Wednesday Morning Corporate Prayer | DECEMBER

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so good morning family i know it's morning here uh on the east coast of the united states i know that uh i already saw some people from the west coast of the united states and so it's early morning for you and i know that for the folks that are in other parts of the world it may not be morning maybe a different time but whatever time we are grateful that you are gathered here thank you for your patience with us as we got uh started just a little bit uh beyond our time here but thank you for your patience i see people are already commenting and so i want to say to those who are not uh here in the united states wherever you are hello but here in the united states we say good morning i see someone from uh south africa already in fayetteville and all the chicago and these different places and so if you're watching this is probably the only opportunity we'll have to do this uh let us know where you are uh where the family is gathered together from whether it be orlando or whether it be south africa or nigeria or namibia or australia or wherever you're watching from let the deeper family know that we are all family together we're all praying together gather together i see the uk you can help me out with those you see as well and yeah australia australia yeah family in australia good to see you uganda we see you we see you we see you they have these lights in front of us that are kind of bright so we can't really see as well as we normally do reading by faith we're reading by faith south africa is in texas argentina milwaukee columbus ohio north carolina more south africa i see new mexico yeah netherlands netherlands amazing awesome hallelujah what we see family we see here they come here they're coming jamaica awesome awesome lexington kentucky i see you as well he's nassau bahamas if i'll stop just i can't see we are we are in a good place this morning and in a good mood as well as we're in the presence of the lord that i see curacao i see kirisa i see france um amazing amazing amazing it's amazing to see how many people are gathered together from around the world that are hungry for the presence of god and we're so grateful uh namibia uh we see you we see you in the house ready to go deeper so we're just amazed trinidad we see you all of you gather together family um we're gonna spend a significant time in prayer to be led by the holy spirit and and as always and we're so grateful for the for you being here and gathered and ready to go um last night and i'm just going to stay right at the top so that we have an opportunity to really engage god the way that he wants us to last night right after our time of corporate prayer uh that we have here um the prayer card was sitting in my study and asking the lord um what is it that he wants us to do today where is it that he wants us to go because as you know globally we are um experiencing a lot of things around the earth and a lot of us are are dealing with the effects of what's happening in the earth and all of these things are taking place and and so there's so many things that we could be praying about and as i was spending time with the lord uh asking him what is it that he wants us to to do what does he want us to pray about because ultimately we're not coming to him with our list we want to be led by his spirit and so i'm sitting and asking him lord what what is it that's on your heart where where is it that you want us to go how should we pray and there was a simple phrase that just came to me uh in that moment that the lord was speaking he said i want you to express your confidence in me i want you to express your confidence in me and i knew immediately at that moment that one of the greatest ways to express our confidence in god in any circumstance is to give him thanks and to worship him and family this is one of those moments where i recognize that we're in the last month of 2020 and this is our last 6 a.m prayer of 2020 and we can look at all these things and say well we should be praying about this and we should be praying about that but the spirit of god impressed on us strongly i want you to express your confidence in me and i recognize that there are a number of needs there are a number of things that are going on but i want to encourage you in this moment instead of putting a list before god instead of instead of saying i need this and i need that let's let's take a moment in worship let's take a moment to express our confidence in god knowing that he's worked everything out and there's one particular scripture that came to my heart last night i was reading it last night and i want to share it with you and then we're going to enter into this time of worship together and then be led by the spirit of god in prayer it's psalm 121 psalm 121 and you know this probably very well but i just want to read it to us in our hearing to know who our god is i look up to the mountains does my help come from there my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth he will not let you stumble the one who watches over you will not slumber indeed he who watches over israel never slumbers or sleeps the lord himself watches over you the lord stands beside you as your protective shade the sun will not harm you by day nor the moon by night the lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life the lord keeps watch over you as you come and go both now and forever our help comes from the lord our confidence is in the lord our worship belongs to the lord wherever you are in this moment around the world i just want to encourage you would you lift your hands or if you are in your home or and this is a moment where uh you're able to do this you may even get on your knees if you want to but i want you to posture yourself both in your heart but also physically posture yourself in a moment that says lord my confidence is in you my hope is in you and for this i will give you worship i will give you glory i will give you honor i will not withhold from you i will not withhold anything from you because i have a list instead my mind and my heart and my focus and my attention and my devotion it belongs to you and you alone so yes if the spirit of god leads us in a certain direction yes we will pray certain things but before we pray anything i want to encourage you let's worship let's express our confidence in the lord so wherever you are lift up your hands to the lord father we bless you we honor you there is no one like you in all the earth we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory lord hallelujah let's worship family shall i fear whom shall i be afraid the lord is my light in salvation i fear whom shall i be afraid i will wait for you oh i will wait for [Music] wishing i will wait for you [Music] the goodness of the lord yeah i will remain comforted in