Week in My Life | Roller Coaster of Emotions

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[Music] good morning everybody it is Tuesday I didn't vlog at all yesterday because quite honestly every couple of days I just need to be quiet not talk so I took yesterday as a minimal speaking day so I didn't vlog I woke up this morning I sent out some emails check some emails responded to some students and now I'm taking a break and between that and my office hours and I'm going to go on a run so I'm supposed to run three miles today and what I've been doing is I've been driving to like a shopping center that's near where I live because it's also near a trail and then I just run on this trail where people are biking and walking and running I was a little worried because it's pretty breezy by my house but it's not it's not really breezy over here so I'm supposed to run three miles and then I need to go to the grocery store to pick up some groceries for the week so and then I need to be bad dressed and at my house for my first round of office hours which is going to be at 11:30 that's what I'm doing right now she took me about 30 minutes to run hopefully it's not too difficult with the wind going so it's time for me to get started walk for a minute or two first to learn about nice to you very very nice day out [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] thank you all righty it is just before 1 o'clock I just picked up a Starbucks for myself today since I didn't get one on Friday because it was cold and I just wasn't in the mood so I'm making up for that today so I went on my run I did three miles that's tasty and it wasn't too bad it wasn't too too windy so I made it stop by the grocery store got some groceries and I came home showered and did my first round of office hours with my homeroom class today how many kids did I have six at one point but five most of the time and it's really the same few kids and it was funny and kind of hurt more pain is my office hours are really devoted to students popping in if they have questions like maybe they're having a technical issue it actually at seven because one student was there and he had a technical issue with logging into something and so I had kind of walked through that in the knee left but it's there for them mostly to check in see if they have a question they need to ask get something clarified or say hi if they want to and for the most part the ones that are showing up really don't have any questions they're just there to kind of like socialize and say hi which I find very sweet because that means they at least miss me and miss each other enough to like check in to say hello and it's just rough because they're they're just so bored like and just feeling like combined to their house and so one of my students just saying he just is so bored like he can't even handle it so me and the RSP teacher tried to give him some options she forwarded some links that her son who I think is four or five her son's teacher provided like that had virtual tours of things and stuff like that so I just talked and then it ended at 12:30 so I decided to go get Starbucks because I wanted one it's such a nice day today I don't know if you can tell but it's like not too hot and not too cold nice little breeze and the Sun hasn't been out for a few days so it just feels like extra special so I just felt like a nice coffee was in order so I did that now because my next office hours start at 1:30 and then after that I have a union meeting at 2:30 and that might take a while because I feel like there's gonna be a lot to talk about with what everything that's happening with this is learning so yeah so I'm going to go home right now and it makes something to eat cuz I haven't eaten yet and just get ready for this second meeting respond to some more emails that have since come through have this Union meeting and then I need to work on some lessons for next year like it honestly soothes my nerves or makes me feel better when I just do some planning for next year I told my students and one of my coping mechanisms to not just be so focused on how annoying or frustrating the situation is right now is to plan out things for next year because that puts my mind in that time when this is all over and that kind of helps so I plan to do that at some point today so far it's a good Tuesday [Music] I'm so glad I just checked my mail because I got some happy mail I got this little package here make sure I don't show my address from this place called Ana Luisa which is a jewelry company that is based out of New York and they sent me a few items and I'm very excited to open this so when I have time I will be sure to share with you guys what I have I want to make sure that I devote my undivided attention to it because I'm really excited and I want to show you guys the pieces that they have so happy meal [Music] [Music] [Music] well good evening now it has 8 o'clock a little bit after I just got home from picking up an egg roll and it was quite an adventure because I was in the drive-through for a very long time for just this one egg roll that I was trying to get and the reason I got that egg roll is because I'm having leftovers for dinner it is a blue apron meal that is supposed to be ginger ginger spice or ginger flavored meatballs over rice with bok choy however my meatballs will not have a ginger flavor to them because the ginger didn't look super fresh anymore and I'm not a huge fan of ginger anyway so we just didn't include that in the recipe but it is one of those blue apron meals where when I make it I already know or while I'm making it or really before I make it I already know that it's gonna be on the lighter side and it's not necessarily gonna be the most filling thing so I just decided to get an egg roll to go with it Genisys come here come back down here genesis cannot be trusted upstairs by herself right now so that's where I just came from I had an egg roll yesterday when I had this meal and it was like just enough food last time I spoke to you I was coming back from getting Starbucks so then I came home had my meeting with my switch class they're all five kids it showed up there and in it earlier than the hour and then right let me put you down right after that I had my union meeting at 2:30 and that lasted probably close to hours then after that continuing with the fact that it was such a like a nice day out I took the dogs out for a walk then I came home worked on some ideas for next year check some emails did all that and then I decided to go get myself a zag roll that took forever so I am going to say goodbye for the day here I'm going to eat dinner I'm going to relax and watch a couple of episodes of shits Creek I am on season five maybe close to the middle of it so I'm almost done with what's available on Netflix season six I