Why we Crashed Flying into SimVenture 2020 (Get-there-itis)

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big ford runway 3-6 if i didn't launch it already big ford cleared for takeoff right turn up a lot of people worked really hard to make up for the fact that air venture was canceled it looked amazing i just wish that i wasn't so stressed out that i could have enjoyed it more let's just go to a circuit and we'll listen and if it's good we're good so of course i haven't done any lists like you should start this video inbound to green lake i am going to but i'm not okay i mean you make a good point my head isn't in the game right now i'm totally stressed out okay that volume is fairly good for radio how's that 150 switch over monitor counter now 118.5 have a super awesome day welcome to the show oh man ultimately i think i'm going to just lean on what i shot with jason despite the fact that it did not go well fundamentally i think it takes away a lot of learning moments and it's kind of a classic flight chops borderline embarrassing self-deprecating [Music] [Applause] mess [Music] was the perfect application of my new g1000 panel setup everyone about ripping a single file line up the tracks half mile in trail at a minimum jason is flying the arrival with me because he's a cfi and i'm a g-1000 newbie and big thanks to keith and everyone else that helped make this happen well i was glad to be a part of it i mean july was a very stressful month for me i don't want to make excuses but it's an excuse ironically not going anywhere i was so busy this year and i guess i'm lucky that i'm one of the few creators that had original footage from airventure 2019 that i had not yet published so i was able to make a fresh new air venture video which i worked with ea to line up for that week so of course i was trying to finish that i was doing live streams for them i also did a major project with garmin that had to also launch during the virtual adventure week plus doing all that work plus trying to set up the sim which was new so yeah it was a lot but i didn't want to not do this so this was the first year that you guys did this sim venture thing and obviously there were some bugs to work out but largely it was quite successful from what i could see i set myself up for a little bit of a failure in terms of trying to put too many things on top of it and trying to coordinate with an instructor on the west coast who had time zone issues and technical issues and racing to make it before the day ended thank you can you put me on the panel while you adjust it everybody at the end of the day you talk about the i'm safe checklist and i mean there's no question right at the beginning jason is trying to get my head in the game and i say to him yeah i'm totally stressed out my head is not in the game because i'm working out technical problems and we got to go like we spent an hour together just getting going technically to capture and i'm like i know the event's about to end so i'm feeling this amazing time pressure i'm absolutely failing the i'm safe checklist in fond du lac traffic it's victor india julia taking position runway zero nine for a closed left circuit pattern i'm having a hard time with my break making that turn on the live traffic test the nine to one victor members off of oshkosh for about the five miles to the northbound runway one eight final light so he's inbound one one eight that's what he said tom just warming up in the da62 gonna do a pattern here tell him you're on he knows you're on the roll power set rolling room 009 fond du lac okay airspeed's alive and all that good stuff right off the bat it was a little bit of a challenge because just simply trying to do a practice pattern i was not really i'm still this setup is still very new for my sims so was i had the stick on a drum thrown so it was loosely mounted i didn't have a throttle yet and i really hadn't been flying this him at all much so i want to do one quick pattern get my stick and rudder worked out and even that didn't go smoothly because all kinds of traffic showed up immediately we had runway conflicts traffic assessment cessna going to 927 for departure for under lag well which one is it two seven okay did you say that on the mic no i did not just said i think he's got a what at the north and uh we lost on pilot edge just to say hi to steve on frequency huge fan from toronto cheers did somebody just say something about toronto yeah they were talking to you but tommy again so i go again for uh toronto we were just having a conversation here uh you just logged on at the north hangers to say hi to you uh welcome to oshkosh and uh hope you have a good time that's the metro 2020. yeah thanks man we're just warming up here at fond du lac where we head over are you right over there good flight we'll catch you later i'm now overhead the field i'm just passing so i'm about to join left downwind traffic good god everyone's watching me run away people need to stop talking here i know fond du lac and just trying to get lined up i was like going over here no we're gonna change it no okay this one and then jason and i got disoriented a little bit people were calling me on the radio but it also kind of represented i didn't realize it at the time but i think it did set up that realistic