Keith Moore Growing Up Pt 3 Spirit Food

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okay bees always smiling let's just playing the bass yeah they do good don't they thank you lord if you don't have a Bible with you this morning why not you'll have to answer that but till you get it sorted if you want to use one of ours raise your hand and use one but your Bible is important don't leave home without it right and put the word first place and how many Reds your chapter this week mm-hmm and we're reading you know in the Old Testament now are you getting anything out of it it's it's Richard Oh mmm rich and if you're not doing it why so hook up with us you know get serious Christians that are serious about the Lord read their Bibles and pray and go to church and give and work in the kingdom right and if you're not doing those things you just not serious about serving God and you want to get serious because time is short right and you got to look at what you're doing and ask yourself you know will what I'm doing today that's keeping me too busy to do that will it matter a thousand years from now hmm will anybody know or care and if it won't reassess your priorities and be a better steward of your time the Bible should be redeeming of the time make good use of it right so book markers are out in the foyer at the information booth and you can hook up with us and start reading what did we read chapter 30 Friday of Genesis so Monday is chapter 31 and we read about spotted and speckled cows and calves right yeah you missing out if you're not with us so get hooked up turn please to Ephesians 4 this morning before I get into this further I just wanted to a couple of things that I wanted to say one thing thank you again to the church here and abroad for how you have blessed Phyllis and myself on double honor days y'all have really blessed us and you know that's uh I trust you understand we're not asking you for anything and that's sincere and we don't feel like we deserve it and we don't feel like you owe it to us somebody said well y'all work hard y'all deserve it I don't like to say that I don't want you to say it right we're blessed not because we deserve it because God is good he'll pay you more than you're worth if you're a babe he will that's just is so no no I don't feel like we deserve it and I'd prefer you not say that and I don't feel like you owe it to us I don't feel like that at all and if you didn't do anything I wouldn't get my feelings hurt and I wouldn't go around and say did you know we had opener today and all that come in was three dollars they just don't appreciate me I'm gonna go somewhere else you'll never hear me say that or act like that by the grace of God no no but do you act it on the word and thank you thank you y'all know blessed us and it wasn't just the what in just the monetary stuff it was the love and and and the respect and the value and it came through loud and clear to us guys thank you thank you thank you would also ask you to pray for us on this next week we have an opportunity to do more of the believers voice of victory for worldwide as you know and we take that very seriously and it is it is them sowing millions of dollars into this ministry and don't you appreciate their heart you know a lot of folks if they're paying millions of dollars for their program they are gonna be on it talking right and these guys you know them brother Kenneth and miss Gloria their heart is for the kingdom to be built up for people to be blessed and if they hear and see something good they won't put it out right and it does not have to be them don't that make you love them don't that if you're not a partner with them I'd encourage you to hook up because God is using them powerfully to affect this whole planet right so let me encourage if you're not sowing some seed into their ministry stir up begin to do so but pray for me and for us the crew and everybody as we do this because you just you know unless the Lord gives it to you they'll throw that camera in your face and that little red light comes on you'll just go to the if the Lord didn't help you that's that's about what it be but he has helped us so wonderfully and because he's more interested in his people getting help even than we are so if you'll just make yourself available but pray for us pray for us it'll be in the middle of the week will be taping Wednesday and Thursday of course we'll be traveling in those days and a lot of things need to come together for us get back here in time and ready for Friday - there's some other things going on in the week and of course you know he just came out of the marriage meeting and I'm talking to you right now so who are believing God right because you if you get tired enough it's difficult to yield to the spirit it really is and so you need to be refreshed and you need to be strong and so the Lord is so faithful that is how it will be Ephesians would you please turn to Ephesians the fourth chapter we've been speaking on the subject for a few weeks now what is this number three or so on what subject the subject of growing up growing up Ephesians 4 is our master text Ephesians 4 and verse 11 says he gave some apostles and he gave some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers all of these are gifts from the Lord to his people for what purpose for the perfecting now let's just stop right there the word perfect' is a I don't know it's it's a word that so many people in modern times do not think right about when they read in the Bible if you look it up even in the English dictionary the word perfect' has to me it has to do in English definition without fault without flaw flawless and so when people think about perfect and they think about you being perfect or me being perfect usually people say for hell nobody's perfect and the implication is that nobody could be because nobody can be without mistake without flaw right flawless but if you say that and believe that then you just ignored numerous scriptures including those that command us to be perfect right if the Lord told us to be perfect we must be able to be perfect right and it comes back to understanding what the word means in the Bible as opposed to what we use modern vernacular another word that's that's used in the same Greek word or Hebrew word instead of perfect is the word complete everybody say complete complete say say perfect and then say complete complete when he says for the what of the Saints for the perfecting of the Saints does that mean - we all become flawless no but perfect let me give you the the definition from a composite definition from the Hebrew and Greek means brought to its end perfect means brought to its end complete lacking nothing necessary - completeness that first part really gives you the nature of it brought to its end brought to its completion in this life in this world everything in the material realm is flawed everything there is no such thing as something or somebody are some item in this natural material