Entrepreneur Developer From Zero To Boss

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cheer you already know boy joe back out of the game codingphase.com your boys backing out and did it again one more time uh you know we tried to do this live stream yesterday we had a lot of technical difficulties hopefully we don't have that many today okay um but i just wanted to let you guys know that uh basically we are working on a very special course that's gonna be available to everybody who is a yearly member a lifetime member and for anybody who wants to pre-order the course and it's really a course about you know learning everything that you need to learn to become a boss right so once you learn how to code right what do you do with it okay you can definitely get a job you could definitely do some freelancing but at the same time if you say you know what i want to make some income for myself as a developer and you know there's a whole bunch of different income streams but how do i do this the proper way so long term you know setting up your business right either choosing an llc or s corp um where to do those things uh we're gonna give you guys a lot of resources on how to set up your business okay how to find the right business model for you okay uh at the same time we're gonna be jumping into uh hard how to market your your product or whatever it is that you're working on how to choose a product how to find ideas okay so it's gonna be like a a course that it has no coding in it okay this is not for coding this is not for programming we're not gonna be doing any of that in this course you're gonna learn how to become an entrepreneur as a developer okay uh from finding the ideas you know to setting up your business uh to launching your application or your project that you want to put out there okay we're gonna go into all of those things and i'm basically gonna teach you everything that i've learned in the last eight nine years that i've been in the game okay when it comes to creating your own business and setting yourself up uh for success you know this is things that nobody has ever taught me right nobody ever really told me hey joe this is what you got to do this is how you do the proper way this is how you save money on your taxes um you know this is how you hire other people right at the same time things like uh what's the difference between having somebody who's working full-time for you or somebody who's doing contract work or even you know talking about internships and and things like that i've done internships myself um in a previous lifetime but at the same time i understand the process of what it is to be the intern and what it is to be the person now uh hiring an intern right and understanding like what's the difference between exploiting somebody and providing value to them okay so we're gonna go into all of those things we have a great curriculum the course is gonna be about five to ten hours long um and the reason is because it has a lot of information pretty much i'm giving everything that i've learned as an entrepreneur somebody who uh continues to build applications on his own and and continue to find different ways of making income so and this course is more about the business side of things instead of the coding side of things right you guys have taken courses at codingface.com right and you're probably saying well we know what codingface.com is about right it's programming learning html css javascript php python etc um and this other side right uh we're gonna be focusing on the business side of things strictly just on business right how to set up your business how to uh launch it right how to find the right business model for you right what's the best way to to make as much money as possible as a developer and we're gonna go into all of those things now we sort of this something similar to this before with the six-figure bundle but we feel you know well not me but the people feel like i focus a lot on on niche websites and not everybody wants to do a niche website okay a lot of people have the the idea of creating their own software as a service or um creating you know their own agencies like how i am doing it right now to create digital products and and how to sell those products right so i'm gonna be focusing more on the business side of of of this thing instead of focusing on like hey what technologies you should use or hey how to do this and that like we're gonna focus more on the business side of things and and it's pretty much how can i say this like i'm not a business major right uh i learn from actually making mistakes okay so everything that i'm going to teach you guys is pretty much like real life experience okay it's not going to be like stuff that they teach you in a textbook stuff that they teach you in school is literally things that you learn only by going out there creating businesses and making those mistakes okay now the mistakes that i i keep talking about is really things like you know what's the difference of llc and s corp um how uh i lost money with uh facebook ads you know initially i came into the game started doing facebook ads i lost forty thousand dollars in my first month two months in into doing facebook uh marketing right um there's so many different things bro like i've hired people that you know i shouldn't have hired right i i didn't really vet them right and i lost money because i still got to pay them right um i've bumped into people who have came in and taken my money and ran with it okay i've had situations where people sell you dreams and you know this is something tool that i want to talk about in this course is how to vet people and and how to be able to read people because once you have your own business and you starting up you're going to have all type of people coming in you're going to have big companies small companies and and hustlers that's just popping up out of nowhere that say hey i could grow your business hey i could help you out with this hey i could show you this this and that and in reality if you don't know how to vet those people um what happens is the snakes come in and take your money your hard earned money okay uh same thing with like marketing same thing with um any idea that you might have sometimes you want to launch an application and you know there's people that will reach out to you you know like random agencies like digital marketing agencies that will tell you hey man we could get you you know a million uh viewers for your application or whatever or uh you know whatever it might be and in reality what they're doing is they just have bots right so we're gonna be talking about a lot of stuff man you know um and like i said it's like in reality you're you're saving yourself the headache because now you're really getting that first look of what it is to build a business as a developer and you don't have to go through those mistakes i'm pretty sure everybody um has to go through some problems initially no matter what even if i i'll teach you everything that i know there's probably some schemer some scammer out there that is looking for another way to get your money and you know make you fail on your business okay we're also going to be talking about uh business partners and understanding how how does that work in case you wanted to go in and get a business partner and um as far as you know taxes and you know for your companies how you register it etc um so there's a lot of stuff that we're gonna go in and teach you guys in this like i said disclaimer i'm not a business uh you know i don't have a business degree i just happen to be a dude that continues to build different type of businesses um as a developer okay and i've done every single type of thing that's out there like almost everything that that you could think of i've done it at some point um but at the same time it's like now i could go in and and talk about this things that it doesn't really have to do anything with code but it has to do with building your your your company and making sure that you succeed on it okay so again i'm gonna let you guys know i'm putting on the description a link right there where you guys can pre-order this course if you're already a member of codingface.com you're on a yearly subscription or you're a lifetime member right uh basically you have access to this you're gonna start seeing the videos popping up uh today we're probably gonna drop like probably five to ten videos uh today and then just throughout the whole week we're gonna start seeing how everything rolls out um but by the end of next week you should have a whole complete course uh so you could pre-order it now and save 67 again it's a great deal uh you're gonna learn a lot in this course like again now this isn't for everybody okay if you're just the guy that's like oh you know what i just want to um you know i just want to work for somebody i just you know want to continue doing what i'm doing or i'm still not there joe like hey this course is always gonna be there okay you don't have to take it right now if you're interested in it you could take it now but at the end of the day this is another career path that we're gonna add to codingface.com uh for those of you guys that are interested not everybody wants to be an entrepreneur not everybody wants to uh build their own business now everybody wants to deal with setting up your your own you know your your own company and then dealing with taxes and and dealing with accountings and and hiring people and and all of these things but if you want to get a bag that's what you got to do right believe it or not you know when you're a developer right and you're going to pay anything from 70 80 100 000 right a company's making almost 10 times as much as that of you right from your talents your skills okay so at some point you're gonna realize you're gonna be like well you know what a hundred thousand is not much you know two hundred thousand is not much so you're gonna wanna grow you're gonna wanna go in and start building your own business and and this type of course is really gonna help you out in that journey because again like i said this is something that i've been doing for a while so i can teach you guys how to actually have your business succeed and set everything up uh for your