this i will see the goodness of the lord on check it out the lord is my light in salvation whom shall i fear oh shall i be afraid i know [Music] i will trust i will trust in you oh i'm placing my trust in you lord i will i will trust in you cause you're [Music] this i will say the goodness of the lord i believe it so i will i will remain comforted in your sight we'll see the goodness of the lord i'm gonna see everything you promised i will remain confident this i will see the goodness of the lord everlasting god you are the everlasting god you are the everlasting saint we said [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] god [Music] who is the everlasting god you are the everlasting god just the way you are so you are the everlasting [Music] i will remain comforted in this sight we'll see the goodness of the lord come on with the faith you have can you sing that out i will remain the goodness of no matter what you're facing declare that in faith say i will i will remain confident [Music] [Music] the goodness of the lord oh just lift your hands and worship for a moment we believe we believe in you and your faithfulness oh god yeah come on just lift your voices right where you are just lift praises to jesus just lift honor to god you know who you serve you serve a faithful god you serve a god that never changes so lift your voice and sing oh i trusted you [Music] oh i believe in you i believe in you i remain confident this i will see the goodness of the lord come on just one more time say how i will remain [Music] oh [Music] we believe that today get your hands right where you are thank you jesus father we are confident in you [Music] we declare in this moment that we know who you are [Music] and we are confident in who you are we declare in this moment that we trust you we trust who you are we can trust you because we have confidence in you [Music] we know your track record in our lives we know the victories that you've won we know the battles that you've won we know the bodies that you've healed we know the yokes that you've destroyed we know the chains that you have broken we know the ways that you have made so we lift our hands right now from that place and we just give you glory come on lift your voice right now and glorify him come on lift your voice right now right where you are feel that atmosphere feel that room feel that space come on fill that room right now with the sound of your worship lift your voice to god we give glory to you god we give glory to you god we give glory to your name jesus oh god we give you glory oh god we give you glory oh god we give you glory oh god we revered you come on just a few more seconds we lift your name jesus we lift our voices to you god we lift our voices to you god be glorified god be magnified god you are worthy lord you are worthy lord we give you the glory we were to be praised come on lift your voice and say we give you all say we give [Music] i [Music] [Music] we give you all we give turn that around say we give you all the glory shaking out where you are we give you just for who you are we give glory to the lamb say we give you we give you [Applause] we give you [Music] you are worthy to be praised we worship we worship you our lord you are worthy to be praising it again we worship you our lord you are worthy [Music] [Music] to give you all the glory god we give you all the love god we reverence your prayers we give you all the glory god [Music] you [Music] how we love your praises god [Music] and our response is to give you glory love our response is to give you glory god pour it out before you lord [Music] your worthy worthy god alfred omega beginning at the end you are worthy you are worthy to be afraid one more time shall we give you all [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you are [Music] to be [Music] holy [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is let's exalt him for truly he is worthy to be honored to be adored father we glorify you [Music] we magnify you why don't you just release the words of worship where you are express your love and your gratitude toward our god for all that he is for all that he's been god you are supremely worthy of our adoration and honor nothing shifts the atmosphere like the reality of worship there are a lot of lies in the airwaves but let's put truth in the air by proclaiming and exalting the nature the majesty and the character of our god you are worthy you are holy you are mighty you are majestic there is none like you we exalt you for this is what we were created for we were created to give you glory we were created to give you praise we were created to give you honor we thank you god we thank you god that in a world that is seemingly out of control all is well because you are yet on the throne and because that is your seat that is your purview that is your perspective god we exalt you we set our gaze upon you this morning god we know that in orienting our gaze oh god upon you we see the world as it is and that is under your full complete sovereign control because you are the king of kings you are the lord of lords you are the great i am you are el shaddai you are elohim we glorify you we magnify you we make much of you this morning oh god we give you praise that's it we give you praise we glorify you why don't you lift up your own song right now sing your own song to him sing your own song to him let the spirit lead you [Music] come on that's it right where you are just lift him up just magnify you you might not be typing in the chat right now because you're singing and that's okay be free to sing your own song before him come on let's join the heavenly angels right now in crying holy holy holy is the lord god almighty heaven and earth is full of your glory not just earth heaven but heaven and earth is full of your glory why because your image bearers are giving you glory are giving you honor are giving you praise we are coming into agreement with heaven right now that there is none more righteous there is none more holy there is no one like our god [Music] holy holy holy is the lord god almighty heaven and earth is full of your glory the heaven is your throne earth is your footstool [Music] oh we thank you god holy spirit we ask you in this moment to invade us invade this time invade this space lead us in the worship and exaltation of jesus and everything that we do we avail ourselves to you this morning holy spirit we give you free and total reign we say have your way right now in the name of jesus oh we thank you and we glorify you the one who died for us the one who gave his life for us we thank you jesus for what you've done for us brought us from death to life from darkness to light we give you praise and we give you glory oh thank you father thank you jesus i don't know about you family but we sense the spirit of god in the room whenever you begin to declare who he