Website configuration for beginners in Windows Server 2019

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in super 2019 we still have the iis or Internet Information Services role that we can install and so we can host websites let's go ahead and click on the add roles and features click Next and we'll keep clicking next until we get to our roles our server roles so from here we're gonna go ahead and choose our web server let's go ahead and expand web server we can see that this has already been checked so it's already been installed so if yours is not checked just go ahead and click Next Next Next finish it and it'll all be installed all right so that's how you install is now let's take a look at a is so let's go into server manager and we'll go to tools at the top and we're going to go to where it says Internet Information Services Manager and there we go let's go ahead and expand iis and we see our default site has been created by default when we installed I is if we click on bindings we can see that only port 80 is currently bound to our server and if we click on basic settings it tells us the default location for our web sites so I net pub www Brut and if we click on default document we can see default on HTM is our default document so let's create a quick little website and make sure that it works okay so we're gonna go into our folder here click on this PC C Drive I net pub WWE root which is exactly what it said our path was and we see IAS start is already in there so let's go ahead and just delete those we don't want those let's right-click and choose a new text document and we're going to double click on the text document and say this is our website let's go ahead and close it and we'll rename it to default now we also need to change the extension file but we don't see that here so we've got to click on View filename extensions now we see that there's the dot txt so now we're going to click HTM and we'll change it and so now it looks like one of these edge or in an explorer icons which is what we want let's go back make sure default HTML list which it is and then let's go ahead and open up our browser and from here we're going to type in and we can put in either the IP address or the word localhost either way it'll take us to the same place enter and look at that there is our page this is our website now I didn't show you how to program HTML or anything like that basically I'm just showing you how to create a website using high is now it's up to you if you're going to do any of the programming or any of the other specialization that you want to do for website development so let's go ahead and click back on our server and we have lots of other options such as server certificates which right now there are none so if you want to have a secure site then you can create a server certificate and import it there we can also take a look at authentication so by default we have anonymous turned on that means anybody can get in to our website however if we don't want that that we can go in and change that from anonymous to creating a username and password in Active Directory where they will then have to log in that way or a local username and password as well if we wanted to create another website all we'd have to do is go to sites right-click choose add website and we'll just give it the name test and we'll give it the path and we'll just put it in the same place although I don't recommend that necessarily give it a host name we'll just call it test dot local you see we're going to be doing HTTP because we don't have a certificate and we're using all unassigned IP addresses but you can certainly pick one of the IP addresses if you want and port 80 is the default and we go ahead and click okay now in order to make this work we're going to have to use host headers and that's because the test site and the default web site are both using port 80 and the default web site does not have any host headers so I'll show you what that means click on basic settings and we can see that our path is going to be the same same place as our new website so now we'll click on bindings and we see that it's blank here which means that any website name will work well we don't want that so we want to call this one default dot local or calm or whatever it is click OK and close so now even though we're using the same IP address in the same port 80 it's going to use host headers or with the name of the website itself to get into the site so that basically means that you can share the same IP address in the same port as long as you differentiate the different names for the sites in that location so that's the basics of iis in Windows Server 2000 19 we're going to do a lot more different videos on iis how to do some higher end things so take a look at the playlist and you'll get a better idea of how to use iis in Windows Server 2000 19
Channel: Robert McMillen
Views: 39,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Windows Server 2019, windows 10, windows server, r2, windows 2016, microsoft server 2019, server 2019, microsoft server, windows 2016 server, wins server, windows server standard, hyper v server 2016, latest windows server, how to, vmware, chris titus tech, linux, microsoft windows (operating system), print server on windows server 2019, server, testing windows admin center, what is windows admin center, why businesses use windows server, why do i need a server, windows
Id: qDoeM2TI0Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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