Week Of Increase 2019 "Cutting Off The Dead" - Keith Moore

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're crazy [Music] [Music] this [Music] like you this see [Music] yes [Music] [Music] spices [Music] you [Music] with show [Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] this [Music] [Music] find that i teed up you two need situations around you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] I'm gonna dance and break easy it doesn't matter what comes my way to Pater what lives inside of me [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna dance s praises it doesn't matter what my way the greater one inside of me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no weapon formed against me shall prosper [Music] [Music] [Music] the one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] No [Music] Ducati [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my Cologne thank you lord [Music] but we praise give you a [Music] halle-loo well how has he done you he has done for us wonderfully hallelujah he's done all things well can you say man he's done all things well and he's not done doing good things for you and for me and for us thank the Lord for every good thing so many things the Bible said bless the Lord and forget not all his benefits somebody say thank you Lord for every good thing that we enjoy we bless your Holy Name and we give you all the gold and we give you all the breaks thank you [Music] are you glad to be in church on a Friday night we turn and smile biggest somebody let them know they're around friendly people nice people shake a hand or two or three say bless you good to see you good to be with you praise God [Music] yes Chloe haven't they done an outstanding job this week yes yes yes we are so thankful because it would just be so sad if I had to be up there singing we might have lost our whole crowd yeah it would just be so I don't even sing in the shower so that's just yeah yeah it would not be good well the Lord Menace this week I believe what do you think how many of you got answers that you came for this week yes yes yes I believe that he has met us and that we're gonna go home change people glory to God I believe we can take this anointing back to our churches back to people around us and minister it to them it'll change their lives if you get full at one place you can go home and slosh it off on everybody around you joy of the Lord goes with you yes yes yes well I don't have really a whole lot to say we've got some upcoming meetings for those of you how many is there anybody in here tonight for the first night of the meeting stand up if you want to yes stand up stand up we want to welcome you properly welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome we are honored and blessed to have you let's go ahead and see Sarasota I know they're joining us tonight it's our regular Friday night service there they are a lot of them's here so uh kind of looks sparse down there but a lot of the series sodium's are here in in Branson so uh we're glad they're here okay so our upcoming meetings are greater faith which is in Florida and I added a new word to my F's if you've never heard me tell all the apps you know faith in February in Florida when you have Frost there's your another F so in February the 3rd through the 7th so come to Sarasota it'll be February the 3rd through the 7th we have a lot of people that like to come to February in Florida so come on down you know and see us down there and then the Branson victory campaign it'll be here April the 2nd through the 4th in Branson that's brother Kenneth and they come and we just fill this place out with joy and healings and miracles and word and so come be a part of that marriage meeting June the 1st through the 5th that we'll be here in Branson again so if you've never been to one of our marriage meetings come it's a fun time we do a couple of nights Keith will do one and I'll do one and then we'll have a ladies night in the past we've done it that way unless the Lord changes it and then we do a men's night and the men don't get to come to the ladies and the lady don't ladies don't get to come to the men's and and it's pretty fun except where they've been telling each other what we've been talking about that ain't the way it was supposed to be anyway anyway all right and then a week of increase next year will be October the 5th through the 9th back here in Branson and so what we do on Friday nights around here is we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries did we have any this week or next week stand up if you want to yes happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday oh yes yes yes anybody else that we're missing anybody else in here well let's see Sarasota they like for us to see them too some of them usually have a sign last week when I've had a blinking sign who had that blinking sign here Pete Pete and even Evie Evie there's a birthday I see that one I see that one that's about it so that's it for tonight and it's gonna be a great great night do you have you expect turned on how many of you are not tired and you're ready to receive some more tonight alright so uh he didn't preach a whole lot last night so he's double-barrelled his brother Hagin used to calling okay loaded with both barrels so be ready for it okay all right glory to God that is true about to both barrels I oh man i'm stirred up about some things praise god are you are you with me some extremely significant things you're gonna believe with me to get it out right so if you didn't bring the bible with you this evening the ushers have extra bibles and we'd be glad to let you use one of these hold your hand up real high and they'll pass one down and go with me please in the scriptures to matthew the sixth chapter Matthew chapter six I believe I've heard some things from the Lord glory to God it doesn't get any better than hearing from headquarters that's the best how many in the house and if you're watching online and they're in Sarasota you respond to the Lord sees you're believing for a building or a house or buildings or lands that kind of thing raising your bill look at that Wow you believe in for a building or for land or for a house or condo apartment whatever it is you're believing for that kind of thing the Lord dealt with me I believe specifically to take some time in the offering and give some details on some things and I just know that I know that if you'll do what he says in this there will just be a flood of buildings and houses and lands hallelujah are you with me last night we well I'm excited I'm getting ahead of myself Matthew 6 hey what are y'all laugh-in about Matthew 6 and 19 Jesus the head of the church and and he is the head of the church whatever he says that's it no matter what you think is that right or what anybody else thinks or any group or any denomination or in your religion when the head of the church speaks everybody else should say yes sir thank you sir yeah right that's it and act on it and live by it yes no argument no discussion no changes no additions no subtractions do you believe this was very important he said lay not up for yourselves treasure upon earth where moth and rust doth corrupt that word means get disfigured and where thieves break through and steal now the word lay up could be translated store store up keep reading verse 20 but lay up he said don't don't just store it up there because there's no such thing as a 100% secure investment on the planet I mean 200 year old companies can go belly-up tomorrow just like that I mean people that say all this is secure no way you can lose this you know they're telling you something wrong right there is no such thing as a secure cannot fail investment in this world don't just lay up for yourselves treasures excuse me verse 19 on the earth so he's distinguishing between two places where moth and rust corrupt and where thieves break through and still it can just by Rison of time it can decay and corrode and decompose yes you know you don't want a bunch of nice stuff just sitting in your closet and rotten because somebody could be enjoying it is that right you don't want a bunch of nice machinery just sitting in your garage and rusting did I lose somebody when when you when somebody could be using it and enjoying it because you're not taking it with you yeah that is for sure right and the only purpose of any money things houses stuff down here is just temporary use nothing that's in your possession right now is a permanent possession it is very very temporary yeah everything you got so don't get too attached to it he said verse 20 but lay up for who for whom this is something you're doing for yourself lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven can you do that yes this is a head of the church right can you lay up treasures in heaven now yes in this life yes just like you could lay up treasures on the earth right now you can lay up treasures in another place now he said you know where my know Russ King corrupt and three and thieves can't break through or steal you talk about security in Heaven's storage there is ZERO loss because there's zero crime and there's zero depreciation in fact it appreciates and multiplies because of the blessing now the Lord greatly blessed us last night in the offering hallelujah and a bunch of people gave we gave you gave where did your offering go hmmm well electronically it'll go from your accounts into the church and ministries accounts which will then go into whatever accounts to pay for these this equipment and all these things but according to Jesus if you gave in faith and that means you give in the spirit then that seed took on a spiritual form and was direct deposit into heaven now if you gave to show-off or if you didn't care about what you're gave it didn't leave the room it didn't there's got to be a spiritual element to it for it to go to heaven and that means it's got to be of the heart and a faith has to be involved but if you did give in faith then you gave in the spirit and it went to heaven according to Jesus the two main big ways that you sin treasure to heaven is by giving and even sacrificing for jesus said like this for his sake and the gospel's and also giving to the poor and people in need if you do that in faith you're offering went to heaven you care about that or not went to heaven the Living Bible says it like this store them in heaven where they will never lose their value and are safe from thieves oh praise God and then he went on to say for where your treasure is there will your heart be also praise God the message says it like this it's obvious isn't it the place where your treasure is is the place you almost want to be and end up being the Bible tells us not to set our mind and affection on things below on the earth but to set our affection on things above where Christ sits at the right hand of God we need to be heavenly minded now this thing about you know being so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good that is impossible now you can be goofy minded but that's a completely different thing from being truly heavenly minded yes the more heavenly minded you are the more earthly effective you will be the more you the more of something real you will have that you got from heaven to minister to people on the earth so we should think a lot about heaven mm-hmm what do you mean our Heavenly Father is there the master is there all the great preachers and patriarchs are there our family is there you got family their family and friends bunch of them there our mansion is there and our treasure come on did you hear it our treasure is there so we