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what is going on guys I hope this is now live but guys welcome to today's episode of back shion's guys I apologize for it being live-streamed I actually was really really busy today but I wanted to keep up the daily streak so we're literally gonna livestream today's episode of factions from what I had planned so it's gonna be around 25 20 minutes it's just gonna be like a rule version of what I usually do which is I usually cut through a lot of things but it's gonna be around 20-25 minutes if you guys wanna chill for a second you guys can join what is going on everybody in the chat guys if you're watching this video make sure you guys like and subscribe if you are new and let's see if we can smash 150 likes on the stream so everybody need a stream chat everyone shootin is a video make sure you guys subscribe also massive shout out to wild X I stole basically his title and idea for this he said it's perfectly OK his video is top of the description how is everybody doing today I felt like I just said that all very very quickly you're gonna get more of like a roar experience today mainly for the fact that I was very very busy as you guys can tell ok as you can tell from the stream and also the video I don't have a hat on ok I got my hair cut today which means I am NOT gonna be wearing a hat for a little bit now so how is everybody doing I hope everyone's doing really good today so I need to remember not to take pauses because obviously that's bad so today we are going to be using a building hacks here to make a lot of money on the server now the building hacks in question guys you guys probably use it yourself is printer we're going to be using printer today we're going to be using the instant build technique to get our money on the server which is a great tactic you guys can use a home if you're playing psycho bear mine this is only available on guardian realm so you guys can what's the word for it I need to not take pauses you guys can I don't know what I'm saying you guys can get money yourself but only on guardian realm make sure you do that it's not legal anywhere else I am NOT responsible if you get banned so how's everybody doing and yes I actually don't have a hat it's weird to see I'm not used to either leave me alone hmm almost choked what's up Demi now see you in front of me okay so to start off this episode guys we have three enchanted chumps and not even enchanted are they the overlord chance we have three overall chumps are gonna open we're gonna unmute and we are going to talk to Demi and Jordan Demi will be in basically majority of this video I don't know what JJ is gonna do but we're gonna open these I think Demi has a few is where I saved up from claim perk which is good so we're gonna do this and we're gonna move right on to the little granny bit which you guys would generally be a video so I was thinking like if I live streamed it as well it'll probably be easier for you guys because you guys would be seeing just boring grinding you guys can actually interact and stuff like that with it so it's gonna be good so we're gonna run you and we're gonna see how everybody is how are you dare me I'm good how are you I'm good how are you Jordan you it's Mike okay damn it how many charms are you gonna open cuz I have three I don't know how many you have saved okay so you can open the two I'm gonna open the three and hope to god guys the stream luck is gonna get me a chat wind I can Mitchell II already tell I don't even have to like worry about it because it's gonna happen right here right now here we go it worked deme yeah it worked what works what did you get I got / tea and tea it's so easy it's literally so easy I've never seen anything easier in my life honestly I don't even know what it does what a / TMT do I've just got it I've just got it free of charge I don't even know what it does okay tell me right open yours we're gonna see what you get no I don't think their music really I think it's just me yeah grab-grab get a kit I'm gonna be proud of you yeah anarchist I don't actually think that's available in the charms give me a sec eventually would you get cool tools and its slime spawner okay that works I guess I think nothing wrong with that and well open my second one and we'll see if I get another Chatwin see if we can get two in one stream do you know what end will be open I actually don't I actually don't deal with any of like the the server-side stuff I got a slime spawner and two Overlord essences which isn't bad that's another chat work it's so easy honestly to me it's so easy okay it's an available on Guardian okay so there's no chance of us getting a anarchist or anything good so you've opened your to write or if you go okay so we're gonna open this what this one at the same time okay can you wish mine look okay good good luck to Demi's challenge out on my light I don't have a light I have a lamp the lamp isn't on I don't have a light bulb I don't know why fun light hang on I'll put it behind the camera does that give any more like not really no there you go I've just made a reflection I literally haven't done anything I've just I've just made a shadow I can do hand puppets no okay I'm gonna stop I'm just gonna stop okay we'll just turn this if it's dark you can get over oh hang on camera we good okay right one at a time you Adam yeah top okay top one first you ready okay yep nope ma'am but there spangles here so you know the streams now gone downhill we haven't even done anything today and it's all gone down here I blame his finger it looks like I'm gonna get money I got in Charlie tools what did you get I got a slime spawner okay not great but not bad I guess right second row you ready or whatever your bonus is just do your homeless is Demi his sister um your clothes oh I could have got slash sale I had the option to get it but I got I got no bonus reward so we got to we got to chat winds out of two and I'm just gonna open the third one damn I feel like you should be able to join me it's 3 a.m. for you you should probably be doing something else and in China Dex