Wednesday Mask Paint A Thon!

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tell the news tell them what's going on tonight you're doing a lot of talking over there hi everybody so what's the matter my wife cannot find me danger danger danger right now it says i have two thumbs up but no viewers now i see micro halloween and realms hello fine gentlemen oh patrick redding misty john c pug [Music] omaha horror really that's awesome that's great rubble brian perry bc stevenson [Music] all right so uh tonight i'm not going to be sculpting um yes i still have a bunch of stuff on my list but i'm already i'm still in mold debt i haven't molded the jaguar i haven't molded leach so i'm still in bold debt from those two um so i don't want to add to it and i have orders to get out so i have all these masks back here to paint and to get started painting so these five kids are on the block tonight tomorrow is going to be tomorrow daytime is going to be uh cujo thursday i'm going to finish up cujo which i don't think will take that long because i'm you know ahead on that project uh but cujo will be finished up tomorrow today we are going to paint some maskos all of these guys are ready uh i don't know if you guys have seen the cleaned blank uh the gloriator i don't know if you guys saw this or not here's the gloriator nice clean blank ready for paint they would like to know how the dog goes on dog goes yeah right now it's uh wwd world wrestling dog wrestling federation uh over here which every now and then in the living room i will announce it like it's a bjj contest of brazilian jiu jitsu because they actually have some pretty slick moves uh sometimes it reverts to dominance humping and that's awkward but uh not that often and uh here is bella she's rather chill thunderstorming outside another reason i didn't want to necessarily go oh notifications are on even i heard that one sorry guys sound mute okay so yeah doggos are fine bella is uh riding out the storms um she's more chill during rain and stuff so there you go great youtube wednesday well thank you thank you so much uh i'm i'm glad that's one that i've been i've been wanting to redo that one no five six years when i finally got around to doing it nate and jones left as well bass are awesome i love the head hey thanks thunderstorm gordiator which is like gladiator but it's a gourd alex they are huge yes uh our dogs right now are about 100 pounds each give or take and uh they are 10 months old so they only grow for the first two years great come on we'd love to have you across this booth all around i'm going to turn my house to a monster house between eyes and the windows yeah that's awesome that would be fun nathan jones says i'm going to try and save up to come to monster camp next year also very cool i thought it would work sorry not sorry oh yeah from the puppies uh we're not sorry either we knew what we were getting into yeah i put my uh i could have put it out in the wind but i needed some big puppies and uh the skull birds came through for us mike's haunted woodworks or why do we have three giant ones yes actually ellen's why we have three giant dogs let's see hello uh fun video for youtube wednesday allen hey thank you 50 people are watching 50. can you make a dinner gordon uh i have made so many debbie morgan's the answer is yes yes i can normally i make them for people who have a license to use them like a theme park or a promotional event uh for stranger things uh so it's not normal but i mean it's it's possible that i make something similar thank you love the graveyard statues you made earlier thanks okay so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to paint these two over here white because they're going to get a base um and i'm going to do some different stuff with some of them so these two have been brush painting is going to take the longest to dry it's actively raining right now so uh it will that means it's pretty humid out so it'll take a while for this stuff to dry it's great to see a painting session yeah hey body geeks he says sounds like an exciting night i it can be i think people like to watch painting vids you know what and before this one is fine i want to clean this one because this mold had been around a while before then yeah clean a little bit of alcohol have you seen the movie cabin in the woods if so have you tried to do one of the makeups were possible um uh i actually live in a cabin in the woods like i literally live in a log cabin in the woods and um the the thing about cabin in the woods is that most of the characters in it are kind of tropes anyway so have i made a merman yeah i've made about ten have i made zombies yeah dozens uh have i made uh werewolves yeah bunches so um yes it's the short answer uh but most of those are pretty trophy you know they even had like a knockoff of cinebites i mean they're they're all nods to other stuff um not a lot of original creatures in that nothing better than watching paint garage says i agree am i glad the fast five-minute multi-mass painting like ended today uh i want these to be good uh not that ed isn't amazing but uh was that ed's best work no no if i was throwing them out to a crowd then um sure they are free masks that i'm just throwing out but these are masks that people paid for because i like the monies yeah but i also then i want to give them a good product this will be jack frost correct allen can stock his own cabin in the woods very cool uh i've made a lot of monsters night terror farm haunted farm there is your jack frost yeah this is jack frost coming along everybody else is ready to go we're just waiting on him and uh i should have him wrapped up tomorrow and in a box if you pay attention to the cabinet in the woods there's a cgi 3d scan available in the movie at the 40 minute 21 second mark okay probably a fat guy eating donuts or something that's probably what it is knt do halloween we love our jack frost from y'all yeah jack frost is kind of fun uh i'm going to admit i actually want to do a resculpt for him and i'll probably write it on one of my big popsicle sticks so that i can do it down the road and i love sculpting and i kind of wish i was sculpting but it is more responsible of me to get this done and if people are going to watch me i should probably kind of do the responsible thing michelle schulte good evening hello michelle schulte did you get your notification that your minitar ship today what was the sculpture originally for uh this was going to be another elf just another one of the elves but um i i played a little bit more with the anatomy than i should have so it ended up it's an elf but it's a little more angular it's just a different look than what the rest of them are so i noticed a large dinosaur looking job on your yard during youtube wednesday what is that that is a refurbishing project that i have it's going to be a big dragon head that goes on top of my monster museum it was originally an animatronic head made out of fiberglass and so it's going to be a foam and patch project that i've i've just been too busy to get to but eventually i'll get to it it'll probably be either a youtube wednesday or during the week we'll do a couple live videos of me getting that done my terror spotted farm says i feel bad keeping allen from sculpting no no no no this is what i ought to be doing uh it would be very irresponsible of me to have orders waiting to go out you know and uh and not jumping around in order to do something else when nothing on my list right now is an order sometimes there's things that i have to sculpt because someone order a custom mask and i always work those into the list but you know right now i don't have that um a cujo is one of my outstanding orders for larry and uh i'm going to jump on cujo tomorrow but i didn't want to dedicate all night while you guys are watching to me working on one thing it's going to take me a couple hours i would rather you guys see progress on several masks and our next ship day i believe is friday and i have the utmost confidence that couchdog can head out then michelle schulte says she's starting barrel number two in the morning wow that's awesome don't those look good you killed it by the way the pictures that i saw you you they look amazing and who who was the guy that i saw painting it in your pictures is that a family member or stinging mantis says i just made my own pair of slider gloves awesome that's great joanna crowley says love the graveyard statue update thank you which one is stanley's start started yes you are poured up you are based and the next thing that i do and honestly you are going to be right after cujo um and uh we'll be attaching because you have like a lot of hair tentacles dreadlocks yeah that'll be happening so yes you're prepped but it's not uh it's not as underway as these guys it's not a paint job away he's in the cube he's in the queue herpatic says essential a little something today it should be there monday that is so i tell you what you guys are so kind and nice uh it is amazing the community of people that we kind of fell into during this whole covet stuff lisa says going to be doing lots of different techniques with these masks i love anything winter thing me too lisa yeah me too i love it larry hughes there you are can't wait for joe to come home he's coming cujo is coming michelle schulte says thank you allen that is a cousin who works at the haunt also cool cases hello connie pierce hi pierce you guys that video hasn't even been up a day yeah that's their habit they're kind of building whatever it is i build but like the day comes out that's a that's a heck of a pace it nearly kills me build them in one day y'all are working your butts off i already built two and gave you a lantern yeah connie says love the youtube wednesday we are working on a variation of the graveyard guy well i'll have a variation of it i don't know if it'll be an actual youtube wednesday i think it will uh because it's a big enough video where it will be its own variation i guess but um what's that honey um i'll have a variation of i don't think next week maybe the week after okay chestnut spent a very long day yesterday molding my dino it took me about 10 hours wow didn't get to check does your webpage have a custom order fill out form it doesn't have a custom order fill out form but uh it does have a uh pay email us thing so uh you send us an email and then we'll talk through it that's how it normally goes or or they come from uh facebook messenger or whatever susan thai says youtube wednesday was awesome this week thank you i'm glad you guys enjoyed it christina and i would like to know have you done a chroma's costume yes yes i have um i have been making krampus masks since let's see well i taught a class on krampuses in 2008 uh like explain people with what they were so that time no one really knew i love krampus it's one of my favorite monsters i make so many bargain cross promptos costumes uh yes i have i love them um if you go on my personal facebook page or go on still be studios facebook page you'll you can see a lot of the compasses that i have made um and actually if you put in the youtube search bar allen hopps krampus i actually have a krampus playlist of me making a full krampus costume and several different techniques on horns uh and me making just a bunch of krampus masks yes i like me some krampus and i make a lot of promises so there you go that's a very long answer to your question like here says [Music] who better to learn from than someone who's guaranteed to make every mistake before you possibly can get to it yourself rachel powell says good evening just got back from driving for a sucker field and my youngest turns forward today wow that's awesome see you rachel joanne says finally got to lowe's and got a skeleton thanks for the income yeah they're good stuff did you know that i've scaled our 12-foot skeleton ship no i did it yeah oh we got a notification looking forward to seeing all the paint work tonight are you still thinking of doing a halloween version of the gravedigger mats uh if i have time yes i would love to i'm very excited about that i'm passionate about doing it but it's just it's a matter of time um and you know if if orders prevent me from doing personal projects that's just how it is you know yeah that's true how heavy is a krampus costume it depends uh but plan on it being anywhere from 15 to 75 pounds uh could be could be more could be less but uh plan on 15 to 75. uh are you going to go crazy with a basket are you you know there's there's a lot of options most of mine the ones that i do are eda foam horns so the eba horns don't weigh that much um references are fine scrappy new references right out okay so this one i brush painted and this guy we're gonna hit the airbrush why because i felt brush painting took too long this is the harbor freight 10 quick change airbrush it's one of my favorites for uh both of my favorites it's just one of my favorites but as far as basing out a mask it is jamie excellent says work smart not hard yes well it's also it's so just muggy out right now that i'm brushing this around it just feels like you know the air is wet well now what we do at monster camp is masks we don't necessarily do prosthetics so that would be a different animal slightly now you could make a freddy krueger mask if you wanted to or wait until we do a prosthetic lab one like instant right chad smith looks like the pumpkin cast really well yeah he turned out great i was very happy with it this is going to be great can't wait to see the pumpkin head back hey me neither well because this is a white krampus and this is a chat frost so um sometimes i i will base in something else the standard is i base everything in black every now and then i break that rule um pretty kind like there's to me you know all the snowmen that i do i always base those in white jeremy i watched a video on tom savini he had studio what do you think of his creations in school or have you seen your class uh yeah i'm actually friends with a lot of his instructors at the douglas education uh center in pennsylvania which is where the cevini school for special effects is um tom is awesome when i was working with the joe blasco makeup center every now and then that's in orlando when i was there uh tom savini would come out and do some guest teaching stuff and visit and that was always a treat i've been fortunate enough to meet tom cevini several times he's always been very nice to me and uh i have hired and worked with several of several graduates from his school at the dark hour hello scott creighton and i don't i don't think scott coldheart will join us today and it is his birthday if you guys haven't uh scott cohart is one of our uh moderators here on uh filthy studios youtube and uh he does an excellent job you might want to hop on facebook and wish him a happy birthday if you uh are so inclined he is one of the many awesome moderators who was very quick to post links answering questions that you guys asked because he has he has a whole spreadsheet all the moderators do they have a spreadsheet of products that i recommend so when someone asks me a question i can answer it and then they post a link it's we have some wonderful people here mods and viewers we're going to go this side of the shop for a moment i'm going to grab a couple empty bottles i love your scenic paintings uh yeah sure absolutely uh that was one of my plans to do um yes i will yes is the answer very cool thank you he seems a great guy and very helpful and nice about class we need a link for oh you want to link to scott call hearts facebook to wish him happy birthday so something exciting came in finally uh did you know there was a container shortage due to coven um and a while ago i ordered plastic bottles and stuff in order to get my mask paint out there so now uh the bottles are in that's there's a bunch of u-line boxes over there the bottles are in so uh we'll have master paint out to the public very shortly the same kind of stuff i'm using right now and i don't know if i have a moderator on right now aside from my wife i don't know oh hi stacy