Wedding of Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys-Jones

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join MSNBC for a very special presentation the marriage of Prince Edward and Sophie rhys-jones live coverage begins this morning at 11:00 Eastern on MSNBC it is of course not a royal wedding until the royalty arrives but the commoners came in the thousands to Windsor Castle to cheer the royal family the groom and his older brothers broke with tradition arriving not by car but on foot a sign of the modern monarchy for Prince Charles Andrew and Edward mingling with the crowd their grandmother the Queen Mum always with a smile the most popular member of the royal family for much of this century she is as old as the century itself turning 99 this year the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh Edward is the last of their children to get married like many mothers of the groom the Queen wore lavender and pearls and this was our first glimpse of the bride in the car with her father as they started to make their way down the famous Long Walk on the grounds of Windsor Castle on their way to st. George's Chapel you when we come back the procession and the vows stay with us and Sophie and her father arrived you dearly beloved we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony which is an honorable estate instituted of God himself signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and His Church which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee and is commended in Holy Writ to be honorable among all men and therefore is not by any to be enterprise-d keen in hand unadvisedly lightly or wantonly but reverently discreetly soberly and in the fear of God duly considering the causes for which matrimony was ordained first it was ordained for the increase of mankind according to the will of God and that children might be brought up in the fear and nurture of the Lord and to the praise of his holy name secondly it was ordained that the natural instincts and affections implanted by God should be hallowed and directed a right that those who are called of God to this holy estate should continue therein in pureness of living thirdly it was ordained for the mutual society help and comfort that the one ought to have of the other both in prosperity and adversity into which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined therefore if any man can show any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together let him now speak or else hereafter forever hold his peace I require and charge you both as you will answer at the dreadful day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed the devisor of you know any impediment why you may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony you do now confess it for be well assured that so many as are coupled together otherwise than God's Word as allow are not joined together by God neither is their matrimony lawful Edward wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony wilt thou love her comfort her honor and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all other keep thee only unto her so long as he both shall live I will Sophie wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony wilt thou love him comfort him honor and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all other keep thee only unto him so long as he both shall live I will who giveth this woman to be married to this man I Edward Anthony Richard Louie I Edward Anthony Richard Louie take the Sophie Helen take the Sophie Helen to my wedded wife to my wedded wife to have and to hold to have and to hold from this day forward from this day forward for better for worse for better for worse for richer for poorer for richer for poorer in sickness and in health in sickness and in health to love and to cherish love and to cherish till death us do part till death us do part according to God's holy law according to God's holy law and there to and that who I give thee my truth I give thee my true I'm Sophie Helen I Sophie he'll take the Edward Anthony Richard lui take the Edward Anthony Richard lui to my wedded husband to my wedded husband to have and to help to have into her from this day forward this day forward for better for worse better for richer for poorer in sickness and in health to love cherish and to obey love cherish and til death us do part till death us do part according to God's holy law according to God's holy law and thereto and thereto I give thee my trace I give me my trace those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder for as much as Edward and Sophie have consented together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and this company and thereto have given and pledged their truth either to other and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring and by joining of hands I pronounce that they be man and wife together in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen and you still ahead the crowds gathered outside st. George's get their first look at the newlyweds and the new countess talks about the inevitable comparisons between herself and Princess Diana as with all weddings the bride and her gown was the focus of the event like Princess Diana and the Duchess of York before her Sophie was wearing the creation of a relatively unknown designer Samantha Shaw the dress was sleek simple and sophisticated long and fitted it was made of ivory silk organza hand dyed consisting of a coat over a corseted v-neck dress more than 300-thousand cut glass and pearl beads decorated the Train Sophie also wore a diamond tiara as well as a black and white pearl necklace and earrings designed for her by Prince Edward the bride and groom both chose plain gold bands for their wedding rings appropriately the gold came from the Prince Edward mine in Wales Prince Charles was in charge of making sure the Rings made it to the chapel and perhaps proving that royal weddings can be the same as weddings everywhere else Edward struggled to get the ring on Sophie's finger he had to wiggle it a bit since it was an evening wedding protocol prevented female guests from wearing hats it turned out many decided to wear feathers instead everyone from the Queen herself to her daughter princess and to her sister Princess Margaret to this woman wearing probably one of the wackier head pieces to ever grace Gothic st. