Introduction to Website Administration

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man I've been laid off and running out of money I don't know what to do well what can I do to make some money hey you know what I've heard I've heard making websites is an easy way to make money so we've all heard about the gold rush on the web that if you put a website up you will make money I mean all these little 18 and 19 year olds or instant millionaires that they don't know anything they're uneducated they drop out of college and all of a sudden they're they're making tons and tons and tons of money okay this isn't really how it works but but a lot of people people think that basically the internet and creating websites is a great equalizer uh back in the old days you know 10 years ago 20 years ago if you wanted to be a writer or if you wanted to produce videos you would have to go to a company uh such as a as a magazine or a newspaper even if you were very good you were competing for very few slots and so there are a lot of qualified people in the world that could not get jobs writing or doing videos or giving their opinions of things simply because there were there were not enough slots for them well now with with the internet since anybody can put up a website if you have a good idea if you have quality thoughts and content you can put that up in and you can make money off of it the thing I will warn you is that the internet the web sites are real businesses way too many people think that somehow running a web business is easy it's not this website that you're looking at takes a lot of time to produce and create too many people think oh I'm going to spend an hour a day and then make make thousands of dollars a month that's not how it works it can work that way but but realistically it doesn't the reason was it marked as upper men or whatever at Facebook is making billions of dollars is because he has the number one website in the world if you have the number one company of anything you're going to make a lot of money this class is introduction to web administration so if you're thinking about creating a website I know you're thinking about Dreamweaver no you're thinking about Photoshop on any of your thing about doing videos like this before you can start to to create web pages and before you can start to create content you need to understand how the internet works how web servers work and how browsers work once you have a solid foundation and how the technology functions then you can start to design your website and produce something that that's worthwhile a lot of web designers try to try to skip this class they don't want to know about web servers and I don't want to know about routers and browsers but these are the things that will affect how your website functions so you can make the prettiest website in the world but the underlying technology that makes it run isn't very good well then you're screwed so this class is introduction to website administration like I say we're going to go over things like DNS we're going to go over how I P addresses and domain names work we're going to talk about HTML scripting languages databases web browsers and then finally go a little bit into web design to understand how the internet works we need to go over a few basic concepts the first thing to realize is that the world wide web the websites that you go to and the Internet are two separate things the world wide web resides on the internet but it's not the Internet Internet is much more than the World Wide Web the web pages that we go to the internet was created back in the 1960s um as a way for the military to communicate in case of nuclear attack in case entire cities were vaporized so basically what happens is the internet uses routers to transmit data the shortest way possible so let's say you have say Los Angeles here and you have New York here and you're trying to get information from Los Angeles to New York the old way how this would happen is Los Angeles in New York would be connected somewhere in the middle and a main exchange the problem is is that a nuclear bomb landed on this main central point and wiped it out now Los Angeles in New York could no longer communicate to each other it would be impossible for them to talk so what the internet does is you put lots and lots of these things called routers all over the country and all of these routers can talk to each other like this so all these routers can communicate so normally what will happen is when you try to send information from Los Angeles to New York the information will go to the first router the router will then figure out the shortest way to get to New York and then send it to the second router to the third router to the fourth router the fifth Rattus distance around her and to get to New York why this was good for the military in doing it this way is since there's so much interconnect in here if even 20 nuclear bombs went off so that gets blown up blown up blown up blown up blown them all this is blowing up its is boom it's it's all dead everybody here is dead but communications can still happen because the router is up here still exists so the internet allowed for communications without a single point of failure so basically as long as humanity still exists you can still be a communication somewhere now that's the internet the world wide web was created a back in either 1992 or 1989 depending on what Wikipedia article you're reading and what the World Wide Web is is its web pages that make all the web pages that you go to that are interconnected so when you go to WWC am calm that is part of the World Wide Web when you click on a link on that page to another page 2ww weather calm that is part of all my life the world wide web is all the web pages that reside on the Internet the Internet is this entire