ought to be more excited about there yes then stuff and possessions here which would make ya doesn't say you couldn't save anything or you couldn't invest but that shouldn't be your main focus your main investments are heaven not earth is that okay so when the offering went away from you in the receptacle did you lose it or did you store it in heaven you laid it up in heaven now go with me if you want to first Timothy the sixth chapter first Timothy 6 in first Timothy 6 verse 12 it says fight the good fight of faith lay hold everybody say lay hold lay hold on eternal life whereunto you're called and have professed a good profession before many witnesses now this contradicts a common saying among many in the church world and that is that the main thing we need to do is to just let go and let God mister what's wrong with that well first of all it's not a scripture it's something men came up with that alone is an issue secondly if you're talking about let go of your anxieties let go of your fears and worries cast all your cares on the Lord absolutely yes but a lot of people are talking about more than that what they're implying is you just need to quit and do nothing and let God take over and that is contrary to a lot of Scripture that's absolutely wrong you do that and you'll do without I'm just leaving it all up to God yeah but he left some things up to you you can't leave up to him what he left up to you doesn't work skip down in the seventeenth verse he said charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high-minded not trust in uncertain riches see money's not the problem riches is not the problem loving it is a problem and putting your faith in it is a problem but trust in the Living God who gives us richly all things to enjoy he said tell him charge them that they do good that they be rich in good works ready to distribute willing to communicate both of those word distribute and communicate are talking about giving giving and in giving what are you doing in verse 19 you're doing what you're laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come and we know from what Jesus said you'll never lose it it'll never depreciate that they may lay hold on eternal life notice these two phrases lay up in store and lay hold own life now eternal life is more than just existing forever knowing God is eternal life and experiencing different aspects of his life and power all are part of this big thing called eternal life Healing is a manifestation of life the life of God you can see that the peace of God the deliverance and and some blessings and abundance are also part of this life Jesus came that we might have what life well we must lay hold of life that's not all up to God we must lay hold sit out light again lay up lay hold it say it again lay out lay hold how do you lay up by your giving not just for funky mechanical giving but by spirit giving yes right how do you how do you do it in spirit in faith with your heart with love you're involved in it but if you do you laid up now here's the next question how do you lay hold how do you lay hold the Lord met with me about this project that we just saw last night coming to pass and go ahead and if you'd put up the graphic on it and we'll describe this just a little bit do we have it the graphic of the building the FLI that's just the FLI faith-life international building this is what this has been the project all week and go to the next part it's going to involve a server room just cycle right through these I'm not going to talk much about it translation services call center this is for outreach as well as ministry support other ministers and churches and a number of offices we could have up to 30 offices there conference rooms it's a building and its land we released faith for this six months ago and let me see go ahead and put up the graphic on it when we started Monday night it was 30 percent paid for and then Monday night let me see if I got my my papers here I think I'll oh no I got him I got y'all okay thank you for hanging in with me then Monday night we had at $200 a square foot it's what we believe will pay for everything we had a hundred and sixty more and then Tuesday we had a hundred and thirty nine more Wednesday we had a hundred and ninety one more and then last night in the great offering night we had 7195 square foot paid for and just in those four days we had 1.5 plus million come in on that and we are as we spend the night before this offering before the rest of this weekend we're at 94% complete thank you know in six months praise Scott and then that pays for you know that pays for everything you know from the start of this till now that's the building that's the land that's all the offices that is all the servers that's all the equipment of course it'll take you know something to sustain and keep it going but that's everything paid for basically when you open the doors thank you that is the goodness of the Lord but the Lord dealt with me this afternoon he said he said people are believing me are desiring and warning I should say that he didn't say that but they're they're warning and some are endeavoring to believe for buildings houses lands all over and just a moment ago when I asked you that men their hands all over this place I mean it looked like 90% of the hands almost and so the Lord dealt with me he said back up and describe how you all believed for this now that's not the biggest thing that you've ever seen I'm not bragging on ourselves but it's a nice piece of property and it's paid for in six months how did that happen how did it happen and people might say well it's because y'all give a lot we do but that's not why well it's because y'all pray a lot we do pray but but that's not one let me say why missus well it's because y'all y'all have a big church and you have a lot of people it's actually not as big as a whole lot of other things that you might compare it to which we don't yes that's not one I said that's not one do you have a question then yes what why why then how did it happen how did it how did it work we the Lord begins to do with us over a period of time about this next step in ministry about expanding you know and doing more internationally and then also more from ministers we were going to build on to the existing building there in Sarasota that was our original thought and plan we were going to build onto that and expand we had already had projections and plans and that kind of thing and but you know you need to stay open there by listening that you got about watch about getting some in your head and not realizing that the Lord didn't exactly tell you that that's just something you got fixated on well then a little bit later on we were driving you have to drive by this building to get to the church we were driving by that and we noticed it and so then we stopped by and looked at it and we realized it was empty and it was for sale and so the more we thought about it and talked about it we thought oh man that would be even better I lost and the loan building and its own land and more room and and you don't have to go through all those months of construction I mean it's almost ready to move into it actually had a server room already the floor was raised and the wiring and air conditioning and a lot of good stuff and so after some prayer we we prayed about it and felt like oh we need to make an offering so we contacted woman and we made an offer and they talked to us and then came back and said well you know somebody else what they say has a contract or y'all better a better offer than yours and this and that and the moment they told us that Phyllis and I both looked at each other and said oh no no no why did we say that we actually both of us had a word of knowledge that it would that wasn't so that they were trying to get us to bid against ourselves [Music] so we just left it alone for weeks and then weeks later they contacted us and guess what it was for sale after and they did accept our offer and so we we went about the process of getting it but of course you know you need the money for that and then all the stuff to develop it so how has that come in in these six months why am I talking to you Saints what am I talking to you the Lord wants you to have your buildings the Lord want you to have your houses and not years from now are y'all with me now he can do it he wants to do it but you got to do it his way got to do it his way the the reason we learned how to do some of these things is because of a man named Kenneth E Hagin and his master our master the Lord Jesus Christ he received revelation about these things back in 1949 and out of that experience in Revelation the ministry wrote a little book called how God taught me about prosperity have you ever seen this little book yes I believe I'm impressed of the Lord to encourage you if you don't have this little book get this little book if you have this little book I don't care if you've had it for 15-20 years go pull it out read it carefully are y'all with me because what we're talking about right now it's this right here yeah I mean in detail and it's tiny little book tiny it's 25 26 pages tiny little book it will change your life if you'll do it now what happened and I'll just summarize it a little bit he and Miss Sarita had pastored for years and the Lord dealt with them to leave pastoring and go out on the road in traveling ministry well he did but the first year after 12 months he's in the hold and just the finances are getting worse every month he's just worse and worse and worse so he began to seek the Lord extra about what's wrong and begin to tell the look you know I obeyed you and I did this but where he said as his children wasn't adequately clothed he had to sell his car for junk I mean they're getting in just really bad they can't how many you can't continue that I mean there's you you can't keep going like this and so he begins seeking the Lord extra and he said he was quoting to the Lord if you'd be willing and obedient you'll eat the good of the land he said the finally after a few days of seeking the Lord he said the Lord told him well you don't qualify for that verse and he said what he said yea yea you obeyed but you're you haven't been willing see he was keep talking about how good it was when they were pastoring and he's still looking back so he repented and he said Lord I'm willing now you know I'm willing the devil now and he said yeah I do and he said but another thing is that you don't practice what you preach now all this is in this little book he said you don't but he said he said it felt like the Lord actually punched him he thought oh Lord you've hit me alone blue what do you mean I don't I don't practice what I preach he said no he said you you preach faith but you don't live by faith he said Lord he said you know every time I've had any symptoms every time the kids have had any symptoms every time we've believed you we've received our healing he said the Lord said yes you do with healing but you don't use your faith for finances he said you got to use your faith in every area he said you don't you haven't been using your faith for finances and so I want to read to you just excerpt from the book because I want to make sure I get it I get it right he said and I'm reading directly from what he said the head of the church told him now if this came out of the mouth of the head of the church should we give it great esteem yes he said the Lord told him don't pray about money anymore Wow then he said that is the way you've been praying claim whatever you need now what we're elaborating on is how you lay hold come on can you see this you lay up