Weird Midjourney Tricks with just One Prompt

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hi this is Janet making the photo and today we're doing something a little bit different I'm a little bored tonight I've been working on some prompt videos for you giving you some really interesting prompts to play with but I thought tonight what I'd do is give you one prompt and show you all the different ways you can change it up in mid-journey we're going to do this prompt this short little prompt it's an it's in an upcoming video shibori is a type of Japanese tie-dye tessellations that's intricate patterns that fit together kind of like a jigsaw puzzle we're going to use some parameters tonight I'm going to show you a couple of parameter tricks that will probably break your prompt for this experiment I will find the seed we will try keeping the seed the same so you can see exactly what some of these are doing if you don't know about the seed um AI image generators work by taking your prompt so the shibori fish tessellations and mixing it with a random seed and that's a random image and every time you run a prompt you get a different seed so if we take this shibori fish tessellations and just run it again because it's going to take a different seed this time we're going to get different images you know what I'm going to turn on turbo for tonight this will speed us up a little bit but I am going to find the seed because sometimes it's good to keep the seed the same and if you send yourself a message an envelope and then click on your messages you will find a seed and if you copied that we will use that tonight so the first time I ran the prompt I get a certain set of images but if I simply run it again I'm going to get a different set of images along the same lines but a different set of images so if you've not tried this if you just run the prompts once and that doesn't have to be in mid-journey in any AI image generator just try running the prompt a couple of times you're going to get a different seed every time and that's going to change up your images now I am going to keep the seed the same just to show you and in mid-journey so if I keep the seed the same we should expect to see very similar if not the exact same images if I run this again I will get exactly the same image another way to change up so this is the set of images we're looking at here if we keep the seed the same another thing if you want more variety if you haven't played with chaos you should definitely be playing with chaos chaos is going to give you a lot of variety in your four images and I like chaos 35 or chaos 50. chaos goes up to 100 but usually 35 or 50 will give me a diverse set of images so with one prompt change the chaos parameter you're going to get a different type of image in fact you'll see we're not even getting the same sort of images so these are the images but adding turbo or adding chaos we get very different kinds of images chaos is the a parameter that talks about variety you're asking for more variety so I've asked for chaos 50 which gives me a lot more variety if I do this just without the seed okay so we get some very different looking images if we use the chaos parameter now another thing you can do I'm going to pick one of these images to upscale I'm going to upscale this one another way you can get very different images is by using the very region now very region I have a whole video on very region very region allows you to change elements of your image if I go in here and I say I would like say another fish here drag here and I want the same thing I just want more fish click generate and it's going to hopefully fill in that Gap fill in that Gap with more fish so it did in fact give me more fish in this little Gap here but if I go back here to this original very region but instead of just selecting this one little area here to fill in I select everything keep my prompt the same haven't changed the prompt yet I'll leave the seed I'll leave the aspect ratio hit generate again I'm going to get some very different images and that's becomes the that's because the very region area the very region server uses a different algorithm to produce images so if you want to kick in this different algorithm select very region select the entire image and then just run the prompt again it's going to use a different algorithm and you're going to get very different looking images so what we've been working with seeds let's copy that seed again and that prompt again and that's the seed I pulled from the original image that I ran but you don't have to keep the seed you can prompt any seed you want and I have no idea how high that is but that is my understanding that is the highest seed you can go so if we copy our prompt in put the highest seed we can use in there let's see what we get so if we had seed zero it does change the prompt quite a bit the output quite a bit we're still getting some tessellations we're still getting some fish now when you joined this video and you saw weird in the title you probably thought I was going to do the weird parameter and I am going to do the weird parameter so we're going to run weird zero but then let's run weird 1000. now weird the documentation basically says it makes your images weird so that's not very um helpful to understand it just and and it depends on your prompt how weird and how different it gets but it is going to do something to your prompt if you start adding higher weird numbers so here's weird zero which looks very similar to our first prompt and here's weird 1000 which is very different look than our weird one uh zero prompt but now let's push the boat out a little bit and let's do weird three thousand now there's a lot of people playing with this mid-journey itself the the team says weird 3000 is just maybe even too weird uses a different server I think so it it definitely has a different look and you'll see some of these images don't even have the tessellations it kind of starts ignoring your prompt but you might get some really interesting looks and weird 3000 starts getting very different so here's weird zero here's weird one thousand and here's weird three thousand the mid-journey team also suggests that you use weird with stylize and stylized is a measure of beauty it goes from zero to a thousand the higher the number the more beautiful you want your image the lower your stylized number the more you really want mid-journey to pay attention to your prompt so if we just we're I think stylized default is 100. so if we go up to weird 1000 and stylize 1000 stylize and weird have a um kind of a relationship but it's not a fixed relationship it kind of depends on your