Barred from Leaving China!

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Another reason I'll never go to China.

I had some good times when my ship went to Qingdao, Hong Kong, and hainan island. However I won't put any of my money into a country that violates people's human rights so blatantly.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
i'm barred from leaving china and i need your help okay i'm rolling we're going down that way or this way uh what do you think that's more vital it is it is it's kind of you see those little green packets yeah they're those are vietnamese sausages before you get excited yeah vietnamese sausages are fermented meat oh gross tastes rotten we before we change the subject see this guy he's this a grab it's a taxi oh okay uh what happens is you phone them up and they come and pick you up from wherever on the back they've got like a spare helmet for you and then they ferry you to your destination yeah see them all over the place there's another one there it's called grab that's cool yeah it's kind of interesting anyway yeah we're rotten meat and uh interesting intro have absolutely nothing to do with being barred from leaving china no no it doesn't um so this is just yeah this is a scary story and this is something that i've i want to talk about because uh i got contacted by a foreigner who also lives in shenzhen right okay hasn't been there as long as me has only been there you know a couple years oh yeah dude i'm like the the original a fragile dragon no foreigner has ever lived in china as long as me i'm the democracy and your chinese is better than everybody my chinese is better than everyone by the way before you think he's being serious we're just making fun of some of these commenters they're like my chinese is way better than yours i lived in china longer than you you're an idiot yeah you're an idiot anyway sorry back to the point this is because this is actually a very serious topic the guy contacted me and he basically he'd been in china for about um well yeah nice one for about three years okay uh without leaving right because it happens sometimes i stay you know what i stayed in china without leaving for like six or seven years without going out once at one point you know obviously just visa runs and stuff you know the usual stuff that's kind of interesting it's got chinese writing all over it oh it's yeah it's a beautiful temple must be a temple yeah um anyway he wanted to go home to he's an australian he wanted to go home to australia to go see his family for christmas and when he tried to cross the border they stopped him and they pulled him aside and said no you're not allowed to leave um you're on a blacklist you owe 200 and i don't know 270 000 rmb to xyz and you're not allowed to leave until you've paid this money um how much is that in us dollars by the way say the number again yeah it's about 280 000 rmb okay so that's about dude let me run some quick figures here okay it's about the calculator 10 20 30. let's say let's say about 40 to 40 grand okay 40 000 us okay so he owes thousand hours let me explain it he he started a business with a couple of partners in shenzhen a gym that's what he did he opened up a gym he's a gym boy you know you just look at the guy that's what he told him yeah we can't jim boys yeah anyone is big muscle guy who spends an inordinate amount of their time okay anyway sorry yeah so anyway so jim he's a gym guy and uh he started a gym in shenzhen which was apparently fairly successful you know they had a lot of clients and um they had like fitness and incentives for the local community and you know the whole thing and sure it was a fairly successful endeavor but they bit off a bit more than they can chew because rent and uh it's that sort of thing in shenzhen is incredibly expensive people don't realize that shenzhen is one of the most expensive cities in the world actually right when it comes to property and that's something right so anyway he's uh it gets to a point where one of his partners was leaving china and so was going to leave the business and that would have left them in a bad position because then it would have been only two of them supporting this business instead of three sure so they wanted to see what they could do to get rid of the the business right obviously and uh apparently there was a guy who started coming to the gym quite regularly and he said that he would buy it from them it does sound a bit sketchy it gets way worse trust me it gets way worse so stick with me on this one i'm here i'm here with you all the time so what happened next is they sign it over but because there was uh an amount owed which is 200 something thousand um rmb was owed to uh the bank right because they took out a loan initially and that's what they were paying with okay they didn't have the money to pay it back but they had the gym full of equipment which was worth more than that amount right they had everything set up they had the business set up it had clients that had members you know it's ready to roll so what they did was they basically signed the company over to this guy they've got the contract here's a picture of the contract you know it's got all the fingerprints it's probably signed and they were like uh you don't need to pay us any money right but you will take over the debt and take over the business makes sense yeah yeah okay so it's kind of that's that's basically the guys buying it for the amount of the debt the value of the debt get a good deal okay anyway that was like three three or four years ago right then what happened was the guy is actually a scammer he went to the courts and he filed um against the foreigners against this guy and basically said hey they owe me two hundred and something thousand uh uh rmb and the court the court basically went ahead and they passed judgment without even contacting the foreign contacting john so basically he didn't even know that there was a court case against him right right um which this that's the scariest