but then also what do you do you lay hold he said claim whatever you need you say he said the Lord told him this you say Satan take your hands off my money he said because it's Satan who's keeping it from you not me he said the Lord said I'm not withholding adequate food and clothing from your little children that's not me it's the devil he's the god of this world the money you need is down there on earth can you see this and see if people keep begging God pleading with God but the resources are down here and because the enemy is exercising control over most of the planet then he is always trying to hinder and block your your provision from you who is it that wants the church broke why would God want the church broke it's the enemy who wants the church broke and Christians and preachers and ministers he said it's not me that's keeping these things from your children he said claim it because it's down there on earth and Satan has the most control of it because he's the god of this world are you listening so you say I claim X amount naming whatever it is you want or need he said no when the Lord said that he actually replied to said now Lord I believe that you can meet our needs but our walls because they didn't preach that in his circles and the Lord quoted to him Psalm 23 1 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he quoted Psalm 34 10 you know that they the you know seek the Lord shall not want any good thing he said he said claim whatever you need are our won't and then say Satan take your hands off my finances and then say go ministering spirits and cause the money to come or most people doing this no they are not sadly a lot of folks that call themself word and faith are not doing this and if are you gonna do is beg and wait on the Lord you'll just keep going and going without he said ministering spirits are sent to serve you and he quoted to him Hebrews 1:14 that said they're sent to minister for those who were heirs of salvation he said the Lord said to him for example you go into a restaurant and you sit down and the waitress comes to wait on you to serve that table to minister for you you turn your order in and then he or she goes and gets it so he's so he said turn your order in turn your order in come on help your neighbor say turn your order in he said evil spirits he said the devil isn't personally doing everything on the earth he said the Lord told him this but his emissaries evil spirits are influencing people to lie to steal to deceive to kill well God's ministering spirits will go and influence people to do good things come on can you see that and they are sent to minister for us influencing people to do good things and part of it is for your resources to come in he said the Lord instructed me that after that once I had claimed it what I needed that was to be the end of the matter I'm not to pray about it or do anything else if I think about the situation I'm simply to say in faith thank you God for it it's working so you go back to praying for it you get back in unbelief like like nothing happened oh come on can you see this and so on his first time that he did that he said he went out to the church and nobody was there where he was having a meeting and the crowd was like 70 people and he needed a hundred and fifty dollars a week to cover his expenses and he said he said it trembling he'd never heard anybody do anything like this before never heard anybody preach like anything this but he looked around nobody was there and he said out loud I claim a hundred and fifty dollars a week now Satan you take your hands off my money now ministering spirits you go and you caused it to come in he said he administered in this place the year before and after two weeks they had a they got a hundred and fourteen dollars after two weeks and that was because the pastor had taken 45 minutes pleading with people if they'd give a dollar or thank you 50 cents and so here's just here a weakness time and he said he told the pastor this time he said don't you say anything about my offering except this is brother Hagins offering that's all you say and then you just pass them the plate don't make any appeal don't make any poor because he said I want to prove it out I want to see what's the Lord telling me about this he said I want to prove it out before I preach it I want to prove it out personally see if they you know that this is right and he so what at the end of the seven days he said he had he said later in the week he upped it to two hundred dollars I mean if you're smart you go ahead and put some extra on there go go ahead and round it up on the fat side and at the end of the week he got two hundred and forty dollars he said the pastor was astounded they had never heard of anything like that so the next play very next place he went he said the morning crowd was forty five people including the preachers The ministers his family and their family and he was there for three weeks and he claimed a hundred and fifty and before those three weeks were over he receives seven hundred and fifty dollars plus a new set of tires for his car and he never looked back hallelujah that's the way he kept operating every time he's suddenly listeners he said back in 1950 it took all the faith I had to believe for that hundred and fifty dollars he said now after feeding my faith on the Word of God and exercising at that time the that book was wrote written for the past 30 years he said I can believe God is easily for 1 million dollars now as I could for $150 then what we did on this project here after we got it settled by praying and seeking the Lord about it that yeah we should we should get this we should we should move on it and secure it and make plans to develop it then at the right time we this is not just Phyllis in my building this is everybody that's a partners of this so the churches we stood up on the Sunday morning that we told the folks about what was going on and all of us we all hear Church that's what do we do we stood up and we claimed come on here with me or not we claimed more than enough to come in to pay for all of this and we bound the enemy forbade him from hindering it or messing with it at all and when we charged the ministering spirits to go and influence and to cause it to come in what happened last night why did all those people give nobody made them why influence angelic influence are y'all with me and people being the 98th they won't make you do anything but if you got heart for it yeah and if the Lord's influencing you don't need to pull on anybody you're just believing and looking to him well I'm taking the time to do this come on friends whatever it is that you do you you need or you won't do not bump along passively and beg and wait and beg and wait and just pray and pray so called in unbelief seek the Lord until you get what you need to release your faith for right get get that amount in your spirit now don't do something that's not real to you you know why didn't we claim ten million dollars for last night's offering could God do that easy easy he could do that why didn't we claim that why didn't we claim thirty thousand thou with me yes no what did we claimed what we got in our spirit that was you know I looked at it before we announced it to the church I looked at it I talked about it we Phyllis and I talked about the amount to offer I mean we didn't just do these things haphazardly and then it went when something's the Lord if it's the Lord today it'll be the Lord tomorrow the more you think about it the more you pray about it it just gets more and more strong in you and you get settled on it and then you release your faith come on can't you see that you claim that to come in and then you bind the enemy I know he see he's down here on there he's the god of this world he thinks everything says he thinks all your money's his he thinks every building he he thinks everything is his he's a lying thief no you're with me but he's not bigger than God and if you and I will stand up and use our faith just like the head of the church told him yeah if we'll do it and bind the enemy up and and Luke's and send the ministering spirits here it is six months later it's basically done can you say you mean place got God's no respecter of persons no respecter of persons your Lord hallelujah I can sense some things stir and glory to God you know one of the things the Lord told him in this he said he said people have no problem spending money on things of the world own theaters own clubs on whatever but you spend a little extra on a church and people you know have a heaviest he said he said the Lord told him I expect my people to have the best place in town to me yeah is it God's will for us to have what we need and have top and have best in our faith may not be at a certain place but wherever it is don't sit idly by loose your faith now where it is and then later on you come up right and later on young come on up some higher stand on your feet everybody oh praise God bless your Lord when's the last time you heard me say go get a book huh all right did you hear me tonight how God taught me about prosperity we don't have it don't don't go to our our our book places this is Kenneth Hagin you know contagion ministries and in Tulsa and Rhema they have it and probably can just get it right online there and quick and easy huh yeah download it you know it's all right there how God taught me about prosperity most of it is direct quote from Jesus talking to him hallelujah close your eyes and then pray this out loud with me father god I am convinced you want us to have the best thank you for helping me to see what our responsibility is reveal to us where our buildings are our houses our lands and reveal to us the amounts to claim and to release faith for and we will not be idle will not be passive and unbelieving but we'll step up and lay hold hallelujah and accomplish everything you have sent us to do in Jesus name praise be to God come on thank you Lord we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you now listen I've mentioned specifically churches and ministries but this works exactly the same with a business it works exactly the same personally with your family principle works exactly the same in every area it's a it's not just according to what God can do it's according to our faith you can be seated well tonight's offering is going to go again to the this project we're at 94% complete and I'm kind of glad that a little bits left because I think a lot of people finding out about it just today and tonight and and through the weekend but I'm gonna know that that last five or six percent won't last long you believe that so if you want to get in on this project it's a limited time $200 pays for a square foot but you can show any amount if you really want the rest of the six percent I guess you could do that too but I'm yeah it's whatever you direct it to if you're not direct to do anything that's fine to just be happy if you want to get involved in this tonight though by cash or credit card raise your hand take an envelope for cash giving credit card giving if you want to give online there's a button you can click on it says sewing you want to use your device the text that's on the screen the information you don't have to designate it all the offering this evening goes to that remaining few percent of the faith Life International Building and its offices which is all to get the word out to more people and to support more faith ministers and ministries and we'll be talking more about that as time goes on but do you think it's okay that I took some time and talked about this tonight is it important I'm