HOUSE TOUR | A Beautifully Renovated London Townhouse Filled with Vintage Finds and Charm

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today on homeworthy we're visiting interior designer Leanne Kilroy's London Terrace house after an extensive renovation she transformed her family home into a bright and Serene Haven each room reflects her long-standing love of unique Furnishings a trait inherited from her father who owned an antique furniture store her whole life enjoy you're watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story before today's episode click the join button below to support all of the storytelling we do on this channel our growing community of members help to directly fund more videos so we can capture these extraordinary homes from around the world so join today to receive early and exclusive access to new homeworthy videos hey homeworthy I'm lean killroy come on into my house in London [Music] so this is the entryway to the house and as with most Victorian Terrace houses it's very narrow and quite dark so actually one original feature in the house that we absolutely loved was this Archway all of the houses in the Terrace have it and we were very lucky the previous owners had installed this mirror and so what it does is it makes makes it feel like we might actually have a room on that side it just makes the hallway feel really really big and bright our kids love to dance in front of it everyone loves take a selfie in front of it it's just a feature that I absolutely adore and we um kind of made it a little bit nicer by putting a piece of marble on the low original radiator not original but probably 1980s radiator and it just makes the feel of the space a bit elegant and and impressive right when you walk in um another thing we loved about this house with the original details in the ceiling and the hallway was no exception so we've got amazing kind of cornicing and corales um on the ceiling and this carries through the ground floor and up into the first floor as well um another thing I love about this hallway is this sign the neon sign that my husband gave me when year FR an anniversary um it's a poem it's a line of a poem that I absolutely adore and I just think that he got pink was kind of perfect and I I just I really love it there it just brings me joy every time I see it um what else I love this pendant light it's a Moravian star uh it doesn't really cast that much light unfortunately but I just I love the way it sparkles in the hallway and just adds a little bit more light into what otherwise would be quite a dark space um one other little thing I love is just behind us here it's this beautiful little plaster shelf that I got at a shop in Paris and I didn't know what I was going to do with it I just fell in love with it completely fell in love with it um the shop is called Alik um and it's in San duple and I I I just adore it so every time I come in I think about how much I love this silly little plaster shelf we put a candle with our house number on the shelf and actually it when we light it it makes the smell go all the way up through the house through the stairwell so yeah these are just little things in the space that bring me a lot of Joy one other thing that I love is this little guy down here um he's a boot boot taker offer um and I found him in Denmark in a flea market and just another little quirky thing that I love about this hallway we bought the house about three and a bit years ago and when we did it was a loved family home but also a boarding house so it had seven bedrooms at the time kind of the rooms were chopped up uh the downstairs rooms were also being used as bedrooms and it wasn't in the greatest shape this floor in particular had carpet everywhere and and it was just a bit shabby so when we moved in the very first thing we did like day one is we ripped up all the carpets and we discovered that there were beautiful beautiful original floorboards underneath in some spots they needed a little bit of help a little replacing but in general they're wonderful so the way that we kind of made the original floors come back to life is we sanded them down so that they were raw and then in most rooms in the house we used a Danish lie to B bleach them essentially and then we used a lacquer a hardwearing lacquer on top so they have this Scandinavian clean feel to them and I just adore them we've also done the same to the stairs and we tried in the extension which you'll see later we tried to match the new flooring to the old um without pretending that it was old flooring because there's no point in pretending um yeah and the floors are some of my favorite bit in the house they're a bit drafty they're original but you get what you get with an old house let's go into the living room [Music] now we're in the living room this is a really traditional front room of a London terorist house we're in the middle of a Terrace so all of the houses next to us are we're all kind of joined together as town houses and we're all exactly the same house um we were lucky enough to have an original fire surround um in this house when we moved in but we didn't even know it was there because this room was just so covered in stuff and T visions and everything we weren't even sure if that was going to be in the room and we were very lucky that it was uh we haven't really done anything to it actually so it's the original everything um it could use a little bit of restoration but we just