Extorted in China!

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she had us followed a few times we always had to be looking to see what who was around the corner it was pretty scary welcome to another video you [Music] so hey there guys and welcome to another video this time I'm meeting with my friend the one who appeared in the legal troubles video and today is going to tell you his story there are quite a few details I got wrong and also there are a lot of new facts that have come to light so basically going to introduce you this is my friend he will remain anonymous for now I'm going to start by asking you a couple of questions right now basically as a result of what's happened here you've ended up losing a lot yes I lost my job I was my apartment and pretty much my lifestyle I've been here for four years and yeah after this problem I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna have to leave and yeah it hasn't been a pleasant experience alright guys before we continue with this video there are a couple of things that I have to update you on number one my friend and his girlfriend the ones in this video have already left China unfortunately they had to flee the situation because it could not be resolved number two unfortunately one of the friends that this guy was staying at because you know he got evicted from his apartment he was staying with that guy and they'd followed him obviously he's got people pitching up at his door at all times knocking on the door demanding money so you know it's not a hundred percent result but anyway my friend and his girlfriend are safe now the point of this video is not to try and vilify Chinese people or China but I have to make you all aware that there is this current thing happening in modern China which actually affects Chinese people more than foreigners but it does affect foreigners as well he live here you know if you make the wrong kind of mistakes you can get into this kind of situation and that is the reason I'm actually putting this video on my channel is to help people avoid these kind of situations you see because China's suddenly risen to this big sort of economic power powerhouse people see a lot of money going around and everybody's trying to get their little pot of gold and people are very quick to try and extort and scam people and I like to say it's part of the culture although some of my Chinese fans are furious that I say scamming is part of Chinese culture so let's just say it's a phenomenon that kind of happens here in modern China and it's happened to quite a few people I know including myself I'll give you some very quick examples before you continue number one a friend of mine once knocked an old lady off of a bicycle by mistake while he was riding his bicycle and of course while trying to help her a crowd form the police got involved he ended up having to pay 40,000 RMB x' worth of medical bills for her and she wasn't even hurt you know not significantly a couple of scrapes or something I myself once had a motorcycle parked in my parking lot outside my house and the guy at night reversed into my bike damaged my bike and his car and the next morning I had the police pitch up at my door with the security from the whole local thing and the guy demanding I pay for the damage to his car and because my motorcycle wasn't licensed it was just one that I was working on at the time and I just happened to have it parked outside my house I was now liable to pay for the damage to his car which is ridiculous obviously I managed to bargain him down and point out the absurdity of the situation because I wasn't riding but then the guy was saying oh no I was riding it and unless the bikes unlicensed and you know there wasn't there were no eyewitnesses or anything so we kind of had to settle I had to pay him about a thousand RMB but you know silly things like this happen all the time but specifically to Chinese people they're the biggest victim group when it comes to these silly scams and sort of extortion things that go on here now if this friend of mine had known not to do what he did if he'd seen a video like this he would have avoided the situation 100% and that's why I'm putting this video out there is for all of you guys to learn something and instead of me just Watling on about it we're going to carry on and let him tell you in his words exactly what happened so that you guys can know what to avoid if you are living or traveling in China all right let's get back to it let's let's talk about the the knighting question so you've been in this on-and-off relationship things are cooled down she moved out she was living with her sister or something right she'd never live with me with your child with you she she never did she would stay with me for a couple of nights or whatever and then just go off she well that night and I started noticing like weird behavior and her being a little bit more distant which I said me I'm sure so tonight I know I met IMed and uh well I know but we started going out and I started spending more time with them so uh yeah that makes me a scoundrel yeah so she would get something that I hadn't mentioned was that she used to get regardless very jealous right and she was very um yeah very possessive yeah so that had a major role and what happened she turns out to my apartment after me just not answering her calls and all that and I should note is that there was music playing and there were there were certainly people in the house but refused to open the door she just breaks him yes she broke it on probe that's all man Jesus Christ she literally broke the door she's come in and trying to hike trying to protect her trying to talk her into sans in all this she's screaming where is he where's this girl was this girl where's this girl she starts getting very aggressive breaking stuff and you know just she's such losing it then after that uh she she gets even more