telling you it works for anybody anywhere but you and you might I know I lost him but some people saying I knew that I'm here well what's the deal the enemy is always trying to distract you somehow and get you to just not pay attention to something long enough that it slips away from you and then if you know if you don't pay attention you can go years and not be on it in doing it and you got to watch about reverting back to religious ways and the reason it's not that it's so hard to understand it's just that the enemy is continually trying to distract you try to rob you try to steal you from him get get you off track but have you got it have you got it all right we'll get the little book huh everybody online I'm talking to you everybody in Sarasota Kenneth Hagin ministries should have a good run is that right only but they should go oh look at all these how God taught me about prosperity how many people look at that and and you're just blessing the ministry there by buying that I mean not much money at all little bitty mini book but read it read it again and the thing is treat it with great respect if it's the head of the church speaking then man you should you should how many assent you can read the phrase if it's the head of the church speaking his words are living and you could read the phrase 40 times and get 40 different things out of it if it's the head of the church but it is life changing revelation and that's how we have done every project and we have seen the Lord so gracious I mean and things just they keep happening quicker and easier the further we go hallelu six months is not a long time I mean you know times passes anyway might as well be believers for something good God is faithful you know we you see again while we confess this on a regular basis we're getting our houses our buildings and our lands is that right come on said out loud I'm getting we're getting our house is house this is more than one our buildings make sure here that is our buildings uh our lands uh we're getting them we're getting why well you've laid up you've laid up in your giving but you also got to lay hold with your faith and not some vague general thing you got to get a hold of a figure in your spirit that your heart bears witness with and go after that right and stay on it and then you hear what the Lord told him once you've done that you don't need to keep praying about it did you see that anytime you think about it you say thank you Lord it's working what do you mean he said well he said that first time he he stood there he imagined all the ministering spirits that were standing around and he said he realized that for all these years he had been dumb he said all he could just see all these Rangers standing around him going wonder when dummy's gonna wake up and give us something to do but he said he could imagine them all that when he said God ministering spirits and calls it to come in he could see him take off in his mind's eye and apparently they did because at the end of the week there was apparently they did with us faith Life Church because into six months here it is how about with you a little while you'll be able to say here it is here it is don't don't give yourself the credit don't give you prayer the credit come on y'all with me give the Lord the credit say thank you and thank thank him for helping you to finally are to see again what he said how to do it yeah thank you lord we're not supposed to old for stuff forever we're not supposed to have to use other people's on and on and on we're supposed to have our own or y'all with me or not does it say I want you to sit out loud the Lord wants me and us to have our own they say one of the reasons he wants you to have it is so he can control it through you there with me friends they want you to have it own it own it free and clear the Lord wants you to own it free and clear praise God is this okay Thank You Love no no don't be don't be aggravated or upset if you're not already there be excited that you're getting that right excited because most of the people on the planet live and die and never get this it's never do some folks that here don't believe it but we do this is the believing place in here we believe these things and we see these things glory to God Phyllis would you please come and bring our offering as soon as you're ready you can stand and let's minister to the Lord with our offering with our seed are we about to send something huh can you send it to heaven hold up your offering hold up your hand set out loud father God thank you for being my source being so good to us thank you for giving me seed to sow multiplying the seed sown and increasing righteous and abundant harvests thank you for blessing us big and making us a big blessing to a lot of people to your glory in Jesus name hallelujah let's say it again what's happening in the faith Life Church we're getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles and our equipments it's coming in and we're not just a talking you know that phrase I'm just saying quit saying that when you say something mean it you're not just saying you're saying in it's changing things and the next part what's happening all of our debts are being reduced and eliminated the Lord is bringing into our hands extra we're paying everything off quickly he's bringing us into the best shape of our lives thus far what else is going on he's bringing into my hands seed even some gray watch ah see hallelujah you can be seated uh shoes right on the people [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] see [Music] Oh Oh [Music] No [Music] oh the almighty you would you give it as your day to grade your kingdom forever you [Music] the kind of NASA career where we go we see big [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] say boy your table [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh praise God praise God praise God praise you praise Lord praise Lord praise You Lord Cory had a gentle fellow awesome Akai ek Hasina oka watching heed this world and your building is near heed this word in your house is upon you hallelujah cause any way coach appeal is not near D not nemesi bull or a penny not far off not a long way but close near it is nigh you even as close as your heart and your mouth hallelujah praise God somebody say it's closed it's closed it's closed closed it's closed that includes the payoff the payoff cuz you know really it's not yours until it's paid off but of whatever that situation is Oh hallelujah I just perceived we're gonna hear a bunch of testimonies I mean not three or four not 20 or 40 or 50 a bunch of testimonies the Lord got us in this building the Lord paid it off the Lord got me in that amazing condo the Lord got me in that house the Lord got me another house somebody say so be it so be it so be it it's happening for me come on say it's happening for me it's happening for me oh thank you lord I'm excited about it I it's it pleases the Lord he's a father he's a daddy he don't want you to sit didn't want to see you in a little cramped place he didn't want to see you under pressure he wants you the skirt of slummin said he'll bring you into a broad place extra room is luxury and this the will of God hallelujah extra room big lot big rooms hallelujah big auditorium big parking lot be extra room big be that's a little of God and now you know how to get it you know how let's release faith for the rest of the service father in Jesus name we thank you so much for encouraging us by your spirit reminding us and helping us thank you for loving us and we all of us agree together here in Sarasota and watching online asking you for the anointing and utterance and revelation and light for the rest of this service and the this meeting and so whatever it is that we need to hear that we need to see that you want to say that you want to do we ask for it and we seek it and by faith we claim it and believe we receive it and we thank you for it in Jesus name hallelujah and we saved by your grace because we know the only people that that see results are the doers and so we say by your grace and help we will be not hearers only but doers doers of what you say as you show us and help us to put it into practice and live by it we'll be glad to do it and we know you'll watch over and perform it in our lives in Jesus name Amen Thank You Lord you can be seated thanks guys for all that good singing and playing all week and and we're so so appreciate all of our teams that have done such a great job clean team parking lot children's screens I mean the lips sound the list goes on and on and our hospitality team has done a great job I hear hate men's all over the place those of you that worked in hospitality would you stand up for just a moment all of them we're behind the scenes and cooking and serving and like a lot of the other team but if you served on it just just remain standing if you served on a team this week that helped the meeting go you stand up everybody stand up that was on a team working hallelujah I'm so blessed I'm so pleased your you're just some of the very best on the planet we love you can be seated turn with me in the scripture to our text we've been looking at all week John chapter 15 have you got a little more time tonight I mean you washed your face combed your hair and came out you might as well get the whole deal is that right yeah you eat the whole roll yeah you'd had to been here what Monday to understand that John 15 and verse 1 Miami this this next word that I'm looking at in my heart is it's it's just as weighty is what we just got through talking about its glory to God all right are you ready you're gonna stay awake you're gonna help me with this jesus said John 15:1 I am The True Vine and my father is the husband I say put that up please in the Youngs literal translation I'm no Greek or Hebrew scholar not even remotely close but I have done some study on my own and I really like Young's literal translation because of its consistency it'll translate the same word oftentimes consistently and that helps you because you'll see a lot of times the Lord was using the same word here Spirit of God through Paul was using that same word and it just makes some things click for me but anyway I some of your modern translations are actually not translations they are paraphrases and what do you mean by that they call them translations but these translators are telling you what they he meant I don't want you telling me what you thought he meant I want to know what he said I got the Holy Spirit I'll do my own thinking come on with me so I know the reason I say it is because there's a lot of stuff in these that people even make doctrines on and preach but it's not in the text and it's inconsistent with other things for instance a number of the modern translations will say try to do this or do your best to do this the Lord the father never told you to try to do anything or to do your best he told you to do it come on guy with me so you got to watch about things like that because that implies maybe you may not be able to do it anyway you wanna you want to get a hold of some things that you can trust and I know that's it's saying what he said in Young's literal let's read it in in this Rene said Jesus said I am The True Vine and my father is the husbandman keep reading every branch and me not bearing fruit he does take it away and every one bearing fruit he does cleanse by pruning it that it may bear more fruit already you are clean and that's some of the same word as prune idea because of the word that I have spoken to you so he he does prune and cleanse us through his words but of course you'll have to accept