haven't gotten there yet um we completely fell in love with the ceiling in this room so we did replaster it but when we were doing that I made sure that the builders secured the original coring and rows so that it they wouldn't fall down I just I was just completely in love with the coring which is just as beautiful in the adjacent room um when we bought the house this room was completely closed off from that room because they were being used as bedrooms so I found these doors on eBay actually and we built this opening to fit them um and it's a little bit off center actually because we had to make sure that this could swing open and still allow for a piece of furniture in the corner um so that's why there's it's a little bit quirky but it works for us and we can always close them off if the kids want to have their kind of private space in the middle we can close the doors and then we have kind of two separate spaces if we need to um so something to know about me is that my dad had a antique furniture store for my whole life um in Boston and it closed during the pandemic and so my whole kind of childhood upbringing was always quite full of really lovely furniture and so Furniture has a really special place in my heart and a lot of it comes from him so this beautiful mid-century desk I got that on a trip with my dad in Denmark um we just fill it with kind of momentos and family photos and this sofa as well this amazing mid-century sofa which has been upholstered in LMS wall um it's also from a trip to Denmark with my dad um he gave me this beautiful post office which I use as like a little children's bookcase uh when I went off to University many many moons ago um and I've always taken it around the world with me and this is also another piece from him um it's a bar cart it's a little bit tricky to open but it's full of all the booze in the house and I just think it's it's just such a special spot special little piece and just a really nice thing to have in a terrorist house especially with these alcoves that you kind of have to fill I just I really adore this bar cart um other bits and Bobs that I love are the house plants I have a lot of them as you will see and I just tend to grow them from cuting and they bring me a lot of Joy especially in the depth of a British winter which can be very very dark um another little bit that I love is this lampshade from Matilda go um and it's on a separate base another special bit in this room is this ottoman from my friend jod at the house upstairs she's so brilliant for kind of bespoke pieces I just adore her and the fabric is from Buchanon Studio I am not the kind of person who upholsters things for myself usually just for clients but I just I just love the house upstairs and buan in St so so much much so that's something that I love and try to keep the cat from scratching every single day um another bit I love in the whole house I have them everywhere are jute rugs um I just cannot recommend them enough I use them everywhere they're inexpensive they're very hardwearing and I love the texture and feel they add to a room so J rugs you you will see them everywhere in this house they're just my favorite way to um cover a floor so with these big Victorian bay windows which are amazing and let in so much light they're comes the issue of privacy so what I did kind of at the tail end of a long Renault with no money left I bought some really inexpensive fabric um from they're actually curtains and I cut them and just hemmed the bottom with Heming tape it was the easiest DIY and I love it so much I use them all throughout the house this is from habitat and I think it costs £12 so in terms of getting kind of made to measure Cafe curtains for a big bay window I think we did pretty well um and in fact these curtains are also quite budget they're from H&M home they look like linen but they're not and I love the way the light shines through them I think it's really really pretty um in fact this whole room is really light and bright it's a south facing room we're so lucky to have the light coming in almost all of the time and this wall color actually um what I I was going for kind of like a dirty natural gray and and it when I actually put it on the wall it has a blue seafoam undertone and it is so wonderful I just love it it wasn't what I expected it wasn't what I was planning but I love it anyway I love it so much um another thing that kind of makes the room feel brighter is the original skirting boards which I think are called floor boards in America but I'm not sure are quite high and they were stripped already when we moved in actually so I just kind of gave them a white wash um in order to kind of lighten everything and and bring it bring it just a little bit to be the same color as the doors and the floors I did the same with the window frame um yeah they're all they're not exactly the same tones but it really doesn't bother me this is a really old house it's lived so many lives so I really like the stories that all of these different kind of woods and textures and patterns tell so these Maps we've got one in each Al Cove they're really special I love them they're just off Etsy but they show kind of our neighborhoods of London the the neighborhoods that we've lived in and these are Charles Booth poverty Maps a lot of people actually have them because they're just they're so lovely um I think in around the late yeah 1898 Charles booth and a bunch of people went around London