business to have some success and and be good okay so definitely if you guys have any questions let me know this is going to be a quick um you know live stream uh do we we try to do this yesterday but for whatever reason you know it just kept acting up um the camera i don't know it's a new gear i'm trying to still figure it out uh from from what i'm reading is that this this camera heats up if you you have it on for a long time and i'm like yo so how you supposed to do a three hour live stream you know how i do it right but it's kind of good though because then now i know that hey man at a maximum it's 30 minutes that i could do a live stream so that's kind of good right so i don't have to come here and do three hours because sometimes we go on a rant or we start talking about different topics and at least now we could go in and focus on what we got to focus on okay but like i said man definitely check out the course um it's gonna be below and if you're already a yearly or lifetime member of codingface.com you get access to all of this now the million dollar question is from everybody you know this is always going to pop up joe but if i'm in a monthly subscription why can't i get access to uh you know this type of courses and to be honest with you is because these are premium courses okay this is courses that's gonna get you money that i'm not gonna see any i'm not gonna see a dime from that you know what i'm saying like well after you take these courses right or this type of courses you're going to make your own bread you're going to do your own thing you're going to continue having your life succeeding and moving on up right i don't make a dime off that right i don't come in and make any money from your business succeeding or anything right um and at the same time you know it's like i feel like i already provide enough value on a monthly subscription which is all the programming courses but when it comes to courses that have to do with making money independently i prefer to put it on a yearly subscription or put it for the lifetime members or even just sell it by itself because number one is it's not gonna be for everybody number two um another thing is that you know since not everybody's gonna be interested in creating their own business or making their own income right by me going in and and like creating these courses that might take you know a month two months right or even longer like i've been working on this course since september right creating all of the resources creating the outlines putting everything in order right now we're ready to start recording it and you know how i do i like to record it put it out there and start posting it online for it for you guys but this thing has taken months to to get to this point and to be able to create this course so you know when somebody comes in and does like uh let's say for example uh a monthly subscription they could easily just come in and scheme and be like whoa you know i'm gonna sign up for a monthly subscription sign up for one month and probably cancel it right take the whole course cancel it or even catch a refund or you know come in and be like uh yeah thank you i appreciate it and then just disappear and leave and then it's like what happened to you know all of my work that i spent months and months to to actually uh create this content in in this courses so that's why it's not in there you know it's not really because i don't want to help everybody that that you know might not be able to afford the the yearly subscription or maybe buy the course by itself but it's just like it's a way to protect myself that if i'm gonna do do these things and i'm gonna share all of this knowledge and i'm gonna take my time to create these is at least i guess something right so that's the whole goal you're going to say even though i'm already providing so much uh content for people and creating all of these courses but at least i know for sure that at least one of this per one of these people came in and dedicated themselves to a year uh to codingface.com okay so so that's the thing that's that's why um you know i don't add it to the monthly subscription anything that has to do with making money online or even creating your own business or even things like shopify uh shopify theme development i don't put it with the monthly subscription because i feel like again that's extra i'm going the extra mile you know i'm already giving you about 60 plus courses of just programming so you don't have to go anywhere else you don't have to learn you know go buy any other courses you have all of that there provided to you but once you want to take it up a notch then you have to yield a subscription and you save money and at the same time get access to everything on the website so definitely again like i said on the description there's going to be a link you're going to get 50 off on the yearly subscription if you want to sign up for the year it gives you all of the programming courses and this course included and then at the same time you also have um a pre-order uh coupon code for this course in case you want to buy it okay um so there you go guys all right shout out to everybody in here if you guys have any questions let me know okay like i said um let me see who's in here early early joe morning yeah man i'm up i'm up bro i went to sleep at four o'clock in the morning um and my kids woke up by eight so i got four hours of sleep but it's worth it because i'm doing a lot of stuff um especially for 87 lux we're we're basically finishing up a couple of themes and getting ready to launch that for february february is going to be a very very nice month for us okay and you know those are things too that i'm also gonna show you guys in this course um you know entrepreneur developer you know where we're gonna talk about how to launch an agency how to set all of these things up how to sell digital products you know as a developer because the goal of this course is to teach you how to set up your business right then from there once you set up your business right uh what type of business model you're gonna have okay so there's gonna be different ones there's gonna be things like um like you know creating agencies to sell digital products um going in and excuse me corona like you know as soon as somebody coughs somebody's like that's so um i'm stupid y'all knock on wood bro not gonna work keep the ronin away from me yeah but like i said man we're gonna talk about different business models that you could go into as a developer uh if you guys checked out my video where i talked about uh the ultimate guide to passive income i basically gave you guys a whole bunch of different business models that a lot of developers and entrepreneurs uh jump into to make income online and and basically make money uh for themselves uh but this time around i'm gonna go in and pick certain uh business models and show you guys exactly how it works how is it that you're gonna make money how is it that your business is gonna make money how is it that you're gonna keep a profit okay so that's what we're going to be doing in in in this course so again you're getting everything from zero to becoming a boss okay so i got like i said earlier it's pretty much everything that i've learned uh as far as business and uh creating a business as a developer in the last you know eight nine years that i've been in the game okay since 2011 started learning how to code 2012 i got hired now we are in 2021 okay and we still going okay but now we boast up right um and this is what i want for every single one of you guys you know but let's just be honest right not everybody here is boss up material like just be honest right this is nothing against anybody um but the truth is that there's individuals that you might not have that drive it's like look i just went to sleep at four o'clock in the morning you know like i uh two o'clock in the morning one o'clock i was talking to chow codes about some projects that uh i want to work with him um you know like three o'clock in the morning three you know from one o'clock to four o'clock in the morning i'm doing research online freaking for for my my agency and and working on different themes right so i gotta make sure i go gotta do the research look at which teams are selling which one are the ones that are trending create a a different excel sheet with all of that information then from there send it out to the designer the designer goes in looks at all of those different uh themes that are selling rain and and basically goes in and now he's going to create his his own designs but by looking at other people's work we can see what the market actually wants but again most people are not going to want to be doing this type of stuff but at the end of the day if you really want to make the bread this is what a business owner does this is what an entrepreneur does right um there is no in nine to five it's your business the more that you work it the more money that you're going to make so not everybody's built for that right some people they just want to go to sleep you know enjoy their time off enjoy the time with their friends go out to eat drink etc right you might want to smoke something right somebody like myself i don't have time for that i just got to go in and work and work and work and work but i enjoy that that keeps getting me hyping and i'm happy because of that you know because i continue to work and every time that i feel like uh i achieved something i'm like nah i'm not good yet there's something there's something else that i could achieve more and continue pushing you know what i mean like this year the number one goal is to make a hundred thousand dollars at least from um 87 lux and i feel like we are on our way to to do that we have like three three themes two shopify applications and then on top of that we're also trying to partner up with one of the biggest um you know one of the biggest influencers for uh shopify here on youtube he has like a million subscribers dude is huge right and we're trying to partner up with him so my agency right can build his his websites and his uh dropshipping websites so he's providing a service for for his his audience where excuse me where he they basically built the whole drop shipping business for