Meghan Markle - Royal Divide: Harry, Meghan and the Crown 2020

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- down - down - down - down - down - dad in our modern world we put celebrities on pedestals and we take great pleasure in ripping them down it's Meghan - Blaine is it Harry have they been unfair to the Queen it looks spoiled it looks hypocritical the goldfish bowl of raw life is not for everybody and it clearly wasn't for Megan Markel she felt stifled in the royal family and she was determined that she was going to do it her way and my goodness she has done Harry and Megan will make an insane amount of money together they are the most potent royal couple in the world people welcome Terry she was a star it was the Markel Sparkle and all the stuff family her father I'm really disappointed I haven't seen my grandson they want to say it's the media's fault they want to say that it's Harry's fractured relationship with his brother then it became to feed the Duchess why should even what was she pulling Harry out did she force his hand pick your villains pick your heroes they're all there do you think they walked away or were they pushed away maybe they've just looked around at the rest the royal family has thought that's not what we want this hasn't led to a happy ending [Music] tonight an ABC News special royal divide Harry Megan and the crown with Deborah Roberts the royal family continue to deliver new storylines storylines that we've not experienced before once Megan and I were married we were excited we were hopeful and we were here to serve for those reasons it brings me great sadness that it has come to this this is a great great story the decision that I have made for my wife and I to step back is not one I made lightly there was so many months of talks after so many years of challenges hang on Harry with you where are you going with your great we cut they're all family without you know don't do it Harry has abdicated from his royal rule it was everywhere it went around the world of it the incident piece of Academy I mean this is like something straight out of the crown he reports you sir just a family fighting two brothers butting heads maybe the in-law women don't get along with each other if their grandmothers getting frustrated dad doesn't know what to do hello that goes on in every house that's what makes this so good we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out the progressive new role within this institution the palace were in utter panic mode you take Prince Harry out of the royal family you're taking the jewel out of of royal family this was a complete shocker what is the mood there in London right now that's all oh my god they've quit we now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America and I know I haven't always done it right but as far as this goes there really was no other option it was kind of dropping a nuclear bomb in the middle of the Queen's lap and then all of a sudden it was like war nobody in the royal family knows this is like dysfunctional beyond belief some of the people that were there cheering them on on the day of the wedding feel like this was a step too far they put it out on Instagram having just returned from a six-week break in Canada a couple that we knew weren't happy realising having a glimpse of what life could be like outside of the bubble in London and saying you know what we're gonna do this this is what we want to be they've come across as rather precious spoilt Millennials throwing the toys out of the pram because it's not exactly what she wanted all they wanted as a couple Harry and Megan in the eyes of the public said oh actually we just want the good parts and we don't want to do all of this sort of boring pomp and pageantry of public doesn't what the morning yachts in the South of France welcome John because that's not what it means to be royal here she probably has this sort of fairytale view that we have only to find then once she becomes involved Harry it's not a fairy tale they started to get a lot of criticism about the way they were living their lives were they just being naive it's not all palaces and fast cars and lots of money it's the gilded cage in the end it's not about you it's about anything you can do to support the Queen who's the head of state for Prince Harry to make the decision to say I'm stepping back I don't want to be a royal that is an enormous slap in the face for the royal family as an institution itself so Harry was if you like summons to see the boss of the family there was then a summit at Sandringham it was a two hour meeting with Harry the Queen Charles and William Harry I heard was extremely nervous before he went in there he hoped that going in there he was going to see his 93 year old grandmother who has always had a soft spot for him but there was a strong chance that behind that door was also a very angry monarch and there they began to hash out what this new role for Harry's gonna be who's gonna pay for what what kind of security you're gonna have where you're gonna live how many times you're coming home what are your titles gonna be all that sort of stuff because they take money out of the sovereign grant which is taxpayer money used to pay for the royal family people in this country feel they have an ownership so there's the sense that they