WEBINAR 331 - Sowing the Divine Seed

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I want to share with you and I want you to turn to Mark's Gospel chapter  for now the Lord be with you everyone and we   are looking at Mark's Gospel chapter four and  verse 26 and Jesus was saying the kingdom of   God is like a man who cast seed upon the soil and  goes to bed at night gets up by day and the seed   sprouts up and grows how he himself does not know  the soil produces crops by itself first the blade   then the head then the mature grain in the head  but when the crop permits he immediately puts   in the sickle because the harvest has come that  is a kind of strange parable that Jesus told if   you I mean it's a story about throwing seed into  the ground and then going to bed and that that's   sort of arresting when you come to look at it but  I find that the message that is here is enormous   and he begins by saying that the kingdom of God  is like and that expression is all through that   particular chapter you'll find it all through  the Gospels the kingdom of God sometimes they   say kingdom of heaven because that's the Jewish  idea that they were the main god was too sacred   they wouldn't say it and so they substituted  heaven and so the Kingdom of Heaven or the   kingdom of God but I I don't like the word kingdom  it's a clumsy word Kingdom it's got boundaries   to it it's it's got a customs post and it's an  entity to itself whereas the kingdom of God is   the entire cosmos it's all creation God rules and  reigns in all places and actually the Greek words   translated there is kingdom would be I believe  better translated it's closer to the word as the   rain and so it's the rain of God which that puts  all the emphases on God not the boundaries of some   kingdom it's his reign it's his rule and then  to give us further insight as to what he means   from another occasion Jesus said the kingdom of  God the reign of God is within you so I said we   are not looking for boundaries we're not looking  for go down this road turn right and you're hit   the customs post and that's the kingdom of God  no this is totally different he said the reign   of God where he rules and is known is within you  it is now within you now what is this reign of God   that is within us and we've talked about it before  but let me underscore it that the finished work of   Jesus was not when they put him in the grave I  know that much religion says that in effect they   stop talking after that but then Jesus rose from  the dead conquered death Roald's death back as if   it had never been and resurrection but don't  stop it goes on to what is commonly known as   the ascension but the parts of Scripture call it  the glorification or the exaltation of Jesus when   he is declared to be Messiah and indeed Lord of  all and we have jeez now not the one in humility   in Nazareth not the one who can live beside his  neighbors and they don't know who he is but he   is Lord of all he is Lord and Messiah exalted and  that is the reign of God it is in Jesus and that's   the finished work the finished work of Jesus is  that he was exalted and known and revealed to be   who he is the Lord King Messiah what's that look  like on earth he said that he gave poured out the   Holy Spirit to join us but not only join into  us but join us together and unite us with him   the body of Christ and so the kingdom of God  is the reign of Jesus through the Holy Spirit   inside every one of us and all of us together now  this this is the finished work of Christ and it's   it says in Romans 14 that the kingdom of God the  reign of God is righteousness peace and joy in the   Holy Spirit and so the righteousness of God our  knowing we stand face-to-face with God without   any thought of sin we are innocent and restored to  our union with him now this is this is the kingdom   of God filled with unspeakable joy that's how  the New Testament causes joy unspeakable it's a   joy the leaves you speechless and the peace of God  that passes human comprehension that is the reign   of God and to be found within you at that Bible  speaks in many ways as the your innermost being and I think you know it better than I can tell  it that there is a place a dimension within you   where you and the Holy Spirit the father and the  son join together as one and he's within you and   you know him and he said that's what this parable  is all about okay hold that in mind that's that's   Jesus giving us a preview of the parable he said  the kingdom of heaven but now he said it's like   this that is and he is very carefully this is the  mo of the kingdom this is the way in which the   reign of God takes place him II visited this is so  important that Jesus is saying that how does all   this work how does it function we can say Christ  is in you through the Holy Spirit I can say you   fellowship with the father in the son through  the spirit that sounds great good how does it   work how do you function in today's world as a  person United with God through Jesus how do you   do that well he said this parable is the way it  works this is this is how and hold that in mind   that the way you work as a believer and you work  as one him conscious union with Christ the way you   relate to your circle of friends and associates  the way you act within a situation recognizing   the reign of God he said this is how it works okay  that's what this is all about so what do we have   here we have one of two things we have a farmer  and he's described as the chap who goes to sow   that's number one we also have land soil which to  a Jewish person had enormous the meaning and he   had feelings about that and then of course he had  the seed and then which I find the most hilarious   thing about the whole parable