world we live in right now that is perfect meaning flawless because of the curse that's in the earth because of sin everything is flawed people say well so-and-so had a baby yeah how they do it oh it's perfect not really if you examine that baby newborn looks perfect as you might say but doctors know this and scientists and researchers know this you examine that baby real close you'll find one I might be a little bit bigger than the other one arm might be a little bit longer than the other right we talked about so-and-so's in perfect health well if you mean flawless ain't nobody there nobody will be there in this life I uh you know when I'm talking about being healthy I'm telling my good operating condition because you know every day when you get up day-to-day everything's changing right and you usually believe in for something right sore knee right you know this is a little bit weaker than that or this is a little bit off what if you have to use your faith all the time that's why you ought to go to a church it believes in healing right where you hear something about it and get your faith fed because you got to be using your faith because these bodies are mortal and these bodies have been affected by in the whole environment everything we eat everything we drink everything we breathe is affected by the curse it's all flawed all of it but being healthy you know to my understanding means basically good operating condition and you got to watch about people I'm a perfectionist usually that means they have no patience [Applause] and it is nothing to brag about I'm a perfectionist I have to have it perfect what do you mean flawless you've never gotten there and you won't in this life everything's flawed but what's God's definition of it what does that first phrase said brought to its end and then the word complete and it has to do God's Spirit God's not holding the magnifying glass on your flesh thank God he's not holding he knows everything down here is cursed and flawed and he's already got a plan to fix it and it's in the works but he looks at the heart the Bible says the eyes of the Lord are searching to and fro throughout the earth you know what that is that's scanning God is scanning the planet what's he looking for he wants to show himself strong and order make us excited he was to show himself strong on behalf of him whose heart is what perfect towards him now does that mean flawless no it does not I mean there are numerous examples of people that said they were perfect before the Lord and yet you read the next chapter and tell us about mistakes that they made right tell me what perfect means brought to its in right and complete you should be a perfectionist in the sense of following something to its completion and not stopping before then but just being impatient and demanding is something to grow up out of and repent over right uh it has to do with being led by the spirit and following after peace when you go to do something God expects you to do it perfectly he does he requires it and what does that mean hmm you see it through - it's in you you complete it and how would you know when that is he knows when it is right and he's inside you so you go to do something and you work on it you invest in it you spend time on it and you step back and it's met certain criteria but in your heart you're not satisfied what does that mean it's not perfect because if it was you'd know right so you stay with it you continue on it and continue on it and how would you know that you got to perfection you'll have a sense inside you a satisfaction right now don't you misunderstand somebody could come along with their magnifying glass and find flaws with it but in your heart you're satisfied that for right now from where I am for this situation I'm satisfied feel complete about it tomorrow's a new day but right it's about being led by the spirit well what our whole life God intends that it should be brought to perfection our whole life our spiritual and mental and emotional and physical and financial and marital and family and ministry development he intends should go all the way all the way to completion brought to its fulfillment its fullness it's the end said out loud God intends that I reach my full potential in order for that to happen we must grow we must grow beyond where we are now keep reading he gave us these gifts ministry gifts for the perfecting of the Saints why do you need to be perfected and completed far so you can do the work of the ministry one of the biggest errors that has choked and hindered churches everywhere in the world is that people have relegated all the work of the ministry to the fivefold ministry gifts they have thought well it's the preachers job to do the work of the ministry wrong what's the preachers job go back to the scripture what's the preachers job why why were we given so the Saints could be perfected so they could do the work of the ministry the work of the ministry is far too big far too expensive for the fivefold minister gifts to get it all done the work of the ministry is much much much bigger and broader than preaching and praying and prophesy then the work of the ministry is huge right it involves vishton people and feeding people and clothing people and praying with people individually in believing in people and loving them and pulling money out of your pocket it right taking you time in and just goes on and on and on and on and on and it's gonna require all of us to get it done well how is the person sitting on the Pew gonna have the strength and the know-how and the knowledge and the faith and the resources to get it done well that comes back to the fire fold and God through them helping and as we do what's going to happen with all of us keep breeding what's going to happen he said for the work of the ministry for the edifying building up of the body of Christ till our until is supposed to continue until we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect a what what does that mean brought to its end brought to its completion man physically we know that when the baby is born we know that baby is not done growing and at two years old and at 3 years old that baby is not done that child's not done and at 12 years old that child's not done that that person is supposed to develop until they are of full height and full build is that right it's supposed to be that way spiritually it's supposed to be that way with each one of us individually and the whole body of Christ this is happening the whole body of Christ is growing and developing it's exciting he said to we all come in the unity of the faith are we all supposed to grow up can we all grow up yeah - we all come unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature stature means Heights the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ what does a full-grown spirit Christian look like Jesus right we should be like little kids then back up against the wall and say measurement measurement I think I've grown and so