should not be freeloading Royals and then came the unprecedented statement from the Queen although we would have preferred them to remain full-time working members of the royal family we respect and understand their wish to live a more independent life as a family while remaining a valued part of my family she repeated this word family eight times in her statement so the tone was more grandmotherly than a sovereign we support you Harry we're disappointed but we want what's best for you that is unprecedented it was her saying this is my family we're sorting it out but essentially that Harry and Megan have got what they wanted Harry and Megan got what they wanted but at a price our herd was to continue serving the grain the Commonwealth and my military associations but without a public funding unfortunately that wasn't possible she loves Harry when it comes to the decisions about the future of the crown she's ruthless and that's the big thing that people wanted to see like the Queen came down with the hammer she's 93 years old she has been known to be tough but yet she sounded very grandmotherly but you can be lovingly tough and in a very short period of time a decision had been made by the Queen tonight everyone looking at the clues in the Queen's worth taking away the HRH titles removing public money we're no longer working them to the royal family because the Queen's are allowing it I've accepted this knowing that it doesn't change who I am or how committed I am but I hope that helps you understand what did it come to that I would step my family back I think despite our surprise that the way in which this news was delivered the signs were there all along we saw it when we were on the royal tour with them around Australia Harry was not his usual self he wasn't chatty he wasn't calm and relaxed he was kind of angry the documentary that Megan and Harry did with ITV clearly showed two people in a very fragile state Megan said that this wasn't what she expected it's not enough to just survive something right that's not the point of life you've got a thrive you've got to feel happy it became clear now in retrospect this is only gonna go on for so long it's a very real thing to be going through behind the scenes they wanted privacy for their lives you know the way they introduced art she was different he wasn't given the title of Prince Archie he was just baby Archie that was a clue they'd reached a point where they knew that they had to make change quickly or it would have major damage on their lives or even their mental health royal watchers are losing their minds apparently the backlash against the Duke and Duchess of Sussex decision has created enormous divisions it's been very divisive they are human but they they young keep having problems they carry a same image over and over daily is she the victim or is she the villain is she the woman who stole the people's print for me maybe Megan is the woman that set Harry free Megan has if you like given Harry the confidence and the courage to take the biggest gamble in his entire life next magazine and the media in this country have made Michael's life a living hell Megan is being flipped [Music] you [Music] it seems almost a thousand years ago from May of 2018 when Megan and Harry got married it was this beautiful spring day and their idyllic wedding was just typical of the British some adoration for them so magical and I'm a dude and I was still caught up swept deep in what happened that they they seemed incredibly in love and maybe more importantly the public seemed very much in love with them when two billion people watched them get married on television people welcomed her in she was a star it was the Markel sparkle but almost immediately after the doors closed on the church the relationship between Megan and particularly the British press began to sour I just think she's a slight social climber over friend Macon spent more than a million quid just on her clothes and Markel just can't seem to hold on to employees they started talking about her being demanding spending too much money not caring about her royal duties bossing Harry around and over time Harry and Megan became very sensitive to these stories we now live in an era where one negative story can become thousands of negative stories within minutes there's the expensive wedding there's the American expensive baby shower and there is the renovation of a place called Frogmore cottage the Royals are not celebrities they're public servants are paid for by the British taxpayer but then they took three million dollars of public money to renovate from--or that was controversial what was even worse was then when they started to be preaching about doing our bit to save the planet it's a race against time the one in which we are losing there was Harry on one hand who was talking about climate change no one can deny science but then in the other he was going on private jets to attend Google summits and icily I think the idea of being carbon footprint Crusaders and then turning up in your private jet that's shooting fish in a barrel for the press don't do that it's a dump right so it's diva-ish behavior basically that that the British press is accusing them and then when Archie was born it was very strange that there was this kind of secrecy around the birth people are scratching