Edward on Edward
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Channel: Monarchy Fan
Views: 1,098,558
Rating: 4.49227 out of 5
Id: z2gL6h-Iy4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 24sec (5304 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Just wanted to give some background: Queen Elizabeth's youngest son Prince Edward made a few television documentaries in the '90s, including this one on his great-uncle the Duke of Windsor. This includes interviews with people who knew him very, very well, many of whom (Dudley Forewood and C.Z. Guest for example) are no longer around. Prince Edward also read some interesting documents from the royal archives. This is actually really historically accurate (lines up with most biographies I've read) though the angle of it, being from the royal family's point-of-view, is basically the same as The Crown. This gives context for a lot of what we see in the show, and it's fun to note that they really did have those pillows shaped like pugs.