Harassed By ANGRY "KAREN" While Springer FISHING!

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[Music] welcome back everybody to another addictive fishing video today we're out here on the river it's a beautiful spring day and we thought heck it'd be a good day to come down and try to catch us one of my very favorite fish in the world the old spring chinook we got some stinky eggs we got spinners we got twitch and jigs and we're gonna go down the river today and try it all who knows what's gonna happen my fingers crossed for a nice hatchery fish but we might catch some steelhead it's anybody's guess so stick along for the ride it's gonna be a fun day so today i'm sticking with a pretty strict repetition of all the things that work for springers i think a lot of times with springers it's more about whether they're there than it is what you're using so i'm gonna be jumping around the river fishing as much water as i possibly can by myself and seeing if we can't find one of these butter balls for dinner tonight and hopefully have a little recipe for you guys at the end of the day all right everybody we're getting down into salmon heaven now you can see throughout today i've been really sticking with these twitching jigs and mainly because we're kind of the last ones down the river there are people parked in every single one of these spots as we made our way up a lot of them i'm sure just soaked eggs in these holes all morning so i'm not really going with that bait set up plus i don't really want to mess with it and the twitching jig's working so good it's like a clean up method so i'm just spending a couple minutes at every spot going to every hole and i can't see the bottom basically what the heck was that going every hole i basically can't see the bottom and just doing my best to cover it quickly and then move on rivers like this especially you know this time of year when they're still up a little bit we still have quite a bit of water in the system it can be really hard to fish it alone because there's a lot of water to fish let alone i'm trying to row at the same time so i'm just getting good cast into good spots and it seems to be working so this hole looks like it's going to have one oh there he was pardon my english everybody just hooked oh that was such a good grab such a good grab and i missed him dang it so i've just kept working down here and really a lot of times with these twitching jigs just switching angle on the holes i just hooked one from the other side here a few minutes ago lost it now i moved to this other side going at the exact same spot that i hooked that first fish and just got slammed dang it i was not ready for that oh got him got him got him that's a nice one yeah we'll see a couple i'm sure a week or two i think i'll be able to tell him right here it's a wild [Applause] [Music] all right everybody let's send him home thank you so much little girl what's that what's that this oh is it god forbid anybody have fun right only you should have fun it's only it's your world oh that's what you're insisting yeah it is god forbid anybody else go out and enjoy themselves because this is your river noah what are you saying then you're oh i'm a piece of look who's up there talking about us teaching people how to enjoy themselves [Applause] okay okay so you're standing here because why what's that a lot so people can go have fun oh you're right yeah i just hate people like you who talk because we're teaching people how to enjoy themselves exactly go have a miserable life okay and you're a loser all right i will i'll be there tomorrow then i'll be back here the next day showing everybody how to catch them well i hope you guys liked that little incident there we got a little chat or karen or whatever you want to call him up here on the banker d-bag i don't know i don't want to get too graphic with you guys but he was obviously offended that we were out here having fun and teaching you addicts out there how to enjoy life a little bit he thinks the river is all his and there's a lot of people out there like that and when i get the chance to really tear people up like that i love to take it because you know what there's a lot of people in this world that don't know how to have this kind of fun and we're happy to share it with you guys and allow you to see another way of life and how to go out enjoy yourself and love mother nature the way we do people like that is what's ruining fishing and people like that is just ruining the outdoors and the entire community that we have so it's a huge thanks to you addicts out there for supporting us and not being like that guy right there so we can all go out here and have fun together he's migrating migrating up guys this is a good fish this is a good fish just caught a different angle on this fish guys basically all i did was move the boat oh i'm moving again i just moved the boat just enough to get myself to where i could get to the bottom of this hole oh god okay this is gonna be interesting guys i gotta pull my anchor i gotta roll myself to the bank okay here we go here we go comment below guys what do you think of this whole operation oh he's going he's going hard oh there he goes okay i'm gonna hop out everybody oh this is a big fish everybody he's trying to run me out the back of that rapid so i'm literally i got my hand on my spool i'm just trying to work him back up here he's in shallow water now so it's gonna be really hard to turn him around but i'm just gonna keep trying to work him keep trying to work it back up across his flat so that he doesn't take off through that next rapid and absolutely burn me i got quite a bit of line left look at him down there oh oh oh he's wrapped around the draft oh there he goes dang it everybody just got my ass kicked maybe going to the bank wasn't the right idea what a bummer everybody comment below what you just thought of that fight that was totally insane all i did was change angle once again i moved down river i made the same style of cast i've been making made like three twitches and that thing slammed it and i knew it was big because it ran straight up river first and i think the decision where i messed up here was one i didn't have another guy in the boat i should have probably tried to chase that thing down river but i don't know how i would have managed to land that thing rowing and holding that rod like that but that fish totally kicked my ass let's catch another one of course so that was my very last nightmare jig story of my life that nightmare tail out twitcher is just a killer well sayonara that fish let's go find a new hole [Music] [Music] [Applause] fishing line oh that felt good dude it was all spongy got fooled by the fishing line everybody a lot of times when you're touching these jigs like this and especially for the springers a lot of them a lot of them are bigger fish so when you lift up you feel that fish in that thud but you also feel like almost like an elastic rubber band like where that that line almost gives a little bit so that time when i lift it i think i hooked into somebody's old fishing line down there that's all i thought was that stretch and i thought it was on man if i get three fish today on a twitching jig i'm gonna be so proud of you guys [Music] well what a day everybody we had heartache we had success we had drama gotten fights caught fish absolutely just a perfect spring day out on the water if you ask me and i must say i sure appreciate you alex being along for the ride with us like i said earlier after arguing with that guy this is a world that everybody owns we're out here to enjoy this beauty of mother nature all together and no one single person should have it all of themselves that's not how this stuff works without all of us working together we wouldn't have beautiful places like this so if you guys want to see more awesome vlog videos just like this one go up here and click this link to this next video go down here hit subscribe turn your bells on give this video a thumbs up or thumbs down whatever you think and be sure to comment below and you can be the comment of the day just like this person right here thank you so much for tuning in guys you stay fishy we'll see you out there
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 195,406
Rating: 4.9332047 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, addicted fishing, angry karen, karen goes crazy, karen videos, fishing videos karens, karen freakouts, karen freakouts 2021, springer fishing, argument on the river, fight on river, hater, harrased by hater, salmon fishing, twitching for salmon, twitching for springers, public freakout, public freakout videos, river fishing, karen gets owned, fishing for salmon, public freakouts, karens, king salmon fishing, spring chinook fishing, addicted fishing salmon, crazy
Id: -95BnhaePnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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