and marked which streets were lived in by which class of people it was a way of kind of shedding light on the poverty in Victoria and London and I just find them so fascinating so these are just kind of prints I had made off Etsy I framed them myself of an online framer so really inexpensive way to kind of make the room feel a bit more elegant and um bring a little bit of like our neighborhood to the room which I really love okay shall we go into the library [Music] now so I call it a library but it's definitely a kids room this is where our kids play and write and play the piano and watch TV um this was a bedroom when we moved in and it had kind of a big window leading to the Garden outside so we built these built-in bookcases to house our collection of books and all the kids toys and things like that um I I love that when you walk into the house if you're going to come into this room the first thing you see is this just beautiful wall of books I just it just I I love it I love books I think that they are a beautiful way to make a house feel like a home um and I love how the bookcases are kind of stacked quite close together so it I like that feeling of being over stuffed I really like it um this mantle is also original when we moved in it was covered in beige paint and it took me many many days to strip um but I'm glad I did it's the original slate and it's just I just think it's really Charming again we haven't really touched the tiles or the insert so it's not really it's not as beautiful maybe as a modern home would be but I just think it would be a shame to rip them out even though I think they are technically ugly I think that they tell a wonderful story so they are staying so as an interior designer I always listen to the house first the house has to work for the family for the people that live in it but it also you have to be true to the bones of the house and this house has such good bones so again the cornicing in this room the fireplace the floorboards even these like ugly tiles I think they're all part of the bones and the fabric of the house so as a designer I really like to listen to what's around the flow the feel the light and I really try to keep what what you can keep I I would never remove something original if we don't have to if it if it's working and it's okay I always try to keep it I think that those are the kind of things the layers the charm even the grit that make a house feel really really special in every kind of London terorist house there is a middle room everyone calls it the middle room and it's always so dark either it's a passageway to get from one room to the other or it's a dead end and often it's just kind of an afterthought so we wanted to avoid the afterthought we wanted to put the TV in this room cuz then we knew it would get a lot of views and we knew that our kids with have three kids we knew that they would want a place that that was kind of their own so we decided that the middle room would be it that means if we're in the kitchen which is down there uh we could be kind of close at hand but they could also have their own space so our kids do pretty much everything here they play with we have three girls they play with their synian families they read they watch TV they fight you know they do all the things kids do and yet it can also be kind of an elegant room if we wanted it to with all of the books with the original coring and um we have a new piano our youngest likes to play piano so the room is really really really multifunctional and it gets so much use it's probably the second most used room in the house after the kitchen um we're not too fussy about it we brought this so over from America when we moved here about a decade ago it is disgusting but I don't mind um the kids use it the Cat uses it we just kind of let them be kids in this room the rug is really really cheap from lute it's a very old coffee table that they kind of spill and draw on and we just kind of let them let them be kids in this room and that's really nice so now let's go into the kitchen and dining room and I'll show you what we did in there [Music] okay so now we're in the kitchen this is my favorite spot in the house I love it very very much when we moved in it was not like this at all in fact we added this entire extension on with the glazed roof with the glass roof um it's quite common to do this in a terrist house this is called a side return extension and um we knew from the very beginning that we wanted to have a full ceiling of glass because typically everyone knows England is very dark and cold and I think having all of this glass is just the most amazing way to bring the outside in and bring the sun in we also added this little extension on the end and added a lot of glass everywhere to kind of bring in the light make it feel connected to the outside um you can tell where the original kitchen was because it's the flat ceiling up here so this was the original kitchen of the house it was really cold and really really dark it's nor North facing it was it was really damp and actually really unpleasant to be in so opening everything up to the West kind of brings in all that afternoon sun and it's it's just a joy um we feel really really lucky to have this as our kitchen um we're also very keen Cooks so I designed the kitchen to really be a Cook's kitchen and really really work for a family of five and constant entertaining so this was actually original to not the original to the