their heads going what why are you being so cloak-and-dagger the princess of hugs is now saying Stefon away from me like this is private this is only about me finally that because her wedding wasn't only about her there was uproar in the British media about them not doing the grand moment on the steps of the Lindo wing like painted she just had this baby she sit in the house when she's like you want me to go out there and do the dance for the press not happening my brother how much of a big deal is this ordinary people share the photos of their kids - why won't you do that right we covered your wedding now show us the baby it seemed ungrateful peri and Megan change a tradition and they released a photo with the Queen with Prince Philip with Megan's mother Doria these key moments have happened in their lives been shared on Instagram instead we're in this world now where the press is being bypassed and they can't bear it so they just need to be as sensational as possible the criticism started oh she's opening her own car doors you know she doesn't understand well protocols she's talking too much she's not talking enough she was under and the most unbelievable level of scrutiny my British friend said to me I'm sure he's great but you shouldn't do it because the British tabloids will destroy your life and all the stuff with her family her father her sister Megan Marcos family is a disaster it is that simple there's no way to get around it Thomas Marco sitting next to Piers Morgan on British TV I'm a little embarrassed for them and feeling very sorry for the Queen once again he's exposing things about his daughter and there's a sense I think that she feels that she's been hog done by that she wasn't given a chance I never thought that this would be easy but I thought it would be fair for me I'm friends to my wife and it was a little of course there's a lot of stuff that hurts I'm not be bullying truth and - and declaring a dame that's he thinks that the press killed his mother that the sound of a shutter the camera shutter reminds him of that horrible tongue you know you really can't blame him for feeling that way however at the same time those clicks are journalists who have been invited it's a very different thing to the photographer's who were physically pursuing his mother throughout her life I think he's terrified for Megan and there was an element right at the bottom of this when you boil it all down of a loving husband trying to protect his wife I spoke to Harry a few days ago he has suffered alone from all of the things that have happened to him he suffers a lot from people judging him there is balloons it's the idea that the press have hounded Harry and Megan Diana was literally chased into a tunnel and died I don't think they've been any worse than they were during the Diana years Princess Diana was actually physically hounded by the paparazzi they had cameras in her face they were chasing her down the street nothing like that has happened to Harry and Megan when you continue and constantly see and hear in negativity you can be overwhelming you can feel powerless and lost you can feel different confused or like you don't belong there's been a big conversation about the coverage that megan gets versus what kate gets but kate in her day she was hounded she was the most photographed woman in the world for quite a number of years when she was just a girl friends the tabloids were relentless but the differences with case is that when she got married suddenly she could do no wrong in the papers backed off with Harry and Megan she still painted out as the villain she is still Duchess difficult and that's a narrative that the tabloids absolutely adore we've got perfect Kate trashing Megan the list of complaints against Megan is astounding she made avocados for a friend who was visiting and he put it on Instagram and then suddenly the headlines were about how she is contributing to like what climate change and unfair labor practices and she's tweeting end-of-the-world yeah but when Prince William but Kate avocados husband once again you see the difference in the way the press treated those two women you really need to look at some of the coverage that has called Cannes a fashion icon for wearing a strapless dress but then called Megan vulgar just a few weeks earlier it's a disgrace and it's these sort of discrepancies that have made it quite difficult to understand what it is that the British press have had in for Megan so yeah I can understand why he's blaming the media because the media are to blame do you think race played a big part here we saw it in the British press you know the these tones these words being used as exotic or Harry's new girlfriend straight out of Compton when people say that's not a racial undertone that's just racist isn't it let's be honest she was brought up nowhere near Compton she's from Los Angeles where it's a private school in Hollywood all the coverage of her is not as one of us but of this strange exotic being she's not the all white all wholesome girl that caters he sees what his wife is going through now this is all very very wrong with him now Megan is being blamed blame the black woman she's from his father the reason that they didn't want any press pictures of Archie after he was born because they knew perfectly well that all the press