Spray Foam Frankenstein

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[Music] it's YouTube Wednesday Frankenstein head and [Music] hands I'm doing Frankenstein I used only Boris carof for my reference I'm not going for an exact likeness because I don't think I'm capable of it uh in clay let alone in foam but if we don't try we don't know right I'm starting the exact same way that I always do putting on a general layer which sounds like a Star Wars villain it's not super important to me right now that I get coverage over every single bit what's important is that I'm controlling my stream and this layer where it's not important is important but it's important because while I'm putting this on I'm learning the flow of the can and of the foam I'm getting this down before I really have to because later when I'm doing like eye bags and stuff I need to be real precise I'm going to learn that Precision while I'm doing this this is going to be uh obviously a prop head on a wig head I'm going to do a set of hands for this also out of locti so this will be a head and hands that uh you can build a figure with a static figure I've done this before for a like a fake wax museum that I did and I was pretty darn happy happy with how these came out see how I'm just fixing those little holes I'm not worried about overlap too much that'll all be fixed in that next stage so I have a fan right here blowing the gas away from me so I'm not breathing in like I smell nothing and that's important go ahead so why do I need a foam layer if this guy is based out in foam because Frankenstein's big uh that's why I'm adding water to this so that that helps the foam cure normally this foam will cure by pulling moisture from the air and now it's actually I'm adding the water and that's making it cure much faster and the water I add goes onto the surface and that makes the surface uh cure faster than the outside I'm adding that layer of foam just to Beef It Up a bit before I really even start doing any details it's just not big enough and I'm going to do probably one more layer to bulk this out and I'm starting to look at head shape this is my best front on look Frank has from his brow to his nose appears to be much longer so I've got to add on a bit for a jaw and now I'm starting head shape tell I'm squeezing the trigger more I'm getting a taller bead I want that taller bead because I am making the uh Crown here of Frankenstein's head Countdown 2 minutes so I know I'm going to put hair on it in the back I'm not too worried about these ropes and stuff stuff back here cuz they'll barely be seen But if I can work on my technique of getting rid of them back here when I have to do it up front I'll be better at it hopefully I really don't want to get it on my skin too much you try to leave it off your hands as best as possible I want a corner here so I'm pushing down on the top and up in the front you should be able to touch it without getting any on your fingers if it's sticking to your fingers stop touching touching it a lot of people have reported I'm getting it all over my hands and I'm making a mess well don't let it skin it will skin that's what the material does give it time to do its work just pushing in that jawline okay with this square jaw I'm heading a little more into Glenn Strange territory that's okay he was also Frankenstein and it's important to remember when you are judging my work Frankenstein was made from diseased flesh dead flesh so some rotting is bound to occur I'm not unhappy with it at this point but I want to let this firm up a little so I can add a little more on and then keep going I am happy with the general brow shape if I don't start forming a nose right now I'll be in trouble okay I'm going to let this get firm uh and I'll be back in just a moment or two a few minutes okay the trick is to not go too detailed on that first pass because I want to have room to add stuff always take this lump off that sort of seals you up I could keep adding and add more for the ears and stuff but that's about all I can manage I don't know in the time that I've got I'll be able to control everything that I already have and this is just me filling divots up there 2 minutes in I should be able to fill the divots by the time I get to 3 minutes I should be able to have some finer control have a loop tool on I'm not going to use it for the loop I'm going to use it for the pushing wire and I'll be able to push in some details I hope a lot of sculpting is just looking at your images and really learning there's a very influential scar I guess but there's a very well-known scar right up here for Frank and I like in this image it looks a little busted open and if I recall Jack Pierce did a buildup makeup every time that Boris was franking so yeah sometimes it's going to look a little different and that's okay one of the reasons why Pierce didn't stay ahead of makeup longer was that he didn't want to go to Prosthetics he wanted to build it up every time and that's just a longer process a more expensive process because you're adding a lot of time for you time for the artist in the chair time for the actor I should say in the chair all right i' I've filled in my holes up there pretty good I don't have any big divots now I've really got to start working on this nose so my goal here is to do the minimum to get these face shapes on I don't want huge massive uh sculpting happening I need to get the impression the idea of the shape of that nose how much does the nose hang down over the nostrils how much does it flare out this is it's a fun medium but it's not a forgiving medium this is so new and I'm I'm waiting honestly for someone to come along that isn't me to really put this material