house but when we bought the house this was already here um it was over there where the kitchen was and we decided to keep it just for budgetary reasons it's on its last legs I think it's about 20 years old but still still going and still working so that's fine um one feature I love and I think is quite unusual but I just really stick by it is this massive catering sink that I had made to measure with a big stainless steel backsplash um we have you know as I mentioned three kids we cook a lot and I love adult double bowl sink I love also not having to worry about anything so having something like stainless steel where you can drop a glass it's not going to break it's not going to scratch it's just the hardest working thing in the house and I love it so so much um another really hardworking thing is this work top everyone thinks it's Marble but it's actually Quartzsite which is a natural stone but much tougher than marble doesn't stain it doesn't scratch and it's beautiful it has a lovely leathered finish and it's another thing that I adore about this house um what else we've got this amazing Island which looks like it was like it's old but we actually had it made I designed it and my good friends at monkey and bird made it um it is made to fit our pans our trays it's just it's just a joyful piece so it looks like an old shop counter but it's just a modern a modern piece made to look old by by brilliant Artisans who make brilliant Furniture Okay so we've moved around the world quite a lot and the things that we take with us are few but some things that I have taken are my low cruset pots um which are over here and I I knew I wanted them on display I didn't want to kind of hide them away so we designed the island to display my collection of La Cruses um they are really expensive pots but I tend to get mine um surprise surprise on eBay and they're actually incredibly affordable so I've just got this massive guy um last year and I think he was about 50 lb so I just I tend to troll eBay a lot for um the flame colored lus and I I just love the way that they pop in an otherwise quite neutral space so another thing that I really wanted to incorporate in the kitchen was a place where I could close the doors and keep kind of the hustle the bustle the breakfast stuff closed away um we were told many times that we wouldn't be able to fit it into our kitchen but I insisted that we that we do and I I knew it would work in my head and it it just works so well in real life so this is the pantry I found these doors on eBay again and I had the opening made to measure um to fit the doors I brought these knobs back from my mother-in-law's house in um Massachusetts and we actually have knobs from our parents houses all over the house which I I think is really a lovely touch um I they were stripped already but I gave them a white wash as well just to like bring all the tones of the wood closer together and this architrave was actually the original arra W of the window that we removed to connect the kitchen to the library so this is our pantry let's see which state it is in okay it's not so bad um right so we kind of designed it to fit our life and I really encourage clients when we're designing things like this and pantries and cupboards that we design it to fit their life and their needs so we designed a shelf specifically for mugs it's the exact height you need for a mug specifically for these ball jars that we brought back from the states and specifically to kind of Stack these Bulma maros so there's no space wasted and we it's not it's a big space because we have high ceilings but it's actually not a massive space so we really needed to think strategically About Storage so this is where kind of breakfast happens we've got our toaster our Kettle our coffee machines got a microwave hidden under here and kind of a lot of junk is under this skirt which my mother-in-law made for me um and we painted this kind of space what my husband called a really ugly color but I actually think having a bright earthy color in an otherwise quite kind of beige kitchen um it just brings me a lot of joy and I really like it and I love the way that this um cloth that I found at a discount fabric store um back home really talks to the um sorry the mustard paint color and um yeah I I love this Pantry I think it's really really useful and really really cute okay so another unusual thing that we did in this kitchen is rather than have an integrated refrigerator which is going to be a bit too expensive or just have a freestanding one we decided to box in the fridge um I I really love it I think it kind of makes the fridge disappear but we're not pretending that it's not a fridge and it was a much less expensive way to kind of semi conceal a refrigerator I also really like that the fridge is off to the side and not part of the kind of heart of the kitchen um I always do this in my kitchen designs I think that refrigerators we use them a lot less than we think we do and when we do use them it's quite quick so I like to keep them off to the side and I just love that it's kind of tucked away here so it's not the thing that you're looking at all the time because refrigerators are not as beautiful as joinery or um meal work or something like that um so then next to the fridge we've got this wall which I love very much I just love this part of the kitchen we had the idea that we wanted this space which is entirely new to feel a bit old and like it belonged to