they mark us a new me look and what are we comparing it to though how would we know if we've grown or not because Jesus mark is over here that's his stature that's his place and so we look at ours we go I'm closer I'm closer how will we know when we're grown up like him you'll be like him don't think it's unattainable it's a command right my brother Keith we can't be like Jesus go tell him that he commanded you to walk and act like him I can't do that he's perfect I can't do that he's God he did not operate in the earth is God he emptied himself the Bible said he laid aside his mighty weight and power and became like other men what he did in the earth he did with no unfair advantage as being God he did it as a man proven it could be done now he's called us to do it he said I did it as a man you can do it as a man and a woman come on do it he that says he abides himself all himself also so to walk even as he walked first John 2:6 we're commanded forgetting though over that's too weak guys come on come on it's exciting it's exciting too leave that you can it's exciting to believe I don't have to be a little dumb incomplete infant confused in the dark all my existence I can grow up I can grow up in this life and think like my master and talk like him and pray like him and have a relationship with the Father God like him and have a ministry like him it's not just possible it's comanded we're called to do it yeah we've come short yeah we've fallen short and failed but he said forgetting those things that are behind forget about it just forget about them and reach toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus coming up to the full measure the full stature of who him him said out loud I'm growing up I'm becoming more like him every day and I will by the grace of God grow up to the full measure of the stature of Christ I will I will by the grace of God well that ought to keep us excited all day long he said in verse 15 but speaking the truth in love I want you to say that phrase out loud three times speaking the truth in love say it again speaking the truth in love one more time speaking the truth in love may grow up may grow up unto him in all things which is the head even Christ is this a big key to growing up the Bible gives us the the principle the way it operates how are we going to grow up speaking the truth in love then there's all kind of Revelation to get right here how we're going to grow up I stopped my words it's not yours did he say speaking that but speaking the truth in love may grow up in him is this how you grow up no question about it this is how you grow up now we talked about in previous times the sessions and if you weren't here you can get them you can download them for free on the internet you can go to the word supply and get caught up with us but we talked about there's an inner man and there's an outer man and just like the outer man is to be fed and nourished and exercised and developed and grow up the inner man is supposed to and it's sad that there have been untold billions spent and books and and regimens and - and in schools and universities to develop the mind the intellect there have been untold billions and trillions spent on developing the body so that the body develops but by and large the world has just ignored the spirit of man and that's that's the the primary part of you that's who you are you'll be that if your body is laying in the ground your spirit you can exist without your body your body can't exist without the spirit remember James the body without the Spirit is dead so you're sitting there right now looking at me through those two windows we call eyes you're not just a body and a mind your spirit you have a mind you live in the body and your spirit is supposed to develop and grow up well we we know that naturally you're born you're a baby you're a toddler your child you're a teenager you're young adult you're middle-aged adult you're older adult you're mature exactly the same thing is true spiritually exactly the same thing is true when you're born again you're not born again a fully developed spirit man you're born a baby an infant right and what should happen you should grow up but this is what can be confusing to people because if you'll get some you know some food naturally and little exercise you will grow up and develop but spiritually so many times people have not fed their spirit their spirit has not been fed and they have not exercised their spirit so here they've been born again twenty years but there's still an infant spiritually they have not developed and that can be confusing the people because they're looking at somebody that's in a 50 year old body not realizing that inside their like a two-year-old I'm not talking about mentally I'm talking about spiritually there's an inner man there's an outer man if you're fed and you exercise you'll grow up spiritually just like when you grow up naturally now there's more than one word that's translated child in the Bible and it can be a little challenging because it's used numerous different ways and I won't try to get into all of them I don't believe that's our our purpose but we already know that you're born a baby and in your child and a toddler and the teenager and a young adult one of the words for a child though is the word breath Foss and it literally means unborn everybody say unborn man I got so much this morning I start out with such good intentions I think we'll get them out early today but you really believe that don't they yeah but you know what does that mean we all get out early and you win whoopee we got out early so uh there's a whole thing reason I say that there's a whole sermon right here in the unborn everybody say unborn it also though if you look at the whole scope of it it includes newborn that's why I said it's a little bit challenging you can't just lock it to one because it's used in more than one application is a child a child when there is yet unborn yes that's was yes listen to this in Luke 141 you'd have to turn there but Luke 141 Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary and the baby leaped in her womb this baby is not yet born and is leaping why why because of the Spirit of the Lord is this is this baby alive unto God responding to external stimuli the baby left in her womb because Mary walked up and there prophesied and the anointing zone them and then awning is on the baby - the baby goes [Applause] when Mary comes up and prophesize the baby inside the room was going going to God glory to God having a Holy Ghost time in the womb as yet unborn you know the Bible said in Genesis 25 we just read this what was this last Friday or whatever it was about when this was Rebecca was saying Lord you know what's going on with me because there was she was having a lot of activity inside her her womb and the Lord said well there's two nations in there two nations they are not born yet two nations now what if they'd have been aborted you know just talking about two people