Wedding of Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys-Jones (19 June 1999) HD

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June the 19th 1999 the day the Queen's youngest son Prince Edward gets married and Sophie rease-jones becomes the last British royal princess of the millennium [Music] [Music] the Royal Standard flying on top of the round tower of Windsor Castle on an overcast but dry day 550 invited guests and 6,000 ordinary members of the public are gathering here in Windsor Castle for the wedding of His Royal Highness the Prince Edward and Miss Sophie Rhys Jones good afternoon and welcome to Windsor well it's just before lunchtime that the palace announced that Prince Edward was to be made Earl of Wessex a title last held by King Harold who was killed by an arrow at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 not the best precedent you might think he'll also be by camp 7 and will become the Duke of Edinburgh when the Queen and the present Duke die meantime Sophie will be known as Her Royal Highness the Countess of Wessex it's really interesting that they've made it known that they don't want any children of this marriage here today to be Royal Highnesses which is in line with the policy of making the royal family that much smaller it's been a long courtship and when Edward finally proposed just before Christmas they both had pretty firmly that they didn't want the pomp and pageantry of the recent royal weddings they chose and George's Chapel here at Windsor not Westminster Abbey Orson Paul's they wanted a quiet family affair no cameras but the public interest was much too great for that they relented and invited BBC cameras to film the event for an estimated 200 million people around the world of course without sue Barker here all this would never have happened just think so if you hadn't have stood him up the two of us will try to guide you through live coverage of an unusual royal occasion the highlight of the Royal year yes hello six years on from their first meeting here we are for their big day let me tell you a bit about the plans for this afternoon in a few moments we'll be profiling the couple and we'll be watching the arrival of the guests including some well-known faces [Music] we'll be looking at the fashion statements being made as the ladies wear evening dress for this wedding Fiona Bruce will be reporting on some George's Chapel steeped in history but hosting only its third royal wedding this century will be out on the streets of Windsor as the crowds wait for their first sight of the bride and we'll be speculating on the bride's wedding dress all that coming up but first what about the couple themselves they're working people Edwards tried hard to build a life beyond the royal family he has his own television production company Sophie has a public relations business they both say that they want to go on working and lead as normal a life as possible [Music] January this year and to happy 30-somethings have an important announcement to make I don't think so if you would have said yes if I said before hopefully by the fact she didn't say yes I must have got the timing right so I'm fully aware of the responsibilities and the commitment and I think I am ready ready for a very different kind of life while Edward was born into it all Sophie's first family home was rather more modest a cottage near Oxford [Music] and while Edward was already experiencing the privileges of a royal upbringing Sophie's childhood was rather more conventional the family moved to the Kent village of brenchley their life for Sophie and older brother David was ordinary rather than grand middle class rather than rich her father Christopher worked in the motor trade her mother Mary was a secretary Sophie went to private school but as a de pupil not a boarder a popular girl not particularly distinguished at anything but a good team player especially at sport Edwards school days were different he went to Gordonstoun the rather eccentric Scottish boarding school favored by the royal family he got three a-levels but his first love was entertaining the best fun ever was working with a group of other people on stage life is one big act for me and I'm sure for a lot of other people before Cambridge she went to New Zealand to teach and was there to welcome his older brother Prince Charles on honeymoon with his new wife with 800 levels and two a-levels Sophie headed for London and an industry of very much of its time public relations her big break came with a job in the promotion's department at Capital Radio a big step up for a 22 year old from Kent after four years at Capital she took a year off heading first to Switzerland and a job in a ski resort and then to Australia where she went backpacking before resuming her career as things were going right for Sophie Edward was having an uncomfortable time in the Royal Marines he left after four months to tried television first a documentary then it's a royal knockout then a phone-in why because I'm the only one left I mean I don't think I really hurry though I mean no hurry at all no neither was Sophie back in London her PR talents were very much in demand Edward was in the West End - working for Andrew Lloyd Webber they could have met through work but it was Edward's royal duties in 1993 a challenge game of real tennis promoting the Duke of Edinburgh Award that brought them together Sophie's boss was in charge of the PR and he needed a pretty girl for the photo call it wasn't love at first sight Edward took two months to ask for a date but soon they were being besieged Edward was used to it Sophie clearly not everybody was expecting a quick wedding but despite Sophie becoming a regular royal guest it didn't happen they focused on their careers two years ago Sophie set up her own PR company with clients certainly not put off by her royal connection numbers out in a minute everybody just asked you to say edward combined royal obligations with his own company producing and presenting TV programs some close to home [Music] and the Palace of Westminster provide the backdrops and settings to some of the greatest state occasions and roll pageantry in our nation's life throughout the five years they've been together it's been a very private relationship Sophie always a few steps behind the Edward in public but increasingly part of his life we share a number of interests we laugh a lot we have a great friendship [Music] so you were there when they met or rather actually the point was you weren't there when them but when I sort of was I played real tennis with Prince Edward and then we did an interview and and we had to do some advertising and the company I was working for wouldn't let me do it so they had to find a labor of replacement and Sophie sort of stepped into the breach and she was absolutely terrified to do so but you could tell that they really got on right from the front you've seen quite a bit of them since um too so yeah I mean one of the reasons that they wanted aquire to wedding was those grand marriages of the Queen's other children did end rather disastrously and they didn't want any echoes of that did you get that impression when you were talking to them well I asked them about it and Edwards said that it wasn't an issue because anybody that decides to get married does it for you know for the best intentions but to being a royal wedding he said we're doing it for ourselves we decided we want to do it for ourselves and make it work and that's for Sophie she said that she's fully aware of the family that Ed Wood comes from and she's prepared for the requirements the commitments of being a royal bride but of course they are different because both of them are going to be working and they've said that will be their priority but after six years I think Sophie is ready she's well prepared it's really filling up out here isn't it and getting rather and getting rather windy yes it is it is difficult we've been watching many of the guests arriving including some well-known faces including Lord Lloyd Webber who was a Edwards first boss at the really useful theatre company when he was a production assistant there they are queuing up to the west door of person George's Chapel with some really interesting choices of dresses when the women some of them really very pretty colourful but of course that really has been a difficult decision really what to wear because the invitation said no hats or anything but a couple of hats we've seen a couple and I think we might see a couple more but of course it's been an unusual timing of this wedding early evening rather than the more traditional daytime is raised some interesting etiquette and fashion questions for the guests 550 men and women all invited guests and all faced with sartorial decisions among them Tania Rose a successful sales and marketing consultant she has known Prince Edward since she was 14 when they were both at Gordon Stern and has remained a close friend this is the information sheet that was actually sent when we received the invitation and it got a whole section on dress it says gentleman morning dress well that's easy for them ladies evening dress no hats suggests 3/4 or full-length dresses but no ball gowns so I was a little bit worried about that because I thought what does no ball gowns mean and I spoke to Sophie and she said basically it means no office off-the-shoulder dresses because you're in a church and obviously it's not respectful to to have bare shoulders but for those who haven't a direct line to Sophie there are alternatives the Honourable Camilla Cecil is social editor of Harper's and Queen I have had quite a lot of course at Harper's from people who are slightly worried about what to wear there are certain problems but thankfully this year they're an awful lot of those a wonderfully coloured pashminas around that looks so elegant so they can be swirled around the shoulders and maybe people wear capes and Astor hats just cuz you're not wearing a hat doesn't mean say you don't have to put anything in your hair you can wear those wonderfully feathered headdresses and the butterfly clips with a the one of the history clips to do up your hair so yes there have been problem so I think people are sort them out and they all look incredibly elegant elegant but it's basic black for the men according to Jeeves and Hawkes design director James wish all the advice be given to our customers who are attending the wedding is obviously not to wear your Ascot gray tail coat to morning dress wedding events because that is a major faux pas most of the guests of the wedding will actually be wearing a black tail coat a single breasted or double-breasted grey waistcoat and a silk tie with a grey stripe trouser so while its traditional Savile Row for the men the women are looking to top designers to create outfits that offer both decoration and decor I went Bruce