wanted to know was what color was he the BBC host had been gods and baldness suit Suites a picture comparing Archie to a chimpanzee if you'd listened to every single excuse that was given up I hid a minute it was a joke it was racist and not one member of the royal family said anything to support or defend her I think both of them felt very alone towards the end of their time in the firm when we come back Megan and the Royal reality the royal family is not kombucha at your door at four o'clock in the morning it's stale sandwiches and white bread that is what the royal family is you how do you take a self-made woman in her 30s who personified the American dream for Shiva met Prince Harry put her into the situation of the royal family and expect her to be able to breathe PDP kind of woke avocados eating you know Pilates and yoga smoothie we kind of think that's weird all of that you know she was a divorcee with a million followers on Instagram and actress didn't take a single box of princess in Waiting material she wasn't just this clone come to marry Prince Charming if anybody knows about marrying into an aristocracy as an American you do aren't there rules is there a rule book when you start to enter this world of nobility an America we love the royal family and we love the aristocracy so of course we must know how it's done table manners like six forks six knives three spoons four glasses and bats what Meghan has had to go into it but do you have that sense of responsibility Prince Harry for what you were all skiing Megan to do that sense of responsibility was it was essentially from day one but nice to have some pretty you know frank conversations with her to say that you know what you're letting yourself in for is it is it's a big it's a big deal on the day she said I do she also took on a job at the same time a job that she had absolutely no say in how she gets to do the whole reason that House of Windsor has survived is that it's essential that the spotlight is on the monarch and the heir apparent and any other member of the royal family who tries to take too much oxygen away from the Queen all the air has found themselves getting into difficulties I would argue that it looks like it's a very hard place for a modern woman being a part of this family and the platform that comes with that is an incredible responsibility that I take really seriously I think the way Meghan tried to work in the palace didn't fit in with how other members of the royal family worked no aides who have one meeting a month with their principals Harry and Meghan were popping in and out of the office almost every day for briefings and up days I think they felt that she'd come in and you know kind of be a sleepy little royal but Meghan was like no I need to know the people the places I'm gonna talk to people I need to know nationalities I need to know what language is there been reports that she comes to meetings with tons of questions and binders that she does the work ahead of time she's aggressively emailing us stuff at 6:00 of the morning she could do anything now if every American I got in trouble because they send emails too early in the morning and like isn't that what you're supposed to do women don't need to find a voice they have a voice they need to feel empowered to use it and people need to be encouraged to listen suddenly Meghan's charm that was her hard work and her perseverance was being turned into a problem for the royal family I cannot believe it's 2020 and we're still faulting women for being ambitious to be relatively boring as to be a very good full filler of the royal rule honestly you know you want to leave your glam and your drama to the politicians the characters that do well in the royal family are those stoic characters who really live to serve who put their head down Camila who supported Charles amazingly Kate who is now an absolutely wonderful queen in waiting she was incubated into being a princess she's learned never say anything always smile always have lovely hair yeah you're done now I think we as a country have to think well is that what we really want from our royal women we want them to be Stepford wise you know I mean really there's a motto never complain never explain and the royal family don't like it when anybody rocks the boat that was always Diana's problem it was isolating but it was also a situation where you couldn't indulge in feeling sorry for yourself you had to either sink or swim and you had to learn that very fast and what did you do I swam when the BBC Panorama interview aired I mean that was a seismic moment for the monarchy you could not believe that here was one of the most prominent members of the royal family spilling the most intimate details of her life on national television but you really believed that it was out of jealousy that they wanted to undermine you I think it was out of fear because here was a strong woman doing her bit interesting driven passionate people like Diana like Megan they find those constraints very very hard you're not allowed an opinion and in this day and age of Twitter where everyone has an opinion it's very hard to just say oh you know what I'll bite my tongue on every single little thing and of course it's terrifying the thought for the royal family that this may repeat itself if the Dutchess of Sussex decides