okay right so it went good for the first two but then the second run a slime corner okay so go to your home storage them inside the base and we need to just put this away so we could obviously gain their top value to beat Mac and we are gonna I'm a little quiet okay gimme uno secondi then because I don't really think Matt still has a faction I literally don't know if Matt has a faction then we can UFO or tech who's me while I sort this and just see okay I should be a little bit louder now tell me if it's okay I also move this it's function info is a temp one okay so he actually hasn't made a faction yet we're still on the same thing here yes one member that is himself okay so it's not going great for Matt what do you think about Kanye West's new album actually haven't I haven't heard of it I haven't heard so we need to do is we need to start making ourselves we need to use our building axe that's the whole like idea of this is we need to start doing our building hacks which means we need to grab some materials we need to go to base merchants and grab a load of sand we'll grab that much because we need to go back and forth we need far merchants we can do that the easy way and we also need string a people complaining in chair how about something I think they are I think as I put a link in the description people aren't very happy do you have a title I can buy actually don't I literally just I cleared all my PV any chests in like the old video I did so I just have some cool stuff here and that's basically it not this store am I going here home cactus there we go the guy's name in the chat is um my name is way too long so please call me like and I can't see the rest of his name because I popped out the jack says please call me maybe okay there we go right so we are at our cactus farm now we've got spangles lovely ugly oats loading this for us so we can grab let's grab some yeah I can't just give me one second I tell you I'm going to do them as well always I'm gonna settle this cactus I'm gonna tip here here d-damn make sure you don't TP anybody here Demi friary is wearing Ryan said I'm being stalked by creepers edge this is how it's going well somethin iffy how you doing man we're gonna sell this as well and so chest boom 26k it sell this boom 14k that is how easy it is guys once you use printer to get money so this is our cactus farm right now it's a bit small to 3 by 3 so I'm going to show you guys how like easy this is so right now I've made a schematic of this one just for here and you guys can see like how many layers we're gonna get so it's almost gonna be full I think it's friary is that you or fari okay to you I thought it was fiery so if we put this on layers right now just turn on printer literally the easiest way to make money in psycho is just to get enough money to make cactus and then if I just literally just run across it just instantly places it for you so in those how long defender me like ten seconds five seconds in something like that something around ten seconds right we have managed to make ourselves we've just done another layer of cactus basically in those ten seconds that's how easy it is but guys you need to make sure you have the right things because cycle obviously you're allowed printer on this one realm but you need to change the settings because the place the delay and stuff like that it's different on every server but if it's like oh it's a little different so you need to find your best settings for but these ones don't leave any things which are called like ghost blocks which basically means the block is there but as you go to place another one that block doesn't place and then you just have like a continuous cycle what is going on Noah how are you doing my man can't you hockey printer I'm not exactly sure I've always just done it up one layer because I just find it easier and this is literally how easy is using building hacks to make characters Demi do you see how fast this is actually going do you like like Sonic like imagine Demi I just started the server I just put on my schematic alright just started using my printer and then you get this oh okay a little bit of a mess up but that's okay just misplaced ring but then we just imagine right you start you start your own base and this is what you're able to do instantly what's happened yeah it's just it's just the schematic it's the schematic is I think Mikey did this other one so it it's Mikey's fault see the only there we go and I there's also one here I can see you mr. admin am I being trolled live on video I don't think this is what's meant to happen here I don't think I member to get trolled on video it's either friary it's not spangled because I can seize Fingal so it's friary go away I told him to go away it's okay it's literally just this game how about them I'll give you some cactus right iced cactus I'll give you some cactus some string and some sand and then you can just if you see like a thing you need to fill in you can because literally making money this way is going to be the easiest way possible which you guys just saw we were afk for not even that long and we made how much like near 100k like all you guys need is just an alternate account which you can actually I'm not gonna like promote anything but you can get some accounts from like cheap from some people some people say like alts and stuff and you can actually just leave them in your base with a console client so it doesn't actually like load up the game for you and you can just go for it I don't know if I'm allowed to promote that I didn't promote anything specific right I just said there are people who sell accounts that's basically it I do play fortnight but only when Demi forces me to not of my own free will and yes guys the new SNP map if you guys don't know is next Friday so next Friday guys you will be seeing hopefully an SMP episode only issue is I'm gonna have Demi and Jordan around my house for the weekend because we go into a counter-strike event in London so I don't know if I'll be able to play fully but I'll try get like a stream or something so we need some more cactus we need more