know just ended I just don't know where to find it before it gets Netflix but that is what I'm gonna do then I'm gonna go upstairs and read a little bit and I'm just trying to unwind and wake up for another day of this tomorrow so more than likely I will check in with you tomorrow I do have a couple meetings I have a PLC in the morning I might go running earlier than normal with Eliza and a friend of ours from Orangetheory they go at 7:00 every morning and I prefer to go later in the day or later in the morning but I might go with them because my PLC meeting is at mmm 8:30 so that's what's supposed to happen tomorrow but yeah so I will talk to you later hi guys it's uh I don't know it's probably after 7:00 right now I can't really look at my watch because I'm walking these two but I just realized I didn't vlog at all today and it's because I just been really busy I woke up earlier than normal and went on a bit of a longer run with Eliza and a friend of ours we kept our distance and then when I came back from that I actually had to come home get dressed because I had a PLC meeting that I needed to attend and then after that had another zoom call that luckily was pretty short and then after that I had to handle my hair because that was getting out of control and then after that I had a Google meet with my assistant principal assistant principal to continue to talk about leadership and when her and I talked we always talked for a while because we just seemed to have so much to talk about so I just finished that up and now I'm out taking the dogs for a walk because it makes my night better but this is my new natural jus in case you guys want it to see it so it's just washed and blow-dried and in this little afro puff bun that I like to call or that's what I like to call it but this is how I used to wear my hair a lot when I was a little girl my mom did my hair in case you wanted to know that so I'm just about done with the walk I was gonna cook a blue apron meal tonight and blog that but there are some things I need to take get taken care of between now and Monday for leadership and tomorrow is a office hours day so I won't have a whole lot of time to work on that tomorrow and then Fridays I just feel so overwhelmed so I kind of want to get that started now so that I'm not stressing about it over the weekend not to mention next week we start phase two of distance learning which means I need to think of ways to arrange small group lesson opportunities I think that's what phase two is so I'm a little stressed about that because I'm still not getting great attendance at my sessions but I'm thinking of ways to change that maybe giving them quote-unquote credit for showing up but I don't know it kind of stresses me out to think about it but a moment of honesty when I was talking to my assistant principal she saw me in the Xoom call and she said I look stressed and I'm just I'm just feeling uninspired and unfulfilled today by this distance learning situation and I'm sorry if that's negative for those of you that are listening and teachers and you don't want to hear that but that's just how I feel like I'm not even inspired to do anything creative because I'm not being fulfilled by student interactions so that's where I'm at today but I know today is just one day and hopefully tomorrow I will feel better but I just wanted to check in this is probably all I'll do today because my arms hurting now and I need to go figure out what I'm doing for dinner but uh I'll be sure to check in with you guys tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone it is Friday afternoon I do believe the last time I vlogged was Wednesday and I didn't vlog at all yesterday and I almost wasn't gonna walk today because to be totally honest I started off the week great in terms of being in positive spirits for the most part and then he just kind of took a turn from there so the past two days I've been in a bit of a mood some of it could be hormonal that's very possible but then some of it may not be hormonal I think that I am really struggling with accepting the reality of teaching right now and I didn't want to necessarily vote today because I don't want to feel like I'm repeating the same thing or repeating the same sentiment and every vlog not sorry Riley's having a hard time but in the name of trying to be a diligent vlogger I need to close out the vlog so I had to block today and also I think it's important to share like the truth of my experience with distance learning for other teachers out there that may be feeling the same way or anyone that's not a teacher out there but is maybe curious to know what it's like from a teacher's perspective so there's nothing that happened that made matters any more difficult in terms of distance learning and honestly what the district or my district is requiring requiring of us isn't that difficult and it's totally doable I think over the past two days what I've realized is that because this format of teaching is just truly unengaging for me as a teacher and I'm sure for students I am left feeling uninspired and because I am feeling uninspired I then feel a certain level of being unmotivated and those two things together are a very different difficult combination I don't feel successful as a teacher I don't feel fulfilled by what I'm doing and I said to someone it's almost as if I don't even really recognize myself as a teacher at this point and I know it's unrealistic of me to think that I would feel the same way doing this that I would have been in the classroom but nonetheless it's affecting me and it's affecting me more than what I anticipated or thought it would so yesterday was just a difficult day for me for different reasons but I just had a really rough day and I didn't think that I should be on camera in that particular state I'm feeling a little bit better today but I'm still feeling kind of the same level of the same same level frustration basically and I think that it's not just me I know for a lot of my friends that are teachers it's their feeling the same way and I think it's just all starting to build up like we've been doing this for about a month now we don't necessarily have any guarantees as to when this type of teaching will end and it's almost like today I realize it's almost like I'm being asked to teach through a telephone call which when you think about it that way is really just impossible in terms of it being entertaining for both the teacher and the students engaging and all of that and I'm trying to stay positive but that's just really how I feel so there's that in the midst of all that I am still working on some things I've been working for the past couple days I'm getting some leadership stuff together but even with that I'm planning things without really knowing are these things really going to be possible next year