the house so we put this very simple kind of paneling up the wall and then we stopped it here and put these Amazon pegs up and painted it all we got this idea from a rental we lived in in London and we just thought it was the most like Charming wall that you could have um so it looks like it's original it looks really old but it's just simple MDF kind of beadboard and and Timber pegs from Amazon and it just means that we can display different things we can move this all around um I just really really like it it makes me feel um yeah like we can kind of have art that's always changing and the kids can put up stuff and move it around just like yeah I like I like it a lot um another thing over here that I adore is this piece it's um an apothecary from Denmark and um again it was from my dad it is just such a special piece and actually believe it or not every single drawer is full and I have a weird memory for it so I sometimes don't get the drawer exactly right but I know in general where I'm where I'm looking for something so we keep everything in here everything from the kids shoes to kind of hot plates to matches to elastic bands to hair ties to batteries everything like the whole kind of detrius of life is stored in this piece so it's just such a useful piece and I I just think it's stunning I I love it and um I will always have it with me it's the thing I would save in a fire if the house got fire I was jok that I would carry it out myself um what else we've got some sweet little um pictures of us and the kids and friends and my dad back in the day and then we've got this um cabinet which again I just found these doors on eBay I knew we needed a place to display things like glass glassar that wouldn't fit on our open on our open sheling so I found these doors and we just had this cupboard kind of made to fit them and it's another thing that looks original to the house but is completely new but because we didn't restore the doors it just has this lovely lived in feel that I really really like and that brings us to the dining area which is right here um we had originally thought because it's kind of a 3 m by 3 m extension onto the original kitchen and that was kind of what was permitted by our by our municipality our Council to add on to the kitchen without getting permission so it's not massive and so we thought maybe we'll build kind of an L-shaped bench and have it upholstered and we'll have a kind of an L-shaped banket I found this unbelievable wavy bench um being sold by these sellers called stowaway London I loved the wave I loved how unique it was so I essentially just bought it um and we made it work so we kind of designed the space around the bench we had the table all ready I made sure that they would fit like physically fit um but otherwise it was just a I just fell in love with it and I I knew we had to have it um this table again we got it from my dad it's a antique Danish piece and we tend to really like these just kind of plastic chairs with a lot of kids and just a lot of hustle and bustle I love how they kind of disappear they're a little bit modern but they're also really classic um so I I just adore how all of these pieces kind of fit together and also connect us with these massive windows to the Garden um and my house plants also so many house plants I tend to um I don't know they just tend to like find me and they also provide a connection to the Garden especially in the winter when it's really quite dreary in in [Music] England okay so it was important to us when designing this um extension the side return extension that we had a connection to the Garden so you can kind of come out this way can I show you so this Garden was just Rubble when we bought the house there was nothing in it it was a few dying trees that we had to unfortunately take down so it was just a blank slate and we had almost no money at the end of the renovation so we had the middle part paved and I planted just so many plants on the on the borders um and we put in this amazing Arch and this um this Jasmine the star jasmine is just really starting to come into its own and grow up and over we also have six varieties of English roses planted um and the most amazing variety this year is this one it's the James gallway and it is it's just it's just amazing uh yeah I always kind of dreamt of having an English Rose Garden and David Austin Roses are really are they're just they're just incredible and we also have this amazing sofa which was a gift from Sun's lifestyle it is honestly the most comfortable thing we own we tend to sit out here much more than in side in the summer and we really do eat out here every single night we just have this amazing umbrella from plea I think it's called um just a beautiful beautiful um parasol so the garden is slowly coming together it's always been a little bit of an afterthought but I just absolutely adore gardening I love getting my hands dirty and I will show you the front garden later it's just a the newest project that we've done in the house and I'm really proud of it so now we're going to go upstairs but before we do I just want to talk a little bit about this hallway so this is another um instance where we did something that maybe wasn't advised so rather than come down from the the entry level into kind of the original kitchen level which is um down five stairs it's kind of traditional to have that kind of level difference in these terorist houses we created a kind of a long and