is the atmosphere shifts and wherever you are whatever you're doing right now again just for a few more moments just put the words of worship in the atmosphere come on there may be things that are vying for your attention there may be things that you're thinking about things that you've got to get to but in this moment the thing that matters more than anything is who our god is and who he's been to us and let us exalt him for a few more seconds god we thank you [Music] we magnify you thank you for all you've done thank you see as you're worshiping fear is leaving fear is leaving as you worship the spirit of fear is leaving i don't know who that's for but i sense that by the spirit of the lord that the spirit of fear that's tried to grip some of you within the last 24 to 48 hours i don't know who it is but maybe you've received some news that tried to grip your heart and calls you to cower into the spirit of fear i believe that thing is being dispelled right now as you exalt jesus as you set your gaze right as you worship and declare what's true not what the enemy is taunting you with but what you as you declare what's true and that's the reality of who our god is the spirit of fear is leaving you right now in the name of jesus i don't know who that's for but i feel like someone on the other side of this camera has been attacked at a level that you've never been attacked and almost anxiety and panic attacks has tried to grip you you've literally lost breath but i hear the spirit of the lord saying that as you worship me i'm going to cause that thing to dissipate because the enemy is trying to overwhelm you with the lies but the truth comes in and part of that truth entering in as you leave you saying out of your mouth who god is i implore you exalt the name of the lord in your room exalt him and as you exalt him that thing is getting ready to shift that thing is getting ready to break off of your life i would say even to add to that right now i feel the holy spirit speaking to whoever that person is you can have confidence in the lamb you can have confidence in the lamb it's so significant that we worship him as the lamb of god because in this season when everything seems to be shifting governments are in an uproar everything seems to be moving relationships are changing all of this has happened it's significant to worship him and know him as the lamb because when you understand that the lamb of god is the one whose perfection made covenant relationship for you available with god the one who established your position in heaven the one who set your name down in the book of life that's the lamb the one whose government is forever never changing changing whose kingdom is without end that is the lamb the one who stands right now in authority to speak over your life and give confidence in your situation that is the lamb it is significant that you worship him as the lamb in the midst of a season of so many things changing he is unchanging his blood was shed and it is forever raining his covenant was established and it's never changing his kingdom is here it is now and it is forever expanding you can have confidence in the lamb he is he is not one who is shifting he is not one who is moving so even now as we say worthy is the lamb you are singing out where your confidence is established it's not established in some arbitrary idea it's established in the reality that the lamb is reigning and he loves you he loves you he is not one who is who is unaware of what is touching your life right now who is unaware of the realities of your testing no he is the lamb who has been tried in every way that you have and yet without sin he is one who is a high priest who understands what you are going through right now you can have confidence in the lamb yeah when i think about that picture of jesus being the lamb the perfect sacrifice obviously we see in scripture there are many many descriptions of who our god is and who jesus is but that the picture of the lamb is is that which is of sacrifice which means family he gave of his very self for you it is the reason you and i have life because he laid his life down and the scripture says this [Music] if he did that for us how much more will he not freely give us all things if he was willing to lay down his very life for us the reality is he did the ultimate thing so every other lesser thing is contained in that he is not going to withhold anything else from you because he was willing to give the ultimate thing for you and that's his very life and so family as you think about that if he gave his life for you why would he not give you peace if he gave his very life for you why would he not give you confidence if he gave his very life for you why would he absorb and take away the spirit of fear or the spirit of infirmity everything that you need him to be he has been and will be to you but it comes through this revelation of sacrifice that is the place where it starts because the bible says that jesus was slain before the very foundation of the world in other words he was the lamb before he was every other thing the foundation of every other thing that we need started with a place of sacrifice which is a testimony to say this whatever you need me to be i will be to you because the greatest thing you needed me to be i've already been for you and so whatever you're struggling with right now i need you to understand the totality of what god has done for you in christ jesus and from that place let confidence arise for you to make your request known unto him so whatever your need is this morning i want you to go ahead and type that in the chat go ahead and say god i need you to be this for me today i need you to be this in my life and what is the foundation what does our confidence come from to ask it is grounded in the reality that he did the ultimate thing so we know he will not withhold the lesser so whatever you're dealing with whatever you're struggling with whatever your need is go ahead and ask him for it ask him to be that to you in this moment he will withhold no good thing for those of us who walk uprightly and i know when we quote that scripture we think about what we've done but ultimately that scripture really talks about those who who have been made right it's not that we are right we have been made right and because we have been justified made right by god we have been justified by him he will withhold no good thing from us so whatever you need right now go ahead and put that there so we can begin to pray and ask our god who who is the the ultimate who has done the ultimate thing for us for every other thing that we need i think it's important to i feel right now there's probably someone listening and you're like you guys don't understand my situation this is just one more thing where i'm i'm involved in this prayer time and i get it and i love the lord but is this just