to give an interview probably to the American press I hope to god Megan breaks her silence and does a Diana style interview I hope she does she deserves it why not she needs to be able to clap back all those haters but Megan gave us a glimpse into how she's feeling anyway when she spoke to ITV about now famous phrase that she said to Tom Bradby where she said thank you for asking me how I am and also thank you for asking because not many people have asked if I'm okay but it's it's a very real thing to be going through behind the scenes and the answer is would it be fair to say no really okay what did you hear when you heard that statement what I thought of that was she's a shell of herself she's not that full of life you know optimistic American that that we first saw on that sofa when they were engaged and I think she thought well why should I have to do all of this in the public eye if no one's going to listen to me and none of the really good ideas I have are going to be heard I think we feel that she had this immense privilege and she's almost sort of thrown it back in our faces because it wasn't exactly what she wanted or expected it to be they've brought diversity into the royal family they've brought an American into the royal family a divorcee they've shown that they could be modern and inclusive and yet within two years you know make them can't hack it there was going to be this clash between a family wanting to bend her into place and her wanting to change them so yes maybe Megan hasn't succeeded in totally revolutionising the royal family but they haven't succeeded in bending her into place next Harry a reluctant Prince during that period of frustration did you ever wish that you weren't a prince I wish that quite a lot Oh Steve [Music] you what we've always known with Prince Harry is that he is a reluctant royal you can take the prince out of Harry but you can't take the harry out of Harry I want you to hear the truth from me as much as I can share not as a prince Torchic but as Harry the same person that many of you have watched grow up over the last 35 years but now with a clearer perspective now life is going to be very different from yes the abdication of royal rank is a huge step for a prince and he has followed his heart God knows he's followed his instincts my goodness me it's going to be a challenge making this work but that is Prince Harry he doesn't want to be a royal he's being a father this is a guy who is trying to protect his cover and his lioness from whatever it takes he has become a an incredible man a man that he's mine would be proud of I think it's really important to remember that the British public have kind of adored Harry and he is like the nation's favorite son we felt so devastated for him when we saw him as a young boy walking behind his mother's coffin somebody losing their mother and then it being you know projected to the millions on TV screens it gives me chills thinking about it he said I kept thinking this is my mother why are you crying you couldn't have loved it like I the country essentially adopted Harry and William as their own the fascination now especially with this generation is we care about her sons and we want to make sure that they're happy what we saw after Diana's death is that the bond between William and Harry surpassed any brotherly bond I think for a long time William and Harry maybe felt like a team outside of the royal family children of Diana somehow you know different to everybody else but you simply cannot underestimate how close Harry and William became Harry obviously has been born and bred with a sense of duty at the same time before we even met Megan he was talking about the possibility of not being a prince this is my bed I don't really make it when I'm done here which is a joy that's it made it was in the Army for many years he did two tours in Afghanistan I signed up because I wanted to be one of the lads this is sort of normality for for me to be amongst these guys was was was so important he talked about going into the army and how that gave him a certain amount of anonymity in some ways that he was just Harry and then while he was out on operations in Afghanistan somebody says where he is and he's brought home I think that really hurt him we saw Harry for a number of years after leaving the army almost taking the role of official royal gooseberry like the third wheel with Megan in Wills it would be Harry popping up in the background of all sorts of events enter Megan enter Megan she's already experienced a life that he wants a slice of the British are very kind of reticent to do anything drastic and he kind of needed this American to come and say no take what you want in life be the person you want to be in life when you have the privilege of meeting him face to face he doesn't disappoint he's a life and soul he's the guy he's the member of the royal family that if you were gonna have a barbecue or a dinner party he'd be top of your list of invites in spite of the place that he was giving and all of the benefits and comfort that that life has given him he's he's one of the most committed and hardworking people that I know Senta body is a charity that is very special to Harry it was set up in memory of Princess Diana it was named the first ambassador for the charity helping kids with HIV my