Brother Sings Hilarious Best Man Speech Song! (MAKES EVERYONE CRY!)
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Channel: Daniel Buccheri
Views: 7,312,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danielbuccheri, viral, best man, best man speech, best man speech ideas, best mans speech ideas, best man song, best man speech song, best man song speech, husband wedding speech, wedding speech ideas, wedding speech, wedding speech song, dan buccheri, danbuccheri, wedding toast, speech (activity), wedding (event), funny best man speech, best man toast, viral video, brother sings at wedding, man breaks brothers heart with best man song, The best best man speech ever
Id: 3XL9BB0ttsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2015
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I like the old man in the background. Wiping a tear away. Then holding up his glass and thinking, "Well this isn't ending so I'll just take a sip while I'm holding this up."
I want a brother! cries
Amazing! If I was the groom, I would have tears down my face. Then later beat my brother up for making me cry.
Man, that poor maid of honor who had to be compared to this.
and now I am crying at work.
The maid of honor about to give her speech is thinking "...goddammit..".
speechless. that was amazing
I didn't come here to cry. I should have known better. This is really great.
Tom Petty's going to sue that guy.