christian posturing is this just a more religious jargon i want to just tell you that the arms of the blood are not short now what do i mean by that what i mean by that is the blood of the lamb is the solution in every circumstance the bible literally says that they overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony there's a reality that no matter what your situation is the blood has provided the blood has provided the arms the hands the reaching ability of the blood of the lamb it's not too short for your situation it's not too weak for your situation it doesn't matter what you're facing right now it doesn't even matter the internal resistance of you guys don't know he knows and he knew when he shed his blood he knew the price that needed to be paid before you ever knew the problem you would face and he paid it the blood is available to you it is something i think sometimes we overlook we we know that it's there but we don't call on it we know that it's been provided but we don't trust in it and i want to tell you family that jesus was not unaware of your circumstance when he set his plan into motion god was not without awareness of how your life would play out when he prepared the sacrifice necessary to provide for you he has made a way the blood is available to you it is the very power you need to overcome whatever you're facing right now just go ahead and begin to pray for people i'm gonna let you lead that off father god right now in jesus name thank you lord i pray for a supernatural confidence in the sacrifice of jesus by the power of the holy spirit awaken us to confidence in the power of the sacrifice of jesus that the blood of jesus pays every price that you were not unaware of our situation when you died on that cross when you shed your blood you were not unaware of our circumstances what our problem would be or what our sin would be or what our our issue would be or even what our sickness would be you knew what it would be and you shed your blood and it paid it in full and so i ask by by miracle of the holy spirit that that be awakened in our heart right now god let every problem that we are facing right now seem so insignificant as dust in in comparison to the power of your blood that that lord it is our faith being awakened to the reality of the reign of the lamb you are in complete control you are on the throne and we are overcoming by the blood of the lamb let us be awakened now jesus yes god we thank you for that we thank you for confidence arising in your people not based on circumstance but based on the overarching reality of what you've already done for us it is from that place god that you do every other thing and so father as we see these needs being being communicated in the chat right now some for healing some for financial means some for uh deliverance and breakthrough and got all these things we ask you to meet every need right now in the name of jesus we thank you father for being wisdom and strength we thank you for being clarity for people we thank you for being healing oh god for people we ask you to do it we ask of god that you would speak to people at another level at a clearer level god that they would hear your voice like never before because there are some of god that have been facing confusion and feeling like they don't know which way to go and how how to do certain things and how to make decisions god we ask you by the power of the holy spirit to be clarity for them oh god we thank you for this we thank you for being a restorer of all things we thank you for restoration in marriages and in homes oh god and in families oh god all across the nation and around the world we thank you for being that oh god to us we thank you o god for healing we thank you right now i'm seeing a lot of people talk about the need for healing and so we're praying for healing right now in the name of jesus that whatever your ailment is whatever your dis-ease is whatever your issue is right now that god would heal and touch your body right now in the name of jesus often we see in the scriptures where jesus would heal as a testament of his ultimate ability to do away with sin and so as we've laid the foundation in the of the reality that he is the lamb that was slain that took away our sin and our stain we are asking that he would also prove that or confirm that to us with miracles signs and wonders in this moment that the healings that are happening would point to the greater reality of what he's done that they would be a signpost that points to what he's done and so father i pray right now that you would call signs to to flow all across this world in the name of jesus i thank you for healing backs and necks oh god and regulating blood pressure and and blood sugar oh god i thank you o god for healing kidneys oh god i thank you for healing tumors oh god in the name of jesus we thank you for that oh god we know that healing is the children's bread and so we thank you god for disseminating healing all across this nation god we need you if one thing is clear for us in this world right now it is that we need you and father we know that we can come to you in our time of need and so father we approach you asking you for these things knowing that we are asking according to your will and so father nothing that we ask of you you you don't have the power to do you have the power to meet every single need and so we ask you to do that right now in the name of jesus oh god for every person watching we ask you oh god to shift oh god lies all across this nation oh god we know that the enemy has been ravaging the people of god in all sorts of ways and father right now we decree and we declare oh god that you would put a stop to the ravaging of the accuser of the brother of god that's literally tormenting and taunting minds and spirits all across this nation god we pray for the peace of god to rise up big for the peace of god to rise up strong flood homes oh god with your peace flood offices with your peace flood kitchens with your peace oh god flood cars with your peace we thank you for this in the name of jesus i pray god that you would be the door to your people i pray that you would be the door of advancement to your people i pray that you would be the door of opportunity to your people those that feel like they're stuck i don't know who you are you feel like you've been stuck in a mode and you can't advance i pray right now that god would open up doors for you supernatural doors for you to walk through that you wouldn't see this season as a limitation but you would see it as a as a as a catalyst catalyst in this season the god will shift you forward so fast in the name of jesus that even in your business in your finances god would open up doors you've tried to do it in your own spirit but i hear the spirit of the lord saying ask me ask me ask me see won't i do it see won't i do it ask me see when i