WEBINAR 291 - Indwelling Christ

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the Lord be with you everyone and I want to  share tonight from Genesis and chapter 15 at   least that's where we're going to begin and while  you look for that can I say very quickly a great   thank you for those who have been contributing  giving offerings it's it blesses our heart to   know that you're listening you're hearing and  also you're giving so that we might do this   free of charge to the world so thank you I want  you to know that we are very aware of those of   you who are watching this webinar and send us  financial gifts to make it happen so thank you   okay chapter 15 of Genesis I say it's where we'll  begin because we're gonna span the scripture but   let me read it after these things the word of the  Lord came to Abram in a vision saying do not fear   Abraham I am a shield to you your reward shall  be very great and I'll stop there because that   that says what I want to talk about the first  thing notice it says after these things the word   of the Lord and you'll notice that the word Lord  in your Bibles is capitalized which means that in   fact that is not what the Hebrew language says the  Hebrew language there is the name of God which is   I am and I won't go into why that's got it there  translated as Lord but it isn't Lord it is I am so   after these things the word of I am came to Abram  in a vision saying do not fear Abram I a shield to   you and so in that case of course they translated  it I am this is very important because the name of   God how can I put this the name of God is not God  God actually just means the old power the Mighty   One and of course in many other religions they  speak of God and we D capitalized that because   we when we say God we believe he's the only  true God the only real God but for all that   God is not his name and there are many believers  that never get beyond it and in conversation they   will tell you what God said and God said there's  a god there's a God that and I want to bring them   down to intimacy he has a name and here in the  Old Testament his name is given as I am so hold   that in mind as we come into that this chapter  is one of the pivotable pivotal chapters really   of the Bible certainly of the Old Testament and  most certainly of Genesis the life of Abraham and   Isaac and Jacob in this chapter which begins with  those words he is given insight into the world of   the Spirit the the real world and it will have  a life-changing effect upon him in his material   world and it says after these things and I'm not  going to go into that more than just to say what   they were that he has been helping the king  of Sodom that is the king of Sodom as in Sodom   and Gomorrah and they they had won a battle and  now the king of sodom comes and offers to abram   riches wealth and also the captives that they'd  taken he's offering them as slaves and abram has   refused and he recognizes that if i take your  money and if i take this that you're offering   me then i am forever going to be your slave  you'll never let me forget it and there'll   be a certain invisible chain between us and so i  will never never be subject to such slavery and he   refuses and now i don't know whether he was double  thinking his decision because it's very specific   after these things but indeed after those things  there comes this revelation do not fear Abram   which would suggest he is fearing as he turned  down the wealth of a lifetime but he says I am   a shield to you that is all the protection you'll  ever need no you're right it never comes from the   king of Sodom and your reward that is locked  up presently in my name I am how that reward   shall be very great an abundant reward that is  it's going to affect you in your entire material   physical existence but also in your mental in your  emotional and in your core being I am a shield to   you and your reward shall be very great and that  statement from he who reveals himself as I am that   will cause fear to flee fear cannot exist in the  conscious presence of the one who name is I am so   he says do not fear fear and I am do not cannot  go together and so this is where we stand on the   the edge of an absolutely new life for Abraham now  this name I am the the Latins in Europe especially   call that Jehovah though that's a far cry from  anything even in the Hebrew if I'm going to use   the Hebrew word and actually that too has been  lost to all purposes but the closest we can get   is Yahweh but translated as best we know how I  am that I am that's the self revealed by which   I mean no human being made that up God himself  revealed his personal name to us love wants to   be known and so he opens his heart to us the  self revelation of the name of God and he gave   it to Abraham and to the persons in in the book  of Genesis but it's it was established and became   the name of God to Moses in Exodus 3 when Moses  asked him outright what is your name now in the   Old Testament and in the new but especially in the  Old Testament a name is a vast importance it was   not just a handle I mean in the