is we have his bed  it's a big part of the parable having sown the   seed he goes to bed as magnificent part of the  parable and then finally we have the harvest I   thought if I'm gonna get to all this but first of  all the farmer who is the farmer in the parable   and in some other power who like the parable of  the sower which is the parable just prior to this   the sower is very obviously Jesus he's sowing the  seed but this is not Jesus in this parable of the   sower is not Jesus I say that because this poor  chap is fruitless he says that he sowed the seed   but he had no idea what happened after that all  he knows is that after a time then shoots come   up and the stork comes up and you you have wheat  but it says how it happened he had no idea well   that's not Jesus Jesus knows exactly how this  whole thing works and so we have to say that   this is not Jesus it is an a human being it's the  sower in this case is a human being and he is very   aware that his part in this process is to sow  but he has no idea what happens next there's the   realization in your face here is that whatever  we're talking about this increase of the reign   of God in you this should I say moving out from  you to others the kingdom of God the reign of God   actually working in your situation circumstance is  one hundred percent the work of God he does this   all we do and that's not a all it's the whole  meaning of the parable but in this all we do we   sow the seed and just hang on what the seed is  God and he speaks about this in the epistles in   1 Corinthians and chapter 3 verse 7 and about the  next three verses he talks about it and says that   it is we number one he says we are God's garden we  are God's garden and then he says that the seed is   sown by human beings into that garden but then he  points out very strongly but it is God who makes   it all work he gives the increase he gives the  harvest he produces the blooms or the fruit he   is the one and he therefore is the main worker  but in that passage it calls us co-laborers with   God we are co-workers we are co-creators with  God in terms of this frame of God now you gotta   get this you've absolutely got to get this that  I can't do anything without him but on the other   hand he has chosen and therefore I have no say  in that he chose it and that's it that he would   not increase the seed until we as co-laborers  with him would be the Solars of that seed into   the soil but that is amazing at least it is to me  that we have a vital part in the process that is   here to the point where God actually calls us  co-laborers that we sit with him and we are a   vital part of this happening and unless we realize  that I I have to say nothing that's how strong it   is and so the man in this parable is you can we  get that straight the man in the parable is you   you are the one who goes to sow the seed but you  sew it into the soil into the land and you might   think that's pretty obvious but maybe we've never  thought about this before you take this seed a   seed that is so it's as light as a feather we've  been around seeds I used to do organic gardening   when I was back in New York about 200 years ago  and I dealt with seeds I didn't buy the stuff   you know ready clung to me it was the seat some  of those seeds you you put them in your hand and   the wind would blow them away a tiny tiny tiny  tiny seeds um it would take a whole jelly packet   to make anything like they would have register  on a scale tiny little seeds and and how are you   going to get the fruit out of those seeds throw  them away you throw them into the dirt this is   an awful waste stupid thing to do you're going  to take these seeds that have caused and some   of them cost a bit of money and and but now you  throw it away into the soil so he goes that's   not only in creation but also said Jesus it's the  way the reign of God works in your heart did you   get this that which is the way creation works  the way all these trees and all these flowers   crosses that's how it happens a seed thrown into  the ground well he said when we move into the very   heart of reality the reign of God inside of you  he said it's the same thing you put the seed into   the soil I'll hold it what is the soil in this  parable it's you I know we just said that the   man doing the sewing is you but now I'm saying you  you is the land you are God's garden remember what   he said and therefore can you get the image that  this man is you but you are sowing your seed into   you you are sowing the seed into your very heart  the beating center of you your selling it there   once you put it in the soil put that minut seed  or whatever kind of seed it is you put it into   your heart your Center and that's when everything  begins to happen that's the moment of wonder and   if you've never wondered of what is happening  all around you especially this time of the year   take another look it is a wonder that nobody can  explain we do it everybody does it certainly up   here in Texas Hill Country everybody's sowing is  it but nobody understand they are part of one of   the greatest miracles of creation you take a seat  then as I say can slip between your fingers would   take a bunch of them to make an mark on a scales  and you throw it into the earth and you walk away   and no wonder begins and no scientist can tell you  how or they will give you what happens but they   don't know why but everything begins to happen  is God's activity but it doesn't begin until   the seed is put into the soil into your heart  you might remember that to a Jewish person the   land handed tremendous importance because the land  was given to them by God and you know there were   no realtors in Israel you couldn't sell your land  because it was the gift