commitment to Santa Valley comes from an inspiration from the leader of Santa value which is Prince Harry Africa is very close to my heart you see my mother had a very soft spot for Africa as well [Music] sadly over the last couple of years harry and williams relationship has gotten worse sometimes the harry William is his brother and other times he's the future king and his boss and it's always hard to sort of differentiate where the line is when seeing Harry and Megan's whirlwind romance unfold William put the brakes on or tried to and said to his brother look just take your time don't rush into anything I don't think Harry ever really got over that there's been a lot of talk in the press about riffs with your brother how much of that is true we're brothers we'll always be brothers or something on different paths at the moment but I will always be there for him and as I know he'll always be there for me there's very little that we know about Williams reaction to this and from the conversations I've had with aides he said very little I think as a brother he's been quite hurt Harry's actions Harry's decision comes from a very powerful statement he made last year in this ITV documentary when he said I will not play the game that killed my mother every single time I see a camera every time I hear a click every single time I see a flash it takes me straight back how can he live every day with the job that he has if that's the reaction that he's feeling I think Harry still seems like that guy who was wounded at the age of 12 when his mother died when I started my public life 12 years ago I understood the media might be interested in what I did I can only imagine what you may have heard or perhaps read over the past few weeks but I was not aware of how overwhelming that attention would become but the media is a powerful force in a manner that's been hard to bear I hope that helps you understand what did it come to I will be reducing the extent of the public life I've led so far that I would step my family back from all I have ever known to take a step forward into what I hope can be a more peaceful life I could see in his eyes and in his voice that that you know he's on to something really spectacular there are definite echoes of Princeton and the speech that she gave but you would have thought that rather than repeating this Harry would have looked at that and seen that actually didn't work for his mother outside the protection of the war family she was much more vulnerable and much more exposed tragically and paradoxically it makes his story that much more compelling if he'd said it's all behind me people would be paying attention but because he says it's not behind him he becomes that much more of an ongoing story so his honesty is almost drawing the attention that he probably doesn't want going forward now if this decision for Harry to step back does nothing else I hope that it heals that breakdown in relationship between Harry and his brother William because unless they reconnect unless they can continue to be mentors for each other certainly when Prince William eventually becomes king he'll be a far lesser King without Harriet as his support coming up Kari Megan and money who's going to pay for their security [Music] you the decision that I have made for my wife and I to step back is not one I made lightly the breakaway Royals Megan and harried Megan has left the UK and now returned to Canada we are taking a leap of faith so thank you for giving me the courage to take this next step do you think they walked away or were they pushed away I think they walked away I think they had enough this is the start of a whole new adventure for the Sussex says the Harry and Megan and their ability to choose to give Archie exactly what kind of life they want for him Harry and Megan are living on Vancouver Island which is in British Columbia the west coast of Canada they have been staying there for almost a couple of months now the couple have been staying in a beautiful waterside mansion I think Harry and Megan have already experienced a breath of fresh air in Canada a place where they are hugely adored Canadians are really excited about Harry and Megan moving to Canada we haven't learned how to play it cool yet Megan lived in Toronto during the time that she was acting on suits I have been killing it here for the better part of a decade we're kind here we're polite it's not gonna be as negative towards them at the same time I think Canadians would feel a little bit hurt if Canada was just being used as a halfway house they thought they could have a halfway house but they were told no way you're out the Queen had to rule decisively taking away the HRH diapers removing publicly-funded money making them pay back about 4 million dollars of money that was spent renovating their house this is not an easy ride for Megan and Harry but I will tell you this here's what they will gain Harry and Megan will make an extremely insane amount of money that first Megan and Harry interview is worth millions and also harry has received a lot of money from his mother grandmother his father is still one of the wealthiest people on this planet so the money's never in a dry up what I think will happen is they will use their celebrity they will use their charm and good looks and whatever to raise money from people