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oh dude real fish we have no idea what to expect here dude it's crazy i get wrapped on that hike back i just started feeling so sick dude there's a big round this is it [Music] all right moment you guys have all been waiting for it's time to pick the three winners of the camera giveaway but before we do i just want to thank everyone for participating and helping support wildfly how we're gonna do this is we've got a random number generator so i've got all of the order numbers in here so we're gonna pick three winners here we got this loaded up confirm all right here we go time to find our three winners boom here we go all right so one of our winners did not qualify unfortunately so it gave us a substitute and this is the third winner i will uh pop your names up here let me give you guys a call and congrats and win the camera it's exciting i hope this camera can help you guys out with documenting your adventures taking photos or whatever it is you uh want to do with it and if you didn't win do not get discouraged i will definitely be doing more giveaways like this in the future and yeah i hope you guys enjoy wildfire gear i hope you winners enjoy the camera and let's get into the video [Music] after a day and a half of fishing it was quite obvious what the fish were interested in hoppers were everywhere and the fish seemed to be taking advantage of it today we were up early we were hoping to take advantage of the cooler temps and cloud cover that the morning offered us being that it was later in the summer we knew our best bet would be to target these fish before the sun got too high in the sky we finished our coffee packed up camp and took off down the road to try our shot at a section of river downstream oh that's a great spot to park pretty much catch fish from here the amount of grasshoppers that are in this grass right now i don't think i've ever seen anything like it we've only been fishing a hopper this entire time which is totally okay from what i'm used to in the east coast it's game time this is it right here first cast just a helpless hopper swimming down the river what do you think small guy like this yeah that's a dope fly [Music] come on yeah like up on this left side ankles aren't good but it's fine deal with that later nothing over there do you think throwing it in there with a little bit of splash sometimes gets him oh yeah oh my god you break off holy that was big i didn't even touch him he must he must have come up and just kind of turned on it last minute you know there it is oh let's go good fish oh my gosh try to take me under that brush the no net game is a little challenging get out of there get out of there oh damn it ah i lost him i lost him my lost yeah he's gone he wrapped me around this stick i had him right here though so ldr well folks can't win them all sometimes you catch fish sometimes you forget the net and they wrap you around a bush it's just what happens [Music] there we go let's go good ground look at that guys nice fish there it goes [Music] oh there we go oh no no no that was such a good fish ah oh this looks juicy this looks juicy my friends this is what we're looking for right here got that color change we got some foam all right here we go come on come on seriously yup right under that brush right under that brush [Music] no no don't go down there all right guys [Music] oh look at that sick fish all right look at that gosh it's so awesome what a fighter all right buddy see you later all right guys that was so sick we just i just worked up this this straight away and caught like three super nice browns all on the freaking hopper and i think just shows man getting a little bit out of the way of where people usually fish is so important for finding good water like this you know with these videos i usually don't share the locations where i'm fishing because the goal of my videos are not to promote a location but rather to promote the fact that there are these sneaky secret spots you can find every state has everywhere in the world has it might not be hoppers in montana but you can still find sick water if you go a little bit out of the way do some research find some cold water and usually that hard work pays off [Music] it looks like there's less water maybe not maybe that nice one's still in there yeah a little jumpery wild brown trout that's it right there eat it not the big boy but it's a boy a little bigger a little bigger let him go boom all right this next little pocket by this little branch hanging in is gonna be good let's see if we can get that nice one i know there's a bigger fish in here it's just tucked in there somewhere dude look how undercut that is though i'm gonna send one right up into this pocket right here i don't know if that was tight enough [Music] dude that fish is ripping we're getting bigger every fish is just a little bigger [Music] all right we're hiking into the next spot now it's a little more wooded over here kind of a little bit closer to the mountains this terrain out here is insane it is so rough there's so many things that want to spike yeah there's rattlesnakes out here grizzly bears i actually saw a rattlesnake last night kind of sketchy one of the things that i've picked up which is seems like common knowledge but when uh there is wind out here especially this grassy stuff with a lot of hoppers it usually is blowing hoppers into the water we've seen tons of hoppers look right here literally right here right behind you hopper in the water natural natural yeah right there so you get these hoppers to to fall in the water when there's wind oh dude fish just exploded oh he rose okay everybody go catch us fish sometimes it can be really challenging to cast and win but it's one of the best times throw hoppers [Music] such a slow eat oh my gosh that was crazy [Music] oh dude real fish real fish in the pocket water again baby [Music] oh this one's a little bigger [Music] yeah dude [Music] [Applause] is it possible for a river to be better i don't know like i really do not know if it gets any better [Applause] dude there's a big brown this is it cast up to that structure let's go let's go dude that was so sick come on let's go [Music] that was cool [Music] oh gosh guys i don't know what just happened but on that hike back i just started