through its Paces your corners of the mouth are normally right under your pupil I was okay with my chin until I checked my profile and threw with me really out of whack so they say that the ears are not brother and sister they're not Brothers they're cousins uh because they two ears don't really look alike and I think on Frankenstein luckily that could even be more the case okay I'm going to leave that ear alone right now this little piece that fell down I wanted to beef up the bottom lip with it a little bit but that piece fell on the table and I was still able to get it to work for our needs all right this here is really high I use this to fill in a little divot back here so here is the beauty of this if uh I really don't like this Frank Stein and right now I'm not I don't like him very much then I'm going to be able to uh just do this again for 12 bucks or whatever it is well no it's a can of this is like $8 I used a wig head I already had so I'm going to be out8 bucks and maybe an hour of my time hour and a half I have the end of a wooden tool that's pretty smooth and flat I'll try to do a little smoothing with it with the heat gun I'd say to a degree that works doesn't get rid of all the texture but it certainly gets rid of the lumps and changes the [Applause] texture just that little less textured I think is is helping lot of texture in here I'd like to get rid of foam gets warm but doesn't really get that hot because it's I mean it's insulation so it handles that heat really well I have the material on the ears I uh I just want to put on a little bit here this is just to make up for an imbalance that I see I want a little more material on this side of the neck I'm pretty happy with him uh once I get the eyes in I'll know where I need to be that does get it a lot smoother way less texture feel like I'm going to be good on this this year now always a busy time here in the shop so if you have foam on your finger and you touch the foam with a skin it'll still stick and it causes a problem area if you get it on your finger you want to get it off right away just by rubbing it and now I'm able to touch and it's not sticking to me Boris had some ears so this Frankenstein kind of has some ears I'm going to pull these up a little bit because it's just hanging too low do your ears hang low can you swing them to and fro can you tie them in or not can you tie them in a bro I got a hole in the side of his head which I don't like set a Frankenstein timer for 2 minutes all I have to do now is remember where all I put foam if you forget it it won't help you see I forgot this piece I never smooth it out Frankenstein is looking much more even in the neck I like that I'm not happy with the jaw I think I want to bring the jaw down a little more I don't want too much space in between the bottom lip and the chin but I feel like his head should be a little longer so I'm going to go ahead and add it remember that divot I'm just filling in that divot that I didn't like so this is a way to make a head quickly if I want a Frankenstein prop head 90% of the time I'm going to sculpt it in clay I'm going to make a plaster mold I'll make a latex pull inside of that mold I'll fill that with foam and then I'll have a solid Frank sculpted Frankenstein head that way is going to take you 8 to 16 hours total this is kind of a quick and dirty way this way I can have a passable Frankenstein head uh but I'll have a passable Frankenstein head in a couple hours literally start to finish I might have four hours in this head and if you're not comfortable molding then this is not a bad way to go there's no reason why you can't do a basic shape with this then go on top of that with paper clay or papier-mâché or something else uh if you want how smooth you get it a lot of the time depends on just how much you're touching it I can get it kind of silky smooth if I work with it over and over again in the same spot okay I don't hate this I'm moving on to eyes they look really weird right now but I've got to go in and shape them and all that I'm just manipulating the material the way that I want it to go where I want the corner of the eye I'm pushing that corner of the eye back to where I want it I'm not letting it do what I wanted it to do I'm doing I'm making it do what I want it to do I'm forcing it to my will Frankenstein has these sad puffy eyes real heavy Lids up top you know it's Frankenstein it don't look like Boris Carlos off but like yeah that's Frankenstein he looks a little sad which is kind of good for Frankenstein I'm curious as to whether or not I mess with that mouth anymore I like that mouth it's not it's not terrible but I think I could do better so that's what all of us should ask ourselves and if you think you can do better then you should try to do better I'd rather this be as good as I could have gotten it looks like you know the 70s cop [Laughter] mustache yeah little so the little pieces that hit the table that aren't cured yet while I'm waiting you'll notice I I pick these up a lot and I play with them cuz I want to see what the material can do if I can learn from my scraps and throwaway pieces that's great I just made a witch hat for a GI Joe figure right there and here I made a little tooth with a root and here I made a white Cheeto forbidden Cheeto see this little bit of buildup here giving him a little bit of a muzzle a little bit of a nasal labal fold and why wouldn't Frankenstein have a little bit of a hair lip just a little bit of one let's put that in there I think he probably had some pallet surgery I think that filled in a lot better and I really like that more I'm really glad that I did that and I almost didn't take the chance cuz I didn't want to mess it up