Old Testament if  you had a baby coming you didn't go through a book   of names to see which one sort of fits nor did  names come in bunches of fads and so when you met   someone with such and such a name you knew that  well they came from the that period of time when   everybody in their uncle would call by know none  of that stuff that's all very very recent Western   in the Old Testament a name was looked upon as an  insight into the character and person it was given   with great prayer in fact the names of the Old  Testament were little sentences that described the   person in terms of their what they were here to  do and so they they prepared the name that will be   given with prayer and waiting on God's revelation  putting into their heart and sometimes God Himself   intervened and gave them the name that had to be  given and and so the name became a prophecy of   where you're going that's another story but just  enough to say that I am the self revelation of God   it was not just something by which you could call  him by like my Fred or Tom or mariya no it meant I   am revealing to you my inmost heart it are giving  to you the window by which you can look into and   know me my my being and and the sum of my purposes  and intentions so they there you've got something   immediate this name if it describes the heart  of God then I I'm coming here to love for the   New Testament brings the fullest revelation and  says that his being God is in his essence he is   love and so I am is going to link us to love now  okay let's back off a minute I am that the first   time one would read that it's a bit weird I mean  to say what's your name I am yeah see we say I am   we are creatures and made in His image then we we  - we echo I am with I am be careful how you use it   it's it's the sacredness of your humanity is one  made in God's image but but look at our when I   say I am listen very carefully here when you or I  human being say I am we don't leave it there what   we don't say I am we always attach it to something  like I am British ice I I am an english-speaking   person I am a bishop of the church you know I am  we always attach it and have you noticed maybe   you never thought of it like this but all of  our I am zand their attachments are statements   of limitation yes you heard me it's a statement  of limitation the limitations of my being the   limitations of my ability the limitations of my  influence the limitations of my freedom they are   all attached you see I said I am British well  immediately I've severely limited myself because   if I'm British I can't be a hundred other things  if I'm British then I can't say that you know I am   French or I am German no yeah it's a limitation I  am and this is a limit if I say I am an accountant   well then then obviously if you're an accountant  then there's there's a gazillion other work that   you don't do you you're limited to that you get  what I'm saying it's a limitation and so we always   attach these things and and make a declaration of  our limitations it's a limitation of freedom that   I am a person who lives here well if I live here  I'm not living there you see and so in a sense I'm   unlocked into here because I'm not there okay  when I come to this one there's no attachments   except as he chooses to attach here and there  for our benefit but he entry says his name has no   attachment I am without attachments that means he  is telling me that his very being his essence is   but he's unlimited in his ability there there's  no part of the sentence here that says I have   ability up to this point no he just says I am and  an ability so vast I do not have to even define   its unlimitedness it just is it's okay it means  that I'm completely unlimited in my influence it   means I'm totally free unbounded li free so I am  what could we could say when he says just I am it   means he's complete I can't add anything to this I  am every time I say I am we could make suggestions   of hell we could add to that and make my I am this  a little bit bigger but not with him he just is   I am I can't add to him I am you can't subtract  two from it it just it's all-encompassing it is   did self-sufficiency unlimited power unlimited  authority no no limit unbounded freedom I am oh   that name begins to excite me it's the name of  God and and could I go on and say this he what   what is your name I am well I am is not I have  and you got a thing about that bit I am is not   I have his name is not I have and and at least in  some part of our spirit we've gotta get ahold of   this God does not have love please understand  that changes every everything he doesn't have   love not any love he is it it is his essence it  is his being you see if you have something then   by definition it means that it's external to  you and you you say I have this Bible I'm not   it but I have it yes but you see I might lose it  and then I wouldn't have it you get you see it's   external to me and the things that I have are  all dependent upon other people it's dependent   upon situations back in 2008 there were a lot  of persons that I was sort of on the edge