mass it's us it's the entire global network of communications the world wide web is simply the do webpages that read that that are on the Internet so you've got the web pages now in order to view a web page you need something called a web browser again back in 1992 back in the dark old days when I was going through puberty different types of document reading software could not read documents created by other types of document reading software what I mean by this is if you created a document in Microsoft Word WordPerfect which was a different type of proofreading or document program could not open and read it if you created it something in staroffice WordPerfect or Microsoft Word couldn't reading different pieces of software could not read documents created by other pieces of software so the guy who created what was called HTML thought hey what if I could create a set of standards for how a document should be should be created and then different people can create software to view the document so they can put in all their little weird bells and whistles um that make their program special but edie but different browsers different pieces of software can read the same document so that's what web browsers are web browsers are simply programs that can read documents that were edited in HTML this was a good idea because basically everybody thought well we come up with one standard on how to create documents and then everybody can go their own way on creating programs to read those documents under that thought process they came up with something called the World Wide Web Consortium you'll see a called w3c w3c World Wide Web Consortium this group was supposed to come up with all the standards for HTML so when HTML came out it was under standards one and then went to HTML to HTML 3 HTML 4 it's now on HTML 5 this is a set of standards on how documents are supposed to be created so that different web browsers can read them properly why web browsers became important in which web browser you used became important is because in the software industry as smart as all these programmers are their bosses are really tedious idiots the when the web browsers came out the different web browsers wanted to a cracked market share they they wanted to gobble up as many customers to use their web browser versus the other so you had back in the 90s you had Netscape basically an Internet Explorer well what both these companies did is they started creating standards that were not compliant with the the World Wide Web Consortium so if you wanted to see blinking letters and Netscape you had to code it differently than if you wanted to see blinking letters in Internet Explorer if you wanted to see of sounds in Netscape you had it right in differently than if you wanted sounds on it for Internet Explorer so although the World Wide Web Consortium and HTML tried to create documents that all web browsers could read easily the people who created web browsers kind of kind of came up with their own their own stuff so so that's what they were trying to do with HTML and then what happened so Netscape and Microsoft came up with their own standards and it's all a little bit of a mess the last thing to talk about is when we're dealing with the Internet there are a couple of different types of protocols that you you will you will hear us talk about protocols are the way information is transmitted and what happens though when the information is transmitted so you will hear something called HTTP HTTP you will hear that a lot then that is called hypertext transport protocol that is the protocol or the language that is used to present you with a web page so when you go to WWC NN com your web browser uses this protocol to be able to view that web page it's just a language you don't really have to mess with it a lot the next protocol that that is used a lot on the Internet is something called F T P this is another one you'll hear a lot of called final Transfer Protocol final train for a protocol allows for you to transfer files relatively easily on the internet so if you want to send to somebody a picture or if you want somebody to be able to download something from your webpage you would use FTP HTTP hypertext Transfer Protocol allows you to see the web page FTP allows you to to download things from the web page or when you get into creating your web pages allows you to upload things to your web server the last protocol that you'll hear is a SMTP this is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol this is the protocol that allows email to go from place to place so when you email somebody something it uses SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and using that it's exams all the way around the internet and gets the New York or Los Angeles or wherever you want to go so to recap the Internet and the world wide web are two different things the world wide web resides on the Internet the Internet is the overall structure and infrastructure that allows communication to happen globally web browsers are pieces of software that allow you to read HTML documents all web browsers are supposed to treat HTML documents the same but at the end of the day they don't the standards that created HTML and a lot of other things were created by the world World Wide Web Consortium and like I say they they try to come up with these standards everybody is supposed to abide by these standards and it's the programming world so nobody doesn't and then finally the the protocols that are that are being used when you go to a website or do things on the Internet generally are HTTP hypertext Transfer Protocol this allows you to see web pages FTP File Transfer Protocol this allows you to download things or upload things to web pages and SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol this allows emails to Gibson