WEIRD Chinese Phone HUNT and Unboxing!

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so I'm here in Hajin Bay with my friend brown eye hey you feel me how are you doing guys so brown eye I got to tell you I'm having this giveaway in fact this is kind of part of the giveaway video right now cool and I've got this cellphone that I bought it's an oppo a57 it's actually quite nice for the price yeah and I'm giving it away in this video later on but I got told by a friend of mine that I'd be getting another phone for free from his company free phone too good to be true my friends pretty much what happened was the deal fell through unfortunately so here I am without a second-place prize but I thought you know it's always nice to meet up with you let's go look around and see if we can find like an interesting gadget or maybe an interesting phone that I can buy for my second place so think it'd be nice to walk around with you let's go check out some gadgets now this is kind of cool you've got all these little malls you know we're here on the main strip but if you go into any one of these little malls they're full of gadgets but you have to be work is a lot of the stuff that you find in here is not legit and especially the smaller stores will try to rip you off so you have to bargain a little bit but if you do go into the like branded stores I crawl way up Oh like I did in the last video they won't rip you off though they're legit the price you see there is the correct price but inside these little malls you know anything goes so remember to bargain a little bit so there's so many interesting gadgets around here it's difficult to make a decision we've got Wireless IP cameras you know we've got binoculars I do want to make it a phone if possible but you know I don't I don't have a massive budget so I'm looking for something that's both kind of cool and at the same time not seriously on priced wow look at that yeah it's like a gold Apple but yeah that's that's a bit too cheap I wonder if I could find something that's kind of uniquely Chinese because I think that would be a better gift it's about by something that's just kind of normal for you guys I don't think you'd appreciate it as much as like I don't know a Hello Kitty phone or something let's look around all right we've got dash cams here but yeah I think it probably has to be a phone because you know that was the whole point was to mmm give away two phones so I think we need to find a phone it's a pity that the you know the xiaomi phone the the cheapest xiaomi phone is just a bit over my budget cuz it's 700 RMB for it for that and i'm willing to spend about 500 since like i said to ship these things this is another thing i would like to explain to everybody out there shipping things from china is incredibly expensive oh hang on what's this this is cute Wow look at that hail watching you buy wool okay guys Emma I made now then greater well how do you like my my super big phone I mean it's cute and everything but it really does feel cheap so I don't think it's the kind of thing I would like to send to my subscribers but thank you yeah let's continue and see if we can spot something that's a little bit more suitable because at the end of the day I really do care about you guys and I don't want to send you junk Hey look here we got car phones oh look at this 4n oh you could get counted on just on house young y'all see and another check it out guys see if it turns on oh look at that how cool is that I mean the novelty of this is kind of cool I think you know something like this would be kind of fun as a party trick because what you're doing is you you can say look it's my um my key for my BMW or whatever but it's actually a flip phone I don't know that's kind of cool do I turn yeah my suit just it's way peony tomorrow will opinion yeah go opinion yam Buckeye number there you go okay alright guys I'm gonna be buying this because I think it's cool and it's gonna cost me double the price of buying this to ship it in but just because it's a funny interesting gadget I think this is a good party trick no one's gonna take it seriously as a real fun but yet to be your backup phone just in case you're lost in the woods or something it'll be on your keyring alright cool hey sir very cool your male transgender Samar the America transgender which is a guarantee under you gender male trends in among us mother oh boy application we're gonna do a proper unboxing of this thing as soon as I get home once again guys it's my own cache and it is cheap yeah you can't complain if you receive this as a gift because at the end of the day it is going to end up costing me the same as buying you know an actual entry-level xiaomi phone or something oh look at that Dada I got to show you guys this what do you think this is something I don't quite understand the fact that they still sell something like this how do you turn it on chickens a Mac I made Anna okay now they've got another one this one's slightly smaller you'd see any power yes let's get like a boombox in it [Music] well I look at all the gold on the the gold on the screen that's pretty awesome so oh I have no idea why anyone would want a phone that looks like this but the fact that you can still buy things like this in China is pretty awesome so hey guys reminding me of 1994 right now anyway sissie blah blah cool all right so it's time for us to roll that was actually kind of fun it's good so guys as you can see I bought what could be construed as absolute