do it i hear that in the area financial breakthrough ask me see what i want i do it ask him right now in the name of jesus ask him to multiply your resources to give you advancement and opportunities why will he do it because he's a good papa and he loves his children but if you will ask him i i i tell you by the spirit of the lord you're going to see doors open in the name of jesus i think right now even as pastor jason said he's a good papa i think it just spurred something in my spirit that i want to share with you that i really feel like the lord is saying the lamb is with your children the lamb is with your children i think 2020 has been hard on all of us but i think sometimes we overlook the reality of how difficult it's been on our children he is completely engaged in the concerns of your children can i just pray real quick for your children lord god even now is your healing even now as you're moving let us as parents have confidence that you are walking among our children lord even when we don't know what to do even though there are many times as parents we've been thrown into situations we were not prepared for this year the lamb has been with our children you're protecting their hearts you're protecting their minds i say right now in jesus name no scars from 2020 will go forward with our children they will be free of all baggage and scars from 2020 they will not live in fear they will not live uh uh within trepidation they will not live in in an uncertainty no they will be confident because the lamb is with their children god i ask you to come now and even let your presence fill the rooms where our children may be sleeping right now let your holy spirit minister to their hearts into their minds and give us grace as parents father that we can show them who you are that we could show them who you are that like we've been awakened today they would be awakened and they would have confidence in the lamb i thank you holy spirit even now that you're among our children in jesus name father thank you for this thank you for this god i come into agreement with my brother that your presence would overshadow every son and every daughter in every blood-bought household represented here this morning god that you would overshadow them with your presence father we pray for divine encounters all across this world for children that they would have encounters with you god we thank you for this we thank you that the light of the glory of the lord god will show up in bedrooms all over this world that the person of jesus would enter into nurseries into the rooms of little ones into rooms of teenagers god that you would go direct that you would even bypass god our sometimes broken attempts god that you would literally reveal yourself to them in in undeniable ways that they would have marking moments oh god that even before this year close as god we would hear reports of children encountering you god i believe that this prayer pleases you for this is what you want to do you are putting this on our hearts by the power of the holy spirit under the inspiration of the holy spirit to pray this right now that you would overshadow our children god i even pray for my own kids god that they would have supernatural encounters with you things that would cause them to see and sense and feel and know your goodness that once they've tasted of you they will never go back father we thank you for this that you will confirm callings in our children's this year and i know we know it's december god but that's nothing for you but we are asking god this has been a crazy year for so many but god wouldn't it just be like you that before the period is placed on this year you would blow our minds with something extraordinary and god i think the extraordinary would be that you would literally touch children all over this nation i want you to put the name if you have a child maybe you're a god parent maybe you're an aunt or a foster parent put the name of your child in the chat just their first name or even their initials you'd have to put their old name and just ask god to touch them right now wherever they are just ask god to touch them our kids need an encounter with the lord i often think about the world that my kids are going to face and sometimes that can bring a level of fear for honest but then i'm quickly reminded of the power of god that i saw the power of god that we see in the scriptures and i know that god is preparing them for something and i think it is good in that it's right for us to pray that they would have supernatural encounters with the spirit of god i know for me it changed me having encounters with god when i was young it changed me pastor william and i are spending time before the lord apart and together seeking the lord those things are why we why we are here today that god revealed himself to us in scripture and then in worship and in times of encounter that our kids would have those same encounters and even greater that god would give them the capacity and expand their ability to perceive and know who god is that they would be a beacon of light in their generation pointing to the ultimate light all the way we thank you for that i see you putting your your names of your kids in the chat keep doing that i believe god's breathing on this right now i believe even as your kids are sleeping even as pastor matt prayed that the spirit of god is touching them touching them we pray for disorders in children right now that would just be removed learning disorders abnormalities behavioral disorders adhd add all of those things we pray for shifting why because the spirit of god is greater and when the spirit of god rests on a life he can do what doctors say can't be done he can regulate what we're trying to prescribe medicine for so i ask the spirit of god right now to touch your children at a deep level i pray that behaviors even personalities will shift because the spirit of god rests on your kids you may have said this kid is this way or that way but you're going to see a shift in that child because he got a new nature we're praying even for the salvation of kids all over this world parents let's be honest sometimes and and caregivers let's be honest sometimes what what we what we're seeing in our kids is they need a new nature they don't need new behaviors they need a new nature and so father we pray that you give new natures to children all over this world right now that you would save mightily in homes all across this world [Music] thank you jesus i just i just feel right now quickly begin if if you have not experienced it yet begin to pray daily for the salvation of your children and when i'm speaking of that i mean seeing them come to saving faith in jesus christ i believe right now the lord is opening up an opportunity for you to partner with him and seeing your children come to know the lord jesus christ not just in a