somebody and people pay about like 10 15 000 for that okay or sometimes even more for for a drop shipping business but they need customized themes so at the same time out of those 10 15 000 we make 5 000 every single time that we create a custom theme okay so at the end of the day it's a great partnership if everything goes good and we could get that on paper right because you got to write contracts that's something else that we got to talk about in the course you know um that could give us a nice flow if we go in and we have two three clients uh per month right and we're making 5 000 you know 4 500 whatever it might be right that's a that's a good flow that's a 10 000 just from that that's not even just not even counting the shopify themes and in you know wordpress themes and you know creating shopify apps that could also connect to wordpress uh woocommerce and bigcommerce like you know what i'm saying like we're trying to do it big okay um and it's looking really good man a lot of a lot of people have already reached out to me you know from like even from shopify i have to the wix team that wants me to do a collaboration with them and at the same time work on uh on their platform um you know i had a good meeting with them the other day on the phone we talked for like two hours and a half you know they want me to create some tutorials for them uh for youtube and at the same time they also want me to uh to work with them on their basically on the app store and then you know it's a great thing because you know one thing that i'm gonna mention too is like by creating this youtube channel this youtube channel also too old has opened a lot of doors for me okay so i'm not starting a agency from zero like how most people started right so like let's say somebody who says hey today i want to create an agency right nobody knows him right he don't have a brand okay um and maybe he don't he don't have connects but luckily for me like over the years and the things that i've done here on youtube and and staying in contact with people even though you know people have given me offers you know i've had offers for a lot of companies but i don't take them right because i'm working on my own business but those people are still connects you get what i'm saying like once you have that type of relationship with somebody you could always you know get in contact with them and and link up so luckily for me i haven't um had to pretty much start from from scratch scratch because it's like now i have all of this behind me that attracts people to give me opportunities you know i mean like to be talking directly to uh one of the heads of shopify and um you know it's it's a blessing right and even for the guys at wix to just reach out to me and be like yo man you know you know we we got our office in miami like you know it's like kind of throwing it out there like yeah if you ever want to come through you know work with us it works you know like that's just on the back burner i'm not taking no job but at the same time it's a connect because then now you know if once we start creating our own wix applications then now we could go in and have that leverage of talking to them and asking them hey man can we get a staff pick you're going to say like i don't know if you guys have seen this um but just like any uh application uh or app store i'm gonna see if i can open this up see if i can share this with you guys you know like they have a section where uh the team picks okay so give you guys a preview of this let me see okay so this right here this is uh wix at marketplace okay now let's say for example we just come up with an application we could easily now since we have that type of relationship to ask them hey man could you guys put us here on the front page which that opens the door to like millions of people because i believe shopify and that shopify uh wix has about like three million or four million um customers in there and they're growing every you know every single day and more and more so if you get in there in the the front page when you launch an app you know you're going to get at least you know 500 to 1000 people on a daily basis that's gonna go in and try out your application so that opens the door for everything else like you gonna say so it's like we're not really starting from scratch man and i feel like i'm blessed in that sense that yeah 87 lux is new we just founded it in um in october but at the same time it's like bro it's a lot of blessings bro i'm getting a lot of blessings right now and and this is what i wanted to do you know what i mean like when i came into youtube i wanted to share my story to people right i you know i wish i would have started in 2011 and would share my my journey how uh justin uh child coach is doing it where he's showing hey man i'm going to job interviews i'm i'm doing this this and that ram hey uh i'm about to get higher i failed the interview and now i'm not getting higher and then now the next week i'm getting higher you're gonna say like and you're showing that whole progression it would have been so dope for people to see that from the beginning um when you guys got to meet me yama means 2017 i'm already a senior developer i've been working on a whole bunch of applications for years now okay uh but now you know i came in created codingphase to help people out and teach them how to code the way how i wish somebody would have taught me and just get me and get people into that that zone of how can you learn how to code right get a job and then boss up and create your own business so that's the whole goal of codingphase.com but then now this is a very exciting part right a new beginning which is okay cool i created all those courses i did all of these things already here okay there's really nothing more that i can prove right uh with coding phase just to create new content and do what i have to do it's already a successful business but at the same time i'm like okay i want to challenge myself and at the same time you know codingphase.com it doesn't bring as much money as people might think right and to be honest with you i'm all about the bags right like i'm not i don't sugarcoat it i don't you guys i'm about my back okay and some people like it some people don't like it but you got to respect it you know what i mean uh it's like jc said it i'm not a businessman i'm a business man like that's what i'm here for you know i mean get my back and continue to grow so what's the the next progression right um because coding faces gray and everything but that's not gonna get me to become a millionaire right so it's like i already did my this is like coding face to to me it's like pro bono it's like okay i dedicated myself three years and a half full time creating all those courses creating all these materials for people now it's like okay all those courses are there new courses get added but at the same time i need another business that's going to get me to the millionaire status that i want to get to okay so that's why we created this agency and now you guys can see that whole journey from like the beginning like we we haven't uh made you know our first ten thousand dollars yet okay now you're gonna see the whole growth for you know 87 lux and then by the end of the year god willing we could say hey man we made 150 yeah we made 200 and we made a hundred thousand we we didn't get to crack a hundred thousand we made 90 or we made 80 right but you see the progression right and this is something that we're gonna be doing for you know for the foreseeable future of like you know the next two three years four or five years and then again i'm gonna do something else and you know in another five years it could be i'm jumping into real estate or hey you know what i'm jumping into um opening up you know franchises like i've been saying for a long time so it's like you're here for that whole journey but i'm teaching you guys everything that i learned on my way you know what i'm saying so not everybody think about it like this the way i look at this is like yo it's like having like a friend that's doing and comes back and tells you hey man this is what i'm doing this is what's getting me money this is how it's working for me so it's like i go take the risk make my mistakes and then come back and tell you hey man don't go that way go this way because this way you're gonna find more success this way you're gonna make more money etc so that's like what i'm trying to do from here on um of course we're gonna be continuing to create courses on codingface.com to to give you guys you know up-to-date courses on coding phase or whatever new framework comes out like i'm still gonna do that right um but at the same time it's like i'm i'm not gonna go as hard as i was going before like because think about it there's guys that been here uh on youtube right or even on any platform you to me and they don't have 30 courses they don't have not even 30 courses i got 80 courses right 80 plus courses and we continue to add more okay so what does that tell you that that tells you that while people was working on one course i was working on three or four right but that takes a lot of time of your day so now i'm saying you know what instead of me working on three to four courses i'm working on one course making it solid making it legit for the people but then work on my business that's really gonna pay off everything that i i wanna get in this world you know what i mean and um yeah we're about that bad okay so if you're about the bag you're in the right channel kiddos okay so let me see um i'm reading through here reading reading good morning joe uh someone who currently in the monthly uh sub program do you recommend doing all the content prior to jumping into one of your premium classes um hey you could jump into the premium whenever you're ready you know what i mean um my advice is i always tell people you should do uh the yearly subscription right believe it or not the unit subscription has a lot of content in there so let's say for example you have in the monthly subscription which teaches you everything about programming and how to get a job as a developer right right there you probably have about 60 plus courses okay now when you go in and you do the yearly subscription right let's say