all over the world I think that human Megan together from that platform that they are creating are going to be very important in in the history of of making the world a better place Megan in Harry's decision to step away from the royal family only enhance their brand potency they're now famous and culturally symbolic in a way that no other Royals have ever really been the problem that the Queen has is she has to protect the royal brand and it has immense prestige there have been huge conflicts of interests when Royals have tried to monetize the brand I saw in a conventional but instead of serving tea I said oh she's broken apple juice drink we've had Fergie with some rather strange commercial adventures well sure Peter Phillips if piece of Phillips the grandson of the queen is allowed to go to China and film a milk commercial I think Harry and Megan getting involved in philanthropic related projects for Netflix or Apple TV is not going to be a problem I don't think Prince Harry means he's going to become a brand ambassador for Rolex Harry can still raise all the money he needs for Africa and the Invictus games Megan can do all the things she wants to do now on a regular basis she can be Angelina Jolie a nice version the last remaining question for Canadians is who's gonna pay for their security Canadians are very particular about taxes and money and where it's going estimates for Harry and Megan's security have come in anything from 1.3 million dollars to 8 million dollars everybody's talking about will they be able to pay for their security you're damn right they'll be able to pay for their security and they could pay for yours too I think that actually Harry and Megan are going to get into more difficulties with paparazzi there'll be less of an organized structure around them every time they go to an event we saw it and Perry's mother Diana Princess of Wales Mira's chased Diana not to get a picture of Diana they say not to get a picture of Danna in her current emotional mood that's what's going to go on with Megan at every single moment in their lives whether it's the first major commercial deal or their next child every single moment will be tracked the idea that I somehow stepping back from the royal family they're gonna somehow regain control of their privacy is tragically a fool's errand that's just not going to happen in fact it's going to get worse UK photographers have traveled and camped out in Vancouver Island for weeks now so they still will be photographed in Canada he wants to live a normal life as normal as his life is going to be right because when you have a thousand paparazzi outside your house in Canada waiting to get one picture of your son that's not very very normal next a monarch and her grandson with the British public welcomed them back I think the British public will always welcome Harry back you at the end of the day there are lots of reasons that people care about this story but one of the main reasons is because they're worried about the Queen the Queen [Music] this is a human story the Queen is 93 years old her husband Prince Philip is 99 this year he's not been at all well recently she's had to cope with that she's had to cope with brexit she's had to cope with the Prince Andrew and all those dramas at the end of last year but don't forget this is a woman with a lot of experience and I don't think people should worry too much she has been through a lot seeing three of her children grow through divorce seeing her two grandsons lose their mother this on a scale of tragic events and the royal family is very low down who won in this issue Harry and Megan or the Queen I think everyone won and the reason they all won is that you don't walk away from any negotiation with everything that you've won the Queen looks like she dropped the hammer on them Harry and Megan have gotten out of a system they don't want to live in anymore they've gotten everything they want to now have spokespeople living in another Commonwealth country Canada where the queen is also the queen it's actually a win for the royal family are they still consider Royals at this point Harry was born into the royal family and in a sense you know that blood tie will continue ad infinitum but his royal rank which is his princely appointment has been put into suspended animation going forward they don't have that kind of ethereal everlasting eternal magic that the royal family gives you the Queen seemed to intimate that in about a year's time we will see how this is all going it's this kind of a trial separation as it were well I think there's a view that they will come back to look at how it's working in a year's time I think we'll look back in six months time and realized that not much has actually changed they're obviously trying to do the best for their marriage their best for Archie for their soul but Harry does love his family the important thing to remember is that the queen is a grandmother and she has so much love for her grandson and he adores her and that bond will stay you
Channel: Words of Flowers
Views: 2,062,484
Rating: 4.1804671 out of 5
Keywords: Meghan Markle, Harry, Royal Divide, the Crown, documentary, give up royal life, future, ex-royals, biography
Id: oCwWlJ7pKTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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