head knowledge but in a heart knowledge and hear me parents do not diminish their ability to know him don't think that because they're three or four or five or six that the spirit of god cannot communicate himself to them make this opportunity available and i believe right now i'm just going to quickly pray over that that you as parents would see the salvation of your children that you would even before the year is out even have opportunity i know this was a one of the greatest honors of my life was in the opportunity of praying with one of my sons to receive jesus i want you to know it's the greatest thing on the in the world so let's just pray real quick that the lord would do that lord i ask right now that you would be with these parents that you would give them strength and wisdom to partner with you in praying and seeing the results of the salvation of their children that their children would come to saving faith knowing you as their personal lord and savior that this is not just about their mental state or anything like that but like pastor jason said that they will receive an entirely new nature because of the new relationship that they have with the holy spirit give us wisdom as parents so that we can recognize the moments that the lord is moving and capitalize on those moments in partnership with you to see the hearts of our children shifted to make you the lord and the savior in the highest value of their life in jesus name father we thank you for that we thank you for that i just sense the lord moving on your kids man i'm looking reading i'm seeing all these names in the chat and i believe god's gonna do something extraordinary in the life of our children they are not to be left out of the covenantal promises of god and i believe some of you are getting ready to see fruit in areas and some of kids that you thought man i don't know what else to do i really feel the spirit of the lord speaking to parents that have been struggling with a particular child feeling like i don't know which way to go the lord said bring them to me bring them to me and watch what i will do i'll tell you a quick story um we have 10 kids as some of you know every time i think i say that it it it engenders a laugh or a snicker um one of my sons uh yesterday we got a text from uh a parent um of one of his friends and um she was talking about the fact that her kids which are her kids are friends of my boys were getting ready to take um some tests and they were talking about it you know my boy and her boys were talking about a test that they were getting to take for school and she was telling us that their her boys were so excited because my son stopped to pray for them before they took the test and they did well and that was just a moment of rejoicing you know in our life from from from this standpoint we were watching our son do what he's he's seen us do which was taking issue to jesus and i i can tell you this kid wasn't always like this but we are seeing a shift even in his behavior why because he's having an encounter with god both individually and even within the context our family as we open up the scripture and teach who jesus isn't point to who jesus was let me say this the greatest job that you can do for your kids is pointing to who jesus is it is not pointing to yourself parents when you get frustrated with your kids they are not breaking your law they're breaking god's law and it is such an unhelpful thing when we point to ourselves as they're offending us no they've broken the law of god you constantly have to keep the lord before them we see this in deuteronomy where moses told the children of israel to always point back to god and that's the greatest thing that we can do for our kids is constantly point them to jesus and i just sense by the spirit some of you are getting ready to see shifts in your children ask the spirit of god to make you ready for the shift and what i mean by that is sometimes when a pattern of behavior has been a certain way let's be honest we tend to label our own kids or come to see them a certain way and they can't break out of that box but i'm asking the spirit of god to give you new eyes for what he's getting ready to do in your child so that you can see the fruit and celebrate it that you can see the progress and speak to it that you won't look for just the old confirmation of who they were who they were who they are you will confirm and affirm the change that is being borne by the spirit of god so i believe that many of you i didn't know that we would go this way i didn't i didn't know that we would land here but i i believe that there's great hope and faith arising in families all across this nation and around this world right now as it relates to our children they are not to be forgotten they are to be included in on the promises of god and it is a befitting thing we see the apostle paul over and over again always talking about how he was mentioning the believers who were in his care in their prayers it is a befitting thing for us as as as caregivers and as parents and as teachers and and all sorts of people who steward children for us to constantly mention them in our prayers asking the spirit of god to complete the work on the inside of them that what we are asking for for ourselves that we would walk in purpose and walk in fullness and all those things that we pray that we would also extend that prayer to the lord on behalf of our children [Music] thank you jesus [Music] as we always say we're led by the spirit in prayer the spirit of god has led us into this moment and is still connected to expressing our confidence in god meaning that the things that we're praying now we know that he answers because we have confidence in him there's no one that he cannot reach nothing that he cannot do and it's a good thing for us to continue to not only take encounters for ourselves but to extend those encounters and say father don't let it just be for me let it be generational let it not just be a personal encounter that i have but let it be generational lord i want to encounter you i want my children to encounter you i want my children's children to encounter you and in these next few moments i know that we are a little bit over an hour but we've done that all year as we've been virtual in these next few moments i want to encourage you just one more time to as an expression of your confidence to the lord in this moment to one more time let's worship him we may pray about one more thing before we we depart today from being gathered together but i just want you to express your confidence and worship just one more time i'm gonna ask the team to sing this together as we're saying i will exalt you come on let's do it [Music] you are [Music] you [Music] come on wherever you are can you join them in this thing one more time i will insult you [Music] i don't want them to sing it like this morning