you're paying 20 a month okay 20 a month um when you sign up for a yearly subscription you're technically saving money because 20 times 12 how much is that that's 240 right let's say for example now the yearly subscription is 200 it's 199 right so you get a 50 off right yes 199 so you're saving two months basically and then on top of that you're getting all of the premium courses that if you was to buy them individually it's like a hundred dollars a pop or it could be three hundred dollars a pop etc whatever it might cost so in reality you you have a really good deal okay um like i said earlier the reason why i do this is because there's people that are schemers right there's people that come in they're not planning on on you know staying on codingface.com more than a month they just come in take the one course that they want to take and they leave out of here you know what i'm saying so for me i'm like i lose money like that that's just the truth right because if i create all of these things and create all the courses that take months and months to do right and somebody comes in and pays you 20 like nah like that took months and that took years of of experience and years of of me investing time and money into having all of the skills and and you know even for like the businesses or even for niche websites or even shopify apps or even facebook ads like all that costs money right to to really get into so in reality it's like i spent money to get get all of this thing so going in and giving all of that information and all of that content for twenty dollars as much as i want to help everybody it's like it doesn't make sense it it doesn't make sense to settle for twenty dollars right um especially when it takes months to do okay uh if it was like something that takes a day also something that takes me a day for for twenty dollars that is nothing right but if you spent months or even years creating something or or building something uh to really get to that high point it doesn't make sense to sell it for 20 um and that's what i try to go in and say you know what on the yearly subscription or lifetime members right you get access to all the programming courses that's going to get you a job and also you're going to get those courses that's going to help you make money independently as a developer okay so and it just really it makes more sense because even though i'm giving you i'm giving you technically i'm giving you the same thing you know it's 20 right for the monthly subscription and 200 for the whole year it's technically almost the same thing but at least it guarantees me that hey man you know what this person is paying uh 200 to get all of the courses and not just like i came in and i i got you joe you you thought you had me joe i got you i came in i only took one course the only course that i wanted to take from you and i said i gave you 20 and it's like bro i created all of this to be like a collection it's like netflix you know what i'm saying i didn't create it to just sell one course because if not then i would have went to to you to me if i go to udemy i'll go in and sell hundreds of thousands if not millions of of copies of all of my courses but then again it's like now i'm getting two dollars and fifty cents per course you ever say it is what it is sometimes it's business you know that's just the the proper way um it's the proper way to really do uh a subscription model you know it's like hey you have all of this courses that is 20 bucks but then at the same time if you want to go and take it up a notch or there's a special feature a special uh thing you might go in and just say hey i'm just guaranteeing a whole year that i'm gonna be here joe and it's like okay cool so get access to everything right um but yeah when are you gonna be ready for jumping any of the premium classes it's up to you right it's up to you i always tell people that you don't have to wait to to know everything um but it's up to you it's like it's always going to be there it's like i'll tell people it's always going to be there is it going to be at the same price probably not it's like right now this course like i said it's gonna be more on the business side of things this is right now it's 99 for for the whole course um to be honest with you i'm gonna be selling this at 300 right so because you pre-order it and you're like one of the first ones to buy it you get a hundred but this course is not going under three hundred dollars at all i'm not doing sales on this one uh you know at the most that if you ever see a sale it's gonna be like black friday it's gonna be 150. so in reality you always going to be saving by pre-ordering um ahead of time um but yeah like this is like it's going to be a really legit course you know because again it's everything that i know uh from the business side of things the things that has helped me uh to really get to where i'm at and to where i'm going at the same time so it's like i'm teaching you guys things that it's not like you ever seen like somebody comes in and tells you hey guys uh this is how i became a millionaire in in 1998 that is irrelevant now you're gonna say that is irrelevant like somebody could come in and tell you oh this is what i did in in 1998 and this is how i became successful yeah you became successful in 1998 when there was uh basically you know there was no websites there was no competition you know anybody could come up with any product and and that product makes 10 20 50 million dollars right now in days it's competition like the world doesn't work like that no more right it's irrelevant so what i try to do is you know the things like this it's like i'm giving you guys from what's going on in my life right now the things that i'm learning on my own that i have found success from you know and and have seen it work for me and have seen it work for others you know so definitely you know what i mean uh let me see uh somebody said i said the same thing up early yep uh hey biker says can i transfer to learnstack developer after working as net developer yes definitely once you learn web development you could always jump into something else right um so like let's say if you started with php right and you're working at an agency doing maybe wordpress or maybe you're doing php laravel you could always jump into the next thing which could be ruby and rails it could be uh java it could be uh csharp.net you could jump into the merge stack like once you understand web development and you could build like a full stack application with whatever language it is you could always jump into other things but what i always tell people is try to focus initially not on the thing that you really really want like let's say right now you might say oh i really want to become a merge stack developer okay but then you look around you start doing the research and you see man there's a lot of competition there's a lot of people that also want to become more stack developers right and what happens is because there's so much competition now when you go to apply to a job you're not getting a call back okay so if you're gonna go in and try to get into the industry the first thing that you want to care about is just getting that first stamp once you get that first stamp on your resume you know sky's the limit but till somebody trusts you and has you working on their applications your number one goal shouldn't be i want to be a comma a merge stack developer or i want to become a ruby on rails developer i want to become a larabee developer your goal is to get into the industry it doesn't matter what what it is okay because you could always switch you know this industry is all about experience who has experience who has done anything before nobody wants to take a risk on hiring the uh a guy who's never done it professionally doesn't know how to work in a team doesn't know how to um work on on projects on its own right now everybody is remote the does that guy have enough experience or uh is that guy even responsible enough to be able to do the work at home and be good you know what i mean and do his job responsibly set up deadlines right and meet the deadlines and etc like there's a lot of stuff that that makes companies not want to hire somebody okay so your goal should be to get into the industry and i think if you're focusing on on.net i think you're in the right path because there's a lot of jobs for donette php and net they have the most jobs you know that's something that people don't talk about but that's the reality right it's not the trendy thing it's not the most popular thing right but that's where the jobs are really at okay so same thing with java like if you go in and you start looking into those things there's so many jobs out there for java for a c sharp you know for a freaking php like it's crazy some people think that you know when i see online that oh top 10 programming languages to learn in in 2020 2021 everybody keeps putting the same things people don't understand the difference between something that's trending online and and something that uh people are interested in and something that actually has uh jobs and opportunities this a huge difference what you see online is what people want you to see okay what you see on youtube what you see on blogs or you see on twitter post guys you have to be smart you got to come in with a little skepticism like yo like why are they posting this okay why are they posting this why everybody talking about this why because there's an interest in it but there's an interest majority from new developers because if you are a junior developer and you've been learning html css javascript right now you're in the world of javascript you know i'm comfortable with javascript oh you could do it in the back end cool let me do in the back end so then now people start searching for that searching for that for searching for that so an instructor or a influencer or a blogger his job is not to give you the best results because he don't get paid off results right there's guys that right now have the best tutorials in the world and they only got 500 subscribers right there's guys like myself i come in here and talk about things that's really going to change lives and and it's really going to um get results i only got like 80 000 