prompt and it depends on how those two parameters are interacting so on some prompts weird 100 might be very weird um another prompts weird 100 won't be that weird at all so you do have to try different varieties of weird and then to add the stylized parameter the different values of stylize between zero and a thousand and you'll find that they interact while we're waiting for that we're going to run to stylize on its own we just run stylizer 1000 on its own we'll see be able to see a comparison with and without weird I'm going to kick this prompt one more time it doesn't seem to want to run and I am on turbo mode so it should be running so um this is the result for stylized 1000 without the weird parameter so you'll see it becomes very beautiful but it's not necessarily paying attention to my prompt for instance it's pretty much ignoring the tessellations part of the prompt okay and so here is the stylized and weird together at one thousand so it's different than just weird 1000 on its own make them weird up to 3000 while we're here let's see what happens we'll leave stylize at a thousand and go weird three thousand and see what happens so you can play with just these three words and you can get almost an infinite number of different kinds of looks we do have some different patterns on our fish some nice tessellations but they're very different from what we've gotten before now I'm showing you style four version four because I do want to show you the style cursed because style cursed is sort of where weird comes from so instead of style 4A and 4B instead type style cursed and it is a very strange Style so you can play with style 4A 4B and you may actually find something you like in version four even version three had its look had its aesthetic and there are a lot of people who like version three let's let's just run that while we're running it style cursed is a very strange Style uh it's it's meant to be sort of bad art I mean you'll see a lot of like low res artifacts that sort of thing will show up so you might like that glitchy look so again we're only using three words here we've used the same prompt and what we've run it now I don't know 20 times and we're getting different results every time we run it and now I'm running it in version three just to give you some perspective version three is much simpler and it doesn't necessarily know all of the words that version 5 knows so we'll find out if it knows tessellations it does seem to and it does seem to know what shibori is we do have kind of a tie-dye effect like with weird the weird parameter style cursed does also is also affected by the stylized parameter so if we put stylize 1000 in and style cursed it does affect what that style cursed looks like so you can there's almost an infinite number of permutations you can play with you can play with the weird parameter you can play with version 4 style cursed and in both of those situations the stylized parameter is going to change up things quite a bit okay there you go so now you think you've seen some weird stuff and you probably have but here let's go back we're keeping the seed the same let's go back to version five point two so the current version but let's use the no parameter now the no parameter tells me Journey what you don't want to see now I've talked about the no parameter in other videos and it sometimes works so if you're trying to get rid of text in your image if you write no text then sometimes it will take text out but sometimes that no parameter will actually put seems to put more text in so you can use the no parameter it's like a negative weight and if you put no and then something random like shibori fish tessellations no cats now there's no reason that mid Journey would have put cats in we've not seen any cats but if I put no the no parameter in and then put no cats it is going to affect what mid-journey does with the image the no parameter does have an effect on the final output usually we use no because we've seen something in our image we want to get rid of but if you use the no parameter and put in something that something random something you haven't seen it does make different images we haven't seen these images before there are no cats but there weren't any cats before okay now if you want to be a little bit stranger we can put the no parameter in but we're going to put something in that mid journey is not expecting shibori fish tessellations no fish ah now let's see what it's going to do we've asked for fish now we've said no fish yeah mid-journey might be scratching its head wondering what we're doing again if you are having problems if something gets stuck just try re-running it so we're going getting very different images now because we've asked for no fish there are there's now no fish we still get some idea fish we're still getting some of the scales and then mid-journey is putting in some other sorts of patterns that it thinks we might like instead of fish but what if we take it one step further no fish no tessellations foreign S no fish okay so shabor is the only thing we're leaving in there okay okay you can you can with most of these um with most of these parameters if you double up on the parameters so with most parameters you can't put in double well you can put in double it's not going to give you an error but it will only take the first one so if I put aspect ratio three by two and also aspect ratio of 16 by nine mid-journey will only take the first one of those okay so with a lot of the parameters it will just take your first parameter and then just ignore the rest but with no it will take a couple of no's and it really does you'll see mess up what the prompt is you've broken your prompt okay so we don't have any shibori we don't have any fish and we don't have any tessellations it's a lot more like the weird look that we were asking for with the weird parameter has more in common with that so doubling up on the nose can give you some very different looks we're going to take this one step further as if we could no fish no tessellations but let's zero out everything we're going to put our seed at zero and we're going to put stylize at zero and thank you ordered entropy for suggesting that we zero out everything for the very weird look so this zero oh you know what I didn't do that right did I I wanted seed at zero I didn't zero on my seat although just zeroing out the stylize worked we got a very different very weird sort of look but if I zero out the seed as well which is what I intended to do again we're getting things that are looking a lot more like we would expect by using the weird parameter now if you want to know about I'm going to use some