now the first technology that is used to allow you to navigate on a World Wide Web is something called DNS D and s this is domain name services or if you're dealing with a server domain name server what the domain name server does is it turns what is called a fully qualified domain name or a domain name now the first piece of technology that we have to talk about that allows you to navigate and go around to places on the Internet it's called DNS or domain name services what you need to understand is computers don't really understand things like or whether calm or WWE computers have no idea what those words mean computers only care about things called IP addresses so the computer really communicates only with an IP address and IP address may look like 208 445 60 6.9 that that may not be a real IP address but this gives you the idea when you navigate on the Internet where you when you go to places when you download things when you email people and you put let's say you go to WWE Li the computer guy calm the computer that you're sitting at doesn't really care about that name what happens is when you put in that domain name eli the computer guy calm or weather calm or such your computer goes to a domain name server and asks what is the IP address for that domain name so you go to you lie to computer guy calm your your computer that you're sitting at goes and asks a DNS and domain name server what the IP address is for for a lie the computer guy calm the DNS server says it's 200 a 45 60 6.9 the computer says thank you and then it uses that IP address to go to the web site wherever it's hosted so this is how domain names work and what DNS is basically DNS is what turns what's called human readable addresses you know domain names into something that computers understand which is IP addresses now once he wants the the computer knows what IP address to go to for a website you should realize that every server that hosts websites can host multiple websites so if you go to this IP address the server that's at this IP address may host that was in different websites so what happens is then when this computer goes to this IP address goes to the server that hosts all these thousands of websites there's a configuration file on that server that then says where to go in the server for your particular for website so basically what happens is you're sitting at your computer you type in Eli the computer guy com that that asks a DNS or what the IP address is it then goes to that IP address when it goes to that IP address you go to a web server that web server then says oh you're looking for Eli the computer guy com that's this file here that file is the web page and then that web page opens up on your screen this and a nutshell is is how DNS and domain name services work so now you're sitting at your computer you type in WWII two computer guy calm your computer asks the DNS server with the IP addresses for Elan computer guy calm and then your computer then goes to the IP address when it gets to the IP address there is a special type of server there that presents you or your your computer with the web page basically you can just put a put a webpage anywhere expect it to work you need a special type of server to present the webpage to two people on the Internet this is called a web server generally there are only two two types of web servers that people use there is something called I I s this is called Internet Information server and this is a created by Microsoft so if you have a Windows server you can use I is Internet Information server the other type of server that's actually far more popular than I is is called Apache patch like India whoa the Apache web server that this is the web server that people would generally like to use it's the one that's used the most iis can only be used on Windows computers so if you've got a Microsoft Windows computer you can use a is Apache has been created for for all computers so if you have a Windows computer or Windows XP machine you can put a pantry on it if you have Windows 2008 server you can put a patch beyond it if you have an OSX a Mac computer you can put a patch me on it and of course if you have Linux you're definitely gonna put a patch me on it so a patch is a web server that that is out there for all operating systems Windows Mac Unix Linux everything everybody loves Apache now both of these are web servers are free with iis if you have any of the servers that windows creates again window tooth out windows 2003 server Windows 2008 server Windows NT 4.0 server any of those servers have I is as a phase a as a component to them and you get it for free even Windows Vista and Windows XP have a version of I is built into them the thing is is that they are limited to only ten simultaneous connections so if you use Internet Information server or installed I think it's called personal web server or something like that that's built into Windows XP or Windows Vista you can only have ten visitors at any one time with Apache again it's completely another life free you can use it on absolutely anything and you can have it as many visitors as you want if you if your hard work can handle it you can have a million visitors at one time using a patch so when you decide to to create your website you have two options on where to put the website where the website will be hosted so you you design your website and then in order for people to get to it on the internet you have to put all those files onto a server that's connected to the Internet your options are like with this website I own the physical server that all these files are on so it's mine if there's viruses it's my problem of any more RAM than I need to put it in I own the server it is my computer just like I have a desktop computer that's my computer so you can host your own website on your own