I was at Meghan & Harry’s wedding - it was MISERABLE, the worst event I’ve ever been to

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worst Royal Wedding I ever did he was angry and I felt you know we were punished for that to offend Our Queen uh like he did in that book you know really upset the king and and you know I don't think he could easily forgive that and I imagine the king's had strong words with him over it probably reason why he didn't want to go and stay with him because he probably would get another lck hello I'm Matt Wilkinson and Welcome to our show Royal exclusive with me today is legendary son Royal for photographer Arthur Edwards MBA Arthur thanks for coming on Pleasure it's a pleasure Matt excellent now look firstly we learned this week that Prince Harry when he was over um for the Invictus game ceremony he didn't want to stay in a ryal residence that was offered to him by the king because he didn't feel he had enough protection there does that make any sense to you we've both been in palaces and Royal residences they're pretty safe aren't they what's going on here with Harry how can he make that claim they're they're PR Ed by armed policemen uh every one of them and uh no no no exceptions unless you've got the right pass you no one can get in there now you know there been known that people have climbed over the wall Buckingham Palace but they're pretty soon apprehended recently there was someone who turned up with a crossbow winds a castle but he was quickly arrested so no I think uh I think that was a poor excuse I think uh he wanted to stay in a hotel and uh and he was determined to do that and over get he travels with a small uh retinue of bodyguards as well uh and so supect that that was the reason why he did it he had his own protection and uh and he felt that was enough well the stories are changing aren't they so famously you know they put a statement out saying that he wouldn't be able to see the king because the King was too busy now it emerges the king actually said you can stay in one of our palaces if you want and that means that me and you can have a bit of time to hang out now all of a sudden he's saying well I didn't want to stay there because I didn't feel safe I mean it does doesn't add up no it doesn't and this is this is the story of Harry though you know ever since uh he decided to leave the royal family and and go his own way in the United States and uh he's he's just behaving I think sometimes appallingly certainly some of the things he said about members of the royal family um certainly and Camila and and and Katherine and uh and and his brother I think uh you just don't do that with families you know you family is the most important thing in your life and and you just do everything to keep the family together and and and in peace and uh and imagine the king's sort of unhappy with Harry being around people where he could learn stories and and and and he gossip and and then put it in AR his next book or his next podcast or his next radio or TV interview and uh and it looks like he's he's well informed of course you know the king felt very upset with with that last thing Harry did the book uh especially what he said about his lovely wife Camila you know because I mean they're they're a very loved up couple and and you know to to offend offend Our Queen uh like he did in that book you know he really upset the king and and you know I don't think he could easily forgive that and I imagine the king's had strong words with him over it probably reason why he didn't want to go and stay with him because he probably would get another lot but it might not just he might not only be the king that didn't want Harry staying in a in a raw res well you know I think I think if if you're referring to his brother well you know I think that's that's going to take an awful lot of uh peacemaking for that that Feud to end because uh William's pretty angry about that and he and he doesn't doesn't seem to care who he tells about that you know he's he feels that um you know his brother well just referring in in that oper well Megan as well referring to that uh Opera Winfrey interview about you know the Roes are racist in many ways because they questioned the color of Arch's skin well I mean you know I've talk to people of mixed mix mixed race and and they say that's a normal conversation you have when you when you're expecting your first child and they've gone back on that as well well now they have yeah but you know then he's saying then he quickly said it wasn't the Duke of Edinburgh or the queen that said it and then you know and at later date the queen put out a statement saying you know our Recollections vary well I imagine you know you know most people will realize that was just the queen saying look we don't believe anything you say you know so uh in my view um Harry if he comes here fine he's welcome here obviously he's he's a prince of the realm although he's decided to uh keep the title but not do any work uh I don't think he's entitled to stand a Royal Palace I think he you know book into uh toel any time but you know you know he's not he's not putting look you know to be a member of the royal family in this country is a huge huge job hey you're on show you're in this electronic goldfish Bowl all the time people watching you watching everything you do everything you say and a lot of responsibility that carries and he didn't want that anymore he wanted to go I don't know why he went because he was so popular here I remember going working with him he was fantastic he was just amazing he was uh especially with children he was a he was absolutely brilliant and I traveled the world with him and I did