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everywhere whether you are inside outside you're following online pray in the spirit mazu bahasa balakata [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] please pray don't be distracted [Music] foreign pray in the spirit foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign please make sure you are praying don't mind the weakness of your flesh you go ahead and pray hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah please pair yourselves into two if you can and for the next few minutes i just want you to hold your hands of that neighbor and begin to pray in the spirit let your attention be on jesus and your destiny no destruction foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign hallelujah hallelujah [Music] father i insist that i must have an encounter tonight lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray i insist i insist i must have an encounter tonight allah [Music] something must fall upon me tonight that will cause my generation to hear your voice through my legs the lord is opening my eyes and i'm seeing a dog this is what i'm seeing in the spirit i'm seeing a dog and i'm seeing it resting on people i see the number 34 34 that dog is a representation of a dimension of the holy spirit i stretch my hands right now 34 that anointing is finding you now 34 people inside this place and outside right now please help them i stretch my hands right now the spirit of the living gods you don't have to bring them out just just even if you have to bring them out don't bring them at the minister stand here you can just keep them somewhere there i stretch my hands right now that anointing is coming on someone right now coming on someone's life coming on someone's life you will never be the same you will never be the same [Music] you will never be the same hallelujah i'm seeing something that i saw yesterday at our miracle service i'm seeing calls of fire we're going to sit down shortly but i'm seeing calls of fire and i'm seeing it being dropped on the hands of people and as i'm saying it right now physically you are going to feel that fire on your head right now it's happening to people not everybody but i'm stretching my hands that's fire the spirit of revival is in this place [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] the spirit of prophecy we're going to sit down shortly just let me do what i'm doing the spirit of prophecy in fact i'm even seeing people outside not even those in the auditorium i'm seeing the spirit of prophecy and literally right now people within here and outside people are going to begin to laugh in the spirit and they will begin to prophesy right now i release that grace please i release that grace just the symbol let me here right now i stretch my hands in the name of jesus i stretch my hands please help them just bring them to the front and keep them whether you're an usher or not please help them so they don't destroy anything right now i stretch my hands the spirit of prophecy bring them out somewhere here in the name of jesus you call it a total experience that creates that grace that grace in the name of jesus christ i release me [Music] me [Music] [Music] spirit of the living god we're here for a total experience you have put it upon the heart of your servant the angel of this house to shift your people into seasons in the spirit and to shift this church to shift this city [Music] the grace for this meeting in the name that is above all names as i teach your word tonight let there be a supernatural activity of angels call men oh god into deep dimensions in the streets there be an initiation into dimensions and levels of spiritual understanding of power of grace [Music] in the name of jesus let's just be silent for a minute if you can except just for those under the anointing [Music] the spirit of the living god is shifting us shifting us [Music] shifting us i'm seeing a shift in the spirit it's like a wheel that is blowing a shift it's an experience you will never forget whether you are online at the sunday school outside let that shift happen we're spiritual people we allow that shift to happen salah culture seeker that shift is happening right now in the spirit i shall pour out my spirit upon all flesh [Music] your sons thank you sam your daughters will prophesy [Music] just a few minutes and we'll be seated this is why we're here lord is opening spiritual eyes the lord is opening spiritual eyes i'm seeing a notebook and a byron it's a manifestation of the spirit of revelation [Music] never will you see things just from a physical standpoint you will begin to see the spirit behind operations tonight the holy spirit is revealing himself in this place as fire [Music] is a mystery that we must understand fire while my physical eyes are closed my eyes are open in the spirit fire is a mystery that refines is a mystery that proves is a mystery that separates is a mystery that purifies is a mystery that burns and is a mystery that makes [Music] blow blow blow like a mighty wing spirit of victory cover us with your wings low low blow like a mighty wing spirit of victory cover us with your wings please blow blow blow like a mighty wind spirit of victory cover us with your wings blow low blow like a mighty [Music] like [Music] [Music] bless our hearts oh god in the name of jesus let your word prevail let there be a break-in tonight let you be pruning tonight let there be a refining tonight let there be a lifting tonight let there be healings tonight let there be deliverance tonight let there be prophecies tonight let there be impartations tonight let there be turnarounds tonight let there be decisions tonight let there be restorations tonight in the name of jesus please be seated and be sensitive while you do so fast thank you so much it's my pleasure may the lord bless you household of david i love you with all my heart my spirit is fired up it's my joy to be here i appreciate all of us who are here i want to commend your pastor for the sacrifice of engaging the church to pray and seek the face of god let me tell you something brothers and sisters you see one of the secrets one of the secrets of impact okay it doesn't matter if like pastor said um don't worry even if those outside they just need to hear me and connect you just tell them they don't necessarily have to come in if they can i know they would want to come in but trust me trust me there is the only difference between those inside and outside spiritually speaking is convenience hallelujah we get to points in our lives where [Music] we need to take out time with god please concern no matter how great you are no matter how anointed you are no matter how blessed you are for as long as you are walking upon this earth please listen let me have your attention times come not once not twice in your life where you will need to dedicate moments not a day are we together to seek the face of god not just because it's a routine but because the urgency that surrounds the season of your life one of the keys to shifting people to the next level is that god begins to put a burden in them for the secret place he won't tell you yet that this is what is happening to you all of a sudden you will sense an unusual hunger when a season has come in your life usually you find out that the urge to stay alone that calling into the secret place are we together now is already a sign is an indication by the spirit that you are wrapping up an old season and you are about to enter a new one listen but this is also the area where satan has mastery if you miss that junction it can cost you sometimes another 10 years to turn around and get back to that level satan doesn't just attack people every day no he waits for these high road seasons he knows remember he was once the light bearer and he knows that men move in faces and seasons so if he failed to stop you when you were born then he will be waiting for you when you need to go to the cross he doesn't just attack every day he left jesus and said i know another moment when i will meet him that's why god will usually says fast it's not just a religious activity no it's because you are building capacity for the seasons there are many things in our lives brothers and sisters that demand extended periods of waiting upon the lord you see not every decision in your life has equal implication you don't need to fast to know what clothes to wear you just need common sense and a sense of convenience are we together but there are major decisions lord who do i settle down for the rest of my life with lord do i relocate in lagos or go abroad there are many people the devil destroyed them by giving them visas are we together they found their way out of the will of god just because a visa was stamped on their passport they believed it was the will of god it takes sensitivity to know what is favorable and what is deception because they all look the same is god speaking to us tonight lord do i get into ministry do i quit that joke look there are sensitive decisions in our lives that the the entire religions of our lives and destinies are tied to them you don't make those decisions sleeping when jesus needed to select 12 men who would walk with him for three years and later become the apostles of the lamb that the foundations of the new heaven will be built after their names that even the foundations of the new jerusalem carries the name of the 12 apostles the bible says he stayed up night praying because with your eyes you will see earlier and think he's the anointed of god do you know that walking in the flesh is the major reason why people never become relevant to a generation the flesh is deceptive the flesh will tell you this is god and everything in your life will prove that it is god until you wait you will see the deception of the flesh there is something about waiting not just praying waiting many pray but we don't wait to wait doesn't just mean to pray to wait means to wait are we together now yes pastor is amazing the destiny decisions that people take laughing they take it drinking minerals i i like this lady can i go and see your parents and this gentleman wants to live for 40 years it's not a degree that even if you don't like you just close your eyes and do it and throw away the certificate [Music] when satan knows that isaac is coming he will push hagar very fast because he knows if god wants to give you 20 million next week the devil will give you two million now five five naira so that it looks plenty too distracting for you to go and say no our generation has lost the act of waking until that's why we don't have convictions because you see when you when you get information from conviction you will die there i had god i know what i saw [Music] but this person you married how come you don't have a child i know what i had i was not taking minerals it was not in a beauty contest that i found her i would die here marry another wife for where the god that showed me that vision let that god bring the child conviction today you see someone start a ministry and after two years or five members he just says look looks like that when i just won at the msc to my degree so that i can just get a job as though it was lack of a job that took him to the vineyard no conviction because we hardly respect the secret place many things happened here my brothers and my sisters hear me you never change a generation if you do not understand the power of waiting there are cairo seasons in our lives times every time in a student's life is required to be serious but when wyak is coming close he is not just serious it's an opportune time is with that result he can go to the university so it's true that you should read every day but during wire you see students with all kinds of skills coffee um cold water and nobody tells them eyes too much they say you better take that coffee and sit down and study because it's an opportune time listen not everything can be recovered at the same time listen listen some recoveries even if they come the challenges they have created is something you may have to live with forever [Music] are we together now and it becomes more dangerous when you are a shepherd because you see it's easy to be a follower you just need to be sure and trust that the leader is hearing god if he trusts you somewhere you call god and say lord i i follow this man diligently look at where he took me now but when you are a leader you have to be sure you are hearing god because you see there is a way that cement right onto a man but it is the end so you can be thinking you are right for 10 years then the 11th year you find out you are wrong but within those 10 years you have mentored people along your error and then by the 11th year you don't know how to turn nuns that's saying sorry you're high so the boastful statement i made in year 8 and 9 was still alive [Music] are we together now the bible says even the young men listen carefully even the young men will be weary the youth will utterly fall [Music] very critical decisions and we go on the internet what to do ministry of business enter and we smile and then we sit down and wonder why god cannot trust us with the grace for a generation listen it's one thing to have the anointing upon you as a believer it's another thing to have the anointing upon you according to the office that god has called you but it's another thing to have the anointing for god's emphasis in a generation listen these are three levels of the anointing you can have the anointing as a believer you can have the anointing with your office but for every move of god god finds men who have aligned enough and there is a grace that's why i can be anointed but a season will come you'll know i'm not in god's program in that season i'm anointed but for whatever reason you know that in this season this man did not align himself to be featured in god's program [Music] is god speaking to us so when you see god corporately calling a church to pray and fast my brothers and my sisters is not a time to mourn forget about what happens to your outward man you see we we are very carnal generation and it's not an insult it's a description is the reason why inconvenience touches us too much just because you are losing weight just because of a little inconvenience just because there is no ac just because while you are worshiping your trials and tears you know all this we are so embarrassed we carry our entire ego and put it upon it when a student is going to write exam if you are rushing to go and write your final paper and your wig removes [Music] and the door is about to be short please talk to me intelligent people do you do you just understand the gentlemen are going to laugh at me there is a desperation requirement that you must have for the gates of destiny to be open there is a requisite level of desperation over god desperation that is greater than the comfort of your body desperation that is greater than the comfort of your belly desperation that is greater than your reputation desperation that is greater than name are we together so when you set yourself to seek his face the devil will bring all kinds of nuances around your life oh a new movie just came out a new this and that god says now remember you are in the season that person is not in their season so they can afford to be jealous and play around but you are in this season [Music] while we're you know in the plane coming i was so tired i barely slept this morning and then we had to head for the airport and then i just laid down and the holy ghost spoke to me he said son you are entering your season of glory it's not my word you can receive it but i'm telling you what god told me you see the moment god said that what do you think a wise christian should do just jump hallelujah no that you wore a good warfare because when that announcement comes the devil hears it too you are not the only one who had it and satan was all right you are entering your season of glory what can we use to abort this season can be aborted yes sir the lord was in this place and i knew not that means my time of visitation should have come but something happened there was a lot of carelessness in my spirit that's why you find certain people they can do well in a particular season even in ministry then they get to a level they never move again they miss the season i tell you that's what happened because you see sometimes the comfort of success can blind you from knowing when seasons come you can i mean it is easy to fast when when you don't have enough to eat you you have a justification that is already tilted towards fasting so you can as well just fast but what happens when you are comfortable [Music] it's harder to see god when you have results than when you do it [Music] so i assume that all the people inside here and outside are people who are truly passionately seeking god there are meetings where you must love god to come if you really came for that meeting then you love god [Music] are we together [Music] it takes hunger it takes hunger my brothers and my sisters this glorious power this grace that we see god is not a magician it doesn't just fall on people don't mind people who just make it look like you just go and fetch it anywhere no sir not everything in the kingdom is a gift i've told you this there are things that are rewards there is no shortcut to it no matter how healthy a woman is is nine months straight you don't give back to a child no matter how healthy the child is you don't give back to a child who just jumps down and says i'm so healthy no whether you give back to the child in a hospital in buckingham palace is going to be from crying to soaking and then grow some things in life cannot be horrid you have to just pass through it what you don't pray that the season be accelerated you pray for grace to pass through it until you finish that spiritual curriculum the class you miss will tell in life you can miss lectures in the physical and read up and write an exam but not destiny i can look at you and know that you miss character 101 character 541 this one you press for the anointing but you miss this area are we together so we are not here tonight just to celebrate miracles although that will happen but i'm telling you tonight is a night where god wants to give us an encounter with dimensions you see when god wants to bless you he doesn't give you money hear me when god wants to bless you he doesn't give you a house now when god wants to bless you he doesn't give you a shop he doesn't give you a job he gives you what money cannot buy i always use examples look at this i think i've used that example here my please come come stand here [Music] this is my phone hold it please this is a product is that true just lift it up so they see it assuming this is one thousand naira if this lady wants to buy this phone what do i give her so this is the capital that buys this is that true now what if this is what she owns what is the capital that buys this one [Music] if it's true that this is what buys this then what is it that buys this the name of the capital that buys this is called two riches that's what god gives men doesn't give men money this is man-made unfortunately this is what people labor for listen carefully is the reason why people are about to die of heart attack now is the reason why people lead god god is saying come let me give you something that will make both the rich and poor need you and they say oh god no no just connect me to one uncle someone god he said what are you saying when you go to your uncle you have to sit at his thumbs but when he calls because something you have allah [Music] you see if i told you that as you are sitting down now you are becoming wealthy you won't believe it because what you are thinking about is if i say let's share one one thousand you say ah what kind of a church is this i'm coming back next week but you don't know that god blesses men by giving them true riches [Music] [Applause] you are the mighty god [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are the glorious [Music] there are many arrogant nigerians who will never pay attention to the world because they think it's a distraction we have been indoctrinated that church is just an avenue for men of god to raise money and so every time we come we just look at it and ah okay this one that is coming now how much am i giving no sir no sir god draws people he calls this assembly to lift your life to give you something that money cannot buy if all you have can be bought with money you don't have much let me say it again if all you have can be bought with money then you don't have much but there is something he can put in your destiny the things that matter things that money cannot buy so it will make both the rich and the poor to listen to