subscribers you know what i'm saying like i'm not one of the big guys right but at the same time it's like it is because people wanna get something and then the influence gotta serve them if you serve people it's like right now i'm talking about uh business right i'm talking about business setting up your business setting up your llc your s corp talking about how to launch your application setting up your your agency this doesn't get no views right but this is what's really happening this is what really gonna get you a bag this is what's really gonna get you paid i don't focus on on the views or any or any of that what i care about is results what i care about is that when i look at my bank account there's a bag right so i can only focus on things that's gonna get me a bag so if you're into that you're you're in the right place but most people you know they don't know how to distinguish the difference between what's trending online and what's actually real right so i give you guys like an example like for music there's this kit called rust nobody likes russ online right nobody likes russ online right he's a a white rapper nobody likes them right online but somehow this kid has millions and millions and millions of albums sold okay so that's the reality there's a big difference between what you see online and what's the reality okay so it's the same thing with here on programming like you might see something that's trending and everybody talking about it but the reality of things that's not where the jobs at it's the other thing that that has no views the other thing that nobody even talks about right because it's a cycle it's whatever is going to give people clicks people are gonna get paid right as you guys can see how do i get paid you could come here and have a little bit of skepticism too towards me and be like how does joe get paid right you might say cool so joe doesn't talk about any of the things that is trending joe doesn't really focus his on anything that that's gonna get him views how the joe get paid i get paid from success right i get paid from finding things that's going to be successful for my students and people that's watching me on youtube i don't get paid from the youtube views i get a thousand dollars from my youtube views with over 340 i got almost four years i've been in the game and i only make a thousand dollars from youtube right so that that doesn't that's not money that's that's money for me to throw in the air on a weekend when i hit the strip club or something like that when i touch miami that's a thousand dollars right there my whatever i made the whole month on on youtube we threw that away in one friday night okay so i don't make no money from that so you could come here with a skepticism and see how does joe get paid how is it how is it that joe's been doing this for the last three four years right and he seems to be doing okay right how is it that he gets paid from you know coming here on youtube and doing this is by finding success for people you know what i'm saying like not focusing on on the trending things right and and getting successful for the people by providing real value not the that's gonna get me views but give them real value that's gonna really change their lives that's really going to get them into a job and and that's it you know i'm saying like i'm not here for for getting the views or anything like that i'm here for like straight up get in a bag putting a bag in your pocket and when you get your bag in your pocket you know what happens most of the time when people come in and they find their first job they find their first success you know what they do in that first year they come back and they say you know what joe i really appreciate what you did for me right i signed up for your 20 uh monthly subscription i was there for three four months six months whatever it might be you know what i got a good job now you know what i want to support you how do people support me signing up for a yearly subscription come back sign up for a lifetime membership right you got guys like dj norris shout out to dj norris um and i always bring him up because he's like the perfect example of like uh the person who who comes to codingphase.com finds success duke came in was like hit me up from like vacation in like july said joe when i come back from vacation i'm gonna sit down and i'm gonna learn all of this excuse me i'm gonna learn all of this came in did the courses right two months later got a job right came in got a job as an angular developer right started working there then from there went in working for you know nasa and all of that right now fast forward right once he got into a a pretty nice comfortable job he came back and said yo i really appreciate what you did here came in got a lifetime subscription pretty much which is how we actually quote unquote could make some income from this okay comes back gets a lifetime subscription right that's the way he supports okay to be a lifetime member and be like hey man here's the the lifetime membership boom right initially he only spent like 20 30 dollars but because he got the results that he wanted and he saw what we was uh providing here came back got a lifetime membership right i think it was like a seven uh fifty percent off seven hundred dollars right so by me providing value and making sure that he succeeds he comes back and blesses me you know what i'm saying so at the end of the day right and then you come back and you look at even the other day i'm looking at his um his account he's he's back on the website learning about shopify theme development shopify app development he's jumping into that so at the same time not only did he get his job but now he also has that that that that platform that it can hold his hand and show him hey you know what it was cool getting a job it was cool getting you know opportunities now how can you make money on your own because i'm pretty sure right now he's like yo you know what i enjoy working for people but it'll be sweeter if i make my own bread and i could be at home and i could do my own thing so now he's still on the website learning and he don't have to come here he comes here because he gets results out of this you get what i'm saying he don't have to come here and most of the people that are still on codingface.com that come here every day they don't have to come here you got uh ian bayless ian bayless don't need to be here dude knows how to code he's nice right he's getting what he's getting he's getting results out of this he's learning the things that's going to get him to be successful right he knows how to code ian bailey's is nice if you guys go check out his instagram and check out his his work dude is nice he his the way how he calls is nice shane you know i mean i could put some pride so some respect on his name put some respect on ian bayless but what i'm saying with this is you know you got to come in with a little bit of skepticism when it comes to like technologies and things that you want to jump into and even who you're following who and who who are um you know who you working with or who are your mentors who whatever right because you got to come in with a little skepticism and be like yo how do they make money they make money by views and by freaking you know again views and being able to sell a lot of whatever is trending right i don't make no money from that i make money by getting people results right i make all of my courses all of my programming courses right super affordable 20 so that gets you into a job right now you got your job then you come back and like damn joe i enjoy this let me go and check out your premium courses check out your premium content that you might have you find success with that you still come back like damn this was hot i learned a lot now i'm able to to you know provide for my family and also have an exit plan from working at these companies right so how is it that we make money by finding success for people we know we don't create the content that is is going to be trending the content that's going to be popular we focus on the real world things that's happening okay in the real world results like in in that sense like right now we got what like 87 subscribers uh live with us here at what 10 o'clock in the morning right people are here for a reason right uh but if we was focusing on the trending things we probably have 500 600 subscribers live with us okay but you know what i'd rather come in and have a smaller audience and make make sure that those people find success than me just coming in and but oh i'm popular i'm big and this is like nah i don't care about that let's go in let's stack up let's make this bread let's make this money let's get these jobs let's get these opportunities right because that's what really matters you know i was talking to um uh who i was talking to last night justin uh from child cold i was telling him you know he having like some little issues with you know his first job which i went through he me and him have a very similar story like we both came from it work initially right um and doing that transition from like t work you know connecting printers and resetting passwords right like you know it's not as easy as everybody thinks you know i dropped a video or last night where i talked about is it's really like a youtube shorts it's for promotion right and somebody was saying it's like hey don't say you don't have a degree and this this and that like yo i don't have a computer science degree right when uh people look at my quote-unquote degree and associates from uh laguardia community college one of the worst freaking community colleges in new york city right in queens new york you go in there and you look at the whole curriculum there is no programming there is nothing in there about programming they called it programming systems i got bamboozled when i went to school i was like yo you know um i took computer science 101 and i was like oh this is boring this is whack right and i went and looked on on the other curriculums that they had and said oh programming is systems right so i signed up to that i go in and when i go into to this course i'm like oh cool i did all my english class all my math class or all my uh electives all of this all the and