The Long EZ Is One Of The Most Fuel Efficient Airplanes To Own

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[Applause] hello and welcome back to module Britt Mike here this is a highly requested one stay tuned we're gonna check out the long easy experimental aircraft not a joke guys in front of me is a long easy this is one of the most unique airplanes that I've wanted to see for a long time and today I'm down in Virginia Beach and I am so happy to found somebody who owns one of these okay as you can see I'll just start from the back here and the first obvious thing about this airplane is that you see it has your wings here in the back but it also has wings on the nose this is what you call a canard design and this is not the only airplane design the has these but I always thought they were pretty unique okay you see you've got another set of wings here in front here to the nose and I even love the paint job on this it's painted silver silver grey whichever you want to want to pick out of the two and then nice red and some stripes on it the long easy if you don't know anything about this airplane this actually is one of the first to hit the masses back in the 70s or towards the end of the 7 is there okay and you have a lot of these flying today it is a simple simple bird you know let me show you the interior first now you look in this cabin there's not much to it first of all you see the the cabin width is not much so here you're gonna feel like you're wearing the airport and somebody on the big side may not want to fly one of these it's basically it's like a small boat with wings on it okay but it is it is an airplane nonetheless and the the owner of this airplane he tells me he still uses this on cross-country trips all the time even for work okay and you look here your standard gauges analog gauges here and not much for the electric switch you see nose-gear so one thing I should mention is that although you have let me come back down here so these are fixed your two back wheels here are fixed landing gear but this nose gear here retracts okay once you take off you have to ride out till you pull that nose up and what that helps you with is you have less drag on the body frame and so you can go faster with the airplane okay so that's your nose gear switch there you see you've you've got just enough room to tuck your legs in and your runners are you can get it with your rudder is it down there somewhere okay now another unique aspect of this airplane is that you have a sight stick and usually you would have sight sticks for ergonomics reasons but for this one it's obvious you know there's barely enough room to move around so it's nice to have your side stick there and then you've got a nice pad in here for your elbow so if you were sitting you basically rest your your army elbows here and you've got control of the airplane there also you look at the student position in this aircraft it's it's slightly reclined so you're not sitting upright you're kind of sitting against the the back here so you it's a recline seat and similar also in the back so this is a two seater and you have enough room this is not actually a tight two seater because you've got enough room for somebody to sit here and also enough legroom for them to stretch their legs so you're not gonna be too close to folder now I don't know how far anyone will want to fly in B's but guess what you can fly past in four hours and I mean hours you can go 2,000 miles with full tanks and speaking of tanks the fuel capacity in this airplane 52 gallons and you're now burning fuel like crazy because this is not a big engine that having this aircraft the standard that the design is made around is a lycoming 235 which is only 115 horsepower and that's plenty to get this thing up and out to because you're also this is a pushin motor so you see back here for a lot of piston engine airplanes the engine or the powerplant is all the way in front by the nose this one you have it in the back so you've got a pusher motor and again on this particular model being that this is an experimental aircraft so you can have different power plants just make sure that you you have the right amount of power to weight ratio meaning you don't overpower your airplane and you don't under power your airplane so but it is experimental so you have to choice to pick which which power in the standard which is the sounds like fiberglass composite material because they're lighter and stronger so you have the same thing here if you look on this wing you see you only have one control surface normally you would have say your ailerons here and then your flaps here but just one control surface here and what do we have here so this will be kind of what your rudder is okay so again if I compare if you compare this to a standard airplane or standard tricycle landing gear airplane you've got your whole on panache right here in the back and you would have your elevators and your rudder attached to that um panache but you see here this is where your rudder is so this is like a mini um panache here so it's a very unique design than what you will see out there got LEDs here for your position and lights I'm just gonna go around it some nice wool pant now again this is a fixed landing gear in the back but you've got retract in the front see anything else we got there I'm not sure if this is functional to get some air to the engine but I'm almost certain it is so you got a good airflow to keep your engine nice and cool the ELT right there now also one thing actually I could be wrong about this but if you look at this wing it feels like this particular where the wing starts it's bonded to the to the fuselage of the airplane so normally you can attach a wing to this body but you see this is bonded this is not attached this is part of the fuselage and then you attach this see from here so you can say your attachment starts from right here so in a way maybe this airplane will be able to take off without having the full length wing alright let's get back to the interior now the canopy door it opens to the right so you basically open it upward and then right kind of like in some of the fighter jets you open it up now let's walk through this interior again you see here this has three levers so the red one is your mixture the black is your throttle and then you've got carbine my thing this is what your propeller but I believe this is a fixed pitch prop in the back there but this is for your carburetor heat for the airplane and again you have a single side stick there really neat I like how how this feels on the hand okay airspeed gauge for your engine you've got all your stuff here for to check your engine stuff as well rpm all temperature your fuel and car temperatures so these are kind of for your engine gauges it looks like this is like the main thing you have for for that for the speed and to see your flight behaviors now I'm sure this screen also will have more information on what the airplane is doing but you see it's a very simple design I actually like this and you've got your electric switches up here as well and one cool thing you've got a USB port here and that way you can charge your device if you have an iPad in here or phone or camera whatever the case may be you've got this thing here to help you out with that now I would say this airplane can be for the average old pilot this is not the most expensive aircraft in the world if you build one yourself you're looking at a price range of maybe 50 grand or so if you build a decently nice one and you can still find used ones right now in the market for around that price and you can go all the way up to about a hundred thousand but these are fairly nice they're good to fly from what the owner has told me again he still flies this cross-country for different reasons and he says they're really great on fuel fuel consumption and maintenance the beautiful thing about experimental is that you can perform maintenance yourself as a matter of fact the owner of this aircraft this is their hangar here a pavilion is the name of the company ok guys so this is my review of the long-ez I hope you guys enjoy this one if you did be sure to hit the thumbs up button and I have more information about this aircraft in the description below so be sure to check that out make sure you hit the subscribe button and hit the notification bell so you get updates whenever I upload a new video ok signing out guys thanks so much for watching and I will catch you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 868,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Long ez, airplane, experimental aircraft, flyer, long ez kit, long ez plane, long ez specs, long ez build, long ez airplane, long ez aircraft, sonex, vans rv
Id: MWwgK8t38L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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