nonsense cheap junk but at the end of the day I think it's fun I think it's interesting and definitely I would think it'd be a fun little party trick to keep on your keyring and be like hey guys check this out I got a phone you know so yeah let's get back in let's unbox this thing and let's take a very close look at exactly what it's all about right guys I am super excited to open this up and take a look it's just so weird and interesting but let's not forget that we also have our first prize our upper to giveaway so we're going to be taking a little bit more of an in-depth look at that phone so stick around for this and after this we're going to shoot back to the market because I shot an outro over there which I think you'll find interesting because I explained exactly why it cost so much to ship things from China and you know it's a little different to what people think I kind of like this he says we are not creative we are beyond creative yeah okay I must say though this is pretty pretty cool a quick look at the box it's not bit I'm not one of those unboxing channels so don't like to go over things too much it has a garbage charger I'm not going to include this I'm gonna toss it because if you include anything like this when you ship you know then it becomes more complicated you have to write things down on the customs forms and you know what you could just plug it into any USB thing USB cable that actually looks like it might be a proprietary Kable and that sucks so that deck cables definitely have going to have to go through go with this because yeah that looks bigger than your usual USB micro USB cable okay so cable gets shipped what else have we got here this again it's got that like propriety looks looks proprietary it could be wrong I'll test later but this is like just absolute garbage again and just not not even worth not even worth shipping I mean this is like you know the cheapest plastic you can think of and even if it does work come on let's just be honest not not worth anything right so all that stuff off to the side this however is useful it is the spare battery tiny little 600 milliamp hour a hand with your mine battery but let's look at the phone itself because you know this is the thing that I find so funny and interesting so it actually has just move everything off here so we can take a proper look get everything out of the way it has well it looks like a BMW you know key fob and in fact this is a push button over here I'm not quite sure what it's used for you know it's got this like old fake leather thing which is kind of funny with a BMW logo I mean it does look a bit cheap in real life but from a distance it looks legit it says BMW on the back it apparently has a camera because there's a an actual little camera sensor right there as sorry camera lens what am I saying okay so let's get this thing open there we go it's still got its protective screen I will leave that on let's power this on there we go BMW it sounds loud but distorted now okay this is the part I'm a little worried about it's all in Chinese so I'm gonna look through the menus and see if we can change it into English so that's just one side done if you look there so it means like I guess like the Qing menu or whatever let's go in there no no no there we go settings safety settings probably in here phone settings now there we go language aha look at that we have English guys okay well that's great because sometimes you get these older all these like more I'd say primitive Chinese phone designs actually don't even have English in them so that's that's cool all right so that's pretty interesting let's go back so okay the battery is about to run out but you've got main and can't whatever that means so contours were out contacts alright pretty straightforward it's got contacts in there it says there's no SIM card in there obviously because there is no sim card main menu call logs contacts messages settings multimedia application profiles my files that's it let's see camera I want to see what this camera is like cuz it's got to be absolute crap oh wow 640 by 40 I'm just gonna take a snapshot of this oh there's not enough space in the phone for me to take a photo well I guess I'm gonna have to put well you're gonna have to put in an SD card not me if you want to use this but you know it is what it is at the end of the day like I said earlier in the video I don't expect anyone to take this seriously oh look at that push it right I honestly don't expect anyone to take this thing seriously it will work as a phone I'm pretty it'll work just in your normal like every Network for calls I love the way all this lights over don't know what the point is but yeah like I said I'm not too too worried about like the features and stuff because at the end of the day the feature of this phone is the fact that it's just so ridiculous I mean it's got a steering wheel here with a BMW logo in it you know it's got the BMW grille you know sort of pattern over here which is just absolutely silly and ridiculous and yeah it's it's a it's a silly phone okay I'm gonna power it off okay so let's try it crack it open and see where the SIM card goes oh nice okay so very straightforward it says okay that's where you put in looks like a micro SD card will fit in over there and a full-size SIM card not not the card you know the sort of bigger bigger size SIM card will go in there so it's really that simple it's that's it you know you put a sim card in you put a memory card in and there we