Oldfield and I found this wonderful dress which as you can see is very glamorous good coloring for me and it's got this great jacket so that when you're in the church obviously your shoulders are covered up the split up the front also matches the the reverse side of the jacket and then when you do take the jacket off it's got a very very nice body which is covered in sequins so when you're dancing it's not very hot so good jacket for the church and then a lovely dancing dress as well I've been looking out for it but haven't seen it yes the service itself being held in st. George's Chapel one of England's finest examples of late medieval architecture and a monument to history chivalry and the monarchs who made both even the buildings in front of the main entrance that make up the so-called horseshoe cloister absolutely reeked of history in the vicars Hall on the first floor just to the left shakespeare's staged his play The Merry Wives of Windsor for the first time in front of Queen Elizabeth the first shades of Shakespearean love Sophie Rhys Jones is more likely to be nervous than Mary in the last moments before she becomes a wife what would she see when she arrives Fiona Bruce looks at the chapel for us when Sophie arrives here at the west steps this is when we'll first get what we've all been waiting for and look at her dress and unlike other royal weddings there won't be a military lineup here to welcome her though the red carpet will be rolled out the royal couple wanted to keep things simple but obviously this is no ordinary wedding when Sophie walks in she'll be walking into one of the great chapels of England [Music] the Gothic columns soaring above her as if to heaven [Music] to her left she limps the tomb of Edwards great-grandparents George v and Queen Mary looking down from benissa high windows a heavenly choir of medieval carved stone angels guide her path on the nave [Music] to the music of the March era week she'll meet Prince Edward for the first time beneath the organ screen for the first part of the ceremony will take place then they'll walk through the choir past members of the royal family and Sophie's family beneath the banners of the Garter knights and on towards the high altar built as a memorial to Queen Victoria's husband Prince Albert and first seen at the wedding of their son another Edward the scene portrayed by the artist William Frey in 1863 Queen Victoria was too grief-stricken at the death of her husband to join the wedding party and watched alone from the Edward the fourth Chantry [Music] today's scene will be captured by royal portrait painter Richard stone I'm looking for a gesture little episode in it that can add a good storyline to it that it sort of captures something of the excitement of the event the glamour of the event if you want I mean the setting is so marvelous as well as beautifully depicted in William fritz earlier picture this is hopefully going to be a companion piece to that so I'll be looking to the architecture to sort of frame it there are the glorious banners of the Garter knights and the beautiful quality of light in the chapel is something of a I hope to to get and of course all the all the significant figures will have to be near to be recognizable it's wonderfully exciting Richard stone arrived the chapel early today to start his preliminary sketches he's been a royal portrait painter for 25 years he first painted the Queen Mother the finished painting should measure 10 foot by 8 and he plans to take about a year to complete it now this is the first time we've had a look at the altar and it's beautifully decorated with flowers [Music] well behind us here still more guests are arriving of course all eyes this afternoon will be on Sophie who throughout the day has been preparing at the Royal Lodge but it's not just the dress that will be under scrutiny these are the people behind the public face of Sophie Rhys Jones today her hairdresser Andrew Collins and makeup artist Chelle Phelps Gardiner she first met Sophie at the photo session for these commemorative stamps a few days later a call came she was so sweet when she rang up because she asked me if I knew anybody who would like to do her makeup or if it was my kind of thing you know and I said Sophie I'd be so delighted to do it I was hoping you'd ask me so I was really thrilled Sheryl has painted the faces of corrida kanawa Cindy Crawford and Helen Mirren she really is a natural lady you know she's got lovely skin lovely glowing skin and her eyes are sparkly and she just likes to look natural and like herself we're going to keep Sophie looking like she has been looking you know kind of like the man's been going out with his fiancee for five years and loves her looking nice and fresh and then he turns around and sees his Poudre walking up the aisle we're not going to do any of that Sophie's going to look like Sophie Cheryl has already been to Buckingham Palace for a practice session this is what they've decided upon without giving too much away we're kind of that'll be the depth of color and we're talking around the eyes and sort of roundabout there's just a nice soft pretty pretty Browns oh and lipstick a natural pretty pink but it may not be this color and then again it may be this has been the other man in Sophie Rhys Jones his life for the past five years and he has helped transform her Andrew Collins has taken her from this to this very first time I met Sophia hair was in more of a bob style and because it has quite fine we felt it should maybe stay shorter so actually cut it shortened to the nape very much the style she wears now and she just tucks it behind shields has it colored put the very fine highlights in it which gives her hair volume as well as with all brides you shouldn't cut their hair too near the wedding day so it was about two weeks ago our last cut Sophia's hair and so the style sort of softens in to shape for the big day hair is actually going to complement the dress the hair has to complement the dress but I don't think you're gonna see any big changes with their hair it'll just really be very simple very stylish it'll suit Oh perfectly I hope for the day the bridal party are preparing at a house linty Sophie by the Queen Mother will be at the lodge in Windsor Park and will be looking after Sophie number some members of the family and little bridesmaids as well so I think it'll be quite busy I know I'm going to be doing some of the bridesmaids as well but Sophie's mum - we've already talked about waterproof mascara because she says she's maybe crying a little but I think I'll be the one that starts everybody off anything [Music] what you have to know is that Sue has had hair her hair done by every College in the castle early that's what any secrets under the curlers really um he did actually say that on the film there that he had Sophie's head two weeks ago and he just phoned her up to say do you want to come back and just have your fringe done and she was so relaxed she said no no just do it on the day and he's like I don't want to do it on the day I don't want to do it on the David he's gonna have a very busy day anyway we found out about the hair and makeup for Sophie today now what about the wedding dress you a typical Samantha's shawl wedding dress is romantic and modern and it manages to be conventional in one respect but unconventional in another very often through the choice of fabric Samantha Shores own wedding dress for example was made of amazing sort gabardine which is not the sort of fabric that you normally expect to find for a wedding dress she picks up on what people's features are and really emphasizes them and hides areas that other people aren't comfortable with you his style is very modern very intelligent very independent and she very much is mistress of her own wardrobe she wears the clothes she doesn't let the clothes to take over [Music] you it's so natural and and down-to-earth and yeah in her little basement flat you didn't feel at all overwhelmed by the grandness of fashion and you know immediately just put you at ease and I thought great this is gonna be easy [Applause] Samantha's brilliant and she's got a reputation for being incredibly district discrete which I'm sure what Sophie wanted she does wedding dresses brilliantly and you know she's just got such a fantastic attention to detail and she knows what she's doing you [Music] and now you can see the chapel almost full with guests here the people that you can see sitting here in front of the organ screen these are mainly friends are you can see David froster with his wife just to the right there Karina Frost they were at the wedding of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson old friends of the royal family and that's a familiar face we've already had that pointed out to us Andrew Lloyd Webber and his wife cos Prince and Prince Edward worked for Andrew Lloyd Webber in the really useful theatre company that was his first job the first time a royal prince had a job had a career now the lady you can see there with the long blonde hair that's Katrina's careful she's being model famously known as a former fleet girl and she now works for the BBC actually [Music] and as you've already heard the dress code is evening dress and no hats well that's quite a hat here I'm joined here by the trinny Woodall who's the weekend fashion editor of The Daily Telegraph 20 what do you make of that hat I don't think it's something where you just want to show that you're an individual and you want to make yourself feel quite glamorous and it certainly does it you stand out don't you with something like that but I've never seen anything like [Music] obviously consulting our order of service there the chapel is nearly full now and what you can see here in the choir this is where the royal family will be sitting and members of the foreigner aaliyan the members of Sophie's family all the banners you can see their other the banners of the Knights of the Garter Archbishop of can't be there George Carey is an onlooker today of course the former Archbishop of Canterbury performed the ceremonies for Charles and Diana Andrew and Sarah today he's just going to be watching the proceedings now defying the dress code the mrs. Margaret Rhodes whose cousin to the Queen she's a lady-in-waiting to the Queen Mother trinny she also made a bit of a bold decision to wear a hat house house the lady next door I think it's great and I think especially for ladies of this age it's much easier for them to know what to wear because they can look classically elegant in things they wear maybe to a wedding during the day because she's gonna honestly cover her knees and she looks fantastic and the lady next daughter too has a hat on and that's so fierce Jones's brother there David who will read the lesson and you get a fantastic view of the chapel they're built by King Edward the 4th in 1475 it's