i'm not as good at knowing who is on because normally i'm working and not reading comments yes bottles can't wait for the pain he's coming alex says products she recommended i had a list of some but i had it on my old phone well uh normally the products come up as as we go that's you know what i mean because i want to be able to explain what we use it for you know so it's not like boom here's a list but a lot of it just wouldn't make sense nick henderson alan i have a two-part mold that i completely destroyed the back of the bowl what should i do uh start making half masks um what you can do um now do you have a pour in there already do you have a do you have a blank from it or have you never poured it up before um it's quite possible to put that back of that mold back together but do it on the uh the back of the head that's like the part that is the least important no one sees that so don't worry too much about it i'm sure that you'll be able to you know fill up your front half with clay just re-sculpt the back and then re-mold it you could do that too there's there's 30 different ways to fix that problem i got 99 solutions but given up ain't one no reason why that should stop you your worst case scenario is now i'm making half mad it's a little different seeing you base out of white just curious what's the thought process behind the chain oh boy well these are mostly white masks and i'm going to do a rub out on them uh i have this one here is a rub out no base this one here is a rub out no base this one here i'm about to base out an orange and green and then these two uh i'm based i based in white and i'll do a rub out on them also but they're going to get all their classic work first with the brush paints and all that so the first thing you do if you do all your latex paint work and then you do your alcohol based rub out sorry i was late sorry i'm late is it church how dare you oh church you're fine yeah we actually went we started a little bit later than normal too so we uh we had to clean the shop and it's also storming so i was a little worried about the internet uh not holding out for us so far it's doing very well and it has died down outside so this mask is named gordiator which sounds like gladiator which is why they picked it and um it also sounds a bit like terminator and arnold schwarzenegger was supposed to be in the movie the gladiator um the scene where he fights the champion and the champion in that movie is played by sven ol thornson who was the one of the two main bad guys he had the triple headed axe in uh conan he's one of the two main beefy bad guys sven ol thornson and it was supposed to be arnold schwarzenegger in that role but he got sick or had a scheduling conflict and they got spent all thorts into it and uh he did a great job when he's fighting the tiger the guy and then tigers attack him yeah that sounds like me like giving excuses i'm late to work i was fighting a guy and tigers attacked me it was terrible and then there were fire ninjas that's why i'm late are you going to try to get all of those masks painted tonight yes it's 8 o'clock the night is young spoke in the night shadows how do you get the latex paint mask okay so uh the airbrush compressor is set to 70 i think is what this is at right now and uh it just goes through when you mix it right and when you have the right air brushes it goes fine i run this through my pachette h all the time a lot of people say don't run it through your airbrush uh it's it's fine they don't all sound like that but some of them do and if you if you encounter someone that speaks like that in the wild i don't think you should be doing that listen to them because it'll make their day because no one listens to them because of that voice they were blessed with cursed all right yes yeah conan yes yeah spent all thoughts and he's in a lot of good stuff that's a trivial pursuit name if ever there was one hello pencil i've run silicone through that airbrush should be good oh yeah i run contact cement through that airbrush this is the ten dollar quick change harper freight airbrush why is it called quick change because i can spray orange three seconds later i can spray white no other airbrush on the planet can do that this is my desert island airbrush if i live the whole rest of my life i could only use one airbrush it would be this one it is amazing at stencils it's amazing at facing out and you can do a lot of simple shading techniques with it if you really want to work and pinch the hose and get real close then i can get lines about as fine as a sharpie from it but uh you have to pinch your pressure way down to get that done scarecrow 96 i'll be playing my first latex mask here this week i'm super excited that's awesome i know who that is it's courtney what that's awesome that's great hey courtney hello again you out in people's real names honey what if what if they're running from the cops they're being stalled from the cops you don't know that she looks like trouble shifty that's awesome girl joey's fabrey so happy to catch the live yeah we live yo now normally right now i'd be sculpting on a wednesday this would be wednesday sculpting lottery bingo because uh why use one word for a name when you can use seven but uh i have some masked paint catching up to do and people seem to enjoy mass painting videos as much as they enjoy uh sculpting videos so you're that's what you're getting here's 26 patty dudes studios do you have a recommendation on an airbrush compressor that goes to 70 psi uh i would not use an air well okay yes i do there's a lovely airbrush compressor from pasha uh it's red and it's about 260 bucks but it's really nice and it'll get you the psi that you need but i don't recommend an airbrush compressor per se um right now what i would recommend is i really like my fortress air compressor from harbor freight which is a silent air compressor it's really quiet it's sitting in the other room but normally i could hear a normal air compressor but i can't hear that one now um it's a great little air compressor i really like it it's not that expensive there may be 150 160 if i recall but um yeah nice stuff i forget what i was saying did i answer the question honey okay see i get on a tear i don't even know if i answered your question rodney says that mask is awesome i'm always unsure if you guys know who i am from the facebook page when i'm talking about the things i'm making on here um you know what i i guarantee you that i don't i uh because people have a regular name they have a youtube name and sometimes they have a haunted house character name and i might know one of them um but when do i meet the most haunted house people i meet them at trade shows when am i the most in deficit of brain power to trip a tribute to knowing and remembering someone's name and face and all that stuff it's at trade shows when i have zero sleep and i'm meeting uh hundreds of people at that time and i'm not meeting hundreds of people at that time because i think i'm important or anything i'm just meeting hundreds of people because i'm working in a booth and everybody kind of comes by the booth i also happen to have the youtube channel so i meet a lot of people through that um i am not the best with names and faces i try but i'm not the best at it so um i'm not offended if someone gives me a hint as to who they are especially on here they have a name like you know razor blade finger arkansas and it's like well good for you razor blade finger arkansas no it's me jimmy from wherever okay but i'm not going to remember that right off the bat yeah yeah i like i and then you know you might tell me once but that doesn't mean they're linked in my mind because even when you tell me now or when shannon tells me i'm painting a mask right now and this is this is where most of my brain power is going one of the reasons why i'm good at the things that i'm good at is because i don't think about anything else like i don't waste time thinking about what i'm going to eat that day or what clothes i'm going to wear none of those decisions affect me because i'm thinking about haunted house stuff down to and including um i'm getting better about you know anniversaries and birthdays and i'm getting better but you know that that's not what my brain is wired for my brain is wired to tell you the formula for latex mask paint and the ratios of 20 different kinds of silicone i can do that that's what my brain is wired to do i can tell you what kind of glue to use on whatever project you want but that my brain isn't wired in a way where i easily remember names and where i talk to people even movies like every movie like runs together in my head i can i can clearly remember parts in die hard where princess bride quotes show up they don't but if my brain thinks about it i'll remember it that's the problem so yes and unless it pertains to me or unless i'm learning something i don't normally remember stuff i hate to say that i don't mean to sound rude that's not how i'm wired if the principal were here he would say mrs gump your children are different yes mr man is created with my social media names yeah yeah werewolf number seven my name is michael james kirby from australia my real name is not my first name to come up i'm really my yeah see i don't i don't know i don't know that i i assume you're a lime you know um what's there there's there's someone named tut tutworks and for the longest time i just assume in my head sitting in front of their laptop is a little king tut watching you know watching the videos because their name is tut works and that's all i know it's like king tut and then i found out it's a girl so now every time that they show up i'm like oh it's a knocks on a moon sitting in front of her laptop watching the videos okay and let's do this stem up here green also we're gonna brown up that green it's not going to stay that right just don't forget the important dates involving the wife uh i'm getting better robert white says you don't mind it's no it's no uh treat being married to me guys let me be honest with you uh i have there there are there are good things you know i'll make you stuff um but uh oh yeah um i'll make you stuff but you know some things i uh i'm not good at scarecrow 96. i kid you not i was in the midst of researching ways to paint latex and boom y'all are here might have to pick some grains here we are come on four monitors says albert einstein wore a brown suit every day so he wouldn't waste brain power on deciding what to wear that is called decision fatigue that is also why boy who's the guy with the glasses apple computers steve jobs steve jobs that's why he wore the same thing all the time he did you your brain only has the capacity to make so many decisions in a day why waste it on what you're going to wear why why think hard about that um often i will grab a t-shirt out of the drawer while it's still dark and uh i grab them by softness oh it's good soft shirt i'll wear that one you know and this i just i don't have shirts in that drawer i don't want to wear right right this says the slope turned out awesome is he mine yes yes my wife says yes yes this is lisa's uh that's also stuff i don't keep track of my wife keeps track of that yes this is for you she looked over and she went yes yes this first one out of the mold ezekiel pumpkin salad looks great oh good salad that's an alternate name i guess yeah so probably the color i use the least is yellow we're going to use a little yellow haunt what we do a little yellow inside of the mouth and i gotta grab another bomb rodney coats it's been raining all day sure has just wanted to see the skeleton together i know my ceilings aren't 12 foot but i tried anyway zach zach wiseman totally chill if you say courtney i know my username doesn't roll off the tongue well also i may have yeah used oil paint i was trying to get it also may i ask have you used oil paint rubber cements to paint masks i have yes i have uh and it works it's very translucent so you have to add a lot of oil paint and the more oil paint you add the longer it takes to dry because oil paint takes a long time to dry so if you don't add a lot of oil paint then it's a very translucent paint um and that's great for subtlety and that's great for realism i paint normally for low light conditions so i don't like it also you can't store it for any length of time if you mix up a jar of rubber cement paint to paint masks with and you come back to it three days later it's dry it's cured it's not usable so you it it's not that's why no one sells it because it is you can't store it it's it's not a long term thing i like this because these will keep you know i've kept latex mask paint like this for three years in these models and i don't even like keep tips on them what you saw me do when i got the yellow i barely used the yellow so there was a lot dry in the tip i pulled it out with a pin it's good to go date yes shake it like a polaroid picture i think it says 42 black shirts do you know if shorter freight sells more of those airbrush bottles without the airbrush they don't they don't uh and i have just come to the understanding that um i'm paying two bucks a bottle when i buy them because i buy boxes of these and i just will throw this airbrush away i you know i just don't need it i save the hoses because i use those for projects sometimes um like this one i've had so long it's just it's straight you know these hoses are so coiled when you get them um but yeah i just you know 10 bucks for five bottles that's not a bad price michael ellen do you find that you are more creative during the night or day for me i can only sleep tonight for some reason i've done it during the day the sculptures are less creative no uh i'm it's when this becomes your everyday work and it's your job you have to have what i call creativity on tap you can't have and i'm not saying it's an excuse so forgive me this is language that i formulated long before this conversation so it doesn't mean that i'm aiming this sentence at you you don't have the option or the excuse to say oh i'm just not creative during the daytime you have to get creative during the daytime you have to get creative when you've only had two hours of sleep it doesn't matter i mean all the problems still happen and all of the art needs to be made all the deadlines need to be met so um no not anymore again me with the long answers hey wife would you tell a story yes it's a quick story time from the wife uh and my wife is going to tell a story that some of you might have heard before about when i was airbrushing people at screams halloween park and she worked the trail down below greetings comrades uh this is true um when alan and i worked at springs halloween park i was the very bottom of the hill if you've ever been there let me know what i'm talking about i was at the bottom of the hill because i helped work with the trail of terror and alan being the director was at the top of the hill because he did the uh the airbrush caution he's director of the show and when we drove in on friday afternoons you know i'd give him a kiss and i'd say okay i love you see you sunday because truly i'm not going to see it any of the time i'm going to be deep in the show i was acting i was managing he's all over the park so i won't see him so he would airbrush the actors and if there was an actor that was coming to my show he would airbrush a note on the axle usually on his back or his chest uh maybe on the back of his head if he was bald and i don't love all that and uh so be something really sweet i love your wife or see a sunday wife or can we have chicken and dumplings for dinner sunday night and he would airbrush it on the actor and the actor would come down and say this is hops i have a message for you and he'd just pull up the back of his shirt and that was my message so that's about alan because the phones didn't work we were so far down the hill that uh phones didn't work give me a signal so he couldn't text me a message he couldn't call me but he could send an actor down there with an airbrushed message on the back of his uh on his back that said you know i love