computer that's one possibility if you're really new to this I would not suggest doing that though because that opens up a whole new can of worms because now not only do you have to understand how web administration works but you also have to have to understand virus protection and security and hardware and all kinds of other things so you can either own and control the server that your website is on or you can do what's called shared hosting what shared hosting is is what most people do is you go to go or one in one calm and you buy their hosting plan so for right now now is anywhere between three to twenty dollars a month they give you a space on one of their web hosting servers and they'll say you can put up to 50 gigs of data into the space and then you have so much transfer bandwidth so they may say you get two terabytes of transfer what that transfer bandwidth means is how much data you can either push up to the server or pull down from the server in any given month so if you have a lot of videos you'll be using a lot more bandwidth than somebody that just has plain text files nowadays I think a lot of the services now give you free unlimited bandwidth but if you see that if they give you a number they say you only get this much bandwidth in a month that's how much data you can either put up to the server or down to sir so when you decide to create your website when you've created the website you can either put it on your own server using Internet Information server or Apache or you can buy a shared hosting plan again for three or four bucks a month when you buy the share hosting plan you're going to have two options - okay listen to me if you listen to anything the rest of this class will listen to this part when you buy shared hosting you're going to have two options you can either buy windows shared hosting or Linux share hosting if you buy windows share hosting it'll be on the internet information server but you can't really tell that the big thing is if you use Windows a shared hosting capitalization uh within files does not matter if you use Linux shared hosting and capitalization doesn't matter what this means and just follow me if you don't get it the first time rewind and then watch it again and rewind when you use a Windows computer when you use Windows share hosting um if you have a file that is that's called let's say hello h-e-l-l-o txt so this is a plot uppercase ake lowercase e lowercase L lowercase L o dot txt within Windows Windows doesn't care where if there's capitalization in the file name so uppercase H lowercase e lowercase L ll o is the same file as lowercase e h-e-l-l-o txt which is the same file as if you did let's say 8 e uppercase at all dot txt within Windows Windows doesn't care these are all the exact same file in Linux these are different files so if you have hello.txt and it's all uppercase that is a different file than you have if you have hello all lowercase which is a different file as if you have some upper case and some lower case so in Linux Linux thinks that thinks that if the capitalization is different that they are different files in Windows again windows thinks these are the exact same file Linux things these are three different files why this is important is when we get into the class on an HTML and you're coding in let's say hyperlinks you're you're coding in links to other places in your website well if the name of the file that you're supposed to go to you've done you've done the upper case a GL l txt well if in that hyperlink you do lower case ATL it won't work you'll click on it it'll go page not found so Linux is considered a superior and more stable and faster web hosting platform so if you're confident you're not going to make a lot of mistakes with capitalization errors you can go with Linux if you're kind of sloppy like I used to be you probably don't want to go with Linux you probably want to go with Windows because like I say is if you name a file you know with different capitalizations it will be considered different in links in Windows these files are the same thing in Linux these files are considered different things Linux looks at capitalization differently than Windows okay now that we've talked about DNS we've talked about the web server now we need to talk about HTML the actual documents that are going to be provided by the web server and that you're going to read so when you go to WWC NN comm you are presented with with an HTML document that your web browser then turns into something nice for you to look at I'm going to go over a little bit of the encoding so that you understand how HTML works this is not a full HTML class so so don't worry about it a lot what you should realize is that hTML is a human readable language it is a non compiled programming language what this means is that when the the HTML document is presented to the web browser it is actually presented as a text file a normal txt file you can open any HTML document in notepad or WordPad and be able to read it view it and edit it how this works is let's say let's say this is the final page that we're looking at this is the web page so this is www.hs compartir so you go to test comm and when you get to test comm basically all it says is in big letters tests so you go to you go to you get you set up your computer your type of wwas comm when you go to test comm you see a page that says test that's all it says will be very simple well what happens is there is a text file that that is being presented by the this web server so this file will be called index dot HTM we'll get into this further in this track but we just take it for now so when you go to the web server it automatically sends you to the file called index dot html' this is a text file this is a text file that you can open up in like I say notepad if you did open up another