one of the best examples you'll find of that kind of vaulting familiar face there Antony Andrews and his wife he was also present at the wedding of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson [Music] - delayed burglar nanny to the Princes William and Harry [Music] while Sophia and her family have been staying actually in Windsor Great Park in the Royal Lodge which is the weekend home of the Queen Mother it's very secluded it's it lies in 33 acres of woodland it was there that King Edward the eighth had his last meal with the royal family including the Queen Mother the night before his abdication and before sailing in a Navy warship into exile the statue incidentally is of George the 3rd Mad King George he was called he used to talk to trees here about the sculptor was very very proud of this of this particular statue until people pointed out that he'd forgotten the stirrups they'd forgotten the stirrups it really took this terribly but it's so badly in fact that he committed suicide oh that's a happy story royalty it's interesting we've been just sitting here watching so many of that the buses arrive haven't we em the cheers because everyone wants to see them walking through don't they all the guests that there they are they've been sitting there for so many hours and the mini buses that have been it's the sort of a park-and-ride system for the guests arriving here because they have to park their cars in a specially created car park within the grounds of Windsor and then they get bussed in on this park and ride and they've been trying to get the drivers to stop so the guests can walk and every time they do stop so they can get a good look at what the guests are wearing they they give a cheer actually they gave you a cheer I don't think they actually knew who I was anyway these people there's six thousand of them not these who were going into the chapel as actual guests of the wedding but the people out there in Castle Hill here actually had to write it and ask for tickets and they went I think within a couple of hours or so there's also some specially created scaffolding in some of the cottages here as well yes I mean I think that's the Knights of the the military Knights here in the castle we've got Grace and favor residences up they have beside there and they can watch these buses as they come back and forth oh you see that that minibus you see they've they've gone too far yeah drop the guests off a little bit earlier she looks particularly disappointed now there's another cheer going up it is lovely even just walking around the town this morning looking in the windows and the effort so many of the shops have gone to Anna and all the children out and they've been standing there for so long absolutely tremendous to see yes yes they said beforehand that there wasn't much interest in this wedding yes the atmosphere in the town is really quite extraordinary isn't it people were queuing up there about sort of six o'clock was more yeah I came out of the hotel here it's a nervous time now isn't it's getting very close yeah well it's of course particularly you know you can't afford to be late because under the law of the land still under the law of the land if the marriage vows don't take place until six o'clock it would be invalid if it happens after six o'clock so they've gotta get it over with rather grim thought we're looking at the long walk now towards the copper horse statue and the Royal Lodge is off to the left behind those trees and the first car we're expecting is is the car containing Sophie's mother which will be coming down from the left turning right at the top there of long walk which is this great long straight road that was built in the orders of charles ii right up to the gates of windsor castle and of course also in that car as well will be Sarah Sienna see who was an old friend of Sophie's they took ballet classes together when they were very young and stayed very close friends and and in fact were flatmates the first time that she moved to London so it's lovely to have one of her old friends because in that Lodge it must be a very very tense time for Sophie here are more of the invited invited guests I think we get into the stage where they're members of foreign royal families we think in fact this is the sultan of brunai as retinue between different eras I think we think we've just spotted him sultan of brunai thought to be no i don't know will anybody can prove it the richest man in the world are there he is if he isn't if he isn't the richest man in the world he's very so close to it it doesn't make any difference and he's a supporter of Edwards production company ardent as well I believe he's got an investment yes so now we started with their royalty from abroad coming into coming into the chapel and still we wait the first of the cars from the world aaj Sultan being greeted by attendants at the West Gate this is by far the grandest wedding in Windsor but they're hoping to others to be one of them the couple were rather miffed the other thought it actually made their wedding but maybe we got a chance here we actually heard earlier when they pulled up that they got a massive cheer hey Robin white Rolls Royce themself of Brunei their royal family but they had a wonderful time I think and there it is there's the car that contains Mary Rees Jones the mother of the bride a big day for a very big day for her sue and I was speaking to her yesterday and I asked her if she was nervous and she said only when you asked me apparently everyone's been phoning her up saying are you nervous and she hasn't been until people have mentioned it but she didn't look at all nervous then but I bet there's a pleasure in her stomach now and of course her outfit has been designed by Samantha Shore as well so it'd be interesting to see what - what she's wearing and her hair has been done where trichology yes we're not sure whether we mentioned anyway it's a de Mer from the royal mews heading towards the castle two and a half miles that journey so should be a little time before she arrives the Queen and Prince Philip are already here at the castle they've been here all week for Royal Ascot which is only a few miles away and of course everybody has been pouring into Windsor for a glimpse not particularly with the bride's mother it has to be said brother bride as she comes into the castle so they're packed out into the town and our man in the street out there is Wesley care what are they saying out there wasn't well Michael it's a great atmosphere here in the High Street thousands of people have been waiting here for hours for that tantalizing glimpse of the bride and they haven't got long to wait as she's driven into the castle just a few yards from here with her party almost her last act as a single person I was among the massive crowds outside Buckingham Palace for the last two royal weddings they were very much state occasions this is really quite an intimate much-much almost a family occasion but the people here still say they feel part of it summers said to me that they feel this is almost a people's wedding hoping to see as much as possible I put the three children after a nice day out we've never seen anything like this before and I hope it is gonna be really special it was my ticket inside the grounds I finished in top US six I'm hoping to get a very good view of all the family and another guest it should be a great location we're really looking forward to like yeah seeing the dress oh you Jesse everyone's been talking about it yeah what do you expect it to be we she said she wanted something quite simple which would be quite nice yeah definitely yeah well this is my fifth already this is 1981 and I can tell you wants to be here for this important royal occasion I'm a hundred and one percent service value is going to be a great success but a very modern couple this is what they want it would be nice to have slightly higher broke but everyone's been showing a wishing well it's just really special because we were bored dieter got married so safe house so we've been in Verona so what's a little message from Inverness to the bride be grueling Oh every best wish I mean after all I think there will be happy don't you hope so yes I think so they seemed a nice genuine couple I'm quite certain their marriage will last and I hope them and wish them eery happiness in the world you can see now the Duke and Duchess of Kent had just arrived rather unceremonious in a minibus lady Helena Taylor and her husband the Duchess of Kent always this elegant trinny audience Beauty millionaires little bolero jacket a lot of people are wearing East End it's going to turnt up to a scarf which could be a little bit more casual and [Music] and I think the Duchess of Kent is wearing a Catherine Walker dress they're casual Walker makes a lot of clothes for the Royals greeting their the Dean of Windsor the ushers Peter Philips there you can see [Music] and Princess Anne and her husband and Zara Phillips they're behind on that's the first plant glimpse we had of Prince Harry and Prince William you can just see him there and usually in Beatrice the daughters of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson [Applause] [Music] now at last we get a glimpse of the bridegroom and his two supporters that's at the royal family corner best men Prince Charles and Prince Andrew well they're the three of them have decided to walk down from from the apartments they're interesting that the supporters not best best best either of them best man as Fiona was saying in their morning dress like the rest of the guests not their naval uniforms which which they themselves got Meriden distinct lack of uniforms and his wedding soon [Music] he's in Prince John's wearing gray which I think we heard earlier wasn't they seem to be able to break the rules don't question it but you actually saw Prince Edward this morning I did it was very cheery waved his hand and said it said good luck to me which I thought was really really no specific of statuses were very nice of him and they've just been passed by the Queen by the Queen Mother who's coming down by car and I think at her age what she's still 98 not quite 99 that seems perfectly reasonable to me she's not coming around by the west door she's going in a side entrance that they call the Galilee port but she gets a special chair there's the Galilee port [Applause] and be helping her at an Internet season she wouldn't have missed this for the world [Applause] yes tremendous Cheers and she's wearing a hat what we thought we thought that she might and we actually think that the Queen will as well but not tonight on the fourth of August and there they are bridegroom as to supporters walking down Chapel Hill to his marriage like getting a really big chair and when we were walking out there people were trying to find out you know where they're going to be walking