you would you if those twins had been aborted it would have wiped out two nations and God didn't wait till they were born to call them two nations he called them two nations while they were yet in the womb I know some folk don't like this but hey you need to face the truth right there has been a terrible lie pushed upon us and the world that it's just a fetus it's just a person 'less glob of flesh it's a lie I said it's a lie it's a lie well it's a personalist glob of flesh until this day when does that happen what hour and minute and what day does it turn from a a glob to a person who can tell you that who can prove that nobody can they don't know and don't care in the or denote no so well it's the mother's choice it's the mother's choice you know not to have sex well it's the mother's body no that body is not the mother's body any more than your body is your mother's body it's their body friend this this is a terrible blot on our nation it's a terrible blot the Bible said in Jeremiah 1:5 before I formed you in the belly before I formed you in the belly I knew you and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you and ordained you a prophet to the nation's that's all pre-birth you gonna tell God they're not a person people are ignorant of spiritual things the reason there's life even from the cellular level the earliest stages of development life is making that that child go from one stage to another life is causing that child to develop what life what life the life of their spirit that God has put in their mister yeah but it was it was a mistake that I even got pregnant what says you but what do you know he ought to read some of the stories of people that they were unwanted pregnancies they were unwanted children and even some of them you know they're given up by their parents and went on to be used of God and reach untold people for the kingdom you gonna tell me God's gonna say yeah they were a mistake but I tried to figure it out and do something with him it's just people's ignorance they don't know but God's never surprised he's never going oh oh now that wasn't planned what am I gonna do with him well I know some folk don't like that but you need to think about and if you've made mistakes in the past God forgives and the blood cleanses but no no do not believe these lies that you can just destroy that developing child when the Bible refers to them as a person inside the womb the unborn now the next one that you'll see is the word neigh pios for child and it means little child and one of thee and that this is rich one that one of the specific things that mentions is a child without the power of speech well that would be a little child a little child is one that cannot talk well is there a spiritual counterpart hmm his development in the spirit greatly connected with speech big time I said big time Big Time go to first Corinthians if you would first corinthians the 13th chapter tell me how you grow up not not your idea what the scripture says what what what's that first word you say well speaking speaking speaking and there's revelation here this morning how you going to grow up from where you are right now to the next place does it matter what's in your mouth speaking the truth in love may grow up glory to God first Corinthians 13 if you were here during the marriage meeting you've been reading this right and perhaps you could quote it perhaps but we'll go ahead and read it first Corinthians 13 and 11 first Corinthians 13 and 11 was it saying when I was a child when I was an apos I what what's the first thing how do you know a child to be a child I spoke as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child so then how would you know you're growing up you're speaking changes you're understanding changes you're thinking changes notice he didn't start off with the thinking what he start off with the same people have missed it here again and again and they affect well my deal is I got to get my head straight I got to get my head straight and if I could get my head straight then I'd get my mouth straight you got it backwards that's not how the Bible mentions it you remember Joshua God's instructions to Joshua for success this book of the law shall what shall not depart out of your your mouth but you shall meditate therein that will hold on isn't it that if I get my meditation right then I get my worst now that's backwards that's how most people believe it but it's backwards get your mouth in gear get your mouth in the right thing and it'll straighten your thinking out oh man this is exciting I'm telling reason I'm excited because if you do this you will immediately begin to grow you will immediately begin to develop people sit around and just try to wage a silent mental warfare wrong thoughts come and they go I shouldn't think that I shouldn't think that and so they sit down and they try to think a right thought against it and so it's wrong wrong wrong and I got to go no no no right right right wrong wrong wrong right right right wrong right wrong right wrong right oh this is giving me a headache oh right we're told what to do don't just sit there silently you've got a great weapon it's right under your nose it's the truth it's your mouth it's your mouth sometimes why do you say that mother key because God has designed us in such a way that when we speak on purpose it interrupts our thought processes it arrests what's going on in our mind and superimposes what we're saying on our mind let me prove it to you you ready let me prove it to you we're gonna do a demonstration here we're gonna count to 20 silently in our mind we're not gonna say that loud we're just going to go we're going to count definitely but just inside ourselves in our mind we're gonna count you ready to do it I want you to focus not let anything break your concentration now what you do when I say begin I want you to count one to twenty and don't stop but while you're doing that I'm gonna ask you to repeat some things after me I'm gonna say some things and I want you to say what I say right after I say it I want you to say it the way I say it but don't stop counting are you ready now focus are you ready all right you can even close your eyes to help your concentration are you ready begin counting one two twenty now Jesus is Lord count don't lose your place count by his stripes I am healed don't lose your place how'd you come out how'd you come out what happens what happens to do what I said it interrupts your thought processes and super imposes what you're saying on your mind what does that mean you can control your mind with your mouth Oh glory to God man this is victory guys you can control your mind with your mouth God designed you that way it was I've got all these terrible mind boiling I can't control my man yeah you can yes you can now the enemy is a persistent cuss and just generally a sorry individual but he is a persistent cuss and he will bring things to you again and again have you ever noticed it he'll bring thoughts to