Amazing marriage proposal in canary islands. Try not to Cry!
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Channel: Cristian Mateos
Views: 946,601
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Keywords: marriage, proposal, matrimonio, propiedta, propuesta, peticion, pedida, amor, increible, espectacular, tremendo glorioso, tremendo, fortnite, amazing, crazy, cry, love, lovely, amoroso, pareja, boda, weeding, tenerife, santa, cruz, de, españa, spain, rubius, willyrex, iphone, samsung, gta, bruno, mara, mars, marry, me, xmax, max, review, apple, best, mejor, ninja, 2018, 2017, 2019, summer, huawei, trump, china, fall, guys, coronavirus, Among, Is, Among us, Amongus, Love, Couple, Wife, Marriage, Proposal, Epic, Cry, Tears, Lovely
Id: BkKbjRFWPcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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