because they wanted to get the best view and wish him well on his wedding day certainly getting a great reception I think you had to look up they're looking for the aircraft I think he had a quiet word with the the people at a throw the planes come very low over here about every two minutes I managed to speak to him yesterday about that cuz he said they could sort of divert but not the landing however if they've been very kind they could use the South landing strip and therefore be a mile and a half away from the castle but it doesn't look as though that's happened but they've given those people who were balloted for the tickets to stay there inside the inside the castle grounds but give them a perfect glimpse of him before his wedding I think he's now realizing exactly how much it means to the public he wanted his private wedding but the public certainly wanted a royal wedding well he made that decision and I think as he goes through into the horseshoe cloister and then into the temple he'd have realized he's made the right decision I think [Music] [Applause] there's more of a crowd there to wash it in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and they walk up the west steps now into the chapel an Edwards not gonna wait for his bride by the altar like most bridegroom's he's going to weigh weight in what's called the braid Chantry or Chapel bookshop Prince Charles we're told has the Rings they're both going to be carrying both can't be wearing rings Prince Edward they're being greeted by the Dean of Windsor [Music] the Dean of Windsor there is wearing a ceremonial coat displaying the emblems of the patron saints of the chapel every the confess on the cross of st. George and the lilies of the Virgin Mary [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone stands to reap the royal princes [Music] they're now being what's called verged verge down the nave by the verge oh he's carrying a seventeenth-century verge made of silver that used to be carried to beach people out of the way not anymore and here comes the Queen Mother taking her place having come to the Galilee porch and now going towards the bookshop to come a few last-minute nerves perhaps they can take a class the teacher comes on fair the commemorative China for today's reading and Prince of Prince Charles's watercolors has even some books of love poems of the middle field a little bit of last-minute inspiration there they go into the workshop of the Edward the fourth children built by King Edward difference you can see all the books back there [Music] [Music] and the Queen Mother with Princess Margaret you can't quite see it but Princess Margaret is actually in a wheelchair she still not quite recovered from the when she she burnt burnt her feet in their baths early this year [Music] and there we have Prince we stuttering me studying the order of service and you can see all the flowers there in the choir there are a hundred and one individual posies around the labs made of sweet peas and white roses Prince Harry having a good look round Princess Anne her husband captain Timothy Lawrence [Music] and we believe that's the car with the with the bridesmaids of the page boys yes and that hopefully will give us a bit of a clue because just look it there they are they're bigger than that lovely but so we were looking in the church at the flowers the white and the green and just a hint of blue and we just wonder where the blue just might be the colour that that they will be wearing well we ought to say who they are there's Camilla Hadden who's eight and she's a goddaughter of Prince Edward's Olivia Taylor who's five Harry Warburton who's six and Felix sour Bert su-7 I wonder what they call him at school Felix I'm sure yes they're older actually update them bridesmaids and page boys often are at these wedding yes a Sophie sort of gave a hint to the dress because she said she wasn't going to choose children of three or four years old because she was worried that they'd step on the train so I think we can safely assume yes that there will be a train to Sophie's dress well this is the view from the top of the ranch are originally of course the site for William the Conqueror's castle built and rebuilt the great central tower at the centre of Windsor Castle waiting for the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh to leave their personal apartments in the castle to come down to the chapel for the wedding and there they are coming through the Norman gate in one of them their second-best phantom rolls-royce because I think the best ones there is probably up at the Royal Lodge before Sophie and actually yes the junior driver because her personal driver Joe last yeah is up at the Royal Lodge doing that duty the Queen in fact has got two of these phantom Rolls Royces with the perspex cover at the back which lets people have a good view of them now the Queen's wearing a hat as well yes I think we assumed that that would happen the Queen's been here all week at Royal Ascot with actually quite a number of the family and quite a lot of friends as well [Music] they're out of sight of the people at idli Chapel Hill the lower ward of the castle tremendous atmosphere she got a really warm up [Music] and the Dean of Windsor was just coming down the steps there to greet the queen the contractor speculation is not wearing hat around ostrich feathers and Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh and the Dean of Windsor will escort them up the west steps where a procession will form you can see the verge of there leading the way up the steps [Music] these West steps are to the most recent addition to the chapel previously they used to just be as a muddy mound that the monarch had to walk up I think things are a lot better now [Music] trinny tell me a bit about what the Queen's wearing she's got a chiffon skirt on I think then over this is very pretty in lion-o pick lace round neck I think it's a very soft color on her and she's made extra special effort it's very soft also to have all these ostrich feathers instead of a hurt it's very unusual look for the Queen isn't it we're used to seeing her in much more formal we are it's it's less structured breast now while the Queen and Prince Phillip are waiting outside the choirs forming a procession inside the Queen can't just walk into the chapel there has to be a procession to lead her in and you can see all the the public there those members of the public not necessary members of the staff just names of the public who applied for tickets we've got a pretty good view there because everyone who turns up in this horseshoe Christ and built in the 15th century and and there's the copper statute there's the car there's Sophie in the number 1 Rolls Royce of the royal family and ribbons for the first time I believe very first time there's been a white ribbon on that but enough of all then let's let's get the first glimpse now we thought there would be a train you were right is that white or ivory would you say well it was only talked about it being a pale coffee but it's certainly not that it it does look like ivory beautiful with her father Christopher of course now just imagine what must be going through her mind now that long walk two and a half miles and on the ridge there on the horizon Windsor Castle which has been the fortress of the British monarchy for the last thousand years and she's going down there at 80 miles an hour to her future joining the firm that's what the royal family called their family business [Music] on the green being virtue the chapel air avoid curtsey as she passes [Music] a lot of these people are friends so although there's 550 people that's why in front of her some 23 boy choristers and 12 what called lake larks or adult horses making their way under the oginski [Music] very bad day for her marry Rhys Jones and the prize money he's also way they buy some artificial he's designing Sookie there you have the royal family or sitting down waiting for the bride to arrive this is not like any other wedding they've been to it's quite a change for them and now Sophie's mother and her brother David are verged along the nave to take their places up in the choir they'll be sitting opposite the Queen they look pretty relaxed actually which think there must be some type of flies in there somewhere [Music] and you can see that Dave is just wearing a simple rose but that's what all the buttonholes are his they're just simple rosebuds very plain and they're the bridesmaids just coming through the streets of Windsor also the car Samantha Shaw the designer matapedia the dress we just had that sneakers two glimpses of them we'll see more in the Navarre and she mentioned that it's been quite difficult in the build-up because Sophie like all brises lost quite a bit of weight before her big day and she's had to take the dress in a couple of times has that been deliberate then losing the weight or is that the worry do you think probably like oh my god she's lost about a stone she looks sensational anyway that's turning into parks trees which leads into the high streets which then leads into the castle this is where the crowds have really been building up yes we ought to point out that those it just in case you're a flag watcher and wonder what those green red and white flags are there the flags there the Hungarian flags the state visit of the Hungarian president mr. grudge his name is on Tuesday slightly confusing it for today's yes well it what a thrill for those children all commoners of course which is another change for your baby and there's the bride and she talked to me a lot about her nerves I mean apart from as you mentioned you the drive up to the castle in her future she talked about the wedding day itself and how nervous she was walking up when we counted them 20 steps to the top and then another two into the chapel that's daunting for any bride and also inside the chapel we've seen that the the chairs face the aisle so everybody will laugh we'll see how the bridesmaids almost at the end of this journey their time this journey I think it takes about 18 minutes to get from the Royal Lodge to Tibbett to the chapel I take it at a pretty steady pace and of course if there is a train for the dress it's going to be a big day for the bridesmaids yesterday yes just think how terrible it would be to step on it doesn't like it's a dark color just trying to get a glimpse through the window there but you'll see in just a moment I think I threw the outer gate of the castle and here's Sofia on her way still and I was just talking about her nerves about walking into the chapel because as ice mentioning that the seats face the aisle so everyone is going to be looking at her and I said wanting exactly and she said I think I'm going to keep my eyes firmly on the floor to start with and then on it what about the nerves of the other person in the color father