of God he gave it to you   given back there in Joshua everybody every family  in Israel was named there what piece of land they   get and he could be passed on to your children of  course kept in the family but it was it was God's   inheritance it was his gift where you are going  to demonstrate his goodness and now he is saying   that you are his inheritance and his greatness  and goodness is going to be demonstrated in you   but it will follow a certain course and that is  you take that the see that and you put it within   you now this is a wonder Jesus please hear me I  mean this is until over illustration this is his   reality Jesus stands before us he stands before  you and I and he stands there in the fullness   of his finished work I suppose revelation 117  is the best image that we have that Jesus stood   before the Apostle John and he says I am he that  lives and as I pointed out before that that word   is much stronger in it will be I am living Ness I  am the source of life not only creation life God   he's entered into death and come out of death  with a life that cannot die which we call the   this life of God which is our fellowship with  God and his union with us we are participating   in the resurrection life of God um I am live  a mess and then the greatest words in the New   Testament I was dead I've been to the pit of death  and then behold I am Alive for age long duration now did you get me he stands before you and  says that can you can you get that it's not   that I'm hearing about it I'm not reading  a history of it he actually stands before   me in the fullness of finished work and he  is telling me that he is to me he's giving   himself to me as the fullness of life  and this fellowship with God the Father we could spend the rest of our time on that  altogether but let me take you to song to very   quickly some to is a tremendous song because  it's a psalm that describes this moment when   Jesus has finished the work do you remember it  says how Jesus now stands before the father and   the father declares you are my son this day  I have Ziggler and if you read in the New   Testament more than once it quotes that and says  it was the resurrection when God the Father took   Jesus out of the tomb and Jesus in that sense  was reborn he entered into death and he carried   us he carried our sinned and brokenness and the  darkness and the lies and when he rose from the   dead he because he's become one with us is reborn  to a new life but of course you do know you were   in him you were one with him and therefore when  he says to Jesus you are my son this day I have   burst you forth out of death he was saying that  at the same moment to you the father looks at   you and says you are my son you are my daughter  this day I have birthed you out from death for   the history of Jesus is your history and you come  out of death with Jesus when were you born again   and everybody expects you know July 10th you know  nineteen hundred and ten of them know you were   born again you were born out of death when Jesus  rose from the dead and maybe in July the 10th   was the day you discovered that but it happened  in Christ when he rose from the dead therefore   evasions 1 says that you it says that you may  know the hope to which you have been called and   know the exceeding greatness of his power which  is toward you who believe right that's you who   believe and it goes on and he says which is the  same that is it's in accord with the power that   raised Jesus from the dead and set him at the  right hand of the Father probable principalities   and powers I mean do we ever hear that he said  that the power that you discovered that day on   July 10th what was the very same power that raised  Jesus from the dead is released into you and you   along with him are now seated with the father  and under your feet because you're in him and   under his feet is all the powers of darkness  and all the brokenness there and and it says   that that's the way it is you're reborn and can I  emphasize you were reborn we're not moving toward   this it wasn't a half done job it is so to the  point where Jesus cried in anticipation of this   it is finished I know you've heard this before  but I'm telling you Jesus stands right before   us this day and says so right into our hearts it  is finished there's nothing to be added I did it   I carried you through deaths out of death and I  carried you to the Father and here we are sharing   together seated together enjoying the same power  and life together it is finished and when finished   is said it means it's done and when it's done is  completed and you can add to it a thing if you add   anything to that which is finished you screw the  whole lot up isn't that true it is it's finished   it's done and now then the will of God that  he loosed his same that many of our Christian   friends lived their life around the will of God  what's the will of God the will of God he said   to the son and we are in Jesus the son he said  Psalm 2 now because it's finished because there's   nothing else to do ask ask of me and I will  give you the entire cosmos as your inheritance you better read song - I think goodness  did get there he says this day I've taken   you forth out of death it's a new world a  world of death conquered sin obliterated   and you now living in the fullness of  the life of God and that life of God is   the same life the same power that raised  Jesus from the dead now resident in you   yeah well I don't fill like that no because  we're talking of about a dimension that's   beyond our flesh and beyond Jesus even after  the resurrection I know there were things he   did that made him totally apart but apart he  looked very ordinary and that was that was what   confuse people