feeling you get for air venture which is there is a get there itis aspect to this no matter how hard people try to say there isn't i mean the bottom line is everybody's trying to go i don't know man if we don't get off soon we're flying away from the bad weather if it was the other way around i'd be nervous but this is not me yeah once we get off we'll fly away from this almost always there's incredible weather problems right like there's almost always massive storms of course the camping is first come first serve right so everybody's racing to get there to get their camping spots and at the end of the day oshkosh does have this challenge of get their itis and it really puts you in a spot where you don't want to not make it you don't want to get put in the hold and run out of fuel and you've come from a long way you're probably tired people are probably gonna like beat me up a little bit in the comments for looking unprepared but i think i accidentally simulated what really does happen so let's talk about what happened and i'll let you kind of take the lead on debriefing that so yeah that that stress you were feeling that's not just the same thing you know it does happen in the real world too and i've learned over the years to just not go when it's like that like find another day to go because if you're going to give yourself a really narrow window to get there something is going to thwart your plan and now you're really in a spot so i try and give myself a much wider buffer and there's been many a time where i've arrived over the lake after a three hour on route and then had to hold for 30 to 45 minutes yeah why don't you just chop it drop it and try a landing if that's what we're doing here final block traffic you got a va62 on final one eight for touch and go i did use a real aviation headset which had my four flight callouts in my ear for bluetooth which really puts you in the spot where you get those callouts of entering the runway and how high you are agl and so on so that really helps with the immersion but there's something to be said for do your checklist for real don't wear your pajamas try to set yourself up for success i'm too fast eh i can't see your speed know i can't it's not like being with you so even with that with with the picture you can't see the facetime calls not not good enough no that's just general more like where your hands are going mfd yeah i mean i guess you can ask me to call it out but i thought you could see that sorry so yeah as hard as we tried i didn't have a good enough setup for jason to clearly hear and see what was going on here's a sneak peek at our frustrated debrief after the failed arrival how did i screw up my runway orientation jason two of us were here no i wasn't there i wasn't there like my debrief on this is that i can't be a remote instructor in this i had no visibility i i didn't know your speed i can't see your position i can't instrument training maybe like we should try again but i mean if i'm gonna try remote instructing with you i think we should try instrument training maybe where i'm looking exclusively at the panel so that we don't have to toggle so several things will mitigate face palming next time i've now got the thrustmaster flying clamp for the side stick and the throttle and it won't show up in my pajamas which is something that jason is very passionate about and that you need to treat your sim flying like you're real flying hey steve i saw the rough cut and uh you know what a mess right i think that because we didn't take the sims seriously up front we made a lot of decisions downstream that were a result of that i think when you're using a simulator you have to approach it exactly like a real airplane also i think there's you know as much as i love pilot edge as a communications trainer there's some serious limitations in the technology when it comes to dual instruction i mean i couldn't turn my head and look and i couldn't hear the radios and i couldn't see the buttons if we can fix that stuff i think then remote instruction it could be a really great thing pilot edge has been doing remote training for a long time so we're going to explore that to see how they do it and just how effective it really is okay positive rate gear is coming up so let's talk about your arrival into oshkosh you flew the arrival itself fairly well found the airport found the visual references you and jason seem to be working as a team and it's going to give you a quick view of that to make sure flaps are up and gear is up okay so the challenge is going to be once i get the rip in to find the railway tracks i'm disappointed there's no traffic man it started well uh and then then it got interesting excellent job of that skyhawk excellent job i think you're too far to the left that's about a half mile yeah you should be like i think i see the rip and water tower that's cool red white sky hockey good good turn to the left turn back the left hand back to the left and there's the silos i think at 11 now you see them okay there's two parallel things one's a road and one's the tracks take the tracks on the left okay and there's your silos perfect nice nice so now you're coming up the right spot there good job on the rock again maintain 1 800 still turning downwards 8.5 have a super awesome nice job dude you