characters see and this is how easy is like the cactus you'd usually buy from the shop with how expensive it is you can literally just get from like your own what's the thing your own like collection points there me there are some missed ones on here so if you want to go get that while I go get some more materials quick and then we can work together I have a sword called Esposito Raven is click mating I am but it's working you clicked on it so technically my clickbait is working right there me I can justify that can I I'll take it I'll take it with full advantage hiss don't worry alright so now we just need more string you guys wanna make sure when you do this you're selling your old God their meat why do you place it there No okay there we go so easier thing to do make a sheep mask it saves you all the pain and trouble inside there's there's still an admin flying around behind us down with a sort I can literally see them okay it's definitely not you what is the rave Oh gamer how you doing man welcome to the stream oh guys like I said this stream is just in replace of a video because I didn't have any time today to do anything so you can check out rust I know we've been planning to haven't we them we just never really get round to it they me there are some on this layer as well you're gonna need to do as well I'll let you do all it I'll let you do all the gaps before I go up one can I have music I would but this has gonna be a video after so I don't want to add anything which is potentially gonna get me like copyright strikes or like the monetized or something they see I don't I get the video like taken down if someone like claims a certain song or a certain part of a song so I'm literally just gonna I'm just gonna keep it me for now Demi there are a lot on this one we need definitely a new schematic it's kind of what you need to do alright there go Demi you thought this was a video no this isn't a video this is actually a livestream I'm live-streaming for about 20 minutes half an hour just to replace the video that would have gone out today which couldn't because I didn't have any time I still wanted to go daily so if you guys do want to donate and be very friendly the link to that is in the description I think or you can click the thing or mom wad we'll post a link for something I don't know this is when I'm on places the thing is friary doing what I think he's doing he did this on top of our walls once he's he doing what I think he's doing so we're just gonna watch this for a second we'll just watch this why I take a little drink have you ever seen fry redo this time it's good fun you ready mm-hmm if you can't see the link can a mod please put the the stream labs links like the stream lab link or something in the district in like the chat please Oh spangle is not very nice spangle the stream labs one please so what we're going to do is just ignore fry and Fingal's beef which is definitely gonna get one of them banned I'm not sure who and we're just gonna we're just gonna go for it yes Demi yeah I know that's why I asked you to post it it doesn't matter let's just forget about that okay it's a tea everyone's thinking it was a video but no this is a live stream okay we are live streaming today's episode and we're going to be using our our building hacks here to get ourselves some money here on psycho so we can start buying some more TNT which means we can start getting more raids which means everything goes well in videos because you guys seem to love raid videos more than just like this sit and like grind videos it's fine I don't I don't care about the coordinates it doesn't matter you I think you can print it all at once I'm pretty sure it will break but yeah we'll just do it anyway wallet you just do it anyway Ferrari and spangle are still going at it and I'm not exactly sure what they're doing but didn't know assuming - my friend told me well I am man I am streaming I am also checking the chat a little bit as well it's just I'm really focused in trying to printer in to the best of my ability let me Jeffrey what cactus I'll go grab some because the good because the good tactic here is to go to your storage and use the cactus you guys are collecting to Leavitt like bring up your layers some more because then it gets you obviously more cactus quicker which means you're richer quicker see I'm taking pauses like I'd edit it because in my videos I edit like I'll say one thing I'll pause say something else and then like in between the middle and I'm doing that here because I'm in such a routine of doing it it's awful on my part you're showing your coordinates I know it doesn't matter why is that double sand oh it's because I'm moving it up not layers there we go Demi there are some missing pieces here you're gonna have to get right on Demi yeah I've got it don't worry you you've failed your job today I'm here grant there's nothing wrong with the chords don't even stress don't even stress it's okay right so now when you take over grab some more materials here we go let's go let's keep our desper seto sword I quite like this there's Yuto please never do that again two layers at once I guess we can give it a try and if it works it works I guess I actually I'm not gonna use this cactus smack like ever again because when Mikey printed there's obviously like a load of holes everywhere which is like awful and that's not any fun for anybody because then we all have to go filling it in if it's like a perfect one by one it's see that's what they did them in friary I know you can't get in it it's a Ferrari that has to yeah shout out to you Andrew what's up man if we do layers but then I need to at once how am I gonna do two at once I don't know how I'm gonna do this we'll just stick with one for now and we can obviously printer in really really quick which is gonna get us a lot of money there we go actually what am I doing here cactus cactus cactus there we go that hole should all be filled why don't we use f5 my five isn't toggled to anything I use a F that always perspective because it's just easier to reach because I have I have small fingers don't