Web Server Setup Lab on Windows Server 2016

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we're going to create an i is website do a little demonstration with Internet Information Services in Windows Server 2016 so let's start by going to the add roles and features and we'll install the iis role let's go ahead and click Next and from here we're going to go over to our server roles that you see and we're going to choose web server iis click add features when prompted go ahead click Next we'll skip the additional features click Next and now we see the server the role services and the role services are basically a subset of the web server itself for is that we selected earlier so we can select additional options here if we want but just for basic website creation and connectivity we won't need to check anything additional than what you see here let's go ahead and click Next and install this can take anywhere from 30 seconds up to several minutes depending on the speed of your server that you're running it on our installation is complete go and click close and then we'll go up to the Tools menu in server manager and we will open up our Internet Information Services Manager and we can see on the left hand side the name of our server which is router o1 and we'll go ahead and open the default site and at this point there's really nothing in our site so we're gonna need to add some content so we can see what it'll look like from another computer let's go over to the right where it says basic settings and we can see the default location is going to be our C Drive followed by inet pub and WW root so let's go down to our file explorer and go to that site we'll create a document and we'll make a new default document that we'll be using for our website now this is not a video that's going to cover programming in HTML at all that kind of stuff this is more about how to use I is so let's go and click on i net pub and we'll go to WWH and we're going to create a new text file and we'll just call it company web dot txt hit enter and we'll put in welcome to our site so now we'll go ahead and save it and we'll close out of it and then we're gonna go back to our default website in iis and we're going to go to where it says default documents so let's double click on default document and we're going to click Add so the name of the document is going to be company web dot txt ok and it's going to look for the name of that file in the location that we just chose now let's go back for a second to our file our company web dot txt and you notice that it's showing the dot txt txt and we didn't notice that when it was first created and that's because under view if you have the file name extensions box unchecked you won't notice that it's got two txt s next to it so this won't work unless we get rid of one of these so let's go back to where it says view make sure we're looking at file name extensions and then we can get rid of one of these txt extensions and hit enter make sure it opens ok it does alright now we're good to go so now this company web dot txt file is going to be valid let's go ahead and click back on the default website again so we see all of our files now we've logged in to our domain controller and from here we're going to make a change by going to tools and then DNS so we need to add a new domain here so we can go ahead and get some resolution for this new site so we'll create a new zone right click Choose new zone we'll choose a primary zone but we're not going to choose this to start this in Active Directory this is going to be a non Active Directory zone and we'll call it widget llc.com go ahead and click Next choose the defaults and finish now we're going to click on widget llc.com which is different than our dot internal domain you see here this is our active directory 1 this is going to be our website so we're going to right-click and we're going to choose to create a new host and we're going to call it www and we're going to give it the IP address of the server where we installed our new iis website click Add host and it was successful so now we have some resolution let's go ahead and go back to our router and let's just make sure that we can ping our new record so let's just go ahead and open up a command prompt or powershell doesn't matter which one well ping WWE digits llc.com and look at that it works alright so now we're going to go to a workstation and see if we can open this up so we'll go to a client running Windows 10 and we'll log in and let's go ahead and open up www.mooji.org and there's the txt file that we created we're back in is again and this time we're going to make a new website we're going to be creating what's called a virtual directory so we're gonna go to our default website we're gonna right-click and we're gonna click add virtual directory and we're going to call this intranet because it's just going to be used by our internal people will click on physical path and we'll click on the C Drive they don't click make new folder and we'll call it Internet click OK and if you want you can click on test settings make sure it's working ok so the authentication works the authorization that one is always going to show that triangle so don't worry about that go ahead and click ok so now underneath our default website we see this virtual directory now don't confuse this with virtual machines because there has nothing to do with that let's go ahead and go back into our folder here go to the C Drive open up our internet folder and we're going to create another text document and this time we're going to call it