got the tracks it's the one on the left yeah i got no traffic there got no traffic there all right so so i'm now eight miles away from fisk perfect and this thing is going to close in six minutes if they actually end it at two see what happens here i think i just screwed up by being this late no one else is here right okay there's 1800 94 or not oh my god a guy just flew above me wow he's going fast that's the 2300 you must be at 2300 yeah that's where you should have been honestly and of course i got traffic up there we're down here because we wanted the traffic three minutes until they close it if they really do it all their crafting down to oshkosh welcome to show have a super awesome day thank you hey 90 knots 1900 feet coming up on fisk legacy excellent job that was an excellent job go ahead and start your descent pull your speed back you got a cherokee just in front of you a little over a mile in front of the legacy bloody drop the descent down to about 1800 feet pick up that east west road modern tower 126.6 welcome to the show have a super awesome day same to you much appreciate it hey you're very welcome i'm over fisk red diamond half mile south of fizz continue the railroad tracks 1800 for runway 27 rock to acknowledge that's you rock x on rock so he had me going left up the railway tracks yep all right i thought i wasn't gonna get it uh there were a couple of uh moments where it looked like you were trying to deal with radio work and jason was not listening to the radio work as closely as you were so he was speaking freely as though it was just you and him in a sim as opposed to you and him in a plane going to oshkosh new skyhawk just over fist up the railroad tracks one thousand eight hundred runway two seven rockets oh there there that actually looks like railway tracks that's cool you see them i just haven't passed them two sevens for the blue sky hawking with the red diamond i you know it's so hard have a super awesome day and welcome to the show i think he was talking to me i missed it go again for the red diamonds uh 18 5 18 5 for monitoring for the tower for runway 27. so that got my attention i could see your body language change when you missed that first radio call right over fisk okay aircraft they're coming up the railroad tracks from fiscal avenue maintain 1890 nuts and directly all those rail tracks making sure you're on trail go over unders and uh i'll pick you out once you get on downwind once you're on downwind start that decent and i'll tell you what dot to land on blue cessna that's on base good job aim for that orange shot land on the green dot i'll give myself a very low odds of hitting the dot aim well in front of it yeah well do you want to look at the panel for any reason no oh sure here's the panel i think i see the runway i'm going to take that all in because i'm going to switch yep i got it so you're going to go enter a right downwind for that runway you just crossed it i got it now you're gonna enter a right downwind outside those white buildings for the show yeah okay so i should start slowing down more yeah make sure you're over those railroad tracks make sure you're over those railroad tracks so you're gonna turn just inside the ground and then there was one very concrete moment where it went from okay to confusion which was my recollection is the controller said turn your base now and then about one second later they said turn the bass at the orange dot aim for the orange land on the green something like that okay so you have a a red diamond a red twin diamond uh turning your bass now start that descent what is he talking about and uh i'm gonna have you uh turn your face at the orange dot land on the green dot the red diamond twin diamond okay i'm confused because i feel like i'm mid runway here catch all aircraft yeah i am now one wait oh that's too bad you had already moved on so you had turn the bass now and then from that point on you weren't hearing much else which is absolutely normal it's happened to me several times where i've gone back and listened to a tape and realized hang on they actually amended the instruction a second later so you heard turn the bass now which was not what you were expecting so instantly there's confusion so you've got to turn base now you you kind of started turning base then you corrected it went back to flying the downwind yeah you're really close on this you guys looking good center that right downwind i'll call your base actually i'll call you basics plan the lane left right you eventually did turn the bass still relatively tight but at an unfortunate spot because it visually lined you up with two three uh you guys didn't have visual on the dots watching the video back closely as you were lined up on two three you will see the dots there actually slow down turn your base while you got almost laughs you're playing that orange landing on the orange top and red diamond you can start that base now start that base and you can land on the green dot welcome to oshkosh power out and aim and start landing now just aim way early i'm confident with the low res stream that jason had he couldn't see the numbers of the x but i should have seen it it also would have helped if we had pre-briefed the airport layout and all aircraft will be closing in zero minutes ten minutes wow