so resurrected Jesus the source  of this life we're talking about yet he could   walk beside travelers on the road and chat with  them and they didn't know who he was just another   traveler oh he could sit down which is maybe more  to the point he sat down in the kitchen of the disciples in hidings and he said please bring me  some supper I need city satellites before them   that means he joins the supper terrible and  isn't there's no lights coming out of Jesus   there's no halos dancing around his head he's  not leaping over buildings in the red cape he   looks so ordinary that he's a traveller he was  you know merry mistook him for the gardener do   you do it do you understand when we say  that the very life of Christ is in you   because Christ Himself is in you it doesn't  mean that you vibrate in the atmosphere and   and just you know dancing all over the cosmos  it means that that life which is infinite love   which is intimate wisdom finds its residency  or his residency in you and it's finished the   religion has never understood that because they  might they just might think of what I've said as   maybe possible but it's always up there a long  way up there and you've got to do this and do   this and do this and then you'll get there  but there's a long delay because you're so   worthless and no good I don't know how long it's  gonna take to get you back together no not at all   Jesus said is done is finished and immediately  went over and you remember he breathed into   them which is the same word used in Genesis  2 when God breathed into Adam the breath of   life is a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation type you  know open your mouth and breathe into someone's   mouth that's what Jesus did he comes to any  breathes into them then they don't have to   say a sinner's prayer they got they don't have  to promise and dedicate themselves to prostrate   themselves they just sat there after supper  and Jesus mouth-to-mouth breathed into them the   resurrection life that was he was a source very  normal people he you are very very normal people and yet Christ himself lives within you and to you  because you're in Christ the father said there's   only one thing left and that is ask that's my  will ask and I will give you the entire cosmos   huh it's finished now he says ask and I'll do it  I wonder how Jesus looked when the father said   that I mean it is there a frown on his face as if  this is really going a bit far did it did he look   awkward and embarrassed unsure of himself this is  a serious question the father said ask you have   one by your death and resurrection you have won  the cosmos you've won the human race now within   that ask and I'll give it to you and remember  you were in him and so the father said that to   you your and did did Jesus then say to the father  are you sure I mean he's a bit much dad you know   you're gonna be far there maybe maybe we should  ask in little bits and and then we could ask you   every tell me you sure this is your will you sure  you are in your right mind when you said just ask   is it your will is it I can almost I mean maybe  I'm gonna be a father but I can't see the father   slap his knee and say son for goodness sake didn't  you hear me no you do not ask if it's my will of   course it's my will I just said it all is done you  are reborn into a newness of life now there's only   one thing left to do is ask for what is done ask  for what is finished and it's yours that's what it   said you say well I can only ask according to his  name but what do you think that means actually you   should know why they should is you can do what you  like but at the end of our prayers we don't have   to say in the name of Jesus amen to tell everyone  in the room we're done in the name of Jesus means   what I've just said to the the Hebrew people  really - today actually you know in our culture   a name a implicates everything a person is and  everything they've done then their name takes on   the fullness of who they are so the name of Jesus  means all that he is all he's done all that is his   that's the meaning of the name Jesus in the name  of Jesus when when you pray it means you prayed   because you are united to Jesus you prayed because  he is in you and you are in him you prayed because   all that he adds one is yours so you don't have to  say that now that's you were in your Noah you know   that and out of that you that's what we're doing  that's who I am it's my part of the involvement   you say that this is very is going too far but  let's put it this way if it isn't so why don't we   call it quits and I'm absolutely serious there's  a whole bunch of people that are 19 millions of   leaving the organized church because they've had  it and III would say to many of them jolly good   show overall hope we meet up and I can explain  to you what the real gospel is look if what I   just said is not so then on what why bother to ask  and I am said I've had it with what so often goes   under the name of a prayer meeting a meandering  wondering whining begging pleading with God to   do what he's already done begging to get somewhere  up in some unknown future a gift that he's already   given to us I've had him I've had it I did to  constantly be told that this gospel is really   just trying be good try and be nice be a nice  moral person a good citizen and and sort of get   as many people to sign the pledge as you possibly  can and you'll go to heaven when you die I've   been reading what many pastors are saying on the  internet about the present plague the virus and   the best they can do is to say were we going to  heaven and in heaven there's no virus what don't   we know it's something more than escaping this  planet no we live here and here and now we