dark hallway because we knew we needed different kind of spaces and we didn't know how else to fit them so we have an entry to a to a very very Victorian basement there we have a lovely big coat and Shoe Closet here and then we have a small toilet here so I think maybe what would have been an inclination to kind of open it all up and just make this space part of the kitchen and quite open and big we kind of listened to what we needed as a family which was storage for kind of coats and and bags and hats and shoes we needed a toilet and this long and dark hallway which everyone told us would kind of be unpleasant actually it works really really well and we're really happy that we did it and a little bit of the hallway that I love are these stairs they were here when we got the house um and I painted them my favorite red which is a Ral color it's called Ral um 304 and it's I think it's wine red which might have something to do with it but I just love it and I use it throughout the house it's my favorite red and um yeah it just brings a lot of Joy walking up my red steps so let's go upstairs so these are the stairs um we decided not to put a runner not to do too much to them we've just kind of sanded them back brightened them with lie and lacquer them these are actually Christmas lights that I just tend to keep up all year long they go all the way to the top of the house it's kind of a four and a half story house and we keep them on um as night lights for the kids at night because they just make sure no one's going to fall down the stairs um yeah I just we like the natural wood we like how there's different tones and we like how it all just tells the story of a very old [Music] house here we are on the first floor Landing um in these old Terrace houses you often have kind of like a normal floor and then a half floor and then a floor and then another half floor so this is a half floor it sits directly above what the original kitchen was and we decided to carve out of this Landing um a very useful laundry room um we really wanted to have the laundry machines kind of closer to the bedrooms and not in the kitchen which is quite traditional in England so um we just kind of carved it out we're very lucky there's already a window here and we stacked our very simple machines here actually there was no floor there still is no floor under this vinyl um there is just plywood there was just I don't know the floor was gone for some reason so we put vinyl on top it's waterproof it's inexpensive and it's very sweet and my dad actually came one one year and painted um all of the trim in Sudbury Yellow by Fon ball and just a really sweet lovely little room um we framed up some prints that we got in Maine in a flea flea market in Maine um and oh and there's this amazing sink that uh again I was on eBay one night and I probably had too many glasses of wine and I bid on this sink and I accidentally won it for about maybe 20 lb and then I had to figure out how to get it here but anyway long story short it fits perfectly in this room it's so useful and it's very very Charming it looks like it was made for this space so let's go up to our bedroom and to our bathroom [Music] this is our bedroom so we recently did the bedroom and the bathroom that was kind of phase two of our Renovations we had to do our Renovations and stages because we tend to kind of eat what we kill in the sense that we just save up enough to do a renovation and then we have to save up again so this was the most recent kind of big project that we did um this room again has the incredible cornicing and the original ceiling rows which we just had to keep so we had to replaster this ceiling unfortunately but we made sure that all of the original details would be kept um so because this room is quite large we knew that we needed to break it up in order to have a closet space like this we also kind of liked the idea of a coier bedroom so what we decided to do is we we had these um wardrobes built and had all of these drawers built on this side of the room there's a window there so there's like already kind of it's own dignity it has its own dignity as a space and it has a lot of natural light and then we used the back of this piece as a headboard or we kind of you we we used it as a wall against which to put our headboard we also decided to have a circular flow I really like circular flow so we have it downstairs we have it many spaces upstairs so that we just avoid dead ends in general I'm not a huge fan of a dead end I think that when you're in a house being able to move from one space to the next in various ways is just it it has a nice feeling to it so you could kind of go into the bedroom this way or you can go in this way um and so our bedroom area is a little more intimate we're not kind of looking at any wardrobes we're not looking at any clothing we are looking Instead at this fireplace which was not here when we moved in we actually found that on the side of the road and I made my husband um carry it it was in 11 different pieces and I made him carry it home in this room again we've got an amazing Bab window just like downstairs um KO our cat really likes it up here it's quiet and it's warm um and then we also had this this glass that the previous owner that the mirror the previous owner had put it in I wasn't sure what what to do with it I didn't know if I should take it out I didn't know so what we did is we just put a very simple molding around it and I kind