of   knowing in New York and in 2008 they were mere  billionaires some of them and the next morning   they'd lost everything everything because  of the crash and so you see there say well   I'm worth a billion dollars no no you know you're  dependent upon a lot of things to call that yours   it's something you have but no he has nothing  because all that he has he is which means that   it's not an exterior possession is not something  outside of him that he has but rather he is it   and therefore he cannot be separated from him we  cannot have a situation where it can become more   or less or suddenly out of date no he is it Oh  rest in this he is it he is love he is ability   he is power he is authority he is it in him it  that that's where faith begins you see because   if he has it then it boomerangs back and says  maybe you're the reason he has it or not have it   maybe you're you were so jolly good this morning  he loves you and then you screwed it up at 2:00   in the afternoon so now he doesn't love you and  you've got to get saved again on Wednesday night   no you you have nothing to do with controlling  the I am of God he is who he is and he owns his   isness so you say well I don't love God well  that's tough he loves you and and your atheism   your beating your fists into the invisible God  does not change him in the least you can't stop   him being who he is I am and of course I am NOT  this present tense isn't it I I am so his name   is not I was I mean silly isn't it but I want you  to get this name is not I was nor is his name I   will be see he doesn't change and and I can't  think that quite honestly I can't think it I   can worship him but to logically with my limited  brain I can't work out how anyone doesn't change and you see if he doesn't change and he doesn't  his name is always I am in every microsecond   of our created beings he as always I am which  means his word and now I'm quoting from Psalm   89 his word cannot be altered can't bring it up to  date it is always up to date it is always what it   always always is the Word of God is unchangeable  because the moment he is a was then I'm not sure   about who he is today and I'd end up with that  poor heap of people that talk about a revival   that happened 40 years ago and went when God  did things that he doesn't do today according   to them and and so I've got it was God he he's  a God with wrinkles he's a god who's getting on   in age new year so that means he's unreliable  untrustworthy no you see there is no I say it   again there is no exterior force whether it  whether it be a human who changes or events   that suddenly change into something else none of  that could pressure threaten or stop the purposes   of him whose name is I am he's unchanging all he  ever was and all he ever shall be he is now but   we could do a whole webinar and there couldn't we  he's all and he's always fully present so wherever   I am in whatever time I am and whatever age I am  he is always I am unchangeable and fully present   in the place that I find myself fully present  in the time that's on my clock he's always in   the now therefore he feels and when I say feels I  wish there was a bigger word he feels like a great   wave the washes through persons he fills us with  hope expectancy and he is the source of patience   because he is so reliable I know that he shall do  already has said and therefore the waiting is not   with question marks its its resting and waiting  upon him he is the true he is the real he's the   trustworthy I am I am is not a passive statement  you know what I mean so there are times in if you   go to look at what is written about this name it  can be very irrelevant you know you get the image   of a lot of egghead to theologians who are it's  their their life curiosity to study what this   name means and I read some of it and I know what  they're saying but it's it's it bores me because   it doesn't relate to going to the store today it  doesn't relate to my relationship with the people   that I live and work with no I am is not a passive  statement it's not a theological curiosity but it   is action as only God can act it's it's the act of  his giving himself to us and he's going to reveal   all the facets of his I am in all the events of  our lives and we keep on meeting new dimensions   of I am and so here I mean there's a situation  in Abraham's life where he has just had this   thing with the king of Sodom and and God comes  in and he comes in with a definitive word that's   gonna change the whole way that Abraham looks at  life I am your shield I am your exceeding great   reward when Moses received this name did you  remember how that happened he was the shepherd   and the burning bush arrested his attention and  he's told that this God who is revealing himself   now to Moses is going to go into Egypt and deliver  Israel from the Pharaoh and from all of the false   gods and demonic powers of Egypt and that's when  Moses said what what is your name if I'm gonna   go and be part of this I've gotta tell them who  sent me and that's when he says I am and so I   am is the name of God as he goes forth