you and thoughts to you and thoughts to you and if you're smart what will you do you will not just sit there and think them and try to wage a silent mental battle what will you do you'll open your let's say thoughts come and go this is bad this is bad you're not going to be healed this time you're not gonna make it this time you're not coming out of this you're not coming out of this what should you do what if somebody sits there and gets depressed what does that prove they just sitting there thinking about it right this is where the the spiritual warfare is really occurring this is real spiritual warfare not what a lot of people have imagined think about the text our warfare is not carnal right but it's what the weapons of our warfare but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds now people have imagined that that strongholds in the heavenlies but that is not the context what's the very next phrase casting down imaginations right and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing into captivity every thought the strongholds he's talking about or between people's ears and the thoughts that's what gets trouble thoughts when I was a child what I spoke like a child what else understood like a child what else thought like a child but but what huh when I became a man I put away childish things what does that mean I quit faking like a baby I could understand him like a baby I quit talking like a baby and I grew up and I grew up Oh glory to God I grew I grew up so what do you do you're bombarded with these theories wrong thoughts look at those bills ain't no way you gonna make this look at this what a mess you're in you're not your relationships not gonna make it you're not gonna make it look at you your fires and mistakes if you just sit there and think about that you're going down what do you got to do hmm use the weapon God gave you the sword of the Spirit whip out your blade don't just sit there and take that clip patch your blade they go hey no you don't talk to me like that right I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me greater is He that's in me than he that is in the world now when you're saying that what's on your mind not failing not going down and as long as you're as long as you're saying it that's on your mind what about when you stop well depending on what's going on that day sometimes as soon as you stop here comes the wrong thoughts back in if you're smart what will you do crank got speaker back up again at some times I mean it's like work sometimes you just have to keep on saying it and keep on saying it all through the day and all through the night until that other stuff backs off oh can you see this thank you master use your mouth use your words hallelujah go to first Peter if you would the first chapter I think we can finish up here pretty pretty shortly oh but that's good too yeah maybe I can just sum it up first first Peter to first Peter 2 verse 1 wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisies and envies and what all evil speakings as newborn babes now this is this is still the nape eels but it's a it's not the unborn now it's the newborn as newborn babes do what what a babies need to grow up that they got to get nourished right you can't just not feed a baby what if what if you don't feed the baby they'll die they've got to be fed as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby what a babies need to grow up they need the sincere milk of the word of God of the what of the what what do you speak and what do you eat words words are you seeing keys to growing up here how do you grow up speak the truth in what is the truth its words words that God has given us right what is the sincere milk of the word of the of the word of God is it's what you hear what you are hearing is feeding your spirit and what you are speaking is causing you to exercise and grow up hearing word and speaking words feed you and causes you to grow up don't think you already know this now don't let this go past you know don't let it go over you don't let it be too simple for you don't let it be something you already know said out loud hearing words and speaking words feeds my spirit causes me to grow up hearing words speaking words causes me to grow up now I'm not just any words not just any words the words of truth God's words good words anointed words oh that's why we read our chapters that's why we come to church and we hope we don't just just you know I don't just talk to you and tell you what I think or what I've experienced we open this book and we read these words and we talk about these words it's possible to go to church for 20 years and hear 10,000 sermons and not get fed I'm too much you spirit get fed it's possible I know I was born again just what at age 12 and hurts some things and went to church but didn't grow for a year after year and then one day thank God thank God thank God one day I heard some words there wasn't just words of religion they weren't just words of tradition they weren't just words of men's ideas they were anointed anointed words of faith the Bible talks about being nourished up in the words of faith I heard them and even though my head didn't understand them cuz yeah that I didn't know it but I'm a baby I'm a baby hadn't been fed but somebody gave me a real bottle for the first time and my little spirit was dried up and thirsty and I didn't know it it's no wonder people are so powerless it's no wonder they got no strength to resist temptation it's no wonder they got no strength to stand and believe for anything they haven't been fed they haven't been fed they've been given little speeches about politics current issues and social reform and being a good person and you can hear that for 40 years and still be a dried-up infant oh but I heard I heard some words who that it was actually brother Copeland I heard some words and when I got through playing that little tape a cassette tape on that little battery-operated thing I had and I got food I didn't really know what to me and it said but in my spirit in my spirit I knew something that come in to me my little spirit was going and for the first time I had got some sincere milk of the word of God I'm a little spirit begin to come alive and when that happens you know the very next thing that you say Mar Mar you're like a little bird in the nest well my my so thank God we got some more which is why we gotta believe for millions of dollars and make CDs and books and tapes and send them all over the world because there's people right where I was and right where you are twenty and thirty years ago they've not been fed they're hungry they're starving they're thirsty and we're gonna feed them we're gonna see people spin and there's nothing wrong with it people spend millions of dollars to feed people's bodies and that's good but it's not as important as feeding their spirits it has been given precedence over the feeding of spirits because people are carnal and they think more about the body than they do