are   the presence of the reign of God and it's in us in  this incredible us where Christ is our life that's   where the action is that's worth dying for and I'm  very serious when I say that for for the pablum   that he served up in many churches I'm telling  you I wouldn't die for that to you you wouldn't   catch me being thrown to the lines for that it's  not worth it good grief my boy the hassle by the   hassle only agony or the trying or the baby more  the whining prayer meetings or the fasting and   praying for what have another German have another  try maybe God this time he's don't trapped in the   Lottery's I tell you what his is going to the  fair on the 4th of July you throw that ball to   try and hit the bull's eye and then everything  falls down in your lap if you do but of course   you don't hit it 99% of the time and there's many  people's idea of this life keep trying keep trying   keep throwing the ball keep missing my weight miss  because I don't know why God does it anyway if God   hears he might answer he might if it's his will  otherwise you might not in fact he might send   the reverse that's God too many big you die for  that would you be martyred for no no I'm telling   you you know that makes the it's glorious gospel  in in to a fantasy where were a bunch of pathetic   disillusioned persons no we are one with Christ  who is one with the father and we are in the holy   spirit now even as you're hearing my words we  don't have this vain empty hope of a distant God this is this is our life and  it's only the beginning this   is where this is where Jesus said it's  finished this is it and a man finished   means a new beginning a beginning  that we've never dreamt of before   so what is the seed that is planted into us the  seed is the gospel but of course not not that   gospel that just is all talking after the funeral  director no I mean the real good news of what I've   just explained the good news that you have become  a new creation a new kind of human in whom the   triune God is perfectly at hope that that's the  new kind of human that you are and that is the   good news and it's a seed and that good news is  called abundance of life which means life that   is buoyed up with expansional around it it's it's  life that affects my spirit not my fellowship with   God my core being but it's also life that affects  my mind a mind of light instead of darkness a mind   that is buoyed up with wisdom and insights it's  it's it invades my emotions with divine joy and   peace that passes all human ideas of peace and  in my body the cells of my body my genes my DNA   as well as their physical organs of my body I am  a person you are a person that is in Christ Christ   in you and and that's the gospel at that's where  gasa means the goodest news you've ever heard this   is it and this is gift table I can't deserve can't  earn can't do something to get there you is there   now because of what Christ is in you and Christ is  this is this is this is the seed this is the seed   that is planted into us and the seed has within it  powers of reproduction and so it's gonna multiply   itself but multiply itself over and over again you  you realize this is amazing it's amazing thing to   be within creation but it's the same principle  in the new creation you hold an acorn you little   acorn in your hand you realize you are holding up  forests in your hand because that acorn is going   to reproduce and reproduce and what it reproduces  will reproduce and what that and on and on it's   all standing in your hand you have a gospel that  invades your entire life it goes out to those that   circle of your friends goes out into circumstances  situations that you find yourself in that's the   seed and and it carries with it promises that are  more specific like facets of the Diamont promises   the deal with certain aspects of your life of  his all together seed this man shows it which   means the seed was available it's available he  didn't have to go looking for it was enough ahead   sometime it's available was in his hand hands  lucid and if he ran out of that he's got him in   the barn it says his he seed and it's his land and  so he's going to put his seed into his land and   see what happens he's going to see whatever that  seed is we'll replicate itself it will reproduce that means he lays claim to his land he's not  going to just stand there and say well let's   see what grows shall we nor does he say well  if God wants wheat God will send wheat no he   took ownership of his plant with the seed which  he chose to put into it his determination here   his intention the man took the seed goes animal  and the word is strong casts it unto the land   takes ownership and that means as he's doing so  he knows the harvest he's going to get Giovanni   he didn't just take a handful of seeds without any  knowledge of what that seed was and just throw it   and say let's see what comes up in the fall no he  knew exactly he was sowing wheat into the ground   and when you sow the seed of wheat into the ground  you will get exactly the harvest that you glad you   will get wheat so it worked you put the seed into  the ground and you will get the harvest that is   connected with that seed you do not plant wheat in  a field and get cabbages the right it's the apple   tree produces apples and so on so where it is and  that's wonderful this isn't a wish list you know   I wish I wish I wish I wish God would do that  I wish God would do this wish I could be there   III meant to check the other than any you thought  he was being underneath it was thought he's being   but he certainly didn't look ashamed he said in my  bucket list you know things I want to do before I   die in my bucket list I'd like to see a miracle  good grief anyway he