oh okay so i'm getting flame frame rate problems here start your base and laying on the orange dot i don't see the green dot diamond turning final all the way down the green dot once you go keep going power underneath uh taxi speed i don't see the green dodge no i don't know i'm losing frame rate here parking i guess there's a lot of stuff on the ground i don't see a green dot those airplanes on the runway going through cones and like where am i i just landed in the show like this is not right what the hell did i just do dude you're gonna crash brakes brakes i'm bringing brakes well yeah i guess i screwed that up well jason we screwed it up i just killed people my sim setup isn't ideal for visual flying i have the great big panel in front of me that's primarily what i wanted for for instruments so my monitor is very secondary in my setup i don't have a good visual i think i want to get track ir so if i look around i can actually get a better situational awareness going so lots of things worked against the visual on that but yeah having jason saying add power because i'm like yeah he's probably right i guess the dots are going to appear and then of course what appeared raccoons in the end of a runway right the good news is you did find a camping spot you actually ended up in a tent i think we have we have a shot of that so the camping ended up working out just not not where you would have thought it is a lot of small things and yes the visual it's important to have that ability to look around and for sure that is just a similm because in the real world you can absolutely just turn your head to the right and there's the wrong way so if you're going to fly pat and work in a sim you're going to need a way to be able to efficiently look around otherwise you will be miserable so i actually had a similar experience to you the first time i flew in i ended up having a an incident trying to land on the orange dot i also got turned bass slightly early my instruction was to turn base at the orange and land on the orange which is fundamentally very difficult to do and because of a prior distraction we talk about distractions and get the rightist i didn't start my descent on time i was still 1800 feet at the beam the orange dots i'm 500 feet too high so long story short i got to turn around it was very very tight i was in a 2 000 foot per minute descent couldn't arrest the descent properly landed on the runway on the dot but really really hard enough that i probably would have collapsed the gear and at no point did it occur to me to go around and i was really actually very upset with myself after that landing and there's a good number of people watching it i streamed it live i think we're all kind of stunned like holy cow that was that was going well up until like the last 15 seconds and all of a sudden i'm in this you know 2000 foot per minute 45 degree bank how on earth did this happen why didn't i go around and that happens in the real world i mean isn't that almost every year the the runway gets closed at some point because somebody collapses their gear it's like that's what happens almost every year at adventure pretty much yes that's one of the reasons that i had to hold up that lake that one time was because of a mooney that collapsed its gear on runway two seven absolutely because it's not something they would do at home they wouldn't fly a tight pattern like that they wouldn't force it down which brings to the good point that practicing for air ventures should involve doing really tight pattern work and working on that i think that my lesson from this is to not be so afraid to go around really brief ahead of time like hey this is a thing that can happen at airventure be prepared to go around and a few people did go around either atc initiated it or they called it themselves and it's it's no big deal now in your case you had some extra pressure because you you thought the event was going to close on you really the reality is go around is always an option and i'm working against something in my primacy which is that i started as a glider pilot so i've had many instructors over the years tell me why did you try to save that approach and it's like well because my primacy is i don't get more than one try you can't just make a thermal appear out of nowhere yeah so you know the go around is was not a primacy tool in my toolbox so it's always been something i've had to remind myself like this is available so let's just remember that you know and then going forward i guess to set people up for less chance of failure did you say so there was there an atc debrief you want to talk about absolutely there are plenty of instances during the show where they would issue an instruction and then really and clarify it as part of the same sentence what really sold you down the river here was that the clarification came a full one second after which doesn't sound like a lot but it actually is a lot in the cockpit your brain had already kind of moved on well more importantly we we were like having a conversation we were like what's he talking about what am i exactly and i even asked jason like am i crazy i feel like i'm mid-runway and we're talking over it so we're missing the rest of it because at that point we felt like we got our clearance we got to react right now