an awesome experience to do those forum talks and get to engage with so much of the community and suddenly a wild flight chops appeared so this is some pretty special hardware so we're gonna get to see these machines fire up [Music] one of the coolest connections steph hooked me up with was meeting kyle fowler and his burt rutan designed long easy this airplane is so much fun it's a unique different funny looking airplane air shows are all about variety it is definitely unique to see him flying this thing at air shows it's not the kind of airplane you expect to see doing aerobatics it's an incredibly stable airplane it's crisp on the controls my only concern is how to not give it breaks by accident when i'm trying to by the time we get to the runway yeah i'll figure it out okay how hard could it be it's an airplane so kyle's planning to throw me in the front seat which basically has all the controls and show me how he flies it i just met bertrand two days ago he signed my airplane right now wow but when i was talking to him he did tell me that there wasn't easy conceived of before the long easy and he said quite frankly the thing didn't fly worth a darn then they redesigned came up with the long easy and that's where i fly for air shows we've got some some skydivers we got some unlimited aerobatics we've got the jets and this just fits into the drive yeah very cool we did a really thorough briefing but the sound was destroyed by a lot of jet noise and so on but i'll share what i can what do i have that you don't have i've got a stick that's all i got you don't even have pedals don't worry i'm legit doing it all okay you're doing it all you're a very trusting man and these are not typical rudder pedals something you need to know about the plane left pedal left rudder right pedal right rider they go out like this they don't go like this the pedals don't go like this they go like this okay no i was kind of joking but not joking that is so weird you press them both down and you've got basically a speed brake and then the way the brakes work is once you reach the stops of the rudders that's where the brakes start so basically it's aerodynamic aerodynamic air dynamic and then wheel yeah it'll be pretty pretty natural it's easy it's in the name keep saying it it's easy okay and if you ever wondered why these airplanes are parked like sitting on their noses you hold it down you step on this on the step you hop in like you're getting on a horse you sit down i'll help you start the plane and i'll hop in the back when we're gonna start it up so the idea being that any given time you're always keeping weight on it absolutely i've always wondered why do these things park like this and that's the reason why that's exactly the reason why so i'll just show you here real quick yeah so if we pick this plane up right about there it's balanced there's our little hand crank a little squeaky yeah just like that you hold it down you step on you step in and if you let go it goes over backwards [Music] and then swing over and not like you're hopping on a horse hopping on a horse which they don't do but okay exactly how bad could it be another obvious but fundamental difference with this aircraft the canard lifts the nose up to go up and on a conventional airplane the tail pulls the tail down to go up so on this everything is a lifting surface i definitely feel like i'm wearing this thing so it's got a super simple panel and you really just kind of wear this thing like a glove [Music] master's on you start it up this is your power here crack it just a bit [Music] so what's happening right now is light chops gonna go fly aerobatic long easy they're gonna do formation work with the i think it's an f1 rocket over there i hope steve does a good job with it he will he's an awesome pilot right this is a formation flight and the guys on board the f1 rocket have some pretty impressive resumes you saw home in the briefing here we are at whitman we're going to taxi out we're going to take off runway 2-7 29 years as a military pilot including flying the f-18 demo in 2011. on board with him is match managing the cameras he's also an award-winning filmmaker who happens to be a former canadian snowbird currently in fighter pilot school in california before we get airborne there's one more highlight that i wanted to cover at a meet up at the vans aircraft booth we gave away an on-the-spot special edition flight chops experience what we're gonna do is greg is gonna walk around you all know what we're giving away here right it's rewarding to give back to the community who've helped make flight shops possible we are picking the winner for the rv14 flight here at vans 19. okay here we go ready yeah andrew hamburger we'll check back in with andrew in the rv14 but for now let's get the long easy airborne rod you can turn left on five two three in the left on alpha is shockwave the jet trucks undertow just falling behind him i've got to do the radio work on this flight and at air venture transmitting is unique to the performers and i think the warbirds as well as opposed to standard arrival and departure procedures which are listen only long as you plus one holding short two seven that offer everybody hold short we're gonna be getting back to the tower here shortly once we get kevin on the ground not busy here at all right it's really busy we we hit right in the middle of when they're switching back over to tower takeoff procedure full power full back on this stick as soon as the nose comes off the ground you just check forward just a little bit keep that canard just below the horizon and you keep that power once you see 80 knots then you pull off you may have to ride the brake i got it yep until we uh until you get rudder authority all right so that side of the runway left side of the runway for the twin boat right side for nine one outfit all the way back and i went out for runway two thousand takeoff check forward there all right and pull up all right with the whiskey and the right side right side lay up away pull up a little bit twin bow pull up about 30 feet there's the biplane uh left side uh six four hotel up to the picture thankfully we briefed that takeoff procedure but i did forget one thing mike in front of you there again gear just crank the gear oh yeah okay seven delta whiskey runway