to bring  down all the powers of darkness and to deliver   us from chains that we thought were there forever  it's it's the name of action love in action David   uses this term in terms of a response that is  I am this this is God speaking I am a shield   to you that is he says I am giving myself I am  giving the fullness of my amnesty you and David   by I believe Holy Spirit revelation realized then  if he is giving then I respond and receive and it   is so and so in the Psalms David brings about a  new phrase of faith and it is I am or the Lord   as it's translated there I am is my the Lord is  my I am is my that is I am I say it again is not   a theological curiosity that the fullness of I am  the completeness this all sufficiency of God comes   into me that's what David said I am is my read  through the Psalms is all over the Psalms the   the I am is my strength he is my shield he is my  refuge he is my high tower he is the sword in my   hand he's the lifter of my head and so on and so  on and so on apart from the ones you know so well   I am good shepherd I am my light and my salvation  it's David got it he says I am is giving himself   then I receive and he comes into my life and so  in all the crises of David's life you hear this   phrase they're doing this and they're doing that  and they're about to eat up my flesh but the I am   is my deliverer the I am is my shield the I am is  my refuge and so on I am it's the name of God that   gives to us permission he says I opened myself  to you see the limitlessness of my being and I   give permission for you to come and know me know  my heart know my purpose know my intention for you God Himself did you get that it's God himself  he doesn't say this is a bank account and you   can get what you need there oh I got this army  here he says I am I am you're exceeding reward   I am I am your riches I am your freedom from  all fear I am your shield I am it's a personal   relationship and then in Chapter 15 of Genesis  having said that he goes on to the Covenant   and again there's another whole subject by  itself but enough to say a covenant is the   binding together of two parties and then that  binding together all that the one is he's now   made available to the other that's it he says  I am I revealed to you my all sufficiency I am   and in revealing thus my name is not to tease  you it is to give to you and then the covenant   which seals that in blood Abraham is going  to live his days inside this is this is the   the very oxygen he breathes he's inside the  self giving love and strength power of God well I am became known as the name so instead of  saying I am there are times and it's in Scripture   it simply referred to as the name he is the God  to reveal to us his name and so they said he is   the the name the name and so there were times  instead of saying I am they simply said the   name the name I said that he so freely gives  himself to us it's contained in what we just   read I am your but then from the other side I am  is my and so he is the giver of himself and I am   the receiver of himself and the finale of that in  which all giving is summed up is in the giving of   Jesus who is God from God and he and hear me very  carefully here because I know some of you haven't   thought of this I am shall I say the God of the  Old Testament is not an other God than the God   we know in the New Testament did you hear that  because I heard people preach that no I am is   the God who revealed himself finally in the New  Testament and so Jesus revealed that the name I   am has now been revealed fully as the father and  Son and Holy Spirit okay let me quickly tell you   why I say that Matthew 28:18 and it's after the  cross after the resurrection Jesus is about to   ascend and he's now giving the foundations for  believers who shall come about after this you   and I and he said these words all Authority  has been given to me in heaven and on earth   go therefore make disciples of all the nations  baptizing them in the name of the Father and the   Son and the Holy Spirit no Jew would ever say the  name without meaning Yahweh I am you you have to   understand that that's not just me a possibility  I say no member of Israel of the scripture would   ever say the name without meaning I am Jesus said  baptizing in the name but now he says that name   I am is of the Father and the Son and the Holy  Spirit the one God I am now within the one God   three persons and the three persons father and  son and holy spirit bear the name I am that's   what Jesus said one God who is I am NOT three Iams  but one but when I meet with the father he is the   I am and when I meet with Jesus the son he is I am  and when I need with the Holy Spirit and as I am   at this person moment he is I am look I am and  we know it speaks of his essence his being and   then he I am love and therefore love self giving  love that always insists seeks union with us the   human so you have it I am is my did you understand  this is the gospel this is the gospel the God the   I am his essence not an addition to him not as  a corner of his being but the essence of God is   to