the spirit yes let's believe God and help feed people naturally but much more important let's feed their spirit can you say Amen let's feed their spirit feed your spirit feed your spirit every day read your chapter read it in faith get fed can you say Amen thanks B under God let me just read these to you in closing you don't have to try to turn there but it just every time I think about this these scriptures come up and to my remembrance the scripture said in job job 23 job 23:12 he said I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food job 23:12 I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food Jeremiah 15:16 Jeremiah 15:16 says your words were found and I what I what I did how do you eat them how do you eat them well in job it says the ear tries words as the mouth tastes food how do you eat God's words with your ears but can you do it can you hear them and go don't so and Jim and then meditate them till you swallow it and it gets in you and you believe and you believe it what's gonna happen it's gonna feed your spirit you're gonna begin to grow and the great thing about it it happens in such a way you don't it's just like little kids you don't realize how much you're growing you know little kids that go to visit grandma after a few months and she'd go boy you have grown a foot looks like and they go really do they've been with their self every day right and it's happening gradually that same thing is supposed to be happening to a spiritually you're supposed to be growing so much that we look at you watching tamago you have come a long ways you have grown man woman you've grown you first came here you were a different person look at you you are talking differently your understanding differently you are thinking differently you're growing up putting away childish things and growing up he said in Jeremiah 15:16 your words were found and what I did eat them how can you tell when you're getting good cooking huh when you were eating some of that some of the best food around do you get depressed at the table huh I mean you eat some really good cooking and you're going oh this is so good but I'm just gonna I'm gonna know it makes you happy huh it's like that one fellas he ate something that this lady was famous for cooking and he put in his mouth and he went Oh bless the Lord he said that's just like angels dancing on my tongue well it makes you happy I said it makes you happy he said they were unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart and can you see when you eat good food then it strengthens you to its strengths now you feel like I can go out and work the rest of the bear got some strength in me well the joy of the Lord is your strength word you get that joy that's why we ought to come and not be depressed in church we ought to come and get happy and get there why cuz we eatin we eat and I'm eating you're eating we're eating we're eating and eating and we get strong holy be the God glory be to God glory be to God [Applause] do you remember Matthew 4:4 you don't have to turn there but remember what Jesus said when the enemy is coming in tempting him and saying you so hungry turn these rocks into bread what did Jesus look at him and say it is written what man shall not live by bread alone yeah you need some bread yeah you need some food but you need more than that you need something not just for your body you don't just need something to tickle your intellect what do you need you need something substantial that will feed your spirit what will do it man shall not live by bread alone but by every word everywhere every one every one of these words will feed your spirit every one of them even the so and so begat so and so in numbers and all the names you can't pronounce Jocasta washa washa nee bat Chiluba you know just reading in faith because it'll feed your spirit even if you don't understand it well how in the world could that help someone's old begat someone's over yeah well it ain't gonna help you because you don't respect it it ought to be enough for you that God chose to put that out of all the things he could have put in the world he chose to put that in here for us and told us to feed on it may give it a little thought here I believe that some of these scriptures that have to do with numbers and have to do with lineage actually have anointing for math in them that you don't even discern with your mind every one of these and I'm just giving you that as one small thing every word of God every the v's and the bowels every word of God is good the Bible said it is spiritual food it is nourishment and it goes far beyond your mind it's not just mind food it's spirit food that's why you got to read it in faith I said you got to read it in faith and of course this is you know this all has no application to you if you don't even read your chapter so come on get on in come on get on in and read it by faith before you pray say lord thank you thank you for your precious holy word your word feeds my faith feed my faith right now with it feed my spirit right now open my eyes give me insight and understanding I believe I receive it and then read no matter what your heads getting believe something's coming into you of a spiritual nature feeding your spirit and it will I said it will it will and you will grow I said you'll grow man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God now I want to read this to you and we'll close with this but psalm 119 is the longest song so I'm just going to read this one psalm to you and we'll be done just a song no I'm not going to read the whole thing to you but have you ever read the 119 Psalm do you know what it's about hmm the whole Psalm is about the word it's about the Word of God and it's an expression of the psalmist love for God's Word let me encourage if you've never done that read this Psalm out loud better yet sing it this is how does it go be led sing it and see the the the the spirit of the and the anointing the revelation of the love for God's Word will come into you stronger and you will desire his word more how many understand one of the indicators of health in children is a good appetite right well you can really see when these when these boys and girls you hit certain ages when they just start sprouting and growing they can eat up some groceries can't they I'm telling you better fix extras because they'll come clean them off and if they come in and they don't want to eat for a day after day what do you know something's wrong spiritually exactly the same thing is true people get where they don't want to eat they don't wanna eat their chapter they don't want to come and eat at church they're not doing good spiritually something's wrong with them and then they can't grow like that but you'll find when you're really growing and when you're really doing good you just can't get enough you're like more give me the mark I want more extras please extras please seconds and thirds bring them out what because you're growing you're growing you need that