two seven click takeoff gear up all right okay we're up all right okay you still need to bring the guy up i didn't catch that again the nose wheel is still down a little bit because i have a couple cranks to go which way is up again let's just go to the north side of that lake there the next lake and let's start climbing up to 2800 we'll try to keep it in that area so that was crazy but now i can start thinking about flying this thing with less chatter so 2800 yep minimum 2800. you can keep the climb going to go a little bit higher what do you want to climb speed at uh whatever's comfortable man this thing is fast eh that's pretty quick so i really don't know what's comfortable but this feels comfortable this is a good rate what are we doing for air speed 140 140 140 knots yeah that's that's a good speed on the i'm reading the e fist yeah that's good i'm pretty relaxed about how you apply to do anything wrong then i'll tell you okay yeah i'm just trying to apply it by feel well back there i was hearing about sixty percent of what you were saying there was a lot going on back there it's pretty difficult but we made it we're safe it made it okay we have a slight all right let's go to the north keep climbing you can run the power just a little bit lower so that uh just because my oil temperatures are about on the high side right now okay we're powering back okay it's surprising how that thing can go you're not going to hear often the rockets go down hey tell him you're going to make a right turn and follow the lake level off and just kind of make a bit of a right turn now just follow the lake but the purpose of this flight was aerobatics so let's get into it all right ready to roll it yeah sure first thing we're going to do slow roll on my eefus my speed tape is color coordinated okay if it's green don't go upside down if it's yellow you can do a roll if it's red you can pull for a loop now those are set for my airshow numbers i want to see at least 10 knots or 15 knots above those numbers but i can see over your shoulder i'll let you know if you have the speed before we do any aerobatics so you don't even have to remember numbers you just have to remember colors so we'll warn them yeah give them a warning we're going to dive dive down for speed and roll okay so we're going to dive down and do a roll hopefully i'll just space it out a bit and uh yeah yeah sure really okay yeah it don't matter we can firewall this thing all right what are we yeah we're at 100k dive down a little bit all right okay all right let's pitch up okay up up up up up up up up up up up up and then pull left full left full left keep it going keep it going keep it going keep it going don't go negative there you go and pull out of it that was not too bad man a little negative though yeah a little negative on the bottom side there so let's face the northern roll going to the to the north just make a radio call we're going to do a fast roll to the right okay we're going to do a fast roll to the right you can get the speed and i'll speed it up with you okay here we go okay so dive down full power and what do you want to do with rudder as we roll so pitch up and you're going to go full right right or full right stick go now full right full right full right and roll out there you go that was a nice roll yeah cool the rudder was the big difference on that one oh it makes a huge difference that will look very different for the reason i got the handle now [Music] here's how that one looked from the photo ship anyway back on the ground andrew's getting ready for his flight and mike the demo pilot is grabbing a quick ice cream andrew is an air force pilot and he flies kc-135 strato tankers all right man thank you sir appreciate it okay cool so this was a fun flight for him in something small and snappy yeah thank you appreciate the opportunity [Music] pretty awesome oh yeah best view in the house yeah okay so i got her pretty well trimmed up go ahead and take over all right and back at the booth the previous flight chops experience winner hannah stopped by for a visit all right you ready guys she got to fly the extra 300 when dave and i were out there for training just after she got in her ppl [Laughter] she's made a lot of progress since how's it going i've made some progress yeah stuff i don't know if you know anything about that or not i i've been too busy to know what's going on what's happening and we're getting killed by the run-up of a mosquito so yeah that audio got blown out by the engine noise but the episode she's in is coming up soon in a multi-part mini series do we have to redo all of that i know the drill now and adding to andrew's experience he got to land an rv-14 in the middle of osh okay so put the flaps all the way down now and add a little bit of power we're gonna need some power add a little power in keep it coming on down okay now we gotta step right right and left wing down all right bring us on down coming on down on down down down okay power to idle now all the way well that was exciting huh that's fine first time i ever landed an rv how'd that go it was great it was great awesome man back on board the long easy we're far enough away to give this thing a workout if you can't stay there i'll just speed it up around you okay yeah we can slow it up yeah just maintain that just leave it right there it sounds good sound what are we at twenty four hundred twenty five uh power's at twenty five my back it off a little bit that's good there he said it's good there okay i'm feeling great no uh issues the airplane is starting to talk to me more now took a minute to get used to the feel it's a little different it's the uh it's a lot different oh yeah it's quite the airplane i love this little thing all right so it's 180 degrees left now yep man i think turns pretty sharp yeah you're pretty aggressive on your turns was that too sharp no it's all good all right tell them we're going to do a loop okay we're going to do a loop in position all right so what we're going to do i want to see 195 on that defense before we pull i might pull with you on the stick don't yank it in it's not an aerobatic airplane i understand all right so let's go full power dive down dive down until you can get aggressive with the dive man you can get right down there just stop it over 195 i want at least 195 