really enjoy working with him but you you know now I really don't care if I ever see him again because the way he's behaved towards the king and our Queen and his brother and his brother and his sister-in-law is appalling and uh and I just feel that he it's about time uh he realized that and and you know he can't come and St in palaces you know was though the king I mean the King still loves him and he want love him to come back and work for the family but not as long as he's not going to write stories about it and uh and I think why that while that situation still ongoing I think that there nothing's going to change well it what my understanding is that that Harry didn't want to stay in the P or this this this Royal residence that was offered because it um it was in a visible location with public entrance and exit points with no police protection now I can tell you that he actually stayed when he was over here at the Cow Park hotel which we know the cow Park hotel which is a short drive from Windsor Castle um is just off on State's land it's just off Winds of Great Park but it's where um Harry and William stayed the night before Harry's wedding to Megan I mean it's something that they know but is it's a fstar hotel it's palatial it's a really nice place you know I can't afford to stay there I think it's like 5600 a night or something like that but that's where he stayed as opposed to a a a royal residence I mean is that we're not Security Experts does does that make sense to you that it seems a lame excuse personally I mean you know Royal palaces are fortresses everything is everything's protected I mean b moral I mean they're just I mean it just it's just so protected and and and they're so proud of that the Metropolitan Police you know that that what they do um and you know from when when the King goes out to borrow the Metropolitan Police go up there with him I mean you know they do long duties up there so no it's it's it's a fact that they are safe he just preferred the hotel in my view don't go anywhere because we have plenty more coming up in the rest of the show I thought to myself you know this is all Showbiz rubbish the whole thing was just uh stage managed to suit them me and you been working together for like four or five years but you're celebrating a bit of an anniversary this year aren't you well I've done 50 years on the pack your golden anniversary well you could call it that I like the thing at long service I I uh quite proud of that fact actually because um you know I uh been working for Mr Murdoch for all these years and you know he's a good employer and uh and he's always been very fair with me and uh I feel this is a great paper you know and and and we're pretty quick with the news we're pretty quick with the Royal news I mean and uh and uh and great exclusives thanks a lot to you Matt I mean you've been doing brilliantly since you've joined the Royal reporting team and um and it's been um it's been enjoyable um but I think we're going to not do too much in the near future with this well well exactly so election the king um you must have seen many prime ministers and stuff with with the queen back in you know when she when she was around but so so sunak has called an election uh July the 4th we finally know but he had to go to speak to the king to to tell him that he was to dissolve parliament at some stage and that he was going to hold a general election this a big moment for the king do you think this is his first uh general election as monik he's going to have lots of constitutional roles he's going to take up a lot of his time and attention it is but you know I mean he he he said farewell to Liz truss he he said probably say farewell to Mr sunak and probably welcome a new prime minister and all in in two years I mean it's that's pretty impressive but um the thing is uh with with a general election um you know uh everything of the importance that would sort of outshine uh reporting on the election gets cancelled and uh I imagine the king pretty Crush about that because you know he's just come back from a a long illness I mean we didn't see him for for for months and he's been really putting a big shift in you know I mean he's at working every day this week and um because of now the election you know a lot of it's going to be cancelled I hope some of the big events go ahead I hope that you know we get to Normandy with and uh and and trooping the color you know the big events in London His official birthday uh but um you know the the election is is important and um uh it will and should do supersede everything it's a a big moment for the country in democracy is the most important thing that we can change the government anytime we we feel it they're not doing the job for us and uh and and and and the King will accept that you know he knows he knows that's part of his duty that uh you know he's he's head of state but the prime minister is elected uh head of the government and that's more important so you know we we'll probably be kicking out Hills for a bit but you know imagine when the election's over we'll be run off our feet with every single day but but the um he is uh you know the king uh is very interested in the in the running the country I imagine every day they have their weekly meeting with the Prime Minister and now they're all it's prob private and No One Ever Knows what's said but imagine uh having worked with Prince Charles and for over 40 years he's very interested in uh I think he's very much a socialist in my view you know he's very interested in in the in the in the benef you know helping the less well off and uh and you know lots of these things he's done over over mostly unheralded and