at the end of like the last semester i'm like yo when we doing programming and they're like well we call it programming and system but it's really more about systems and i'm like yo bro y'all bamboozled me right then people think people really think like yo it's like it says programming systems like that degree helped you out i was like nah bro at all it's useless like if i would have you know if i could go back into time i would just would have taken computer science and just finished it right um but yeah people think like yo man you got a degree it's like no i don't i don't have a degree in computer science bro like i didn't learn no programming i didn't learn nothing everything that i learned was like literally checking stuff online blogs uh touch plus uh freakingcodeschool.com you know freaking the original team treehouse um you know pluralsight freaking udemy like i learned all this the same way how a lot of people learn it on their own but back then there wasn't even no resources there wasn't nothing good that was like really legit back then i mean except coldschool.com that website was the best and and you know i i try to model everything that i do here on codingface.com with what i learned from codeschool.com which was dating they didn't teach you like the things that were trending they focus on the things that will get you into a job like and that was something that i learned a lot from from that company that now i implement to here to coding phase but yeah man like like i was saying so i was talking just in chat i was talking back and forth for him and you know the kids super talented super nice right uh but you know some people might think just because you're in it you it's a easy transition to becoming a developer it has nothing to do with programming the only thing that you could say that you could take from it to to like programming and becoming a developer it's the fact that you know how to turn on the computer and the fact that you know how to use the browsers and you know how to move things around you know how to move files that's it you're not coming in with no knowledge you're not coming in with anything new you're going to say so yeah bro let me see let me see joe please consider including a section for people who are in a different field not developers but may know enough development and want to jump directly into becoming developer entrepreneurs yeah i mean that's what the course is is really about you know um you could be at a beginner level you could be at a senior level you could be a guy 10 years 15 years and you could take this course and and learn how to build your business and set everything up um let me see kyle torres do you do 101 coaching this is what i'm doing basically right so all of my courses i teach it as if i was there with you right i think it would be selfish to just be like hey i'm only gonna choose or i don't even know if it's selfish to work but it'll be messed up to just choose one person to do like a one-on-one session and everybody else is can't get this information or this knowledge so what i do here is i create the course and then put it out there for everybody you know what i'm saying um but no i don't do like one-on-one sessions i used to do that back in 2017 but it's just number one it's not worth it because like how how much do you charge for your time like how can i put a a price on my time that's the way how i look at it and then at the same time if we was to be realistic what my time is worth then most people wouldn't be able to to to pay it you know like you know an hour two hours three hours out of my day i could make a lot of money in the long term by building projects and building things that i got to do so what i try to do is i create a course or create a um you know some type of information that everybody could go in and learn it and it's the same thing the same thing that i'm going to tell you is the same thing that i'm going to tell the next guy you know so my my message never changes you know what i mean shout out to bayless code you know um yeah dude right here he's nice like like if you guys go check him out check out his work what he's working on the things that he's done like he's nice he's not he's not like a uh a dude that don't know what he's doing right and if he still comes here to to coding phases because he's getting something out of this that is helping him become more successful and learning new skills and new things that is is helping him grow you know saying same thing as uh dj norris and a whole bunch of other guys that you know they've been here since 2017. you know if this is like the same thing i saw justin chow last night i was like bro if coding face was it would have been a long time somebody would have been call it out and be like yo this is you know what i'm saying we have a different style than everybody else we teach a different way but it's getting to the people it might not get to the person who is like uh you know the guy who's worried about what's faster a for loop or a while loop but it will get to the average you know average human being the the average dude the dude that's just like you know what i would love to become a developer switch up careers but you know what i don't relate to none of these other guys these guys you know they don't explain it in a way where it makes sense to me right because you know they maybe they might you know they might have been taught programming through computer science and when you learn in in computer science programming like bro that's just boring that i'll tell you guys ahead of time that is boring everybody that has taken computer science they know the way how to teach is boring it's bad right you're only learning theories and they're not teaching you the proper way right or maybe they are teaching you some proper ways and and things like that but then it's like you lose interest so the way how i teach it it gets to the people people enjoy the courses people enjoy the projects that we're building it's like real practical uh projects that that you're learning it's it's literally me when i create a coding phase i in my head is like how can we simulate um working at a company by giving real projects and real things that people's gonna uh be able to create or being able to take a real design and then convert that to html css and then take that html css and and convert that into building it to to a restaurant application right and then go in and using php larabel connected into my sequel then from there going in deploying it on heroku and using uh third-party mysql uh databases and servers et cetera like you're gonna say like it's like real world experience so people enjoy what we do here you know uh let me see shout out to jacob solano need more latinos and intact keep pushing yeah thank you jacob yeah bro that's what we're trying to do man i'm trying to push this thing to to its limit so you know show what a dominican can do you know saying like with the right resources and the right motivation i just try to show people that if you want this you could do it like there's nothing special about me at all like i wasn't even the guy that's like man he's the the smartest guy in the class is like i was i'll be honest i'm not gonna lie to you i was i was pretty smart when i was like a little kid like i was that kid that knew how to read when he was like four years old three years old like i was one of those kids but at the same time i wasn't like i took school seriously i mean i was in a bad school maybe if i would have had you know went to a private school maybe you know i would have went to a really good school maybe my my potential would have been you know opened up and would have been able to go into even higher places but with the little that i had you know coming from dominican republic being an immigrant coming to this country freaking i slept on a couch my whole life like like straight up like there's people there's people the type of lifestyle that i had bro there's people the people that i know from back in richwood that have my lifestyle they're not nowhere near where i'm at right now bro right now they they still at some place you know probably smoking weed going to the job on fedex you know i was like man i gotta i gotta quit smoking weed for this week because i gotta get piss tested next week like that's that world you know i mean oh you know grandma passed away in the projects now i could take that apartment like that's the world that most of my peers the people i grew up with that's the world that they're in and there's nothing wrong with that right you know sometimes circumstances put you in that world but i fought through all of that right i fought through all that i came in and and did this independently and said you know what it's either i'm gonna be another loser here and i still think like this it's either gonna be another regular dude here right and there's nothing wrong with with hondas but in my head it's like i don't want to be the same dude with the 1994 honda civics and he's like yo bro i just put some rims on that hey hey bro i just put some music on that listen to that bass right i don't want to be that dude you know what i'm saying i want to get to higher places i want to see what it feels like to sit down and roast roy's and be like yo this is mine right i want to sit down and come outside and be like you know what we're right next to the beach right we live in siesta key right we're right next to the governor's son i want to know how that feels like right i want my kids to be able to go to private schools i want my kids to be able to have what i didn't have right if you look around everything that's in my house you if you come to my house everything that is on my house is exactly what i wanted to to have when i was a little kid so now i provide that to my my own kids you know what i'm saying so if i would have just stopped and just said man you know life's too hard or or man i can't do this then i wouldn't be where i'm at you know and and that's something that i try to push here on youtube and show it to the people and and even like right now bro like i could have easily stayed being a developer like right now i would have been a senior developer what i call a super senior developer right where you bring up