your wife uh can we have chicken enough what's good this is really true uh also one of my actors uh bob floyd who i was actually ended up being one of the uh one of our partners who helped with trail he was one of the actual partners uh had a great digger character and he was a greeter with me and so he would go up to the top of the hill and get his makeup put on and he always had the latex build up to look very popped and rough and allen would always do something special with bob he would always put something new on bob bob has this beautiful blonde hair he looks like a jedi and and so you have it you know you had to rough bob up you had to make him look rough and uh so one night allen was doing the airbrush and he was doing the latex buildup and like many haunts where he was actually doing all the airbrush was a picnic table outside very primitive and in the late summer early fall of when the show was open there's still a lot of insects out there plenty of bugs and there was a big camel cricket that just crawled up on the table and allen just grabbed him and stuck him in the latex and then put the live camel cricket on bob's face and uh then spray painted around it and then sent bob on his way with a live camel cricket stuck in his face and it was horrible and yet hilarious i was a i was horrified and again i couldn't stop laughing at it and so i tried not to look at him when we had people performing because i got tickets because i just crawled this camel cricket poor thing was trying to to uh was trying to get away so that's kind of gross but amusing all the same if you you know you guys do once you know that the gross factor it gets to the point where it's kind of tough to gross people out but we have we did uh our first black and white show at the trail and i think that's in 2012 2010 and we painted everything this uh gray because they're going grayscale and at some point somebody painted uh a huge praying mantis break just kept paying the credit managers on the wall i just can't wait to spray the poor paint prank as flat gray terrible and oh gross oh okay and uh this primaris survived not only survived the paint of the building but he ended up traveling all over the show what did we name it what's his name leonard leonard leonard the great praying mantis and so this flat matte great praying mantis i always say you know oh we have confirmed leonard signing tonight in the dungeon we have confirmed leonard signing tonight in the uh in the uh pirate ship and that praying mantis survived the entire season spray painted flat black and uh i'm sorry flat gray poor guy but he was he was pretty sure so here's some tails for you no one painted the praying man just maliciously no no it was he didn't it was just that we had a paint sprayer and we would just spray the whole wall and he was on the fence and we didn't know he was on the fence until he was a post sprayed okay we've got treats latex pockets jack cactus jack jack we did some some uh business to mrs cactus jack yes we did yes we did okay okay the way i love the youtube wednesday video why thank you who said that michael says they're wonderful they're huge terrible camel crickets are my fav second favorite kind of cricket my first favorite kind of cricket is a mole cricket if you don't know what both of those are look them up you'll be wonderfully horrified warmonger notice today that walmart has 25.500 skeletons and three dollar full-size skulls the paint job is a little packed but the scopes are pretty good yeah that's how that goes scare four says these stories are so strangely nostalgic because i relate in such a way i can't tell you how many times i've sprayed over spiders in their webs while distressing yeah it just happens i feel bad every time yeah leonard leonard kicked butt man the whole season i'd take a camel cricket over a bull crap anything uh no but the cricket escaped actually the cricket escapes hard to make your makeup escape you just let it go that's the uh rule hi chad fly boy zach says there's one thing i got this about texas just heard of this thing it was seven years ago that i went out there to help hold the dark out yeah small crickets came out of the kid's head on halloween three have you ever heard of hh666 no i have not and this one was painted with the brush so it's just not as even as with an airbrush so i am trying to airbrush it great quote if you're made of escapes just let it go oh yeah yeah but don't chase down any makeup that runs off your face there's been cool families of possums that have lived in arts definitely make some interesting late night workings we one day shannon will tell you the story of the possum that was removed from uh trail of terror when we were open terrible pumpkin mass a lot thanks man it's twice that's our cat jones came into the shop to say hey jonesy is an orange cabbie who is named after the cat from aliens it was also an orange fabric season that just like more even it's more evenly white which is i think good all right so this stuff is going to take a little bit to dry i'm going to put these in the other room where i have fans set up and i'm going to get them drying [Music] that kicks on our fans i intend on doing large animatronic possums on my trail but you know what that's a very good plan because uh fur is very forgiving and possums have so much fur on them that uh it's pretty pretty nice to be able to do a possum and you don't have to worry a lot about uh things showing or joints and things because the fur is going to cover all that up i think that one is dry tell us the story he'll tell you the news man uh he is a very vocal cat he comes in and yells hey you [Music] [Music] as they john cena says it'll be the first possum that makes other people play dead that's right okay well to do that you'll have to see my wife [Music] bones jones jones jones that there's his butthole okay now we can move on cats have a innate sense of someone's looking at me here's my butt for you switches to josie oh jones one of those okay i should have over here i just got on when i said that i have a lot of those airbrushes like all of these are those bottles like this is all those bottles there's more down here there's more right here there's more beer honestly for two dollars it is cheaper for me to buy new ones than it is to spend time cleaning them out and i know that sounds ridiculous but uh it's true but now i'm looking for one that has rub out in it i think this is the one i need with rub out if my time is worth a certain amount per hour okay then um at some point it is cheaper for me to buy something than it is for me to repair or make or get another one do you have a favorite technique for applying paint um yes my favorite technique for applying paint is actually dry brushing i haven't really done any of that yet here but uh that's my favorite limelight says it may be limelight we have a another tabby and uh that's royal he is also very loud so maybe it is harry bc he stopped trying to put them out of their mystery but spider spike went through the soul of the split oh lord yeah i'll do it scott coldheart happy birthday birthday scott happy birthday scott everybody wishes god happy birthday okay so i was trying to find my bottle of rub out i've got the createx bloodlines paint that i use on my ribs and eyes will it work on the latex you're going to use as well yes createx the text tex in creotex is for latex so there's latex in it it has a latex mix already if you had a 12-foot skeleton what would you do with it i have one on the way and i'm going to turn it into a skeleton of a cyclops so it's going to be a cyclops in scale with the one from the sinbad movie so it'll be a cyclops skeleton for my mythical monster museum that i have i'm even going to do the hoof legs and hairy legs on it so i think that'll be a lot of fun dry pressure goes so well for many paint jobs on various materials without doubt it is my favorite it's also i think the best way to paint something that's going to be seen in low light conditions really makes things pop dry brushing is my favorite type of painting too that is why we're homies joined the 12-foot skeleton club also why wouldn't you okay i have my rub out along with my rub-out in order to do this paint job i'm gonna need a few paper towels and i'm gonna need an alcohol based spray larry hughes says wow sounds badass but what should we expect from al rodney hope i want to do something different with my 12-foot skeleton okay buy two and make a 12-foot siamese skeleton gross ezekiel i can't even find a 12-hour skeleton you guys are lucky uh if i could get two then i would make an ettin an e-t-t-i-n which is a d d creature which has two heads and they're you know twelve to fifteen feet tall this is just one really it is so great that's awesome yeah third grade terror symbile sinbad style cyclops skeleton you rock my friend and yeah my skill is due to arrive next week heck yeah all right so this is alcohol-based ink sparrows jump in the gun i don't do this now i got paint to do first if i had a 12-foot skeleton i'd make it to a 12-foot jason voorhees just because it would be scary and intimidating that would be awesome what do those skeletons cost about three hundred dollars that's a great patty cake we've been using our scaling boy to promote family friendly hot nights you know what i think what i i would love to do with them is make a nice archway out of them you know two skeletons kind of reaching over you know and and both of their hands are kind of connected make a nice archway out of it they they you know painted built into a set very they would look phenomenal looking forward to seeing all the 12th skills and creations and yes i'm waiting for mine too says steve james okay yeah funny club says i think it's funny how there are people on some of the facebook groups hating on the 12-foot skeleton why i call those people aegis best way now is to get delivered because they are selling out of them yeah i ordered mine online over a month ago and i just got a notification that it shipped so i almost messed up my order of operations i wanted to jump to the rub out because it's fun and i think of that as the base but i'm not ready for that yet what i need to do is i need to do all the painting that is latex paint first then i do the rub out you do your latex painting first because the alcohol solution will not rub off the latex paint i thought about having of my skeletons cool like like king kong there are so many memes about them and it's cracking me up haven't seen them ellen how would you suggest painting those purple skeletons in order too and i plan on adding some detail to it if you just a simple paint job i actually surprised i have a video for that where i'm painting an eight-foot skeleton that i got uh back when um there were what they called franken buckies they were eight foot resin skeletons they weigh 300 pounds man they're ridiculous but i have a video of me uh distressing one of those and i'm using woodland scenic um spray paint the color is boy i didn't sleep a lot last night because i was editing a video um glossy wood tones woodland scenics glossy wood tone is the color that i use my plans of course them leaning over the walkway looking down on people walking directly ezekiel about an 18 uh 18-inch skull the other day i think i can make the rest of it i saw that i saw you do that uh pvc and some kind of like a loctite type foam where you can do a little bit of sculpting is a good way to go uh also um you know you can do a lot of like the bone nub sculpting with balls of tinfoil and bondo get good with bondo and you can do a lot of cool skeleton stuff with that michael says hey alan i know i mentioned dead by daylight a lot but the game just removes the new killer called the blight the non-licensed killer i'm not saying you should do it but you should do it oh okay hey it's integration jerry collins chad flyboy i have the createx bloodline paint i use on my resin eyes will it be okay with the latex we will be using yes yeah yeah what do you do to weatherproof your corpses um so i do plastic corpsing it's plastic it's weatherproof that's why i do it um so i don't like monster mud it's too heavy and it's not waterproof so that's why i showed some alternatives in the videos i did today are the 12 footers that poseable uh no they're not that possible there's someone posing elena i hope i'm saying this right and i apologize if i'm not talkage why is this in my recommendations but i'm glad it is welcome aboard yeah i i don't know uh do you like art do you like spooky stuff uh right now we're painting up some latex masks um these are going out to some customers who have ordered latex masks from me uh that is what we do at stiltv studios we make uh masks costumes and uh all kinds of stuff for the opponent house industry and halloween and haunted house enthusiasts i guess um yeah so yeah welcome thanks for hanging out with us says everything is poseable with another power tools that's right enough enough power tools rebar and bondo you can pose anything chad flagler says next weekend can't come fast enough yeah is that next weekend this monster camp yep awesome love the alternative the monster but i can definitely see myself knocking something up with that stuff says procedure and i would be honest with you the underlayment phone the polyethylene phone i didn't really do it justice in that video i built two of those in a day i built two of those in about four hours so um i didn't spend a lot of time on it uh but i have some more of that polyethylene foam sheeting coming up in other videos so expect to see a little more of that where i really go into detail with it because it's really good stuff i notice you don't date or sign your masks like dog posts distortions etc why is that i always thought it was egotical um but also to me art has always kind of been disposable i only call it art now and i think about it aren't now because it's been drilled into me but um i'm a haunted house guy number one that's like if you ask me what i am i'm a haunted house guy and then i say i'm a costumer and a mask maker and all that the haunted house is number one so really um it's for tools this is a tool it's a hammer why would i sign a hammer that i made why would i sign a wrench that i made um i i have not seen a value in it previously um i get a lot of people requesting me to do it now and um so i do but yeah it's still a little weird in all honesty i don't know i don't know why they do it zeker says he had about nine bags of that holly sheeting free a few weeks ago i was wondering what i could do with a timely video for sure so much so much it's a monster skin for almost anything uh it's really good stuff steve haynes can't wait to see the work from monstercam and yes i'm still jealous even after two times yes steve has gone to monster camp two times michael i don't sign my statues either for the exact same reason yeah it seems a little weird filter hey alan i love the jack-o-lantern uh taught halloween three pumpkins myself correctly i can see the underlayment foam working great for making faux trees uh it's great for a lot of stuff now it's not uv stable unless you paint it uh by itself the sun will break it down so uh just don't leave it out in the sun you know unless it's painted once you paint it it's fine chad smith says when i think about it i sculpted the name of my business okay elena says and yeah it's probably in my recommendations because i'm an artist and i'm from serbia so it's okay if you can't pronounce my name thank you very gracious i bet serbia is beautiful she's a she's an artist that's probably why yeah yeah if you look at art stuff that's probably why we uh normally tonight i would be sculpting but i have kind of a back log of masks so we are going to paint a mask that we call the leech lord right there's the eyes see the eyes up in there but when the teeth are down you can barely see the eyes but you can see out really well that's the leech lord we're painting it this is called war pigging this was not sculpted by me this was sculpted by my friend al driver uh i was here at the time when he was sculpting