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle st. George's may be smaller than the London churches where Prince Edward's brothers and sister married but it is every bit as splendid the Queen's father and grandparents are buried in the chapel as are many British monarchs before them and it was here that the royal family held the funerals of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor but because of the scandal caused by the former Kings marriage to the divorced American Wallis Simpson the two are buried elsewhere in the Windsor estate side-by-side this wedding is the first time in over a century that the child of a British monarch was married at st. George's as it's customary only hours before the wedding the Queen named her youngest son Prince Edward the earl of wessex which means so piri stones is now Her Royal Highness a countess of wessex at the office she will be known simply as Sophie Wessex there the latest royal sensation the setting the historic st. George's Chapel and Windsor Castle after taking their vows Prince Edward the new Earl of Wessex and his bride Sophie Rhys Jones the new countess of wessex made their way past six hundred guests inside the chapel after leaving the chapel Sofie took a photo with her new family the royal family then Prince Edward and Countess Sophie took a carriage ride through the grounds of Windsor Castle as we watch let's listen to Prince Edward in an interview with Britain's independent television news talks about the planning of the wedding its council that has always been a home and a family home until wonderful it's a wonderful place with a wonderful atmosphere and a tremendous sense of history it's been here for over 900 years and and being continuously occupied during all that time and the chapel itself is just a fantastic location just seemed to be the ideal place for having a wedding that was a slightly more family nature you had to strike this balance between the fact that you are Royals it is a public affair but you wanted it to have all these elements that you wanted yourselves having taken the decision that it was going to be a family wedding it was going to be it's in georgia's it was then trying to balance that up with with what was then a huge strength of feeling that was coming from the general public we were able to and have some 8,000 under the public comment pant and actually be a part Britain so to them are local people which is very nice - absolutely yes any further priority was taught to local people but we've also had applications from all over the United Kingdom and and indeed over the Commonwealth as well and beyond so it's extraordinary how people wanted to feel a be a part of it we've been far more intimate than anything what screaming before how the decision about hats come of that ladies wearing no hats well basically because we decided to go for an afternoon it's really one up on the basis proposal of weddings fit for stuffing our minds ones that we enjoy the most we thought that that would be a better format of going in the afternoon we're going to leave mimic function well then of course you've got the problem you know you are people going to turn up to wear hats in church then what are they going to wear for the for the dinner afterwards it seems a bit strange everything landing in hats awful so it just seemed to be simpler just to have the whole affair in basically evening wear that so the ladies didn't have to wear hats and it was never a problem what they're gonna have to do with them afterwards and who use the word continental style the description card letter said was that you know it wasn't no we never know we never used that the condoms are that that there unfortunately there have been so many sort of rumors and and bits of misinformation that have been going around it has confused some people and all sorts of little misinformation we ended up in the public domain which confused all the guests as well despite the information being very clear and precise in families up and down the country one can convert these images of these decisions about weddings being made as they sit around the kitchen table and sort of trashing these matters out how does it happen in your case um much the same although it wasn't a kitchen table but there were a lot of discussions about the bad thing bad things oh never to be on anything anything like this I'm totally the three most stressful things you can do in life I'll get married move all set up house and change jobs YRC what qualities you think you both bring to this relationship what what makes it work is the fact that we we both get along extremely well we share a lot of very common interests and we've we have had in many sort of similar experiences Intel as well so business careers as such and and so we can help and understand each other and support each other which is what we've done over the last few years which is why and we feel that we're now be able to take that step and one step further in terms of sharing those responsibilities and and other aspects of life and we managed to have a good laugh about things most of the time we happen to love each other which is which is the most important from the great sense of humor very important it's very important in business do royal couples worry about things like the best man speeches and about misplacing the ring know that sort of thing or is that much more highly organized I don't know about highly organized this there's always human fallibility so we'll just have to wait and see when we but as you know with anything to do with with this sort of business whether it's theater or torsion or anything else the things that most people remember most of the things that go wrong so who knows we'll just have to wait and see what happens NBC's Keith Miller joins us now from Windsor Castle with a look at who attended and who did not hi Keith any noticeable exceptions to the invitation list well Soledad I think the two most glaring of course were Sarah Ferguson who was not invited her ex-husband Prince Andrew was there along with hooter two daughters and also Camilla parker-bowles the longtime lover of Prince Charles I am told by reliable sources that she indeed did get an invitation but decide decided not to attend primarily not to take the focus away from the young couple also in the audience the Sultan of Brunei attended the wedding Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber and of course sir David Frost and many members of the royal family this was mostly and it was supposed to be actually an intimate close knit family wedding it grew and grew to six hundred people inside the chapel most of the minor royalty business associates and friends of the family we now know that they're going to be known as the Earl and Countess of Wessex were they well received when they left the church and actually mingled among their people absolutely it's interesting because this was not Soledad a state occasion so there was not the pomp and circumstance that we've seen in past royal weddings but still lining the streets of the town of Windsor tens of thousands of people waving British Union jacks and cheering the young couple on they went around the city for about 15 minutes a little tour primarily for them to receive the congratulations of the public and then go back into Windsor Castle for them a flawless day an idea that they would somehow have a modern wedding in the trappings of this old monarchy and I think they pulled it off incredibly enough the information about the dress was pretty much kept a secret same with the honeymoon nobody really knows as of yet where they're going well that's exactly correct and they've kept it a secret there were several secrets on this and the best kept one of course was the the dress itself nobody had seen it or heard about it a lot of speculation it was spectacular judging by the comments of the people in the crowd and from observers and they were saying that it was just the right touch not too overdone but very elegant and the same point at the same time highlighted to the beauty so feel very very very well at the same point we don't know about the honeymoon yet I suspected some of the Royal Rat Pack is there called the journalists who chase royal stories we'll be on the case but so far it is a secret and we expect him to be off