Christopher he was saying he was saying that when he was first told that his daughter was going out with Prince Edward was the first time he needed a gin and tonic before 10 o'clock of the mornings Mythili did another one today I think after six o'clock now here are the bridesmaids than that they're just coming down into the castle [Music] makes and see what they're wearing [Music] will that give us a clue for watch destiny what she's wearing or not do think something no I think it looks like she's chosen chosen a dark color for the page boys and the bridesmaids but Sophie's dress looked as we were saying so I've really looked we think it's going to be quite classical because that's a month or a Shore's style very elegant and very Sophie really but this will certainly give us some indication bridesmaids and boys pull up outside the worst steps they must be so excited and the Bishop of Norwich they're ready to greet them now I think you can see there the short has ah that's here you can see Prince Edward coming out of the book shop out of the bride Chantry to take his place being led there I think by the sacristy who's Charles putting his fingers those pockets probably checking he's got the wings in there [Music] and they look absolutely beautiful don't they waving there and that's the dress designer Samantha Shaw on the right just putting the finishing touches to their outfit and Sara Warburton on the left is private surgery Prince Edward and also the mother of one of the bridesmaids treating what do you think of their why we think a feeling of Knights of the Garter actually you remember when the Queen Mother comes up in that ceremony and this there is a sense of that and we're in the right place for us the lovely navy-blue velvet tunics over what looks like silk velvet silk taffeta long-sleeve fitted tops and the little boys in their little britches of velvet so they have little hats on the girls my Cosmo Jakes [Music] the bride's car just coming out with winds a great past 5,000 acres reg Park they could have gone directly into the castle without going to the town that would bring things for sports so that just about to take a sharp left turn with a park street gate and into the town itself any clues to come on your shop rise the name it does it does look very very simple very elegant very flowing you can see there just a little bit just not quite off the shoulder absolutely beautiful and this must be amazing for Sookie because she's such a private person and now to be paraded through the town it's a it goes against what she wants but then this will be a very special day for I hope she's enjoying it as well as feeling nervous she's actually just now coming through a chicane between Park Street and High Street say a little left at a right little left and right I'm going up High Street and this is where the two other weddings are taking place one in Castle Street on them on the left-hand side and one at the guild hall on the right as I say in the ones of the Castle Street I'm pretty miffed they felt pretty overshadowed but taken a year to arrange yeah exactly but the ones in the in the guild hall are having their reception there we're really terribly pleased and sent them a message they told their they told us in fact that it's really added to their sense of occasion and Edward helped them as well oh absolutely yes I understand that you know because they'd booked their wedding before ebook years so he's he's coughed up 250 pounds I gather to provide them all with a coach because he didn't think any of the wedding guests would be able to park in well as you say parking would be a problem nice gesture ah that's now you told me she was gonna be wearing a veil mm-hmm was that a real given well we felt that she would it does look lovely a v-neck and as I said before weren't very Sofie just looking at the style that she's chosen over the years very fitted very very simple very classic and she seems to want that we heard earlier from from her makeup artists that she wanted to be herself on her day and I think she has certainly provided that there she is as she goes through the advanced case it's the way the tourists get into it Windsor Castle every day except today she's leaning forward so that she can get a good view or maybe not to crush the dress well her father looks as if even control of things in a moment they'll disappear from sight as they go up into the castle through the through the outer gate and that's and that's where we will lose them just for a few moments so they go through an area which is now private for this wedding but actually tourists can normally see they'll be driving round the Round Tower which is right at the core of the castle there and it was where King James the first that was locked up for 11 years in the early 1400s and while he was locked up he looked down into the garden and he saw Lady Jane Beaufort Neath rather fancied her thought she was extremely pretty and fell in love with her when he was released from the prison he married her all the more successful royal marriages Michael with all due respect we've been locked up for 11 years I wouldn't be surprised to even the gardener was looking quite good to him about boys it is a lovely story in a very romantic one for those due to lower the thing anyway we're looking down from the top of the Round Tower and there's the car coming out from that detour around the back of the RAM town and coming the same route that the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh came down and now the people who've got the tickets to be inside the castle can get their view this is what they've been waiting absolutely and she's a little late although she's worried about the Sixth Circuit well we're a she's about two minutes late so she's got by my watch fifty three minutes to exchange the vows or they'll have to do it all over again this is her big moment just coming close to the chapel now and good luck Sophie it's a grand can't get Meriden isn't it built in 1977 by the Society of beta manufactures and traders to Marcus opportunity of the Queen so many cameras out and taking taking the pictures recording the main guns you can hear people yelling from here she's nearing those steps absolutely Sophie Rhys germs but not much longer [Music] and the car pulls up there to the west steps Bishop of Norwich ready to greet her and at last about hit a proper glimpse of the dress our designer there helping her out making sure that everything is just in place as she gets out of the car the tricky with that long long dress looks like she's wearing a coat over a dress made of silk organza and quite old heavy beading at the neck she's got a beautiful veil on made of silk tulle she looks absolutely beautiful I think I don't think anyone's going to be disappointed by how she looks a day her father I don't think we've been shits her father's birth his father father's birthday today so it's an especially important day for him lovely tiara as well I think that's been learned by the Queen and made by Ospreys and very important now to make sure the dress is absolutely Rhys that goes up the steps Sophie's already said the one thing she's very nervous about is tripping up the steps then the wind is the added factor very important job for the paid boys and bridesmaids then hold on to the Train make sure it looks just right a lovely chair from the cloud a beautiful smile from Sophie looks relaxed she's gonna walk up these steps a commoner and walk out a member of the royal family [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was a fanfare specially of components of Sophie played by Her Majesty's Royal Marine Band she walks up the steps now to the marsh and a week she walks into chuckles steeped in the history of the royal family but she's about to belong he's built by King seven hundred years ago to be the focus of royal worship down the centuries and today she'll join that lonely lineage he's already said it's only right but she's ready for it my beautiful necklace returns been given to her by Prince Edward on occasion her wedding black and white pathway by master Bruce and Aramis again Edward in fact helped design that that jewelry for her so it's very personal present yes [Music] it's miles and Sophie I've been very relaxed she's about to take her place under the organ screen which were the first part the ceremony will take place and there you are Prince Edward had his first glimpse of his brand and usually the introduction next by the Bishop of Norwich dearly beloved we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony which is an honorable estate instituted of God himself signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and His Church which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee and is commended in Holy Writ to be honorable among all men and therefore is not by any to be enterprise-d nor taken in hand unadvisedly lightly or wantonly but reverently discreetly soberly and in the fear of God duly considering the causes for which matrimony was ordained first it was ordained for the increase of mankind according to the will of God and that children might be brought up in the fear and nurture of the Lord and to the praise of his holy name secondly it was ordained that the natural instincts and affections implanted by God should be hallowed and directed a right that those who are called of God to this holy estate should continue therein in pureness of living thirdly it was ordained for the mutual society health and comfort that the one ought to have of the other both in prosperity and adversity into which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined therefore if any man can show any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together let him now speak or else hereafter forever hold his peace and now the Hemi Halley angel is bright so if you never will walk separately down the choir to the high altar because they're not yet man and wife so they won't walk together so he hasn't yet been given away by her father [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I require and charge you both as you will answer at the dreadful day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed the devisor of you know any impediment why ye may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony ye do now confess it for be well assured that so many as are coupled together otherwise than God's Word all are are not joined together by God neither is their matrimony lawful Edward wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife to live together according to God's law in the holiest state of matrimony wilt thou love her comfort her honor and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all other keep thee only unto her so long as he both shall live I will Sophie wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband to live together according to God's law in the holiest state