reach out to you to be together with you the  very being the essence of God would unite with   you the the phrase I am is my it points out that  God can you get this one he desires nothing for   himself he will keep nothing for himself that  he cannot give to you did you hear that the I   am has revealed himself as the one who desires  nothing for himself that he cannot share with   you he reveals nothing of himself except that  which he wills that you participate in and enjoy   for yourself this God beyond thought finds ways  beyond our comprehension to give himself fully   to us creatures so much so that we creatures on  this planet in this society our expressions of   his being that he has transferred to us for use in  the creature world and that all focuses upon Jesus   this is the heart of the gospel the father has  given to us the son Jesus and the Holy Spirit God   the Father has given to us God from God the Son  and God from God the Holy Spirit it's the gift we   didn't earn we didn't even ask God give to us the  Sun in the Spirit to draw us into a life of shared   communion with himself that we might through the  Holy Spirit actually participate in that love   communion and fellowship that the Sun has with  the father I don't know what way to say it that   the gospel is that God wills that through Jesus a  son in the Holy Spirit in you you might actually   be drawn into a functional sense able experience  of the Trinity's life the Trinity God I say this   is what Jesus came to do and have you noticed  the main Jesus which of course Jesus actually   is our anchor sized way of saying the Hebrew name  Jesus is the Western Way of saying the Hebrew name   of Jesus Yeshua and Yeshua is a Hebrew word of  course and as I said the names in the Bible are   little sentences and so you sure is is saying that  the I am is my salvation I am salvation that's his   name that's the name Jesus did you get that the  name Yahshua means that the I am is our salvation   and that was the name of Jesus who is God the  Son coming into our humanity to completely save   us into this fellowship and communion with the  father and Son and Holy Spirit and Jesus are you   you noticing this now he continually referred to  himself as I am now I know to our Western ears it   might not sound too shocking although I hope it's  getting a bit more shocking every minute but to   the ears of the people that Jesus spoke to I can't  find the word of shock that it would would have I   am The Good Shepherd oh there's a whole webinar  right there because do you know do you know that   Jesus didn't just make that up on the spur of the  moment that he was quoting directly from Ezekiel   chapter 34 which of course everybody in his day  knew that chapter and in their the the I am who   tells of the horrors of the religious leaders  of the day and then he says I I am I would come   into the wilderness and I am will seek and save my  sheep which are lost I will be the Good Shepherd   to realize Jesus dropped an atomic bomb on the  people when he says I am the name of God but then   goes on to say good shepherd which was the name  that was an extension shall I I am his equal 30   for the good shepherd I am the way I am the truth  I am the life I am the light of the world and then   of course if you remember Jesus was speaking  to the Pharisees and he what do you say before   Abraham was I am do you remember before Abraham  was I as bad grammar if you're just looking at   this is an occasional way of saying things you  know before Abraham was that's on the timeline   he was back there in history he was and if Jesus  wanted to say he was preexistent he would have   said before Abraham was I was but he's not saying  that he's saying something infinitely bigger he   said before Abraham was I am he is saying that  he is the god of the Old Testament and the Jews   understood that perfectly because they picked up  stones to stone him for blasphemy saying you have   made yourself as God please understand Jesus is  no prophet you can't compare Jesus to Buddha you   can't compare Jesus to prophets of Hinduism or  Islam or the high or anybody here look if Jesus   is not God himself come inside our humanity if  he's not if he is a prophet after the order of all   the other prophets well you can never expose him  to your children you can never say he's good the   man's insane CS Lewis said that if Jesus Christ  is not God is to be compared to a man so insane   that he calls himself a fried egg yes that's it  that Jesus would would make these statements and   make these claims that man's nuts or he's God  huh so the name Lord Jesus Christ the scripture   says Colossians 2:8 in him all the fullness of  deity dwells in bodily form that's Jesus what   Philippians 2 therefore also God highly exalted  him Jesus and bestowed on him the name which is   above every name that at the name of Jesus every  knee should bow of those who are in heaven on   earth and under the earth and every tongue should  confess that Jesus Christ is and it says Lord but   remember that's a mistranslation Jesus Christ is  Yahweh Jesus Christ as I am to the glory of God   