the company for like five six years and you just stay there and every year your your money continues to grow until the day they decide to fire you right and you just stay there right that's it i could just stay there but i'm every freaking three to five years i reinvent myself bro i reinvent myself i challenge myself to go to a higher level and continue moving on up in this world no matter what so you know i'm just happy to be here and show it to the people i wish i wish i would have had the the balls back in 2011 like i look at like i said earlier i look at justin chow or even um chris shawn and i'm like yo these guys they have balls right like no homo but i like this guy is like to go on on youtube share as much as they share like hey man i'm like chris shawn came in barely knowing how to do jquery and he was on youtube right and sharing how he's getting better and sharing how he was learning uh view js and react and learning all these things and continue to grow then now we have people like uh justin who's in here like yo i'm still ha i haven't even worked at it at a company yet but look how much work i'm putting in look at all my live streams how i'm able to to go in and and you know share like how i'm studying and practicing for for interviews and doing all this stuff like that takes balls to do bro you know when i came in in 2011 i was like bro i'm not going on the internet because i'm you know believe it or not like i go in and i read everybody's comments right yeah i go in i read everybody's coming i'm that dude right so i'm the type of person that i could have a hundred comments and one comment will up my day and i'm like yo the this guy's talking about because he wouldn't say that to me in the real world so i know from the beginning i can't be on the internet i'm not the type of dude to be on the internet right i shouldn't be on the inside i shouldn't be on youtube i shouldn't be on this thing because i take everything personal so right so i was like yo i'm not ready to go on the internet without really having experience and without really knowing what i'm talking about so look at that i started 2011 i didn't build my my channel to like 2017 the first video i dropped was in november 26 or something like that uh i know it was a few days after thanksgiving or something like that um but i dropped my first video like we're talking about what like five years later five six years later after being in the industry i didn't want to go on youtube and and and just be like yo i don't know anything or hey i'm still learning guys like you know it takes balls to be doing that so back then i i didn't have that i was like bro i can't i can't be on the internet cause somebody's gonna pull my car and be like yo that's not how you do a for loop you know what i mean so i was like i can't take it i don't like taking uh criticism because in in programming there's a lot of people who think they're elitist but the thing is that now they can't tell me right like somebody could come in well you should do it this way it's like you can't tell me like i already work out all these companies and if i'm getting all these companies nobody from the internet can tell me like like that's that's what you're gonna say like that's the type of mentality i have so for me i'm like yo now i'm like yo i got five six years i'm good you know what i mean uh of like development and working at companies for real for real like you can't come in here and pull my car you can't all the guys that bring in the game they know what i'm talking about they're like yeah we agree with joe you know so it's like you can't fake this so um so yeah so it's like i wish i would have just had that whole you know documentation of like yo my whole journey from the beginning you know but you know i didn't want to be on youtube while i'm still learning i think that you know and even like i told you guys like even from four rooms and because i knew it already like from the type of people that you bump here on the internet like this is a whole bunch of losers like there's people that will go in and tell you how to do something and they don't even have a job like you don't even have a job you don't get paid for this you do with a hobby shut up right like [Laughter] like straight up it's like this dudes they'd be like yo they've never done this professionally but you would think that they work at harvard like you know i mean like they're teaching to code or they're they're doing all this stuff all this stuff and i'm like yo back then i was like yo i can't take that i don't want to hear nobody telling me what to do if you never prove anything you know what i mean so my whole thing i was like yo i'm gonna create a youtube channel uh if i ever do create one years later you know what i mean but yeah i'm that type of individual i'll take everything personal bro you know i mean like you could go in and tell me something but it's just like that line from um from mano mano say you know he said you know i mean um you can't tell me everything you can't tell me anything like you you can't come to me and give me your opinion like i don't want to hear it because it's like who the is you like straight up like what the is you like if if bill gates come in and tells me hey this is how you should do something joe i'll be like damn that's bill gates but if you a random dude on the internet like you don't even work for this like you've never done this you never done anything to even have to even get to the point to even talk to me about anything or give me an opinion or give me an advice like nah don't give me nothing so um that's that was my whole motto back then i mean i'm still like that too right now because i'm like yo you you have like random people leave you a comment on youtube and be like well uh you should do this like this or or hey you should this this and that and it's like bro shut up you do with a hobby you've never done this professionally and the dudes have done it professionally they're not in here bro like shut up like straight up that's just the truth man if you ain't got no money more money than me you've never accomplished nothing in your life you can't give me an advice right that's like a dude that's homeless living under a bridge i'm telling you this is how you could become a millionaire joe you're homeless shut up like you know what i mean i'm sorry guys i get i get amped up right like just because it brings me back to like those days when i was like learning how to code and i was like thinking about i'm like yo all these people that yo there was a point bro that i was like applying to jobs and i remember um i was flying to jobs and i was part of some some forum out there um on the internet it's not even there no more the whole forum got deleted but it was legit because it was like nothing but developers and people that learning how to code you know before discord right before discord before all of that and i was in there i was like man you know i i just got to offer at an agency a php and doing php and guys in there like php you're doing php you should be doing a ruby on rails and this doesn't that and i felt the pressure i took the pressure right i caved in i didn't take that job for from that agency right and then uh later on i learned ruby on rails and learned all this all the that was like trending at the moment and everybody wanted wanted to talk about same thing that happens to you guys you guys go in and be like well i'm learning php or i'm learning this this and that and somebody comes like php you should be learning the merge stack right like this is the same that was happening back then when i uh i was starting right and i would have like all these clowns right telling me oh you should learn like this or you should do this and then at the end i was like yo how many of you guys work the whole thread the whole thread of like the of the forum right so the threads on forums used to be like how on you have on twitter like a little thread of like all the comments below it bro that went quiet silent i was like yo how many of you guys work here professionally silent nobody that was there telling me what to do telling me what the to do what type of jobs i should take i'm getting offers and dudes that don't even have a job that's doing this as a hobby it's telling me what to do and i'm stupid enough to be listening to them this is why i tell you guys don't listen to nobody bro worry about your back and you know be good success comes with money i don't want to hear about you know when somebody comes in and tells me hey man don't worry about i don't worry about money don't you shut up you broke you ain't going nowhere you're gonna stay in the same spot that you're gonna stay at okay you ain't going nowhere right that's how you measure through life that's your your levels believe it or not this is how the world works okay you you show up with fifty dollars in your pocket your level is at 50. you show up with a million your levels are level million that's in you know what i mean [Laughter] but yeah guys listen man it's time to go man i don't know if you guys want me to come back or not but time to go time time to get out of here okay they're on the meme [Laughter] yeah bro camera camera gone you already know the camera said that's it joe you did an hour kiddo right so whenever whenever we see the the the black screen of death this is when we it's time to go somebody was like yo you better not leave joe you better not leave but yeah guys like i said man i'ma stop right here shout out to keisha man i don't know i i like seeing keisha in here man i don't know why she get me hype he should give me head because that picture is like yo we that's the we in here what uh it's chilling you know the vibes that's the that's the picture you go like keisha's like yo you know the vibes you know how i'm feeling like right now yo the art style sefuela word [Laughter] let me see now we just around the last last few minutes of the live stream uh php guess who paid living witness got my first job with it and was getting bred for real exactly bro i came in and i was stupid enough to be following people on the internet and that's why i tell people like bro don't listen to nobody on this freaking internet like all you're gonna find is dudes with