it and i may have uh taken the wire to it a couple times um this is this will be jack frost i based him out earlier there's two other masks in the other room that we based out that we'll be working on today too what is what is going to take a long time today i think is actually going to be drying because it's so wet outside it's raining and uh this does not want to dry in high humidity larry hughes it's not for value in my opinion i just think it's to have the creator and the beast sign it sorry i don't need to make it weird no no no i get it come on boris uh steve haynes replaced all my masks with elastic scraps and yes i did a much better job than i did on yours that's right you did do a minor boogering is that going to be a uv variant uh this one no this one is a single lead lord and it will be sander uh the uv variant leech lords i'm pouring up the last one i think right now and then i'll batch paint all them at the same time and i'll do that live too what paint stands up to you well okay so we're talking about two different kinds of uv i just want to make that clear uh earlier i was talking about the polyethylene sheeting um just as long as you're covering it from the sun uh it's not heat that's the problem it's actually the uv light will break down the polyethylene foam you know how pool noodles if they're left out for too long will start flaking apart that's the sun but if you give them a coating of just latex house paint one or two coats or even better something like a leak seal which is a nice thick coating spray on then uh that works really well to protect them from uv even though the dark hour isn't open this halloween season are you doing any work there now most of my work is at home but i'm making a lot of things that i can use at dark hour so what i'm working on you know like you see me doing the hammerhead shark mask and the megalodon mask all of that is actually dark hour work that uh as soon as we're good to go i'll bring some dark hour latex home and just start pouring up a bunch of the stuff that i already made and then voila we're in business yeah and this halloween we're doing some backstage tours and stuff at dark hour so i'll be doing that we won't be open for regular business but we'll be doing some backstage tours i don't know about that but also you know what though um my work is so documented through youtube and through facebook and stuff it's very easy to tell if a mask is mine or not and i kind of have a sculpting style that i think is fairly easy to recognize also now i'm trying to get better so i have you know a little more variance to my looks let me know and i'll try to be on for the painting of the uv i will when i know it's coming up i'll give you a heads up stephen haynes i'm sure he has a video of strapping a mask oh i have plenty but they're mostly it's mostly hidden in live videos does anybody have any idea of proper ideas that would be cool to practice sculpting foam on and made a mask from foam clay and cthulu based [Music] um what i would do is i would probably just do some decor panels like a two foot by four foot panel um and do like you mentioned cthulhu you know do like uh like cthulhu was carved in it like a bar relief um and you can do that out of foam nice and easy good night scott crayton just pick some nice uh bob relief sculptures or even drawings and recreate those drawings in the phone and when you say foam sculpting do you mean um like eps like white styrofoam or do you mean uh like loctite spray foam but my answer stands for both is there any earthly way to make a stunt animal snake look like a decent crop i'm so lost on what to do with them but many of us think i have airborne um you have the stuffed animal already and you want to make it look better is that correct or is that something that you're going to get as a stuff down how do i seal paper mache peel it from what like i would i would never put paper mache outside but you have some options i mean you can um what i have done with some of the things that needed to be a little more rugged was i used clear silicone caulk on the outside the crystal clear silicone caulk the problem is that my yellow over time you have to be careful of that or five-minute epoxy use five-minute epoxy mix that up put it over your paper mache that's a great sealer thank you for saying that serbia is beautiful sorry if i messed up my english or i'm tired uh no problem no problem at all i think that every place we are every place people live and places where even people don't live they're all beautiful in their own way you know uh how can you even how can you look at antarctica and not say wow that is beautiful and then at the same time go look at the sonora desert it's beautiful you know uh the world's a beautiful place and then people get in it and that causes problems but um yeah it's everything that i've seen uh it's a beautiful country i hate to ask but which video is it that you painted the teeth well uh more atar is the name of the video more a car it's only a few nights ago really yeah more atar courtney says yes they're stuck animal snakes on a steel rod jumping out of the box it was one of the animatronics he may have been seizing what i would probably do is i would take again something like clear silicone caulking and put all over the outside because then you're going to give it a similar texture to what a snake might have as opposed to looking like velour or plush yeah i think that's where you're gonna need to be is just changing that skin out uh by putting things on it um you might you might do latex because it'll be easier to paint so maybe uh just give them a latex rub down and then paint them and you can paint them pretty easy by uh latex them let that dry paint them black with latex paint let that dry and then put a um fishnet stocking over them and then paint them like a nice bright green with you know like yellow bellies or whatever and then pull that uh fishnet stocking off and you'll have all your scale pattern there because you didn't paint the black where the stockings were would you recommend that there's silicone caulking be diluted with lighter fluid or set it out um sometimes um you can i normally thin my silicone caulking with uh odorless mineral spirits now it used to be that odorless mineral spirits did not work but now odorless mineral spirits works to thin it out um and that's just a safer bet i think than lighter fluid which would probably work because like most lighter fluid is basically mapped up 1980 hello says little fact bound sculptor michelangelo signed the statue of david with his name i did i did fishnet uh lupa net lupa netting is more like tool very similar 125 people are watching all of this guy was airbrushed after so i can do my rub out on him but that's gonna be a blue rub out uh he is gonna get a little bit of work under his eyes and this looks terrible right now like but right now it's not the final right now is not how it's viewed uh this looks really rough until it's in its final form almost looks like i'm doing a clown if you know me you know that i'm not okay now that has to dry that's where we're at now looks like a really messed up version of the joker without green hair all right let's grab this guy let us prep a blue ink rub out just have to grab some alcohol pretzelbot says i use nafta to them call uh term paula woods says hello hello grim hollow woods yeah napa works uh odorless mineral spirits is just a little less caustic and uh in the past three years the formula has changed either in the silicone caulk or in the odorless mineral spirits to where it now works it didn't use a work to thin it now it does tonight's tactics ready fabiera alfaro says thank you for being an inspiration for me i am starting sfx awesome that's very cool if you can keep us updated on your work and show it to us on um the creepers page i would love to see some of the stuff that you're doing in australia my nap is called show light okay do you have any of the sculpting tools made up or do you make them as people order i'd like to buy some to use in monster camp six if possible uh yeah we keep some on hand this is probably a stupid question but when you do a scar what colors are mostly used except red um they're what depends on the kind of scar i'm going to look at a visual reference and then i'm going to work according to that visual reference so a little hard to tell you but probably um a nice magenta a mall uh probably some purple uh there might even be a little bit of like olive green around it it depends on the scar itself is there a place that sells different molds normally you have to make your own molds the only molds that are really for sale most of the time are molds for making fake eyes molds for like doll parts that are meant to be pressed molds and there's also some silicone molds that are great for chocolate and you can use them for some resin things but normally you have to make your own mold that's the hard part that's the part that has the biggest learning gap so a lot of folks don't sell those alan which do you prefer vampires or werewolves or favorite universal classic uh wolfman uh 100 werewolves are the bomb yes very much werewolf fans much more than vampires i like vampires but not as much as i like werewolves what kind of zombie juice uh what i'm drinking is actually just uh coke zero i'm pretty boring when it comes to beverages okay let's see if this bottle that i have tried to resurrect is going to work like a champ for a moment yes yes we're in business but now that has blue ink all over it i don't want to touch that mask until us villain says that's gonna be jack frost but that's a great name planning on building a one-to-one wolf man the next few weeks how tall would you suggest i would say six foot six foot maybe six two i wouldn't go crazy tall if you're talking about a werewolf which is more of a crinos form with a snout that's when i would get into the seven eight foot tall but not with a wolf man i would just give him a little bit of extra beef uh spray paint lid we need way rag with alcohol alcohol-based ink it's going to look crazy when i do this chad smith i'm a little excited i was missing a creature from the black lagoon in my universal monsters dvd collection hawaii picked it up at walmart today awesome yeah this time of year they do really good about uh having those types of movies in uh the classics he says man i really want to get better with those harbor freight air brushes i just got some spoiled by that passing trigger but now look at how the detail pops in that in that uh um yeah just get one in practice you know i i prefer these just for their ease of use now do they go a little nutty sometimes yeah i mean sometimes they're but that's airbrushes a little bit yes i can see that it has a very classic goblin look to it if i got one of those elena asked how long does it take you to sculpt and paint a mask usually okay so i've done the math before and to get a mask finished like start to finish a half mask you're looking at about 16 hours that is six to eight hours of sculpting and then you have a mold making process and you clean out the mold and then you pour it up and then you pull it trim it uh and paint it ellen do you soak your rag in alcohol and bring it out prior to wiping it off or is it just a dry rack it has alcohol on it yes and i just i just spray it lisa says that it's gorgeous justin pfeiffer wow busy night 131 are watching how's it going the goblin thing looks awesome uh this is going to be jack frost this is going to be jack frost it's one of my favorites to do and i'll admit i'm playing a little bit with the paint on this one jack frost isn't one that i've done so many times it's like no it's this way boom boom pools is a formula and sometimes i play a little fast and loose with jack frost so but i don't mind each one looking a little bit different you know that match would make for great spider-man uh it's a little so there are some universal features and evil characters as soon as you get real hard angular cheekbones long pointy chin pointy nose pointy ears you're headed towards like it's a universal not universal monsters but one of the universal looks of monsters angular is scary and it's hard to get more angular cheekbones a more angular chin than you have on the green goblin and why is he drawn that way he's drawn that way because they have to draw him hundreds of times and they're giving economy they're giving you know economy to it we want him to be evil we want him to be quintessentially evil so let's let's do as little as he possibly can to make him uh express that evil and scariness crappy uk good evening guys hope you're well with my new wireless headphones tonight hooray that means i can't set off your alexa alan do you own operate your own pro-haunted house or have you ever i operate i run dark hour haunted house in plano texas i've been in the haunted house my dogs are wrestling and they've knocked over the tripod i've been in the haunted house industry for 35 years uh and this will be a very weird season it's my 35th season i've owned a haunted house for boy i owned my first haunted house when i was 16 and uh more recently i owned one for about 12 years so yes and now i've moved you too close you can't see what i'm doing no no that happens i mean that's that's what a lot of salts look like that um if it has jowls if people say it looks like jeepers creepers if it has uh this type of anatomy then people say that you know it looks like the green goblin yeah uh it's hard to get away from it it's just that's just how it is paul bennett says it looks like he has his father a little i'll give you that says wow awesome i gotta look up your pot when i'm in texas yeah uh even if we're not open let me know and uh i'll show you around hey corey says hello hello all right so that the ink is done and we can uh work on him later i'm going to set him off to the side but you see how much that ink work just popped the detail and that's why i based it out in white i knew i was going to get all the detail that i need not from a black base coat with white dry brushing but with an antiquing method with the ink we're going to do it again but we're going to do it with the uh warfighter little girl says totally random question i watched today's video graveyard how do you handle the dogs not having tick problems it's crazy uh there's a treatment that we give them every couple of months for ticks um and it's ticks and fleas and they take it it's never like three months isn't it every uh every month yeah but also you know it's every month apparently uh apparently i haven't given them enough uh and then if we do the cats and then uh we also you know you sit down you pet them and you look you just check them for for bug-o's and you evict them courtney says would it be a big no-no during the haunt to touch up a latex mask with makeup if you're in a pinch before opening i wouldn't do it necessarily because uh there might be things in the makeup that is planned for human skin that might eat latex vaseline perfectly fine for human skin it'll eat latex over a little bit of time like it's acid so you have to be careful i wouldn't use makeup on a mask you can use like rubber mask grease paint which is pros-aid and grease makeup you can use that but i don't like that because it leaves your mask tacky and you gotta powder it with a clear setting powder so it just adds a step i'm i'm a one-step fan a lot of geeks brag alcohol we're trying to figure out a road trip to new hampshire to check out overload this year heck yeah it is october's always a busy month it's just a differently busy month for me that's right is al on hello al you're saying antiquing every time i'm out looking at halloween stuff i'm looking for small statues with goofy colors that i can make look cool from the video you did yes yeah that was a dry brushing and antiquing video i showed both techniques because both of them get you a similar result and this one really shines with the uh with the rub out because you know that latex color isn't wrong you know it's kind of nice but you need to you know give it a little more depth and