was a believer he was part   of a church he said I had my pocket meaning I've  never seen a miracle I just thought that just   before I just say that's one miracle obviously no  one expected no one anticipated in his through the   world the God did miracles and he was saying in  effect I I just it's if only I understood do it   once just seconds I've seen it no I guess that's  what I'm talking to what we soul into our heart gospel is what is going to happen  in our lives that's what he's saying we who are one with this Jesus he now gives us  the fruit of that gospel he says you've earned   it you you've won it Jesus now asked you can have  okay so you're one with him and now all that he   died and rose again and exalted to receive all  all it's finished and he said take it take it   what what it whatever I ask it's it's it's  done such a nice amount of taking and so it   into your life and it will be so you know you  don't sitting to know God do something you're   not calling a prayer meeting and yelling that God  already heavens and come down we need revival did   no one send you the memo Jesus rose from the  dead having read the heavens and joined heaven   and earth together in the spirit what are you  doing asking God to start all over again and do   what he's done whining howling yelling whatever  it so they call it holiness they call it spirit   fullness the more you whine and rolling let's sit  back and like farmers who knew what thereat select   what do I need what is the harvest of the finished  work of Christ that I who am one with Christ what   is if he wills me to ask me shall be done in  my life and and this chap said this is what I   want this is it and I'm going and he takes the  seat and in taking the seed he can already see   the harvest and anything we know especially of  eastern farmers but Eastern being Far East of   Middle East roller um but I'm sure it's true of  a farmer these days it was true when I I lived   in Ireland among many farmers that the sowing was  where the relief that they got the seed in which   means the fall is taken care of they could see  the harvest they knew what the Hamish going to   be and they were enjoying it even as they put the  seed in the ground there's a sort of recklessness   above the cost it is this chap is hilarious he's  sowing the seed and he knows the harvest he's   going to get and that that's how he does it he's  carefree there's an abandonment to what he's doing this why do we not see this as the way  God works it's the way he's made us the way God works in our lives isn't odd and  weird it's it fits in with who we are I used   to travel and I knew very well an artist that in  his own field was was quite famous and he taught   me a lot about painting painting pictures and one  day he said he was going to give me a picture and   I said well what will it be he said well I can  see it and you'll see it soon which I didn't   understand until he explained that he could never  go to the canvas with a blank mind the canvas was   blank but his mind in his mind he could see the  painting he was about to produce and so he could   say to me I've seen it speaking of himself a  moment and you will soon that is the painting   already exists in his mind now he's going to  start painting what he sees and then I would   see it to no one shocked at that note no one calls  that spooky but of course that's Harry woods ask   any sculptor they don't go to a piece of rock and  just start chiseling away and the pickaxe and hope   something happens they've seen it see these they  see the sculptor they see the sculpt that they're   going to Megan and and they in a sense they go  to the piece of stone to release out of it what   they've already seen so what good grief when I  write a book i I've seen the book before I begin   to write I know it what the chapters will contain  I know you know a chapter 20 we turn right it's I   got it if I didn't the thing would go all over the  place look you you announced to the children but   on Saturday we're going to Grandma's house and  they jump up and down what are they choking up   and down for because immediately they see what's  going to happen at Grandma's they said no that   place they know the candies they'll get they know  all the illegal things that grandma will let them   do and then they already enjoy it they'll enjoy it  from now until Saturday because they it's as good   as done they know that and from your side you know  exactly you know to get there and and it's in your   head it's a map in your heads you just know how to  get there and you follow the picture in your head   and you arrive at grandma's door and the kids are  fulfilled as we country what they'd seen for the   last week you don't get weirded out of that that's  how it works so Jesus in my kingdom you take the   seed that has life that it's helped the gospel  and you planted inside of you and you can start   rejoicing that what I had planted I have already  given to you it is already yours and so start   rejoicing in it you do recognize I just quoted two  main scriptures right there and I didn't make that   up here is Maki Levitt and 1 John 5 says that  Jesus said whatever you ask well you've got it   enjoy and Jesus said something that I don't know  what you do with it but he said the hour Jimmy   said this to the Samaritan woman she said where  do we have to worship he said the day is coming   no he didn't he said the hour is coming and now is  when those who worship brought you worship Him in   spirit and truth the hour is coming and now is I  just kind of weird now that's just what I've been   talking about for the last five minutes for those  children going to Grandma's house but the hour is   coming kids Saturday it's coming but it now is if  this good has done