hobbies that don't got to do like i'll be honest with you guys i've never i don't have the time to go into a comment section of somebody else's video and go in there and and leave some negative i don't have the time for that but you'll see people that go in and they'll take their time to go talk mashing on somebody's comment section and and it's like yeah you know what i mean like you have time because you ain't got to do you know i mean when you have things to do you don't have time to be going into comment sections and talk or or to tell people hey you shouldn't do this because this is not trending or whatever it might be like nah the guys that that have jobs are working from nine to five right the guys that are business owners are worried about how they're gonna grow their business okay so who the is you or on a comment section telling somebody else you shouldn't learn php or you should have learned this this and that's like bro that's one of my biggest regrets bro like straight up like i should have learned php earlier because you know even though i learned ruby on rails and ruby on rails was great but ruby on rails had us a lot of magic how can i say like there's a lot of magic a lot of code in there that allows you to create things fast but if you're still learning if you're still learning right um it's not that great because you're not building it yourself it's like a framework that has already been built you know what i'm saying so if it was up to me i would have just continued with php but i felt trapped to to try to impress a couple of dweebs on the internet bro and that's why i tell you guys don't do that like worry about your money worry about you know how your family is gonna be good because like none of these people matter like that's the truth man you know i mean like none of this people matter none of these people is gonna go in and and give you any solid advice it's like you're most of the time bumping into people that don't have to do you know what i mean like they don't have nothing to do they don't have uh no success in their lives they're they're bored as hell right and they find uh entertainment by bringing other people down and talking to other people that's actually doing something you know it's like a lot of people that that's in here you know what i mean like it's just crazy what up allen allen is that joe's discord blowing up uh i keep checking my nah nah nah it's it's discord but it's a another discord that i'm part of some shopify uh development discord and people freaking be doing notifications all the time man it's just crazy um but yeah bro that's really motivating i was feeling down thank you for that yeah man for sure joseph around says y'all grew up in the hood too bro let me see uh this is about becoming highly scalable getting away from trading hour per dollar yup nine to five matrix web apps phone apps are highly scalable equals freedom yeah definitely man shout out to start a quarter man it's not a quote oh flexing over here like yo man by the way i know how to code by the way i'm i'm ripped up like he's like yo what you doing with your life [Laughter] yo man i'm about to get started quota as my personal freaking trainer like yo what up bro uh let me see currently working on uh the team three has a degree at 199 maybe i'm trying to decide maybe uh do the switch hey kyle my advice is you you should try it out right you can go to codingface.com and try it out like for all the things that they're providing you for 200 on on team treehouse you could get that for 20 bucks at codingface.com like literally all the things that they provide in there like you get it for 20 bucks a month now if you want to learn how to make money online and use the skills that you you have then you could go ahead and jump into you know jump into um you know the uni uh yearly courses or the yearly uh subscription and then from there you're gonna get a whole bunch of extra things in there they're amazon damn joe got the gamer glasses on now tyler i need i need my glasses bro especially when when um i haven't slept like my eyes get really really dry and like it's starting to hurt me you know i i think i've been abusing it i've been abusing the you know my eyesight but it is what it is we'll worry about that 60. you know right now we're trying to get to the back you know let me see somebody said kevin admin nope i'm a system administrator and the transition has been difficult i.t work can be mentally taxing depending on where you work yep bro being an i.t worker i come connected to being uh a janitor number one a janitor and also two being being uh a fireman there's never a good day right every freaking day is super stressful there's always something broke like you know something's broken something that you have to do like it's not good man i hated it and you can't be creative that was the the biggest thing that i could say it's like you're not creative you're doing the same that everybody else does um let me see grind hard stay focused nothing good comes easy yup keisha like yo you know the vibes like every time i look at keychain like yo keisha's about to be like yo like yo trade way you know the vibes shout out to keisha man oh let me see my boy man where is that that majority of companies don't even use yeah man straight up let me see winning um i'm just going down yo i'm excited for the boss bundle yeah man it's gonna be pretty fun man it's gonna be a a pretty interesting uh of course you know i mean uh let me see let me see what's in here sorry joe check your email i'ma check it out do you like go to girls i don't discriminate man i don't i don't discriminate bro you know what i mean but you know they took me out the game early all i can do is really just look now you know i mean we can appreciate you know i mean we can appreciate from afar all we can do is look you know what i mean um [Laughter] where you know i mean like when we was in miami right um i'm there with my my two little brothers and you know it's a lot of bad beaties in there bro and i'm thinking in my head i'm like yo they took me out the game early man cause this [Laughter] this is when i could have been doing it dirty you know what i mean like i had my fun though i can't even complain i had my fun i did what i had to do you know from the age of 14 you know we could say it's countless like you know after i hit like 24 when i met my wife i slowed down like my wife is the only person i never cheated on like straight up like you know like i'm uh i'm dominican you know it's like like that's in the nature like we we supposed to have three or four girls uh you know on the side and the main chick you know but when i got my wifey i'm like you know what uh i you know i hated that feeling of like like i hate when you know like you you ever cheat before like the whole trust gets lost right uh nobody trusts you no more um people the girls start changing they jealous with everything like you go outside like oh that's why you wanted to go outside there's a girl outside right and like you know i just wanted to go outside like you can't say like so it's like once you lose that then you know relationship sucks right so i learned that early on and stuff like that that's why i don't even do anything but man i had my i had my opportunities i just don't take it you know what i mean uh i'll be doing a lot of crazy out here and people see what i do um but now man i will never do anything out here bro uh but again ain't nothing wrong with with feeding the eyes you know what i mean it's like uh it's food for your eyes you know what i mean it's like you gotta feed it [Laughter] you know but yeah uh keisha keisha that's my homegirl man she she good you know what i mean nah ram is like yo what ramsay ram is like yo josh listen man i like everybody man i like you ryan bro now it's just i like keisha comes in she supports and and that's what i really uh appreciate about her and at the same time like i feel like she kind of gets like what i do out here so that's that's why i always give her a shout out i give a shout out to everybody that always come in here like bro tripping gets a shout out all the time bro like you know what i mean everybody if we go by that that who i give a shout out or who i i give some attention to and like now joe likes everybody you know uh robert scritch says get a degree yeah get a degree if you can if you're young you got no kids no responsibilities right and you have some savings or whatever it might be your situation and you're comfortable go for a degree but if you're a grown ass man you're living at your mom's house and everybody looking at you crazy bro you don't need a degree and go get yourself a job stop being lazy um let me see yeah because sometimes you know when it comes to degrees i feel like a lot of times people go and get degrees how can i say that like they'll go and um and like they'll get a they'll start be like oh i'm 30 years old right but this 30 year old lives at home with his mom's right lives at home with his mom's and and instead of like trying to get a job do it is like uh you know i i'm just gonna go and get a degree like they have like two or three degrees already you know that happens all the time too you know what i mean so that's one thing that i'm like you know what if you you you want to do that go ahead go for it but if you're in a position where if you're in a position where you know you you could do something else you know do something else man okay and that that's all i could say you know do definitely do something else man let me see give me a second yeah yeah i don't know can you guys hear me i'm about to head out of here man i don't want you around man and joe's just coaching now yeah man i say they took me out the game you know i mean i'm a coach now uh but anyways man guys thank you for coming through man i'ma see you guys later you already know it's your boy joe back at it again codingphase.com go check out the description guys all right take care man
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 2,962
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
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Length: 91min 12sec (5472 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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