this rub-out does that sean says driver 5.0 been saving finally got to the point where i could get it justin love me somewhere stacy says i just saw that netherworld is open every weekday in october road trip uh yeah another world's open a lot all the time um and we'll we'll see how the season goes for them i hope it goes well lockhart monsterpad reaper number two's dressed nothing like watching liquid nails from heck yeah especially on a wet day like today that's going to take a while bud justin viper says what other masks do you have that would go good in a slaughterhouse um well i uh i just finished this minotaur see um yeah the goat minotaur uh i would love to do a goat man like a goat man hollow type mask the inbreds oh yeah i have inbred man i make a lot of masks inbreds are good yeah they're good for that courtney says dude going to antique stores were my favorite things for hunting costume bits and pieces yeah i did that a long time when i was working when i was doing my monster museum and trying to build it up i did a lot of antiquing cornwall says it's a great video very distinct differences limelight says that looks so good bill batchelor thank you sorry if i missed it what's the hot season look like for dark hour uh it doesn't uh we're doing some backstage tours the week of halloween other than that our show is closed down uh al what what's your haunt season looking like sir my daddy says just picture walking into the local butcher they are wearing that mask behind the counter how you know the food is good people keep shopping there because then dudes is crazy lisa says l.a county banned trick-or-treating i wonder if that is going to spread uh it's possible that it will but uh california also has a bit of a reputation for overreacting a touch um and i do think that that is a bit of overreacting i wouldn't call trick-or-treating a super spreader i think concerts and conventions are higher up on the list honestly um just in how people are you know hang out there and how people spend their time we don't have halloween with serbia but i like to do makeup on halloween and my mom looks at me like i'm crazy the only thing i struggle with is getting latex here yeah you know what in a lot of the time it is hard to get uh the same materials that we use here and really we take for granted um in in other countries through the youtube channel i get asked a lot like you know i'm in india how can i get you know pros aid i don't know and then i have to look and find out and i help and you know i do what i can to help people but there are times when there's not much i can do there was a uh i was contacted by a guy in zimbabwe and he said i want to make masks what can i do i need to get latex i want to make masks and uh so i talked to him for a while and i'm like let's just start making paper mache masks start making masks and then you can learn and then it turns out later i did some digging and i found a balloon factory like the next country over but he could buy latex from them so you know that whenever i get to do something like that that's always very cool all right so this is not done painted at all but that's i mean look at how many bones we got on there that quick with just that rub out technique sean regular says that l.a updated their release and retracted it now and they don't recommend it but they'll trigger freedom yeah oh no i mean i there's so many other things that they could have gone after you know and i don't think tricker trick-or-treating is such a morale boost for kids and let's face it you know kids have been kicked in the teeth this whole year um everybody has so to now if it's it and i think that you can do it safely i think that you can trick or treat safely can you run 33 30 000 people to a haunted house in haunt season safely not without significant changes and we made the decision that we didn't have enough time or it would not make enough money for us to make all those changes in order to do it safely you can trick-or-treat safely so i think that that was part of that peel back is that they had to acknowledge well you can make some changes and do it right stacy says we need to bring a couple of more pigeons to yield put your shop and get pictures yeah and get cheeseburgers because those are delicious mostly the cheeseburgers says if we protest halloween it will be okay so if that is what it takes grim hollow grim wood hollow sorry it's still beast i'm so hooked on monsters and so hooked on you thank you so much for all these amazing hooray thank you so much it's so kind portly says so is that your usual mix in the airbrush and you're using the alcohol soaked rag to wipe it down that is my alcohol-based pinata ink you see me use the latex mask paint and you see me use pinata inks those are kind of the only two things i use to paint masks with and yes what you're seeing me brush on and off is pinata alcohol-based ink it's about 20 percent ink and 80 alcohol because it's kind of i'm doing a wash and i'm going to take this blue that i used on the jack frost i'm going to add a little bit of color to it i'm going to do it on the worm i want it to be purple i'm going to add some red to this because i don't want to make any more i got justin piper i will be so depressed if halloween is canceled this year my first component here okay so justin they cannot cancel halloween halloween is a date all right halloween is a date on the calendar it's october 31st that's halloween um halloween is also a spirit it is something it is an energy that we have and a feeling towards that day of the year that night that can't be canceled you can't cancel feelings you can't cancel a date on the calendar halloween is going to happen now don't take this wrong you're being a little selfish set up your yard haunt for anybody who wants to to drive by and look at um set it up people need that boot people need that lift people need to see look that's someone celebrating right now the world needs that so uh i hate to say this but right now it's not about you it's about all the people who are used to seeing you or or seeing others celebrate let the world see you celebrate because halloween has a distinct advantage halloween and christmas both they are the most visual holidays that we have uh you can see halloween in someone's yard you don't have to go touch it you don't have to get within six feet of it set it up let people look at it let people drive by really slow cause a traffic jam on your street they'll be fine um and uh and enjoy the holiday in that way sit outside um you know in lawn chairs and watch them enjoy your work you know um it's not that halloween's gonna be canceled halloween's gonna be different things happen different all the time to us creators makers take that difference and just you know maybe something didn't work out the way that i wanted to when i was making it and that just means it's going to be a little bit different and that's fine celebrate it'll be different it can't be canceled do you have videos of your haunted houses um well dark hour haunted house has a youtube channel and i have a youtube channel i've done some videos at my youtube at my haunted house so there's some videos that show parts of it but is there like a straight walk through 20 minute long video of dark hour there really isn't but um i think you get a good sense for it when you look at our youtube channel and such just a movie says hello hey justin rudy kent swift they retracted the band this afternoon but kept the van on party's plotted houses they just don't want folks to not be in groups given which they would say uh i i understand that i get that i think the trick-or-treating is easier to control when you do the rub out method do you still seal it yeah just seal it after well i can tell that's a fun color and that's going to go on this uh beach lord let me um a put the lid on never leave a airbrush container with the lid off and i have to find i'm gonna go back to my blue rag because i had a brown rag and then whatever color is on here is going to bleed into the other mask so i got to be careful we must be cautious i love the mask behind allen with the horn and skull oh yeah this is a mask that robbed it he sculpted uh the sculpted deer skull and he did that so right there uh it's kind of a when to go ish that's not a mask that is a head form that i have painted many masks on so it kind of gets a paint job everywhere the mask isn't yeah i wasn't i wasn't offended hopefully they didn't seem offended um you know you get that a lot you know there there's there's some archetype creatures out there and green goblin is certainly one of them i love this color justin rudy making masks and there's nothing better than cold weather and haunted houses and outside of home decor yeah you're right jen yeah cat swift says we're working with folks to decorate and have drive around checking things out like you do in christmas life yep yeah plan a route do a tour you know sure look at that look at the detail that came out of that with that rub sexy worm you can't cancel a lifestyle stephen hayes says the reason you are the legend i'm not a legend i just love monsters what's that thank you just let your free flags off yeah jamie thanks because i'm putting my halloween stuff up this year okay elena says i had to order latex from england and i had to save up my money for months by the way my birthday is on halloween oh that's awesome you guys can't see what i'm doing at all but i'm just doing this again so kat smith also encouraging folks to do old-timey things neighborhoods all doing pumpkin parking so i'd i believe the inbreds are yes now the goat man that i want to do isn't on the site because i haven't done it yet with my goat sculpt i've made my three-eyed goat that i wanted to and i have made i made a three-eyed goat and i did the minotaur and i think that's all i've done with the goat you did uh brandon's oh yeah and i did a four-horned goat which was beautiful too um and i'm not saying it's beautiful because i made it that would be a little weird it was beautiful because i took their concept art and i made their concept i was very happy with it sometimes when the wife is watching a cooking show and i am nearby and i watch the cooking show i think it's weird when the cook will make something and then taste it and say oh my gosh that's perfect i thought like that was a little conceited but you know what no it's not it's not their work it's not what they did it's an appreciation of the process and sometimes i get caught up in the appreciation of my process um and i just like you know what i'm doing i like making monsters it's fun i don't know if we're going to have trick-or-treaters when i'm turning my yard into a september hooray chad smith someone asked me if i'm going to decorate my yard since i have no haunt and live in bfe i said totally i decorate for me that's awesome uh i'm i'm i have a whole bunch of different stuff that we're doing this year a little girl i'm doing the great pumpkin jack-o-lantern thing so i will do less than 31 days unless i get a great deal on something great i hear you amanda wilson i've been building a cemetery fence and my neighbors already slow down to look and shout out their windows to let at least you think that's what that one finger means of course they do of course they do you know what uh in all honesty hallelujah you're doing something a lot of people go to the world they just don't do anything um and i think that you know right now the world needs people who do something i am liking the look of this one what do you think honey think about these colors it looks a little brown on camera it's a little more purpley in real life you've got a warm sign to me okay so this has to dry before i can paint those teeth bill bastard said this speech is right up there appreciating our gettysburg address oh hey um uh you hit me on something i'm passionate about i might i might talk a little says i'm a halloween guy in my neighborhood kids have expectations i ain't letting them down so uh that whole time when i was doing those i forgot about him and i need to do a rub out on him i like this color so we'll do this rub out however i'm just about out of that color aren't i that's the brown that's not it justin how much is the zombie looking one bottom line um of course and we look for patterns for sure what is the name of the latex for mask making um it is called casting latex casting latex is what you want obsessed and sexy red right there that's red [Music] this year i'll be handing out popcorn balls to all the raccoons that visit my trash can type heck yeah justin rudy i really like the tone of bread any chance you know the name of the color oh justin i just mixed it up um it was sapphire blue from pinata inks and chili pepper red sapphire blue chili pepper red that was the two colors i mixed together this one's a little tired this one has seen some stuff i'm gonna throw it away because i have new ones when i buy all those bottles as uh i was talking to pretzelbot about earlier i was watching another artist that totally gave you props for your work the man still girl alan i like the way um what did he say well what happens lisa aaron says oh yeah i did a yoga yes would the goat be done before halloween um honey what's today's day yes before halloween yes the night of september this is this is the orders that i've got and there's five of those right now that i know are going to be done within two days so they'll be gone so then i'll have six others so yeah halloween no problem and i i probably i would say by october 10th the latest now i thinned down that color with more alcohol so i had more of it uh and i don't have to match or anything i'm going to do this practice little bachelor that is our jack frost i'm sending you a link so you can see the finished product all right stacy just got me great job stacy i got the i got jack frost justin says behind the war pigeon zombie okay so what's behind work pigment it's just the head form it's just the headphones did you get that color or is it just out of a box i mixed it up i mixed it up it was 50 chili pepper red and then 50 um sapphire blue from pinata inks i always have great ideas for your decorations but always too late so i built up the audience that's awesome nothing wrong with an army of skeletons being your decorations i can vouch for the inbred allen does an amazing they're amazing and very freaky the inbreds were a custom order uh we have the inbreds blanks yeah on the website did you not take pictures of those i took pictures of them but i did not i did not uh put them on the website i just the blanks i didn't take i didn't quite pretzel bottom totally going to make your hanging cage too oh cool um and i don't know if you guys can post instagram links and i mean my moderators i know that no one else can um but pretzelbot is on instagram and does amazing foam work uh with eba foam amazing costume work kind of in general so if one of the mods can find pretzelbot on instagram and post that link i hope you don't mind but uh you guys should really see some of the awesome stuff that they do with uh eva foam and costumes in general really impressive work mike's house it works i'm pulling double duty watching youtube wednesday on one window and this and another boy the organicness of this rub out technique you know you can leave all these little splotches or you can work and uh you know kind of work them out i've been an artist in the fx entertainment industry for 33 years and i ran my own want and taught fx classes and i still learn things from you all the time you are a horrific genius oh thank you so much who was that honey oh well very cool uh i just you know i just love what i do and i think a lot of folks who love what they do like to tinker and play around and mess with stuff and that's me i'm the same courtney said oh look at that that's fun isn't it when i see you later in serbia when i ordered latex i ordered two bottles of fake blood i was so disappointed spending that when i opened the bottle blood was literally purple i was so sad oh yeah um normally i make my own with food coloring and elmer's