what do we got okay there it is all right so let's pull nice and gentle nice and gently pull harder a little bit harder a little bit harder a little bit harder pull pull pull pull pull there it is there it is keep the pole coming all right pull pull pull power back power back power back there we go keep the power power up and then roll roll all right pull up nice and crisp on your controls i like that okay i'll be going to line the breast to your left and then what i'll be requesting you is to do a like a 45 degree bang kind of turn away okay we're going to break right on your call okay whenever you're ready turn away to the right 60 degrees [Music] that's a good altitude there okay we're gonna hold two thousand power up go 2500 2500 power all right so that switch for the smoke i'll hold this stick if you want click that switch on the smoke on it might get smokey in here okay okay now go full right rudder and i'm going to help you on the stick pull right rudder there you go there you go wow okay i feel like i'm still that's okay oh i lost the formation that's okay okay turn the smoke pump up and roll out so that was a knife edge can you actually do knife edge at that speed no no you got the smoke pump off up is off okay perfect yeah it's not really a knife edge it's a slip just keep the right hand turning i'll tell you when to roll out so i saw him sit by underneath the table we'll do it one more time maybe put left in the bank and more rudder i understood i think i was actually trying to get knife so that wasn't gonna happen you're basically controlling your nose with your rudder and uh you're just trying to have the most amount of bangs so that your nose doesn't move away she understood i just didn't realize i would be able to get that much in it okay power up 25 power 25 okay smoke on no not yet wait till he's in position okay okay so smoke pump on and go full right rudder and i'll help you with the stick okay there's rudder smoke on focus on all right and now for the hard part driving back into air venture as a performer tower uh long easy performer plus one over the prison okay uh it's kind of gravel but i heard long easy performers did you say you're over the prison yes sir yes sir long easy performer roger midfield right down when two center report turning the downwind gonna be right downwind for two seven four turning that one i just called word formation and we are a flight of two you feeling okay yep all right it wasn't too much for you was it oh no i know it was kind of thrown together a little bit the only challenge for me was hearing everything all right and the one thing i might yell it at you if i yell at you i'm yelling gear okay here yeah yeah let's not forget that it will land with the gear up you'll do minimal damage to the plane but it's very embarrassing yeah we're not gonna do that see the field in sight yeah okay i got traffic low no factor crossing as long as it's not in our way that's okay pull our power back a little bit and north tower you've got a texas flight of 12 with you just south of the brick wall northbound turn left flight roger uh just hold your altitude until you focus on it that was probably aggressive sorry about that the radio chatter made the intercom almost unusable but i'll cut back to the briefing now to talk about the arrival we're gonna just join a right downwind now it is a tighter tighter down uh circuit that they like you to fly here i'm okay flying tight okay that's good because the speed i want to see over the numbers is uh at least 80 knots a little quick on the approach and the reason i do that is i like the crisp controls if you slow down too much and it just gets sloppy just aim for your side runway yeah because i'll be coming in on the s side aim on the right side of the runway right center i need to talk to the wrong easy do you see the texans i could see you yet enter your downwind to keep it in close i'm going to try to turn you inside of them i think they'll extend that over the water hey tell them your right base for short right base for the longest one long easy to keep it turned in front direct the archdot lander that'll be on the green dot okay director hey what's your speed called microphone here speed here speed is uh one time roger you're following a flight of two of the long easy over the numbers lead to action towards your base a little harder go to the end where did you get in there that was a interesting arrival yeah that was an oshkosh arrival all right pop back canopy i'm blue flight of five is turning a five mile initial yeah let's keep going forward we're going to go straight into where that hanger is to the right and let's just stop right here this works all right hit the brakes so to shut it off those uh switches by your elbow all three of them yeah all three of them down the loop took a lot of pull to enter and then it was pretty much normal loop rolling was weird flooring the first one i didn't get right because i couldn't believe i had to floor the rudder so i hope you enjoyed that one i know it wasn't quite as good as being an adventure well i appreciate you letting me make your airplane dirty i appreciate you not crashing it didn't crash yeah good times i'm happy to be contributing to the virtual version of airventure this year thanks to sponsors and patreon supporters for creating this content and until next time keep your flight chop sharp we made it that was awesome it was fun flew in an airshow airplane not an air show that's not for the air show just tell me real quick how it how'd it go how to go the airplane wasn't hard to fly what was difficult was hearing any instructions almost all the time so yeah it was a lot of radio chatter on top of him trying to give me instructions so i think i said say again a thousand times we'll call up 126.66 and if it's still active and if not it's 118.5 for the tower for oshkosh towers the problem that i've forgotten most of this gear in headlights
Channel: FlightChops
Views: 354,861
Rating: 4.9272156 out of 5
Keywords: flight training, VFR, IFR, Airventure, flying, landing, aviation, flight chops, Flight VLOG, VLOG, pilot career, pilot life, pilot, Rutan, kit plane, home build, Aerobatics, AirVenture, Oshkosh
Id: eo-v4gKp5CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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