$17,000 Bird Strike + ZERO Hesitation Rejected Take Off - Is your briefing this SOLID?

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since we have everything rolling just run me through how did your takeoff briefing look that day and tell me about what went down and why you were so prepared for it your before takeoff briefing you could just be going through the motions and just okay I'm just saying the words I'm supposed to say we all hope for a routine flight but the best pilots expect otherwise or you make it like oath to yourself that says if this happens this is what I will do not just this is what I'm supposed to say we say your train as you fly fly as you train well breathe as you're gonna fly it and then for the love of all things then fly it as you breathe in other words there's no point three I think the follow-through is the big thing after analyzing it there's three seconds from what costs that there's birds and I can tell you exactly what the thought process was in those three seconds when it would take three minutes to explain the three seconds the thought process right you know what I been using like one little 64 gig micro card I was send a dog walker oh man well yeah that's that was awesome to see so I think this is gonna be a cool thing to intercut with that footage so if you can package up what we shot and the footage you've got with stills you've got I'll try to cut something together Ryan's been a longtime friend and mentor he's an air traffic controller and a highly experienced pilot and he's been helping coach me through preparation for the instrument flight test which I'm quite close to now so this footage is coming from one of those recent coaching sessions I did with Ryan and when you work with Brian he doesn't just ship you the footage she sent me a whole care package with a challenge coin from the VC general aviation Association I want to plug his services here I paid in full for it but he does a really great job and I definitely want to plug him yeah they were hurt on the runway and while we were going down they decided to go airborne I kind of idea I was gonna hit up but mostly yesterday when I had my incident there with this Eagles we're doing an EDM departure yeah I lived like 15 minutes from the airport I was at the airport at 6:15 why are you so early I just like taking my time not only being rush there's getting everything got the airplane right hand so that they got on and like your heads in the right place you're good to go and if you're not familiar with some of the previous episodes we've done with Ryan there's quite a few in the back catalogue now including a multi-part series about the survival shakedown in the mountains of BC trying to live with nothing but this revival kit in your aircraft and going flying with them over Vancouver showing my family around and offering some unique insights that can only come from a pilot that's also an air traffic controller yeah so we were taking off into is going like hard IMC the weather is nasty here and five people on the airplane and all of them are pilots so there's six pilots in an airplane even when there's not house I'll still do over like a no loud verbal departure briefing and so that starts with what happens when if things go wrong what happens if things go really wrong and then lastly what happens if everything goes right because that's what we hope for but what we need to be least prepared for so it's the same departure briefing every time in not airplane we talk about if any malfunction occurs before 85 knots and a lot of people is Iran on engine failure well there's so much more that can happen then there goes any malfunction after 85 knots with insufficient runway any malfunction after 85 knots with sufficient runway etc etc so we've reached the whole thing pulled out on the runway we got our takeoff clearance and full power going down the runway and work we got in the back I didn't know those he was videoing I look over my shoulder so you see this whole thing and I didn't realize that the takeoff roll is really only about a 24 second event it feels so much longer when you're actually doing it and we're going down the runway and I remember Kyle goes there's birds and I look up and it wasn't like two birds it was like 20 birds on the runway and like big-ass seagulls after watching the video like 50 times right at that moment you can see my hand kind of shift on the on the throttle and I might pinky up on the it's like full power and my pinky on the prop lever and these two fingers kind of casually there and you can see the tears kind of doing a little hook and then you count one two three eight years and then powered robot it's after analyzing it there's three seconds from what costs that there's birds and I can tell you exactly what the thought process was in those three seconds so you see the birds and my first thought is okay well I could just try and reject now but if I reject now and you're still gonna help and if we had to reject if we rejected every time we saw birds on the right away we'd never go flat rate so that cable scrapped that idea so option two is we keep going and hope that they scram except the problem was is right where they were on the runway it was random over my remote eight point was going to be so air speeds were creeping up on you know VR we're in the Navajo dude you know coming up on $85 which is right where I normally rotate I'm like a hundred feet from these birds and then I've got crap weather right on top of me like what do you do so I just held it on the ground for like an extra three seconds because I figured if I'm in a hit I'm going to take it on the ground and I'll deal with this on the ground because I don't know what's gonna happen I'm not taking a damaged airplane into heart I you see because there's no quick way to get back into this Airport it's a 15 minute ordeal if we have to go and do an approach that was the thought process in three seconds because those were my options and had moved and got to 85 knots which is right at the rotate speed and then weird the Shmack and then there was just meat down my window and I figured okay one went through the left prop so right away throttle died all not quite max breathing because max as I could get on a really Rutter I know you used all the runway turn around come back and prep the tower just leave my