glue elmer's glue and food coloring make a really nice blood so i think it's time to get well okay so we started what at 7 30 today and now it's 9 30 and i have war pigging based out i have the krampus bathow i have jack frost baked out based out not baked based out and i have a worm based out and the worm's almost done let's grab that pumpkin uh i have two industrial air scrubbers here and uh like right there's one that's sucking the particles up and out um it's not even like hazy in here this is ha you think this is bad you should see it when we're doing metallics that's terrible um another scrubber is right up over there how do you what how do i make like a small chest this is called a small chest from front neck to upper chest do i pour latex on the plate or something or not use i would sculpt it on a flat table in clay just sculpt it in clay and then you can just do a latex paint latex onto the clay and peel it off and then that's your chest november 14th and 15th and maybe that's all i have scheduled we'll see we also might be going back to uh dark hour starting our christmas show all right this is the brownish red rub out that i used on war pigging i'm going to add some black to that and we're going to rub out the pumpkin the same way i've been wanting to do a clown surfacing for my yard if you've got any ideas of how to make a big impression with me doing it myself in limited funds yes you may have limited funds but you're going to have access to some resources you have to figure out what those resources are and how to best use them to your advantage now one of the things that i love to do in order to make a big impression with doing very little bit of work is shadows so you can take led lights like a single led light and if it hits an action figure that is you know four inches in front of it on that wall 15 feet away that's an eight foot monster it's very easy to get that action figure to move a little bit and then you have a big moving monster shadow over there so think about what you have what can you do do you have access to like a cricket cutting machine you can cut out silhouettes and then do shadow do you have access to 4x8 sheet material where you could actually do cutouts that are full size and put those up think in terms of big visual impact not in terms of detail-oriented special effects uh it's pretty simple to have big visual impact for actually not a lot of money and a white wall with a projection on it why who is the person that redo the spirit halloween animatronics 1980s um didn't uh cate do halloween just redo uh one of them i don't know who you mean exactly but i mean i've had several people redo them i've had to redo a couple in my lifetime so i don't know exactly what you're asking nor do i know how to answer it but i want to help you i'm halfway through my myers mask the problem is it looks like william shatner now not william shatner four years ago um i think william shatner now is scarier he's a little heftier than he used to be that's hosho and we're gonna switch too we're gonna switch and we're not gonna use um the paper towel i'm just gonna change up and i'm gonna try i'm gonna grab some new gloves so hang on guys probably should have spun you around all right so whenever you're doing something a little bit experimental start on the back justin i've sent you a link to the pumpkin head the coordinator the blank is on the website and uh this is the first one in fact the blank that you see is what he's using right now so as soon as it's done it'll be on the website but i also sent you the price just getting this this is a rag now this is a little more rubbing power in case this is a little too heavy for me bill batchelor says same price for the blue mask jack frost with just white long stringy hair uh same price as what i don't know what i sent bill the link to jack frost on the side the only thing differently we couldn't have the hat well and the icicle beard i guess skinny bone says coloring on all the masks was amazing oh thanks justin rudy have you ever removed an animatronic innards and sculpted a monster that can move to replace it yes yes i have i do that a lot with scare factory stuff because after a while that stuff just kind of stops working that's going to be sexy right kryptonite thanks again for speaking to me the other day about the satellite gel do you have to water it down or can you apply it straight um i always apply it straight that's how i do it does the krampus have a rub out on it yes it does a little bit of a different style of rub out thank you you know this is weird but i really like your wife's voice it's great i like my wife's voice too thank you see uh courtney says thought on another one sorry for so many questions it's all good what's your go-to method for repairing damaged latex foam props from patrons being assets um the same reason you would if it was sun rot or anything else you latex it together with latex and paper towel and then you do a repaint the best we're only the best you've got orders to fill and you stop to answer our question in detail it's master class every night here sir uh as much as possible yeah i mean i this is this is uh this is what we do y'all are my friends so why not help you out if i know it you know what and we have such a talented crew here maybe someone else knows that and i don't jason augustine hey allen hope all is well i'm doing a phone call on a match to uh the normal window and door that's what i normally use just a regular old loctite phone 1980s thinking of those candy cauliform flavored pumpkins me too uh hi roo oh this is sexy oh oh sorry excited over here i'm over cleansed al says ruth push flyers yes roo can already tell that pumpkin mask paint job is going to look awesome says what other movie costume you make up having today uh well i don't do a lot for movies i'm a haunted house guy i do haunted house stuff now sometimes a haunted house will request something from a movie and sometimes a theme park like universal will have a license to a movie and i might make something for them so but i don't don't normally now i've done a lot of wolfmen we had a cool vampire haunted house at a dark hour two years last year last year and uh for that i got to do the lost boys i got to do blade you know we got to do a lot of cool stuff for in that vein i make wolfman quite a bit um i've been known to make a frankenstein sign or two uh i've had to do freddy that's always like radio stations requested justin moody says oh this pumpkin is going to be not nice and you are doing a pretty dark wash and by not nice i mean not friendly yes just piper okay thank you you can email me the pictures of the inverse i got you justin i got you taken care of courtney i really want to try to keep in contact with you guys better be missing y'all i don't have facebook what's the other good ways to keep in contact with you lovely uh hang out on youtube uh we're we're there i mean i'm on youtube quite a bit and instagram instagram's another good way what a great visual medium instagram is skin and bone says goodbye yourself right allen uh you know what i'm surprised every time it turns out good i'll be honest with you justin rudy i'm always afraid to do black or really dark blushes i'm afraid it will darken or whatever too much yeah well then you fix it then you then you go in and dry brush and you spot fix whatever you messed up chad smith i love how the robot method looks probably my favorite technique uh this is i mean it's an antique it's what you're doing you're putting something on really wet and then you're removing it uh it's an antiquing technique uh you're just not using an antique gel you're just using uh like an alcohol based uh you know paint rodney pope how much would the pumpkin be foam filled with a pvc pipe in it to put on a prop uh now rodney i'm gonna be honest with you normally i could just answer that for you i am running on so little sleep i'm gonna have to do that math later right now i have on my art brain and it is all that i can manage to form sentences but i think my wife knows yeah like see i think the mouth is too neutral now and i would want to put a little more yellow back into that so i'll do it but this darkness is what i wanted this this real dark wash and that's why it looked really gar-ish when i first put that on uh but the color it was like a stupid bright orange and it was you know um really like bright happy green but now now we're toning it down and it's just it's it's just graying out and looking mean what is your favorite mask to make uh i like werewolves but i don't really have a favorite i'm excited kind of every time that is an instant vintage look amazing and like when i airbrushed this i wasn't worried about going over a little bit around the stem i wasn't worried about you know that kind of stuff i just uh because i knew the wash is going to even things out and just help the details on the pumpkin really popped beautiful work thanks that pumpkin was not my favorite slope of yours but now i'm really digging it i'm sure no uh so here's the problem all right if if i paint this with something water-based which the latex paint that i use is water-based and then i tried to do a water-based rub out on top of it i would rub off both layers because they're both rub off with water so you have to paint first with the latex paint which is water-based let that dry and then you do your alcohol work on top of that because the alcohol will not rub off the water base um now i guess you could do it the other way around but it's a lot easier to make alcohol-based things translucent than it is um water-based things water-based things tend to go uh we are painting our butts off to our beauty i'm a little behind on orders i didn't know if the storm was gonna knock out my power so we are painting all of the things we are painting um uh this is the uh pumpkin the pumpkin is right here so he showed up and uh pretty happy with that i'm gonna pop the yellow inside the mouth a little bit more uh with a dry brush and but i'm actually pretty happy i might hit this a little bit with orange to punch it up a little more but i'm very happy with where it's at in all honesty but so that's that and then war pigeon is here uh he gets his normal airbrush that comes next he's going to get some airbrush this is the krampus happening and then um that is jack frost he'll get some airbrush and the worm is going to get some airbrush and i think someone's drawing in the other room no i got them all in no one's in the other room yes yeah uh because it's humid so it's laying a little bit more than usual okay will that same technique work did a corpse in with a skeleton with a paint pump yes you can you can do a rub out over top of uh cult and nap sculpting you can do an alcohol-based rub out all right thanks for hanging out good talking to you i think he says maybe fully colors to break up and make up the pumpkin um no see i wanted that green i didn't necessarily want that fall colors right away uh you get so much fall color in this orange i'm gonna pop his uh leaves maybe a little bit with green but i want that a little muted and now this guy gets a dry brush i really like the vine detail in the pumpkin mouth at least i think that's what i'm seeing yeah you're seeing just some pumpkin innards that i did on there uh and this guy is going to the uk isn't it a little bit of a flesh tone dry brush on this okay let's set this off to the side [Music] with the face if your pinkish goblin has eyes like this no that's just when i painted the mask some of it got on the head form so no it doesn't have any eyes in it what type of horns uh just like a scimitar horn jack frost and pumpkin head are my two favorites uh you know what this sort of color scheme is real hard to beat and what i just did now is i give him a little bit of uh pink and red on his nose it looks like he's a little bit frostbitten himself and a little bit on the tips of the ears and uh that sort of sells that a lot of him happens when you get to um the silicone work on it and glitter and all that stuff yes i said glitter okay so it's safe to say okay i'm gonna just take a second clean out my airbrush uh it is a color very similar to saddle tan it is a um it is called oh my gosh i'm having a real hard time with thinking of things tonight hang on a sec i'll find it havana brown it's called havana brown no no it's not bad though uh so yeah i need a little bit of i got to clean this airbrush out a little bit jessie papa bears it's beautiful antique technique see the same thing with painting furniture putting down bright base colors using oil stains with different colors and wiping back yeah yeah i mean it's it's the same stuff and you know what what's funny is that latex is is a the sap from a rubber tree so i mean i'm i'm painting an organic material the same way that you do when you're working with wood it's an organic material it seems a little more chemically but don't forget that it is the tree sap from a rubber tray and a wood stain actually works very well on latex currently use uh fw inks i may try pinata you know what dick blick dick blick is who i get them from now i used to get them for amazon i found more consistent pricing on dick blick the carburetor cleaner by the way just see how it stretches out and just destroys the structural integrity of gloves don't get it on your skin if you can help them and that's why whenever i use it i keep my dogs clear too okay i will oh i was gonna get some new gloves and put um some red in that airbrush um fw and pinata are pretty similar i find pinatas a little bit less expensive and frankly i used to get my fw inks from hobby lobby and they stopped carrying them fw is a little bit squirrely on how often they release product so it wasn't as consistent as i needed to be so and that's why hobby lobby stopped ordering from them it's hard to get them from them so yeah it's a good airbrush you probably shouldn't have that either sorry bud okay uh i was red airbrush look chili pepper red before i do that i want to get that um carburetor cleaner out of the airbrush i'm going to shoot a little bit of alcohol into it the carburetor cleaner will actually eat the chrome off of the airbrush so it's good to run alcohol through it too afterwards now red is a wonderful color because you don't have to like my favorite thing to spray after any other color is black because black will beat up whatever color is in there and make it black too red kinda does the same thing um purple does the same thing if i have to spray a white or a yellow you have to clean the snot out of the airbrush um or else that color is going to be tainted and you know if i use blue and you go to spray red then you're going to spray green that's not good steve killing been a long time since the caution live you still check the tip of the heat gun with your hand without doubt you got to make sure it's working man i don't even know why you all make fun of me that's next level craftsman stuff right there okay i'm happy with that red that i'm getting out of there now let's go to work on these wounds thank you i have so many of these stitches to do they're going to see some of them because some jerk when he was sculpting this said man i want to put 700 stitches on it al driver uh out [Music] maybe that's why it doesn't come off yeah so you're not washing it you're painting it uh thin your washes down a little more uh and they're gonna be uh like subtle you want them subtle says where do you get your airbrushes at uh this is a pass a h and i get it right from chuck passion at pasha we're getting there see what the the detail you know just that little bit that i did keeps it from being so flat um and i'm gonna see if anybody else needs red and welsh think some red we're gonna put it on our uh office here hit those gums with red again nobody under the eye makes him feel alive ezekiel says i have one of the original pigeons and i definitely need to complete the set good job well i broke the pig in mold and al was like but i wanted to buy another pigeon and then he got the idea that he would make another one so he came down we did a little