Taking care of 1,000 BABIES on Roblox!

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give me all the babies i'm not changing i don't do that i think i should have a washroom they're crying so much my ears are gonna bleed oh they love it they're totally not crying when they slide down the slide they're not stuck at all no one come in here no one open the doors you're not invited into my daycare i'm gonna go call the health services right now no no [Music] crew we are having an epic competition today on who can build the biggest roblox daycare i will be the daycare and fire i will be the daycare person what light okay whatever started taco i don't think anyone would go to like your daycare just because you said i'm the best daycare person guys how is gold so rich what sure has seven thousand coins did you get vip no i didn't do nothing she'll be not just the best daycare but the best babysitter too she definitely whatever well i'm already buying the base frame exterior walls this is so expensive i will never make it in time okay i'm not cheating though no roblox right daycare right yes you guys are all worried about being the top daycare i'm going to have the small and coziest cutest daycare rainbow that's because that's not the part of the challenge the challenge is the biggest daycare not the cutest the challenges factory stools smallest i still don't have enough money we only have a thousand coins please i need more am i allowed to buy things like robux wise no why are you even asking you know you're going to do it anyway i bought things i'm calling my uh i'm calling my daycare draco pops power oh my gosh i never played a tycoon where i got money so slow before you guys i just earned my first a thousand dollars is that for real i'm just gonna look at this list my first time not cheating red sprayer two thousand coins i wonder how long it's gonna last someone should put up a timer i mean the other thing you guys should get is auto collect because that's what i got autoclave i don't collect two i'm already way over that so okay i definitely know people are cheating too late i already bought things i told you my daycare is powered by drago pops literally that's what he means by his power well i have something to say my daycare is powered by hawaiian pizza and all the pizzas on the roblox marketplace that are made by me well my daycare is powered by earrings my daycare's powered by my imagination mine's powered by poor i don't have it oh my my daycare is powered by a new star creator called funny huh use star code draco you start code lunar here we go again dark code funny if you don't use star code funny why do not use star code that is all because they're using star code rainbow haha stop it stop it i must okay you know what video is just us plugging us with a giant ad okay mega dropper why aren't you dropping mega things oh there you go look at this i'm generating money by the seconds and draco is still almost rich as me ha oh i need to start getting my production room up guys it's lunch time and we don't have food for our daycare children what do we do oh no obviously every day care needs a proper classroom so let's get a classroom up and let's get the frame and the door nope no money i don't even have babies in my daycare all the people in my daycare are full-grown adults white that's concerning no it's not why huh uh wait should i go take a look at your full-grown adults let me go see do you actually have customers are you having a university instead i don't know they just they love draco pop so much dracco's daycare kids and teens of all ages okay is that even legal all ages in a daycare yeah dracula once if they like hurt each other because like one taller and you see them they're so happy where where i don't see them oh i guess only i can see them uh okay draco you're ghosts i'm just gonna leave they exist i swear wait is this just a figment of our imagination yeah i think so because dracco says he has people there but i don't see any little loopy let's add exterior walls three wait why do i keep paying for walls i don't need balls i need money you're not making me money a production frame room sure another door i'm just working on money my daycare is secondary what that's a horrible idea my daycare is gonna go for the real nice aesthetics every classroom will have a door ten thousand dollars for desk school is so expensive at my daycare we don't learn school we just eat and i want to buy food that sounds like a fun day yeah we just eat and we have a play area that's what i'm gonna work on school is kind of expensive to run can this machine make more money so much money yeah draco i told you powered by draco pops wait a minute he's populating his daycare look click on populate and then i have to pay for baby give me all the babies [Music] what oh my gosh my babies are so cute look they're so tiny and their diapers look very full and it's concerning me i'm not changing i don't do that i think i should have a washroom you know what let's get some more babies up in here infinite capacity oh don't you dare oh my god i didn't don't worry i did it i'm just kidding i see her she did it she brought infinite capacity i can see it she did it she's alive [Music] dude i'm gonna spawn in a hundred babies watch this you guys please we need my daycare will only accept babies we do not want toddlers we just want pure chaotic babies there's so many of them i think they're growing come on more babies dude i'm at 60 babies what this looks crazy okay i'm out of money though babies are expensive ooh child bonus yes whoa this is overpopulated what bad daycare owner and babysitter what's that no it's good look they're all roaming you should report her to the government don't do it no please take care no no no gold i swear look look um they're gonna get a cafeteria soon okay prove it it's lunch time what are they eating no it's nap time um they're eating they just have to wait oh it's nap time for you then where are they sleeping they're sleeping on the floor oh gosh they're crying gold don't look at them don't call child services please i'm gonna go call child services right now no no i need earn more money um let's i keep working