because I don't know that we'll be having rallies and assemblies and gatherings of students and so then I'm planning something that I don't even know who I should be planning so then there's that but aside from that I did want to share something else with you guys and I actually need my sorry I had to get something set up that I wanted to show you so just to rehash I didn't do much yesterday like I said I was in a mood I didn't want to subject you guys to that but I basically woke up yesterday yesterday it was Thursday I just was working on leadership stuff had a couple phone calls went out took myself for a walk to kind by myself without the dogs to kind of like help with my mood took the dogs on a walk later in the day I cooked a blue apron meal I did vlog a little bit of that and I also did it at home workout and then I spent a lot of my time yesterday obsessing over getting a peloton bike which I probably won't not probably I won't because of peloton bike is $2,500 and we know that I'm on a low spin journey and $25.00 is not sorry $25.00 does not fall but than that I also opted to minimize the noise in my day yesterday so I did very little talking and that did help so that was yesterday today's a new day I'm feeling a little bit better and I want to end this on a positive note and offer you guys something so some of you may know I was supposed to be a panelist along with some other teachers on YouTube at the Q conference which is held in Palm Springs in the spring and the Q conference if you don't know is in California and it's a tech based conference and it is the conference that really led to me you know being more open and willing to try to integrate technology into my classroom and ultimately led to me creating a YouTube channel for my class I'll link that in the description box if you guys are interested in that and then that led to me creating this channel so I was really excited about it but with everything that's going on that was obviously cancelled and one of the things that I was looking forward to visiting while I was there is this exhibit hall that they have during the Q conference where you can go and meet different vendors that offer products and services that you might find helpful to your class in particular or you think your school might be interested in and so since it was cancelled that opportunity was gone but I have some great news for those of you that might be interested and are looking for some products or services for your classroom or if you just want to be entered into into some raffles and maybe win a prize or two they took the exhibit hall and they made it this virtual experience so I just logged in they gave me the link to find it because I was curious and I will be sure to link the I will be sure to include the link you need to get to this point but this is the virtual exhibit hall so I just have to like create a quick profile and so it helps you to navigate how to go through the exhibit hall since it's all virtual so this is just information like that but then for example my school district we use Ares for our gradebook so one of the vendors is Ares software max cases would be one of the vendors Promethean paper so it tells you all the different vendors that are there and I just saw somewhere let's see classroom applications what does that do oh so like flipgrid if you want to learn more about flipgrid and things like that Renaissance so a lot of things that I know I would have wanted to kind of go over and take a look at are now here and available to you and somewhere I saw yeah get ready for the 100 plus raffle giveaways so if you're really just coming here honestly because you want to try and win something or enter into a raffle there is a link specifically for that so it says get ready for 100 plus raffle giveaways and then it will kind of walk you through what you need to do I haven't really had a chance to go through that yet because I just logged onto this for the first time but that is something that I wanted to share it will be available until April the 27th so today is the 17th so you still have 10 days so again I'll put the link in the description box and then I'll also make sure to mention it in next week's wall to just remind you guys so make sure you check that out but aside from that that's really it this week was very interesting in terms of just like my emotions about everything I'm just really I can't hold a camera anymore apparently without putting my finger on the lens I started that week just feeling really good and like very positive and the weather was great and then all of a sudden it just took a turn and I think that it's just it's been a month now of me teaching and but not being like fulfilled by it and I think I just have recognized not that I didn't know this before but I didn't know how significant it was before but a huge part of how I identify myself and where I derive satisfaction or fulfillment comes from the act of teaching like actually teaching and to not have that on top of being isolated and in the middle of all this I think it's just taking its toll after this going on for a month or so and so I think that is kind of contributing to it so I'm going to try my best for the rest of the day to really just get past it and focus on the things that I need to do to set myself up for success next week because next week another layer of our distance learning is added as well as myself up for success for the next school year with leadership and stuff so I kind of need to focus on that for the rest of the day so I know I'm going to end the vlog here if you enjoyed this week's vlog despite how I don't know I just I don't know I don't know what it's gonna look like because they were like gaps everywhere please give the video a thumbs up if you're not subscribed please make sure you subscribe and please please please if you are watching these vlogs but you are not following me on Instagram please do that there I am still trying to get to 10,000 and I'm a little over 9700 so I'm getting close but whatever you do stay safe stay healthy stay positive and just know that we're all trying our best and doing the best that we can and I will be sure to check in with you guys next week and I realize I never showed you what was in the box that I got from Ana Luisa I will do that next week as well so we'll have a little bright spot there something there's some fashion some accessorizing to distract ourselves from distance learning so I will see you then I hope you guys are well in the meantime and I will talk to you Monday bye you
Channel: SmartieStyle
Views: 5,328
Rating: 4.9797468 out of 5
Keywords: week in my life, day in my life, distance learning, teacher vlog, cook with me, teaching vlog
Id: Atll-nHBrOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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