and you would unheard of you know and he would make sure that he gets his points of view to the Prime Minister now be a be a stupid prime minister in my view didn't listen to him because he's very wise man and and very much a Visionary I can remember you know him talking about organic food and people called him a crank and now you can't move in supermarkets for organic food I could remember him talking about poor architecture and The Architects condemned him but look at go and look at Parton the square now after he it's beautiful um and um and so and and also the king is not frightened to speak out he does his research uh he he gets his facts in order and he and he says it and he's not frightened at the criticism and uh he's he's an amazing man but um he's going to be he's going to be doing like most of us just watching party political broadcasts on the television uh but you know having said that um it's only for 6 weeks and that's not a lifetime and and it'll be back to normal soon well it might help him really because he set off at s such a huge Pace after the doctors said that um you know he was okay to kind of return to work but there was a sense of frustration I think wasn't with the King earlier this year that he that his you know his his Reign had kind of been interrupted while he was dealing with it with his with his cancer treatment I think he was happy he said the other day he was um he was glad to be out of his cage on an engagement you know now he has to go back into the cage a couple of weeks but we still should get him at trooping uh Royal Ascot these things were you know would be great but it will just be the as you pointed it out it will just be you know some of the not the more mundane but some more of the the that maybe veering into kind of political areas or might be you know a little bit vulnerable to be um talking about you know major political issues and stuff like that I also think our Queen Camila will be relieved because uh was with her last week week in uh in Ry in Sussex and she said uh she said you know she asked me how I was I said fine man I said you know please that the king's getting well she said yes she said if only do what he was told you know so you know really she probably you know wants him to slow down a wee bit um but um he's uh he's you know I saw him this week at the Chelsea flow show and he looked amazingly well you know so he's in fact he he's raring to go but I should imagine he's still got to take it easy you know he's he's got to pace himself how could me telling him to pose himself stay tuned there's loads more to come in the rest of the show done some really lovely Ro weddings I've did both King Charles's weddings I did Williams wedding I did Andrew's wedding I did Sophie and Edward you know I mean they were they were lovely occasions but that day I couldn't I couldn't get out of Windsor quick enough these six weeks let's just say where where the rules have to slow down sadly and and not do as many engagements it's probably not the right time even if there is a right time uh for the Princess of Wales to you know to come back she's still at home there's been loads more The Usual Suspects have been going online and and making up nonsense I can say she she is at home she is still recovering she's still kind of obeying doctor's orders but there's there's absolutely no need to rush her back particularly as as everything's going to be about the election at the moment I think I think um I think she'll she'll come back when the doctors say so and and six weeks will probably be a welcome relief to her that she's no no pressure we did hear um from people who've been working with her this week because she a year ago she set up this uh this Center for early childhood and um set up a task force to kind of look into ways to um to kind of get businesses involved to kind of really help and and use the science to kind of help uh children ages you know between zero and and five there was a briefing this week because they announced their first set their first report it was a 60-page report saying that that if they put these proposals into place they could 45 billion pounds back into the government coffers but we were told that not only the Princess of Wales read the report um she was the driving force behind it and she was excited by all the proposals that come out bearing in mind that we know that you know that she is unwell and she's recovering is this the Princess of Wales that you know you know that who still working behind the scenes and getting involved in her in her big projects is this what we should expect of her imagine um like the King when he was when getting treatment he was still working uh on his boxes and stuff I imagine she's doing the same I imagine she has her staff you know planning things and uh events and and also uh projects that she's heavily involved in so imagine even though we're not seeing her she's not making public appearances imagine she's still pretty busy doing that and um yeah and I think uh she's just an incredible woman in my view she's uh she not only a mother and rearing three beautiful children she's a a great member of the RO family she's hardworking member of the RO family she's a great photographer I have to say that I must pictures get better and better and she shares them with us all and uh and and she's um and and she's just a huge star in the RO family I mean there's no secret that she is she is the biggest star of them all and uh and you know and she's obviously recovering and she'll when the doctor say you can get back and and go out there and engage with the public again I mean the thing is they can't engage with the public because of infection you