them for them to do their work now all of this passage is wonderful and we spent some time on a lot of the later verses where he keeps talking about remain and one of the Youngs is really good about this it translates it remain remain remain man remain and you see it's like some leaven or 12 times remain so he's emphasizing stay in me stay in me and we talked about that we need to stay hooked where he puts us yes and stay in him but tonight let's look at this phrase right here just camp on this verse to every branch so who does this happen for if you're born again you're in the body and your own divine this applies to you every branch in me not bearing fruit he does take it away every one bearing fruit he does cleanse by pruning it that it may bear more fruit now a lot of times people read this so here's something like this and they go oh oh pruning that sounds bad you know pruning if it's the Lord it's not bad what's the result bearing more fruit you want that or not well then you can't have that without this hmm anybody want to bear more fruit then what you want is some pruning yeah you do any any gardeners in the house and by with flowerbeds and Gardens there even crops I mean you ever done any pruning on your trees or your plants do you you grab your pruning hooks or shears and laughing evil laugh huh I'm gonna prune ya because you like to destroy things no if you don't care about it you don't do anything with it right you let it go hmm if you care about your kids you don't let them go if you care if your past or ahead of a minister if you care about your people you don't just let them go can y'all receive this tonight so what do you do why do you prune that plant because you care about that plant you want to get rid of anything that's hindering it or holding it back from reaching its full potential its full measure of growth and beauty and fruit bearing and productivity the reason you're cleaning it trimming it working with it is because you obviously care about it does the father care about us that's why he does this it's not a bad thing the only thing is what he's cutting off is part of us [Music] on the plant isn't it part of that live yeah it's part of that leo maybe it been there maybe it's a big tree it might have been there for 40 years some of that that doesn't mean that it doesn't need to come off just because it's been there a long time but the first thing you got to do to do it right is there has to be an assessment you don't just start cutting yeah if it's a tree first thing you do is not start to change so what do you do there must be an assessment we need to look at this right and see this looks good yeah this is healthy yeah we got good blooms over here but what's this over here what is that not even any leaves on that how long has that been that way there you are with it we're not cutting everything we're only want to take out the dead wood I said we just want to take out the dead wood you want to get rid of the dead wood reckon you got any dead wood oh that was weak man [Music] did you see this every branch every branch every branch every branch no such thing no such thing as a a branch that never through the course of its life and sought production cycles never needs any trimming no such thing no such thing as a child who never needs any correction or discipline no such thing I've had people tell me well I you know I've never disciplined my child well I without seeing them I know they're a mess oh no they're just so good they've never needed it no such thing no such thing now this goes hand in hand with Hebrews 12 chapter let's let's turn over there and look Hebrews 12 you okay you feeling all right can you trust the Lord that he's not going to cut off the wrong thing how many can trust the Lord if you trust the Lord can see if you if you don't trust him yo hallo Oh get away from me get away from me with those shares no no no but if you trust him you'll say yeah Lord oh whatever we need I'd say I'm not quite ready to go to Hebrews thank you thank you thank you I believe I will in mark 9 Martin I thanks be to God in mark 942 mark 942 says whoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me it's better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea no man this is extreme why is this so serious a little one would be a young one a young one young Christian you know in the beginning stages of their development maturity and if you if they had faith in the Lord and you do some things that causes them to stop believing you're guilty of a very serious offense it would have been better for you instead of doing that and causing their faith to be robbed from them it would have been better to hang a giant stone around your neck and throw you in the Atlantic and go kaboom then for you am i quoting him or not now what does the word offense means that this is that's you know King James word here but that's what the connotation is if you look up the words it has to do with that which causes to stumble and that which causes you to trip up and of course that can lead to a fall and it has to do as you can see right here it affects faith and believing do you remember the Lord said more than once blessed is he whose not offended at me and more than once he said does this offend you and on the occasion when he said one of these times it was when all those people left him because he preached that message on eat my flesh and drink my blood was mean they walked with him no longer they no longer trusted in what he was teaching and preaching and there was no justification for them to stop believing in him but that was their state that they became offended one definition of this when you get offended like this is describing you no longer trust one you should trust you see this young one little and stopped believing and verse 43 if your hand offends you now let's look at that in light of the earlier verse what does that mean if it offends you if it causes you to stop believing and trusting in one that you should if it gets in the way of you trusting and following him what should you do huh I would still talking about pruning here what should you do cut it off better for you to enter life main than having two hands to go to hell into the fire that never shall be quenched where their worm dies not in the fire is not quenched if you foot offend you what should you do cut it off it's better for you to enter halt into life than having two feet cast in the helm the fire that never shall be quenched cut it if it gets in the way or hinders you from trusting him and going on the way with him what needs to happen cut it off hmm so much they cut it off now go to Hebrews thank you Father Hebrews 12 and verse 1 he said wherefore knit this this actually flows from the 11th chapter of Hebrews which is talking about faith trusting God and it says wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses these are faith witnesses witnesses that have trusted God and done great exploits through trusting God since we've got this cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every what weight and the sin which does so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us now this is the same idea this is about dropping stuff that's slowing you down dropping stuff that's weighing you down losing stuff that's getting in your way hindering you taking up resources and not producing what is dead weight we use that term a lot what's dead weight it is weight that's not pulling itself you ever heard the term pulling your own weight pulling your own weight dead weight in aviation weight is in one of the biggest enemies there is why because whatever is on that plane has got to be lifted into the air and the more weight is there the bigger wing it takes well that's more weight well the bigger it is the bigger motor it takes that's more weight well the bigger the motor is the more fuel it burns guess what that is he said it just compounds it compounds and men the men the airlines they they got people that way magazines yeah they way the magazine's they way the sick bags they're looking one because every time that plane takes off and has and it's not just one magazine its what 80 magazines is 200 magazines can you see that all this adds up and that is has to be lifted and that costs fuel and that costs money and it slows you climb so what's ideal only take what's contributing to the successful completion of this mission yeah right because anything else is dead weight it's not contributing to getting us there hmm not contributing well in racing he's describing a foot race he said let us lay aside every how much every wait some I say every weight everywhere lay aside what does this sound like some pruning what are we getting rid of the dead wood now I was watching some of the runners on some of the it's the Olympics Olympics competition whatever it was recently and oh man their outfits are getting skinnier and skinnier why huh they don't want anything I mean not two extra ounces that they have to carry why because the difference between first place and second place it's what hundredth of a second or right I mean so these miniscule tiny differences between winning and second or third you don't want any extra stuff so you will not see an Olympic runner with some might needs might needs but we talked about you know coming out to the starting block dealing there you go man what's what's that oh uh that's my water bottle for the first part and then I got my other water bottle for the second part what what's that polka dot you buy us some energy bars in case I get hungry what's that in your back oh that says the books of how to run your best race [Laughter] what what are we talking about now you're laughing but most people have a lot of baggage looking around looking around this this involvement that involvement this thing that this obligation that obligation you've got to watch about just agreeing with everything trying not to hurt people's feelings or are you listening or not why because the enemy wants to load you he won't and every involvement take requires effort and energy if you have to think about it if they have to get ready for it if you have to travel for coming dress and get by everything and so the enemy wants to load you like a swayback mule he wants to load you until your belly is dragging the ground and you're you're thinking about and this is why you're always tired always tied one because nothing ever stops as soon as you get through this it's the other as soon as you get through this it's the other and it never stops and it's all day and it's all night and there's this and then there's that and there's this and there's that but who loaded you who-who loaded you it's all that from the Lord you know Jesus said something come learn about me what did he say my yoke is tough huh and my load is is heavy load wide load heavy load huh now you're nothing but how many ministers will try to tell you how hard the ministry is huh how tough it is how many things are you having to take care of all the time the Lord said light and easy so if what you got is heavy and hard you didn't get it from the Lord you didn't get it from him because if it was from him it is not gonna impede your race the only thing he gave you carries its own weight there is ZERO dead weight in it everything he gives you is helping you to impel you and propel you yes hallelujah and it is I mean forget all these newest fabrics that they've come out with lately this God's fabrics you told my feather-light don't even know you got it on you have to check make sure you dress yeah yeah I got it no sure feels good so much they light and easy come on say get light