the Father in Jesus we meet I am and in Jesus I  meet the father he came to reveal the father and   carry me to the Father and in Jesus I meet and  receive the Holy Spirit Oh what are we talking   about here and how how showed the desire of I am  to forgive us to bless us to unite us with himself   how shall but ever be fulfilled you see sin is a  lot more than broken rules you know there there   are yeah there are stupid things that are said  and they some have catch on and catching on they   become accepted as the ultimate truth and so I I  hear I've even heard preachers say that you know   well Adam ate the Apple in the garden and that  really did everything you know the whole lot fell   apart that's not in the Bible there's no Apple II  didn't tell us what he was there's a fruit and and   anyway that was that was at the end of the line  that it wasn't just God says you must need apples   and it's stupid and and did you mean that that  God said you know if you step over that line I'm   finished with you that doesn't fit who God no look  I'm just as sin is is infinitely more than broken   rules sin was the breaking of the relationship  for which Adam our first father was created to   be in the image of God to unite with God to be  together with God and to be the revelation of   God in the earth it broke that relationship  by believing the lie of the accuser serpent   dragon Satan devil the separator to become United  with that lie and to plunge both himself and all   mankind into the internal darkness are lies so  that the light that was in human to understand   who I am why I am where I am to understand  who God is the light went out and darkness   and darkness is not a color darkness is a ghastly  vast emptiness the nothingness a lies in a lie is   what is not and mankind internally went into that  darkness and darkness so great so intrusive that   mankind didn't even know there was light for  the lie was the only truth that he believed now do you understand if if the lie is perceived  to be the only truth all incoming information   passes through the what can I say mankind has  guards guards up the lie gods of the darkness   and the blindness 2 Corinthians 4 and I think  verse 4 but it's the first verses anyway and   it speaks of the god of this world has  blinded the minds of those who believe   not all incoming information whatever it is  whether it be a revelation from God of God   whether it be truths but it comes to the gods  and they twist it and distort it and it arrives   inside the darkness is something totally  other than what arrived at the border post confusing now misunderstanding and it all  now fits in with the lie that mankind is God   without God that he is the lord and master of  his being and everything's twisted to fit the   lie everything's fitted to the accuser  which is the meaning of the word Satan   and the separator the meaning of devil the  divider so you see that the prophets could   speak all they wanted and revelation from God  could come and it bangs up against the gods how shall all I am ever get inside that terrible  blindness and darkness and death how can I am get   inside of the human I am NOT that's Jesus see  Jesus didn't come and stand on the other side   of the gods and shout out I love you know why  was he born of the virgin I mean couldn't God   just boom show up no he wouldn't have been in the  human gene pool would he he wouldn't have been   what a human is because when I meet you I know  you're a human that is we all share this common   stuff called human that came from Adam how do you  get into that you got to be born there so can i i   groped for words that I am became a speck a speck  in the womb of a 14 year old kid called Mary and   he developed over nine months from her body he  received human flesh and he is born through a   human birth canal and the I am is a baby in a  feeding trough in what we would call a truckstop   his human birth is his passport into the darkness  and he got through the guard you see he was born   this side of the guards he came as an authentic  human right into our darkness right into the lies   right into the brokenness and the blindness and  the deafness right into all the distorted views   of God and inside the darkness through human he  is the light the dispels darkness he is the truth   that shatters the lies he is the I am who has come  into the wilderness to find his sheep but when he   speaks of knowing the father as only he knew the  father he's not shouting at them from outside he's   inside the darkness in inside all the twisted  distorted views of the vada and he speaks the   truth right there inside the darkness that's the  incarnation the ultimate is my for he who says I   am your salvation now he is my he has come inside  where I live inside my darkness feeling what I   feel feeling the darkness feeling the fear the  anxiety right at the quorum okay put it like this   you realize he took on human DNA he took on human  genes he took our thoughts and our imaginations   he took our desires in our will and in union with  the holy spirit that's where he spoke truth that's   where he revealed