Wearing Historic Costumes at the Chateau!

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morning from La Land where I'm out on the morning walk with Lord lelot and where it is really nice to see all of the hornbeam hedges coming back into Leaf it's not just a hedge of Twigs anymore I feel as though I'm in a little room in the garden though on this side the Hedge definitely still needs to thicken up we'll be cutting it down from the top so that it starts to shoot out at the sides the viburnum is gorgeous can you believe the size of this it was barely visible to the naked eye when we planted it a couple of years ago and it's taller than me now lot and I are heading down into the woods for our meditative start to the day it may not be the most beautiful of days but as the Japanese say forest bathing in the green of these Lush trees seems to be having the same effect on my soul as a beautiful sunny day the tricking future is to remember to come down here on a gray day rather than just staying in the house grumpy I forget how uplifting it is I know I'm coming darling we have one Iris Out In The Cut Flower gun just one but what a beauty and on my way back I can see we have our second clus flower of the season this makes me really happy when they're all out along here oh it's magnificent oh my I had no idea that we had a Claus against the back wall I don't know how that got planted there honestly that is a complete mystery and a very welcome one and on our way back in a very laan site a cement mixer and a peacock Thor yes once again you are magnificent this year when he's letting us look at his front side for quite a long time we usually just get a bottom shot honestly cement mixer pile of sand peacock Thor shows The Elegant Beauty of the Shadow and the rest shows the Miracle of being able to renovate it Ruby and Lance Lot are hanging out oh there's Ruby's little mouse no not in the mood for Mouse today so what did you get lelot so happy to be reunited with you is this new yes crucial for Marie's flowers if there's any like water it doesn't damage the table okay breaking the bang Earth I got more of the um breakfast uh flutes oh good I love the fact you find some of those almost every time you go out we're completing the set how many did you find five excellent I got this one this is a very nice 19 I like it also for the breakfast and that will work for water definitely I like that one for like or something else and that was €1 this one I bought for Andy I think she'll love it oh I love this little insect yeah and it's hand painted and then I got two table glasss oh it's quite fun it's a lot of embroidery yeah it's 2 m 80 so not quite big enough for a table but yeah close might be quite good for Thanksgiving with those colors oo I love it when they come with their napkins okay that's really nice oh is that a round one oval oval so I was thinking maybe for the table outside I like this one very much I think this is my favorite of the two it's lovely absolutely beautiful yeah really like this one not so sure about the other one love this one though okay I the tooth is my favorite tooth but this one doesn't work for the table inside no I know so it's it's going to be our garden tablecloth you might be wondering why I'm in my dressing gown in the middle of the day but that's because something very exciting is happening because Nikki who's been staying here the last few days you'll have been seeing her she's a really talented seamstress of historical costumes she's on her way to bath for a beautiful 1860s ball and she's asked me if I'd like to try any of the clothes on so yes yes I very much would I can't believe it it's like dress up day you I have two dresses I have an evening dress and a day dress plus all the on pinic so corset on the skirt oh my goodness yeah I saw it as soon as I walked in and this takes me back to my childhood because I had a dress with a krlin I was uh bridesmaid at the age of six with a beautiful krlin dress and I think I continued to wear that krlin for the next five six seven years of my life I loved it so much did you make this one yes it's impressive really impressive and are you trying things on as well yes you so wish that you had all of Mia's wardrobe I think I know in love with his trousers I know it's really great so cool yeah they are they look really fabulous all right let's get trying things on so we're doing this exactly as it would have been in the past starting with actually really really pretty simple shift and the course it's going to go over that It Feels So Glamorous I love it I feel as I have a waist I need to wear one of these every day it supports you so much it's incredibly comfortable I love it and then this one's not even made to your size this one's made to my size so it's beautiful it's a little bit too long for uh for you and did you make it yeah it's so beautiful thank you and I love the color I'm glad you brought these I was worried that I wouldn't have uh the necessary under that's the back okay well especially with wearing arrine you know you so I feel quite bad that I've got the types on under now that's actually well usually you were starting okay no one's going to check that high no we think we can get away with it it goes over you over yeah you you tuck that in yes because that's I've never known that that's what happens because that acts as a that's your nickers yeah that's sort of what covers your body yeah which is the front that's the front right here we go they've got all the give that I need drawers excellent it's it's pretty sexy isn't it because you know all about that b oh that's perfect no that's the perfect size it's great we are the same then next I'm so happy right now are you going to look like the lady on the wall uh that was a little bit later yeah that's a little bit flatter at the front it's more like that isn't it then that's a more that it's a bit later have you looked in the go I love it I love it so much I do like this one when I had aalin my aunt had made it for me and it was hula hoops of graduating sizes so it didn't have the right shape going back like that it was just round around this is wonderful thank you I didn't know there was all of this extra fabric in it too what is