Finding Vintage TREASURES in London's Charity Shops! | Come thrift with me 🛒

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good morning from London where as you can see Davey is here with me working in the background he's leaving today sadly but it was such a lovely evening last night and I am starting the day with a yogurt which is much prettier than I expected cuz I found one of Philip's really pretty Dresden espresso cups so I thought that would be perfect for my morning yogurt even first thing in the morning it's all about the presentation I'm going to sit and chat with Dave for a while have my yogurt and then I will take you out with me where very excitingly I'm going to go and collect my engagement ring that has been resized this is not the one that needs a new stone we haven't got that yet but the other one I haven't been wearing it because it needed resizing it's been super lovely Davey and I'll see you here next month for the Chelsea flower show yep we'll be back all right fabulous have fun bye bye bye Dave is leaving today to be replaced by The elusive Nick in the guest bedroom in the flat I'm going to start off by collecting my ring and I'll also drop off this room one that was a gift from Jerry it's a little too big and it keeps spinning round and then I can collect it next time I'm in London I love living in angel I think it is so pretty this is a little shopping center that's quite near my flat and there's everything we need here great supermarket and lots of wonderful shops including lots of Charity shops and I used to shop almost exclusively for my clothes in the charity shops of London before I got the Vlog and I still love going to see if I can find any bargain but I think today I'm going to do one of my favorite things to do which is to go to one of the super Swanky parts of town and see what they have in the charity shops there it is wonderful to have it back I'm so happy I can finally wear it on this finger on the other hand literally I really miss Jerry's ring I feel as I'm only half dressed now with only one this diamond ring is a gift from my aunt and the Ruby one was from Jerry so I have my loved ones on my hand all the time then grab a coconut latte and then get the bus over to Regent Street because last time I was in London I bought a pair of trousers in masimo Duty and they've been doing alterations for me so I'll pick those up and then let's go to St John's Wood find those charity shops the 19th my favorite bus route in London which takes me straight from home in Angel through to the west end with all the theaters and Central London and then out towards nightsbridge and Chelsea and the Kings Road all on the same road great bus so you do have to be prepared to sit on it for a very long time because it takes over an hour to get all the way to the other side of town I definitely don't mind a long journey because I have Shogun on my Kindle on my phone so I'll be able to carry on reading my novel and give you all an update from leand Good Morning from a very gray day but nevertheless Happy Day from laand lelot is very cheerful and uh joyful today it's not very warm either so we're going to have porridge with my delicious um butter nuts and a bit of everything really there's enormous amounts of butter in this porridge um because butter makes life better and I've got some really nice Roso orange that is just delicious so I'm going to pop that up and I've got the coconut shavings just dle that on there and a bit of cinnamon and and that's it we are going out for a big forage today cuz there flower day today we need to get flowers ready for next weekend and um the worktop is uh still in progress there is lots of things happening in amar's Workshop today I can definitely hear him now um sewing something or yeah so it's very exciting and as you can see the uh famous is long is uh mysteriously gone uh but we did all agree that it had to go for this to be a proper work space so it's a bit sad but I'm hoping that maybe we could compromise and put a nice armchair that would only go to here or something like that so little Lun can still jump up and see what's going on outside it's foraging day and LUN is coming with me yes are we going outside yes uh we already picked a few things already waiting for our flower delivery later today I've been foraging some greens from the garden um and I just picked some campanola for the dinners in the weekend so just wanted to pop them in water and pop them straight into the fridge and then we're off to go outside again aren we yay it's in and out all day come on loot this way this way come on yeah and omine is still here I can see her car can you smell the toies hello hey hello tow Anda I think glot is very happy to be around other dogs although they're very large much larger than him and this little walk path is so beautiful I can't imagine how it's going to look when all the apple trees are filled with leaves and apples so pretty I also want to show everybody we have rubab coming up here at the end of the garden looking really good I'm so excited I love rubab especially when it's poached or in pies can't wait to use them hello guys I hope you like dogs cuz this is we're all dog people now and this fluffy little veed it's just perfect for arrangements to create that extra bit of texture in between the flowers before the garden is cut it away of course so need to be quick and where do you think you two are going found some blossoms looking stunning I'll try to use those in a centerpiece somewhere I I think I found quite a bit I'm going to go inside put this in water I must say having a little walk with these as well as foraging is been very therapeutic and just look at this the whole Forest is just popping now it's so good to be here I've made it to Regent Street but I have immediately been distracted by belly because there are strawberries on those shoes how amazing is that I'm stepping away from the strawberries going to go and get my tra they've just gone to look for my trousers this purchase is very much part of Philip's plan to try to get me into more separates it's hard to see in this mirror but I now have a pair of black velvet trousers which are the right length goodness knows what top I would wear with them but that's why I have a problem with seate you buy one thing and then you find you need another thing just to go with it though I have a really nice vintage Black Velvet jacket at so maybe