monster camp with al and uh that's how war pigging came about big white fursuit took him out in the woods to take this prayer 1987 baseball bat what's funny is like the second war pigeon ever made was actually went to a redskins game it was painted up with a redskins mohawk and everything and it made the uh redskins facebook page and stuff all right so um boy i just knocked out those two no no one two three four he's five um and he's probably dry enough now where i can hit him talking to myself guys sorry kelly porter we are going to go all out as usual this year with our haunted graveyard that's great i love that don't be scared ezekiel says i picked my kids up from school a few times that's that's how you not get invited to pta meetings ezekiel good thinking just to prove me i use perma-wet which i love and is a great product but it's pretty pricey the only great realistic blood mixes i've heard there's a good pork syrup based quality of meat um yes there's lots of great blood out there there is hot sauce which is way cheaper that's from rip city effects now perma blood's great it's probably it's one of the best um but also you can take the um createx gel medium hold on gel gloss medium createx gel gloss medium and add red food coloring to it and it looks great keep corn syrup off of your masks that's you're asking bugs to eat it down the road do you still router store router bits in egg cartons of course the best way to keep them 1980 says mascot masks of the new code of business model steve cohart alan would you have time to complete a gravedigger before monster camp uh steve cohart is monster camp seven and yes yes i would listen i really want to do a halloween themed gravedigger so if you're willing to do that i could kind of kill two birds with one stone it would be a gravedigger but a little more orange and black more halloween rather than haunted mansion let me know if you're up for that i wouldn't charge any more for it but i was going to charge more for it i'm going to do a little more for it hey thanks but if scott just wants the original if scott just wants the original then i have time to do that too we have time for that too don't let that change your decision don't let me bully you into doing something really cool stands firm scott don't let him change your mind what would you like for me to do with these leaves honey well right nearly i just look like green i like them maybe a little bit of gold maybe like a yellow a little bit of some rust or some red okay he said the voodoo man creole gravedigger would be different with the black white colors i've done a ring master version i've done a uh i've done a ringmaster version and i've done a lot of the regular grapevine justin rudy you've been sculpting up new masks on wednesday i'm assuming you have to catch up on orders with those little will there be any sculpting streams soon oh absolutely of course yeah i'll be doing sculpting streams um real soon it's good that it's not because you can catch up yeah i had a little bit of ketchup to do he's jack-o'-lantern he needs a little bit of a little fall a little fall your face is a little bald just straight green it looks like ivy looks like awesome you mispronounced the word awesome put a little put a little fall in there for what come on larry hughes says i have the ringmaster version that's right you do yes that's right al driver says the pumpkin needs some stitches yeah you need some stitches kurt mataya yes this one this this one is already paid and spoken for but he has already got a hoe but we can always make another objection to me halloween pumpkins usually come off as trying too hard to be scary and missing the mark this one nails it perfectly there's lisa he's all mine i uh i wanted him to be um i wanted to mix a pumpkin mask with an inbred so i i turned this piece of the pumpkin into a cleft pellet which is a common inbred tray and if you look at him like this is the regular nose with that big crease in it and here's a nostril and this nostril i turned into the triangular nose of the jack-o-lantern so i kind of mixed an inbred with a pumpkin and i'm pretty happy with the results four more says put a little fall in there for warmonger [Music] your face is a celebration thank you warmonger you understand kryptonite okay how's that is that better yay okay kryptonite when you propose to your wife is she made masks or did you wait till she already was locked down all right so this isn't something like sometimes i make masks like being a haunted house person like that is that is in every fiber of my being i uh i have to move monsters out of the way in order to love anyone else so yeah she knew met at a haunted house it's not okay pumpkin guts are so squishy kermit is okay he's gonna get the second one is always better that was pretty nice i gotta get him that wash turned him happy halloween to probably going to standing in your woods when you're sleeping it's amazing how much of a difference you watch this make yeah limelight says notice those details i thought that was super unique and i love it see great vigorous halloween with kick ass says car of beauty yeah i like like the uh you know like a bat bow tie uh just really do them up halloweeny i love how you sell blanks to foster creativity sure that little bit of fall make the leaves pop it's getting better my wife and i always say your face acceptance somebody gets it i don't even know how we ended up doing that morgan chalu is it warning morgan started me on that oh my goodness thank you horror beauty okay and these eyes will get like screen they'll get black screen so they'll be super black okay so i think that is set and i do like the amount of yellow that i put on there and maybe i'll do a little more yellow on uh just a couple of these leaves i'll pick a few loops to make yellow are you going to do a body for this maybe introduce him to dark hour in the future uh it's possible i mean i i all of my stuff ends up you know i use it so probably ezekiel says a halloween gravedigger would be awesome and would love to do the top hat will you add pumpkin seeds later uh i don't think so not on this one rob o'brien says he's a beauty that is one great pumpkin great job robert white there you are she's mad at you honey white why are you saying that robert white who had the infrared family all right death row catering alan what would be your what would your last meal be cheeseburger cheeseburger i love cheeseburgers that's probably my favorite food little pearl says dibs on being this pumpkin monster saul thompson looks great can you do a custom pennywise mask i can't we'll tell you most of the time custom masks like a custom half mask uh it's gonna be 250 to 350 to 250 to 450 in all honesty depending upon is it a custom sculpt or you know how much is involved and clowns always cost three times as much so it'd be around 900 bucks why do clowns cost three times as much because there's so many clowns out there in all honesty there are so many good pennywise masks out there you don't need me to make one for you grab one from someone who already makes it i want to make something unique like a toenail golem that's what i want to make um making stuff that's already out there and super popular like i'm not going to make a jason mask there's a bunch of guys who make awesome jason vest there's three guys maybe five guys right now who make an awesome michael myers basket so i don't have to they do there are great pennywise masks out there so grab one from them and if you need someone if you need me to help you find someone then i will if you need me to help you find someone let me know and i'll help you find somebody to make you that pennywise mask or already makes a really good one because you shouldn't have to pay commission prices when it's something that's that common clowns cost three times as much maybe you want to be the guy to force alan to make a clown and you want to pay that that's fine and i'll make the best pennywise mask i can but you don't have to there's a lot of other options uh when when you get a wild hair and you will say you know what i want to be i want to be a troll that has had 50 light bulbs smashed into his face and now he's like part glass and stuff that's what i want to be i want to make that i don't want to make pennywise a clown for you i don't want to make you jason i don't want to make you freddy i want to make michael myers i want to make stuff you've never seen before and and really cool he-man characters because no one else is making those i love them like whiplash amanda wilson mine and my husband's favorite holiday is halloween so just fit to get married yeah and yeah it was costumes required this would be seven years marriage that's awesome alan have you tried the a1 burger for parties for carl's jr sadly we don't have uh parties we have carl's jr one of my favorite sandwiches at any fast food place is a hardy's hot ham and cheese but um i love a1 on burgers so i haven't had that but i'm sure i would love it look in the camera okay oh that's great yeah let's do uh let's do a halloween gravedigger that sounds awesome he is coming for monster camp seven at the end of october yeah and they're great they're good at it um why did i stop making silicone masks because a mortal mask is just better than me cfx they're just better than me get it from them you know uh but if i'm if i make the only one of something if no one else out there is making a jack frost then i've got the best one is there any licensing issues with making a copyright mask absolutely there are uh it is intellectual property theft you are gonna you plan on selling it then you plan to make profit from the intellectual property the idea that they had and they paid to make it famous they paid to make people like it and then you're taking advantage of it um yes now do i make a mamra mask every now and then do i make masters of the universe masks every now and then i do um right now no one has a license to make masters of the universe masks um and as soon as someone does hands off i stop doing it or i just make them for me all of these mastered the universe mask pretty much i'm making for me anyway because i want to dress up like he-man villains and go rough up he-man at conventions uh like dressed as villains and just shove them around and stuff i digress um so i'm doing some of that for me and just i love them and i want them i want them on the wall of my monster museum so that's why they're going to be around but am i selling some yes i'm funding that um but i'm reasonable i'm not mass producing so uh you know okay we had a little bit of storm and we lost power and lost the internet for a second um so uh was i saying yeah if if someone tried to order 50 of them from me for their store i wouldn't sell it to them one collector two collectors yes i would now i have a more rigid stance on that than most people do i won't even remold a mannequin because that's theft uh to me so i won't remold a mannequin i might do something really crude like a tape form in order to get just a general head shape but i'm not going to make a silicone mold of a mannequin so i can make more i'm stealing that person's work so yeah there are some things to consider now do i know of any mask makers who have been gone after uh only the saw franchise i know that there was a saw license and i know someone who was went after by the saw franchise films in order to stop them from making masks based off of the characters um wife can you pull up a picture of jack i need a visual reference before i go any further it's been a while since i painted one so i want to make sure i'm doing it right i will hold this kitty jones is not letting her work on that okay so what you're telling me is i'm done until i do that yeah i have ice and hat to do on him okay so he's his paint is finished yeah he gets uh the silicone treatment that's what he gets next his paint is done massage said bold face cinebite you said what oh yeah says i'm only scoping myers to see if i'm capable next there will be all for my imagination which is way easier one life has to be pity-wise with that moment in the movie where he's opening up in his entire face her inner rows you know yeah you know what i uh that particular moment i know three guys who make that mask and they do a great job party i want a snowman mask but also how would you make a snowman costume light enough to run um well uh they're they don't weigh much at all the snowman costumes are upholstery foam that i do have you seen the snowman costume that i make it's a whole costume you just hold on you just make that ball the bottom ball smaller so that instead of stopping at your ankles basically it stops at your knees i made one for someone who did a parade in it i work in latex mass what can i do with the latex leftovers uh at this point in my career i throw them out a lot of people save them to make guts i don't need that many guts so um i uh i just i trim the mask and then i throw them away uh you could you could cut them and then make make your own rubber bands you could uh make jar openers for your family for christmas just that disc of latex you could make guts so i mean there's lots of things you can't do but they're just not super awesomely useful so rather than hold on to them i just throw them out in two weeks i'll have plenty anyway you know if i just if i if i need them i'll i'll know two weeks in advance and i'll start saving how to make it uh how much for a painted one eye one eye is a latex half mask so he would be 75 yes one eye would be 75 unless you want hair on him in which case if you get hair he would be a hundred because then he has hair okay mike mike's wondering who works when are you gonna get a haircut um i don't know i actually want i want um down the road i think i want to try getting a haircut into going back to work with our camera i know that's a little silly but um yeah can i get an elf mask with christmas bulbs and lights smashed in his face you sold that id though yes yes you can i could do that uh i actually bought a bunch of acrylic christmas bulbs the other day busted and chocolate coming down like they're coming up would you do a commission scope of an angel turning into a devil mid transformation whoa um i guess yeah yes boy i have a hard time sculpting an angel like i don't know if i got the chops for that says i want a mask that is a man did you answer what can you do with the scrap latex i did okay to the greatest of my ability which probably wasn't awesome okay justin i think a lot of artists tend to make these common characters mainly for one i'm sure these fans but sometimes i think it's more for profit they know themselves i guess that's what i do yeah people know it'll sell absolutely and that's okay that's okay it's okay to go a little low risk sometimes um but uh nothing ventured nothing gained how much do you grow as an artist when you do that i am i'm a little more driven honestly by growing as an artist than i am by monetary gains uh i don't i don't run my company in a way to make a lot of money i run my company in a way to provide necessary services and needs and products for the haunted house industry is that okay i can see how it is tough for like jason and mike myers uh it wasn't turned inside out it was just painted white harvey says i've only seen the snowman yeah i'll have to get you some video uh i'm very proud of that costume it is something that i have done that breaks the human form rather well and i i love to do that i saw a costume adam savage made with loops suspended on straps for uh yeah i'm gonna go a little longer i'm not ready yet i'm just going through some stuff i think everybody is adding some tone to this got a real nice bruise color in here now i'm just beefing up the contrast of this a little bit and all this was cut off the pig right so have a nice bloody edge okay let's set this one off to the side well you can see the kind of the how the detail popped a little bit with that bit of airbrushing i didn't realize it was 10 30 honey okay so pretty much you're good to hang out as long as you have battery on your computer oh no no i may have to go