go you've got yourself a cool little party trick because yeah I would never take this seriously as a phone but I can imagine how much fun you guys could have if you were at a party and you know you whip this up and got someone to give you a call or you made a call and you know you get a call on this thing and you're like hey how's it going everyone will be like what the hell is that thing so that's that I'm gonna pack it back in its box this will be the second place prize winner I'm going to do the prize draw in this video but it'll be after the outro if that makes any sense so we're going to you know it'll be right right right at the end of the video okay so let me pack this away and then we're going to you know we're going to hit the upper but there it is guys there's the second place prize right here is the first place prize you all saw me buy this in the shop and well we kind of got a mini unboxing there but let's let's do a proper unboxing shall we so the packaging and everything is very nice it seems quite premium for what you pay you know because let's let's be honest it's not an expensive phone by any stretch of the imagination but it is still a very cool phone and you know what there's something I've just noticed here that I didn't know about the phone it takes two SIM cards and you know that's actually incredibly useful if you travel I know that a lot of guys here that live in Hong Kong or live in change and they like the dual SIM thing because they have a Hong Kong SIM card in there and they have you know they're Chinese SIM cards so when they basically pop over the border they don't need to swap around SIM cards because in the software it'll just pick up that you have you know your other SIM card and it starts running on that one automatically but I can think of all sorts of scenarios would be useful to have two like two things like maybe your your business or your company phone and your private phone you know both in the same phone different numbers anyway I'll leave that up to your imagination let's go through what what else is in the package sorry I put the phone aside okay well here we have a charger and it only says a thousand milliamp so yeah that's not what I'd consider a fast charger but we have our earphones which I will leave like this because I don't want it you know yeah unravel it because the the new owner of this one probably won't appreciate that and we have our normal USB cable here nothing special and that's that that's it that's all you get in the box except for a bunch of manuals and stuff let's see oh hang on that's right it comes with an actual protector like a phone protector and that's really nice it's awesome that they just include that as like a bonus in the box because normally you have to go run out and buy something like that but that's an actual phone protector and it's nice and rubber and cool that's really nice nice of them put that aside let's see we've got the if any of you guys want to get a hold of that guy who sold me the phone now you have his you know that's his contact details if you want to go and tell him he's cool figure anything out a little quick it's just like it's basically a QuickStart kayak guide you know roomin all right tells you how to do all the usual stuff everybody knows that crap it's not important and here is the original receipt which I will keep in the box and send it send it in the box so whoever wins this will have their original receipt what's this this is no this is the actual sort of like warranty book and all that okay it's kind of interesting I guess let's get this out the way all right let's crack on and actually take a look at the phone itself so we did get a little bit of a look at it in the shop and I must say quite honestly that the quality is very nice it feels premium it doesn't feel cheap at all it appears to already have a screen protector on it in fact it does it's got like a plastic you know one of those screen protectors it's a little dirty because I was messing around with it in the shop or that guy was messing around with it yeah let's just turn it on see what's what so it's not the fastest phone in the world to boot up but you know at the end of the day it is what it is there we go now one thing about this phone that seems a bit interesting is and it's obviously something good you can turn off but every time you turn it on it has a different picture over there which is I guess a very Chinese thing it's it's a very Chinese thing believe me it NBA yeah it's incredibly Chinese you know NBA is literally one of the most popular things in China it's probably is the most popular sport okay so let's have a quick tour of the phone like I said in my head angels of buying you know smart phones in China it's got lots of bloatware it's got QQ which you know is the biggest well to be honest we chat is sort of the biggest messaging app and everything but QQ is kind of like the grandfather of WeChat or the father same company same sort of idea but QQ is more like MSN or something like that and and WeChat does everything you buy things of WeChat you chat with WeChat to do video calls with WeChat you know so they're kind of the same thing really but this one's a better one that everyone uses and that's like but that one has more coverage like in the rural areas and stuff like that whatever I'm not gonna go through every single app on this phone we don't have enough time in this video but I just wanted to point that out a power member of our community this is like