that will go but blacks are quite hard to match it depends whether the blacks work together we got another bus to St John's Wood so now we can wand to the charity shops and see if we can find any Treasures this is St John's Wood High Street and I've often been very lucky in the charity shops let's start with some John's hospice and the very first thing I see is a pair of Manolo banic just shows you if you come to the nice parts of town there's some pretty good things in the charity shops and a different pair of them the minute you walk in for only 4599 but for a tiny tiny foot this feels a bit like being one of the ugly sisters in Cinderella at the other end of the price Spectrum there's a 400 Chanel cardigan jacket which seems steep for cardigan but I guess great price for Chanel if that's what you're looking for PR shoes on sale for £80 and a pretty nice pair of silk Isabelle Mahan rainbowy trousers for $36.99 and I think I'm going to try them on I like this outfit I paired them with a bright orange cashmere cardigan from Bowden for £35 and I like it it's super slouchy the only problem is I don't love the poets showing through at the front so I might just get the cardigan and it looks totally fine with the jeans I came in with so that is a sale not only do I have a beautiful spring cardigan I've also done my bit for charity let's try cancer research next I always check out the home Weare sections cuz you can sometimes find some gems and here I like these bamboo plates and cups but there's only three cups I don't know what I would do with them nevertheless for 550 for all of that for someone else that's a bargain but will we find any clothing Treasures here well if anyone's looking for super sparkly evening wear there's this Ted Baker dress for £950 or this embellished needle and thread one for £ 3950 but if you're looking for something with a little more Italian VAV Voom how about a delicate transparent Valentino blouse for 5450 and if you come here don't be too distracted by the clothes cuz if you love books as much as I do the F Bookshop is a joy and the second I've walked in I found the perfect present for philli the rituals of dinner the origins Evolution eccentricities and meaning of table manners he is going to go crazy for this book but there are clothes here too so let's just have a tiny quick look lots of jackets a summer escarda jacket and a very very bling jacket for the evening perhaps a little Michael Kors top to wear underneath more Bowden and actually really nice nice looking Hugo Boss dress honestly you could get an entire new wardrobe in one afternoon here they've even got Jimmy cheu platforms and the last one we're going into is the shelter Boutique o already I think Philip would be enjoying those plates the first thing I've spotted here is a Matthew Williamson very cool cocktail dress for £75 and so superb a Gucci lurex skirt but sadly it's £ 400 if you're looking for a little black dress there's a carer fault one for £40 but frankly I'm happy with my orange cardigan and Phillips book Such Great Vine so it's really worth coming to Super lovely areas and checking the charity shops there I do it almost every time I'm in London now I'm going to head home with my treasures get ready for tonight's fundraiser and see Philip I'm back on the bus in the front seat which is obviously the best seat at top deck and it's such beautiful Journey back to Angel well I've had a quick change my hair is freshly washed and I've just popped to another part of town on my way to the fundraiser to pick up some of the bedding for Bon M my collaboration is with e Del in the UK and so they have the things for me here and rather than waiting for them to be sent to France it's going to be much quicker for me just to pick them up and take them back with me here we are and I think that they should have the order waiting for me oh this is one of their new ones it's so beautiful I have everything I couldn't film in there because it had those lights that makes the video Go funny but aren't they beautiful it's their new Athena rain they didn't have this color before and we went for something very very simple for that room because the headboard and the bed spread are so heavily patterned that we wanted to make sure that whatever we got would just blend comfortably with those the fundraiser is in this amazing building called ladbrook Hall actually it wasn't a hall it was an ordian car dealership and this gives you some idea of just how amazing cars were when they were first unveiled to a mass public and I was expecting us to be in just a normal Auditorium watching the speakers but this feels more like a cabaret there's champagne and nibbles everyone's at lovely chairs and tables instead of being in an auditorium stian bound the face of French heritage and restoring the amazing buildings that there are in France he's going to be speaking tonight so I'll try and get little bits of the evening's proceedings to show you what's happening here this is a huge fundraiser to raise money for so many projects around France just to restore the projects that they're currently working on they need to raise € 100 million EUR because France is so rich in architectural Heritage some of you may have seen before I made a video with Michael pck about a tiny Church near laan the church in VI which has very very ancient frescos from the 11 1200s and in that video I was fundraising for the F for them to be able to do the works there and look he's just arrived to join me I can't believe you're here I'm happy toly I know it's not good we've been parted too much recently know whose fault is that yours for going to the Netherlands do that for it was fabulous wasn't it yes it was wonderful absolutely loved it it was really fascinating so many passionate people all wanting to restore French heritage but I have to say I'm feeling also quite passionately about getting to bed though sadly not in those lovely sheets we've fallen into bed so exhausted and tomorrow we've got to get up at 5:00 in the morning to get back to the airport and we're going straight back to laand and I will of course be taking you all with us but until then night night and add [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 110,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, escape to rural france
Id: aOtNxgU8er4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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