that for there are two layers of skirts yes and it they're sewn onto a um waistband yes a stiff waistband it just gives it added volume doesn't it because it adds volume it is very clever someone like me as well I'm quite straight up and down actually I don't have much of a a hip and then waist ratio and this fakes it basically just it's all trickery yeah trickery fash of the day do you want to wear evening dress or day dress first uh let's start with day cuz I feel I'm more evening so I want to leave that till last I feel like scarlet and Gone with the Wind and it's a very good feeling then there's an extra layer next is the corset cover apparently and is that just to protect the corset or it's also an extra protection layer between your layers and the because the clothes couldn't be washed could they so as many layers as possible between you and them yes because this this is washable they could just wash this at a high very elegant I mean iank as I'm already ready to this I I feel like we've reached perfection is that going to be your wedding dress something like that sneak peek so you're actually the first one to wear this cuz I haven't worn this yet no it feels wrong no it is all right are you sure yeah well The Mannequin has worn it yeah can't believe you made this it's beautiful it's just wonderful and just for fun you have pockets CU a girl got that pocket I feel that and chilling on the apron oh I didn't know that was an apron I was missing a ruffle there I must say that's that's better now yes rff oh how beautifully you've made the sleeves I don't know how you do that I cannot ever make sleeves it's just a nightmare you can tell it's a little bit big on you and I have a little bit more CLE it up no need to tell the world about my La of CLE so the waist is is supposed to be lower so it doesn't fit you quite as it basically if my shoulders were up here this would be perfect oh it's beautifuler be can tell you yeah it is exquisite I cannot believe you made it I love the color and the S of leaf design so cool it's autumnal fill oh yes that's a missing piece a do I look very dimor mhm I feel as though I need a little um traveling bag you know that I'm ready to go to Bath actually there thank you it's it's weird to think that people would have been in these rooms in these clothes well not specifically these but this style yes I love it thank you so much for letting me try it on you're welome it's wonderful you know you're making me want to make a dress and definitely one with a krlin it's time for the ball now I've arrived where I'm going I'm changing for the ball I love the rustling as well oh wow so you're going to be wearing this at the ball in bar yes you haven't got cleavage there to hold it in usually be b l there and then you you tuck your straps off yes so they I also a little bit more shoulder width thing oh my goodness the back looks really good this is a dream this is absolutely a dream I feel like Belle yes it looks really beautiful love it oh yes what do you think like a picture I absolutely love it why don't we dress like this anymore but some people do this is such a beautiful neckline and you've made it so perfectly if it were made for your body it would be even yes thank you so much for letting me try this on honestly this is just the best fun it pains me to remove it oh that looks incredible it's so much nicer when it's hair yes it is yeah CU yeah you can see I'm I'm taller a lot taller I would definitely go to the ball with you I'm trying not to move too much cuz they wouldn't recogize so exciting look at this with the stud holding it in place like there on this one I don't need need to attach the extra buttons cuz this okay this you can close I'm trying not to look down but do it there and I'm also loving your jewelry box can't believe you travel with all of this and it all looks so perfect and this box too with all of the colors you have all the right things yet your luggage just fits in so perfectly what's this okay so these are the buttons for the shirt yes that she can oh cuz now you can like push them through you you stick them through I should have done this before the color but then and it just stays in place like that that's really flever so cool that's really cool next come the cufflinks cufflinks oh very nice ones beautiful very elegant those shoes if you want to get them new mhm three four 100 yeah these are fin one but if you have one new ones are pro that's they are very expensive I don't know why oh Phillip this one is a bit long for him cuz normally speaking you want to like have a Peeping out just a bit just a touch like that yeah more yeah it's very very elegant so nice back is beautiful perfect yeah Jack jacket is perfect um what exactly happened here no l no I'm so sorry come here I'm so so sorry did you just start climbing up onto your back he just went further I just could wait there's one Finishing Touch oh oh that's more than a touch yeah I didn't bring my top hat because otherwise we could have also put that on oh my goodness that's it I would Dr like this every day too yep imagine getting in and out of a Carriage thank goodness John's carriages are going to come in useful now sck what do you think of it l slot yeah we do we like him in that one and now it's my favorite time of the week it's time for my massage with Remy and Nikki's actually just had a massage with him now as well and today because it's a bit chilly in the house we're having them in shamb L because it's a smaller room so it's quite easy to heat up mer well I usually end the day with a huge meal with everyone but we're all completely exhausted especially after my massage I'm just floating so we're going to have one of those quiet nights at leand where everyone just does their own thing some people go out for dinner others are in their rooms watching TV philli and I are just going to hang out with lanot and watch a little bit of Netflix having a snack in bed so good night to all of you and adma [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 107,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, escape to rural france
Id: SI_tFX8e_yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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