you don't you know that what you are looking for is only poor people that will come to you why the people don't need some of these things but there is something that can come from heaven it can be bought in any market you don't see a fake version of it [Music] that god can put something in your life and you can run back home and say mama i found the key she said you mean you got a job you said no if it was a job i wouldn't dance this much i found something what is that something i found a key a key that will make a generation hear you i found a key a key that will make both the rich and poor to sit and listen i found a key a key that vetoes your background beat us whatever territory what is that genie have found it that is a man it's not a thing it's not an object you turn left and right i found the key have you found it there are people who have found this thing i found your world i did eat it it was a joy and rejoicing when i found this thing i rejoiced i knew my life it was over some of us who didn't have the privilege of coming from good backgrounds what is your bailout system in this wicked world where someone can look at you and say i know your father you are as poor as stupid as your father but when he puts it upon you jesus please sit down and listen to what i'm teaching you your pastor put this meeting because he loves you the thing we are chasing for will never give us the results we want [Music] find out the various reasons why you are distracted from spiritual things number one naira and kabul you don't know that this money itself is a living thing there is a reason why it runs away from you money is not an object i was teaching yesterday pastor the bible says in ecclesiastes i think i'm seven or so it says money is a defense wisdom too is a defense that means money is a weapon is that you i'm not talking about money i'm just using it and the bible says our weapons are not cannot so it is a weapon god knows you need the money as a weapon but he says it is not cannon not man-made this was made by cbn that means this is not what god is talking about because it says it's man-made [Music] pastor the various reasons why people lead god it's amazing the average believer has indoctrinated himself into believing that god is an option for losers when you try useful things in your life and they don't work just console yourself because you are surely on your way to heaven poverty will send you to you know they have this idea so they say just seek god and you see people drag themselves like they are going to a graveyard all in the name of god whoever taught you that men seek god and lose whoever taught you that just because you are seeking god and you don't have a rent and just because you are seeking god and one or two things are not in place don't let the canal generation make god look like a cheap commodity god is priceless find out those who sought him and how they changed their generation you are looking for a job god wants to make you a voice [Music] you are looking for a little opportunity to build a small duplex whereas god wants to make your name a key to men's destinies [Music] that someone can come and say well i graduated with that class but um i i just had to greet my uncle before coming here say who is your uncle say for socializing and socialize your own could come you will be my secretary sorry i said i studied it's not about what you studied if pastor scholar listens to you then i know that you can come here a man can become a king god told me this years ago listen he said son if you will make men see me there is nothing i will not give you i think you've heard my story i'm sorry i'm starting this way you can see that just let me do what i'm doing there i came to bless you pastor years ago i went to ibadan there's a there's a hotel called what's the name now uphill premier hotel i remember going there years ago it was night and i went there i knew that i mean nobody i mean how they didn't even throw me out of that place it's even a miracle i went there there was no place to sleep there was no money there was nothing i saw wealthy people coming they just parked they went and i looked i said oh dear i saw small children of rich people just jump around and touch anything they are not afraid whether it breaks or not and i was just watching how unfair life can be it was night there i had to come down and look for a church that was having a vegetable not because i wanted to attend the video i went together and i stood in front of that hotel i said one day god will bring me here with honor i may not have what it takes in terms of business prowess or whatever achievement but i have someone a real godfather a few years later i would be ushered to that same place and at the highest um what they call it the suit there i went with these my gentlemen and i mean they were swimming they were jumping plain table tennis and i was looking at them from my window i said god you told me this you told me you told me that if i walked with you no man would laugh at me for long you told me there is something god can give you that money cannot buy so when he calls you and says my daughter seek me my son seek me forget about the hunger that happens for 30 days because whether you are fasting or not many of us the hunger is still there so it's better for you to be there for 30 days and then leave for the rest of your life are we together many of us have come from backgrounds where honestly speaking except something supernatural happens there is no possibility of rising to any dimension and god calls you he calls you and men interpret his calling as an inconvenience lord why are you distracting me are you not satisfied with the five minutes i gave you if you want i can bribe you with another five minutes before i sleep mumble some tongues and open my bible and read one verse it should be enough for you and god says i want to help you i thought i saw you crying and i came to you now and he said lord i need money this is what i need if it's not money you are knocking my door with go back i need raw money straight and god is saying if i bless you with money alone i still cheated you but someone can kneel down and say lord i may not have much now i'm not ashamed i'm not embarrassed i may not come from a great family like gideon but lord i heard that when you find men you make wonders out of them i'm available i may not be much i may not have all the parameters that men use to measure success and god says just trust me ah i'm starting my teaching tonight by reorienting your passion for god god has monetary value god has destiny value god is not just an option that adds to the thing in your life so i'm a spiritual businessman so i'm successful i'm an intelligent graduate who is working in an oil company but just because i want to go to heaven i decided to pay attention to god if you place an advert of a business seminar people rushed here why because you see the value there is that true when you place a job advert people rush but when you place an advert come and seek him and know him people say this distraction called god [Music] there is a track record they will say directly but their lives will show when people are seeking god they ask them are you walking they say no i'm just managing i'm waiting for a job but i see you spending time in his presence what will i do there's no job so let me just be doing this before then oh dear [Music] i have lambs that this my god when god holds your hand and decides to lift you pastor shalom it will amaze you you will stand in awe and join those clapping for you to wander and say god who are you could it be that i don't know you is this how you lived man is this how you turn a man's life around do we not know that soul where did saul become a prophet and god says when you add me to the equation of a man's life i've said it one plus one plus god is equal to any answer he wants one plus one is two but one plus one plus god can be one million listen to me let me challenge you here if in case you just came for this meeting just because you felt your friend just pressured you to come and you're saying okay let's while away time he says sat today i want you to change your mind see it as someone calling you to say i want to change your life but so you know we say this all the time one encounter in god's presence will change people's life they just say amen but truly they don't believe [Music] when you hold my hands everything becomes possible when you hold my hands [Music] impossible becomes possible my everything becomes possible when you hold my hand everything becomes possible listen stay with him and you will see those you are looking for come to you the bible says the gentiles will come to your life [Music] forget about those laughing at you my brother stay with him with your tongue trouser and your 200 naira shoe there's no need of taking it why fake what can be real stay with him and watch the wonder he will make out of your life that the day will come you will sit down and say god what have you turned my life to have you turned my life to i can tell you that this god we have is not a scam don't get used to people cheating and defrauding you and add god to the list [Music] this man standing before you is a testimony that when god holds your hand the generation must hear you it has nothing to do with sentiments are we together now yes sacrifice let me tell you a very humorous something that that happened um i went somewhere to preach and um you'll notice there's a lot of scarring in my face i went somewhere to preach and you know was a big sacrifice there and i mean after the whole thing i don't know whether it was the water or something and i mean this thing just messed up my face and all of that and i thought i said lord all this sacrifice i'm doing this is for the gospel my faith is paying the price and everything is paying the price and then i was praying just today and the lord just spoke to me and said do you not know that the sufferings of this present time is not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed when i came in here passed on i quickly sent i said they should find me a maybe a dermatologist or someone to just come and look at my face and they got a woman somewhere and when she came that woman had been praying to god to come to zaria for koinonia so listen so when she heard that they said we wanted to come and look at her puzzle she couldn't believe it when she came she said i told her how much what when you hold my everything becomes possible when you hold mine one more time my when your uncle holds your hand some things are not possible many uncles have held our hands even when we're going down it's not that they wanted to throw you down is that they were men too are we together now your certificate held your hands in fact you held it and you were still going down with it but when he holds you and says seek me seek me you say oh god i'm i'm tired i need to marry there's a guy i saw oh god and he said look you are if it is just by browsing facebook and whatsapp you will not you will marry a foolish man stay with me let me walk on you and you will see what i can do with esther when she avails herself [Music] the call to seek god is a call to change your life the call to seek god is not a favor to honor a man's vision the call to seek god and wait upon god is not an inconvenience just to come and repent when you have sinned no god is then i have heard your cry prepare solemn assembly i want to visit you i want to change your life some of you right now there are businesses you would have been doing maybe you left your shop and left whatever and you are here and the devil is telling you imagine fifteen thousand now thirty thousand and god is saying what are you saying [Music] fifteen thousand thirty thousand and the wicked luciferian spirit that disturbs members when the word of god is coming they see them calculate and somebody just calls and say are you going to give me or not i mean i can transfer a hundred thousand right now and god says sit down and you round up and go back stealing cheated god you cheated me i would have made a hundred thousand this night and god says is this what i'm worth to you hundred thousand whereas a day will come somebody will be holding a check of a millionaire and he says can i have the privilege of giving you and you say god is a lie i'm joking god says it's not a lie that's what happens when men seek when jesus was born his power rules he was so bright men could not deny it and the magi carried their gift and started following the star is always a star that leads you to a person brothers and sisters listen listen to me i don't know what background spiritually that we've had but i call you tonight even as we prepare to pray return back to seeking god as as a means of living as a livelihood because it truly is [Music] don't see god as some part-time distraction angry while you are opening your bible in the morning oh psalm 60 now kai this time is long i thought it was 12 verses is it that the devotional made a mistake what is all this one i need to hurry up you see that that is a very wicked spirit because he wants to destroy you but you can go and sit down in a man's office after six hours he said you are still here be patient you are just happy that the person was aware you are there [Music] he said i hope you are not telling me about retire i'm a young man it's a job i'm looking for while you are laughing i hope you are getting what i'm saying i came here sincerely to challenge and shake you up and down there are many men of god pastor carrying cats all around i'm a man of god i promise you if you invite me for you you will know that god is at work in my life my brother with all due respect the fact that you are groaning around seeking people seeking opportunities the bible says neither do men light a lamp that's the secret it's not the lamp is the light on it the spirit of man is the candle of the lord but it does no good if it's just like that but there is a fire that must come when that fire comes even if you put it under a bushel it will burn it and make sure everybody knows there's fire there there are many music artists carrying their albums running around begging us and password here there's a program i'm anointed the other day i thought you heard my song did you like what you have see that those is a wrong approach is an analog and wicked approach that leads to bitterness and envy the greatest way to publicize yourself is to remain in the secret place [Music] that when you are in the secret place you are making more noise than you know you come out of that secret place and as a man of god you go for just one meeting and god will make it such that all your destiny helpers are seated in front of you and while they are hearing you this one is saying we've gotten the last speaker for a conference this one is saying we've gotten the next and you turn back and say god this is how you change people whereas there's somebody begging around it's okay ten minutes or your hurry up and you come up the pressure because you are not anointed you will talk nonsense and the people will not be blessed the other person said i told you let this be the last time this man ever comes to our program [Music] it pays to seek god not just serve him he pays to seek god we seek his hands we seek his miracles we seek anointing which is not bad but my brothers and my sisters none of this is the face of god you must be passionate passionate [Music] seeking god will cost you a lot let me be very honest in the name of honesty let me open you up to the truth seeking god will cost you a lot the christianity of convenience while you are seeking god is a joke the convenience comes as a reward when you have found that which he gives you in the secret place and sometimes we have to be honest you see as men of god sometimes we make the mistake of beating people who are starting out with god and we make them to compare their lives with our current results and rush them out of their seasons of training are we together now the brother is fasting and trusting god for his finances and studying and sometimes you just look and say this guy this knight did you for 30 000. i'm mistake no let him encounter jehovah jaire something is happening are we together now your pastor today can give out a millionaire and by evening it has returned because there is a track record something has been built in the spirit to produce that result so no matter how they love you you have to start you have to create your own track record not everything in this kingdom is impactable there are track records that you must create by yourself hear me brothers and sisters seeking god will cost you your time it will cost you your time anything you love you have time for your job your children your wife your husband your business you have time for it whether rain is falling or not you know this is monday i should be at my shop you defy that rain [Music] sick god he said i rather i'd rather be a dog keeper in the house of god passion seeking god will cost you your time lagos i know we are busy people i acknowledge this is a cosmopolitan city this is a very value driven city but i call you once again to a place where men give god time if you give god time he will give you something that is worth your time are we together god is speaking to someone right now i need more of your time that's what god is telling someone i need more of your time these five minutes every day these 10 minutes every day this sitting down praying while you snow 80 percent of the prayer time is sleep god is saying i need your time and with that time i need your seriousness [Music] seeking god will cost you a lot of things sadly it may cost you a lot of pain [Music] this is why when you talk against someone that god has anointed even in the secret you will be punished in the open not because god is unfair the sacrifice that it takes to attend that level in the spirit is a sacrifice god guards with his own jealousy he said he suffered no man to do them wrong yeah he removed kings for their sake saying touch not not a believer mind anointed not the anointed my like my property don't touch my wife are we together now are you ready to go through the pain that it would take to see god don't just look at the glory it takes pain because sometimes in seeking god you will be strange you will be against tattoo school men will misunderstand you and say why is this lady always running around church so this is how far this hospitality has become happen take it easy and you will feel stupid for seeking god you will feel stupid for coming for prayer in the morning and you will almost be tempted to say pastor i think god has come me let me just go back and god says just when your miracle is coming [Music] i've made up my mind that if i perish brothers and sisters i perish for me and god we have is a salt covenant inseparable it's not because of what he's doing today i love him desperately and truly there's no amount of pain that i will not go pain means nothing to me when it comes to the love my love for god we're a very pain advanced generation and pain is something that you don't intentionally go and embrace however every successful person knows there is a pain factor i i wish that i were lying i would have just apologized to you and say okay i'm joking but i'm very serious the birth of anything valuable is painful that includes your destiny ask every mother here they will tell you no matter what kind of prayer warrior you are no matter how supernatural the breath is the memory of some level of travail [Music] so whoever told you that your destiny would just come as a platter of gold my brother my sister it will take a price is costly the bigger the destiny the bigger you will need to push it is as soon as zion travels that she will put forth [Music] there may be a man or woman of god sitting here and outside hearing me you have seen visions of the great ministry that god is calling into but my brother and my sister it will not just happen by running around and hoping and buying finding how much a suit a suit is and how much um a good teller can show you traditionals that's not how to prepare for ministry you prepare for ministry that way you won't last one year i i guarantee you is to stay in the secret place are we together now and it will cost you pain [Music] there are times that others will go ahead and while you want to join them god says you wait and god you say no don't rob me god i want to enjoy life too i'm a social person too and god says for two weeks you are not going on facebook you say god did i do anything wrong no he says it's my training for you and he said so god trust me you now isolated me god says i thought you said you want to be esther i thought you said you want to be