part is he was never even alerted that there was a pending court case because if he knew he would have been able to go in there with all his contracts and prove that it was not right right you know right so the the judge already like awarded um the win to the bad guy okay and said yes he owes you and they put him on a blacklist and i'm not sure if the uh how the payment system works if the court or the bank paid this guy off or if you know whatever i don't know those details yeah it's sketchy but what i do know is and you know is that the uh oh this lady's all over the place but the chinese courts will always favor a chinese person over a foreigner right but the fact that they actually just went ahead and processed the judgment without letting him know is incredibly scary right so that's the gist of it now is that he's stuck in china he can't leave until he's paid off this debt which he doesn't actually owe but the courts have now ordered him to pay and he's a hostage he's now a hostage in china right it's kind of scary um we'll talk a little bit about what the plan is to try and get him out in a minute but uh i want you to talk a little bit about the bias because i'll be going on with the story now once again on something foreign this thing called exit bans the us government did release something to anybody that has signed up for their alert system and basically they help people out and say listen it's not a good idea to go to this area of this country right now because of so so right they have central intelligence so they sent one out they raised the china alerts usually fairly safe to go to china but they said listen if you if they want to they can use you as political fodder and they won't let you leave now what's interesting about china is you keep seeing all these exit ban news like literally on every news site if you're following anything about china and um what china does is weirdly enough more often than not unlike most countries they'll grant you your visa um most of the time unless you're a real nuisance they'll grant you your tourist visa with the intent of knowing that you're going to come in they'll let you in yeah and if they want you to stay or they need you for something or they want to arrest you they don't let you leave it's the opposite of most countries that will say listen you have a record uh we don't want you here you've been you've been blocked from entry for so and so reason they'll let you in they're happy because there's some sort of political gain to be had and we are going to go really in depth with this topic like because it's affected someone very close to us um but anyway this your example is terrifying feel i don't know the guy but i feel really bad for him um because it is just it's com it's a complete lie and a farce um it's if you look at the documentation you don't have to be a lawyer to know that he's not the scam marketer it was fair and square contracts were sorry you know it's all there but he still got screwed in the court system it's terrible sure so my my point is um contractually contracts actually don't mean anything even amongst chinese people um and really really exacerbated uh meaningless status when you when you talk about uh foreigners in china really just have no power in court so yeah i would advise you if you're doing business in china it better be through a team you know a big company with a team of lawyers a multi you know multi-nation conglomerate that has offices around the world not start up like a tiny little startup with a chinese partner not because that chinese partner is bad because there's outside factors in china that can really screw you over and i think you can learn a lot from this dude's case oh dude yeah i mean the problem is every single time there's any kind of a legal battle the local chinese person will always win you will never you have to deal with that i mean like like my friend daniel who opened that bar taps and you know they he he sold his house in canada you know and he put in millions yeah incredibly well and then his um chinese partners decided they just wanted to take over the business and they just muscled him out because they knew the people in the court they knew the police they basically agreed took over yeah they they pushed him out of his own business and he lost everything you know it happens more often than we'd like to admit uh right yeah i didn't want this to be all doom and gloom but we we're really just worried about this dude he seems like a genuine guy now in his situation it's not that bad because there's no political motivation to keep him in there it's a money thing right it's a scam thing so there is actually a way that we're going to help him out is he's got a little gofundme but before anyone starts jumping up and down saying like why should i pay this guy's debt right you're not going to pay his debt and that's not what he's asking and that's what that was a little close call what on earth are you doing lady are you she doesn't even does she she was so she grabbing her heart oh yeah she is that was close we saw that i got that on camera yeah at least i'm like good job in china sorry she's laughing yeah um uh excuse me i hope you don't think i'm trying to pick you up for anything as a matter of fact normally i find it quite difficult to talk to girls but i bought you this vpn and came over to try to get to know you because well it's you look like the kind of girl i could talk to oh don't be silly i already have a vpn i use nordvpn to watch adv china yes and if you're in china or you need to go to china for business or whatever you're going to do the only way you're gonna get past that censorship is to use a vpn thankfully nordvpn a company that we trust and use for our vpn needs sponsored this video if you go to adv china you can get a massive discount on a subscription but vpns are not only just useful for china's censorship vpns can actually protect you protect your sensitive data and kind of keep a safety fence around what you do online so that