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today we're going to be making monster mud now monster mud is the process of mixing several ingredients to create a mixture that when applied on any surface turns it into a stone-like or concrete-like [Music] finish i'll be showing you four different ingredients and four different ways to make monster mud we're gonna see which one works best this recipe is a must-have for any halloween diy-er so let's get started [Music] today's tutorial is going to be on monster mud now halloween lovers such as myself love working with monster mud it turns any object into a stone-like or cement-like feature it feels like stone it looks like cement it's really awesome when you want to turn something into a statue so there's a classic recipe that involves using joint compound and exterior grade paint but i fiddled with a few recipes and today i'm bringing you four recipes on monster mud at the end we're gonna try them out to see which one's best which one's worse and maybe if we find a new one that we love so let's get started with our monster mud tutorial before we continue with this tutorial i wanted to show you all the first book that i've written it's called little olive in the wally bat and it's rated for kids ages two to six years old it follows a brave little olive that gets lost and is found by a very helpful brown bat this is the first book i've ever written and i'm super excited about it it's available on amazon via paperback or kindle so if anyone wants to support me or read it to their kiddos go check it out the link is in the bio of the video little olive and the wally bat on amazon now let's get back to this amazing tutorial [Music] now that we're done mixing it remember you want the consistency to be that of a thick soup or applesauce i think that's a better description for this so now we have our drop cloth all of these have been cut to the same size what we're going to do is we're going to get our brush first and then brush in this mixture all along the front and on the head of this styrofoam prop next we're going to get our canvas drop cloth that we cut up and we're going to submerge it completely into the mixture so you want to make sure that the mixture gets on all the surfaces of this monster mud is super messy so make sure you're working in an area where it's covered or maybe outside you have a tarp down because it really does get messy we're just rolling it around like this normally we would be using a five gallon bucket if we wanted to do a big creature or a big statue because you have to dip the fabric or the cloth into this mixture so once we're done mixing it it should be covered completely and then we're simply going to place it on top of her just like so so i think i like it like that and we're done with the first one so let's clean up this area first and move on to the second monster mud recipe [Music] now really quickly as you can see it's rather dark the paint it's a dark gray you can go with any style color you want any light shade of gray any dark shade of gray so this is the paint that i had lying around just make sure it's exterior gray paint and we're good to go so you can see really quickly what i'm doing i'm simply just lathering it completely if you have access monster mod you can easily just wring it out like this but normally when i make mine i just leave the excess on it and now we can put the cloth over it [Music] [Music] also just a tip if your mixture whichever one you decide to use is too thick it's perfectly fine to add more paint or more joint compound but normally we just stick to paint that way it's easier to work with there's no perfect recipe you don't have to follow the measurements to the tea also remember if you're making a big statue or a big monster or coating something big your proportions need to be much bigger than this because the cloth normally absorbs so much of it so when i did my seven foot tall grim reapers i had to use a five gallon bucket to mix everything and i think i used two tubs of drywall joint compounds and three quarters of a gallon of paint i think more so yeah be prepared to make them in big batches when you're ready to do this repeat the step [Music] and the last recipe we've made is the classic monster mod which is joint compound and exterior latex paint so let's see how she turns out and now that all the monster mud has been placed we're going to wait 24 hours to ensure everything dries and everything is solid so let's see how it looks like tomorrow i can't wait 24 hours later you can see they're all really solid and some of them look a little bit different so now we're gonna look up close and compare them to the others to see what we like and what we don't like so we're gonna start off first with this one which used cement i don't really particularly like this look because of the little stones and pebbles on the inside it gives it a really rough texture but i could see this working on something like a gravestone but now let's look at the actual fabric and how it did it's just a little bit too rough for a statue but like i said you could use it on other applications like a gravestone but now we're going to go to the actual fabric and if we push on the fabric it actually gives way it's not a completely solid structure so it is it is hard but as you can see i can easily turn it like this i can lift up these pieces over here i can squeeze it like this so it kind of has a rubbery like feel to it so i'm going to say that this is a fail this is not work out the way we wanted it to work out for our next monster mud we used vinyl spackle and exterior paint now with this one it's much harder than the cement one was but it still has some give to it as you can see right here on these parts the other parts of it are pretty solid but like i said the edges they give a little bit it's a little bit crunchy not the kind of consistency we're looking for when something is monster mudded like this so better than the cement one but not a complete fan of it overall not a fan of the vinyl and exterior paint spackle it's good but not great here we have what i think is my favorite we used joint compound dry lock and exterior grade paint when you push in the edges they don't give way the entire thing is very solid very statuesque i love how it came out i love that it's not gritty like the cement it's very nice and smooth this one is definitely a winner and the dry lock being a waterproofer would be great for the outdoors so i absolutely love how this one came out last but certainly not least we have the classic monster mud recipe which involves joint compound and exterior grade paint this one as well like the previous one is solid there's a slight give when we press in the edges ever so slightly nothing major but this is the classic recipe it's solid it's smooth it came out really really nicely it's one solid piece so you can't go wrong with the classic recipe so when it comes down to it one was not so good number two is all right there's some give to the fabric now number three i think this is the clear winner very solid structure everything's super smooth none of the edges give way loved number three and number four is the classic monster mud recipe that i think it almost tied for first but i would have to give it a second place there's a slight give to it but not that much so either three or number four would be excellent choices for your monster mud creations so now that we know that number three is the winner and number four is close second we're gonna dip our two best ones in a bucket of water we're gonna submerge them completely in a five gallon bucket of water after which we'll put them back up here to see how they fare my issue with monster mud recipes in the past is that it gets soft when it rained so i'm trying to see if adding the dry lock to the monster mud actually improved the ability to remain weatherproof [Music] so right off the bat we can see how number four which is the classic monster mud recipe it's softened and this is what always happens to me when it rains it's not completely uh soft it's still hard but look how it moves it moves in some areas the edges are soft again and it feels wet nothing's coming off though i'm rubbing my finger on and i don't see anything but this is the classic recipe now when we move over to the dry lock look at this there is some give to it there is slight give on the edges but the structure itself feels harder see there's give here there's give there but the difference is that this one this one can move like that it's like leathery and this one it's like it's good and this is my favorite so using dry lock actually helps maintain the sturdiness the stiffness of this in rainy conditions so absolutely amazing i have found my new way to make monster mud and it's definitely using dry lock like just look at that [Music] you
Channel: Isaac Alexander DIY
Views: 120,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EMmRpuaJo2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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