extra nutrition but let me just give you just a couple of the statements that he made in psalm 119 and then in your own time go and read this let me encourage you read it out loud and read it for yourself say Lord this is me I delight in your word I love you were read it as though you wrote the song read it as though it's you speaking to the Lord listen to psalm 119 103 how sweet are your words to my taste they're sweeter than honey to my mouth who's he talking to he's talking to God he said through your precepts I get understanding and I hate every false way your word is a lamp to my feet it's a light to my path some verse one twenty one twenty nine your testimonies are wonderful my soul keeps them the entrance of your word gives light it gives understanding to the simple does that sound like babies growing up and getting understanding 131 I opened my mouth and painted what's painting for what I loaned for your commandments this a somebody having to jack you up and get you to go to church you're they're going when can we go but you know you know our little kids do that a little kids do that they go who are we going back especially ones that are new in that and learned how the day's work here they're like you know well well Friday when's that is that now that tomorrow no I wanted to go today that's so excellent what why do they want to go it's not just because of gadgets and and stuff because we try to avoid that they're getting fed their spirits their little spirits are getting fed and little spirits are alive under God and that's why these little ones that can't hardly talk who come to me and go I do it work God you know what I'm a doer of the word of God you better watch them they'll pass you I opened my mouth and I painted and I longed for your commandments righteous are you O Lord 137 upright are your judgments your testimonies that you have commanded our righteous and very faithful so verse 140 your word is very pure therefore your servant loves it that whole Psalm is like that I said that whole song is like what's into out of his spirit he just gone your word O God it's your word your word feeds me your word nourishes me your word enlightens me your word gives me hope gives me faith gives me peace I love your word I enjoy your word I rejoice that your word like some others found the great sport how many believe David was growing up did he grow up he wasn't just immature he grew he grew he grew he became greater he became stronger how are you going to grow and become stronger how how only one way spiritual oh you can't get this anywhere else feeding on his words and then what speaking those words of truth and love you will grow up in him in all things stand on your feet Laurie to God with a god say I'm growing up one growing up wolf thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord I'm growing up I'm growing up I'm growing up I'm growing up I'm growing up I'm growing up thank you Lord I'm growing up Oh fake your Lord no more baby no more little baby no more little whiny baby I'm growing up I'm coming up I'm becoming greater I'm increasing my words my wisdom my understanding my faking I'm growing up I'm growing up thank your lord thank you lord just lift up your heart just praise him for just a minute don't be in too big of a hurry thank him that he loves you so much that he's not leaving you like you have been he's helping you to grow out beyond far out beyond the ignorant stage thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] pray this out loud father God you are my very own father I am your very own child you have called me to grow up unto the fullness of the stature of my older brother of my Lord and Master Jesus The Anointed One and by your grace I'm on my way give me discernment ears to hear that I may grow up from hearing your word set a watch at the door of my mouth guide me to know how to speak write words and not speak wrong words that I may speak the truth only in love and grow up in you hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord now listen close your eyes if you would for a moment before you can grow up you got to be born you have to be born a baby and then you grow up and you're born spiritually just like you're born naturally jesus said except you be born again you won't see you won't enter into the kingdom of God so if you're here this morning are you watching by TV are you watching by internet and you can't say I know I've been born again I know I've been born into the family of God it's real simple if you have been you know it being born in a Christian home doesn't make you born again being baptized in water doesn't make you born again being sprinkled as a baby does not make you born again attending church having your name on the roster does not make you born again you must be born again it's just as real of an experience as being born in the flesh from your mother's womb only you're born of the Spirit it's real simple if you don't know that you know that you've been born again that you're right with God if you died right now you'd go straight to be with Jesus if you don't know that I want you to lift your hand right now and let us pray for you today before you get away because you can know you can be sure watching by TV or Internet I want you to raise your hand I want you to raise your hand if you say brother Keith I can't say that I know that I'm saved I need to know I need to make a move something needs to happen maybe you know God's dealing with you in your heart right now he's drawing you I want you to respond not just to me to him respond to him and raise your hand and say lord I acknowledge that I need you and I've not given my life to you and I need to be born again I acknowledge it and I'm coming to you raise your hand here in this building TV Internet raise your hand raise your hand if that's you if you've raised your hand I want you to remain standing and everybody else be seated I want to pray for you but I want you to be bold enough and on a shame that you'll stand up before the Lord and let me pray for you that's good remain standing that you're by your computer display by your TV remain standing or you might say brother Keith I hadn't wanted to admit it but I hadn't been living right at all I need to come back to the Lord I need to get back right with God well if that's you you stand up you'll be standing too if that's you stand up on your feet and you say brother Keith I need to come give my life to the Lord or I need to come back to the Lord I want you standing right now please unashamed unashamed good good all right good good one more thing you might say brother Keith I'm a Christian but I've never been filled with the spirit like I hear you all talking about full of power speaking in tongues this belongs to every believer don't be afraid of it this is in the Bible if you believe that you said I won't bad then you stand up right now stand up and say I want to receive this brother Keith I believe in this I believe this is in the Bible I know