file in notepad what you would see is something that looks like this is you would open up or you have it you have these brackets as a HTML this says that you are looking at an HTML document you then have another set of brackets that says head and then there's information in here and then you have another set of brackets that closes something called head again you don't have to follow this that's too complicated but just get what I'm saying what the head does is let's say up in the very top in a little blue part of the browser bar you know if you go to WWE comm in the address bar it'll say you know but then above that it'll say the world's place for news that is put into the head you actually use something called a title tag and and put that information there so if I wanted to test to be up here I would put test in the head under the title tag don't go next you open up with fall to the body tag and this is where you put all the information that the people person will actually see on on the webpage when the webpage opens so if I want tests to show up here what I would do is I would put a tag called h1 let's see do a line equal center and then do test test and then bracket out a t1 this line of code here is what creates the this test in the middle of the screen if that's all we want we then use something called a tete they close the tag and then we close out the entire page okay you don't understand really what I just did but what I want you to grasp is what I wrote here AI understand which means once you learn a little bit you'll understand but this is an entire webpage this is how web pages are created or written is using all of this information here HTML tags heads bodies h1 you can write all this out in a text document in a way that when somebody goes to the document in a web browser it'll pop up an Internet Explorer or Firefox or whatever and you'll see a web page so that that's what I want you want you to get out of this is are as HTML documents are created in human readable format which means if you understand what is being said you can open up the the document and a text reader it's like tech notepad or WordPad and you can read what's going on the web browser takes that human readable document and then turns it into to something spiffy that they actually show on the web so this is what hTML is I said we're going to horde on have classes on this so you understand this better but but just come out with it where it's basically a text file that you can read and not a web browser will will turn into a web page now that we've talked about HTML hypertext markup language which is a human-readable of web programming language the next thing we need to talk about is scripting languages so when you create an HTML document or you use HTML you create something called a static web page so just like a word document or a WordPerfect document or anything like that you you write what you want and you put that on the web and then when people go to that they always see the exact same thing it's a static document the document never changes you post it on the web and that's what they see well people want things that are a little flashy or things people want things that are customizable they want what are called dynamic documents or dynamic web pages dynamic web pages are web pages that change depending on whatever the web programmer decides they should shrink so a dynamic web page may allow you to log in to it and then when you log in it'll say hello Bob um that saying hello Bob and that of that being able to allow you to log in is made possible through scripting languages if you want to see what the time is or you want to create shopping carts for people so people can buy things on your your Web Store you need to use a scripting language these scripting languages you will hear about there's PHP there's ASP there's something called CGI scripts or Perl scripts nowadays if you go with shared hosting almost all shared hosting supports all scripts but if you decide you want this dynamic web page so you you want your web page be able to do lots of things um you need to make sure that whatever scripting language you use your web host actually supports the company the shared hosting or your web server if you own your web server you have to install a piece of software that will be able to understand stand the the scripting language that you're using so with PHP if I write scripts in PHP the web server that my document is on has to have a a PHP module installed on it if I write a document in PHP and put it on a server that does not have a PHP module installed on it the server won't be able to do anything with it it won't know what it is so all web servers Apache or iis or one of the other weird ones that are out there all of them understand what to do with HTML you put HTML on to Apache or is it will automatically understand what to do and it will do it and you don't have to do anything else if you decide to use scripts like I say PHP CGI Perl you have to make sure that the module is actually installed on the web hosting server that you're using a big thing now is they've gone from PHP 4 to PHP 5 so a lot of the the software that you're going to be running into let's say if you decide to create a blog or a website like every man I team this requires PHP 5 in order to run if I was using a shared hosting plan I would have to make sure that they provide PHP 5 support many of the shared hosting plans right now only support PHP 4 so if I have a blog I try to put it onto that shared hosting plan and it only uses PHP 4 not PHP 5 the website won't work properly so so the scripts allow you to do the dynamic stuff like when you go to or Pandora ready any page that does anything other than sit there that uses scripts and just remember that if you decide to use scripts or if you buy a web page and