and a lot of times we deny our art the chance to be even better cuz we're afraid to mess it up from where it is but we got to where it is and we have the idea that it could be better so why wouldn't we listen to that and I realize I'm saying that as if all artists think that way but I know a significant amount of them do boy that's got great texture to it let's get this guy out of the way and start doing the hands I'm not worried about posing his hands I know that I can pose them later with heat so I'm worried that they're going to be big enough so one of the secrets to friend Frankenstein is to make his jackets look too large or smaller than they should be you leave a lot of wrist hanging out so I got to make sure there's plenty of wrist on this or it's not Frankenstein uh I'm not laying this out these are just hands hands are notoriously one of the hardest things to draw and sculpt but I have a good model right here which is what I mentally did when I laid this one out so now I have to do this I'm not measuring anything I don't think I need to measure anything not because I'm an amazing artist and I have all this crap memorized but it's Frankenstein hands man we'll be okay take your time on the face get that right and make sure your hands are big enough this is a can of Loctite that was just laying around I think someone else used it and made the mistake of sitting it near me this is the second can of Loctite that I opened or was this my first one this is my first can that I said was empty this is the can I just set down that I finished up the head with it's got plenty in it so as long as I don't use all of of this I'm going to say Frankenstein took two cans which is probably very safe probably shouldn't have done that I probably should have laid out one hand at a time because now I have to make sure that I get two hands done in the time before it goes too stiff to use I'm not doing a lot with this just flattening that out that's my first step want a smoother base I mind a little bit of texture it is Frankenstein okay doubling down here we go nope not yet this one's still wet if your hands are two different sizes it's Frankenstein one's from some dude one's from some other dude there's some bones on the wrist that I wanted to make sure we're represented these are repres presenting some of the uh carpal that are visible through the skin on skinnier people Frankenstein got some big digits yo this one has sat long enough and I can work on this hand yeah I'm pretty okay with that and I did not use a clean sheet of plastic sometimes if you don't use clean plastic then you can uh have issues with the foam sticking but that's not bad I can push and make a knuckle I can squeeze that finger together push it down to show the bone make a little bubble that's a knuckle show the bone knuckle knuckle knuckle bone bone knuckle have a nice hard skin on there so I can work this foam more without worrying about breaking it knuckle knuckle knuckle knuckle I finally have a good skin on the underside of this I want to condense this hand a little bit he got a little cray cray I can curve this cuz I can add foam in here later and that gives me a nice round on the back of the arm you'll see I'm working at a little bit of a frantic Pace like I'm I'm I'm working I'm going because uh this foam is on a timer you know uh this will stop being malleable after a time and I won't be able to do as much yes I can manipulate it to a degree with heat but not to the same degree that I can right now what's that this is so corpsy that's what this material is like it's like a/ qu inch of pinewood over top of couch foam right now I mean right now it's still shapable but I want to hold it in that shape if that's what I want it to do and I want to get these pretty well shaped and then then uh I will fill in the backs of them as needed okay so you know who had hands this big uh I met Peter Mayu one time and I shook his hand and his hand just wrapped around mine easily just like this this reminds me of Peter Mayu who was pasted he played Chewbacca I met him at a convention we weren't like friends or anything being a wolf man for most of my life professionally I uh tend to like Peter Mayhew who played a furry dude I'm arm wrestling Frankenstein so I can just fill in the back of the hand no problem I did not set a timer going by the seat of my pants everyone is shocked this is really only to fill this out I have all the shape and the strength from the other side with Frankenstein you need enough wrist to stick out of the coat like two or three Ines of wrist to show that he has long gangly arms so like they're like this this tendon that shows up apparently not everybody has that I'm just putting a little tendon in here give a little bit of tension in that wrist you push on one part and it puffs up the other part just have to kind of monitor it all right I'm waiting on these guys to uh firm up I'm actually fairly happy with their positioning I might reheat a few of the fingers and move them I'm going to give this a good 20 minutes or so so that I can paint them when I get back just that's not a clean end I want a cleaner end a lot of the weird specialty knives that I use and things are on my Amazon store I will start linking in the first comment if you buy something from there I get a little tiny Kickback it's like 2% but every little bit helps and if you want to support the channel that's another way to do it you don't have to join patreon cough cough or uh any of the other stuff for the sake of speed I'm going to use an airbrush you don't have to first thing I have to do is paint the wrists of the hands I'm painting these now so that when my head is painted I can pick these up by the wrist and