Recreating TIK TOK Videos

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[Music] this is so embarrassing I'm neither you're busted on my takeoff hey cuz they ain't even going in the drafts I wanted to do that okay hello friends it's me and today we're back at it again trying out some tik toks you see usually I try to recreate my favorites but today we're gonna try tic toc because I was like I wanna try this so I saw it tick tock and now I can't find it when I want to do a video on it I kind of swore favorited it just straight disappear down my favorites so basically trash day trash day is tomorrow this girl got into a trash can waited in it and the trash man came to try to pick her up and was like oh that ain't trash that someone's daughter same things I wanted to try [Music] look out stretching you're not fun to play tricks on cuz I'm not dumb I can see the camera I always knew your trash oh yes ready for the Gucci runway Oh trash but make it fashion I don't know who do you looking like a dump truck have you ever wanted to do that with your shirt yeah like it's every guy's dream a lot of people have been taking a towel some soap and some water simple right then rub that self around and then you just blow and this soap eel just spawns out of the fibers of the towel I enjoy bubbles let's go this seems simple enough towel water Oh mine is not absorbing the water it's just sitting on top please absorb the water away is it so first staying it I think it was so first it doesn't matter if it doesn't work that's why we're gonna rub that bad boy in then we're gonna put these lungs to good use you know I've never babe so I hope I have good lungs all right hold on there's the tag here and it kind of gave me anxiety for HUF it's like how will I get my mouth on to this the Dutch bros a coffee chain has a straw code so they have a bunch of different color straws don't think of you a pink straw your cute green ugly orange weird yellow blue rude I distinctly remember getting an orange one and now I'm really curious we're gonna drive all the way to Dutch Bros to find out what colors straw I am gonna leave my own home to go to Dutch burrows I don't know if I should put my mask on because I don't know if they can properly judge me oh no so I noticed they're giving everybody these straws you have to open them yourself but I mean I got blue blue blue means written but it's Dutch from blue I can't make this up I wasn't rude I like $3.00 chips you know I just don't think this is gonna work during covet season because all the Strongs are wrapped up but maybe doesn't count I was gonna go to another one I guess we're just not even gonna bother and this peach tea is too sweet Wow I did that those bubbles are mine again ah [Music] I accidentally inhaled I want to do it again but bigger so first this time do okay no it's not so fresh it's supposed to be water okay water rub that bad boy in and three two one like mother what are you doing two in the morning and we're blowing bubbles look mommy did you put mom again you go mommy dead people mommy did boom-boom and make your hat I make you a hat what are you shaking it's literally bubbles it's soap and water calm down it makes you pee very entertaining for the six-year-old in your life so I obviously can't play the music I believe it's the second part of say so haven't even listened the whole song my last video I got a lot of requests to do a Charlie D'Amelio dance I saw this one I'm like hey she got glasses I got a glasses I can get a juicy thumbnail this one no actually you know I had the opportunity to improve by doing all these videos and I don't all right here we go pathetic attempt number one do you guys I just like spaced out like you blink and then it spaces out for a fraction of a second I feel like I missed like three things deleted all right here we got three times absolute slowest that took talkable allow boomers like me to fake it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's supposed to be a slow-mo yeah I feel the need to like do it really fast and like boom boom boom boom my camera isn't even positioned right I don't have room to do this it don't work you gotta step it back a bit we got this corner right here that might try to hurt me No [Music] [Applause] [Music] that wasn't life-threatening that was okay never mind one more time I think I have this nailed [Music] this is so embarrassing I'm not even your posted on my tick-tock eggs it does they ain't even going in the drafts I think I might just stop doing dances we're gonna keep it to one and the pro tip for you do you wanna know how to get on the sauce to the top of the bottom yeah finally if I need to know that hold it like this and then swing it around like you're about to pitch for like the Yankees like this and then all the sauce representative Ohio CEO of pitching like the Yankees and getting all that sauce you know this is a valuable skill you know me what I do I'm not gonna do the motion because that's nude here we have a very sad bottle of light mail this little crust just pop off the cap where did that come from oh there's been expired that don't matter all this time I've been doing doesn't really work not that effective so high hopes for this one put the hat on Ash Ketchum how about we not boom you know wipe it wind it up look at the consistency you know I could hold it like that but we're gonna pretend it's the stuff you know we got all this stuff stuck over here I want to get my money's worth the mail so we gonna boom boom wind it up don't actually throw it this is so tempting to like throw it we hire the way we started all right most of us out the bottom I know how this actually works I'm sure it does oh this dude challenged everything I knew or I thought I knew about bananas and banana slicing see that you besides bananas faster with a spoon you see you just peel two pieces of the peel you see I do that and then I cut it with a knife and he doing it with a spoon chop chop chop chop over the ball wham bam sliced banana man sir the banana skill you never knew you needed okay peeled one peeled two leaves and then we're just gonna no it's not soft enough no knife no problem spoon works just as efficiently but pretty slow this is quite difficult on refrigerated bananas I'm not just slow it is cutting slicing quite nice do you recommend if no night bring temperature bananas came and got them all a pop my aim is really bad with this it's like they don't just slide down the shaft it's probably the most useless hat oh my god if I had a dollar for every time I've been Hannah fell onto my countertop I would have a value meal congratulations you have a couple of banana slices in addition but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video come below what are sub tic TOCs you want to see me recreate next if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button uh make sure you check out notifications today click and subscribe to the Wolfpack I love you guys so much they starting fires
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,944,471
Rating: 4.9276886 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tik tok, tiktok, recreating tik toks, tik tok memes, memes, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks
Id: FXIt4sH6Y-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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