get my how long are you pressing on mr money i'm going to get these guys all painted i want to get them all done but i'm not too far from that okay let's press on we got this white i ready you get it done we can do it but i am going to have to grab my charger here shortly okay did you hear me say that lisa would like her pumpkin sun yes i heard that i'm mixing a little bit of a color over here for heath and i'm going to paint these teeth and then i have to paint the crop of his teeth did you sign uh yes [Music] thing never paint teeth with a brush this big i'm really not painting the teeth i'm putting some color on the key i'm not calling these teeth painted because i was kind of cleaning my brush on them really hard to get any kind of detail with that hi i'm from louisiana i'm new to your channel and so addicted to your techniques is getting concerned all right i'm learning how to make brains in a jar he banned me from making the giant maggot though coward that's awesome okay scott cohart you are going to pick yours up at monster camp so i will not charge you shipping elena thanks for answering all of my questions i was listening this whole time while studying for my english competition subscribe well you're going to do great because you do very well english is good yeah justin rudy when i painted the cave dweller after it was done painting i went back with the original base color and lightly lightened all the points just added a lot of depth i watched you do it on an old video i don't know how i missed that considering i have watched every video you've ever made at this point pretty much but i'm glad i caught it if you watched every minute of every video that i ever made then we have spent over 500 hours together isn't that crazy alexa what's 500 divided by 24. we've spent a month together me i'm just painting up these teeth why i see comments churning so i know i'm just letting you know that you're going to have some fetch enough to do i've been doing nothing scott holmes i've watched all 700 plus hours star trek so challenge except there you go sean rangel says that's more time that i spend with my real family well there is that justin says alexandria but i have watched a lot stay tuned guitars have you ever done the sfx work in movies or would you um would i well for the right amount of money a man will do anything let's be honest but um i have done some but nothing huge i don't enjoy movie work i am there a lot of folks have the assumption that because i am a haunted house special effects artist that means i am a failed movie special effects artist and that's just not true i mean my my calling is haunted attractions so that's what my work is geared towards uh i mostly work for haunted attractions now i'm doing a werewolf foot for a movie here coming up and i'm doing a uh a werewolf mask for a movie here coming up two separate things so um i do that kind of stuff on occasion but normally it's lower budget movies um who are okay with a haunted house style character costume whatever mike jones i just want to say thank you for all your how-to videos they saved me so much money awesome mike that's honestly why i did them i wanted when a haunted house wanted to do something there would be a library of videos of how to to help them do it that's why i started my channel mike's haunted woodworks what would you charge to make a three-piece mold we got a friend that has an r studio that needs a mold reproduced um well it depends on the mold like i can't give you a price i'd have to see some images because you know you could you i could say well that would be like 400 bucks and then you send me pictures and it's the size of a dump truck so um let's uh send me some images and i will i will help get you a price and do they need someone who knows molds to help them or is this a take it to my shop and do it all myself what's the skeleton in the background for youtube wednesday i see no skeleton what about a yeti werewolf what would be your picture uh i love doing white werewolves i love white werewolves elena says goodnight at 6 am i need to sleep thank you i hope i'm going to do great on my competition have a great night and it looks amazing thank you so much i appreciate you hanging out with us okay i don't like this color so much for this krampus i want to brown up what i have i'm going to put a dark brown in there these white rums yeah yeah but uh they're all kind of flesh toned with white hair and you know i'm finding burrow brown ink that i know i have got to have a little bit up alexa add burro brown to my shopping list alexa add burrow brown to my shopping list okay so i have this dark maroon color that i just put a little bit of brown into and i want to mix those up so here's a trick i'm going to put my tip over the my finger over the tip and now when i hit the button the airbrush bubbles and that's mixing my ink in i need more there the dragon is nearly finished i'll put a new video on the creepers page and join tonight's show that's great okay very cool you are the dragon whisperer sir i love looking at your dragons they're awesome oh thanks wife so the story of this mask and how i sculpted it was i had agreed to help someone do a two-piece mold they wanted to learn how to do it make a two-piece mold so we agreed we set a date and um i thought and assumed that they were going to bring a sculpture to mold and i found out they left arlington in order to come here and yeah it was here yeah um they left arlington in order to come here and in talking to them through messenger i found out they just wanted to mold something of mine so i had to sculpt this in the hour and a half it took them to drive over and it has been a very popular seller so sometimes working in a pinch does good stuff you know i don't actually have enough work to hire a bunch of people um and and frankly i'm fairly efficient as it is so you know i i can get done most of the things i have uh stan who helps me out with uh the laser work that i do uh that i want done but i don't necessarily want to take the time to learn how to do myself and then um rob will help me out on occasion with uh pouring up molds if i have a lot of those to do but i just don't have and stacey is better at sewing than me so i have her do a lot of sewing and she's helping with mold stuff and sculpting now and all kinds of stuff but i just don't have so much work that i hire a bunch of people so i mean that's you can see from the live feeds it's mostly just me hanging out question on yesterday's grim reaper statues that she posted scott holmes we're ready for your question scott yes sir scott on the canvas one was the adhesive call put on the outside exposed part of the canvas or the inside outside it was put on the outside because it'll take paint better and it'll also be rain repellent let me show you guys something say hi wife hey hi can you see them yeah so i moved them they're both out here they have both been like hard rained on and they're both fine like no sag no droop um they're both you know 100 so you know and it's been raining for hours here and very hard so you know they they hold up um and that's why you put that on there the canvas one if you listen you know that that on the outside there is what keeps it um safe and this guy i mean this is plastic this is plastic so you see that water is coming off of it there you go [Music] that was my finger okay now i'm going to go and paint the teeth on warping thanks can statues be easily removed from the buckets for moving storage if so how much do each way without the thumb and how sturdy the canvas one probably weighs six pounds and the other one maybe weighs two and a half three pounds basically it is the weight of the 1x4 frame that's in there which is just a simple cross easily is a weird word it's not easy to remove them but a little bit you saw me remove the post from a bucket in the video it's that it's that same process but now i'm just kind of fighting around a a reaper statue where the post is in the middle but they have handles and you can just pick them up by the handle and walk them around wherever they need to go because they have handles on them and all the weights in the bottom and each one because that was a 40 pound bag of plaster the base weighs 20 pounds so the whole thing is 25. um yeah thanks uh this is about uh being hired thanks for answering your work is awesome i've learned a lot from your videos and where are you located just to ready you got to get off here see everybody have a great night good night justin see you justin because i'm going to take alan's advice and go make something before i get too tired yeah go make stuff goodnight limelight goodnight longlay who's not actually lying kamikaze chemical great name the statues from yesterday reminded me of the monster mud statues i've seen have you ever used monster mode as a heavier than the caulking canvas method it's about 15 times heavier monster mud is heavy that's one of the reasons i don't really like it that much it's also not waterproof because drywall joint compound is not waterproof you have to take extra measures to waterproof it so i don't like it but yes i have used monster mud it was okay there are things that i like about it and there are things that i don't like about it monster mud is always out there it's always an alternative but it's not the only way to do it so home says thanks kaminkaze brassy matt i've been wanting to do a statue but i was discouraged by the weight of monster butt yeah i honestly i'm discouraged by the weight of monster mud and on top of that it's not waterproof and probably three or four times a year i get contacted by someone who is either moving and they don't want to move them or they have stopped doing halloween decorating for some reason and they want to give me their monster mud reaper statues but i don't i don't necessarily want them either i mean that's a lot of reaper statues see where we're at there's warfagin uh warpigan is in pretty good shape he's going to get a glaze as soon as he dries up there is a white krampus uh he is in pretty good shape i might go in with some more dark colors and airbrush him uh we need to do another layer on the teeth here but that's not quite dry yet let's move him into the drying room and i think i want to brighten the pumpkin up a hair before i move on so pardon me okay i like the look of monster mode but it seemed like it would be very heavy i didn't know if it was waterproof monster but in louisiana that would just be mud right here well it's it's drywall joint compound which is an interior building material uh the film 1982 is who was asking about coming to see work or being hired i'm in houston texas working in latex former ceramics studio manager at texas renaissance festival oh very cool um well uh just uh like message me let me know when you're gonna be up in the area and i can give you a tour of dark hour and show you the shop or whatever it's only a couple hour drive i don't know if you guys can tell i'm just bringing the orange up a little bit on this like this panel was done and this panel was not just a little i don't want him to feel great out i like the black wash i like that it gave me contrast i do not want grayed out and now that i have more off of the brush like i don't have a lot of paint on the brush now i can be a lot more aggressive and get what i want making the grade how do you think the current situation will affect haunts this year how will the kids get their candy well haunted houses uh i think will i mean about half the haunts in the country are not going to open it seems like a 50 50. so obviously the whole industry is taking a huge hit um i think it's a lot easier to control trick-or-treating and to social distance while trick-or-treating i think it's a lot easier than to control social distancing at a haunted attraction i think it's gonna be hard for us to do that um so i think haunts are in a rougher spot you got to make a lot of changes some haunts are opening drive through which is going to be very interesting the world hasn't really seen that before so i'm interested to see how that plays out i'm interested to see how that works insurance wise and what the fun first time accidents are going to be i'm just interested in it could be a cool step forward for our industry and then exist in perpetuity right alongside of payride trails that's possible it also could be a terrible disaster that we never do again uh you know you never know um we're gonna have to see i did an easy grim reaper last year using two sugar books two cool noodles install a sheet with some sweet fabric but i want to do something different well uh you have plenty of options out there but that grim reaper sounds cool if it was fun and if it made someone else love halloween then i'd say you did it perfectly lisa arden says monster mud cracks i used alex bedliner method to save him it's not okay i've seen people making designs for candy shoots and candy clips on fences for trick-or-treaters before dude he says do it a jack-o'-lantern well my friend i can see a costume right now and mary jordan says i love that clumsies i'm about to close up myself i'm lining everything up so you can see what we did today would the caulking method on those statues work with burlap i have a ton of burlap uh it would the problem is burlap is so loose weave it'll take a lot more because it's going to soak in more and to get into all of those uh crevices it's just going to be harder to jump up justin rudy for a quick question i need a new braking tool is there any good home remedies or do you have any videos on making your own um i do i have a video that i made maybe two months back on make your own sculpting tools and i made breaks on that out of scroll saw blades so yes you can do that you can make your own rakes out of scroll saw blades gang these are the masks that we paint tonight um where is the worm oh worm's drying and i gotta repaint his teeth i want to do one more layer on his feet before i call him good let's do that together and even look at the work we accomplished today one of the most satisfying things about my work is that at the end of the day i can look back and see what i did uh i would imagine it is extremely difficult to feel satisfied in your work when at the end of your day you look at the computer and it still looks the same as when you started you can't see all the work you did if it happens inside of a computer but now i can physically see i did this i painted this none of these were painted before we started in the course of what three hours four hours we have five painted masks now there's some accoutrement that needs to get done like there's uh some a beard that needs to be put on but i could do that tomorrow in the afternoon and we can see what we did at the end of the day to look back and say we did that that's cool any kind of work where you work with your hands like where you're a framer or an electrician or even body work on a car you know you can see it since i've been watching this year this is my first time joining the chat on a live feed i'm glad you joined us this is the five masks that we painted tonight we did everything here in front of you um and uh hopefully we answered some questions along the way and maybe created some um how they cannot cancel halloween halloween is a date they cannot cancel my halloween heart this is what uh this is this is what we do this is this live stream and making things is how i can help keep halloween alive how can you help keep halloween alive and keep others from saying that it's cancelled um wife would you say good night to these fine people goodnight fine people my goodness that was uh you guys are awesome thank you so much for hanging out uh good night and go make stuff you
Channel: StiltbeastStudios
Views: 46,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Allen, Hopps, Halloween, Haunted house, prop, DIY, scary, stiltbeast, haunted attraction, Halloween Mask
Id: xO4VYrQykNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 34sec (12394 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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