aggressive and she starts making threats like oh you don't know what I can do to you you don't know you know the kind of I don't know the means that I had to harm you you know connections yeah connections that I have and all that so in the end me just trying to you know talk her into sense she starts getting physical she bites a huge chunk out of my I'm like literally my like the skin actually came off it's not like okay it's a cut no the skin actually came off the arm start scratching me and all this and since I'm my main goal is like oh whatever I mean it'll heal later trying to protect because I mean I'm a big guy I can sort of like yeah whatever she does to me is gonna heal yeah eventually but if she gets a hold of for sure we had you know a lot worse yeah so I'm trying to do that and I'm not noticing that she has a free way to go to into my bedroom and open one of the drawers okay containing both my passport so um she takes them take to Pascal's yeah she runs away and of course I mean I need my passport I mean one of the things that live in any country only in China I mean it's really good for people listening like Maggie you should have your passport you know him yeah make sure it make sure is safe make sure his saving you know not within the reach of a crazy woman Oh anyway she takes him she runs away I'm trying to wrestle my passports away from biting scratching everything is going on finally I get them she tries to they weren't in my left hand so she tries to reach him over my right arm I of course push her away away and as she's coming back I just backhanded her which was wrong I know after that she completely changes it's just like oh I'm gonna kill you they have no idea of the trouble that I can get you into anyway I managed to push her out of the apartment just like off whatever lock the doors and ignore the further knocks and the doorbell anyway she eventually goes away and now her sister is involved and she gets a policeman bull and they take me away yeah I spend the night at the police station all of them saying like all you beat her up you better up your bit up and I'm like Mike I mean I'm her I have no idea there's an obscene amount of evidence that you know this was clearly a fight she broke into my into my house and all that and this is when you start to realize that being a foreigner is a disadvantage in these kind of situations I would say so I would say Sir Winston because number one well the language was with me because I do speak yeah you speak well not very well but no not again it's going to be something that would allow you to explain what's going on um it was okay yeah they didn't do anything to me they started telling me like okay yeah you you beat up this woman and like on a minute well how about you hit the rest of the story anyway the next morning after being chained to a to a pipe and just like being in there just whoring conditions someone takes me out and they start telling me like okay I hope that and this is where it all changes I hope that you solve your problem peacefully please don't you know don't give us more trouble we want you two to come to an agreement yeah both agree to sober peacefully that day she said she started right away asking for money that day that we're talking about the next morning you know so when when did you pay her the first thing before going out of the police station actually asked to go to the bank and like you know what let's do this I could be back down to ten thousand yeah no no no she said like only 10,000 to cover their hospital bills I will explain what happens with that later she she said I need 10,000 quiet I said you know what screw it and maybe maybe this is the way out of it and you know I was genuinely concerned like okay at this point I think oh she's still you know a person who's just chillers and you know there's ended up happening and if this makes it go away then good Church after the ten thousand she said okay we're done and I'm like okay on Thursday we have to come back to the police station to sign a paper that says this has been settled right no further investigation is required she said okay on Thursday I go to the police station she's not picking up her phone she's not doing anything she shows up with her sister and three other guys so now she doesn't want that she wants a 20,000 and her sister wants 10,000 so anyway she's asking for money the police are telling me talk to you yeah these guys are just constantly telling telling me we're gonna have you followed we're gonna you know like you its eyes you dumb for and now well whatever we're gonna put we're gonna just give you so much trouble so they're just intimidated through intimidation you end up agreeing Winston what would you do yeah I mean I am a reasonably peaceful guy for the most part and yeah I just said like okay you know what it's going to put me into bankruptcy but if it solves a problem good so we agreed on that I told them wait until such and such state for the money to be deposited into your account um and so I did then I get yo through you know from that day when we went up to when I paid there were multiple threats you know you have no idea and then people constantly texting me from random numbers saying things have changed now your girlfriend is here she's also anonymous as you can tell by mosaic over there now you apparently received threats as well let's start with us and we get into the story but can you tell us about the threats yes so she had been she somehow got my WeChat and she had been texting me she told me she knew where I worked and she had people watching me and she would make sure that I lost my job and that I wouldn't be able to work in the area again she said that she knew where I lived and she would have me followed yeah that's pretty scary stuff yeah yeah did she ever like try and act on any of those threats umm yeah she had us followed a few times we always had to be