elijah for three months you are not going to watch a single movie i said god just when this film came out that i am i will i let me watch it and i can't sacrifice any other thing it's not about the film he's accepting the throne of your heart to make sure he becomes the epicenter of your all are we together now there are times that you just receive your salary and god says carry your salary on your way to household of the need meet pastor shalom so you say no this is the devil god doesn't work like that this has to be a spirit that is not of god god says well i've spoken once it's your responsibility to hear twice i've spoken and you carried and feel like a dead man while you are coming to church even while you are praying as people are dancing you are standing why am i doing this now listen you are laughing but you see it's because i'm martini that's why you are laughing when it is happening in real life you will not be laughing say sacrifice they say sit down you don't even know when they said you should sit down you are standing somebody touched you and said you are aware this is over and then you carry that seat and you are just hungry and faster while you are stuck what this is rich man god what are you doing to me like this and you drop that seed and don't even have a transport fair to go back don't be ashamed of your pain many of us think it's unusual it's because many of us now i'm speaking apostolically i know that this is a church of great leadership but many believers are not mentored properly to know that that pathway is normal there's nothing unusual as fin and in finishing a service and not having transport back many people have paid that price it's not an attack drive home [Music] [Applause] you are creating a track record listen what looks like an injury today tomorrow will become your symbol of honor don't be ashamed of your scars that pain let no man trouble me to i've been my body the mark of christ so tomorrow when someone sees you and say this woman you just got a rich man and just married you said you are joking let me show you this car look at it [Music] the scout of the vigil the scout of the pain don't let the jeep fool you i died [Music] do you have a track record in the spirit demonstrate not just stand up and say in jesus name go you think they are fools there is this car my brother you don't just speak to a man and say may your life change amen and then his life changes no i'm being open and sincere with you tonight there is a track record the situation you are going through now it looks like god is silent whereas heaven is cheering you write your story my sister write your story my brother let it be that once upon a time i trusted god i had garri no sugar i still called on him it looked like he didn't answer and i said lord whether you bless me or not i love you and heaven says you passed the test you passed the test it was never about lack of sugar it was about loving me with gary or not that means if i give you a jeep tomorrow you can look at that jeep and say jeep i love god before you came and don't you ever think the sound and the luxury behind you will distract me there are many have big believers that are sweet here and there one million naira comes and they drive god out and say god i need space this 1 million is too big sorry i have to evacuate you for a while no one says i'm going no problem you must get to a point in your life where pain does not stop you please listen some of you as i'm speaking now only god knows the pain you are sitting here looking at me but there are things you are going through on account of your faith and the devil is already lying to you you would have married since five years if it did not matter to marry a spiritual man but god already warned you the first guy that just strolled around you had a dream god said be careful i've already told you that the child that is coming out of you is not a child is a nation so when you see all your friends getting married you say oh god why are you cheating me like this i would have had two children now and you sit down and you cannot seek god and god says i will give you one child that is equal to a city believers hear me the waiting process of building a track record with god pastor is the hardest face in a believer's life because those are times when you will pray and it will look like god will not answer you can sit down and malaria is killing you and then while that is happening sorry to use that term someone comes and the lord says pray for the person you will lay hands on the person and he falls under the anointing and leaves and says my god you are anointed while you are shaking like he lived here say lord where is the bomb in gilead and while he's talking you are there your ego is on the line and you are saying god why won't you answer me he's teaching you that it's not all about miracles it's about your trusting him you have to trust him beyond results are we together while you are serving god somebody will just send a nonsense text i'm seeing you back slightly something is wrong with your spiritual life you say when i'm fasting who is this what what demonic insight is this brother getting from where and god allows it to see your spiritual stability if that one text disturbs you how will you manage the persecution of having a crowd don't be fooled to think everybody will love you is an exam you are writing one person just sent a text i'm disappointed you didn't come for the meeting you have not gone anywhere you're already becoming proud and you are there waiting on god say god what did i do wrong now you that told me to wait can't you explain to them that i'm waiting and god keeps quiet and just that little test you can't pray again i'm proud am i proud and god says mr man on your list of membership here you wrote ten thousand and one text has already destabilized you yet you want to command ten thousand people what happens when a whole family stands and say we hate you you are a devil that means you won't preach again so god is training you you are looking at anointing but god is saying no don't you know that greatness is a burden much more than the crown it takes stamina to stand on that stage if you are not strong it can throw you success is like a knife it depends on how you hold it you can hold it in a way that it will kill you to what happens when people look at you and say you are a lousy lady i thought you were an anointed person shame on you you go back and say shame on me what i'm sorry have you observed anything wrong with my life but when you have been trained in the spirit and you know him anybody can look and say okay god bless you it's your opinion and thank god it's me and god that are needed for my success and you look at the storm and still smile and they say why are you smiling he said i have wired myself to smile regardless of what my eyes see and they say when did that happen when i was trained when i was straight pastor have you seen people collapse because they stole their car they they wake up in the morning and stand in front of the garage and say no no it's a joke honey where is this car say i thought you were in the same room i said no no if it is a joke stop it my heart and money 50 million has disappeared like that no i won't let this happen and the man is talking and then you find out he's not coordinated again the next thing he has fallen let me tell you i don't i'm not i know that we're human beings we react in different ways but that thing is a proof that that car is seated in a throne somewhere i'm not saying to be to be irresponsible over whatever god gives you but to fall down because of metals that's quite a level of degradation there i will search for you and i will find you and i will find you with all my hearts i will lift my hands to you in worship and i will worship where all my heart seeking his face will cost you a lot you will be misunderstood your siblings you see every time you are serious with god it brings judgment to anybody who is not serious with god because your life is an epistle so usually they feel irritated let's assume for instance that these are brothers from the same family and this gentleman seems to be passionate about god one day this guy will talk to him and say please don't insult us just because you are praying the other day you see it's already a reaction it will pain you let me tell you because people will look at you and say prayer warrior you have eaten and left split here you didn't even wash it they would take little things at magnificent it's not about the place it's about the annoyance they just found a plate as the escape goat for expression [Music] as if you are not human again you just see a beautiful lady ah this is a prayer warrior i can't believe this you mean it i said you will never marry again you see that kind of thing there is a price to pay but can you pay that price and remain what of the attacks that come we have spoken about physical things let me tell you every time the devil sees unusual passion he comes to find out what is going on there because he knows that men have a level a nominal level he won't attack you because he knows that an attack will force you to be serious with god so he just measures and finds out that you are lower than the threshold level he leaves you there just be dancing around the things of god you are not serious today you pray next tomorrow you are not serious he will leave you so that that complacency will keep you there but the day is his unusual prayer fasting praying a night vigil you are listening to a message this one happens you send a text to all certain friends and say sorry i need time with god the devil says mark this lady what is going on in our life this is a threat and all of a sudden the principalities and powers hear you while you pray lord take all of me i dedicate my life and they hear it and say make try to make this lady's life as miserable as possible and all of a sudden a guy you have been with for four years now says i'm tired of this you're trusting my dear i'm going to look for a correct wife not a stupid girl like you and you stand there and your humanity eats you up and you're saying lord what is not fair and god says you just stay and watch what i make out of you [Music] it takes a lot to be mighty and to be used by god to become a voice that the generation will hear it's not all about just mentorship and impartation is a drug record jesus himself was on that cross not even jesus escaped this naked 33 year old man and he said a lot a lot now back [Music] what is he why have you forsaken me god you forsook me you turned your face away from me tempted like all men yet without sin what is my crime no it's not a crime i have to turn my face so that man can be able to look at me it's a lonely path when you are getting to be great because there are times that god will isolate any human being that can help you because he wants to be your only help so in a strange way those who would have helped you all of a sudden somebody you know that your tears you just say uncle help me and in five minutes and a lot comes you now say uncle help me plenty times and no text returns it's not always an attack god is saying you are in a season in your life where i need to teach you that i am supplier there were times in my life let me tell you i did everything i knew to do you see this is this is a revival conference and so i'm i'm opening up to you you will see what god is doing in my life now and just think whatever i just snapped my finger say lord where are you he say i'm here it's not true there were times i did everything i knew to do lord where are you anytime you hear god silent is because he's carrying you it's not because he has left you let me repeat every time you call on him and he looks like he's silent then you are not the one carrying yourself he's holding you lord where are you help me help me send bread even if i'm not obeying this principle let me eat today then you can continue teaching me tomorrow and the heavens still remain close there is something that that tears must do to you because it is in your crying you gain compassion tomorrow now when you stand before a lady who says pastor have not eaten there is a memory bank in your experience you know what not eating there are people who are too innocent to be used there is no track record that relates to let me tell you another thing the ministry god is sending you to will determine the experiences you must endure you must take a sample from everything you will be saving men from it must be captured in your experience this is a painful revelation believe me pastor i don't just walk in the healing ministry today just because i'm anointed i've had fungal infection that hurt my head so from nowhere it just came i said what is all this nonsense many years ago i was a very little boy and that thing happened to me pastor they stopped me from going to the dining hall to eat with other students so i would stay alone and sometimes there would not be water in that school i would have to put my head in the rain outside so that rain would just fall so that i can rub a lotion if i pay for people i buy maybe bonds or something they won't collect except i pay and then they will peak so today when i see someone somewhere and the lord opens my eyes to see that someone is in pain the anointing you see me point my hand there to that gentleman you see it's because of compassion it's not just anointing i'm not taking it oh be healed just for the name because when god opens your eyes you remember when i stand and i see someone crying there is something in my life to relate with what do you have in your track record that can create compassion is not generic to be kind-hearted doesn't mean it to be compassionate there must be a history that can attach you to people's pain please if you're a man of god here hear me don't waste your pain it's a track record you will need it for the people god is sending you to there are many people who want the anointing and don't have the time pastor every time after our meeting now is a unique model for us i can't tell people i went to i went to bed yesterday god is my witness i think it was two three i returned home past one because people come from all over within and outside this nation and the only time i have to see them is just that night i have to see them you must have compassion when i go on stage by six or six that you're seven and i stand here till one it's not enough to say i have anointing do you have the heart do you have an experience enough to see a woman who stands and she's talking to you i can't speak english well i say madam so you are not even smart give me chance i'm an educated person this compassion that will keep you to say madam what can you speak europa find somebody interpreted don't try to struggle speaking english i'm smart but i'm not a fool speak what you can speak have been there we do not have a high priest who cannot be touched with the feelings is the reason why many people are not anointed they can be touched sometimes this this our sense of over civilization sometimes destroys us is wonderful but be fair to people [Music] a track record that's why god called the solemn assembly here some of you probably got by dragged some of you right now as you are sitting your wallet is empty don't be ashamed don't be ashamed don't mind the people who laugh at you they are needed in that history let them laugh mock is a mystery so that the day god blesses you you can stand and look at someone who says sir fight nara this is all i have and you say you were richer than me when god was training me i see you this morning millionaire so there was a time you didn't have anything and he said look let me lift the cloth i'm wearing see the scar [Music] let's not be ashamed of our scars if we are ashamed of our scars we are not going to help a generation because we will create a portrait that is not accurate many of you are surprised now as i tell you some of these things because in your mind you see what god is doing in and through apostle joshua salman and you just believe this guy was uniquely fortunate my god when you look at me in the realm of the spirit what you will see is blood dripping sacrifice sacrifice hallelujah but hear me when your heart becomes committed and drawn to god then my brothers and my sisters let me tell you this the investment of the spirit that will come upon your life as a reward for that sacrifice nothing in this life nothing in time can pay for it you see there are things when you have in this life you are afraid because it doesn't last but when god gives you his presence when god opens you up to his glory when god opens your spirit to the realities of this kingdom out of your sacrifice comes up one day praying fasting like this is a moment where through all of these experiences you get to a point where your flesh are we together now that flesh dies the object of your fasting is him here he comes before you and he says son this is the final bus stop all that you went through was to see me your mother did not see me your father did not see me finally through all the hunger listen to me through all the disappointment through all the delays you have finally come to that place this is the place of encounter [Music] that's what god is doing household of david hear me i'm activating something this is the place of surrender that's where he's leading you through your 30 days of prayer fasting this is the place where my flesh gives way do to me what you want listen look at me the pride the jealousy the flesh that are in us does not just live by default something must happen in your life to make you see the vanity of the flesh to leave it when people look at me and say man of god you are homeless i'm not humble i just passed through something and found out pride is no longer there it's not something that you just say i want to be humble no sir when your ego is strong and strong again until there is nothing there the name of that state is humility are we together yes it is not natural to not laugh and cheer at others it is it is it is um it is uh i mean it is natural i meant to say it's natural to hate it's natural to fight people it's natural for jealousy all these attributes of the flesh so you pack them and say lord anoint me say no i don't announce people like that it is fire first before the glory it is fire first before the glory please might take it higher for me it is fire fest before the glory just listen listen listen when there is a sacrifice then there is a fire then the glory fills the temple that's the pattern the sacrifice first then the fire that fire face of a believer's life you can't pray it away you can't fast it away you these are the kinds of cups that you can't say let it go off me you only take the grace to take it master can we can you grant that in this kingdom we sit at your left and right he said can you drink of my cup and be back to my baptism lord i want to have a mighty ministry and see the power of god heal the sick i want revelation and utterance he says can you pay the price it's not a gift this is the place let them understand what to do please listen brothers and sisters [Music] i'm seeing the power of god touch some people here just like you please help them i saw the angels of the lord just moving they were going to pray shortly you see [Music] there is a track record that you must have in the spirit there are many of us here proud young men and women i love you what you are receiving tonight is discipleship i love you that's why you hear me talking i don't resent the body but there are many proud people who just believe on there oh no i'm ready for ministry i'm ready just because someone fell here and then you're meeting my brother there are other parameters that need to be in place when you feel ready it doesn't mean you are ready [Music] it's one thing to feel ready but it's another thing to be approached approved approved where your flesh gives way there are many people who need this walk some of us here are looking at me that's why we're praying lord this jealousy and god says no there has to be a circumcision i love you one is through our anointing but have you noticed every time they clap for anybody who is not you something that something is what must be put on the threshold so that it be dealt with this celebrity mentality as wonderful as it is you can be great that way let the rest clap god will allow you for you who they are clapping for you must remain on your knees while they clap it is your most secure position if you ever allow the club to lift you up you are going down that is something you are trained in the secret place he shows you when people say all the things they say about me i know how much all of you love me with all my heart i love you too but you see