then it uses scripts that whatever web hosting you're using has to give the support those now once we get past HTML and once we get past the scripting languages PHP or ASP or all that the next thing that makes a website work or makes modern websites operate is the database that stores the data for website so databases are very very specialized pieces of software that simply contain data they don't look fancy they don't look cute if you saw the highest end most amazing database out there you wouldn't know what to do with it looks like a little dots prompt what you what happens to make the databases useful for web sites is that the scripting languages that we talked about can communicate with the databases and then pull information out of the database uh for the website to use so again if you decide to log into a website or if you are allowed to log into a website when you put your user name and password in the scripting language we'll take that username and password it will connect to the database and then it will see if they match up it'll say okay this is the username is the password the same so the databases contain like I say things like usernames and passwords it contains inventory so if you have a online business you know you're selling widgets the database is what would contain all the information about the wicked so it contain the the wicked name how many you have on hand how much you bought the widget for or how much you're selling the widget for what the shipping cost all of that kind of information is is saved in the database now you've probably heard about databases and you've heard there are a number of types there's my sequel there's a Microsoft sequel server there's Oracle and then there's about about a hundred other different types of databases out there if all you have heard is that there are types of databases out there then don't worry about which one you should use if you don't know the difference and you haven't been told to worry about it the only database you should worry about is something called my Siebel my sequel is a very very powerful database that is completely open source it is completely free and all the prepackaged websites you may buy or prepackaged types of web programs that you'll buy will almost always use my sequel so if you're thinking oh I've heard Oracle is better than my sequel maybe I should use an Oracle database well unless you actually know anything about Oracle or unless you've been told you have to use Oracle don't worry about it as far as you're concerned at this point the only database to worry about is my sequel this is the one that basically all websites use and and you'll be fine so the database the the big thing come out of the database is all the database does is store data just stores things like inventory and stores vendor lists stores client lists phone numbers that kind of there's nothing fancy going on there in order to make a database do something that anybody cares about you use a scripting language like with my sequel you use a scripting language called PHP PHP goes into the database it grabs the information that you want and then it presents it on the webpage or it takes in information from people when people fill out a form on a web page it dumps it into the database so the database simply contains information so now we talk about HTML and kind of scripting languages and we talk about databases now we need to go to how your web visitor will view your website so they will view your website through what is called a web browser web browsers are Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Apple Safari these are web browsers and these are how you view websites there the big thing that you've got to come away with is the understand that all HTML all web documents are supposed to conform to the w3c standards of world wide web consortium World Wide Web Consortium comes up with all these standards and then these web browsers are supposed to stick by them and of course they don't so when you start designing your web page the thing that you cannot forget to do is you need to design your web page and then you need to open it up in Internet Explorer and then you need to open it up in Firefox and you'd open up in Safari then you need to open it up in chrome and you need to see how it looks once it's opened up depending on what web page you go to or depending on how you design your web page your web page may look very different in Internet Explorer versus how it looks in Firefox or may look very different in chrome versus how it looks in Safari it really I mean it's a huge thing it can look a lot different depending on what a web browser you open up the web page with that's why you will see you don't see it as much anymore but even five or six years ago you would see a lot of times or be a little little tag on a web page that would say this website has been optimized for internet explorer or this website has been optimized for Firefox basically what the web designer was saying is that they're a little lazy and they said we don't want to worry about all the web browsers out there we are going to design specifically for one type of web browser and then it's your problem if it doesn't work on your web browser so the main thing to remember with the web browsers and when you start design websites is that every web browser is slightly different so when you open up a web page in different web browsers they may look very different and so you have decide are you going to edit the page to make it look more similar or are you going to just say this web page is optimized for for one web browser and be done so we've talked about the the domain names we've talked about the web servers have talked about HTML scripting languages the whole nine yards but we haven't talked about is actually designed your web page how do