this was also the first time we ran the event as you as you pointed out so and to be clear in the real world there are actually four controllers who handle the role that our controller was was serving and it was a real netcat pink shirt so these these controllers know what they're doing but they are somewhat handicapped and that it was only one controller instead of four this is the fisk trailer where these controllers are just standing here with binoculars giving instructions to airplanes you don't respond back to them basically you just rock your wings and you do what they tell you to do and they got one after the other it's really cool to watch them do it low wind quarter miles south of fist rock your wings nice wing rock low wing quarter mile south of fisk i want you to make a right turn eastbound right turn east out start the turn now what you'd have is someone looking at the downwind for planes coming but then there's always someone monitoring the final so in this case the controller hadn't really noticed right away that you were lined up for two three and the second part is because we're not actually controlling visually we're using a radar scope in this case it's tough to tell that you were lined up on 2-3 until it was virtually too late i've never seen two i didn't even know through three existed in at osh it's just not a thing once i lined up i think i did what you did i made sure gears down i look up and i'm wind up with the runway so i'm just continuing it's like there's not even any thought that that's the wrong runway so next time around we are planning on allowing the tower controllers to have more teams of people as well as a tower visual which would let them see things unfold in real time including the altitudes so you would be simulating the guy with binoculars basically exactly yes and lastly as a result of what happened with you specifically we they actually started trying not to issue those base turns uh uh quite so early to allow for the possibility that people might accidentally line up on two three so they say they said you know that was like the perfect storm a radar scope instead of a tower one controller instead of four early turn the delay between the turn instruction and actually the clarification hey don't turn just yet what i really meant was turn up the orange dot as opposed to coming up on midfield downward so all of those things came into play uh poor guy i think i could have happened to anyone it would probably in the same manner i gotta admit like at the time i was frustrated and pissed right i felt like i put a lot of effort into this i looked like an idiot and i just wasted my time and didn't get something usable but of course reflecting on it it's like ultimately i actually got a really valuable debrief out of this and i don't think i'll ever forget some of these lessons so hopefully if this can be shared forward and it applied to people in real life that you know it could help someone not make those same mistakes because the reality of it is it was so real feeling the stress was palatable so we had around between a thousand and eleven hundred arrivals only two or three had the kind of issue that that you and i experienced with the firm landing or the uh the camping arrival everyone seemed very happy with it various levels of stress um people did say yes it was very stressful but it that stress mirrored the real thing very successful on the controller side the controllers loved it especially since they couldn't run it this year for real but yeah ea was very happy with it natga was very happy with it we were very happy with how it performed technically and some of the visuals are pretty stunning having the tri-motor show up uh that took till three in the morning during the middle of the show to make that happen in terms of the visual models and getting that all going but it really just added to the show between the tour helicopter flying around you've got the tri motor flying around people contending with the tri-motor hearing the tri-motor on the radio which is one of the few planes that talks at oshkosh it was fantastic so yes natca is interested in running it again and we'll see how many times per year we can do it it's kind of a big effort but yeah we're absolutely 100 gonna run it again so thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed this one i know it was a little bit of a mess but i did want to share it i thought there were some great learning moments despite the technical issues i will do better with future sim content until next time keep your flight shop sharp it set me up for a bit of a challenge there is a spider dangling down in front of what the hell do you see that i did see it in my peripheral version i'm just gonna go ahead and back up and uh that's awesome it looks like a big one from where i'm standing yeah he's uh he's not tiny in size
Channel: FlightChops
Views: 68,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight training, VFR, IFR, Flight Simulator, home sim, G1000, DA62, AirVenture, Oshkosh, Fisk, Flightsim, flying, landing, aviation, flight chops, Flight VLOG, VLOG, pilot career, pilot life, pilot, take off, Thrustmaster, Airbus, sidestick
Id: qUZw8AmQbIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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