looking to see what who was around the corner that is scary now and that's another thing when you're in a situation like that you can't really rely on the police to do anything here because they don't treat that as anything serious yeah I had the experience of them going to my place of work and of course like no pause of anyone would be happy with an employee bringing trouble into the place work so because of that I've lost my job trying to go to the police station I just say let's do it in this way I'll give you the money here and everything will be fine sure I insist that we go to the police station because I wouldn't know what they would be able to do if I wasn't there yeah so I go there and this time around ten people show up including her father other people that clearly knew her father and they start saying we need at least 200,000 hmm it's not just an extortion centre it is a very very easy to identify sort of extorted patan does that make sense yeah but now that I think about it rationally and I'm not intimidated I'm not that scared anymore I I see it more as a as a wild ages they just played you and they won because by then with many people just shouting at you and all that thing you you feel intimidated it's not easy to just think rationally any by yourself yeah and I was by myself the whole time you know I mean this is what everybody wants to know is how did her family get a whole okay first of all through intimidation okay so not possible the police are the police added at first right then you act in there they gave it back to you what after you given the initial 40000 yeah after we had agreed to settle settle okay I gave it back to you and then you don't what's around I am I am outside of a police station okay now it's time for me to go figure out what I'm going to do to just meet the terms of the settlement agreement and they have surrounded me yeah like 10 mm yeah 10 a rough estimate tank okay bit more could have been yes yeah but again like all of them very manners in pointing fingers at you trying to sort of like just not not allowing you to walk fatherly they go and say we need your passport as a as a prove that you're gonna pay us sure Oh God was I scared you know so yeah I ended up like okay good take care after that I just realize it when I'd done yeah and I called my consulate at all I get all the adviser that I could up Gordon it was illegal I can't do that yeah they can't take impossible patent out there in the heat of the moment and all that threat I didn't know that then sure sure I know what it's all about seven to me so yeah but it's they never act alone them yeah never that's something that everybody has to take from this is that if you ever get into any kind of a situation here illegal or otherwise any kind of a fight anything like that it will always be a crowd like the one person against many because China like I've said before has a very collective silver society it's a yeah it's a very it's a very swarm against the mark one yeah you know I mean yeah just like but they don't like Sekou as until never taken up not normally against foreigners it's against Chinese isn't against Chinese as well like they try to get as many people involved as they can yeah yeah they they believe in strength being and numbers yeah they say the nail that sticks out gets hammered down yeah yeah that's what they say yeah okay so basically you've managed to resolve the situation now you've lost a whole lot of money how much of you end up being mean yeah forty six plus or what's cost me you know that's large me a lot my job my apartment yeah my life in China and they they actually were trying to get 200,000 from you oh yeah No but yeah they still some texts they still they still say yeah not only me about like people that they know yeah your girlfriend to remind Reliford a couple of other friends so yeah it's terrible so I'd like to finish this off I'd like you to basically give some advice to any foreigner who's coming to China mm-hmm what what should they take away from all of this okay what pleasure check first be careful of all the people you meet most of them are lovely people they will they will try to learn from you and all this the girls as well but you have to be aware of this if you notice anything suspicious if you notice anything that might suggest they want money something that you might not realize like I didn't yeah please be aware that you're at a massive disadvantage you're not fighting one you're fighting many but met people who have lost apartments because a little jealous girlfriends drink or just jealous girls are pepping up with right I've met people who are bit beaten up because of this yeah just any any way that they can they can harm you because they feel that my should yeah exactly that's cool yeah if they can do it with money that's it for this session right so yeah thanks for listening I gotta say guys ah this is a very horrible situations happened to my friend here I don't really feel bad it sucks dude I really hope that this situation can open a few people's eyes and just basically help them up and I wish you the absolute best with your new future life you know I normally say to everybody out there I say stay awesome but I'm gonna say to you this time I want you to just stay awesome mate I will a lid once an abdomen and thanks for the help thank you for listening and for watching as well make sure this doesn't happen to you seriously it's really really scary [Music]
Channel: serpentza
Views: 588,229
Rating: 4.7783899 out of 5
Keywords: Extorted, SerpentZA, Bikes, Beer, China, Cheated for money, conned, ripped off, legal trouble, Adventure, living in china, Scorned, Jilted, Slighted, taken for money, scammed, legal toubles, Winston Sterzel, passport stolen in China, shenzhen, woman scorned
Id: B4YAI-qAwnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2016
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