multi-promps here now if you want to know more about multi-prompts um I have a whole video on multi-prompts to take out these no parameters so the multi-promps are these double colons and what it does is it breaks your prompt down and mid-journey is going to do each one of these separately so it just depends on where you put the double colon so if I put a double colon here then my journey will make this image first shibori fish and then it will make a tessellations image and then it will add those together so if you start messing around with where you put your multi-prompts mid-journey is treating each of these words very differently if it treats it very differently from the commas or if you're using other sorts of dividers so you can play with multi-prompts change where the multi-promps are so the in this case majority ran shibori it ran fish and it ran tessellations as separate prompts and then put them together right before it gave you the result so you look we were getting some very different images some very scary fish there but if I change where the multi-prompt is so now let's go back to this shibori fish so now we only have two parts to our prompt shibori fish and tessellations now even though I've kept the seed the same we're going to get a very different look so by using some double colons keeping your prompt the same you can very much change up the look and I know you guys are probably running prompts that are much longer than the one I'm showing you here so think of all the different places and all the different divisions you can use you can make with those multi-prompts so in a normal sized prompt with I don't know 10 or 20 words there are dozens of different places you could put the multi-prompt and they don't have to make logical sense just stick them in there and see what happens now if you want to up the weirdness now one of the things you should know about the multi-prompts is multi-prompt basically this multi-prompt equates to this the default multi-prompt the default weight for multi-prompt is one and if you don't put anything after the multi-prompt it treats it as a one and then by default mid-journey treats the end the last multi-prompt like this okay but you can change the weight so you can add more weight to that one and less weight to that one again I have a whole video on multi-promps and how to use those multi-prompts but what I really want to show you so I'm going to let this one run but what I really want to show you is that you have to have a positive number so if I have 2 here and a negative 2 okay it's going to um it basically what we've we have is two a weight of two for the shabor fish and a weight of negative two for the tessellations when you start getting close to zero it is going to start giving you some very strange results and you'll see this is a very different looking fish than we've ever gotten before it's kind of shibori in that it's ink and kind of tie-dye but it's very different than we've seen so the reason we're getting that is because our weights are very close and in this case if they are zero you could do remember we're keeping the seed the same so if I did one and negative 2 it's not going to run it okay because I have to be zero it has to be a positive number and in this case it's letting me do 0 as a positive number but if I get close to 0 so if I do one and negative 0.9 so that's close to zero that's when we start getting the very strange looks so playing with multi-prompts will give you some very different looks but waiting the multi-prompts close to zero will also give you some very different looks I'm kind of liking those fish it's kind of a cool liquid effect now I've already gone through the describe tool you know I like the describe tool you know that if you up uh upscale one of these images like this new fish I like so much save the image and then use the describe tool I have a whole video on this in fact I may have more than one video on this because I love to do this drag in the fish again and get mid-journey to describe to you what it's seeing okay so this is what it's seeing and so it's making some very different um prompts that you know we know how we got there but obviously it's trying to describe what it's seeing and you can imagine all you can run all four of those prompts and you're going to going to get some very different looks some of them might be kind of close to your fish other will be very different but if you also go here you are now in the remix mode and you can change something you want or simply submit and this is what happened when I ran it in the remix mode so I hit instead of Imagine All I hit the one button to run this prompt here so I will get a different look so this is one if I just ran it on its own and then one if I ran it as part of the group so they are slightly different and lastly I think this is Maybe 19 or 20 different ways to change up your prompt take the words in your prompt and again I'm only using three words so I'm not working with very much but start changing them around now sometimes this doesn't make a difference to mid-journey sometimes it doesn't care what order your words are and sometimes it makes a huge difference and again if you're using a prompt that is longer than three words then you have much more to work with you can even randomize the words just stick them into chat gbt and ask it to randomize your the words in your prompt sometimes it will favor the first word in the prompt sometimes it will interact the words will interact differently if they're in a different order they don't even have to make logical sense just start moving them around and changing the order and you'll you'll see subtle changes and in some cases very major changes to the output so I hope you enjoyed this very different kind of making the photo if it gave you a creative spark please like the video and subscribe to the channel and let me know if you like this informal but longer video type this is Jen from making the photo let's make something amazing together
Channel: Making the Photo: AI Edition
Views: 9,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midjourney, Midjourney prompts, Midjourney tutorial, Midjourney AI, Midjourney AI tutorial, How to use Midjourney, Midjourney 5.2, How to Use Midjourney Discord, Midjourney v5, How to use Midjourney AI, Midjourney tutorial for beginners, Midjourney tips and tricks, AI prompts, ai art prompts, ai news, prompt engineering, prompt, ai tools, generative art, Midjourney styles, ai art, midjourney parameters, midjourney tutorial, midjourney ai, midjourney ai tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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