flight plan there and well I think everything's fine we're just going to go out and look and I probably about go here in five minutes we go in and smell the bird on the side of the airplane and we shut down and Kyle looks out on the right wing it was just the wingtip supposed to be like that we just stay here and I went around and that's where I took that picture and the whole outside foot and a half of the right wing is basically just like pushed up flat so okay we're done for the day and what park the airplane you talked in my car the the runway is now closed and I call the tower on the phone I said hey look like can I Drive out on the runway only get pictures of these birds just for the insurance he said so he gave me a basic taxi clearance onto the runway on the phone drove out there got pictures of the massacre that it happened to run away yeah I played it played it over and over a lot and I don't think I'd do it again any differently but unfortunately it damages everything the damage was done but but so I mean the moral the story there is is that you're pre-take-off briefing is like a Bible that you do not violate and then you also therefore do not need to spend time making a decision so in the sense that was in the category of we've had a problem on the ground we're keeping it on the ground yeah so that that fall into the category of any malfunction after 85 knots with in with with sufficient runway remaining I will reject it's like an approach briefing is no different it's one thing to we can all read a plate I can read English you can read English we can recite numbers but if we don't understand what it is we're briefing and we're not prepared to actually follow through on it there's no point in even briefing yeah and then talking about that to turn back debate right a lot of people are like when would you attempt to turn back it's like this shouldn't be a conversation that you have like it should be a decision you make in your preflight briefing is like am I going to attempt to turn back below whatever altitude and if the answer is no then your briefing says if the engine fails or if I have a problem at 800 feet I'm landing straight ahead totally but before that it's not on the table I think like two things came of this like for me and thinking of it after the fact is you're talking about the turn back the other thing is just especially for IFR pilots or VFR pilots really is the idea of personal minimums as well even with the weather like you ask somebody what's your personal minimums and they get to like kind of make them up on the spot it should be like my no my personal minimums are and they pull out a card from their wallet and they've actually find it for themselves and there's no question and they can change over time in the commercial world when I was flying commercially there's rules in terms of like balance field length and have the runway has to be long enough to reach here basically your takeoff decision speed and then reach 35 feet over the end of the runway or come to a complete stop and still have a buffer on top of that in non-commercial GA flying and that's what this flight was in this airplane there's no requirement to have that balance field link so it's basically okay well the book say I can be off the ground by the end of the pavement I'm good to go and there's a couple airports that you know I fly this thing into where we use all the runway on the way in and out and luckily yesterday was on a 5,000 foot runway where I got to go to takeoff speed plus a little bit and still be able to stop on a wet runway had I been in a shorter place like you basically had to go flying there's no choice and that's that's that's where you fall into the if there's a malfunction you know at 85 knots with insufficient run away we're going flying well then you have to commit to go fly yeah that's a tough one a because you would have had to have done the calculation to realize like before my takeoff today at this Airport I do not have sufficient around my remaining when I get to rotation speeds so it's almost one of those situations like a jet where you take your hand off the throttle like but you wouldn't but it's like we aren't pulling back the power unless it's a dire like the MC roll situation where we're going in the trees because that's better than flip it over right and but then but then there's a jolt or you're going to do I take a damaged airplane in the air or do am I better off to have it controlled on the ground and just go through the fence at the end of the run over there's all I mean we can have this discussion all night long but at the end of the day decide what you're going to do in advance and stick to it we're making an episode that follows Ryan do the ferry flight to get this airplane to the repair facility it's really cool to watch this in real time it was so solid that I basically didn't edit it his professionalism and attention to detail is inspiring okay where should we look so until next time keep your flight jobs charge this we do need to reject for control issues we're going to have everything chili pepper Bravo Tower just use caution first reported runs affinity of Charlie and runway two six left left downwind departure cleared for takeoff runway two take left it's our we're gonna define the takeoff clearance repairing this airplane due to a seagull strike the other days we'd like the birds cleared before departure please rather than exit the runway and taxiway alpha and hold short on wide use of left okay we're gonna exit on alpha and we'll charge you six left Julia Bravo Bravo okay so we're in position and the airport just reported Birds exactly where we hit them on Saturday wanted to get us out so they could get an arrival on and I'm gonna say poopoo - that is yeah if we're gonna bid a gate risk we're not gonna risk kick and another seagull - and already seagull dope airplane so if that means we've got a taxi clear and old shirt and wait so be it
Channel: FlightChops
Views: 203,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight training, IFR, flying, aviation, ATC, air traffic control, flight chops, Flight VLOG, VLOG, pilot career, pilot life, crash, NTSB, piper navajo, piper, multi engine, rejected Take Off, Bird Strike
Id: lhVzaDF0dQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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