you design a web page to put on the Internet you know about the servers where you're supposed to put the web page but but what do you use to to design a web page to put on the mm there are a lot of different pieces of software available that allow you to create web pages some of them are very inexpensive and some of them are very expensive um you can create a web page using any text editor so you can use a web create a web page in notepad or whatever one excuse is for a text editor you can you can handwrite out all that coding that I showed you before and create a web page using that back when I started back in 2000 that's how I created my web page I would actually write out all those codes the head and the title and this then the other thing and that's how I created my weapon now a lot of people don't want to mess with that and that's understandable because that's a pain in the butt I don't mess with that anymore either so they use web design software such as Dreamweaver it is that the new one that's there the one that's currently so popular um it's created by Adobe and it will cost you about six hundred dollars depends on on how much you you want to pay whether that's worth it Dreamweaver is creme de la creme wonderful web design software but it's very complicated and very expensive what a lot of people don't realize is you can find a middle ground you can use word to to create web pages many people don't realize is you you know you type out a document you create your your pretty little document in Word like you normally do well instead of hitting save if you hit save it'll save the file as a document just like always most people don't see there is a save I think it's save as a web page or save for web if you click on that word will actually turn the document that you just created into a web pick and then you can then upload that webpage onto a web server and you have one page so if you own word and you need a simple website you can do everything you need in Word save that file as a web page and then upload it and then you're done so you don't have to pay $600 the same is true with Google Docs if you use Google Docs there's an option to save as HTML or save as a web page so you can create a document in Google Docs you can save it as a web page and then you can upload it to your hosting server and now now you have a web page so the big thing to remember with web design is it's you know all the code that's created is human readable which means if you want to use a text editor like notepad and you want to write out all the code you can do that and you can create a perfectly fine web make is you want to spend a whole lot of money and get very fancy you can spend $600 on Adobe Dreamweaver and you can build a very very fancy web page if on the other hand you need a very simple web page you can use word you can use Google Docs you can use Open Office documents or writer you can use any normal word processing software now and also create a web page so we're going to have more classes on all this if you don't know how you want to design your web page yet I would tell you not to go out and buy a Dreamweaver because you may find that there are other options that are either free or a lot less expensive than $600 that will create a web page for you that you like so that was a class we've talked about the basics that the the internet is not the same as a worldwide web we've talked about the World Wide Web Consortium and how they try to come up with standards and the creators of web browsers routinely ignore those standards we talk about the protocols that are used to send data around on the Internet we've talked about hyper transferred text protocol this is the protocol used so that you can see web pages we've talked about FTP File Transfer Protocol this is the protocol that is used to transfer files either up or down and we've talked about SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol this is the protocol that is used to send emails we've talked about DNS DNS is domain name services this is what turns a domain names or into IP addresses 208 64 now 70 7.9 that computers understand computers don't understand they don't get it what the computer does is the computer takes it goes to a domain name server says what do I do with this the domain name server thing gives the computer an IP address the computer that uses that IP address to go to the server where the website is hosted once it goes to where the website is hosted there's a configuration file on that web server and the web server will say oh you're looking for here's CNN's web page if you went to the same server and you were looking for whether com it would send you to a different web page we talked about the different types of web servers iis internet information server which was created by microsoft and apache which is created by apache they're both free Apache is truly free you can use it on any any operating system I is is is free but you can only use it on Windows operating system so Server 2008 server 2003 vista XP etc there are versions of I is for Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows XP what you should remember though is that they're limited to how many simultaneous connections are going to your website so you can only have if it gets 10 people on your website at any one time when you decide to host your website you can decide to either own and control your own server so that means the the computer that houses your website is sitting in your building you own it or you can use a hosted a shared hosting plan so shared hosting you pay 3 or 4 bucks a month and then your website goes just into one of the servers on the internet at or one in and they deal with almost everything if you decide to go with shared hosting or even if you decide to use your own server you'll have the option between