on my walls which is totally unnecessary but i officially have a toddler room but these aren't toddlers these are babies uh nap room hair perfect go nap time kids okay there's nothing in here uh-oh the only thing my daycare isn't me i only have teams oh so luna's going for that type of daycare a crib is she like the edgy daycare or something i think so a crib is so expensive two thousand four thousand come on i'm cripping it up look look at all my cribs see they're sleeping you enjoying your time here little baby oh it's still crying okay numb i need more money guys how do we get more money like very fast you populate you populate you populate you populate some more does populating actually give you money yep i've just been populating but i have like a hundred babies but i still don't have a lot of money i don't get it you need a hundred caretakers oh i need more caretakers okay let me buy more caretakers are expensive they're two thousand dollars i guess they do all the jobs go caretaker go look at these babies they're just walking out every day care needs a clinic this is where the babies will go so they're not sick and i don't have enough for a clinic [Music] my draco pops power daycare is coming along nicely well my hawaiian pizza daycare is has a slide that's right does your daycare have a slide come on slide babies let's go oh they love it they're totally not crying when they slide down the slide they're not stuck at all they are enjoying their time here at um hawaiian pizza daycare is that a terrible i also have a play table here this baby bottle is bigger than the babies that's concerning but most importantly does your guys daycare have wall art do you care no can it be appreciated that was a good pun you said do you care about your daycare yeah well i think they are appreciating the art they're just crying they're crying so much my ears are gonna bleed i am earning money too slow i must get a loan from the best deals bank no toddler room i don't have any toddlers yet so we're not going to everyone look at first don't look at it don't look at my coins no i just have to take care of my baby cheater she's a cheater no i'm not i'm treating my baby as well well your daycare doesn't and a staff room with a staffing frame we got a staff sign wow this is so relaxing look at this a workstation a lounger and some more storage we need lots of storage because this daycare is going to be a very big daycare so you got to appreciate the staff members they got to have it will it be the ikea of daycare [Applause] what is that what is that supposed to mean i don't know like confusing it's huge and then kids are going to get lost um i mean it's starting to look like an ikea well i have a girl's room and we're gonna make it the prettiest first because i am a girl whoa they even have this little castle it's so cute oh my gosh guys i want to live in my daycare that's how nice it is when i'm running out of money so fast the boys are lying draco i'm gonna give you vip membership at the boys daycare i do not want it where there's boy play toys what are boy play toys and there are boy baby cribs also some more cribs i'm poor now i'm out of money well i was fast but that is okay because my daycare just got a bunch more money all right so we're gonna add some lounge deckers so then when the parents come in they're like oh this daycare looks legitimate i totally want to drop my babies off of here and they will totally ignore all the crying babies around here front desk yes and a front desk accessory and we're definitely going to need someone to work to till so let's get a front desk worker wait you guys also have to hire janitors they're so expensive of course you're not going to hire janitors to clean up your daycare no jack i have a feeling you're jack there's going to be throw up yeah i feel like your daycare is going to be stinky i don't think i want to go there whoa the sign's so cool window window welcome mats this is starting to look epic maybe i'm gonna still work in the inside we need a front door front front lights uh more decker more things for the front lounge chairs once again some plants decker and we're finally gonna work on the clinic because the clinic is an important place for babies to get healed and i'm stuck i'm stuck in the temple i see rainbow's daycare why are you giggling only has a section for toddlers this is a daycare of zero robux just hard work and clicking oh wow oh i'm very proud of it rainbow is just auto clicking and so on the old fashioned by not cheating she has the toddler room up and it's filled with one mattress not bad wow that's all i can afford okay gold's day care it also has welcome gold i think you have less stuff than rainbow what and you wasted robux what it's gonna be the best in the end okay i'm gonna go look somewhere else i spent zero robux golf uh looking at lunar's daycare i think she spent robux luna tell me the truth did you waste robux yes wow lunar i see your table it was powered by earrings okay well there's nothing in your vending machine so yeah i just got another buffet area yeah so lunar is really concentrated on the food for her uh daycare which i guess is very important and then i walk over here i see this massive green building that is trying to camouflage into the floor draco what am i looking at here what is this is draco's daycare powered by drago pops you start code draco no stop wait draco has a clinic up oh my gosh his daycare's looking more like a daycare no no no i have to leave no no one go to daycare draco go to hawaiian pizza daycare where we give all the children uh hawaii pizza and we know how to wash our hands totally totally no lie why do you have to tell people you know how to wash your hands um because we really wash our hands here yeah okay i'm putting up some flower bushes so my day here could look better and i'm gonna spawn 1 000 babies in my daycare once i am done lunch lunch lunch everyone deserves food here launch lawn okay more launch vending machines cafeteria lights buffet that's right here we give our babies all you can eat buffet um blue babies that's a good thing like green baby food whatever red baby food keep feeding babies but most importantly