I need more I feel like I'm missing you are if you haven't been filled you're missing you're lacking and there is more stand up if that's you stand up in front of your computer screen your TV screen stand up alright those of you looking at me I want you to be bold Jesus said if you if you're ashamed of me and my words in front of men I'll be ashamed of you before the father but if you'll confess me before men in front of men I'll confess you before the father I'm so glad you're not ashamed those of you standing would you be bolder yet would you step out in there and come right here meet me face to face don't be ashamed don't be embarrassed come right now as we're saying concentrate [Music] if you raised your hand are you difficult you should have to get up that lesson get up and come on come back [Music] [Music] [Music] again see if with you now if you say or you know you haven't been living right you need to come back come on don't be a better father [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're watching my internet or TV I want you to stand up to in respect to the Lord in His Word and just step forward toward your screen in an act of being stepping in closer to us and just believe we're gonna pray for you too right now guys I'm so glad you're not ashamed of the Lord would you close your eyes forget about everything and everybody except you and the Lord he is real and he is here I'm gonna pray for you like I said expect him to do for you what we asked him the prayer that's faith and what he's done for millions he will do for you right now father God I pray for these standing here and for those by internet and TV I pray for every one that has had the faith and step forward showing they love you they believe in you and they're coming to you lord thank you that you said that those that come to you like this drawn of your spirit they come believing in you that no way would you refuse them or reject them our tournament so we have your perfect unfailing word for it that they are accepted in the beloved because of their faith thank you Lord you knew they'd come to you you knew they'd come back to you so you watched over them and spare them in their life so many times you've spared them and kept them till they got here today thank you thank you thank you you said if we'd believe on you believe that the father has raised Jesus from the dead if we'd confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord we'd be saved so we act on that right now everybody here in the front TV and Internet everybody in the crowd a farm or reaffirm your faith said out loud because you mean it not not to me until the Lord said out loud father God I believe in you I believe in your son Jesus that he died on the cross paid the full price for all my sins every failure every mistake I believe you have raised him from the dead he's alive right now King of Kings Lord of lords soon to come again Jesus I receive you as my Lord thank you for receiving me and washing me and cleansing me setting me free as you helped me I will follow you I will live for you I will serve you all my days hallelujah oh thank you lord begin to believe now that he does that that he has done what we asked him to do because he said if you do that he would do the other raise up your hand as an act of submission as an act of faith and begin to thank him Lord we thank you for washing away all the sins and cleansing and rolling away all the guilt and condemnation thank you for doing it thank you for doing it and names written in the Lamb's Book of Life oh thank you thank you thank you that their name shall not be blotted out hallelujah glory to God glory to God look at me if you would friends that's done that's done believe it count it done never after today let any anybody who knows you are your own memories make you feel bad or guilty or ashamed about anything that you've said or done before today because the cording of the word it's gone washed away it's not too good to be true it's why he paid such a terrible price on the cross so you could stand here innocent and still you never made a mistake now you can go on and do the will of God you can do what you were made to do if you mess up tomorrow or next week just ask God to forget to admit it and ask him to forgive you believe he does and you'll stand up just as clean as you are right now this is not all some of you came to be filled with the spirit all of you need to be filled overflowing full of power talking in tongues just as wild as excited as the rest of us and you helped me this is important we don't want it rushed we got a place of ministry just a few steps around the corner there and some people that are waiting to touch base with you answer your questions make sure you're happy and satisfied before you get away would you take them on won't take long would you turn to your right turn your see these people with the pearsons would you follow them to that place of ministry to get the rest of what you've come for we're so glad you come we're so thankful we're so glad thank you everybody stand up give praise to God oh thank you Lord we're praising God for you watching my TV and Internet oh my god you're saved you made it Oh hallelujah reach your hands out toward this way and we're also praying for the people in the internet and the TV father thank you thank you thank you for these that have come to you today and come back to you we pray help them to receive further the fullness of your spirit and yield completely to him to you Lord we just ask you to do far and beyond what they've asked or thought deliver them from habits and hindrances and things that have held them back we say in Jesus name they have been delivered from all the power of darkness they've been translated into the kingdom of your dear son and they'll never be the same again after today we give you glory we give you praise we give you thanks in Jesus Holy Name lowly to God well you think it was good that we had Church today I do too God is so good oh he cares about us so much he cares too much about us to leave us the way we have been right we're coming on up coming on up you gonna have fun the rest of the day yeah rejoice one of our witnesses to the people who don't go to church and don't love the Lord around us is how much fun we have [Music] that's right that people are to watch us and want to come to church and be Christians because we just have way more fun than they do we enjoy life such a higher level it ought to be it ought to be so no more depression no more down just hallelujah anyhow glory to God every day thank you Lord we gonna sing guys before we go huh that's that's fine let's sing greater is he as we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 1,844
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Growing, Up, Pt, 3, Spirit, Food
Id: Q7T25nSfNy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 7sec (5407 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2012
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