I don't know small yeah I mean yeah yeah I'm you're a fan from Indonesia what's up man I've never met anybody from Indonesia you're my first person I will always remember I will wager remember you you will always be the man I know in my head like if someone says Indonesia BAM you're the first guy that pops into my noggin trust me okay we need to go grab some materials this is what we need I got the stream I think Freddy could I get my mob back to post it I was shocked I swear you will mod before or I remember you being modest some point so I just add you 4 mods and then if it wasn't you then congratulations you got free mod you are fan from Poland there is so many like it's weird to think like you never know anyone from anywhere but then obviously everybody's everywhere on the Internet at the point of the internet do you know that them sorry why are you not mod because you are made currently making a race car track in my base ok I am trying to stream here Ferrari and you are making a race car there you go that is the link that overshot posted set the go up layer to a hockey I don't know is that possible to do I don't know where I do that can does anyone know how because that would make this like way easier which would make it even quicker far as quickly I don't like it it's time you see just going round in circles just doing what Ferrari does best they're just ignoring everything really this is what goes on well I'm trying to stream everything this is what happens juicy with the 199 through the super chat love your vids and plays well my name is CTF - what's up man how you doing if you played Guardian realm thanks man I appreciate that so you guys want to come on to go to controls and next layer car is that thing options controls oh my god you can next layer so say if I set that to N ok let us go oh my why is no one ever told me that before your whole life's been online my whole life has been a lie guys it literally makes making money just so much easier now because I can let you just hockey ready to make you ready yes ready and done boom look at this no people don't see the coordinates so if you're live streaming like me makes it so much easier and you guys save all of your time I get I'm so used to pressing it as well I need to stop doing that Demi I'm giving away my coordinates which is a bad thing you're from Albania we've got so many people from so many different places it will grab some more cactus and eventually you guys when you start getting really high with the leis you're kind of making more than you're losing if that makes any sense so you're gaining more cactus than you're actually losing spangle with the five pounds why am I not mod because you smell you have to be nicer to me spangle if you're nicer to me I think about it naughties Finkle a lot of chat delay there is actually a lot of chat delay so if you guys are watch this video tell me if there's any carefully in the comments because I read most of the comments like 3/4 of them where am i from I am from the south of the United Kingdom and that's all you'll ever get that's all you'll ever go I did say the United Kingdom Jamie you know it's the United States yeah from the US you really say gnarly you don't have a British accent do I not where do I sound like I'm from then cuz I mean I should be British sorry from Indonesia no it's that I'm I'm pretty sure I'm English I mean I was born here I live here pretty sure I do but you know you never know yes mango if you're nicer to me you can have mod ok how to install schematic ah it's really easy all you need is if you just look up on YouTube there will be a you need some cool thing I don't know it specifically I really should know but if you look up on YouTube there are million tutorials how to get it for your version this is the G just using some building hacks here to improve our cactus farm and get some money which is all we ever neat because the more money we get means the more stuff we get and the better we beat otakus and we want to why can I hear a bat I can hear things I'm not I'm not hearing things firey has done something I don't trust for a reason I don't trust Bengal he was starting a minecart and like a bats head oh okay so fryer is just weird basically in the nicest way I think that's it for the scam so if I go lays I need to stop moving it up now because we need to just get the crash deme yes I broke my game you just hovering me there right now I broke it I'm gonna die once I log back in I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I don't want to die it's token so downhill for me why does nothing ever work my way I just want to have a good quality stream for more than one minute and this is what happens every time oh here we go my hair is so floppy cuz I haven't put anything you know I've got really floppy hair from the haircut mm-hmm okay tell moon it's safe to login someone said they liked my hair that is the first hair compliment I've had apart from Demi you're welcome people no hair I got like a fade there or you can see it better there and then I got like an undercut there and then it's a wavy and wavy that makes sense right yeah makes sense then me tell me when there's water and I can good am I good okay okay I survived who it was getting close I was a bit worried but I trust you so see people are starting to realize I'm not wearing my hair I'm not wearing my hair yeah now we need to get rid of the water because otherwise finger was gonna have a massive pool party and it till winner go down here thanks Thomas see now everyone's compliment me and it's not how it works wait Dualla for the skin don't do fiery what's this I don't remember don't nod your head at me okay we need to fill it in the rest of this should we start a new chunk I think we should where are their hoppers but then no cactus so this one's kind of broken we could do this one this one and this one are basically at the same height so it should be okay I sound like I'm from Ireland I mean I'm not I wish I could be but okay I need to find I should probably turn this off for a second while I do this yes what is it where are you self