every time you clap for me i turn back and i say lord help me they are only clapping for me because i represent the face of an encounter to a generation keep me that way do you know how difficult it is to lie down and rule before god when the nations are clapping for you when they are insulting you there is a reason but when you are clapping retreats are times when our flesh is caught there are some of you when five hundred thousand entered your hand you live in tight and then to your shock you found out that for two weeks you'd even pray you came late to church and early to leave you greeted the other ocean said don't shout at me please everybody knew that hundred thousand came and you had to say oh god that 30 million god said 30 what you respect money no i gave you 500 000 you misbehave as if you are not a child of god there needs to be a circumcision so that you can sit down and when people know your true word they say half of this was not told me and you are this humble tonight this is what we are going to do there is a circumcision listen listen listen it is always a sacrifice then the fire then the glory say it after me the sacrifice then the fire then the glory one more time the sacrifice then the fire then the glory it has nothing to do with ministry even in business the sacrifice then the fire it is at that point where the refinance fire is roasting out everything that looks like flesh is the hardest part of your life when you pass through the fire when you walk through it god where are you he says remain there because that fire is building you through that fire love is planted in you through that fire you find out that hate goes away and you someone will talk and say i'm an angry person ask my mother well all like that pass through that fire and see what culture you come out of as soon as you pass through that fire someone will talk to you and say stupid lady you say god bless you say joke what happened fire fire fire [Music] fire what is the big deal about a man of god why should i respect him i'm a man of god is a man of god too is it just because he's ahead of me please don't harass me to respect persuasion that statement is is a is a spiritual medical condition that statement the ability to speak that arrogant is his time anybody that knows god knows you are in trouble but let the fire pass through the next time you see pastor good afternoon ah man of god you just finished a conference yes sir still good afternoon what happened fire did something to you you can know people's spiritual states by their communication it's a reflection of their spiritual understanding which is a reflection of what the secret place has done in their lives or otherwise tonight household of david we are at the threshing floor of naboth and what god is going to do is that he will grant us grace we are going to cry and say lord i'm not afraid of the fire let that sacrifice whatever it will take lord i listen listen sit down first i'm establishing a prayer request lord i used to love you i don't know what happened to me i'm surprised to see that my bible is now a nuisance i'm surprised to see that my prayer life when i was in the university i was a prayer secretary lord i don't know what is becoming of my life now you need to help me you see let me tell you when you are broken and contrite you attract his presence when you stand here feeling i am okay retreats are not for sinners therefore men who want more there are times that you say lord i thank you but i'm easily discouraged the spirit of faith is not yet at work in me lord grace every time i pray and i ask you to give me something every time pastor declares over my life once i wait three four days no results i'm discouraged it means there is something i need to get hallelujah [Music] there are many of you right now you are about to make very costly decisions because what god told you it looks like time is going please saul we can't wait for somewhere why should we wait what is special about somewhere bring me the objects of sacrifice and you're about to lose the throne of your life and god sent this retreat to say stop before you ruin your destiny return back to the sacred place show me a man that has missed it no matter how far and can find his way to the secret place i'll show you a man who will shoot out like a planet out of the earth again [Music] retreats are mysteries that create stability and sustainability that christian experience notice a man that is a man of the secret place you will not see a challenge for too long in his life you will see pride you are noticing it grow and then later you will see him for one week he comes out and everything is gone the refine has fire the refiners fire fire is not just for deliverance alone fire is for refining refining lord help me i'm a man of god but in the last one month my appetite for women i need help fast don't sit down say i'm all right until you die and the devil destroys you this sister came for prayers and i'm immediately i'm praying my mind is going somewhere lord i need help and god says you are welcome come there is a place where men find refuge it's better to be open in the secret place than to be disgraced openly by the devil whatever you tolerate for long in your life will be what will destroy you i'm a man of god but i slapped my wife [Music] sorry is not the answer go to the secret place that i could slap her means i can stop her tomorrow if god does not help me i slapped my husband and i said it's i'm human you see that means that humanity can you can carry a knife and tear your husband into two and say sorry i'm human we live in a world where we celebrate our humanity people do foolish things and say we're human it's true we're humans but what then is the advantage of the secret place what then is the advantage of the presence of god please let's love god but let's not let westernization fool us we do every kind of nonsense and say we are humans i insult you i say i'm human at the time i was insulting you i was depressed there are many worries in life is the worry unique to you it is your spirituality that will help you otherwise we'll make a mess of our destinies in the name of humanity is god speaking to someone tonight yes sir there are some of you retreats at times when god tells you you are running too fast did you hear what i'm saying you are running too fast there can be a man of god you want this conference today tomorrow you want this you want to build 10 branches then at the same time you want to start tv ministry then at the same time and during the retreat god will say out of the ten points only two are my will now and he said lord i thought we just danced that day we thought we heard you say that's why you needed a retreat because that was not me and you just caught my people know my my leaders sometimes we discuss a lot of things very ambitious things we want to do and then when they hear me quiet about it they don't ask me against her what of that they already know what happened how we're going to do this and then later they may just come out and say what were we discussing before less and i skipped that thing quietly they just know that god has not spoken i never do anything in my life until god speaks i've seen the wastage and the vanity of moving when he's not leading you the pain is that you must come back god will not go and meet you there you will wait and say okay lord where are you i'm here okay so you come back listen let me prove it to you the first time god caught the rock for moses the second time he said moses cut the rock and come and meet me where you met me cut it by yourself with your hands that memory will not allow you to crush it out of anger again i did it free for you and you carried it and smashed it before you and then turn it into powder but now you use your hand and cut it [Music] i don't know if there's someone here that is tired of your flesh interrupting the grace and the glory of god you are one leg in today one leg out i know you don't like the message but this is the price for the glory the same way a doctor gives you a tablet you say doctor is bitter i say are you ready to be to be fine you say yes ma'am say swallow it swallow it quietly are you do it religiously for four or five days and you see that there's improvement tomorrow when you stand in the television and people are watching you and saying busy this lady has risen this far you would turn and say household of david thank you because it was in that meeting god taught me that pain is not demonic it was in that meeting i land you will never rise to a position of greatness with flesh being alive listen you don't have to be a sinner for flesh to be there you must crush it and trust god once you pump out the flesh it will destroy you i say it again once you pamper the flesh man of god once you pamper the flesh it will tear you into pieces you need to come before god there's nothing to be ashamed of lord i come before you help me i'm in household of david i'm anointed it's true but lord i need help first this my appetite for money i'm anointed but i can still if need be once my account is five hundred thousand i'm already rejected once my account is fifty thousand i can lie i can change my message to raise money it's a weakness it can be nailed tonight so that you will come out refined as gold listen tonight i want you to open up your tendencies and vulnerabilities before god and cry and say lord please walk on it now so that it does not destroy me when a nation is looking up to me it is not when a generation now looks at you you represent an inspiration this is my prayer many times when i'm in the secret place i said lord please if there is anything in my life work on it i represent too much to a generation there are too many people who are waiting on my walk with god to to ginger them what happens if all of these people just hear something tomorrow and they say this person that has inspired yes they will still love you but you have corrupted the track record someone looks god uses your face to encourage someone to continue rising spiritually there is a price don't ever pamper the flesh i'm not condemning you kill it right from the inception when that seed is sown lost pride immorality name it you don't like my the message i'm preaching this night please like it please like it in the name of jesus like it this is the secret to power and influence and grace more than you can imagine where your voice becomes like fire it looks like god owes you his presence you make one utterance and shift lives it's not magic it's not a gift it's a track record hallelujah we're going to pray tonight there's a lot to pray about there's a lot to pray if you don't have a prayer point from everything i've said you need to be born again there is a serious there is a call to a cry when we cry don't just wait for any usher to touch you because the ushers two are going to be crying and praying for their own lives are we together in a few minutes i'm going to be challenging us the instrumentalists we just just soak in the atmosphere just give us whatever it is and everybody here is going to find a place whether you are inside or outside we're going to say lord i come to you i've been waiting for a man to drum this truth i've known in my spirit that there is something wrong but thank god i've been waiting for a moment where someone will nail it on point thank you lord for anointing pastor shula to organize this meeting is called a total experience we have other dimensions we are going to talk about but this is the foundation listen [Music] listen to me listen my brothers and my sisters i want you to hear me i speak to you this way because i love you there is no other way to be great in the kingdom there is no shortcut are we together in the next 10 minutes praise the lord i know that those outside there may not be a point of convenience even if you have to stand you have to find a corner somewhere those inside here you are just going to find a convenient corner while the worship team i mean the instrumentalists just just flew you are going to cry before god please lay your golden crown i'm a man of god congratulations but we're going to cry i will join you all of us together we're going to cry before god and say lord i can't lie again i you have to win this war tonight you have to win this war tonight go ahead find someone pray [Music] straight your hopely presence just pray forget about me living in me [Music] you are my dad your very words to me at night [Applause] i'm desperate for you [Music] i'm lost without you i've lost without [Music] [Music] pray see then that we are surrounded by false greatest cloud of weaknesses let us lay up light every weight and the scene that don't easily beset us and let us looking up to jesus wisdom upon the finish of our state [Music] lord let your refiners fire [Music] prune this habit in my life oh god i've been crying for 30 days i cry i cry good [Music] lord i know i'm a man of god but i cry for help i know that i'm a woman of god but i cry for help i know i'm a businessman i've placed other things above you the truth is i love money more than you the truth is i love power more than you the truth is more than you hello [Music] [Music] lord i lay aside the pride let it die tonight i've been given an excuse that is my background that's how we are in our family but tonight oh god [Music] i release myself i give up the lust i give up the anger i give up the jealousy lord this is for real i'm not just being emotional i mean it i mean it i mean it lord what is it in my life that i cannot hand over to you tonight i hand over is it the car is it the house is it my reputation is it my salary lord what have i exalted above you is it ministry is it anointing is it business is it fame is it my accomplishment [Music] [Music] we're rounding up [Music] just a few more minutes and we're done [Music] the space that my death will create the space that that circumcision creates when pride leaves it will leave a space when jealousy leaves it will leave this place feel that space fill it with more of you feel it with your glory [Music] [Music] i want to pray for you [Music] that if there is anything in your life that is corrupting your christian testimony i stand for the god of heaven and i pray for you this night i separate you from it forever [Applause] [Music] pornography masturbation immorality pride jealousy flesh in the name of jesus i separate you from it i separate you from it i separate you from it [Applause] listen if there is any appetite that is captured in your experience and is not of the christ you may have been tolerating it you may not like it but you have found out you are a slave to it i stand before the god of heaven and in the name that is above all names let the fire from heaven that separates separate you right now [Music] hear me please just help them i declare in the name that is above all names [Music] whatever has taken the place of god in your life it may be a good thing it may even be something god gave you but i'm stretching my hands now that fire as that fire comes upon you tomorrow we'll have time to pray for the sick but as that fire comes on you we must find someone tonight i declare that fiery orders everything in your life and keep god in his rightful position hear me if there is anyone [Music] especially you are part of this spiritual family there is any association that you are part of that is strangling your christian life you love god but your friends don't love god and you you come and receive prophecies here but you go back and the rubbish will experience in the name of jesus christ [Music] in the name of jesus let there be a separation between you and those associations [Music] hallelujah listen there are many of you the grace to pray has gone you are not bad the grace just dried up you cannot consciously you don't love god enough to go for a retreat on your own church retreat yes departmental retreat yet but brother on your own you say i need god i pray for you whatever must happen to you tonight in the name of jesus the passion and it will infect you is like a cancer i declare may that hunger land upon your life now [Music] the holy spirit used to wake you twelve o'clock one o'clock and you pray but something happened and all of a sudden his voice is not even clear i decree and declare in the mighty name of jesus the name that is above all names i shift you back to that realm where you hear his voice listen there are many of us i'm praying because your vulnerabilities are too much we have to pray some of you are unusually emotional it's not just biological it's demonic listen i want to pray for you is demonic [Music] the devil placing anything just goes their self restraint that capacity to say no it's not there anything can happen let me just preach my old school message tonight that good old message that will prove everything until you carry the glory that excessive emotional you just say oh i think it's just it's just me it's just hormonal no no [Music] if you allow your emotions they will tear you into pieces and ruin your christian experience the world that is looking at you and looking up to you will not hear the fact that you were emotional therefore in the name of jesus the grace the stability of mind of spirit of emotions that will help you preserve the testimony of god upon your life receive that grace right now [Applause] receive that grace right now [Applause] especially my adorable sisters their sisters hear me that you are a woman does not mean that your emotions just go haywire and let the devil destroy you i declare the stability of the border let it come upon you [Music] in the name of jesus christ let me give you a little assignment where about tomorrow i know that many the impartation and please don't miss tomorrow's meeting even if you are not a member of household of david uh just make that sacrifice for tomorrow it's my last session it will be a waste to do an impartation and to pray and do all of these things this is what you need the assignment i'm giving you is please take at least 15 minutes when you go back home any 15 minutes before morning just take some time alone with god even if you are married just pray for some 15 minutes and stay and trust god list out the things that must get out of your life and pray for that 15 minutes hold it as a request lord this must leave lord this must leave because the fire that is coming upon you is a fire that your generation will celebrate you for your wealth is in that fire your greatness is in that fire your glory is in that fire there is a prophetic word for this church but i will say tomorrow there is something god has told me about house of david household of david but tomorrow i will say it i want to say it in the open and i want to say it on air is shifting i'm telling you is coming to this church it's true [Music] it would be so strange i'm not i don't want to give you the details but it will surprise you [Music] in the name of jesus christ the gentleman on white my friend lift your hands i'm seeing an angel pouring something like oil on your head that's what i'm seeing i stretch my hands right now in the name of jesus whatever that is to do in your life i declare let it be done now i'm not ministering this night but the gentleman holding a red phone the lord is saying i should tell you that you are going through a season of pruning with him that but after that pruning your glory will shine that's what god is saying to tell you father we are not ungrateful people we thank you because the desires of our enemies did not come upon us we thank you for preservation we thank you for your grace we thank you for your mercy we thank you for your faithfulness lord we thank you you are dependable you are a liar father people call this here many names but the name you gave us you demonstrated that it was so we thank you we thank you for us as a family we have seen your hand we have seen your majesty you have multiplied us you have increased us thank you for your grace [Music] lord you crown our year with goodness and we thank you we thank you for those of you who what we are doing seems strange this is the secret behind the finger of god nicodemus came to jesus by night and said rabbi we know that thou art a man sent from god for no man can do these things except god be with him there is no level of intellect there is no level of wisdom there is no level of human science that is capable to do this father we are not ashamed be glorified be glorified salman is nothing without your wisdom absolutely absolutely absolutely thank you for your grace thank you for your word thank you because you are true dependable reliable faithful we return thanks we return thanks for sparing our lives for triumphing over death over sickness and infirmity for turning the lives