and easy is that true or not did he save my my yoke my is easy might not burden on my load it's light did he say that or not then if you feel all loaded down and all burdened down and all heavy is that okay did you get that from the Lord no other reason I know about this is because in the early days of the ministry I let the enemy load me and thought it was the Lord I thought if you're a minister you're a servant of the people you're supposed to do anything and everything basically that people ask you to do if they they want you to counsel you counsel if it's half a day half a day if they want you to visit everybody that they have on the list you visit everybody if they whatever they want you to do you know basically you do it and man after not too many months of that I I found myself I had satin and supposed to been counseling with a guy but all he did was talk about himself for an hour and a half and didn't have didn't want to hear a thing I had to say and then at 15 minutes I'm supposed to go speak at a place and I realized I'm not ready I'm worn out I'm tired and I realized something's not right about this and it's really got quicken to me the enemy is stealing from you and you're letting it happen why because all of these burdens and these loads work from him set out loud lay aside every weight everywhere and of course sin that will restrict you and hinder you but a lot of things are not sin you're not violating light but yet you don't need them in your life because they weigh you down they slow you down they wear you down hmm there's a whole lot of stuff you don't have to do there's a whole lot of things we can eliminate is that all right or not hallelujah thank you Lord we're looking for the Deadwood we're looking for the dead weight are you serious about this or not then say it out loud Father God revealed to me the dead weight and the dead would every weight that hinders everything you didn't tell us to do didn't tell us to be a part of help us to identify it and grace us to get it fixed in Jesus name thank you lord now please go to Matthew 25 laying a foundation working on a building going to get my reward that's the song right Matthew 25 don't think I have all you know just a whole lot more for you but I want to get this right can you stay awake a few more minutes you can you Matthew 25 is the account what we call the parable of the talents and it it describes how things are going with us from the Lord's perspective and how they will go this is not just some some fairy tale now this is this is applies to every one of us in 25 verse 14 the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country who called his own servants and delivered to them as Goods and the one he gave five talents to another two to another one to another man to every man according to his several or individual ability and this straightway took his journey that phrase tells you why the guy who got five got five and why the guy that got one didn't get five why because the Lord knew their individual ability and he's not going to hold you accountable for five if he gave you two now with me friendship is God fair does he do everything equally no he doesn't that wouldn't be fair what I mean my equal portion does he divide everything out equally two people equal portion equal isn't fair I know that sounds strange two years but he knows the capacities he made you with he knows the graces so he's not going to give you five if it overloads you yeah right he distributes each according to his individual ability keep going he that received the five went and traded with the same and made them other five talents he doubled him likewise he that received two he also gained another two he doubled his but he that received one went in digged in the earth and hid his Lords money after a long time the Lord of those servants comes and reckons with them please endeavor not to just read this as a story this is your future this is my future there's coming of time the Bible says every man will give account of himself with what what we did with what he gave us the time the talents the treasure the opportunities and you won't be standing up there with your spouse are you mama or daddy and you can't point to anybody it'll be what you did with what you had and that's what this is portrayed here now the next one he says he that received the five talents came and brought the other five tell us he said Lord you delivered to me five talents behold I've gained beside him five talents more and his Lord said to him well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful why does he keep repeating that over a few things I will make you ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of your Lord man this is a wonderful statement does anybody in here besides me want to hear yeah huh come on do you have a genuine desire do you want to hear this is happening whether you think so or not whether you want it to or not there's coming a time soon and very soon you're going to give an account of your life and what you did not to find out if you're saved or not no but to see whether whether and how you're rewarded or not this is not this run our salvation our righteousness is not based on what we do our reward is based on what we do down here in this life our reward is and the reward is not the same for everybody at all depends on what we did in this life he said well done good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a few things I'll make you ruler over many things I'm so glad he said you've been faithful over a few things it doesn't require everything come on can't you say that so that means maybe you could miss a few but as long as you got a few come on hang out with me he didn't say everything he said you've been faithful over a few things you have so now I'm gonna make you ruler over many things you know he's a good daddy he's a good daddy he's not gonna focus on the few things we didn't get he's gone bless us for the things we did yes hallelujah and versa they said enter to the joy of the year Lord verse 22 the man that got two talents he came he said Lord you delivered to me two talents no harm but he said like that he's comparing himself with the previous guy hmm why because he didn't get five he got two and he said you delivered to me too and look I gained two other tellus beside them and the Lord told him exactly what he'd told the guy that has ten now he had four the exact same phraseology he said well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful over a few things I'll make you ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of the two the word exactly the same why the Lord doesn't reward amounts or size he rewards faithfulness faithfulness not size faithfulness Oh somebody say thank you lord thank you lord then the one that had received the one talent he came and he said Lord I knew that you a hard man oh this is so significant you're a hard man you Reaper you didn't so is that true yes and no now he will give you something just get started with and he will give you seed to sow but he Specter he expects you to go beyond that and you to do something with it come on here with me you deduce some sewing and and multiplication he didn't do it all he gave you what to start with but he wants to see you produce something this is this an agreement with John 15 he's looking for fruit and this is the thing that a whole lot of folks don't seem to have in our generation a lot of people there are live Christianity is just that God is an add-on to their life and they leave the impression that God expects basically nothing of you but that maybe you'll say I believe in you Lord and that's pretty much it but it's not true he expects a return on his investment he's looked in far fruit he's looking for he won't sit if you're producing some what's he gonna do he wants to see some more huh yeah and this guy says you hard and he's wrong but this is about his assessment of the husband's character and because of his lack of faith in the husband's character he didn't even try in that the Lord won't tolerate no he won't tolerate that why because there's no excuse for that because that's not just about you had a hard time that's about you judging him mean and unreasonable and hard it's not just you had a challenge dealing with your talents and stuff that were given to you you don't trust him and that's serious business I had the privilege of working with brother Kenneth Hagin senior for a number of years twenty years or so and I had the privilege of working with him directly in healing school and prayer schooling in the earliest days you know I I let some sing in and and their times I'd be in the speaker's room with him before the service and there are times myself and patsy berman caminetti now and and sometimes david horton and sometimes different ones of us would be there and more than once he just seemingly out of the blue the service is about you know fifteen minutes or something he'd start telling us this story it seemed like it had no reference to anything that was going on before or after but it tell us this story so we'd get quiet and so respecting listen didn't take too long to tell it but then he'd get through telling it and he'd look at us and say well about time to start y'all go out and crank it up good so we'd go and do the music and you know wouldn't hear anything else about that for months or maybe even a year but then you'd be in there another day and he'd start telling you the same story same story same way and not give you any comments about it or anything tell the story and then say well about time start service y'all go in there and crank it up good and i'll be honest in the first couple of times I just scratched my head thing whoa what was that about what that mean you and hear the story he just started telling he said there was in the community a man who was a wealthy man and he was the people would go to him to take loans out on their buildings or their farms and I knew exactly what he's talking about because in our community in the south and this was back in this would have been back in the 50s and 40s and even before I was born I could call his name there was a man in the community and people a lot of the folks in that they didn't go to the bank a lot of them couldn't got a loan from the bank but that go to mr. so-and-so and they said I'm talk and if he decided that you were a good risk or investment he would loan you the money and if interest rate for a piece of land or to build a house or whatever so I died I had first-hand knowledge of that my granddad borrowed money from this man in our community to buy a 80 acre piece away which is still in our family and so anyway he said also there was a church in town excuse me there was a man who had borrowed money from this wealthy man for his farm and had had this farm for some time a few years and then also a church borrowed money from this man and built the building and they had a church and in the process of time both of them got to where they couldn't pay they couldn't make their payments and the man talked to the people that owned the church and the pastor he said what's your plans about paying me and they said well we can't we're sorry but you know we're Church and we you know the community needs to church and and he said well I'm gonna have to foreclose on you and they said well no you wouldn't foreclose on the church he said oh yeah I will and they said well not the church this is what would you do with the building anyway he said I don't know I use it for hay bar and if I want to but I will and after a little bit he did foreclosed on it took the church and they had to leave