feeling so sick and just my stomach hurt my head hurt i don't know just feeling feeling really weak and um had to pull over and let it loose get the evil out so i don't know what this came from i don't know what's going on but i'm not feeling too hot right now at this point i felt too weak to continue fishing whatever bug i had caught hit me quick and it hit me hard we had planned to spend our last day fishing a remote cutthroat stream four miles into the backcountry and as much as i wanted to do this it didn't make sense with how i was feeling like any fishing trip there are things that happen that are out of your control this was unfortunate and of course it had to happen while i was in montana i didn't want this to ruin the trip though so i decided to tough it out i figured with some rest and lots of fluids i could at least fish for a few hours on our drive back oh looking good look how clear that water is it's almost like a spring creek dude that is crystal clear water it's sick wow let's fish it decided to change locations today uh if you look back at where we were flipping the coin this is the other river that we're gonna go and potentially catch some fish at we have no idea what to expect here i've never fished this before i've looked it on maps for you know the last couple years and still haven't been out here to fish it so we're pulling the trigger and we're gonna check it out and see if there are fish in this river dude it's crazy how clear it is it's literally like a glacial river in there not what i was expecting out here no it's gotta be super cold water yeah let's just poke around in this hole i might throw a cast or two it should be cut this looks like putty water oh my god dude that was a tank what [Applause] holy shnikeys bro i miss it oh my god two in a row just totally missed it just pull airborne out of the water all right here we go see if we can't find anything in this little spot oh rainbow oh it's a brookie dude it's a nice brookie sweet dude it's a sick brookie super cool to come out to something that you have no idea what's gonna be there and you know nice surprise some beautiful brook trout oh there we go that's a good one better fish there we go brookie [Music] right there another nice one oh oh shoot bricky oh there it is you see that that was a sticky dude dude spunky [Music] [Applause] must be just brooks in here [Music] we decided to make a little roundabout here on our long journey back to the flathead valley it's a nice little stop off we got up to the river and immediately noticed how clear this water was it almost looks like glacier runoff water it's very easy to wade around it's very cool clear water so hopefully we'll get into some more fish here not sure what else is in this river i'm suspecting there might be some cuddies maybe some browns maybe some rainbows even so we're going to keep going upstream and see what we get [Music] cuddy dude it's fighting so hard oh my gosh look at that bend dude to come out here and get away from people is pretty special you know most fishing areas are figured out i'm gonna pull fish out of here it's gonna be sick let's go out of the little pocket this is one of those places that is not on the map and it's special because you get to kind of have the whole place yourself you don't really feel like you're competing against other people it's one of the best looking runs we've seen all day there's got to be a fish there's definitely a nice cut in this zone i might start fishing it from this side and then kind of work over on that tail out oh and yeah baby nice cut earlier today we were just talking about how we don't even really need to catch more fish like we caught so many that you know we can just let him be nice not a bad one dude in order to appreciate every fish you know you got to take your time and really you know take it all in rather than rush it and just feel like you want to catch every single fish in the river but if you really just appreciate each fish and appreciate the time in between it'll just make that moment even more special there he is let's go dude this might be a good fish oh let's go dude when you come out to a place like this and you see it and you look on a map it's like one of many rivers there's no way you're gonna find something like this unless you get out there for yourself and really put in the time and go do it and enjoy the process you know it's not about always catching fish it's really fun to just go out and not catch fish and go on an adventure and be with your homies and spend time on the water and just that's really what it's all about it's the journey not the destination [Music] well guys we just got off the river kind of wrapped it up right here as the sun's going down but what an epic week hanging out here with will and again to explore some of the stuff on the great plains i seriously had no idea that rivers were out here that drought i had no idea that people came out here to fish we got to fish literally a hopper the entire time i don't think we tied a nymph on which was sick powered through with whatever bug i'm dealing with right now and got to get the fish today and uh big ups to will for uh for showing me how it's done i encourage everyone who's watching to take some time maybe pick a new place on the map that you've never been to new river a new lake somewhere off the beaten path and go check it out you know maybe you'll catch a fish maybe you won't but you're getting off the couch getting outside and you're exploring and that's all that matters you know so we'll leave you with that and let's eat some fajitas [Music] oh you stupid beeper shut up oh he's about to take off or he's gonna he's gonna oh dude i got it you take a
Channel: WildFlyProductions
Views: 29,510
Rating: 4.9773369 out of 5
Keywords: fly fishing trout, north carolina, fishing, mountains, on the fly, brown trout, rainbow trout, brook trout, outdoors, outside, appalachia, blue ridge, boone, nc, trout fishing, wild fly, wild fly productions, huge fly fisherman, camping, backcountry fishing, spin fishing, jon b, googan squad, dry fly fishing, wildfly, fly fishing photography, fly fishing, salmona truta, jensen fly fishing, bass fishing, smallmouth bass
Id: gGq7PHvVRe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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