of people around thank you thank you for transforming millions around the world thank you for giving our teachings wings to move beyond the limitations of time thank you for the prevailing power of your world for access to the mysteries of the kingdom thank you for the anointing of the holy ghost thank you for wealth and prosperity thank you for the effectual walking of your grace thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah you see our our generation is a very arrogant generation we are very embarrassed whenever the spotlight leaves us whether it is to god or to any other person we frown at it there is such a grave in our generation for power for honor for recognition so when times come like this when we all become ushers to bow before the king sometimes because of our little achievements here and there we pride ourselves into believing that it was a product of our wisdom but every wise man who knows god knows how weak a man is when you see god's result separate the man from the result this is the finger of god this is the finger of god this is the finger of god 45 nations of the world this is the finger of god jesus thank you when you speak it is within your power to make it happen forgive us for our own being forgive us for thinking you are a man you are god the creator of the ends of the earth let me encourage you tonight believers whatever god tells you he can do it believe me believe me don't mind what you see when he's speaking to you just take your eyes away and with childlike foolishness say lord i believe if god tells you i am lifting you on the wings of eagles say lord i believe donors can say who is my uncle i believe i believe this ministry is a testimony of what god can do when he finds men who can dare to believe you jesus will give you the praise in the name of jesus christ hallelujah praise the lord let's honor our worship team come on praise the lord look guys i am so proud of you you do not imagine i was talking to jimmy and said look very soon we're going to start our own record label absolutely we'll make it happen and by the spirit of god it will bless the nations of the world and you have the opportunity to go around the nations of the world and be a blessing to the body in the name of jesus let's honor them one more time thank you man says with us today blessing the bishop is around hallelujah bless you sir thank you so much i want to welcome everyone who will be very brief tonight we're going to pray i want to start tonight i'm going to give us a very strong admonition which also doubles as an instruction so please be ready to write the lord put this in my heart to share with us it's been a wonderful year and god has been faithful but let me remind you that the year is not over like bishop david yediko will say he made the heavens and the earth in seven days i don't care whether it's prophetic seven days or real seven days my faith can agree on the one i want god to move up praise the lord whether it's a thousand years seven days i know that even if it is in one day it says as soon as zion travails you shall put forth a child he said have you ever had this proverb that a woman will give birth in one day be pregnant in one day and give birth in one day that's god for you hallelujah i still believe that the best of the year for me is still to come i truly believe god has done things that have brought tears out of my eyes but i believe for myself that between now and december 31st i'm here to see the hand of god so but i want to encourage us even as we begin to set the pace for 2018 [Music] if you will be there you can write now gone are the days where people in in a false show of humility they say we don't know whether we can see tomorrow is a lie don't let any man bring that nonsense around your table you can believe there are scriptures that authenticate the quality of your life the longevity of your life and the problem is that we come from environments that sociologically condition us to defeat you jesus i want to give you a few things that the lord put in my heart to encourage us really this is this is what i'm here to do this night and then a few other things that god will grant us grace to do now most believers are not taught the relevance of a retreat most christians are not taught that a retreat is part and parcel of the spiritual growth process of a believer we teach fasting we teach prayer but very few believers have been taught as a corporate doctrine not just a time out away from people but a retreat that you end and begin seasons in your life in the presence of god it is risky to end and begin seasons in your life in the flesh the most spiritual aspect of your life should be when seasons are ending and when seasons are beginning because that's when satan gets at people when the when when the seasons have been cleared up and you're moving it's difficult for satan to derail you are we together now so it is very very important every one of us must make sure that we use this one month that we are having and take out at least a few days for a quality retreat now there are different kinds of retreats we have a workers retreat as a ministry there are all kinds of retreats families have their retreats but this retreat i'm talking about is a retreat when you are exclusively alone with god not even husband and wife not even father and children no there are certain things god will never tell you in public there are certain things that you will only hear from god when you are alone with him are we together it is it is a very deep and simple spiritual mystery that guarantees victory many believers have not paid attention to it retreats very important end of year retreats very important you must take out time end of year retreat cannot be done in a few hours that is laziness you didn't have a retreat you just had a quiet time a retreat should be at least minimum two solid days you can't spend one day one day alone should be dedicated to thanksgiving is god speaking to us so every single one of us and those following online we must take out time to have personal retreats what are the activities that should happen in the retreats number one thanksgiving your end of year retreat is barren of god's power until you begin and lavishly communicate thanksgiving thanksgiving what we did here tonight is just a representation the same way you spend a night with you praying and putting your needs you must thank god mention them one by one let me tell you i know this about god he never gets tired hearing people thank him lord thank you thank you you gave me tea thank you last year it was without blue burn you added blueband this year so you observed it you see that not lord you thank you for the food you gave me that's a careless thanksgiving father thank you last year it was tap water now you gave me bottled water thank you that means you are careful you are forgetting not his benefits when it comes to requests we are very meticulous lord give me one two three four then when it comes to thanksgiving we say lord even me i can't are you not god don't you know everything i just thank you for everything let's go to another prayer request and god says how selfish selfish when you thank god mention things one by one lord thank you i was on my way to kaduna and the cow wanted to capsize you save me thank you and god said this happened january says lord i didn't forget you are too faithful for me to forget that event he said you remember this for me get ready for another dimension thanksgiving write it down thanksgiving we must take out quality time to thank him number two i'm teaching you how to maximize to set the place to maximize your retreat what do you do during your personal retreat review your progress for the current year 2017 now [Music] that's what you do you sincerely honestly unashamedly review the year and i'll dwell here a bit to help us understand i want all of us to really understand these things the second thing you do at a retreat is to review the year and you don't just review the year carelessly you break your review into six different units write it down the first area is your spiritual life you review your spiritual life review your passion for god reveal the illumination of the world that you have accessed what do you know now that you did not know last year what do you understand now that you did not understand last year review your character create a skill for it can i say i am improving not just in the knowledge of god am i useful to society am i becoming a leader am i becoming a person of character so your spiritual life is the first area that you have to review let me tell you something about retreats you must be honest you see why you have to be alone excuse me you must be honest you must be unashamed you must be very sincere before god number two mental development and your capacity you review that area did i cooperate with the word of god to develop my mind did i acquire useful information that would set me on the cutting edge of relevance did i just pray and fast and build my life spiritually and allowed my mind and my relevance with my sociological environment to die are we together now yes it matters that we not only grow spiritually but we sustain the ability to be useful we must be able to communicate the life of christ to our environment so you review it what books did i read what do i know about leadership did i learn anything did i build my mind what do i know about mindsets am i still carrying my village in my head moving around with it am i still carrying the attributes that keep me poor and a failure am i still carrying the attributes that make good things to live my life is god helping us number three review how much you have taken care of your body your health in a retreat yes sir that's the best place so that you can easily ask for forgiveness when because the only person you really have offended is god this body belongs to him for some of us 2017 has been a useful year spiritually and a careless one health-wise is that true review oh this year lord i apologize i ate anyhow i did all kinds of things anyhow destroyed my body why do you make these reviews because you need this body to last very long are we together gone are the days when people don't talk about this in church and they tell people the most important thing is your spiritual life and you see someone of 32 looking like 50. they're asking how old are you so i'll be 33 next year say what so why are you looking isaac conditioned me crawfish bad no you are not a crayfish you are created in the image and the likeness of god some of those sayings we must start getting them out of the body of christ they look very nice but these are the things that authorize satan to destroy our lives [Music] hallelujah your health and some of us it is not even poverty is carelessness write that word down this is a word that you should look at very carefully during your retreat many people's lives are destroyed including their health because of one word carelessness own attentiveness to details hallelujah number four review your assignment the reason for which god brought you review your purpose your kingdom service these are things that you review at a time of retreat lord i look at the compass of my destiny did i make progress this year can i say from prophecy to manifestation i have moved forward you see this assignment and purpose thing you you hardly even hear it again people don't talk about it it says no i come as it is written of me in the volume of the book to do your will the reason why many people have time to waste their life is because they are not occupied with purpose if purpose does not occupy you anybody can call you any day and say are you frieza yes come and follow me somewhere god designed your time to be well invested fulfilling your assignment this idleness that our generation has is because we are not occupied in purpose and then the recent [Music] um i would say trick of the devil is to make people busy but not moving forward motions like sitting on a rocking chair the chair is rocking consistently but you are not making progress oftentimes jesus would retreat and look okay i must be here i must be there your assignment your purpose i don't know my purpose but you can look at your service in the house of god use that as a template what was your level of commitment what was your level of diligence are we together very important this is what i do during my retreats number four the fourth area number what number five i beg your pardon your finance write it down your finances you have to flog it out in the secret place are we together now you've looked at your spiritual life mental transformation your body your health is that true and then your assignment then your finances were very unapologetic about the usefulness of financial resources both in the quality of our lives and kingdom advance i'm not one of those pretentious people that would downplay the role of financial resources in helping an individual live a useful life i've shared it again and again with us that living to seek money all your life is a course it's not just bad it's a cost it's one of the most distracting strategies of satan when a man spends all your life looking for money it's a course nobody was ever designed to do that what time then do you have in building this chase for money has made us to leave our children to the hands of satan has made us to live our purpose they are people called as prophets and apostles but they only realize one week to their death they spend their whole life chasing money and they never find it please let me say it again and again do not ever plan to continue pursuing money all your life there is an exact time where god should help you put together financial resources that afford you the opportunity to serve god so that you can turn and focus on the more useful things making financial pursuit priority in your life forever is a cause it may be within the time you are seeking that's all right so this is very important review because for some of us our whole lives is built around money money and we never get it you talk two minutes money everything money you say jesus the person replies back with money money money every time you have to review is that true was i able to engage the keys that bring for wealth and abundance this year oh i just had it and it didn't work you will easily know whether you're engaged by the results you got finance is one area where your disobedience shows immediately immediately so you must be sincere this year god gave me one million naira god gave me hundred thousand nara what did i do with it ah i made a mistake i gave hundred thousand error to forward niners you don't jump that what is the lesson that i have to learn there is that true god gave me 200 000 i bought a shoe and i bought a shirt that is not yet my level to prove a point to people who are not interested oh lord forgive me don't say it's all right ask for forgiveness because that is sin is that true when god gives you resources and you waste it if nobody has told you it is sin believe me lord i gave you offering of 10-10 naira i gave you offering of 2020 naira but my average dinner was 2000 naira it's a sign that you are not a serious believer i know you think i'm not talking about money you know that god has helped us but it's important these are some of the things that you do during your retreat a measure of your passion for the house of god and that includes with your resources all these 10 10 naira giving you know most times we lie to ourselves that it doesn't matter the amount does not matter are we not bible students hear that so inspiringly what is sparingly small scanty shall wreak but he shall reap scanty that's why you get one testimony correct you are reaping but he that sowed bountifully lavishly extravagantly he said he will reap the bible said that scriptures cannot be broken so don't say that it does not matter it could be a time for you i remember it was in one of my retreats honestly speaking that the lord challenged me on this the level of giving was far less than the level of god's blessing on my life and the lord rebuked me and i made up my mind and i made a vow there is a minimum amount i will never give us offering again forever till jesus comes yes it's true it's true it's true so review it what do you understand about finances review it if all you know about finances is business and job is better you have to sit down and flood that area because neither of them in themselves will give you money number six relationships the sixth area that you will look at in your retreat is your relationships marital relationships career relationships business relationships destiny relationships some of us almost wasted a year today because of the presence of bad and useless associations associations that should have nothing nothing to do with our lives it's all this is our tribe is our church it's our peace is that true the bible says she that walks with the wise will be wise but he says the companion of fools will be destroyed relationships it matters review them review them who did you give access to this year whose presence destroyed your productivity who did you give access to this year that destroyed your potential for more results who should you have given access to this year that would have improved your life some of you your relationship here you even need to go back and check with the holy spirit what degree of access did you give him relationships now when you review these six areas let me be honest with you your entire life revolves around these six areas your spiritual life your mental development your health and physical well-being is that true your assignment your career whatever it is your financial resources and your relationships there is no man that will ever be a failure if he excels in this area usually what i do is that i scale all six areas and look at the best performing area and the worst performing area and i must answer why i wouldn't just say i will improve why why was this the best and why was this the worst [Music] if your relationships were inside for instance was the worst this year what don't i know about friendship what have i not learned maybe i'm neglecting or not maybe i'm not valuable enough maybe i'm too much of a talkative maybe i'm not somebody who can be committed secrets maybe i'm somebody who is not friendly maybe i'm someone who is jealous lord help me you write it down are you seeing how people grow in retreat you will never come out of that experience the same no sir people jump into the new year and laugh and fast for 10 days for 21 days and become the same old them again and you see the bible says you never put new wine in an old wine skin if your wine skin is old nothing new will ever come you will have to replace that white skin like a snake molting shedding of the old skin so that there can be room for expansion he said go and borrow vessels borrow the wine scheme borrow not a few and the more the wine scheme the more capacity for the anointing to function is that true you must take out time so this is the second thing you do the first thing let's review thanksgiving thanksgiving then the second thing you do is a review of the year i gave you six aspects of your review the third thing is that you must plan for 2018 plan for 2018. i'll tell you how to plan shortly please write this it's very important plan for 2018. it's amazing how many people don't plan they think just because they are writing what they would do they think that's planning that's not planning many times those things are just wishes because at the end of the year less than one percent of them ever happen that's not a goal how do you plan set clear goals in these six areas we just reviewed set clear goals with scriptural backings in each of them i am convinced that if you set a goal in any of these six areas and it doesn't have a scriptural backing it will not come to pass because there is no basis for committing god remember your success is based on your partnership you are not going to plan alone for by the arm of flesh shall no man prevail you must plan and add a scriptural backing that means a spiritual basis for committing god in those areas and then you must add time targets to them every day is not conducive for everything no sir when you buy a product if we pick up this bottle of water you will see there's a little inscription there the manufacturing date and then they write something best before in other words to get the best of this pro this product it should be consumed within this time range putting time target to your goals puts a healthy pressure on you to be able to achieve them the reason why i believe that a lot of us have defaulted on our goals is because there is no time allocation so we make it look like every day