I said before each each manufacturer kind of has their own store here we have a market see this is the upper market and as you can see everything is in Chinese so just as I was saying I don't know what how it's getting this this must be kind of cashed into memory from when the guy was using it in the shop because I'm not connected to Wi-Fi or anything and up there it's kind of interesting I don't know if you guys can see that because it's kind of small now let me bring it close to one of the cameras and hope it actually like focuses but there it shows you like - those are the two SIM cards you know and I'm guessing it'll light up when there's a SIM card in there but yeah here's your uh post or let's get back so yeah it's called the market you've got a game center some other kind of thing themed store where you presumably can go and download themes yet that's moaning there's no Wi-Fi okay so you've got all this cool stuff photos of course it's got that photo in it from the shop that we took and I I have to say you know in all fairness that's a it's a very good quality photo for for the price of this camera you can't really complain sorry camera this phone it's actually very good so yeah takes nice photos I'm presume it takes fairly good front-facing photos as well because opera is really well known for its photos right but what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually take a video with this you know basically of myself and Sasha saying thank you and so whoever gets it will get like a video and I'll maybe one or two other photos the phone okay is there anything else that's relevant bookstore security settings well you know it looks I'm sure a lot of people say this looks like iOS because that's what I think it looks like I think it looks very much yeah very much like iOS and even the settings logo looks the same whatever it is what it is that's China we've got a compass FM radio all that kind of crap anything else that's cat catches my popular apps okay here we've got like a map which is it's kind of like a Google Maps but for China because Google Maps doesn't work here this is kind of for watching streaming stuff to NAR this is like a like a hotels a comm type thing or you can book traveling places a Lipe is a way to pay for things I don't know what this VIP tour coming mate one is for ordering food Baidu is the biggest search engine it's the knockoff of Google here that's tau bar which is you know the big online shop thing this is bars some something else like Taobao I think and this is another shopping think this I have no idea what that is is this cookie something oh this is like 3d 3d videos so I guess if you have one of those things you know that you can wear and Tencent reading I don't know probably like some ebooks or something it like I said it is what it is it's got all these different features here you can do your quick settings I guess yeah you know I think it's gonna be fun for whoever actually gets this phone to play around of this stuff I was thinking about maybe flashing it and making it fresh with like a foreign operating system but at the end of the day I think half the fun of this is that you're getting a phone from China right so it's going to have all these China apps and and weird things that you've never seen before on it so why not you know why not just leave it like that and whoever gets the phone can play with it have fun with it and if they want to flash it it's entire up to them but yeah it's it's a very nice phone it's got a very nice camera you know I mean you know it's got a beauty camera normal panorama time-lapse so it could take time lapses that's nice video you can take it in 1080p over there I guess and yeah it looks really nice yeah very very cool so that's pretty much the phone guys I'm gonna take that one video to say thank you type thing and then I'm gonna package this up nicely I'm gonna ship it off to the winner so let's head on back to the market and then I'm gonna announce the winner after I sign off well Branagh this has been really interesting but I thought before we end this I have to explain why it costs so much to ship things out of China oh yeah good that's a nightmare I think a lot of people there under this impression that it's really cheap because when you order things on Amazon or you know Alibaba it comes ship for free yes definitely but that's because the government here subsidizes these companies and they get free shipping yes but if I want to send anything even a t-shirt it costs like over a hundred RMB to send at each easy yeah and to send anything with a battery in it is incredibly difficult yeah I think because I try to send a flashlight to my friend yeah got it right here in part run Bay yeah and it they said if it's lithium-ion and you got to pay another it's another category yeah and even appointed couriers are allowed to yeah the ship they need a dangerous good certificate yeah so that's why you know I may have bought this really cheap phone it only cost me 200 rmb but it's probably gonna cost me in the region of 4 to 500 RMB to ship it overseas so double more than double the cost of this that's why a lot of people contact me and they're like hey man can you pick up something in the market and send it over like no I can't this is too expensive it doesn't make sense if you buy from a Chinese company they can ship it for free but like I can't as a civilian so um that's why it costs so much but I'm gonna send these things off to you guys whoever the winners are