know that's the problem so it's not like she wouldn't want to it's just she's ordered not to and um and so look you know the king we had to wait patiently for the king and we made his return and he's back working back to normal and let's just see it won't be long before I think we'll see Katherine again but you know this six week break now will be good for her I think it was a shame that they are short-handed at the moment um although I did see beatric and eany yeah this week at a garden party supporting William which I thought was quite nice actually I mean they're lovely lovely girls those I've known those since they were children since they would come out of the hospital and their mothers arms they are just super girls and uh that was a great support and then I was saw Zara Phillips there as well you know so remember these some of these younger members uh could get involved in well for instance the garden party I mean William took that on himself I think the King was due to be there and he had to cancel for some reason and um and and the girls came along and and and you know and and we don't think they're important but they are I mean they are they are grandsons granddaughters of the late Queen and they are and they are nieces of the king and and they they they have a role to to fulfill you know maybe not in the in the front line maybe not you know out there but you know supporting members of family like the garden parties you know and and and they'll be at ASA uh I'm sure they're sorting their dresses out for it at the very moment but and they'll be there for that and you know and they are nice they're really hardworking very caring girls I mean you I mean she's an amazing lady I mean she I can't say she did me and myself me a personal favor once with with help she did she gave me I mean she is a lovely person so uh that that was interesting and of course William I mean William is just taken on a massive amount you know he's you know without Catherine but he's as always he's uh he'll probably be a little relieved at he's had little break now so so say William invited the other members of the Roy family so we invited berric Eugene M conara Tindle and Peter Phillips um to the garden party and as you were saying there it's just really nice to actually remember them again do you know what I mean also they're family they're his cousins you know they're all his cousins they're all cousins they're all family and and you do and and I just think it's a lovely thing I just think it's a really nice thing and do we need to see more of them Arthur I would like to see more of Rich than usually yeah I do working Royals or uh I I I I don't know I mean I I imagine the king giving it some thought because you know they're very short-handed at the moment they are I mean if you think this just just there really is only William and Katherine and the king and queen and um all right and we know princess an is tirelessly working and we know that Edward and Sophia are really hardworking but um you know they do some really good stuff with Charities Eugene but they've also got families and and jobs they've never actually taken up this kind of working no Royal role no they haven't but they are involved in things I mean you know I mean they are really they are involved in in in Charities and they do and they've all their life done that you know their mother and father had taught them that you know that's their you know they've got born to Great privilege and that with that privilege comes Duty and they and they realize that but for some reason I think maybe because you know prince Andrew is is not the most popular person in the world at the moment maybe people think like that you know but I don't know I I do feel there're uh just I was great C them that that G I know it was pouring with rain but when I saw those pictures I thought well done you know good on you William because uh all your cousins there and I see them at Sandringham at Christmas time when the whole family meet together and they are really really you know they're really great friends so yeah I hope it happens anyway well I think if it doesn't happen with the King it will happen certainly with William yeah or maybe being naughty here but eugin he was always good friends with Harry and Megan maybe introduced them depending on Whose story you kind of believe she's been out to California a couple of times kind of and then she turned up to the garden party and and she I think she put on Instagram oh it was great here to be supporting um the royal family I'm probably being a bit naughty here but is is is you is Eugene like a you know firm trusted kind of member of the royal family for William to to to use as a support still I think she's a kind person very kind person I know I well but I've worked with her a lot I think she's a tremendously kind person and um uh and I must say she uh she's very close to Harry I remember yeah she was very close to Harry and imagine um I think it's good that you know people are like that I think it's lovely that you know they can keep in touch with Harry you know I mean I mean Harry's not Harry's just just lost his way a bit in my view you know I think he is he is the prodigal son in my view and he was just got to he's got to think about what he's doing and think what the damage he's done and and you know everybody is is is capable of forgiveness and and I'm sure but but you know it's I think look Harry is is just he is the prodigal son but you know the prodigal son did return to the fold and let's all hope that happens one day I hope it does happen but uh at the moment I mean has you been married seven years now is it was seven year anniversary yeah so seven years