i want you to sing it real out of your house come on say i will exalt say i will exalt you [Music] come on just one more time [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you ought to declare this because you're with [Music] i me not fear [Music] me [Music] i wanted to say that one more time i just sent something the lord is doing saying because come on say because you're with me [Music] [Music] [Music] because you're with me because you're with me [Music] i [Music] it's interesting sometimes in the place of corporate prayer hundreds of people can be gathered around the world and hundreds or thousands of people can be gathered together in a room and we'll be singing a particular refrain over and over and over and at times you wonder why we're doing that or why that can be happening it's not just because of being repetitive or not knowing what to do but at times what the lord is literally doing is he's imprinting something upon a heart he's imprinting something upon a heart someone who did not have the strength to to declare or to believe a particular declaration what he literally does is he imprints it on the heart and an imprint on the heart is something that is immovable not movable once it's there uh it's i don't even have time to go into that but there's a particular individual watching i don't know who you are or where you are watching from but as we were singing that um you're actually facing some sort of procedure or surgery or something like that that's coming up um because of something that's happening in your body and there is a significant amount of fear that has been in you or trepidation or concern that has been in you because of this thing that is coming up and as a result as we begin to sing this song it administered deeply to you and i don't know who you are but the lord has us corporately saying this moment to imprint this upon your heart to say to you that he is with you to say to you that he is with you the spirit of god is literally stopping this entire moment corporately to say to a particular individual who's getting ready to enter into some sort of procedure because of your um and you have a lot of trepidation that he's stopping this moment to say i'm letting you know that i am with you and i want to declare to you that he is with you and you have no reason to fear he is with you and you have no reason to fear you are going to come out on the other side of this there's someone else watching now this may seem so general uh to you that you're saying okay you're just throwing this out there but this is what the spirit of god is saying there's someone else out there you have a loved one that has coveted and as a result um of the the complications they're going through you are you are also sensing a level of unease and unsettled name them through he's going to bring them through he's going to bring them through so i don't know who specifically that was concerning the procedure but the lord himself is saying some things to you now and so i if i were you i'd grab a hold of that i'd grab a hold of that um i sometimes i'll have you say you know it's me or something like that but what i really want you to do is grab a hold of it i mean you don't necessarily have to identify yourself uh but but the lord himself is identifying you he's identifying you and so it may not necessarily be that you say okay everybody it's me it's not even that the lord himself is identifying you he's singling this out he's saying do not be afraid and so we're going to sing this again to imprint this upon the heart he's going we're going to sing this again to imprint this upon the heart so that you can begin to declare this in faith because you're with me because you're with me because you're with me because you're with me i will not fear because you're with me [Music] because you're with me [Music] so father right now i thank you that our brothers have already prayed pastor jason and pastor matt concerning healing father we join our faith again in this moment and we say and we ask you to release your healing power to your people across the nations of the earth i pray that right now by the power of the holy spirit you'd release your healing power across the nations of the earth and people who are watching praying from around the world either now live or even in a replay lord we know that there's no distance in prayer and you know all things and so father i ask you now in the name of jesus to release your healing power to your people release your healing power to your people wow somebody just said i'm sitting outside of a surgical center right now in the procedures in a few minutes wow lord i pray bring them through bring them through your promise your promise there is no reason to fear i thank you that right now you show yourself show yourself to them show yourself to them now show yourself to them now that you are with them you are with them and there is no reason to fear there is no reason to fear there is no reason to fear father i pray in jesus name move by the power of your spirit move by the power of your spirit for them and for everyone else for them and for everyone else moved by the power of your spirit in the name of jesus we say be healed we say be healed to everyone dealing with any level of sickness in their body we say be healed in the name of jesus be healed in the name of jesus and father i thank you even now for causing your presence to be revealed to people across the world your presence is being revealed even right now father release us into encounters reveal your presence i pray in the name of jesus reveal your presence now in the name of jesus let your people experience the reality of your presence even now in the name of jesus let your people experience the reality of your presence even now i pray in jesus name lord that that which has been causing a level of anxiety even breaks off of people even now father i thank you that even as our brothers prayed already that your peace that your peace literally floods every area where anxiety has been around father i thank you that your peace is even flooding areas right now that people are experiencing the reality of your presence even right now and father i thank you that you caused lord even what it seem like a dark cloud around some lord to dissipate now and to go even as we are in your presence in this moment i thank you that there is literally breakthrough that is taking place you are breaking out and breaking into even minds that have been closed hearts that have been closed that have been filled with a level of anxiety father i thank you that even now you are releasing your peace you are releasing your presence you are revealing your presence you are releasing peace and revealing your presence to your people father we thank you we thank you we thank you for what you're doing in this moment we thank you for what you are doing in this moment