you're gonna get it it's on me I'm paying for it you know you guys well I mean I'd be nothing without my subscribers you're awesome laughter you guys awesome and so he's also awesome if you don't know him he's a good friend of mine and he does have a YouTube channel it's kind of a small YouTube channel page small you know go show him a little bit of love he is a nice guy and he does do all sorts of interesting adventures around the world so yeah go check it out guess we're all one big YouTube happy family yes we are all right guys thanks for watching and as always you know the drill stay awesome well guys I was not expecting this amount of response I've got over 7,000 comments on that Instagram photo and I am trying to load them all up because you know to try and load these comments yeah it doesn't allow you to do it all at once on the phone so you kind of have to click load more comments load more comments yeah so I've managed to load about half and then because here I'm in China and of course you have to rely on VPNs and VPNs kind of hang and there's all sorts of nonsense like that it's kind of stuck halfway so what I've decided is fair enough it's halfway stuck I'm going to just randomly scroll down stop I'm not gonna look at the screen just gonna randomly scroll down and choose a comment and then that's going to be the second-place prize winner then I think it's fair for me to go and try and load the first bunch of comments and you know choose someone from there so by the way thank you for everybody who left a comment because I've been reading them as they pop up on my phone and there's some awesome comments and some good stories and some good you know there's some pretty good messages I just wanted to say thank you to everyone of you guys so that let's do what I said and just give it a my computer is quite slow at the moment because I'm rendering something so and not looking not looking this one Henrick hit I guess love to follow your daily adventures keep up the good work the great work and as always stay awesome you are going to be the winner of that funny little BMW keychain thing I'll take a photo so that we can get you know there you are okay you'll have to excuse me I have to reload my browser reconnect to my VPN and then load up the rest of the comments and then we can continue and get the first-place prize winner alright guys this has been incredibly frustrating I don't know you probably can't see from that distance but there's just a little spinning little wheel here I've been trying over and over to load them up but I have actually managed to load up all of the comments on my phone and it's ridiculous so again just gonna do some scrolling and I'm gonna stop randomly and Richard Stern 88 stay awesome well not the best comment and I feel a bit bad for everybody who wrote like really good comments here but that's that's my choice take a screenshot so you guys can see so congratulations guys the two of you it was a henrik and richard stern well done guys you are the winners of this giveaway and everybody else who left a comment seriously thank you so much I appreciate it a lot and like I said I have read them all there's no way I can reply to like 7,000 odd comments but just so you know I did actually see all of them and it it really gives me a lot of hope and a lot of encouragement to continue what I'm doing and you can expect more giveaways like this in the future because I think it's it's something that I I want to do is I want to give back to to you guys my subscribers and there's so many cool and interesting things that I can I can get my hands on here in China so if you have some suggestions of what you guys would like next I can definitely look into it and you know go and check out whatever it is you want and have another giveaway and you know since I'm coming up to 300,000 subscribers fairly soon I think you know if when we hit that mark I'll I'll have another giveaway so guys I just want to honestly say thank you so much I mean literally like look at these look at these comments they just go on for days and days and days all of you guys thank you very much for leaving a comment and now you're my Instagram you'll be able to see I put some pretty interesting updates you know whenever I see something cool or interesting around China because I have my phone on me it's easy to take a photo and and uploaded and sometimes I go out and do street photography and I usually you know put it in there so looking forward to your feedback on some of that stuff in the future so guys thank you again this has been a quite an experience I know my channels more or less just been about phones for the last couple of videos but don't worry we're moving on so next week we'll have a different topic see you in the next one and as always you know the drill stay or something
Channel: serpentza
Views: 204,035
Rating: 4.8582864 out of 5
Keywords: Unboxing, Giveaway, Chinese Phone Giveaway, Oppo giveaway, competition, lucky draw, Fake market, Chinese market, Chinese fake market, Chinese electronic market, Shenzhen, china's silicon valley, market spree, bargaining, free phone, free smartphone, BMW phone, serpentza, winston sterzel, unbox, phone, weird, smartphone, technology, gadgets, tech, android, gadget, cool gadget, 2018, new gadgets, cool technology, cool gadgets, android phone, smart phone, china how it is, living in china
Id: CfiZdUGVgd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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