Bubble vs Webflow in 2024: which no code tool is right for you (key difference)

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hey this is Seth from no code MBA and in this  video I'm going to talk about the differences   and similarities between bubble and webflow bubble  and webflow are two of the most popular no code   app and website builders out there today I use  them for U the websites and apps that I build and   I want to talk a little bit about um why I would  choose bubble over webflow or webflow over bubble   depending on what I'm building and hopefully by  the end of this video you're going to know which   no code tool is best for the project idea that  you have if you want to learn more about building   apps and websites with no code get step-by-step  tutorials on how to build real projects like a   Reddit clone or an Airbnb clone or building an  AI text and image generator using uh bubble and   open AI check the link in our description to go  to no to check out our full in-depth tutorials   okay let's go ahead and get into the video so here  we are on bubble's website what bubble is best at   is building interactive Dynamic web apps so what  that means is an app uh that has a database that   um is going to dynamically show that data on the  uh web page and it's also going to have a logic   so an example of that are apps that users are  going to log into they're going to have accounts   they're going to be able to take actions inside  of the app and you're going to be able to build   all of that logic inside of the app so the main  benefits of bubble are that every the database   the workflows which is the logic and the design  is all integrated into one platform with other   no code um app Builders uh sometimes you have  to have an external database and connect that   to the uh no code tool which makes it a little  bit more complicated to use there are pros and   cons of that approach as well but something  that I really like about Bubble is how easy   it is to get started with because everything is  integrated into one app it also scales really   well so as you have more users onto your app um  it'll scale kind of like um you know any web app   that's connected to uh servers like Amazon web  servers is going to scale up as you get more   users so that's something that's really great  about Bubble as well webflow on the other hand   is meant for building websites um they also have  functionality in terms of e-commerce so you can   build an online store they have some functionality  around um memberships or allowing people to kind   of access content behind a pay wall and those  are really helpful features as well um but the   main reason that I would recommend using webflow  is to build really beautiful websites so a website   uh being uh something that someone would just go  to kind of like this we're on a website here um   but there's no uh kind of there's no ability for  people to log in and actually um you know take   actions and and have an account um on a website  so it's more of a marketing site it's really good   for marketers to build out um websites and and  have it designed really nicely um you can also   do have a cms which is a Content management system  which um allows you to you know store information   and dynamically show it on your um website as well  um but it's not something that users are going to   you know interact with and change the data in your  database that's something that you would change uh   so let me give you an example of this so if we go  to nocode.mba um this is um a website that's built   on webflow so everything you see here is built on  webflow um we have different pages here and just   as an example um in this tools directory each of  these is um being dynamically shown on our site   because we're storing it um in our webflow cms  on the other hand this is what noode,mba looks   like after you sign up and log in uh so this  is built with bubble and the difference here   is in bubble users are actually able to track  their progress as they take courses track how   many uh lessons they've created there's Community  posts uh so users can kind of interact with the   app itself they have an account and you can build  much more custom user experiences using bubble so   that's the difference between bubble and webflow  on Bubble you can build full app experiences while   on webflow you're building websites that um are  really good for marketers to use for companies   to use as their marketing sites hopefully that  helps to explain the differences about web flow   and bubble and kind of tell you a little bit  more about you know what projects are going   to be good for webflow what are going to be good  for bubble and also you can see how you know some   projects are you're going to want to use both  tools because you're going to need a marketing   site using webflow and then you're going to want  to build your app using bubble that's something   that I've done uh multiple times myself if you  have any questions at all about um about this   topic please just leave a comment below I'd be  happy to answer any questions that you have if   you want to learn more about building with  bubble and web flow and other no code tools   as well check out the link in our description  or go to no cod. MBA be sure to subscribe to   our YouTube channel for more no code content in  the future and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: No Code MBA
Views: 1,097
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Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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