the other situation the man with the farm there was drought in the area and that's one of the reason why both of them got in arrears hard times in the community drought and he didn't make a crop so he paid he was able to pay the interest on the loan that first year second year another drought he couldn't even pay the interest third year another drought he hadn't made payments interest anything for months and months and months but every day he'd get up get dressed go to work plough the field whitewash the fences clear the fence row repair the roof when really technically he lost it months ago but every day he work all day long and one day mr. wealthy man drove back to the house asked him how he's doing he said I'm I'm fine you know thank you for letting me stay here I know I'm I'm in the rears he said that's all right here's the deed to this place you own it now free and clear and that's when he'd say all right service about start y'all go in there and and crank it up good what's what's the thing with that story we'll read the rest of this yeah read the rest of this what did it say the man said dumb I knew you were a hard man why is he calling maja calling him a hard man because he expected something out of him that's it he gave him the resources to do something with it's not like he wasn't willing to help me but this man come in in Luke I believe it is it says he called him austere which means Stern you're hard we're living in a generation we're people right and left think if you require anything of them your hard people think there's those people in the country not just three or four they think they're owed a regular check without working just because they're them this is not God though I said this is not God what did he do with this individual he said you're hard I know you're hard and so I got scared and and I went and hid it I was afraid because I know you you expect a return is that unreasonable no that's weak guys I'm talking about the Lord you know how the story goes is it unreasonable for him to expect something of you and here's the thing why it can't be unreasonable he knows what you're capable of no matter what you say oh don't say you may have your mom and daddy fooled your spouse fooled your boss fooled but ya got God food he knows what you can do if you would and he expects you to do what you can do and won't accept any excuse for not good now he'll forgive you if you'll repent but here's what he won't tolerate not even trying not even trying because that proves you don't trust him and you're questioning his goodness did you hear that you're hard what's he said you're mean you're unreasonable you're always asking listen if you've ever heard this kind of language I can never do enough [Music] nothing I do is right yeah you ever heard this before yes sir these are devil inspired thoughts by people who refuse to try to do better okay I can't do anything right nothing I ever do is good enough for you is it is it is it and then go work with God at the end it's not gonna work with him it doesn't mean you have to get everything perfect you just gotta get a few things just but in order to do that you gotta at least try come on can you see that well it's brother Hagin telling us about that because those guys with the church they're acting like it's owed to them cuz they're a church not in tribe this other man he knows you don't owe me anything I lost it months ago but I ain't quitting come on in here with me I ain't quittin I'm gonna do what I can do as long as I can do it no no oh thank you Jesus what did that show it showed his respect for the wealthy man that loaned him them can you see this or not it showed he doesn't he doesn't believe he's a mean man he's a bad man he's a hard man he believes he's a good man and he'll do whatever's right by me but I'm gonna give it my all we go to flight training on a regular basis one of the most famous test pilots fighter pilots man named Bob Hoover he's passed on now but amazing amazing pilot was in so many Crash's then he walked away from I mean Mach 2 fighter jets I mean some serious stuff and he said this he said no matter if you're crashing fly it all the way to the ground what's he said never stop flying the airplane even in the wing falls off come on with me the engine quit the wing falls off what are you doing I'm gonna fly this thing come on with me I'm gonna fly and he walked away from things you just I read his autobiography it's astounding what the man walked away from that's amazing why why would you keep on when everything I mean this guy's a brilliant guy engineer he knows when this happens you're dead but it wasn't accepted he's like yeah I'm gonna fly you anyway what because you you're saying I could live I could come out it come on can you say that I could come out of this but to say that's it while you are dead now right yeah and we look at this as just a good positive thing or a negative thing God looks at it as the main thing he requires this without this it is impossible to please him true at all so people try to frame this in different ways to say poor guy he got scared and and the boss man intimidating intimidated him and you know beside that he was a micromanager don't you hate that and the worst thing of all he actually expected him to produce this is your God people write all kind of dumb stuff religious ideas about God but how many understand this is God this is him beside thanks to society functions this is how he works with us and we don't need to try to get him to change he's not gonna change he we need to adapt to him do it his way it's the best way it's the right way don't you like that even if the planes crashing what you do you fly it come on over there now you fly that dude what why didn't you quit I'm leaving for a miracle here man I'm leaving for something to happen there and that man that story that brother Hagin told us I you know the older I get the more appreciated what's he saying cuz that does that sound hard you kicked the church people out yeah that's what he told them yeah they said oh you won't you won't kick the church out he said oh yes I will there's no way what business you got you know for the church building he said well that's my business if I want to make a highborn out of it I will and this is all we you know you can't do that he did is that fair uh folks don't like that they're like listen honey child nobody owes you anything because you're you know they don't I know we live in the entitlement generation but they're messed up and they're thinking this is wrong this is not godly it's because people are so far from the Bible no no you don't know everything you've made plenty mistakes you could make some more yeah but it shouldn't be because your heart is unwilling that's right to try yeah yeah you're with me Francis that your heart's unwilling to give it what you got and if you need to be corrected you get up and you do it again and if you need to be corrected you get up and you do it again right you just keep flying that plane keep reading he said I was afraid he said I knew you're a hard man God's not a hard made man he's good he's a good father you Reaper you don't so you gather were you having strong yeah but he gave you the means to do it not now let's just stop right here this man have done something different yes certainly could he have done what the guy with to did sure could you know what the guy with five did so his total would have been too but if he'd have come to the Lord and said Lord you gave me one and I worked with it and here's another one what would the Lord told him exactly exactly what he told the gal of five and ten you know he would a because he he only gave him one and he blesses and rewards not the number not the numeric not the size but Peter said well done good and faithful servant yes you took that one and you doubled it yeah just like these others dude you've been faithful over two things well actually just one get turned it into two but few things now you you can be ruler over many things come on enter into the is that a good God is that a good god he not comparing you with the guy that has ten no comparison at all no competition at all just but just looking for you to give him what you got not throw up your hands talking about how mean people are how nobody helps you think if people owe you something this is how you go down and what did the Lord say he said you you wicked and slothful slothful means lazy servant so why why did the guy actually do it wasn't just because he was afraid he's lazy you knew he says here it gives you insight into another thing jesus said by your words you'll be justified by your words you'll be judged here the master quotes his words back to him and says you say you know I expected you to you'll be judged out of your own mouth because you knew if you didn't know yeah that's another deal Santa's violation of light he knew something was expected he maybe they lived in the same community maybe he saw the other guys getting up in the morning and working on theirs right but he just laid it laid up and talked about the master posted stuff online about how hard and mean he is I know I know he's I know he's going to expect something to me yeah what's wrong with that he's mean he's hard don't y'all feel sorry for me did the Lord feel sorry for did the Lord look at him and go bless your heart you were scared were you Oh baby come give me a hug it's okay you know you don't need to do anything that's people's goofed up idea of good that's not fair that's not right and then you go turn around and give him the same reward that the other two got that's not fair that's not fair he goes on to say verse 27 you he said among you you knew you ought to have put my money to the exchangers and then at my coming I could have received my own with interest he said okay so you want to be lazy you don't want to leave the house you could have just deposited it so that it get a little bit of interest come on can you say the heart of the Lord do something come on can you zip show me you're willing to try something but don't lay up there and call me mean and not even make any kind of what's the next thing he says he said take that tiling away from him and give it to the one that has ten now if you read the other account of this the crowd at this point spoke up and they said Lord he's already got ten have you read that he said Lord he's already got then and he said four to everyone that has has will be given and he'll have abundance how do some people just keep getting more and more and more it don't seem fair it don't seem fair it is fair it's not equal but it's fair what because he gives it to people that'll do something with it and he said for to everyone that has will be given and he'll have abundance from him that has none will be taken away even what he has this guy didn't come out good at all right you can't make excuses with the Lord because he won't buy you junk he knows your heart you can't be dishonest with him and cry and get him to feeling sorry for you but when you're lying and making up stuff like saying you're scared when you're just lazy come on can you say calling him mean and you if you just open your eyes and look around he being mean with anybody he's the one gave you your talents start with get you started you know he's planning on helping you with it are you wanting to giving it to you start with but now we know why the Lord didn't give him five he didn't do anything with the one he had mama somebody say thank you Lord for your goodness thank you Lord for your faithfulness all praise God just close your eyes for a moment let's just let's let this move in our heart