jetting to a honeymoon at some point shortly soon after Sophia arrived on the Royal scene one British tabloid described her as dyed entacle during a recent interview with the BBC Sophie talked about the comparisons made between herself and Princess Diana she also explained how she felt about meeting the royal family for the first time for anyone meeting boyfriends parents and family is difficult enough anyway but for you obviously it was very difficult and different um but I won I won so it was difficult um but it was some probably slightly more more scary than it might otherwise have been um but I said what said before I met them don't worry they're not that scary they would bite your life so he must have changed dramatically from the time that first headline was written describe what happened the day after it was quite funny to drive into work and I remember coming out and seeing this wall of cameras and and photographers and journalists and people shouting and it was surreal it really took my breath away and then over the years with people running the most worrying thing is when people start running at you and you know that they're not going to hurt you in your mind you're saying you know they're not there to hurt you being there interested to do such a thing they just want a photograph and I've tried to be as accommodating as possible in the in the thought that once you give me the photograph they'll then get away and when I was driving I used to spend a lot of time looking in the rearview mirror which obviously is not particularly safe and then after that there was a couple of occasions where I had near misses with people possibly stepping out into the road or in cars coming in opposite direction where I wasn't concentrating and of course you do stupid things like trying to jump lights again in an effort to get away from them and I didn't want to be responsible for somebody else mmm you know being hurt it was the year that was very much the era when the freelance journalists were completely out of control there was there was there was no there was a huge market in photographs and there were there were too many people chasing chasing that money and they would do the most ridiculous things to be able to get their photographs it is worrying to hear that but it also obviously brings back the obvious memory of the tragic accident involving you know Princess Diana I suppose in some ways you know is that why it changed because it couldn't get any worse something that was losing it it was owned for most people who know anything anything of this it was the only way that it was going to end what was the tragedy of it it was only a matter of time before something really very nasty happened and the amazing thing is that it took that long before something did happen and the fact that it should have been quite so horrendous as it was was was um was deeply depressing in some of the papers you are now being compared with Princess Diana it that must be worrying because of what she went through but also you want to be your own person yes I know how the comparison is something that I've I've always had um I mean I've often in the past done double takes when I've seen a picture of what I've thought was either me we all thought princess wasn't actually from a distance not knowing which one it was until I've come up close um but how do you feel being compared ah well I don't know I'm as I've said in the past I think aren't you know on a sort of an aesthetic basis I don't think anybody can can be unhappy at being compared to somebody such as her she was incredibly beautiful um but you know it spread to very different people um she had her in person as she and I and I have mine it's not helpful it's not accurate it's something again which the media have created themselves um because I mean I think utterly cynically speaking the princess roses it was a huge money to that for them yeah and it's certainly something that we've never encouraged when something would not want to encourage because to poconos we don't want to be involved in anything like the same sort of situation we don't want to create the same situation at all and and again we don't want to even begin to try and fill that particular gap you can't the Princess of Wales was a completely unique person and what she did was was tremendous and but you know that the emotions that she she's set in motion and couldn't be controlled in any way and I'm but again you know that that's that's gone it's past it's happened this is it we're now moving into a different area but in some ways how much control do you have over that because when she tried to be private there was you know that there was no control I mean it in some ways it's it's up to the editors and the people taking the photograph it is it's also up to the people who buy the papers yeah I mean it's it's you know it's a terrible thing to say we we all buy papers if we buy the papers were tantamount to supporting what they do it took you a long time six years a lot of people are saying it it took a while did you feel under pressure say from the press when saying you when Mom you ask say the only pressure I thought was every time that they insisted on asking the question it just delayed it for a bit longer did you ever think so via is he going to ask me boy see I knew what the tactic was brand new that they're a tight on the press after he would say he would say uh you know it's so none of anybody's business um I mean you know people have asked us this question and I mean I can genuinely say that I don't think I was really before then anyway there is an adjustment to go through and and in fact actually we had the best of both worlds mhm you know we were enjoying relationship together and we were building our businesses and um you know it was it was absolutely fine I didn't really see much of a reason to change the situation and then of course we haven't we're very glad that we have Edward and Sophie's six-year courtship prompted a lot of public curiosity about when they would marry now that question is being replaced by another question when are they planning to begin a family there has to be a moment just after you got my where you have to be able to enjoy that that my life because once children come along it is never the same again hmm so I think that there will be a I think that we all have a decent period as being able to enjoy my own life and there's the grounds and everything else country's a moment Vinnie we haven't actually ever lived with each other before so you know we want to we want to get used to living with each other we you know there'll be still being awful lot of things to do in the house and in the garden and obviously without our respective businesses and to go straight into you know extending the farming right you know we're not intending to immediately say I think everybody so they can just wait patiently but finding myself you know what art what are the challenges first serve you be what what are your sort of main challenges I think I think in the first instance is it's making making work
Channel: Monarchy Fan
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Keywords: Alfonso Quiroz
Id: JfPzQxyfI88
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Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2015
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