paint the rest of the hand so I'm not wasting any time waiting on something to dry so Frankenstein this is a biggie like this is a core monster there is a theory that there's only two monsters everything else is nature the first Monster is Wolf Man and that is the monster that's inside of us every person has the capability for violence they have the capability to become a monster and that's inside of you and that's innate and then there is the monster that we made and that's Frankenstein this is Frankenstein is this Frankenstein's monster yes it's also Frankenstein's monster but you'd be better served saying it's do Frankenstein's monster Dr Frankenstein didn't go to 12 years of medical school to not be called doctor this is Frankenstein 100% it is okay to call him that and it's not okay to bully people who say Frankenstein when they talk about him I don't know when this started but it's kind of a pain in the butt this is Frankenstein how do I know this is Frankenstein how can I say this name is Frankenstein when in one early version of the book his name was supposed to be Adam why is he Frankenstein because there's over a thousand movies that have a picture of him and it says Frankenstein right under it that's a title they're labeling him it's his movie he's Frankenstein thousands of movies they're not all wrong and if you only have one book and I have a thousand movies I think I have more backup than you but is it acceptable to call this Frankenstein yes and then you call Dr Frankenstein Dr Frankenstein cuz he's the doctor I'm a monster guy so I have opinions these don't have to flex you can use any kind of acrylic paint on them um I'm using latex mask paint because I have a bunch of that laying around because I use that the most in my daily life now I'm pretty sure I'm out of paint very important paint shaking technique the zombie snail my paint is in here I've got white and green together open lid against your palm thumb goes underneath these two fingers go down making the zombie snail what do zombie snails do attack and now your paint is shaking I want to give all these parts about 15 20 minutes to dry and then I will come back and do the airbrushing on him for this gu to need some hair I have 15 in there 9 in by 15 in and now I have to account for the ears say three and 1/2 down two and 1/2 back what I also need is a sharp knife always always always test fit your pieces before gluing cuz I have no idea if this is going to fit or not since I don't know if this is going to fit I should not glue it down until I do like a just a nice test I mean I didn't do that but you probably should I have haired many many Frankensteins because of their short hair kind of fake fur looks actually pretty good for [Music] [Music] them now we know it's Frankenstein so I happen to have some eyes that I think are perfect for Frank it's these guys here so I'm going to put these eyes in him I was not thinking about that at all when I built him there has to be some modification that happens to make those eyes work and I'll go in with uh hot glue probably and seal this up a bit this should get me we I can at least get the eye in Frankenstein is not a prop that you could go bugee eyed with either he is very like heavy litted so I'll probably have to add some material to fix that heavy litted when I did a lot of figures for a wax museum I actually just sculpted the area around the eye with oilbased Clay which just stayed a little soft but it's pretty firm clay and then that just stayed in as the material I've got my hot glue gun set that a very low temperature so I can run little beads with this as opposed to it coming out like a [Music] liquid I get back to it I'm going to give it five minutes and see if I need to do anything else 5 [Music] minutes a drop of black won't darken this it will make it grayer it'll make it dead which is what I want still want this to be a light color but I don't want it to be a lively spring green I want it to be like a pale dead green [Music] so this is a good time to mention this Frankenstein head and hand set which I hope someone out there wants to turn into a figure or a ground burster or whatever I'm giving it away on patreon if you are a patreon member this will be given away on October 10th if you are a member of patreon by October 10th any level you'll be able to win this Frankenstein uh head and hand set I wanted to make a head in hands to show you guys that hey you could make hands out of this uh to match whatever head you make that's the hard part of almost any static figure so if you want to make a Frankenstein static figure you can make a head and hands just at a lock tight foam I use two cans that puts the cost at $16 add a little bit for eyes a little bit for hair a little bit for paint you're looking at $25 probably for everything so this is a good inexpensive way is it a sculpted and molded figure no but is it fun awesome and looks good in low light yeah anybody who joins patreon by October 10th uh could win this Frankenstein head and hands set and if you haven't subscribed to the Channel please do go make stuff now it's time for some patreon shoutouts Cindy Canfield bernardet Heath Heather Angel Jordan Jackson funky fet Studios Darlene Jeffers leanie aera Shan Tucker Shan Fenner and Jack Hunter and a huge thank you to all our new subscribers as always go make stuff
Channel: StiltbeastStudios
Views: 38,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Allen, Hopps, Halloween, Haunted house, prop, DIY, scary, stiltbeast, haunted attraction, Halloween Mask, Franken, Frankenstein mask, life size frankenstein
Id: KSRz4S4XOkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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