of like it it just again it's I didn't I always like to leave things as they are if possible um I got this really really really sweet uh vanity with a marble top from shiny things London again an Instagram seller who I adore my first uh Rose I cut from the garden is there that's a bath Chev Rose I think it's called by David Austin and um what else in this Al Cove we've got just a beautiful piece of pine that I actually got in England but it reminds me of the the furniture I grew up with my dad kind of his bread and butter was um was antique pine like this um and then this leads us into our bathroom so these two rooms were completely separate spaces when we got the house they were both bedrooms um in fact our youngest Domino slept here for a few years but we knew that we wanted to have kind of an onsuite bathroom but we also wanted it to be a family bathroom so we put a doorway in here and we kept the doorway that the bathroom already had to the hall and again it's just like an example of circular flow it means that if you're in the bathroom you don't have to exit through the bedroom you don't have to disturb someone who's sleeping and if you're in the hall you don't have to come through the bedroom to get to the bathroom so again circular flow I love it I just I try to use it everywhere I can so come on into the bathroom and I will show you [Music] around so our idea with this bathroom is we wanted it to be really elegant we didn't have a ton of money to do it and we also wanted it to feel like any other room in the house we didn't want it to be too sterile or cold as bathrooms so often can be um so one thing that I really wanted to avoid is tile I'm not a huge user of tile or fan of tile so rather than tile we used micro cement um we used it in this shower enclosure which we kind of just built two stud walls and we covered everything in micro cement um it is just such an amazing material it feels kind of soft and warm to the touch it's waterproof it's so easy to clean it's really a dream so yeah I just adore this massive walk-in shower all covered in micro cement we used some marble tiles on the floor there um but otherwise we just kind of avoided tile in a bathroom which I think is quite tricky to do um one other thing in this room that um we kind of knew we needed being in England was a cloet tub again another eBay purchase I just painted it to match the color of the walls which is Portland Stone Light by paint and paper Library um we didn't restore it or anything it just is what it is it's wonderful I love it we decided to stick it into the middle of the room after kind of a lot of discussion about layout and I think it really works you actually don't need that much space in the bathroom to move around you're not kind of doing exercises in here so um it it it kind of is the centerpiece it's quite low down we just adore it um another another thing we love is the marble so I use my trusted marble guys hi James and Luke from pgq and we put massive backsplashes behind each sink we also did the skirting in the room in Marble except for this part which is the original skirting um because there was no skirting in this room originally it had been removed a long time ago and I didn't quite know how I was going to connect the micro cement to the original floorboards so we actually had a little bit of marble left over and on the day of install they just cut it in their van for me it was it was really really amazing and it's a detail that I I really love um this fireplace wasn't here so when this room was a bedroom this was actually kind of a big desk area and we reinstated a fireplace uh mostly for decorative purposes but I feel like it gives the room a bit of soul and it reflects what might have been here originally it's a very very inexpensive fire surround from screw fix I think it cost about1 um and we put a bit of an off cut of marble on top and it just gives a little bit of Elegance and elevates it we also used um unlacquered brass everywhere this is all from cast iron bath company again it just kind of adds a feeling of age and charm and really works I think in an English bathroom one other thing in this room that I think is quite unusual for a bathroom is the window dressing so um we had this lovely window and I I just didn't want it to feel too cold and too sterile again so um my friend Lindsay actually helped me make these curtains um we went to a maker and she helped me kind of design um how they would all work she's just incredible we went to a shop in Gold Smith Road in West London and bought all the fabric and carried it home and it just feels like just a lovely warm unique part of the bathroom the same Cafe curtain here as downstairs it's the same cheap habitat fabric um and KO likes to go outside this way um the last thing that I'll talk about in this bathroom are the towel radiators so in England we love our towel radiators because it's very damp and cold um but I just couldn't find any in unlacquered brass that were affordable and pretty so what I did is I went on to Etsy and I went to I think it's Bow Street crafts and he makes unbelievable copper towel RADS um to measure and here's another one they kind of serve as the radiators in the room and they also serve to keep your towels dry and toasty and your clothes if you're getting dress your pajamas whatever it is uh I just think they're so beautiful they're kind of tarnishing a little bit with age which I love uh they they're really really