and we can already begin to joy Jesus lived here the hour is coming but it never  is and when I sowed the seed of the gospel in   all its facets soared into my innermost spirit  so it's not that I'm no God I want this oh God   helped me to be this Oh God give it no just  so what it says that the love of God is now   poured into you and then like a great geyser Rises  within you this has done the Holy Spirit in that   so let me so learn and say I'll take that thank  you it's part of the finished and so I ask now and what it happens you see for the  hour is coming but it is now when I   saw I see what the harvest is going  to be to the point where Jesus said   the fellow went to bed I love that okay  can you can you find a better parable to   say that you go and you rest because  there is nothing more that you can do you selected the seed because you knew  the harvest you want if it was for your   physical body you didn't just oh god bless me  I don't know what that means gonna be specific   blessings there's multitude now you take the  seed this is this is what this is part of the   finished work and I saw it I receive it I give  thanks to God and what is done I had that see   we spend so much time screaming a God for what  he's already given and then when he would get   was only if it's your will short-circuit the  whole Josie no we take the seed the planted   then we rejoice in the harvest and we watch and  as it comes into being we can even now have the   emotions um people are afraid of feeling you  know at least here in the West I mean Western   Hemisphere I mean the others Brits of the worst  when God would show who he is in the first ages   of mankind he chose the Hebrew people and I  think there's many reasons maybe but one is   that the Hebrew people of that day knew how to  weep I went to shame to it grown men tough guys   would weep show the emotion they their their  joy would be hilarious loud hugging dancing you   read the Psalms the Psalms are all the way from  lamentation with all his tears and he goes all   the way to such riotous rejoicing and joy that  if they had the upstairs apartment you'd call   the police for you know they're making too much  noise it's the Psalms feely and what I'm saying is it's finished I asked for that which is line done  finished because I'm inside of Jesus and then I   rest and part of the rest is I am beside myself  with joy could he go easy you could do so many   prayer meetings there's more life in the bottom  of a fishing boat with dead fish I mean people   joy because why you've just asked for and he said  he gives to you and you have it and you can give   thanks to God and you can live now in the joy and  the relief and the wonder of it's done and then   you can watch as it comes it's part of the rest  arrest here s and the modern churches is having   missing names it because you're supposed to keep  on praying and keep on printing in keep on crying   oh god you didn't hear me I know you did me any I  got a report that I said again constant constant   prayer or please do it of God please do it he's a  good boy you really should go please God do it do   it give us the harvest or give us that revival  please do it I throw in some fasting shall we   fast faster weaker so no no no he went to bed  that's the most spiritual thing we went to bed   and what do you think he got up in the morning  and then what did he do he went about his day   which did not apparently include going down to  the field to make sure the seed was planted we   need to die you know go and check on her don't  dig it up to see if anything's happening you   go about your business which means he's absent  from the seed and he's abstracted by other stuff well we were why because it's God that takes  over from there on Philippians 2:12 explains   it perfectly he said it is God the Holy Spirit  who works in you and that word is energy which   means the mighty energy of God is working in you  both to will which means all of the desire the   movement of will in this originates in God within  and to do so the actual doing and bringing forth   of that desire is God we we go to bed goes about  our work go to the office act like a normal human   being knowing and already rejoicing and he's in  hurt me and the seed is taking over for that seed   little tiny seed maybe but it is going to change  the landscape it is going to build this field with   a golden lake of wheat I don't do anything not  to Jonathan all I do is wait and watch to rejoice   and give thanks to God for his bringing about  that which is finished and then there is the   harvest and it's interesting to me it says you  know the the the seed and and his relationship   with the soil it brings forth I have nothing  to do with it it brings forth the harvest and you know have you ever heard of the James Mitchell  translation of the New Testament it's it's sort of   the Amplified Bible on steroids and he could  sit like this that the soil is saying he went   to bed but now the soil and he translates the  Greek word there expanding it to his fullest   he said what would you go to bed and rest the  soil is bringing forth the harvest and he calls   it it brings it forth spontaneously now this is  the meaning of the Greek word he brings it for   spontaneously furiously he said the word has in  it the meaning of that is as if the soul can't   wait to do this is furiously eagerly with a  purpose that is found within itself that is   you don't have to do anything to the soil in the  soil in relation to the seed it purposes there   you could put up a sign no danger soil at work is  and it happens automatically with self excitement   and that's the meaning of the word there and it  says that when it's done the soil delivers up the   harvest that is as if the