even right now father i thank you for confirming your word i thank you for moving by the power of your spirit even in this moment lord i thank you that as people are worshiping you they are beginning to sense the reality of your presence even now in the name of jesus thank you jesus family i'm going to encourage you just we're going to close out this time together the lord is continuing to to speak and to touch but i want us to get so lost in our worship in this moment that we forget our list the rest of our list we're about to forget it because we are again going to express our confidence in the lord and i i'm i'm reminded of the story uh of the ten lepers and of course we know that one comes back to thank jesus but there was something just the lord brought to my attention uh that i never considered before being a leper in those days uh of course you were afflicted with the physical illness but there was also the the economic uh economic implications of not being able to work and being outside of the city and notice that when the man went back to jesus he didn't ask him for another thing but he took a moment to stop and say thank you he could have asked him for more he could say god will you would you restore my finances and would you place me back in my societal position and would you restore the things that i've lost but but his he was so preoccupied with thanksgiving and thing thank you to jesus that literally in that moment jesus responds to him and says your faith has made you well which we know is there was a salvation uh that took place in the man and family i want to encourage us in this moment we have seen the lord begin to call out things by word of knowledge and he's he we've prayed for our children and he's released peace and he's released healing and and all sorts of things in our midst and there may be other things that you say lord i still need you to do this and i still need you to do that but i want us in this next few moments as the team just continues to exalt the lord through song i want us to express our confidence in such a way where we forget our list where we forget all the things that we seemingly we can bring to the lord we're not going to treat god like santa claus well we're going to come to him and as we remember his character as we remember his nature the things in our list you're going to discover that as you worship the lord you're going to realize that his character is taking care of your needs that his faithfulness is taking care of your needs that that literally who he is you're going to realize that oh that's already taken care of because of who my god is and we refuse in the presence of the lord to exalt our list over his nature we refuse in the presence of the lord to exalt our needs over who he is so one more time would you lift up your voice would you lift up your hands and would you again express your confidence in the lord and get so lost in worship that you forget all the other things forget all the other needs forget all the other desires this is ours our affection is upon the lord our attention's upon him and we choose to exalt him team why don't you lift up that to him right now [Music] lift it up to the lord one more time this is where our attention is this is come on nice and big why don't you lift it up to the lord right where you are sing it out [Music] you are higher you are greater we forget our needs as we stare at you lord everything is found in your presence lord [Music] come on it's rising in you as we close it out lift it up to the lord when i get bad news this is what i'm gonna do when i don't have solutions this is what i'm going to do [Music] we confess this lord [Music] so father we thank you that as we've expressed our confidence in you as we've taken the intentional posture to look to you lord you have answered our prayers you have met our needs and you have spoken concerning the things that were upon our hearts and upon our minds lord we refuse to take a posture of of selfishness and self-seeking in your presence but we choose to set our attention upon you father i pray that this would settle upon our hearts for you must be inviting us to believe you for something great and you must be giving us the peace the confidence and the courage to face the future if you would invite us to fix our confidence and express our confidence in you lord we express our confidence in you because we have a track record with you you have been faithful and you have been good as we close out this time lord you have been with us every single morning we've gathered to lift up our voice to you in prayer and worship and we take a moment to thank you because we will not be a people who will take your presence for granted we will not take be a people who just assume that you will show up amongst the people but every time we have gathered you have been faithful to meet us here and so we thank you and for the rest of this time for the rest of this month and for the rest of our days we will give you thanks and give you glory you are worthy of it all father i pray that we would not adopt the spirit of the season which looks to to serve itself and looks for what it can get but father i pray that we would be a people who look upward and fix our gaze upon you and give you thanks and praise may praise fill our lips fill our homes and fill our hearts we thank you for being with us and meeting us here and meeting us now and father we ask you just again i don't know i saw you on the chat we're going to say it again lord i thank you for that individual who is stepping in to that surgery father i thank you that just as you brought your people through the red sea you are going to bring that individual through and they will have the testimony of your faithfulness even as you release peace to them now lord be with us continue to meet us even in our homes continue to meet our children and lord we will continue to exalt you we give you the glory and praise in jesus name amen amen amen amen thank you lord thank you lord well family we're going to give you just a moment as you are signing off your chat and going into your day to enter into this day with worship enter into this day with worship expressing your confidence in the lord knowing that he has taken care of everything that he is god who is seated on the throne his position is unchallenged and unchangeable he is god and god alone bless your family as you enter into your day wherever you are no matter where you are in the world take this moment with you and let's worship him all day expressing our confidence in him be blessed family [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Deeper Fellowship Church
Views: 5,797
Rating: 4.969697 out of 5
Id: j5qy1JgCZbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 13sec (5893 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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