this Bengal oh okay so it turns out I need to reload again because I'm stupid and didn't log on the right version so give me another second this literally is not going very well for me today it could not go like any worse so I think guys this is literally gonna be the end in a minute I only want to do like a half an hour stream just so I could like show off printer and kind of how to use it also guys I am gonna show you the best settings to use the printer so you guys can use them yourselves if my game ever wants to load back up because it's taking a while now I've just loaded the wrong version again how many times do I have to do this this way to edit this is where I would edit it out obviously because it's a live episode I don't have that opportunity it's like a roll call video that's what I describe as at the beginning I said it's just a rock up video no editing nothing I might stream for a little bit longer would you what do you guys like more do you like like I don't know how to explain it like one video like videos or like streams every so often so I'd still post videos and then like maybe like one stream a week like every Saturday every Sunday where I could like live stream the video instead there we go now with now we're back to where we should be boom boom boom there we go we're on the right version finally everything's good so guys I'm gonna show you that clickbait I mean it worked the right you clicked on it you like Demi Moore I agree I mean so guys if you were gonna pick whether it would be like why am I in a cage I've been caged oh I'm out the cage so if you guys really fiery can you stop please very fiery leave me alone juicy with the ten pound through super chair and says I'm on Guardian my name is CTF two message if you need anything thank you man so it's looking like like a general just streams and videos I mean that's kind of what we want to do come out of maybe like one stream a week something like that just every Saturday or every Sunday if there might be like you can release like a proper schedule but we've got some good stuff coming up this summer which is gonna like make my schedule a lot better so I'm gonna show you guys my printer settings quick and Bera mine guys these sayings don't ghost on psycho so rarely will you get like a ghost block which is like in your way it should just be perfect a layer of cactus in a 16 by 16 it takes around I'm not sure about eight seconds seven seconds with these settings obviously you can change them to how you like if I go to this is how you change it as well you do escape mod options this is what you need is well you need schematics this core thing and player something I don't know but if we go to schematic a config printer these are the settings I use you guys can obviously play with these as you like you can up the placement distance you can lower the placement distance timeout should be zero place instantly true place a Jason blah placement dollar zero you can kind of just take a screenshot of that play with it you guys would like so you guys can do whatever you want with it which is lovely it's basically printed is allowed on Guardian which is how we're making so much money with these calculus farms and it's basically an illegal thing which is now legal to use on factions which is like insane it basically makes making money a lot easier if you guys like have all sat there as well because the whole idea of having the alts is just like look so we while we've been doing this these alts have been getting up all the cactus which means now we can just sell chests this we can go over hit sell chests this go to here sell chests this and there we go we just made like 80k from doing nothing from doing absolutely nothing we just made 80k and guys this is gonna be a video but this is going to be the end of the little like half an hour stream I did mainly just to get the video out there will be a full video out tomorrow so I always see you guys with that tomorrow thank you guys so much for coming make sure you guys like and subscribe if you are new let's see if we can smash 150 likes I realized as well I'm not muted on discord what I'm saying all this so everybody can hear me which is really awkward okay it's just them even nevermind that's fine so guys like if you guys are new subscribe is well Thomas I will give you a minute you have a minute of my time Thomas mainly because you're a good mod I will give you one minute you have one minute so this gets to you've got to 34 minutes Thomas you have a minute 14 seconds hey I just need to dab in the check because my content is trash hey guys there will be full videos out for the rest of the week now it's just this one day which was gonna go bad and I thought you know a stream it's better than nothing so can I show the seconds again you can pause this will be a video after but for body who missed it mode option schematic Oh config printer and those are your settings Thomas with the 50 Danish Denmark currency thing saying love your Ava dead Danish Corona that's the one for 50 and said love you rave dog I love you too Thomas dude you're a beast mod and you're a good guy and I also have a ding and a Corki now is my gift because it looks very cute so guys we're gonna leave that at that thank you guys so much for coming make sure you go subscribe like and comment if you guys are new and are watching this is a video a normal video will be out tomorrow guys and I will see you guys for that tomorrow
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 6,497
Rating: 4.8990536 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, saicopvp, saico pvp, saico, child friendly, RETURNING TO FACTIONS! | Minecraft Factions #23, factions, minecraft factions, minecraft pvp, saicopvp factions, witch realm, hardcore factions, minecraft raiding, minecraft action, WE USED BUILDING HACKS IN FACTIONS (LEGAL!) | Minecraft Factions #48, saicopvp hacking, saicopvp printer, factionsraven hacking, using printer, printer tutorial, saicopvp money tutorial
Id: XjqD-czdiiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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