of matrimony wilt thou love him comfort him honor and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all other keep thee only unto him so long as he both shall live who giveth this woman to be married to this man I Edward Anthony Richard lui I Edward Anthony Richard Louie take the Sophie Helen take the Sophie Helen to my wedded wife to my wedded wife to have and to hold to have and to hold from this day forward from this day forward for better for worse for better for worse for richer for poorer for richer for poorer in sickness and in health in sickness and in health to love and to cherish love and to cherish till death us do part till death us do part according to God's holy law according to God's holy law and thereto and thereto I give thee my truth I give thee my truth I'm Sophie Helen I say Feehan take the Edward Anthony Richard lui to my wedded husband to my wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward from this day forth for better for worse for richer for poorer [Music] in sickness and in health to love cherish and to obey love cherish and til death us do part until death us do part according to God's holy law according to God's holy law and thereto and that you I give thee my truth I give me my dress bless O Lord this ring which we hallow in thy name that he who gives it and she who wears it may abide in thy peace continue in thy favour go on and grow old in thy love through Jesus Christ our Lord he's often with this ring I thee Wed with this ring I thee Wed with my body I the honor with my body by the owner and all my worldly goods and all my worldly goods with the I share the I share in the name of the Father in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and of the Holy Ghost amen Oh eternal God Creator and preserver of all mankind giver of all spiritual grace the author of everlasting life send thy blessing upon these thy servants this man and this woman whom he bless in thy name that living faithfully together they may surely perform and keep the vow and Covenant betwixt them made wear of this ring given and received as a token and pledge and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together and live according to thy laws through Jesus Christ our Lord those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder for as much as Edward and Sophie have consented together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and this company and thereto have given and pledged their truth either to other and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring and by joining of hands I pronounce that they be man and wife together in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost bless preserve and keep you the Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace that she may so live together in this life that in the world to come you may have life everlasting so everyone Sophie or the Dylan Duchess of Wessex as our now are officially man and wife never him love divine all loves excelling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Sophie's brother David will read the lesson now from the first letter of John chapter 4 verses 7 to 11 a reading from the first letter of John dear friends let us love one another because love is from God everyone who loves is a child of God and knows God with the unloving know nothing of God for God is love and his love was disclosed to us in this that he sent His only Son into the world to bring us life the love I speak of is not our love for God but the love he showed to us in sending his son as the remedy for the defilement of our sins if God thus loved us dear friends we in turn are bound to love one another prayers now and the dean of windsor will step forward the first time to assume his role in the service let us pray lord have mercy upon us lord have mercy upon us our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil amen O Lord save thy servant and thy handmaid O Lord send them help from my holy place be unto them a tower of strength o Lord hear our prayer Oh God of our fathers bless these thy servants and sow the seed of eternal life in their hearts that whatsoever in thy Holy Word they shall profitably learn they may indeed fulfill the same that's so obeying thy will and alway being in safety under thy protection they may abide in thy love unto their lives end through Jesus Christ our Lord o merciful Lord and Heavenly Father by whose gracious gift mankind is increased bestow we beseech thee upon these two persons the heritage and gift of children and grant that they may live together so long in godly love and honesty that they may see their children Christianly and virtuously brought up to thy praise and honor through Jesus Christ our Lord o God who has taught us that it should never be lawful to put asunder those whom thou by matrimony hats made one and has consecrated the state of matrimony to such an excellent mystery that in it is signified and represented the spiritual marriage and unity betwixt Christ and His Church look mercifully upon these thy servants that both this man may love his wife according to thy word as Christ did love his spouse the church who gave himself for it loving and cherishing it even as his own flesh and also that this woman may be loving and amiable and faithful to her husband and in all quietness sobriety and peace be a follower of holy and godly women Oh Lord bless them both and grant them to inherit by everlasting Kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord Almighty God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ pour upon you the riches of His grace sanctify and bless you that he may please him both in body and soul and live together in holy last unto your lives end amen and we're here the choir of the first time sing on their own sing the motet ubi cáritas on the direction of the organist and master of the choristers Jonathan Rhys Williams [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Bishop of Norwich never will say the blessing God the Holy Trinity make you strong in faith and love defend you on every side and guide you in truth and peace and the blessing of God Almighty the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit be among you and remain with you always fanfare now followed by the last him and all the world every corner sing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] safety net would have retired to sign the register behind the high chapel there in the ambulatory and they'll just be signing it on a plain oak desk then there'll be a few photographs afterwards they also have to sign a royal register and later on up at the castle and that's because of the royal marriage Act since 1772 all royal marriages required the permission of the sovereign of Georgia third was outraged when his brother that you can come with married a commoner he wanted to prevent it happening again though I don't think anybody minds today that Prince Edward has an arrow at a commoner there she is of course now the Duchess of Wessex and now the anthem of the Spirit of the Lord by Elgar [Music] Sophie's brother there he's rollin the service over now he can relax we're hearing as an introduction on the organ which was presented by King George the third in 1719 it's been repealed about six times most recently in 1965 [Music] prince and princess michael of kent down and the Queen Mother she stay there she hasn't gone back to sign the register do you can Duchess of Kent a sitting the quiet observer would have actually hinged seats Princess Margaret the Hennessy so that people can stand can lean on the seats prepare to be standing which I guess is very useful during long services [Music] Prince Harry Ben [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] image is the the last royal wedding of the 20th century Sophie Ned was happy day and now the familiar almond chorus from the Messiah by Handel [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Queen back in her place the registers from selling now fanfare followed by the national team [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there they are Edward B Sophie Earl and Countess of Wessex about a present between 911 walking through the quad outer-v doors Takata let's now greet their friends the Sofie now life will never be the same again now as a member of the royal family the aspects of her life will be public property be photographed wherever she goes whatever does she does she must remember she's no longer playing so far east Jones has a place and responsibilities within the monarchy [Applause] there doesn't be weighing too heavily on her today smile for her groom for her husband there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and as they walk through the 16th century nave smile for their friends the bridesmaids and page boys who behaved so well walking behind them and you can't quite see it but the carriages are drawn up outside and they're just coming out now outside to stand on the west steps to the cheers of the crowd outside [Applause] the Earl and the countess of wessex he became Earl this morning she became the countess of wessex when she took her vows she will become known as Sophie Wessex a professional named Sophie Wessex and the bells [Music] now the members of both families coming out to join them on the steps per but it happens every wedding listed at this stage for the photographs I hope they'll get it aside so of the gifts that they've given each other yes cuz the bride is actually wearing a black and white pearl necklace and matching pair of black and white pearl drop earrings they've been designed by His Royal Highness the Prince Edward and made by a spring guard and these are a personal present from His Royal Highness to Sophie on their big day but more romantic than his first present at the first Christmas of they met he gave her a suitcase which they can go down to everywhere very practical sure yeah and always get these things I think he got it got it right today and she's given him an 18 karat yellow gold hunter pocket watch on a similar 18 karat yellow gold watch-chain when you see it maybe maybe it's tucked you could just see it poking out there of his wesker perhaps he was perhaps he was looking at it rather sharply as she was a little bit late arrives well there's that necklace beautiful stunning absolutely stunning and the and Sophie's tiara as well is designed and remodeled by the crown jeweler David Thomas the tiaras from the private collection of Her Majesty the Queen I wonder if the photographer is better drilled the most wedding photographers who tend to get nervous at this particular height and ordering people ran a bit difficult in these circumstances here they here are the carriages for their ride for the ride through the town so that the people out in the town can get a glimpse of the Earl and the new countess [Music] when it looks they were going to spend about ten minutes on the steps