internet dot txt and again make sure that we're not doing the double txt so we'll just go ahead and hit enter and then this time we're going to say welcome to our internal sites and we'll go ahead and save and close that and make sure that it's spelled right doesn't have the double extensions at the back if you're not sure just make sure you go to view and make sure filename extensions are checked all right so now that one's created let's go to our intranet and we need to go into our default document so we created a default document for a default site now we need to do it for this new intranet site so let's go ahead and click Add and we'll type intranet dot txt and make sure it's at the top which it is and we go back to our default web site and double-click on default document and we see company web is on top so these are really being treated as two completely different sites which is great all right so now we need to go back to our clients and we need to see if we can open up this new site so go back to client and this time we're going to do forward slash intranet so that's the name of our virtual directory enter and look at that welcome to our internal site so we've created a virtual directory website as well as a default web site let's go back and make one other change we're going to make a change to iis by saying yeah let's have a second website that's is going to be listening on a completely different port and that'll be for say orders from people from the outside world so this time we're going to go ahead and create a new website so let's right-click on sites choose add website and we'll call this one orders and we'll give it a physical path once again C Drive and we'll choose make new folder we'll call this one borders click OK and we'll go back to our C Drive here and we see our orders folder and we'll give it a new text file and we'll call it orders txt hit enter and we'll say please place an order alright so we'll save that close it and we're get we have to give this a host name so we're going to give this a host names for people from the outside because we've already got WWE llc.com being listened to on our default site so we need to have a different one for this particular website so we'll keep it simple College orders widget LLC calm now I realize on a real order inside we're going to be using SSL listening at port 443 but in this particular case we're just doing a scenario where it can show you how to use different ports so we're going to change the port you see the default port is 80 we're going to change that to 81 and again if this is a secure site we would change this to HTTPS but we're not creating a certificate for this particular video so we'll just go ahead and click OK so there's our orders now let's go to default document once again that's add and let's give it the orders dot txt file click OK make sure it's on top which it is fantastic now let's go back to our domain controller and we need to go ahead and add that host record for orders otherwise this won't work right so let's go ahead and go to widget llc.com click new host and call this orders now you see it automatically appends the widget llc.com because that's the zone that i'm in and will once again give it this same IP address because it's being hosted on the same server and let's go ahead and click Add host now if this was on the outside you'd be doing this say at your network solutions account or GoDaddy account something like that well who is ever hosting your dns but this is all internal so we're doing it from our internal DNS server let's go back to router o1 make a change to the firewall so this is a pretty easy fix here so we're just going to go into our control panel and we're gonna go to our Windows Firewall and here we'll click on advanced settings and inbound rules as you can see port 80 was open by default we didn't even have to do that one but 81 is not so let's go ahead and create a new inbound rule and I will point it to a port and that port is going to be TCP 81 click Next allow the connection all different types of profiles and we'll just call it port 81 for the name and we'll click finish so now we're back in our client we've gone ahead and opened up our port 81 and our firewall we've set up a is now we're ready to connect to this new port so let's go ahead and put in orders dot widget llc.com then we put after that : 81 and the 81 is for the port that we're using otherwise it defaults to port 80 so we'll hit enter and look at that please place an order so it worked so we're open on port 81 so we've created a default web site a virtual directory website and also a port 81 web site you can use any port that you want that's not already being used by some other device and that pretty much covers the tutorial on setting up a is using different types of features and of course there's lots more that you can learn in i/s and we'll try to cover those in upcoming videos
Channel: Robert McMillen
Views: 21,408
Rating: 4.8565736 out of 5
Keywords: iis, virtual directoriy, changing ports, internet information servcies, windows, server 2016, 20-740, 70740, 70-740, how to install windows server 2016, install and configure windows server 2016, installation storage and compute with windows server 2016, windows server 2016 administration tutorial, windows server 2016 basics, windows server 2016 features, windows server 2016 install, windows server 2016 installation, windows server 2016 rtm install, windows server 2016 tutorial
Id: _S-4NrOwGe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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