for just a little bit go ahead and play something there father we worship you we praise you just let me lead you in a prayer [Music] the Lord's looking for greater fruitfulness and he will remove things that are not producing we should follow his example and do the same thing with ourselves and with anything that's under our leadership or control set out loud father God you are the heart nowhere you know everything about me from beginning to end there's not a thought that comes through my mind there's not a word comes out of my mouth you know it from beginning to end you are a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart and nothing can be hid from you all things are open and naked uncovered before your eyes so in honesty I approach you and I ask you reveal to me that which is unprofitable in my life reveal to me all that is deadwood dead weight unprofitable unproductive if you've already shown me please show me again and confirm it and show me how to allow you to remove it and a prune it and the cleanse it and enable me to cleanse myself from any defilement and any hindrance and every weight that B says help me to pray in the spirit right now about anything further concerning this praise got stand on your feet and lift your voice Opel Kania Lazenby Donnie sa Kofi bonny oj k way dia manikanta Nellis Nellis also Nellis almonds in a waking piak Donnie tell the Lord you believe in him telling you trusting tell him you know he's a good god he's not mean he's not hard he's not unfair he's not cruel lord I trust you you are you're the best you're a good god you've never done anything unfair thank you Lord for your goodness for your graciousness for your loving kindness for your your tender mercies thank you for every good thing that you've given us every talent every treasure every opportunity every gift every grace it's all from your hand thank you for giving it to us thank you for helping us our desire is to use it fully and and to produce good for you to produce well for you oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you long Amba tsak again India dot F n LG Kerala Pantheon entire sector theater I'm in the keto when athene CIA in cycle in hillock na in select no picture oh where it peace alone we're a piece nearly taste we're a peacenik away chin no panty pehle Mia Oh mushiya way hey come on just keep praying in the spirit about this this is about your life your whole life it's about what's happening after this life Oh week in a bikini eNOS was the a my king Dean namah' new to it I trust you lord I trust in your goodness and your fairness I rely on you Mele de Milo sole monk away Mindy a menudo Mayan see my aunt see mine see mine see Oh way my insight are washed away washed away bella cosa so silly Pecos II am in day no saki elope a phone on a Grayson poem party deal oh c'mon oh say my name Bella Tino Caravan Mundus Oh je sir - i'ma need some money some money some money she will do so monsoon again my Rovi my Rovi billing the Sun be al-tofah concern Oh terrible be Adobe a door be a doll sale of our motto [Music] say live our motto say live our motto savon Molitor hallelujah thank you for every time I hear that story about him thinking that his master was hard or anything I think about what happened to me when Keith and I first got married so I'm gonna tell off on myself just a little bit but I think it'll help all of us when we first got married I didn't we didn't know anything about marriage or how to be married or have godly examples in the way that we know him to be now before us and and I had it in my mind that what a wife was supposed to do in a marriage and I thought the house had to be a certain way and I thought that I had to work and dinner had to be on the table at a certain time and that I had to do certain things and I was wearing myself out doing things that was not anything that Keith wanted so then when he did want something I was I would just almost snap back at him for anything that he would ask me to do because I was already exhausted doing what I thought in my mind he wanted done or I had decided he wanted done do you understand that I had decided he wanted the house cleaned a certain way I had decided he wanted food on the table I had decided he wanted his clothes a certain way I had decided that things had to be a certain way so then when he did ask for something to be a certain way I was snappy back at him and thought he was too hard to ask me to do anything because I was already doing so much but nothing he had asked me to do nothing he had asked me to do and I think we've gotten that way with the father we're so busy doing so many things that we think were supposed to be doing for the Lord that when he asked us to do something we don't think we can do it because we're so busy doing what we think he wants us to do that we can't do anything that he asked us to do and we're aggravated because he's asking us to do it Lord I can't do anything else for you but he didn't tell you to do the 99 other things and it's the same way with our bosses I've still done it with Keith sometime now because I'm thinking I'm doing all these things for the church or I'm doing all these things for the employees or I'm doing all these things for this but he didn't ask me to do any of them and the Lord didn't ask me to do any of them but I'm still doing them and you'll get irritated at the person that you're really supposed to be doing something far when you're not even supposed to be doing any of those things we need to check up YES on who we are supposed to be doing something far yes and asked am I supposed to be doing these things go go to the Lord and say Lord did you tell me to do these things espouses to each other D do you because when I finally did that he said Phil I don't even want you cooking all the time I will hire somebody to clean the house I don't what you wearing yourself out doing that I'd rather when I got home you just sit here with me and we just talk I don't even care about that so it's important and I think the Lord is that way I think he's thinking we're going around running around doing a million things he didn't even ask us to do and he's thinking I'd rather you just sit here with me and talk and if we'll just sit there with him and talk he'll give us the answer to what we're running around a thousand miles an hour trying to accomplish thank you for you thank you and we won't have to run and try to accomplish it thank you yes like just go straight and do this and you'll have the answer thank you thank you you don't have to pray a million miles an hour you don't have to go around town you don't have to do all these things you just have to do what he tells you to do and you'll have your answers and quit trying to do everything else very good very good praise God somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you yes yes yes yes yes one of the foundational principles of the doctrine of Christ is mentioned number two in the list his repentance from dead works did you hear that and that covers a lot of ground dead works years ago a friend of mine pastor of a large Church in another country and we he came in the States for a while we had a visit and I could tell he was just he wasn't doing very well and and he said I I need something I don't know what I need I said well let's just get in the floor here and pray for a while that we just got in the floor and prayed for awhile and as we did I saw just what Phyllis otama in my spirit I said we setup leaned against the wall I said brother I said this is what I saw in my spirit I said do you have a lot of things going on in your church a lot of activities a lot of thing old man he told me about this group about this thing and this thing and the other and this group and the other and and I could tell that he was it was fatiguing him just talking about all of it and I said I believe the Lord prompted me to ask you that you would very seriously go back and look at each one of them and ask yourself when did the Lord tell me to do this he said oh oh oh oh and you just begin to say the Lord didn't tell me to do that they came and wanted to do that and so I let him do it now it's a whole deal these said this was a great opportunity in these right and this is a great need these and these the enemy wants to load you with all manner of things so that like Phyllis except when the Lord does ask you to do something you're too tired and frustrated you think I can't add one more thing to it are we still talking about cutting off the dead works and when you really examine it you realize that's not producing anything living or eternal dead works I know some of this some of its kind of sobering but this is a wonderful thing when you get that dead limb cut off and all it wants a couple of days later you feel so much better you think man where's all this renewed strength come from and you realize that thing was sucking the my supply my time and my energy and you realize you got that trimmed up and then you know what does the plant do when it when it gets trimmed up real good I mean all that once me and it starts coming on gangbusters then and it puts out new shoots and living stuff and green stuff and more fruit this is us hallelujah well somebody say thank you lord for pruning me of all the dead stuff hallelujah that I may bear more fruit much more fruit and fruit that lasts hallelujah praise God praise God whoo what do y'all want to sing huh yeah go right ahead sing it right now [Music] me [Music] you know I do because I know ha hallelujah altar workers would you come to the front these folks are ready to pray with you answer questions if you've got anything about these things being saved right with God filled with the spirit pray for your healing we're so blessed all our friends have come in for the meeting and I just I'd have to talk in tongues to try to express more but I I want to pray over your return trip you know a lot of some anything they stay through the weekend a lot of you going and for this anointing in your family in your ministry in your business the Lord is going to show you your eyes are just gonna you're gonna see it I don't need that I don't need this we're gonna put extra emphasis on this come on can you see that the the wisdom of God the the discernment of God are you receiving that by faith father in Jesus name we join together as touching this and we ask Lord for a continuing manifestation of discerning and distinguishing and quickening and we ask for the wisdom and for the plan open our eyes to notice things right and left and to know what to do and the changes to make and we thank you Lord for our happiest days ever ahead of us for our most glorious times effort for our most fruitful season is before us in Jesus name but we bless the people as they travel as they go we confess the angels of the Lord and count round about us and they deliver us and they keep us in all our ways and when we go out we're blessed and when we come in we're blessed and we go over to the other side and we don't crash we land safely and we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen hallelujah let's sing it to a time or two and we'll be dismissed sing it out loud I trust you [Music] I just [Music] always me I just [Music] [Music] I trust you I trust you [Music] because I always dress [Music] [Music] I trust you I just at first you know because I always trust [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 11,187
Rating: 4.8448277 out of 5
Id: 6pCaVkCTEp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 58sec (10678 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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