and this week was their seventh do you remember that you must remember where were you on the you were there in Windsor oh I was there hated the day the day was a miserable day I mean it was a really I thought well was it well I can tell you now uh it was the worst Royal Engagement I ever did a royal wedding I ever did because Harry was determined to keep the newspapers away from it as much as possible everything was done on Long lenses I mean a Kai told you had an 800 mm lens photographing the guests arriving and uh the the photographers they engaged for the job uh was there was 5T away you know it was just hopeless and the and then the carriage shot when they went past me in the carriage they looked the other way so for me it was a disaster and um was that deliberate you were made to feel unw I felt so I felt it wasn't just me it was the whole of the the the British press you know they were uh in many ways um badly treated I think it was um har he was angry with it really because some of the things that have been said about Megan and quite rightly some of the things that were said about Megan during the engagement were pretty harsh uh I want to sort of mention them now but they were some of them were pretty unfair as well uh and so he was angry and um and I felt you know we were punished for that and and in fact I never got one picture in the paper published from that day and uh when I think you know I've done some I've done some really lovely Ro WS I've did both French Char King Charles's weddings I did Williams wedding I did um Andrew's wedding I did Sophie and Edward you know I mean they were they were lovely occasions but that today I couldn't I couldn't get out of Windsor quick enough I promise you the worst rawal wedding to cover yeah and then when the baby was born when Archie was born that was another in my view a disaster because I knew we was not going to get a picture of it everybody was hoping we would get pictures of it I mean obviously when when William was born and Harry was born and George and Charlotte and Louie we got great pictures outside the hospital I remember and William and Katherine especially they made such an effort to show the whole world their their new baby but I mean I mean I say this but uh I mean we baby Harry's baby Archie was was almost teething before we found out it was born you know I mean it was uh uh we were led to believe that she was gone into labor at 2:00 when the baby had been born many hours earlier we were led to believe it was going to be a home birth and it was at a hospital there was no the whole thing was just uh stage managed to suit them and in fact I never stayed in windso there was a royal tour to Germany with the king and queen and I went with them and uh and and and couldn't get away from Windor quick enough and I remember showing uh Camila in in I think Munich uh the first pictures of Archie that was taken by the Press associate i showing her on my phone and she and and that was the first time she saw him you know so it was um it was it was it was difficult times I I have to say though you know that first year of Megan that working with her on the road I mean you know we went all over the country I mean she was incredible I mean I thought she was um and I was saying this you know I thought she was a great asset to the family and I kept asking the uh Palace if we could have a meeting with her you know the Royal people the people cover the Royals could have a meeting with Megan like we did with Katherine uh and you know so introduce ourselves and get to let her to get know who who was writing about her and photographing her and I was assured it was going to happen but it never did and um uh and then pretty soon like you know she'd made her mind up that they were going and that was it but um if you get a sense that they made if you're talking about the wedding everyone was made to feel unwelcome not everybody just the British just people that travel travel the whole world SP their whole life all my life you know and then Opera Winfrey had met them once she was a guest the cloony you know the guests I mean never met them before but they were the guests and uh you know I thought to myself you know this is all all Showbiz rubbish you know you get a sense then that that they were they wanted that they wanted a California life that they want show that they weren't interested if they weren't interested in in making people feel welcome at the wedding it just seems to me they just they made a decision back in seven years ago they well look I'm looking I mean Opera Winfrey was there and uh and then the first big interview they did is with Opa Winfrey and and you know most of that interview was left on The Cutting Room floor because it was so so one-sided and it was so unfair and I think about watching it now and and you know the busy about Archie and the and the color of his skin I was I was I was I knew they'd be I know they'd be seeding I knew the queen would be seeding I knew that the Prince of Wales Prince Charles would be seeding it would be so unfair because one thing they're not is racist you know they are not I've been with I've been with a king all over Africa all over South America I've been I've never seen only just engaging and enjoying the company of these people so you know it would be no way that he would um be like that he's just an uh and it was just unfair thing to say and it but it was it was you know I mean she delivered it like an actress delivered it and it and and an opera responded going wow you know so like uh and you know it was just it was awful and um and then then of course some of the Netflix stuff and the book oh God you know it was Dreadful but um so