is conducive no sir if you build a house at 70 years it's not a testimony if you finish school at 60 years it's not a testimony is that true if a woman gives birth to her first child at 60 years is an unusual testimony is because it's not supposed to be so is that true if god blesses you at 80 years who are you going to live for you will be angry and be frustrated so there are things that we must trust god to help us fast track in our lives say amen and let me come to the gentleman and just talk to us a little please plan turn to any brother sitting here and say brother plan just leave the sisters one minute say brother plan listen spiritual people spiritual people are some of the poorest planners we have especially in this country we don't plan for our greatness we just hope and wish and pray bishop said praying without planning is playing without knowing you have to be like nehemiah with one hand you are building but with another hand you are holding the sword both hands cannot hold the sword one hand is holding the sword and another hand is building it says every house is viewed by some man but god is the builder of all that some man must build the horse is prepared for battle but safety is of the lord but it does not stop you from preparing the horse are we together now i expect every gentleman here to start planning married or not sit down and plan here's what scripture says when i was a child i thought like a child correct i understood like a child i acted like a child he says now that i am a man i lay aside these childish things some of you that's what will happen in your retreat you have to sit down and tell yourself this childishness in my life must go forever come on this foolishness in my life must go forever this stupidity in my life must go forever somehow we have this belief that because god is able without our engaging him through the application of the wisdom of god things will just happen just like that we are tired of irresponsible fathers who are tired of irresponsible gentlemen who are tired of nuisances to society a gentleman who should be capable of feeding and taking care of his siblings and taking care of his generation is still depending on his old and injured parents blasting in tongues but depending here it should not be it should not be there is an honor that comes when certain things are in place in your life is that true i'm speaking to everybody but i'm speaking especially to our gentlemen please let's go back to god and plan this rad race of visiting everybody today you are here tomorrow you are there my brother what are you doing with your life you say it is well no it's not well you sit down and plan what are you doing with your life oh i want to marry a person wonderful and eat what show me the blueprint of and take care of the family especially do you know because in africa let's be very honest if i can pick everybody here almost everybody here has at least four or five people depending to eat from him is that true leave the ladies gentlemen i'm talking to you i'm coming to the ladies pick anybody at random there is one neighbor one one cousin you know one relative that you didn't even know you are related to that needs you to feed so gone are the days where you say i have enough for myself you must log it out plan plan plan i will take the month of january to study only on finances even if they give a message on rapture you say i'm born again i have a goal i'm studying on finances i'm spending the month of february to study on things on faith i'm studying the month of the month of march to study on the anointing i'm starting the month of june or april or whatever to study on my giftings and potentials i'm spending the month of july to study on ministry or my assignment that's how we grow you don't get up every day and open to any part of scripture and just read and convince yourself that you are growing you must plan are we together by the grace of god there there is almost a message concerning every major area of your life go to the media stand there are teachings the media department can help you compartmentalize the teachings if it is success if it's your spiritual growth character development you know salvation etc whatever it is there are teachings and they are all free come with them you must plan number four the fourth thing that i want us to do by the grace of god is that all of us as a family of faith individually we are going to be studying the book of proverbs write it down we are going to be studying the book of proverbs all the 31 chapters study not read there's a difference between studying and reading you can take two two chapters and finish it in 15 days you didn't study you read you glance through let's use this break period to extensively study the book of proverbs go online there are all kinds of commentaries that have been done on that book study carefully don't read to finish read to understand the book of proverbs the lord put this in my heart was studying the fifth admonition which comes as an instruction is that every one of us as much as god has granted us the understanding have a sacrificial seed wrapped with expectation this is between you and god a sacrifice is not a seed a sacrifice is bread it's a cast of bread upon the water he gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater but there are times he will challenge you to give both the bread and the seed a sacrificial seed i'm already doing mine and i'm doing it again and again it's a principle i have practiced for many years that at the end of the year into the next year i will i will have to commit to something that cost me go to god and to the ministry every year without fail i do this i'm not talking of 10 naira 29 something that even you you will stand and say lord i give you thanks between you and god why are you doing that you are engaging the mystery of sacrifice and securing the year coming now please don't do it if you don't have the revelation this has nothing to do with trying to manipulate money and this is a mistake that men of god make when it comes to things like seeds and sacrifice you see them expressing a lot of desperation i i always say this every man of god success is not based on the giving of members it is based on his own obedience to the principles of the kingdom cornelia will only prosper to the degree to which we are complying with the precepts of the kingdom [Music] are we together these five things i promise you that when you do them you will be ready for an amazing 2018. number one thanksgiving number two review that number two for me is one of the most important you have to review don't just wait and say ah apostles send us the prophetic word for next year my body is shaking i need to know what is the prophetic word this is how a lot of people keep recycling carelessness again after again and and then again and again and they find out that the year remains the same different words coming but there's no progress in our lives so go back get a notebook don't just get a little piece of paper say sign that you are not serious with your own destiny get a notebook and sit down and write these things out come up by the spirit one of the things i can guarantee you that will happen in your silence is that the holy spirit will speak to you he will correct you he will applaud you he will rebuke you he will encourage you he will challenge you let the chestnut of the lord not be something that you resent whatever happens in that secret place embrace it as a refiner's fire it is going to be the key to your next level is that true praise god so you do this this is my first encouragement for us tonight these five things the lord put it in my heart and i felt to share with us to help us maximize our time proverbs chapter 4 blessed be the name of the lord we're reading the first 10 verses proverbs chapter 4. just to encourage us and then we pray proverbs chapter four is it projected okay hear ye children the instructions of a father and attend to no understanding for i give you good doctrine forsake ye not my law solomon is teaching us here for i was my father's son tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother he taught me also and said unto me let my heart retain my words keep my commandments and leave verse five get wisdom get understanding forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth but six forsake her not who is the heart wisdom understanding forsake her not and she shall preserve thee take note the benefits of embracing wisdom and understanding she shall preserve thee love her and she shall keep thee seven says wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding verse eight says exalt her and she shall promote thee she shall bring thee to honor who will bring you wisdom and understanding not just wisdom wisdom and understanding will bring you to honor when thou dost embrace her we are reading to verse 10 verse 9 she shall give unto thy head an ornament of grace a crown of glory shall she deliver unto you verse 10 hear o my son and receive my sayings and the years of thy life shall be many from preservation to honor to longevity wisdom and understanding wisdom is the capacity to understand the mind of christ wisdom is the ability to communicate the scriptural solution concerning every issue of life the scriptural solution to every issue of life is called wisdom you are wise to the degree to which you comprehend the ability to profess scriptural solution there are cultural solutions to life's problems there are occultic solutions to life problems there are emotional solutions to life's problems none of them in themselves are able to provide lasting solutions but the wisdom of god the wisdom of god i have pursued the wisdom of god with my life because when i was exposed to my own folly and the fact that i am so limited and the consequences of foolishness the bible says he that walks with the wise [Music] shall be wise himself but he said just being the companion of a fool your destruction is guaranteed if as a companion of a fool you are destroyed then what happens to the fool just being a friend to a foolish man allowing his foolish decisions to influence you it guarantees doom for you that means every fool has no hope foolishness is bankruptcy of the knowledge of god's principles it's not just acting foolishly the foolish action is a product of bankruptcy in your spirit and in your mind i like us to carefully examine the decisions in our lives i want us to carefully examine the things that we do the degree to which you have succeeded is a show of how you have manifested the wisdom of god every time results are not produced in your life it's because there was a defaulting in the wisdom of god it's an uncomfortable truth but it's the secret to rising and pressing for wisdom i am ever ready to be shown by god the areas in my life where i am bankrupt of the wisdom of god it doesn't embarrass me i want to know i search for it like one who is looking for treasure if you do not content for wisdom your life will be an unending circle of pain an unending circle of regrets an unending circle of many things most of us look at our lives this year and we can see several points in our lives where foolishness veered us off the path of glory and brought us into a lot of pain some of us lost destiny help us some of us lost the gift of men is that true some of us lost opportunities some of us lost access several things no wisdom some of us this year we approached our parents wrongly and right now there is a divide between us and our parents lack of wisdom some of us had zeal with no knowledge and it brought a lot of trouble to our businesses a lot of trouble to our ministries wisdom is very important the bible says it is the principal thing and the bible says i commend you to the word of god it says he's able to make you wise the word of god makes men wise just by focusing your attention on the word of god and imbibing the principles the modus operandi of the kingdom it makes you wise the word of god teaches you how to relate with difficult people the word of god teaches you how to speak and when to speak so that you don't get into trouble the word of god teaches you how to respond to unbelievers many of us come from families where there is a mixture of people who are both of the faith and not of the faith wisdom teaches you how to communicate wisdom teaches you that when you are angry be silent because every time you speak you will speak in the flesh there are many people who just obeying this principle would have saved them businesses what millions of naira they uttered words that they are still paying for it today are we together our challenges dr mike murdock will say there is no money problem anywhere and i agree with him most of our challenges because you see we are victims of our understanding and most of the things we have executed in our lives are reflections of the limitations of our knowledge our wisdom our understanding guess what the bible says it says true wisdom a house is built then it says by understanding it is established the firmness of that house is a product of understanding it says true knowledge is the house filled with every pleasurable thing we must make up our minds that we are going to access the word of god not just as an instrument to shield us of the guilt of um spirituality i would say for many people our study of the world is just to so that the devil does not plant any seed in us that we are back sliding but we are not learning anything this is the greatest book that will help your career and your business this is the greatest book that will help your marriage this is the greatest book the sufferings in our world today is because we have ignored the truths that are here we have read it like a religious book we have ready to preach we have read it to to carry out bible studies and prayer sessions but we have not read it for the purpose of accessing wisdom for the way of the lord is the way listen there is no age you get to in life that guarantees that all your decisions will be flawlessly accurate this is the book that coordinates our success there is no educational height you get to that guarantees that your decision-making process will be accurate even if you study psychology it is not enough to give you all the parameters that are needed in themselves to make wise decisions i have lost confidence in myself outside of the world it says thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path in this wicked world listen this ministry by the grace of god was built on this world i have meticulously built my life on this world i don't trust any other thing that is not this world i bring you a proposition tonight as we round up this year i want you to return to a place where you hold an unquenchable hunger and value for the world many of us pray but our lives are bankrupt of wisdom our decisions show the absence of the influence of the world is very clear that we are not being governed by the world i can know how much you have imbibed the world by the excellency and the quality of your communication i'm not talking of linguistic excellence i'm talking of the wisdom that flows from your words i see your behavior i see how you disappoint your enemies expectations and i know you have stayed with the world when you become a victim of people's expectations wait and see he's going to shout at this person ah you come and shout ah you have given yourself chief to life the word of god is not coordinating you jesus disappointed the expectations of the people many times for instance when they brought to him the woman who was caught in adultery they expected he was going to run because they were talking about the word of god you know every time satan wants to challenge you he uses scripture moses said this and jesus kept quiet wisdom for there is a time to speak and there is a time to be silent there are times when your loudest communication is in your silence your silence will answer more than any word for instance when responding to your critic your critic already knows the truth don't try to explain it's a waste of time you don't respond to critics by verbal communication you respond to critics by consistency consistency of your results is that true when i look at our lives and i see our lives surrounded by pride and arrogance it is because we have not seen the deception of pride the deception of pride is like a man climbing a ladder and you take the ladder away that's exactly what pride does i love the word of god i stopped reading my bible to finish it i stopped reading my bible to crime scriptures i found out that it was truly a road map in this darkness darkness where there is deception how many of you have followed people's advices and their advices crushed you not because they were bad people they were just humans they advise you to beat your wife if she goes wrong say i tried it on my own wife look at how she's behaving now you tried it on your own wife and that's when you your prayers stopped being answered that's the first thing that started happening to you and many other bad things happen to you i can look at your life and know how much the word of god has prevailed by the quality of the results that you produce you see let me tell you something if i look at your life and i see you are dirty and tattered as simple as neatness i know you don't have respect for the word of god if the word of god can put your spirit then your life will reflect it you cannot be growing in the world and you are dirty and kept looking like a thief all the time and say it does not matter no sir no sir the word of god will make you to buy an iron because it will teach you that there is a way you appear before kings there is a way kings behave and the bible tells you that you have been made according to revelation chapter 5 and verse 10 will be made unto god a kingdom of kings and priests so you speak like a king you act like a king is that true it is a word of god that is the antidote to these conflicts that our cultures create in our heads christian versus hausa christian versus yoruba christian versus evil you don't know which one to embrace and which one to live i propose to you a culture that is above and superior to every other one that any part of your culture that does not subscribe to the word of god eject it immediately the kingdom is a culture most of us our lives have been destroyed because of our our unfortunate loyalty to cultural tenants that are completely antichrist so although we are attempting again and again to be spiritual but the the thinkings that we have imbibed from culture continue to fight god in our lives i have no loyalty to anything that is not of god this is it this is my new culture scripture tells me that i've been called out of every tribe i'm not saying culture is bad in itself but trust me there are demonic and satanic areas there are certain in our place we don't do this in our place women cannot talk who is this woman i'm preaching i can't listen to her because in our with your place who invented it oh god is speaking i will listen in our place young people don't talk to old people even respectfully even under the anointing [Music] and you see that now it is important that we re calibrate our minds so that we begin to view life from the perspective of the kingdom they drove children from coming to jesus something about their culture taught them that and jesus ah let the little children come to me and do not forbid them he said for such that means these children roaming around are teaching you a lesson you are not learning that until you become like one of these not childish but childlike very malleable in your faith and understanding it says the kingdom is for such are you getting blessed tonight get wisdom get understanding make a conscious decision that in the name of the lord jesus although i was born in social so place i was born under sources of condition by the grace of god my children will not live under that kind of condition the lord by his spirit will lift me it's not about nazareth it's not about where you come from it's about your ability to walk with the word of god and bring that transformation hallelujah by the grace of god i have made it a personal commitment as a minister that i will never create seditions or favoritism based on geographic factors never never you will never see me do that i love my people wonderful people love my region where i come from but by the grace of god i've traveled to every one of the regions of this nation and they love me unreservedly because i do not and will never never try to create any sense of superiority of one culture above another i love everyone the bible says there is neither male nor female neither jew nor greek bond nor free we're all in christ so i cannot see i can't say ik is evil and say um alpha