Weeping angel Halloween display

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quick to beast central and see what this is about it's youtube wednesday okay so a lot of this is going to be voice over it's all voice over simply because that's the best way to convey information this whole body is made from stacked up five gallon buckets there's no need to have new five gallon buckets all of the buckets that i used except for one were used and now when used it just didn't get dirty so you can see that i uh marked up where to put some holes here and then i'm feeding zip ties through just like i'm going to lace it together and i put those together and i attach the zip ties but see that i leave them loose and that leaves me room to put in the others and then i can go back and tighten them up and here i just took the handle off the top one i wasn't worried about the rest and the way that it works is i screwed the second bucket to the first bucket and then i um zip tied the third bucket to the second bucket and then i screwed the top bucket to the third bucket and inside of that first bucket i added um a couple gallon jugs of water this is an 11 foot by 15 foot tarp from harbor freight uh this is the bulk of the money for this build uh that was 14 i picked it cause it's waterproof it's already gray in color and here i'm just showing you that 40 inches is how tall i need to cut this piece and this is going to be her skirt but the color of this works out great the quality of it works out great i really like this this is duct tape all i'm doing now is i'm hanging some pieces off the top of the bucket because i am about to pleat this whole piece i cut that tarp so that it was on the 15 foot long side so it's 15 foot by um 40 inches and this is just you're going to get a lot of footage of me pleading i think that the word pleat is actually spanish for um cursing because uh pleading is not fun and i just used the width of my hand and i folded it over and each pleat lands in the middle of the pleat before i did show a little bit of a close-up for that just feel free to go back in time if you need to see that any better i never want to see it again uh here's chaney coming to help so this is it and then once that's done then i wrap that again and duct tape uh nice and harsh and here i'm just straightening out the skirt and i did not set the chest yet so what i did was i picked the best side of the skirt and that's my front however that looks whatever the best side is that's your front and i'm heating up that bucket so i can squish it just like that and i'm going to take a chunk of 2x4 don't pay for a chunk of 2x4 anywhere they're building anything you can ask them for a couple two by four scraps and they will gladly give them to you and they're gonna have them uh you generate so many two by four scraps doing this kind of stuff doing anything and you can see i screwed that together i heat gunned it a little bit but i don't know that that's necessary and now you can get a shot at it with the wig head on and see how tall it's going to be these are gloves from the 99 cent store so this these gloves from the 99 cent store i'm filling with loctite foam the can of loctite foam was another chunk of this build money and let's just call that seven dollars all right you see how i'm making that swirly lump on the other side and i did sort of arrange that on the hair um you can watch that later see how it goes down in lines and now i'm patting it in it's already been four minutes i sprayed it down and uh it's got a ski enough of a skin on it where i can pat it down it does take about you know between three and six minutes to skin depending upon the day now that hair bun that i did on the garbage bag that actually worked out the main thing with these hands what i'm doing is i'm squeezing them to keep them from getting too thick i don't want them to look puffy so i'm babysitting these and this took a good 20 minutes or so as i was sitting there and you could see now i'm putting weights on them i want those wrists to bend a little bit i looked at some good reference images of her hands over her face so i did that that's the pose i wanted i've got scissors and an exacto and i'm cutting up the fingers and i'm pulling this off and i'm going to have a real nice foam hand after about 20 minutes so you can see i get the last of that glove off and uh now i'm showing you with a popsicle stick push that in and then roll it and that is how you get your finger nail indention so you can do that on all of your fingers i'm going to have to free that other hand in just a moment i don't know where i went all right so i'm freeing the other hand same process the pair of gloves are destroyed um maybe you could finesse them off and leave that pair of gloves intact but you might break a foam finger it's better not to do that this is not a pool noodle this is pipe insulation why is it pipe insulation because that's available year round i'm putting one screw in the foam head i did cut the foam head at an angle so it looks down a little bit the pipe insulation i got a good size that was close to an arm it's still a little skinny so i add more later and that's a little bit of wire that i'm putting into the arms only so that they'll bend and hold that bend and i'm cutting the wrist off where i want those to be cut off and i'm giving those a solid duct tape on there's also a bit of that wire poking out and i stab that into the foam hand here i am making solid eye contact with you while i form the breasts of the uh weeping angel and so there you go um you can you can develop your weeping angel any way you wish so now this is a piece that i'm cutting and i just kind of measured the length that i want i cut a hole for the head i'm putting it on like it's a tabard and now with the heat gun i'm just melting those two sides together how about a close-up you say well here you go heat gun heat popsicle stick push push push and they weld right together you don't get more waterproof than this guys this is made of plastic it's a plastic tarp so again uh the heat gun if you buy it for this build it's 9.99 for harbor freight buy at the same time you get your tarp use the 20 off coupon that you can get