to confirm artha you didn't do anything to celebr great Harry and Megan's 7th wedding anniversary no I don't even I'm surprised it lasted that long no many people said it wouldn't I mean they obviously you know they're probably happy together they got two lovely children and it's one of the saddest things of all mat of course is that the children don't get to see their grandfather either grandfather you know and uh and that's really that's really so awful because they're not getting to meet their cousins and and and to and to know their cousins and and and it's such a shame for them there it is happier times this week bucking and Palace Garden parties Chelsea flower show as well can you give us just a flavor you've done lots of them we we talked about 50 years your golden anniversary you've done a lot of this can you just give a flavor of what it's like and many people haven't attended a bucket and Palace garden party I mean there're you know the Highlight in the calendar for for many people if you get a ticket and you get to go there what is what is it like at a garden party or Chelsea flower show when you're with the king the queen Prince and Princess of Wales Etc well uh I've been to several uh Garden parties with my wife and uh they are they are amazing I mean first and foremost everybody's beautifully dressed I mean the women must spend millions of pounds on on clothes and they look lovely and then of course the Royals come out and then there's a big big lineup and people think that lineup is exclusive but it isn't if you're a me if you've been invited you can join that lineup and you get to meet the king and queen king or the queen one one does either side uh but the food is lovely there's so much of it the tea is absolutely I mean tea is my favorite drink it's absolutely I can testify for that tea is your it is and it is and it's really and and you can walk around the gardens and the lake and and it's a most beautiful afternoon and and you see so many people you know or they know you and and it's a it's a really and it and the and the two hours it goes in a flashh you know it's so good so quickly but it's really lovely and um uh I uh have been to the Chelsea flower show every year for the last 30 years it must be and um every year the where the queen used to go the queen was the patron of the of the RO Royal Horticultural Society and and the the big thing is the root she takes through the gardens everybody desperately wants uh the queen to uh come through the garden and we had a very very famous Gardener called p c to se Brook unfortunately he's no longer with us but I said I one year he asked me to go and do some pictures for him and and I said are the Royals coming past your stand we had a wonderful stand there it's was called Sunflower Street he said oh they never come here never come to the sunand I said oh why is that he said oh no they just don't so I was there and I saw Prince Charles walking by about two rows back so I went over to said Prince Charles would you come and look at our garden please and he said okay and he came over and uh and Peter like went straight into hisi heat mode and he started telling the king about what they were doing and it was a fascinating uh it was called sunflow Street and there was a bridge across the top and uh and we I think he won a gold medal for it that year Peter and um and we next day we run a big uh page of pictures of the king with Peter the following year we had the Queen the Queen Mother Princess Margaret the the emperor the Crown Prince of Japan and Chelsea Clinton all came to Peter's stand and uh and so it then became normal and in fact the last time the queen she came just before she died the year before she died and uh she came to Peter stand and Peter had got this special bouquet made of flowers he'd grown in his own garden for and I remember getting the queen sort of smelling the flowers and and she came in a little carriage you know a little a little sort of cart she was legs were not too good to walk around so it was but this year I went and um king and queen were there and of course uh they go separate routes um one of the nicest pictures I took on the route was when they when they pass each other are going their separate ways they were laughing at each other meeting each other so you know it's been uh a busy week I mean there's been Garden parties there's been the flower show and now there's been a six week break well exactly listen I think we've covered everything for the week I say we do have six or seven weeks but we will still be covering every single Royal job that happens every kind of Raw Story absolutely yeah right thanks ala thanks for coming on I've had a great time pleasure it's an it's a pleasure working with you m we'll see each other in hopefully in Normandy for the D celebration PR God yeah thanks very much thank you thanks so much for watching if you like the show then please subscribe for more Royal content
Channel: The Sun
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Keywords: The Sun, news, breaking news, Royal news, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, harry and meghan latest news, prince harry and meghan, prince harry, Prince William, King Charles, Charles, Royal latest, ROyal news, Royal news latest, Royal family news, Royal Exclusive, royal family, Prince William news, Meghan Markel news, meghan markle interview, meghan and harry, meghan markle latest news, royal, harry visa, meghan podcast, prince louis, royal children
Id: 795-AbtZgbM
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Length: 34min 10sec (2050 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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