there for the photo court but perhaps because it's going rate house because it was going late they've cut them they'll have the photographs later at the reception anyway there's a beautiful dress as we said designed by Samantha Shaw and just talk a little bit about the detail of the dress which consists of rows of pearls and crystal beading around the neck the sleeves and the Train there's further beading down the back of the front of the dress coat in total is about 325,000 cut glass and pearl beads that have been sewn onto the dress and that will be the photograph that will dominate the papers tomorrow it's certainly well and certainly well there are two carriages in this drive Edward and Sophie will be in the first one [Applause] and following them will be the bridesmaids in the page boys which would really make the end of an extraordinary day for them [Applause] [Music] and there they go after the horseshoe boy stur these are the McQueen's Oscar plunders and have been in pretty heavy use this week taking the royal family from Windsor down the racecourse had a skirt for them for the low speaking [Applause] oh wow [Music] from endless reception it was lovely that even during the service the crowd was cheering all the way through it was fabulous [Music] the postilions there the chaps are riding the horses are in semi state livery Edward and Sophie's land are being drawn by two braids called Alderley and Twilight they've had an appointment the first two were all done in China had a very heavy week not just a skirt for their other trooping the colour as well [Applause] part of the reason for the drive is that of course here at Windsor there's no balcony this was a buckin palace for the other royal weddings for the bride and the groom to show themselves to the people after the ceremony and it's lovely that the weather has held because there's been a few dark clouds around Windsor this afternoon dark clouds and loud aircraft as well I think Concorde came over two rather key moments but the walls are very thick I think they're retracing their steps now back up Chapel Hill pass the clouds up there just see all the BBC vehicles in the back there people have actually been sneaking through to watch it option but the television service on on the monitors there that's a queen returning to her apartments for the reception Edward and Sophia now in retracing their steps gone out of sight of the crowd into the more private area other side of the rant are those Gardens incidentally you can see on the right hand side heavy with the smell of roses the governor's garden [Music] bells Windsor bringing out whether you can hear them at home that we can hit them where we are perched up here on the kept the law [Applause] that's the queen-mother returning she really enjoys these occasions I think it's a special chair to [Music] the carriages in Sophie and Edward Earl and the countess expect to see coming around from behind the round tower there and after the outer gate you can just see them they're very patient crowd is ready to greet them as they come through [Music] then they'll go through the streets of Windsor once again it's quite surprising to know that back in 1851 the town was described as one of the dirtiest and unhealthiest in the country now of course one of the most charming and looking at its best today it's a great view they're coming down castle hill now to the great statue of Queen Victoria at the bottom of it it was done for her golden jubilee in 1887 after she'd spent I think something like 20 years and virtual retreat after the death of Prince Albert it marked it was a difficult time then for the royal family and a bar to return to more public life will soon be able to see that statue coming into the site on the left hand side just the bottom two passenger bears the postulants [Applause] Nigel day and Kevin hutchinson [Applause] [Music] horse is very cool about this they've been practicing all week the dancer down through the advance cake with the statue of Victoria just at the bottom of the screen [Music] just off castle hill behind them is a narrow street which leads to the toy stirs there where nell gwyn once had lodgings which got a strong arm she presumably of London orange nuclear Castle precinct oh I say we've got a camera on the carriage which is I was about to say a Sophie's iview but I hope now it gives you an idea of what it's like to travel on the carriage we're into the highest street and there's a lovely Queen Charlotte Street just off to the left just before the guild hall and it's recorded in the Guinness Book of Records the shorter Street in England just 51 feet from 10 inches and at the end is a little tea shop that you know market there's tea shop the close for tea and wouldn't serve me there you go because they're passing the reception's of the to other weddings in Windsor I think so yes I hope nobody's making a speech back down towards that that kink in the road that gets to Park Street oh yes [Music] it really gives you a sense of what it must be like to be sitting in the carriage it's very elegant 18th century Street High Street and running into Park Street where you've got all that bit about being tourists quality Victorian times books delightful they're absolutely I'm just going past the stables it's a castle now you took a special interest in that sir there's a letter boxes in that corner you might not be able to see it but it's actually painted blue and it's the only one I've ever come across that was actually set up for air mail letters in the early years of essentially when aircraft came in physically of course we are heading towards the cambridge gate aren't we and we met a very interesting character let's hope we see it interesting jobs these chaps of god Cyril dole is known as and is chatting to us for quite some time yesterday I've been working for 29 years at nine years of those on and on the gates there his cottage is just the other side yes just a few yards away but he said he's often late getting to Pope in the morn he's and got a few yards to travel also friggin spotty [Applause] that is tremendous Cheers yes the coachman the chaps in the back of the year from the back of the carriage now they're going through the Cambridge gate and I'd thinks it was just off there on the right he's normally only allowed to open the gate for as he calls it past present and future the Queen Mother the Queen and Prince Charles not a lot of heavy wood not a stressful job there and he's also moved some of the plants from outside his house to decorate his gate so it looks at its best on such a special day was a lovely touch and this is the end of the long walk as it's gone into the grounds of Windsor Castle going up to the George the fourth gate that magnificent frontal part of Windsor Castle they're going to the reception the guests behind me are now being taken up for the reception the buffet hot and cold beef stroganoff is the hotter coulibiac yes wave away for the brown does a buffet style and I'll have a hot and cold choice for the guests there I think they're waving to castle attendants on the side there boom we're allowed to stay there to watch them go by if there was some thought that royalty might not want to queue up for a buffet but I'm told there are five serving areas so presumably there won't be too much queuing involved and then the band of Her Majesty's War Marines will provide some of the entertainment oh yes something the Blues Brothers yes The Commitments and 6/6 is it this is the this is the last glimpse will get today I'm Sofia Network as they go to the George the fourth came to their reception sigh of relief I think as well as the exultation as they go through the York and Lancaster gates into the castle and at that reception we've also heard the cake that's being made there it's gonna have a theme of real tennis which is obviously where they where they met on a real tennis court this is the one that's made by upper crusts of Salisbury and three toasts are going to be made at the reception as well that's right that's right now Prince Edward is making it you can you remember who the toe supper yes it's the groom the groom the phone the the bride's father yeah and then no Edward we'll do the toast for the Queen that's right that's right and then I think Prince Andrew and Prince Charles do it toast for the bridesmaids and the pageboys well I wonder what the people then I wonder what the people in the town actually made of it as as they've just seen the bride and groom go by our Wesley Kerr is out there but Wesley what do they make of it it's been absolutely fantastic we didn't obviously see all the service and we got so much of the atmosphere lots people were monitoring it on radios a few people had television sets so a burst of applause especially when they were married at the end of the service people throwing confetti and then we had the joy of seeing them now you ladies have come from a long way away from worth coming how did you think the bride macroon looks stunning absolutely stunning would look lovely very elegant yeah you come from Australia what was the highlight for you pomp and circumstance you don't really get that in Australia yeah I love so you wouldn't be becoming a republic now there okay yeah I think you come from from Yorkshire I'm worth it oh definitely worth it had a great day what was the highlight for you seeing them come down in the horse-drawn carriage without doubt and what would he say sums up the mood of the day I think people quite exhilarated very happy and excited so well spending a day on the streets without a doubt modern I've come from New Orleans and what do you think it was a lovely day incredible well worth the waves and the crowds have been wonderful so maybe you'll have our royal family back madam what did you think it's been a wonderful day and such a pretty bride okay and what was what do you think about that wonderful sir you've got a bear celebrating already yeah it's fantastic yes it's absolutely gorgeous beautiful okay what do you think are you going to say hello to these people do think we had a great time and you saw everything okay thank you very much from the streets where we've had a fantastic day I'm afraid I applauded the bride and groom as well back to Michael back to sue yeah I think he did have a good day anyway joining us now from the chapel is 20 would only weaken fashion editor of The Telegraph now we want to know your reaction to the dress it was so beautiful and I thought it was the perfect dress for her and she looked you know nothing too fussy but very very feminine lovely chiffon at the CAF's and the beading was delicate it was it was the best choice she could've made and the first reaction is well with the veil here we sit now the veil is actually longer than the Train and that added a nice touch as well well it makes it all sort of a sterile doesn't it and quite sort of