soil says back and says  to the farmer what you put in the ground has now   become multiplies we did the job did you hear what  I just said that seed you put in the ground where   is it now it's in the ear of wheat corn whatever  yn is true of any plant what what do you the seed   you put one seed that is now multiplied it  all done jerseys it's grown and multiplied   itself so that promise of God you took as your  own is now multiplied films your whole life and although the seller is very happy about that  obviously that he can put in his sickle do you   know what that is is I was raised with them before  the days and the great combine harvesters all the   men would go out with these terribly sharp knives  on the end of a stick and notice and that was the   harvester and the sickle and and he goes out and  he's very happy but of course he's been happy the   whole time I mean he knew this was gonna happen  his joy was when he finally got the seed in the   ground and he could see what was coming as the  artist sees the painting is the children already   there in grandma's hands now were there oh yes so  very very very very wonderful but we've been there   for a while rejoicing in God and also I know I  said this but what you harvest is exactly what   you sowed it's it's not that you get something  that God thinks is good for you that would be   back there when you're sewing when when he spoke  to Paul remember and took her in the install and   says you're trying to do this but but I say  my grace is sufficient and introduces him to   a harvest that was beyond his imagination but  not down here but when when the harvest comes   it will I do so it's weird I didn't plant this  know my god so that's what that's good for you   no no he's not like that to be chuffed you you  soul and you get what you saw so it works and   by the way God's harvest time is not ours please  we're using the term harvest but it doesn't mean   that's months away necessarily the term harvest  with God can mean hmm sometimes just a minute it's   it's very very different to our human remember  to the disciples he said do not say there are   four months and then comes the harvest the harvest  is ready now it's white unto harvest well there's   one in my current I believe the prophet Micah  he said in this lay that we're living in now he   said in in that day the sower will overtake the  Reaper that is that the fellow who's taken in my   harvest is caught up by the chapter lose sowing  because it is happening so fast or two Timothy   Paul said in a context of being a farmer Paul Paul  says be instant in season and out of season and   so we don't kind of harvest seasons not know you  plant and they'll be a harvest and you can fasten   your safety belt you say because you're you're  right inside how God works well I'm I'm done   and I see you're actually expert at this because  that's how anxiety comes to pass anxiety is the   polar opposite of everything I've been saying  only the point is you don't sell anything not   deliberately anyway an anxious person that lives  in poverty of mind and spirit and many times body   they didn't show anything deliberately what what  is say if you don't so something deliberately who   sews it the wind if I don't touch my garden  leave it I'll find a great harvest the falls   and thistles and weeds of every description why  because the wind is a great it just blows all the   stuff there and it takes root and I sit there  and say no God please put flowers in my god no   no anxiety is just letting every seed under God's  sky come and plant in your head and and of course   sometimes we do it almost semi intentionally you  know Fox News is great at giving you anxiety seeds   CNN is magnificent in implanting the huggbees  things in your garden and some people have sat   for the last two months glued to them getting  C dr. C dr. C and then wonder why they live in   panic well course you youth that's the heart  that's the harvest you planted the seed what   else did you expect but you know other people  clung to it with crazy words like I am no good   I'm not worth it and they give this continuum let  me if I am NOT I am NOT I am NOT which turns into   I have not I have not which turns into they have  and I don't you realize they're all seeds you're   planting you should rejoice this gonna be a  harvest it will prove to you that you are not   and you have not in there yeah you get it we're  doing it all the time so don't don't blame God   we've planted our lives and if we know it is  finished it is done and therefore I ask and   the fullness of the finished work of Christ is  made manifest in my life and your life and it's   all grace it's all the gift of God for he did  it he put you in Christ he said to you because   Christ has purchased all you in him ask so gift or  gift and then he gives you what he told you to ask this is the way it works said Jesus this  is the mo of the reign of God inside of you   so let us do it and the blessing of god  who is almighty love the Father the Son   and the Holy Spirit open the eyes of our  understanding that we may know who we are   and they launched out to ask and receive  our harvest thank you Jesus amen and that thatis helped you Christian  life is very easy my yoke is easy   my burden is light religion has made it  so jolly difficult but it's easy as easy   as planting the truth in our hearts  and collecting the harvest of life
Channel: MalcolmSmithWebinars
Views: 4,972
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Keywords: Malcolm, smith, unconditional, love, webinar, bible
Id: _ovjVY6lgiQ
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Length: 69min 53sec (4193 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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