from anywhere online all right so i put a little bit of the loctite foam in the palm here and i pinned it on with a wooden skewer the wooden skewers will come out as soon as that loctite foam dries here i am cutting some more pipe insulation just to bulk out the arms see how it just fits on there and then i will use the heat gun to weld those together the same way you do pool noodles pool noodles are a little hardier so you have to be careful you can melt this stuff into oblivion but you can see it does stick together pretty well and then i melted a hole in it so i just patched it uh now i want to add a little bit to the forearms one thing that i suggest that i did not do i didn't want to drive this cost up throw a shirt on it before you do that fold over tabard piece just throw a shirt on it a long sleeve shirt that's gray because uh then you're gonna hide all of these arms these arms aren't perfect they're probably my least favorite part of the build however they look fine for what it is once the wings are on and once it's painted you kind of gloss over the arms a little bit but you can see that union between the wrist and hand is nice and tight and that works well and this is just a piece that i'm shrinking up one side to make kind of a collar i'll put it around here and then i'll heat gun it onto the back and i'm just heat gunning it down so it sticks to itself and so it sticks to that tabard shirt that i made this is a ten dollar chunk of the build also from harbor freight this is eva foam floor mats the wing design is just a very simple one i made two base parts of the wing and right where the wing would fold out and swing over that's a whole second part so i get two base parts out of one sheet so that uses up two sheets and then i get two of the big wing parts see i'm putting the wing together there to make that work all right and that's a full sheet and that's the other sheet four sheets come into a pack so these wings were ten dollars and now you can see how that glues together and there's going to be two pieces at the base and that's going to be essential in stability and in attaching it i'm gonna go ahead and get everything covered in contact cement and once everything is covered in contact cement i'm gonna let that dry of course you let that dry about eight to ten minutes and i'm cutting a little chunk of pvc pipe i believe this is one inch pvc that i measured for that base piece and i'm going to pre-drill those uh pipes for the back of i'm just blocking the whole camera what a mooc so i'm going to go ahead and drill those base pieces those pipes so i can screw those into the back of the weeping angel and you can see i'm getting the screw started and that's where those pipes go remember that the base of the wing is two pieces of foam right about that pipe with the part why don't we slather some contact cement on this puppy all right so these guys are dry let's press those together hooray let's do the next one all right and there's a right wing and a left wing see i'm cutting one inch off of there on one side only that was me letting the contact cement dry and that what that one inch does is that allows me to cant the wings out at the same angle more pipe insulation goes over that top edge of the wing and i'm going to split that open of course and then i will contact cement inside of the pipe and then i will contact cement the edge of the wing and that your i'm doing the edge of the wing right now there you go so i have to let that dry while that's drying we might smell paint with some gray primer 2x now that head is a styrofoam wig head there's nothing on there to protect it but when i am spraying that i am misting from a distance if you missed from a distance and let that build up in layers then it's not going to melt your foam head the loctite foam has no problem not melting all right it's not going to be melted by spray paint but the styrofoam head can what hurts the foam head is the propellant in the spray paint so as long as you missed it and let most of the propellant go somewhere else then you're going to be fine on your styrofoam do it from a distance that's all i ask and now i have a can of black and you can see i highlighted that skirt i did some up shading with it and i did some real big feather pieces on the wings because that's how it looked now i have some simple white craft paint and i have done uh white and now i have some white primer and i'm just dusting this from above to give it a looks like lights hitting it from above this is the finished weeping angel guys this is it it cost just under 40 bucks for everything that i used and it took me about three and a half hours to do it i hope you guys really enjoyed this video please like comment subscribe and maybe buy a t-shirt from my teespring which is linked below the video so this is a full-size weeping angel statue it came in at under 40 dollars i was as cheap as possible you could probably get it down cheaper if you sourced a few materials differently i just wanted to give you guys the base are there 700 ways to make this better and to change things and have it be better absolutely i wanted to do a different technique for the body build that i have shown you guys before so i didn't do it the same way as either of my two reapers and i wanted to just showcase a couple different things like a different wing design and wing build are there ways that this can be done better yes is this a full-size statue that managed to freak out my dogs yes so hopefully you know who you are who asked for this in particular hopefully you are you will enjoy this build and you can put a couple of these in your yard don't blink and go make stuff oh boris is hiding behind a car bella's sneaking up behind it they don't know it's not a person cheney is waiting for the porch to see what's going on what's going on guys cheney is not having it foreign
Channel: StiltbeastStudios
Views: 312,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Weeping angel halloween, weeping angel, dr who, halloween yard, diy weeping angel, Diy halloween display, weeping angel tutorial
Id: 4LMU4mHju6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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