our world renowned baby food is called ketchup baby food where it's just pure ketchup probably helps just smooshed tomatoes from an organic farm it is from an organic farm and i need more money because draco is beating me draco how much power how much money did you use the power of all the draco pops colors combined okay well i'm gonna use all the power of everything and we're gonna get some cafeteria lamps oh this place is starting to look so cute babies you enjoying this they're still crying why do they cry so much why i don't understand it's probably because they're either have stinky diapers they're hungry they're sleepy oh my gosh that's so much stuff well i have a classroom now babies are you still happy they're still crying toddler door frame okay so this is the toddler room where toddlers grow it looks grow i meant go they don't grow here you hear that we do not grow i don't know what i just said but we definitely do not grow yeah she got my back okay so this is done i think everything is pretty guys i finished the game wow okay decker okay you finished the game using like all of your roblox and yes i won't use any robux and we'll see how far we each get fair enough we will see so i'm gonna upgrade all this place with all the beautiful play toys they want yes everyone slide run across um don't please do not stand like that on the table i do not want you to break your head and this looks crazy there's so many babies we must populate we're at 200 right now i feel like my goal is to get to a thousand random babies running around but our caretaker doesn't look like she's really doing anything are you gonna fire her maybe i think i should fire her but this is the clinic where you do clinic things you know you fix up boo boos you give people epic bandages if they hurt themselves and my daycare is missing a roof oh my gosh there's still so much upgrades guys i'm going to faint take care of that you're done please i spent so much robux kiddie pool 100k dudes uh it's not the type of pool you think it is a bouncy house oh yeah i'm so amused at a bouncy house totally does not hurt me blackboards did i finish upgrading my daycare yet why is there no roof i think i'm done the roof is in the production room production room okay i well i checked everything everything looks pretty much upgraded i think i just need my roof okay there exterior walls root the roof on the daycare definitely looks a lot better we're just gonna head out real quick and see what our daycare looks like this is what the complete daycare is but we must populate it with more customers and here we go 1 000 babies my tycoon is liking wow wow your daycare takes care of a thousand babies yep one thousand babies i don't know why they don't sound like social distancing yeah no they're totally social distancing right everyone no one come in here no one opened the door you're not invited into my daycare before we do a tour of my mega daycare this is what the non-cheating players look like this is rainbow's daycare no roebuck spent well i have to give you a tour i have to give you a tour wow this is the no robux daycare as you can see here we have just enough for the toddlers to play we got like slides i think that's enough uh you laugh now but i didn't spend any robux i'm the real winner here this is where kids go to learn to school about maths here is where all the cute little toddlers can play i can't afford these mats they're too expensive so and here in the snap room you lay on the beautiful cold calming floor okay wow very beautiful and that's it that's my daycare all right one star welcome to the mega daycare where i call it leggy daycare all right wow over there okay so over there on the left that is the bouncy castle and the overpriced bouncy pool this is my pool now this is like a luxury date i have a bad rating it bounced too high there's ice cream on your side you can afford ice cream yes we can here at leggy daycare we really care for our children don't look um wait where they go oh my gosh so this is our front entrance over here's the lounge and if you go across this is what you see wow amazing can i stay here yeah you can i mean you could blend it no it's not like this is my house no there are too many babies in here yeah they're all pillow child services don't stop um i am anonymous and i would just like to say funny cake daycare is not so no it's called leggy daycare gold we're hiring in some toddlers and some teams okay there i don't know i don't know if they're coming in but this is the cafeteria our famous food here is ketchup ketchup baby food oh wow um isn't the milk gonna get warm and give the babies stomachaches no goats do you even have enough food for all these babies yes we do over here is the factory we don't let anyone go in there stop hey hey i want to go in no this is our classroom this is where you learn um intense baby stuff why are babies learning this this is aren't these deaths too big for babies this is where the toddlers and the teens go okay this is the trash can i don't see any i just see you see my babies here they have manners they like to wait behind the walls to go to the car or they're glitched and our staff clearly likes to stare at walls and the last tour is this place this place is the cutest place ever whoa this place is actually really this is my favorite place i want to stay here well i think i've accepted way too much babies into the daycare guys don't go oh my god i'm gonna go back to my small daycare now smash like if you want to join this baby daycare don't forget to subscribe if you're new and i'm gonna chill out right here look at all this more than a thousand babies i'm too much crying crazy [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 6,791,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox let's play, roblox itsfunneh, roblox krew, roblox funneh, roblox funny moments, roblox obby, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funnehcake, roblox daycare tycoon, roblox babies, roblox baby tycoon, roblox baby, roblox baby itsfunneh, roblox baby funneh, roblox baby simulator
Id: V1E4WZjCBf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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