is from kogi state promises from delta and i say you are my person be careful those are the kinds of mindsets that robots because your destiny helper will come as directed it may not be from your place joseph of arimathea the bible does not record that he was part of the disciples of jesus how about simon of cyrene the people who played very major roles in the life of jesus jesus was rejected by his own people they run away another prophetess sineon in the temple joseph of arimathea look at the strange people who came and attended to him wisdom there are ministries that have crashed into pieces because of lack of wisdom they make it look like if you are described you are not welcome if you are that tribe you are not welcome we must be careful because we are dealing with a global society part of the principles you learn when you study global leadership is that you must concentrate on the points of similarity concentrate on the point of similarity nobody will be comfortable in an atmosphere where their core values are being insulted simply because you are trying to demonstrate the superiority of another culture so we unify ourselves as believers with one common culture it's called the kingdom the kingdom is god's culture where we allow the influence and the reign of christ to permeate our lives regardless of our geographic differences hello hello i love the word of god gives me wisdom it is the bible that teaches us how to be wise financially it says a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children so when you see a young man spending as if he would not marry you see that living a fake and a foolish life that's a selfish man because he's not thinking about his children and his children's children the bible says it the bible says there is he that scattered hear the wisdom of god there is he that's scattered and increasing there is he that with all that modern is meet and tends to poverty that means there is a relationship between greed and luck the bible establishes it so when there is luck in your life you check and you see that there is scripture is fulfilled in your life the bible talks about tithing that there is a relationship between the opening of your heavens and your tithing regardless of whatever opinions are available scripture cannot be broken it is by these two immutable things god his swore will not be broken heaven and earth will pass away but brothers and sisters men and their philosophies and their pride and their arrogance nations and kingdoms will rise and fall but the word of god remains consistent one of the greatest fears if i would say in my life is to find out that at the end of my life i believed a lie i wasted my time following a man following a philosophy and then at the end he would tell me i'm sorry me too i'm as confused as you i choose the word of god that liveth and abideth forever this ministry is a tithing ministry i'm a tightened person there is no devil and no doctrine that will ever stop us that's why there is no amount of recession i say with all humility by the grace of god almighty that is capable of limiting me as a person and limiting the work of god for he said i will build my church and if you allow me build it i will build it in such a manner that the gates of hell will not prevail this is the wisdom of god i have learned from the wisdom of god that as a man of god your assignment is to lift up jesus not yourself this is the secret to crowd you lift up yourself you pay for it he says and i if i be lifted the reward for lifting me is mysteriously i will draw all men not some men not some territories when i found this i said lord i have no business building any empire it is about jesus the king of kings and the lord of lords thank god for the honor but i'm so happy to let you know that the one who really deserves all the glory and all the honor is jesus the head of the church the builder of koinonia it came from the world i'm showing you things from the world i have found out in the word of god that when you honor the body of christ there are dimensions you enter it is it is the word of god that gave me that wisdom so i can insult a man because i do not like something about him yet he is carrying an anointing that can help me it is for this course many a week for this course many are sick for this cause many to sleep there are many people who would have cheaply received miracles but the vessels that carry the anointing are not appealing to them the scripture says there is a treasure in eating vessel he didn't tell you the vessel is golden he said the vessel is eating so he can be angry like elijah or temperance like moses they still are anointed when i found out i don't have any problem with any man of god you never hear me open my mouth and tear down a man and his ministry because i believe that there is always something i can learn even if i cannot lend spirituality i can lend excellence i can learn leadership when you search for jesus everywhere you will find him [Music] i learned from this scripture that as a man as he thinketh in his heart so is he so i stopped wasting my time packaging a reality that is not here gone are the days where people try to buy suit by shoe with empty understanding and then their minds reduce their lives back have you seen territories like that they tried to do physical things they have not educated the people in that environment then they make that in six months they spoil the tap to look like the mindsets of those living in that environment no sensitization so i learned that the key to my lifting is not buying clothes buying shoes buying all these things to prove a point that i can wait with the holy spirit to reconstruct my understanding and that inevitably the things i so admire will helplessly run towards me oh my god and how true this is one of the truest revelations i know in scripture the supernatural power of the transformed mind and its ability to effortlessly draw to your life the realities that are consistent with your understanding it is true are we together [Music] the wisdom of god tells you there is hope for a tree even it be cultural in our society where we are we have more than happy to conclude on people you look at someone and say this guy used to be an armed robber there's no hope for him but when you study the word of god the bible is full of people that god transformed their lives overnight and my bible says that rejected stone that rejected stone i'm speaking to someone in your family and all the nonsense and rubbish that they say about people there are people who started this year with their pride of spirituality and right now they are not they are almost not even born again because they are pride humble them they maintain their spiritual life by themselves but there are people who started this year saying lord if you are looking for any vessel can you use this drunkard and god said that's all i want come and right now as i speak to you that in various stages around the world setting up place the kingdom of darkness because he uses the foolish things when you understand this you will never run your mouth at anybody and conclude on people you don't see a woman who is frying a current look and say oh dear poor woman because god can pick someone you see the word of god makes men wise the way we speak sometimes shows that we have not read scripture whether it is a poor man rich man i will hug you and greet you i won't say you you are this of course i will give you honor because god i have seen in my little life how god has transformed people overnight and made princes to be servants and servants to become princes if the baba of joseph knew he was bobbing the prime minister he would have begged him and said sir don't forget me there were people of bus and john lifted simply because they dared to advise him while he was in prison when he came out he sent for them created one committee and dropped them getting it before i changed and he said it very openly not anything in hiding i brought this person here because he was there for me wisdom wisdom teaches you to be there for people at their worst areas because they will never forget you people will forget you when they if if i hold a banquet for plenty people you hold that banquet as a king so you forget everybody but when someone comes to you in the cave of abdullah you say i will never forget you everybody ran away from me but you stood here one of the quickest way to be rich is find somebody rising find a vision rising be part of it with all diligence that's a free ride to the wealthy place i guarantee you some of our parents today know people that would have changed their life in a heartbeat they are crying for rent whereas somebody that they would have helped with 15 or 20 years ago would give them an essay today the word of god making us wise making us wise making us wise making us wise hold your bible in one minute and i'd like you to pray and say lord there is there is wisdom in this scripture there is wisdom in this scripture there is wisdom in this scripture i am tired of foolishness in my life lord i come to terms with the fact that my decisions are obviously showing a bankruptcy of the word of god the quality of my decisions are a revelation that the wisdom of god is not at work in my life the quality of my decisions the quality of my results are questioning the efficacy of the word of god in my life are you praying i'm not asking you whether you have been faithful with bible study i'm not asking you whether you have been faithful with your your devotion or whatever it is i am asking you have you allowed the wisdom of god to influence your understanding do you live your life trading the mysteries of the kingdom or do you live your life guessing and hoping that at a point in your life things will change it's risky to run your life by your own your own formula hallelujah sit down [Music] the wisdom of god come the wisdom of god teaches us how to relate with people is that true when when you study the wisdom of god the word of god you will know that whoever one's friends will not sit down say call me text me be my friend that friendship is a harvest you have to sow the seed so if i sit down and i find out that i love god but there are no friends as a lady nobody likes me as a guy nobody likes me the secret is that something about your life is creating an environment that is pungent to friendship see that when you lack help us in your life the bible gives you a prescription when you lack help us in your life i can tell you immediately there are things you are not doing among them there is no prophecy on your life because destiny helpers don't come on their own it is one aspect of your life that it is pure prophecy that calls them [Music] are we learning how about fear living in fear there are many of us we have used our words to program walls ladies it is not for us we are not us we are the where the um what they call that thing where the outcasts were the ones who are parents cannot just leave it to these people and the bible says do not say before an angel i made a mistake we have programmed nonsense and rubbish a name god did not call you you have allowed yourself to be called it again and again you called yourself ugly there is nowhere in scripture when you were called ugly you called yourself irresponsible the word of god does not call you that way open my eyes help me i am what you say so french the bible says cast not away your confidence confidence is not pride confidence is psychological stability that is on the strength of the truth you have found in scripture that's confidence stability that is based on the truth of god's word if you tell me apostle i i was passing across the shrine and i had them talking about you that they will kill you tomorrow i'm going to sleep this night i won't wake up and do any special prayer through god and you can't be joining a joke if you know the mysteries that keep this man standing you surround yourself with mysteries like chariots when the spirit of death knocks on your door three scriptures come out like like fire i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord number two honor your father and your mother that your days may be long and that it shall be well with you number three i set before you life and death blessing and cursing i advise you and i chose it do you fight a man outside his will even god stands in the door of your heart and knocks why won't satan knock why wouldn't death knock if god is nothing to enter i don't know about you the bible says a man who has no control over my spirit is like a city without anything that must enter my life is god not to enter nothing will enter on his own my revelation so when men say there is a casting down they allowed it somewhere for me when it knocks i say get back for me there is a lift you know see i'm not just entertaining you i'm showing you how the word of god makes a man wise it constructs your understanding the bible says he daily loves me with benefit i expect favor every day after 24 hours it's not because i'm a preacher i expected i found it i found a word and i hated it it was a joy and a rejoicing the word was not written for preachers brothers and sisters it was written for those who can't believe my mother started learning these principles and you will find that people will start calling take a bag of rice give your mother take this give your mother working for her she's not a preacher and it's not because she's my mother it works for anybody he said declare ye that he might be justified i will never say i am a failure no sir no sir no sir no sir just because there is no food in your room most believers who come kind this lifestyle a luta continuer victoria escarta is a cost you are recite you are enchanting is the same thing as being given a charm in a happily shrine and you read it that's what we have been doing [Music] you come in and you see lack and insufficiency you declare while i look not at the things that are unseen but the things that are seen for the things that are seen are temporal subject to change but the things that are unseen i know that one day i will feed nations come on now you are going through times in your life you don't understand what is happening you don't give room to depression don't he slay me yet will i trust him i know my redeemer leaves the bible said job did not cost god the way we act is a revelation as to whether the word of god has worked in us you go back and you meet friends ah a megan then they say one kind of very devilish poisonous and vulgar word you call it human being a dog you call it human beings he used to be a joke but now that you have the revelation you lovingly say no i'm not a dog i know exactly dogs in scripture i used to communicate gentiles and people who are at the business levels of life i will not confess that the bible says he has made me a king and a priest i remember when i was in secondary school there's something they call yeah you know it where two people will sit down and look for very nasty expressions very full gut descriptions of themselves the goal is for it to be funny so somebody usually a group of people who are like the referees i would say my own you'll be hungry and say your own and then you know that's why people were not doing well notice people enter just one and by the time they finish writing exams they come out the only thing they come up with is a good certificate common sense gone health gone they are sick they have troubles god has not given me the spirit of fear the bible says i shall not be afraid of the arrows that fly by day in my world there's nothing like embalmers he daily looks this is the day the lord has made it he said the lord and satan the lord alone made that day satan too was waiting for god to make the day it was god that made the day i rejoice in it and i am glad you will never see me frowning my face and you ask me why is that kind of this world nigeria said no he said for with joy shall i draw i've taught you this frustrate satan by remaining joyful he said rejoice in the lord not in your results if you rejoice in your results the day you don't see it you will not rejoice again if you rejoice in your cgp your job your new employment i rejoice in the lord my eyes are on him regardless of the results my eyes on him you pick a medical report and he looks at you he says the american report says you have all kinds of lumps and all kinds of growth and the devil says that's it in case you don't know the name is cancer is for me keep watching and you sit down and go online signs of cancer they say start like love say hey you come and meet a mecca and then he will confirm it to you and say it's true go and drop that report and say lord if i die who dance you are reducing the number of people who praise you ask hezekiah isaiah went to him in chapter 38 and said hezekiah set your house in order as the guy said no says i respect you you're a prophet of god but leave me and god shut the door as the guy said god what did i hear you say remember your temple when you talk about the temple god listen so lord your household and he said no no please [Music] i think it was a prayer department i was i was um yes on tuesday i was rounding up their session with them and i told them something i said as a walker in this ministry there are benefits that should be yours they are not they are not privileges they are rights as a walker there are certain things that should be yours the bible says a worker is worthy the word worthy there is deserving of his wages not just a worker in koinonia a worker in the house of god the closest simile to wages is salary that means that there should be something that leaves heaven for me you have gotten your salary for being a civil servant of nigeria have you gotten your salary for being a worker in the house of god is god speaking to you the way i speak the way i act the way i understand is a revelation when you look at your child and beat your child and kick your child and say you are you are an idiot you are a stupid child i don't know why you and your foolish mother you are revealing something the kicking is a revelation it's a revelation that number one you don't know that children come from god number two you do not know that fatherhood is an office recognized in the realm of the spirit there is a priesthood office that father could pass the mother of chabez was angry she didn't know that motherhood is an office and out of her anger she named her childhood best every time chapes was to be good that office cried in the realm of the spirit and one day jabez was angry and said no i can't continue like this i can tell you more than half of africans are carrying all kinds of tragedies that the office of father and mother provided out of anger your father looks at you and just says look he will not be well with you just because that time you were in the world and you stole his shoe or you stole a goat i went to go and sell it and he looked at you and in anger it cost you so this is how you will be like a goat all through your life and you will think it's a joke until you find out you put a goat side by side with the way you are behaving and you see that's exactly the same true story i'm rounding up i know a gentle man that the mother caused him and said until a rat stop stealing he will not stop stealing yes true story god is my witness it was a popular face that i knew this guy will come out of prison now as they are waving him silent in two weeks he's coming back again that prophecy secured the spirit of theft in his life comfortable the only thing that can set him free is the anointing you see the reason why we speak over people yes you speak over people to super impose and veto the ordinances that have been communicated upon their lives listen brothers and sisters i want you to understand that these are spiritual ordinances fatherhood and mother who did not end with the old testament in the new testament a man treats his wife bad at the bible say his heavens will be closed this is why many fathers are going through hard life in nigeria i'm telling you this this attitude of treating mothers and treating women as if they are a piece of my father here please i apologize i have great respect for men i'm one of the one of my life so i i don't in any way downplay men but i want to be sincere with you the way you treat your wife not a woman your wife will determine whether your heavens will be close or not so you can live up you finish insulting your wife god that stupid woman you and all your five useless children you are going for the business meeting they call you when you are almost there and say sir just go back it won't work again say what do you mean if you walk i just prepared my paper the heavens you always know when the heavens are closed because a forest becomes a