affordable and they're just another part of the bathroom that I [Music] adore this is um our girls bathroom we got three girls and we did a really fun bathroom for for them when we moved in this was actually the borders kitchen so the kitchen that was used by the people renting rooms um and we were really lucky to have it because when we did the big renovation downstairs we used this as our kitchen for 8 months and it had everything we needed it had a stove and a refrigerator and a washing machine so we were set um so in this room again I tried to keep it warm I really don't like bathrooms that feel too sterile so we kept the original floorboards actually we haven't restored them at all this was how this room was we haven't filled in any gaps we haven't even sanded them back that's for another time we just kind of ran out of steam um I used the same R 304 on the the archit tray V the door I just like re I just really love the combination of pink and red it's a classic and I think it really works in a fun bathroom like this and that's reflected in this amazing shower curtain from colors of Arley which has kind of the same exact tones we used a love pink on the walls called plaster 3 by paint and paper library and then we filled the rest of the room with kind of antique bits so we've got this amazing little chest um another one here and it's kind of where our girls keep all of their bits and Bobs their bathroom bits and um another stool in Pine so it's just kind of like a warm room um that doesn't feel too too sterile and isn't too precious um another lovely thing about this room is the pink grout um I mentioned I'm not really massive on tile but we were really at the end of our budget there was no way we were going to put micro cement in here so we got the cheapest tiles possible and then we just dyed normal white grout with hemway grout powder and we made it kind of bright magenta and it's just a really fun little feature um another thing I love about this room is this Cafe curtain um which is from Marl Studio it's just just so so sweet and the colors kind of reflect our fun stripy towels from H&M and the pink walls and it makes the room feel quite warm and um and inviting which is difficult to do in a bathroom I think so another way that we were kind of saving money in this room because we really were at the end of a long renovation is I bought these lamp shades off of Amazon and I painted them myself with the tester paint testers which we had you know way too many of and um we did another one right over there so we've got kind of fun painted lamp shades that cost almost nothing um another way was um we bought two large format tiles to form a backsplash rather than tiling something or having a bespoke piece of marble made I think all together this was about 30 lb and it cost nothing for the builders to kind of just stick it up so it was just a nice way to um protect the wall and also save a bit of money at the end of a very very long renovation um I also love this piece from she paints um it's jovanotti lyrics in Italian song that we love and Italian artist that we really love and I love how the colors tie into the Pink as [Music] well in true English fashion it just started to rain but I wanted to show you my front garden really quick so this is the very last thing that we've done this used to be just a gravel pit and I had long dreamt of creating a very sweet kind of Evergreen Garden out here um so we've just completed a few months ago the planting is all really really new and I'm just so happy with how it turned out we used clay pavers here to kind of bring um the eye up to the front door so the blue matches the blue of the front door and the red border matches kind of the red arch of the of the um of the front door entryway we've got Jasmine planted here and here and here so hopefully in the summer it's just going to smell amazing when you walk down the front path we've got an amazing bike Shed from the bike shed company it's so beautiful um and it finally means that we have a place to put all of our bikes um we've got KO the cat who likes to sit on it when it's not raining and then we've just got this amazing array of Evergreens that I planted in the front and in the window boxes and I'm just really excited about this I just yeah I think after having kind of a gravel pit as a front garden for the first three something years of living here I'm just really really happy to have another place where I can get my hands dirty so for me what makes a house a home is wherever my family is and I I think that this house really reflects us as a family it really works for us as a family um I just think spaces need to kind of be in conversation with the people who live in them and I really feel like our home reflects who we are thanks for watching be sure to go to homeworthy decom for exclusive content shopping guides and so much more
Channel: Homeworthy
Views: 105,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homeworthy, house tour, home tour, interior design tour, english decor, english style, british cottage style, london townhouse decor, terraced house inspo, renovation tips, gorgeous kitchen, floor to ceiling windows, colorful decor, antique decor, collected decor, maximalism, girls bathroom inspo, garden inspo, architectural digest, quintessence, house beautiful, veranda, interior decor
Id: OrVMRzOx1Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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