other people isps and all that kind of stuff can't see your traffic so also some very good practical uses are things like like you want to access netflix from a different country you can actually change your ip to do that you can also go and get cheaper plane tickets by hopping around different countries so thank you to nordvpn thank you to you guys for supporting us and we hope you enjoy the show let's get past this garbage thing it's kind of sweet anyway yeah um wait what i was gonna say is he actually wants to uh go to court and contest this but in order to go to court he has to pay a lawyer right right right so his debt's what about 40 000 u.s dollars that's not what he's asking for he wants 8 000 us dollars which is the cost to go to court right and to be honest i think it's going to be quite uh an interesting thing to do because if we can help him raise that eight thousand dollars then he'll keep us up to date and we'll see what happens when he goes to court see if he can actually win it's actually like almost like you're not only helping someone out but you're giving we're gonna get an inside view into what the chinese judicial system is like yeah which would be very interesting so you know if i'm we're going to link his gofundme and if you guys can help him out we'll keep you guys up to date a couple dollars yeah none of this money goes to us of course this is um and he literally is he's legitimately stuck in china he can't leave it again yeah it's an exit ban yeah but we don't want to want to just pay his debt off so that he can leave you know because that's giving up literally want to see if he can go and fight this thing so yeah please go and support him if you have a couple extra dollars i'm definitely giving him some and of course this is also uh something that's very worrying like you say rather than come and arrest you if they have a problem with you in china very often more often than not what they'll do is they will just stop you when you try and leave right right and i get contacted a lot multiple times now dude this is what's really screwed up why did he reach out to me right right it's because there's no one you can reach out to when you're in china there's no one who will listen to you there's no one who can help you right all right as a foreigner when you run a file of the law you are screwed and nobody can do anything and nobody knows what's going on no so i often get like um contacted by people who have trouble like a short while ago i was contacted by a guy who messed around with the wrong girl turned to be turned out to be like uh the girlfriend of a very well-connected guy and they took his passport away and you know just because he had connections yeah and he actually couldn't leave he was yeah right yeah yeah we actually figured a way to get him out you know yeah he did get out eventually but you know people contact me all the time with oh no like what am i gonna do right you know i've been arrested or you know this has gone wrong or that's gone wrong it's absolutely ridiculous that there is no mechanism to actually get yourself out of these problems you know right more often than not your embassies can't do anything about it you know it's just a mess i know it's alarming when i go to my facebook messages and it says like urgent please help see milk you know yeah and it's like oh no what did they do yeah you know because there's not much we can do yeah anyway this is you know we'd like to help yeah in this case we can do something because you know we can raise some awareness right for this guy and also try and see if he can go and fight fight this in court right but what we can't do is we can't do something about our friend the canadian who is currently a political prisoner because of this stupid huawei situation and if you guys want to see that video make sure you're subscribed exactly because that's coming up soon anyway is there anything you'd like to tell our subscribers before we sign off whether you are in one star or you probably don't have to worry about exit bans or you are in china four star where it is a real thing um i don't think it's i don't want to be paranoid but don't think it's just for high profile people um if you just make a mistake if it's convenient for them they'll just won't let you go i tell you what if you're canadian right now you better keep a low profile you better hide yeah it's weird it's like the first time in history where it's bad to be a canadian i know abroad anyway i hope you guys liked the video what do you guys think down below what do you think about exit bands is that uh do you think that's a morally dubious thing of course you do uh leave us a like if you liked the video and subscribe if you haven't already yeah great and whether or not you're a terrible sort of childish tantrum throwing government who is oppressive and horrible to people or not we we love you all the same except for the first part right yeah we love them yeah exactly so until next time you know the drill stay awesome guys cheery cheerful wow look at this oh nice little flag flagstaff oh yeah there's a big hammer and stick thank you so much guys don't forget every single monday at 1 pm est you can watch adv china you can watch me every single wednesday at 1 pm est la la 86 and right below that you can watch serpents a day just in time for a beer on friday at 1 pm est
Channel: ADVChina
Views: 369,276
Rating: 4.8055921 out of 5
Keywords: china, greater china, china (country), east asia, adv china, living in china, chinese people, winston sterzel, talk show, living in china as a foreigner, chinese culture, moving to china, adv china taiwan, china vlog, chinese government, life in china, living in china vlog, internet censorship in china, living in china as an american, vietnam, motorcycle, arrested in china, advchina, serpentza, laowhy86, advchina vietnam, c-milk, hanoi, north vietnam, exit ban
Id: WDuy7mBzCEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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