who the father was revealed the  love that's where he collapsed the darkness God   the I am became one of our kind is my complete he  joined us the love of God is not an idea floating   out there like a cloud in the sky I am love got  inside our human put his arms around us and said   I love you right into the face of the lies that  said God hates you God will punish you God Himself   came in side that darkness and said I love you  came inside all the confusion as light in which   we saw truth that's the Incarnation and then that  one because he's God and he's equal to the entire   human race and he put his arms from the beginning  to the end and he embraced us and upon him they   met all our sin all our brokenness all our grief  all our sorrow all our rebellion and he he who is   God and equal to us all yet a real genuine one  of us human died and in death carried that old   twisted broken human to death we put away sin the  darkness of the lies he stripped the lie of the   accuser the separator Satan devil dragon serpent  stripped of all authority and he brought right   inside of us the knowing of the Father the joy  that his uniquely God's he put it inside our human   the pieces of it only God knows he's put inside of  us the wisdom of the purpose of God's love placed   it in us through the Holy Spirit that's the gospel  Jesus is not the other who stood beyond us in   outside of us but he joined us and he's not going  to leave us because I am insists on being is my life and so you'll read it there it's all  scheduled through the New Testament I think   it comes out best where Paul says Christ is my  life I live yet not i it is Christ who lives in   me that is oh do you know who you are please  don't tell me you've got that thing on the   back of your car that says I'm only forgiven  yeah I'm not perfect just forgiven oh you poor   thing yeah you're living like a beggar on the  side of the street when you are now seated in   heavenly places in Christ Jesus fellowshiping  with the Father and the Son and the spirit and   we wallow down there still talking about I'm no  good I'm unworthy I can't make it I am NOT wake   up I I said that too softly I didn't know I  should shout it wake up and realize this is   the gospel I am the eternal god father and Son  and Holy Spirit the I am who is all-sufficient   completeness utter freedom of unbounded love now  comes to dwell inside of us that's the gospel no   see it's the gospel ISM that you go forward  every week to get forgiven because the whole   thing is keeping the rules and avoiding hell  oh come on is that why God in Christ became   incarnate and one of us just so you could walk  forward every Wednesday and every Sunday to get   saved again is that it this thing called saved  which means saved from the punishment of sin no God entered into our human in order that our  human might enter into him and that we should   be united in every microsecond of life that you  live yet it's not you it's Christ living in you   the I am lives within you and as Jesus himself  said the Father loves you and the Father dwells   in you along with him the son all in the Holy  Spirit do you know who you are that's who you   are I am well believe it or not I'm half way  through what I had to say and so of necessity   we've got to keep up with this and next week  we'll talk about the I am dwelling inside of   us you know when we talk like this there are  some people who say well you know that's just   out of sight it's impossible it's interesting  this whole discussion that will begin next week   of how I am dwells inside of us for real  and functioning it begins actually in John   chapter 14 and in verse 1 and again of course  religion has made that all about heaven because   they can't stomach that it belongs to now but  it says there and it's it's a phrase we often   overlook he said let not your heart be troubled  you believe in God believe also in me many goes   on that and he's going to talk about this fact  he dwells in us and the father dwells in us and   the Holy Spirit II is is that person in whom we  all dwell together and he said if it were not so   I would have told you that is massive he said  I am speaking and it sounds so impossible it   sounds incredible he said but chill I'm telling  you the absolute truth and if it were not so   I would have told you I'm not leading you on a  wild goose chase if it were not so I would have   told you but I'm telling you because this is the  way it is this is the gospel this is you Father now we receive of you you have given yourself  to us we receive the fullness of you into the   fullness of us and in these in coming  days excite our hearts let us be dizzy   with joy that you have United with us and  thus exalted us to fellowship with you it   is to that end I bless you that you shall  see and know and dwell in that joy amen you
Channel: MalcolmSmithWebinars
Views: 7,259
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Id: h2THyb1eHGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 46sec (3766 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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