Windows or Linux hosting remember Windows does not care about capitalization within the the names of documents so like I say uppercase a lowercase e ll o is the same as lowercase e lol o is the same as lowercase AE uppercase ll lowercase e o those are all the same as far as Windows is concerned the Linux sees them entirely differently so if you have all uppercase hello on all lowercase hello Linux sees those as two different documents again Linux is generally considered a better platform to host your website on but if you're sloppy um about how you program this this is you you have to think about this yourself if you're sloppy with how you code things windows may be better for you because it's not going to cause you too many problems I talked about HTML hypertext markup language is the language that all web pages are written in this is a human readable language so you can open up a web page in a text document like with notepad and you can actually read every everything that's in that document and if you understand what's going on then then you can understand it and you you can change things within the HTML document with something as simple as notepad we talked about scripting languages scripting languages are what give a website is flash and pizzazz and bad if you create a website only an HTML it is stack you know the website you go to the dead today is the same website you have to tomorrow everybody goes to the exact same website that says the exact same thing scripting language is is what allows a website to be dynamic it allows you to do things like log into it it allows you know specials of the day the pop-up or one the scripting languages are is what allows that the web page to actually do things so it's not the same time and time and time and time again the scripting language is normally connect to a database we talked about the databases databases only just store data it's just raw data something doesn't look flashy doesn't look cool like I said it looks like a little das prompt if you ever took a look at one but the scripting languages are able to put data into databases and pull data out of databases so the databases do things like hold inventory information or contact information or login information or anything that you need to that's we're just raw brute information we'll go into the database again you have heard of my sequel and Oracle and Microsoft sequel server if you don't know the difference between these these different types of servers then you just go with my sequel my sequel is free it's robust I mean a lot of major companies use my sequel so it's a fine great database frankly even if you did try to go out and buy something like Oracle or Microsoft sequel server I'm not sure you would find web software to work with it so so just going the database stores data go into my sequel it's what everybody has we've talked about the web browsers again the web browsers made by the different companies you know Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Apple Safari they're all supposed to go by the w3c standards and more or less they kind of sort of do the very important thing all what the main thing you have to do remember is that when you go to start designing your websites you need to open up your website in with every web browser that you want your users to use to get into it so if you want your users to use Internet Explorer and Firefox and Chrome then you need to open up your web page with those three different browsers and make sure it looks how you want it to look it may end up looking very very different this is something you know some of the web designers get a little lazy they create the web page they open it up and Internet Explorer or they only open it up in Firefox they upload it to their website and then their visitors start going go into the page and then whatever their visitors are using it just looks like a bunch of crap so so so make sure when you design your web page you open up with multiple browsers to make sure it works even works right sometimes it won't work right at all we've talked about Web Design you can use everything from notepad that you get for absolute free with Windows all the way up to Dreamweaver to create your web page it's up to you there's free there's $600 there's also the in between any a document software like say word WordPerfect Google Docs they now can save their documents as web pages so if all you need is a pretty simple web page instead of spending $600 and taking 100 hours to learn Dreamweaver you can actually create your entire web page using Microsoft Word just save it as a as a web page upload it to your web server and you're done um that's really about it everything we've talked today if you feel like you're a little bit over your head every single thing we've talked about today is a class onto itself this is introduction this is this is just giving you the heads-up on what's coming hTML is one or two classes scripting languages is one de 20 classes you know the server's their classes even even DNS and tcp/ip and all that they will be classes unto themselves this is Justin introduction and overview so you kind of understand what's going on and if you want to start learning about the all this stuff but before we get around to making the class this gives you an idea of where to go so I hope you've kept up with me today hope you understand this stuff as always I'm UI the computer guy this was introduction to website administration and I look forward to seeing you at the next class
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 329,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: web, admin
Id: 8ZOgPCtZvoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 6sec (3546 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2011
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.