fruitful vine and becomes a wilderness irrecoverable depletion from as they say from grace to grass close heavens that's why the bible says until the spirit be poured upon us like rain from high then a wilderness will become a fruitful vine then a fruitful vine will be counted for a forest thank you hallelujah we're going to pray tonight and then i'm going to speak over your life i really believe in the power of prayer listen let me encourage you with this kiss that i've shared with you i expect every wise young man whether you are staying with your parents or not or if if both of your parents have gone to be with the lord you have spiritual parents you have all kinds of representatives if i were you do something for your earthly parents that will provoke a blessing from them as you are going home now don't just go as a big man big man no money close heavens go and meet your parents mommy i don't have so much money but i made pepe soup for you i went around the city looking for bushmeat that you like i found it really my daughter you mean bushmeat okay god bless you know i came with this one specially please pray for me what kept you and daddy for 50 years let that grace come your mother will look and say kneel down that's it i can guarantee you that prayer is not noisy he said go and make me finish him that i may bless you you don't bless without venice in the foolishness of your people you stroll to anybody and they don't bless me you think it works like that was ice was it just because he was hungry it's a principle unknown your father and your mother i'm telling you this is some of us this is what will break this joblessness these problems some of us you just need to go back home and say mommy i'm sorry for five years i have given you a lot of headache you don't even like seeing me but i want to tell you that i got connected to a ministry and god has changed my life i just wanted to speak over my life i don't have much but i came with 100 naira recharge card they may have ten thousand around their phone but that hundred naira is what will open you up they will say kneel down let me tell you whether your father is a believer or not if he speaks to you it's an office it will open your destiny are we together you go back home and you see the people in your community during their life christmas is when people die from bike as a result of drinking they learn how to ride bike during christmas until they die from it and you just sit down say look three or four friends let's see what we can do one day small program somewhere at the back of one football field put one speaker in the rest organize something even if it's for the children instead of our little children dancing all these devilish dance that they start spoiling the hearts of these small children gather them let them even if it's biscuits and sobo or something you have done something nobody for the kingdom and then take god on exodus chapter 23 verse 25 you shall be and serve me and i will bless your bread and water i will take sickness far away from you there will not be barriness in your life and your days i will prolong lord i served you during this break i come for the blessings that follow service are you ready to pray please rise up on your feet thy will be my let's hold hands together and begin to pray in the spirit and seal the remaining part of this year seal the remaining part of this year go ahead and pray myself year we corner and the mountains drop fatness for us you crown our year we follow the yellow triumph you crown it with honor suffragettes hallelujah we're going to pray and say lord if there is anything according to your predetermined counsel that i should experience for 2017 and is still lagging in my life the remaining days that we have i think we should have about 20 maybe about 16 more days am i right 16 days is too much for god to do a fearful miracle open your mouth and release your faith move oh god move with god in 16 days you can still confirm your word concerning my life foreign you are the destiny children give me a testimony give my family a breakfast you can still give me the promotion i can still recover everything that was lost i want us to pray a very serious prayer right now most of us are going back maybe to spend the break with our loved ones or around our life to pray when jonah enter the boat people started weeping and losing everything because one man in disobedience was in the boat he made the bottom usually heavy and was about to capsize but when the act of god entered the house of a man called open adam without prayer in 90 days three months everything changed i like you to pray and say lord i am a living tabernacle as i go home or wherever it is that i'll be going to i will present you possibilities i represent the heart of god go ahead and pray i go home smash the works of darkness every activity of divination every activity has badness over my loved ones in the name of jesus as i step my feet i decree and i declare by the power of the holy ghost the heavens don't be tired of praying i want us to challenge three demonic forces over our family listen one is the spirit of sickness and infirmity to the spirit of poverty and hardship three the spirit of death lift your voice and cause them lift your voice and cross them in the name of jesus i represent the government of heaven over my life and my family i command the spirit of death take your hands off my lord there will be no sound of mourning in the name of jesus pray i come against necromancy i come against manipulations of the constellations to destroy the life of any one of my loved ones they are covered no death not by accident not by terrorism not by bread crush i cause sickness i cause infirmity i cause sickness we cause cancer we cause athletes we cause advertisers we cause every killer disease every terminal disease take your hands of our loved ones we cause the spirit of poverty and hardship stealing resources from our loved ones because it conflicts [Music] [Music] i come against you in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah hallelujah are you ready to pray i'd like you to program favor that as i step out all through from now till january when i come back is going to be faithful whether you have an uncle or not financial favor all kinds of open doors open your mouth and declare it create it i command faithful in the name of jesus i call for the helpers for my family help us for my destiny lord i receive i receive i receive all kinds of favor all kinds of flavor man arising man arising in the name of jesus faithful hallelujah listen i want you to believe me we're rounding up but you see not many people in this life have truly encountered favor favor is an experience that happens once but the result continues without stop we're going to pray this prayer again listen the hardship in many of our families even salary will not join is that true there are some of us now if you get a job and you are giving your loved ones three three hundred thousand per month even after five years it will not solve the problem fifteen people in the house only one person is working is earning twenty thousand that's a cause when i say faithful i'm not saying look at your employer to give you one bag of rice or one of your rich uncle in america take your mind away from any man don't add faces your own is to just create with your words are you ready to pray for me and for my family lord surprise us surprise us before december 31st lord do something that has not been done a natural dimension of favor pray no matter what kind you have seen provoke another prophet call it form in my life i call it for in this ministry i call it for for my loved ones i call it for strange favor between now and 31st december strange faithful hallelujah usually i'd like you to pray listen one of the major reasons why there is trouble in our homes is because someone there has not given his life to christ and therefore does not subscribe to the value system of the kingdom i hear what i'm saying now it is terrible to have someone in a family that does this has not given his life to christ or is not interested in being passionate especially if they have authority over you because they will force you to stay in their mood you pray for 30 minutes they say are you the first to be born again i have been born again i'd like you to pray two things lord massive encounters i'd like you to pray for your loved ones that don't know jesus lord this is this is the season they must encounter jesus leave your voice and pray i pray for my brother i pray for my sister i pray for my father i pray for my mother i pray for my uncle i pray for my step siblings pray pray lord were tired of the challenges that their lack of encountering christ is bringing to us financial troubles spiritual troubles they continue to become doorways and portals through which darkness comes into destroyerly faith give them an encounter give them visions give them dreams in the name of jesus break their pride oh god give them solid encounters encounters with your power change them change them change them some of them have found that they will never give their life to christ i'd like you to pray and say lord in your majesty put them wrong prove them wrong [Music] hallelujah one last prayer that we are done for tonight listen all these prayer points i'm giving you when you go back pray them especially this prayer of salvation i can tell you this with the little experience i have counselling families 90 percent of the problem is that there is someone who is comfortably a gateway for satan to destroy people notice how satan does it in every family he must search for somebody one bad boy one bad girl or maybe our fathers our mothers everyone tries to press into god you just hear that police are calling you go to the police station they will tell you they've caught your brother stealing a laptop the bill is four hundred thousand and before you know it the money you have saved that's a divora a devorah all these stealing you see young people do especially all these young guys steal something shamefully come and put their parents in trouble the money that should be the school fees of five people you have to take it and one set to police is the devil what about the young boys that have not reached age of driving they smuggle out a car and go somewhere an expensive car they just bought with their friends get drunk and smash the car [Music] these are all these killings of darkness [Music] many parents they are almost dying of depression because of the stubbornness of their children a lady jumps the fence and disappears one week nobody has seen her they are all afraid they start contacting the police paying money and then she's throws in after eight days and said why are you looking for me he's the devil a smart young gentleman about to graduate they will go and find him under the quarter because he went for a nonsense party christmas party that is the bed of jesus christ drinks to stupor and the friends stripping a phone and everything and they leave him on the ground they come and carry him in the morning arrest him in the police station and the whole family spends christmas going to the station i'd like you to say the devil is a liar i'm showing you these are the things in in many families satan does not want to see everybody rising you see a gentleman the only graduate and because he's a giver a wicked accident will happen and just destroy both of his legs or one kind of deadly sickness where there will be chemotherapy or something that is eating over 70 to 100 000 per week in six months it has tried the finances of the family he said i will stand upon my watch and set myself upon the tower you have to be watchmen when you are at home don't see things happen and join everybody cry you know what to do go unlock yourself and say lord this cannot continue to be quarrel between father and mother quarrel between husband and wife all these bad bad things the devil brings during this season a time of joy or merriment all of a sudden that spirit comes into our families fire on the mountain everybody's living like a stranger don't you see that is an attack i'm telling you so that when you go back home everybody used to run away but now you are the one who will move and say no way i put an end to this evil in the name of jesus lift your hands let me speak over your life in the name of jesus christ i declare and declare by the power of the holy spirit as you return back you return in the power of the spirit in the name of jesus christ any name and any identity the devil has given your family that is a mockery to redemption i stand here in the name of jesus and i declare that within this one month may the lord change your story i pray from the depth of my heart for any individual and any family that is called ichabod that the glory has departed i declare that because of your going back legendary restoration of glory let there be a restoration of honor let there be a restoration of dignity anyone here still trusting god for a job i'm declaring you will not return next year without a job in the name of jesus christ i decree and declare if there is any manipulation of witchcraft for those of you who are traveling to the village and there are all kinds of warnings here and there either because your people are used to witchcraft i declare you will go and come back safely you will go and return safely in the name of jesus hear me any strange spirit that enters your family during these times of love to scatter the families i declare in the name of jesus they are end comes this season hallelujah there are families right now who are even waiting for you to come because even one chicken they cannot afford for christmas i call on my god i cry before the god of heaven that between now and next week let there be a miracle of supplies a miracle of supplies a miracle of supplies a miracle of supplies hallelujah i pray for those who are students do you know there are students that when they go home as soon as their parents see them their hearts begin to palpitate because of school feasts in the name of jesus the kind of favor your parents have never seen i pray in the name of jesus let there be that kind of favor for them the kind of favor that will make your school face look like pocket money in the name of jesus christ i pray for your spiritual life most people leave this environment and go back and return back as old as whatever i pray for you you will return with even greater fire than you left whoever the devil is arranging in your life between now and january to destroy you i prophesy that your part will not cross in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ and for those of you who will be traveling there are people who will be traveling from tomorrow whether by air whether on the road i speak to your journey i decree and declare you no armed robbers on the road in the name of jesus christ you will arrive safely and you will return back safely in the name of jesus christ i'd like you to wave your hands to jesus [Music] wave your hands to jesus father we give you all the praise after tonight we'll officially be closing for the year and we'll be resuming thank you we'll be resuming 19th 19th is the third friday of january 2018. if you will be there i want you to clap for jesus hallelujah praise the lord very quickly before i take the altar called now we usually send the prophetic word please listen we're a ministry that is guided by prophecy and i usually send the prophetic word 6 pm on the 31st 6 p.m on the 31st how many of you are here and you do not get sms's from koinonia let me see your hands okay this is what will happen um protocol department sadly the public relations department have not started their work but for now protocol you please do their work let's see how we can um if you have not been getting text messages from the ministry this is what i want you to do after the grace uh where do we do it now okay at okay just somewhere here where iran is stretching his hands you can just come around there and you quickly write your name and your number and then we'll have it and upload it on the central ministry database so that you can receive text messages now when you receive the text message it is for you to incorporate it in your retreat and pray of course when we come here we open up the revelations but i believe with all my heart that next year will make this year look like child's play in the name of jesus i believe that with all my heart praise the lord hallelujah let's all stand you are here this is our last service an opportunity to connect you to jesus please no moving around overflow one two three those following online you're here and um you're saying apostle i've been hearing you preach but every time i want to come out there is a resistance this may be an opportunity you will not want to waste jesus is calling you the bible says that god so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish but have the way god's life hallelujah you're here and you are saying man of god before we close for the year i want to tap into this triumph package i want to rededicate my life to jesus probably at one time you made a decision for jesus but for some reason you found out that things have just gone haywire in your life and you've been out of touch with god and you're saying can i join them you're most welcome these two categories of people i'm going to count one to five very quickly wherever you are this is our last night together for the year you do not want to miss this opportunity with jesus wherever you are go ahead and come quickly buffalo one two three make your way to the front very quickly god bless you i appreciate them people are coming come to jesus the bible says as many who will come to him he will in no wise cast away win that war tonight win that war tonight make a decision for jesus i believe there are still people outside if you're coming from overflow 3 please run very quickly run very quickly so that you can join those online you can follow us and say the prayer when i lead them to god bless you god bless you god bless you i guess you people coming god bless you jesus is still speaking to people god bless you young and old make your way make your way very quickly apostle i'm not sure whether i'm born again i've always been in church join them very quickly if you are not sure it means you are not born again when the titanic sank there were only two lists those who were lost and those who made it if you didn't make it you were lost there was no in between so join them you are not sure you are not sure of your relationship with jesus join them very quickly join them very quickly you are being suspected you are saved but you are not sure join them and be assured there is something called the assurance of salvation please very quickly let's save time our time is gone hallelujah thank you so much ladies and gentlemen i want you to lift your right hand very high to the heavens and i want you to pray this prayer you're not reciting a poem this is from it should be from the depth of your heart mean it say after me lord jesus please mean it loud lord jesus i believe in you that you are the son of god i believe you love me [Music] you died for me shed your blood for my sins tonight i receive you into my heart be my lord be my savior i declare according to your word that eternal life is mine from tonight and forever i belong to jesus keep your hands lifted let me pray for you father in the name of jesus i thank you for this once we present to you trophies that are tested the death the burial and the resurrection of jesus lord i ask that you preserve them there is a grace that keeps men keep them in the name of jesus holy spirit we commend them to your care your tutelage your mentorship you are the one who can make them [Music] expressions of true citizens of the kingdom and i pray that from tonight your ministry becomes effectual in their lives for those who are rededicating their lives to jesus i pray for you the grace to stand the grace to be consistent the grace will be ever increasing is released upon you in jesus name i declare your sins forgiving i declare that the life of god is at work in you you'll move forward ever and backward never in jesus name amen and amen thank you so much for making this decision there's a lady waving our hands right now all of you placed this way in concert i just want you to follow the lady and they will communicate a few details to you in the name of jesus let's appreciate them [Music] you
Channel: KelFusion TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: hgRT_xz8XMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 242min 37sec (14557 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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