it wasn't heavy at all you didn't feel this was a big in grant gown but something befitting a modern royal bride as I said 325 thousand beads or glass smashing is ladies it like sewing away absolutely amazing but the the designer is we've talked about Samantha short that is her style you saw her wedding dress earlier in this program and I think she's absolutely captured Sophie yes definitely all her brides I think are very simple and let their natural beauty show through and I think that happened was Sophie to she looked the most beautiful I think that how a bride should be on her wedding day and we must talk also about Prince Edmund yes quite as hot waistcoat on I notice said with feeling there but it is it is the girls day young thing and as we talked about that the guests facing the aisle they got such a fabulous view of Sophie stressin everything seemed to work with jewelry as we talked about the necklace isn't as a present it looked beautiful yes a nice excited personal too and the tiara course I think borrowed from the Queen for the day of events very special and of course we now realize why it was so much blue was in the flowers as well because you can see Edward wearing a little bit of blue and the page yeah it's quite surprising to have that dark color but I think it was very reminiscent of the nights and nights here we should have we should have known shouldn't we yeah but what did you make of the rest of what the rest of the royal family were wearing I forget I thought the Queen looked especially feminine today and they're quite soft and perfect mother and all you know her sister and her mother all the colors all seem to look well together that the rest of the congregation I think was a big mixture you know everyone interpreted differently it wasn't easy as we said they're very difficult to get it right yes I think for easiest for people who are funny enough Muslim or from the Middle East because for all weddings they wear long like that so the self amoun eyes wives you know got it to a tee in in a way because they had on massive jewelry just gagged at the jewelry but you know the perfect length dress and covered up going demure it's an awful thing to say but were there any desperate fashion mistakes that we oh my goodness I'd hate to point fingers I mean there were some extraordinary things that lady with the hat that was definitely a look at me statement but I think everyone tried to interpret as best they could and you had a mixture of shawls and long dresses all different length dresses I thought it was an interesting good turnout yes I'm talking of fashion I mean I've got to mention my training shoes I'm wearing like I have an injury my Achilles tendon I'm supposed to be showing my all-american look it's very trendy I think but I must ask you about the bride's the bride's mother Mary Jo is fantastic designed again by so very nice it look like a dinner has sort of rusty salmony but of a great color for her and I thought she looked very very good yeah what about the men you made him a dismissive remark about the men but Prince Charles in his gray is in his individual gray I think Mende Prince of Wales cars make a fashion error presumably I know if anyone can not make fashion error you know but I think that the more important you are the more people are maybe letting you get away with things and we've noticed today so many sort of capes or or what would you call them because obviously you know even though these sort of attach major things which are kind of very expensive cashmere and they come a very bright color so if you've got quite a little normal dress here are some of the guests arriving there really was a fierce wind which which certainly played havoc with a few hairdos I think yes it wasn't it wasn't the day to have natural hair that they'd get caught in your eyes as you went in it was a very grand Harris well not tiaras I noticed which was quite surprising all the befitting a state occasion and I'm no expert on this but sue said they seemed to be a lot of pink a lot of pink I think the color is like every season that's different color and definitely pink was in there the south of realize why it's looking very glamorous they got it right well they got it for them they got it perfect yes but it was a difficult thing as we were talking about that the capes because in the chapel it is one dress code in a way and then at the reception yes I think quite a few people managed to have something over a Katrina scare she has some bolero jacket over and you know that later on when it gets you she's dancing she can take it off and sort of feel that she's got a proper evening dress on and that was a good solution for many people and others just had a such long chiffon scarf like Helen winced I had that on too but the church just looked lovely as well with the flowers it double flowers yes I'm just staggering I getting married sometimes I think I don't like it if I'll never be able to have that many flowers like that's what I want now I hope you know I actually went in the temple alley and the smell was amazing yes I'm terrific smelling flowers I'm not just the natural flowers growing in the in the governor's garden there but even here ordinary smell effects it was so much more romantic I felt it was a very very intimate romantic wedding compared to the other two you know you felt with this that's what they labeled occasions and a state occasion they succeeded with having it as a as a public royal wedding but also having their own touches hmm absolutely Trini Thanks thanks Evan thanks ever so much there's still a wonderful buzz behind as the people file out here and still a buzz in the town I think as well gosh look how many people turned up when they said to it you know that nobody would be interest in this wedding I mean just look at the people who turned out and they turned up so early to see it and all the shop window is all depicting the wedding today and making their own special tribute I wonder if he knows what it's all about now there's the castle that a small hill where the ran'tao was the original place where William the Conqueror built his wooden Bailey on an artificial hill that which they called a Motte somewhere in 1070 was one of a chain of fortresses that William built around London a bat about her a day's journey a day's ride away from London a fortress originally on a chalk Hill Ridge over the Thames that's that's the scene actually just behind us with a King Henry the 8th gate where people leave the castle where tourists leave the custom normally every day and we're now the we're now the people who got the tickets $6,000 tickets and it was lovely watching early this morning when it came here with the early arrivals trying to get the best Caesar the best view with their cameras winter isn't it great for traffic it has to be said and I think anybody trying to leave Windsor at this time tonight is in for a long time what I'd quite like to see again because I was talking to you a little bit during it is the key moment I think of the wedding the taking of the vows at the moment in fact where Sophie rees-jones became the countess of wessex I Edward Antony Richard lui I Edward Anthony Richard lui take the Sophie Helen take the Sophie Helen to my wedded wife to my wedded wife to have and to hold to have and to hold from this day forward from this day forward for better for worse for better for worse for richer for poorer for richer for poorer in sickness and in health in sickness and in health to love and to cherish love and to cherish till death us do part till death us do part according to God's holy law according to God's holy law and thereto and thereto I give thee my truth I give thee my truth I Sophie Helen I Sophie he'll take the Edward Anthony Richard Louie take the Edwards me which is doing to my wedded husband to my wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward from this day forward for better for worse for richer for poorer [Music] in sickness and in health to love cherish and to obey cherish til death us do part until death us do part according to God's holy law according to God's holy law and thereto and that you I give thee my truth I give me my dress bless O Lord this ring which we hallow in thy name that he who gives it and she who wears it may abide in thy peace continue in thy favour go on and grow old in thy love through Jesus Christ our Lord he's often with this ring I thee Wed with this ring I thee Wed with my body I the honor with my body by the honor and all my worldly goods and all my worldly goods with the I share the I share in the name of the Father in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and of the Holy Ghost I was a bit worried there with a bow with it at the right one but it was love it my favorite moment was when Edward first saw Sophie coming down the aisle and turn around and we - I thought that was absolutely lovely summed it all up it was a lovely moment so the Queen has seen her youngest son married for the guests there's the reception in Windsor Castle and we don't know when Edward and Sophie will leave or where they're going for their honeymoon the papers were saying they'll be going at midnight but we don't think that's right - you know I hear that they're going to be staying here again tomorrow and and have a family day here tomorrow so that'll be interesting probably leave sort of in the afternoon and I hope that when they do go on their honeymoon they probably go on a long run because having been to Bagshot Park their future home which is only 11 miles away from here the builders are in and it doesn't look as though they're quite on schedule you've been there that the renovations are supposed to be costing about two million pounds and it's absolutely beautiful I mean it is huge and but the whole setting is lovely set in 88 acres and it's absolutely sensational and but it does have a homely feel as well and I think they'll be very happy they keen to get on with a garden well the latest information we get actually why we've been actually in talking is that they'll actually be leaving here by helicopter and half past 2:00 tomorrow afternoon but we don't know and I think final twist in the tale anyway but Edward and Sophie is with all newly married couples this is the start of a journey that everyone hopes will be long and happy and we wish them well from sue from me Fiona and the BBC team here at Windsor good Eve [Music] [Applause] [Music] the space nature's [Applause] [Music] striker [Music] so kiss me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] striker [Music] kiss me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Shadow Archive
Views: 265,771
Rating: 4.568151 out of 5
Id: Zmf_Q7i_uvo
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Length: 140min 10sec (8410 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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